Section ................................... Page
1. Short........title ................... ... . ... ... ... 38
2. Definitions......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38
3............Interpretation ............... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 39
4............Simple larceny................ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 40
5-12. Larceny of cattle and other animals ... ... ... ... ... 40
13-15. Larceny of written instruments ...... ... ... ... ... 42
16-21. Larceny of things attached to or growing on land ... ... 44
22. Larceny of goods in process of manufacture ... ... ... 46
23. Larceny of electricity ................... ... ... ... ... 46
24. Larceny from mines ....................... ... ... ... 46
25. Larceny in dwelling-houses ............... ... ... ... 47
26. Larceny from the person ............... ... ... ... .... 47
27-29. Larceny from ships, wharves, etc . ... ... ... ... ... 47
30. Larceny by tenants and lodgers . ....... ... ... ... ... 48
31. Embezzlement ............................. ... ... ... ... 49
32-39. Conversion, false accounts, etc . ....... ... ... ... ... 49
40-45. Robbery, house-breaking, etc . .......... ... ... ... ... 54
46-49. Demanding with menaces, etc . ........... ... ... ... ... 56
50-51. False pretences ..................... ... ... ... ... ... 58
52-53. Receiving stolen property ........... ... ... ... ... ... 59
54-55. Offences relating to rewards ........... ... ... ... ... 60
56. Principals in the second degree and accessories ... ... 60
57. Apprehension of offenders ............. ... ... ... ... ... 61
58. Search warrants............... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 61
59-61. Miscellaneous...................... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62
62. Punishments........................ ... ... ... ... ... ... 63
63. Procedure.......................... ... ... ... ... ... 64
64-65. Evidence .......................... ... . . ... ... ... 65
66.........Verdict .................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 66
67. Restitution......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... 67
To consolidate, amend and simplify the law relating to
larceny and kindred offences.
[6th September, 1935.1]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Larceny Ordinance.
2. For the purposes of this Ordinance
(I) a person steals who, without the consent of the owner,
fraudulently and without a claim of right made in good faith, takes and
carries away anything capable of being stolen with intent, at the time of
such taking, permanently to deprive the owner thereof : Provided that a
person may be guilty of stealing any such thing notwithstanding that
he has lawful possession thereof, if, being a bailee or part owner
thereof, he fraudulently converts the same to his own use or the use of
any person other than the owner;
(2) (i) 'takes' includes obtaining the possession
(a) by any trick;
(b) by intimidation;
(c)under a mistake on the part of the owner with
knowledge on the part of the taker that possession
has been so obtained;
(d)by finding, where at the time of the finding the
finder believes that the owner can be discovered by
taking reasonable steps;
(ii) 'carries away' includes any removal of anything from
the place which it occupies, but in the case of a thing
attached, only if it has been completely detached;
(iii) 'owner' includes any part owner, or person having
possession or control of, or a special property in, anything
capable of being stolen;
(3) Everything which has value and is the property of any person,
and if adhering to the realty then after severance therefrom shall be
capable of being stolen : Provided that
(a)save as hereinafter expressly provided with respect to fixtures,
growing things,. and ore from mines, anything attached to or
forming part of the realty
shall not be capable of being stolen by the person who severs the
same from the realty, unless after severance he has abandoned
possession thereof; and (b) the carcase of a creature wild by
nature and not reduced into possession while living shall not be
capable of being stolen by the person who has killed such
creature, unless after killing it he has abandoned possession of
the carcase.
3. In this Ordinance-
'Commissioner of Police' shall include any person authorized by such
commissioner to act in his behalf;
'document of title to goods' includes any bill of lading, India warrant,
dock warrant, warehouse-keeper's certificate, warrant or order for
the delivery or transfer of any goods or valuable thing, bought or
sold note, or any other document used in the ordinary course of
business as proof of the possession or control of goods, or
authorizing or purporting to authorize, either- by endorsement or
by delivery, the possessor of such document to transfer or receive
any goods thereby represented or therein mentioned or referred
'document of title to lands' includes any deed, map, roll, register,
paper, or parchment, written or printed, or partly written and partly
printed, being or containing evidence of the title, or any part of
the title, to any real estate or to any interest in or out of any real
'dwelling-house' does not include a building
although within the same curtilage with any dwelling-house and
occupied therewith unless there is a communication between such
building and dwelling-house, either immediate or by means of a
covered and enclosed passage leading from one to the other;
'night' means the interval between nine o'clock in the evening and six
o'clock in the morning of the next succeeding day;
'property' includes any description of real and personal property,
money, debts, and legacies, and all deeds and instruments relating
to or evidencing the title or right to any property, or giving a right
to recover or receive any money or goods, and also includes not
only such property as has been originally in the possession or
under the control of any person, but also any property into or
for which the same has been converted or exchanged, and
anything acquired by such conversion or exchange, whether
immediately or otherwise;
'trustee' means a trustee on some express trust created by some deed,
will, or instrument in writing, and includes the heir or personal
representative of any such trustee, and any other person upon or
to whom the duty of such trust shall have devolved or come, and
also an executor and administrator, and an official receiver,
assignee, liquidator, or other like officer acting under any present
or future Ordinance relating to joint stock companies or
'valuable security' includes any writing entitling or evidencing the
title of any person to any share or interest in any public stock,
annuity, fund or debt of any part of His Majesty's dominions, or
of any foreign state, or in any stock, annuity, fund or debt of any
body corporate, company, or society, whether within or without
His Majesty's dominions, or to any deposit in any bank, and also
includes any scrip, debenture, bill, note, warrant, order, or other
security for payment of money, or any accountable receipt,
release, or discharge, or any receipt or other instrument
evidencing the payment of money, or the delivery of any chattel
personal, and any document of title to lands or goods as
hereinbefore defined.
4. Stealing for which no special punishment is provided under this
or any other Ordinance for the time being in force shall be simple
larceny and a felony punishable with imprisonment for five years, and
the offender, if a male-under sixteen years, shall be -to- be. once -
privately whipped in addition to. any other punishment to which. he
may by law be liable
Larceny of cattle and other animals.
5. Any person who steals any horse, cattle, or sheep shall be
guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for
fourteen years. In this section 'cattle' includes colts, geldings, asses,
mules, hinnies, buffaloes, goats, pigs and other animals.
6. Any person who wilfully kills any animal with intent to steal the
carcase, skin, or any part of the animal
killed, shall be guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof
liable to the same punishment as if lie had stolen such
animal, provided that the offence of stealing the animal so
killed would have amounted to felony.
7. (1) Any person who-
(a) steals any dog; or
(b)unlawfully has in his possession or on his premises
any stolen dog, or the skin thereof, knowing such
dog or skin to have been stolen,
shall on summary conviction be liable to a fine, over and
above the value of the dog, of one thousand dollars or to
imprisonment for six months.
(2) Any person who-
(a)having been convicted of any such offence, either
against this or any former Ordinance, afterwards
commits either of the offences mentioned in sub-
section (i); or
(b)corruptly takes any money or reward, directly or
indirectly, under pretence or upon account of aiding
any person to recover any stolen dog, or any dog
which is in the possession of any person not being
the owner thereof,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor triable summarily, and on
conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for eighteen
8. (1) Any person who-
(a)steals any bird, beast or other animal ordinarily kept
in a state of confinement or for any domestic pur-
pose, not being the subject of larceny at common
law; or
(b)wilfully kills any such bird, beast, or animal, with
intent to steal the same or any part thereof, -
shall upon summary conviction be liable to pay, over and
above the value of the bird, beast, or other animal, a fine
of five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for six months.
(2) Any person who, having been convicted of any such
offence, either against this or any former Ordinance, after-
wards commits any offence under this section shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor triable summarily, and on conviction
thereof liable to imprisonment for twelve months.
9. (1) If any such bird or any of the plumage thereof, or any dog, or
any such beast, or the skin thereof, or any such animal or any part
thereof, is found in the possession or on the premises of any person, a
magistrate may restore the same respectively to the owner thereof.
(2) Any person in whose possession or on whose premises such
bird or the plumage thereof, or such beast or the skin thereof, or such
animal or any part thereof, is so found (such person knowing that the
bird, beast or animal has been stolen, or that the plumage is the
plumage of a stolen bird, or that the skin is the skin of a stolen beast, or
that the part is a part of a stolen animal), shall upon summary
conviction be liable, for the first offence, to such fine, and for every
subsequent offence, to such punishment as any person convicted of
stealing any beast or bird is made liable to by section 8.
10. Any person who unlawfully and wilfully kills, wounds or takes
any house-dove or pigeon in such circumstances as do not amount to
larceny at common law shall upon summary conviction be liable to a
fine, over and above the value of the bird, of fifty dollars.
11. Any person who unlawfully and wilfully takes or destroys any
fish in any water which is private property shall on summary conviction
be liable to a fine, over and above the value of the fish taken or
destroyed, of one hundred dollars.
12. Any person who unlawfully and wilfully-
(a)uses any dredge, net, instrument or engine whatsoever,
within the limits of any oyster bed, laying or fishery, being
the property of 'any other person, for the purpose of taking
oysters or oyster brood, although none shall actually be
taken; or
(b)drags with any net, instrument or engine upon the ground or
soil of any such fishery,
shall on summary conviction be liable to imprisonment for three
Larceny of written instruments.
13. (1) Any person who steals, or for any fraudulent purpose
destroys, cancels, obliterates or conceals, the whole or any part of any
will, codicil or other testamentary instrument
ment, either of a dead or of a living person, shall be guilty of felony and
on conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for life.
(2) Nothing in this section or in section 14, nor any. proceeding,
conviction or judgment to be had or taken thereupon shall prevent,
lessen or impeach any remedy at law or in equity which any party
aggrieved by any such offence might or would have had if this
Ordinance had not been passed; but no conviction of any such
offender shall be received in evidence in any action against him.
14. Any person who steals, or for any fraudulent purpose takes
from its place of deposit for the time being, or from any person having
the lawful custody thereof, or unlawfully and maliciously destroys,
cancels, obliterates or conceals, the whole or any part of
(a) any document of title to lands; or
(b) any record, writ, return, panel, petition, process,
interrogatory, deposition, affidavit, rule, order, warrant of
attorney, or any original document of or belonging to any
court, or relating to any cause or matter, civil or criminal,
begun, depending, or terminated in any such court; or
(c) any original document relating to the business of any office
or employment under His Majesty, and being or remaining in
any office appertaining to any court or in any government or
public office,
shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for five years.
15. Any person who for any fraudulent purpose destroys,
cancels, or obliterates, the whole or any part of any valuable security,
other than a document of title to lands, shall be guilty of felony, of the
same nature and in the same degree and punishable in the same manner
as if he had stolen any chattel of like value with the share, interest, or
deposit to which the security so stolen may relate, or with the money
due on the security so stolen, or secured thereby and remaining
unsatisfied, or with value of the goods or other valuable thing
represented, mentioned, or referred to in or by the security.
Larceny of things attached to or growing on land.
16. Any person who-
(a) steals, or, with intent to steal, rips, cuts, severs or breaks
(i) any glass or woodwork belonging to any building; or
(ii) any metal or utensil or fixture, fixed in or to any
building; or
(iii) anything made of metal fixed in any land being private
property, or as a fence to any dwelling-house, garden or
area, or in any square or street, or in any place dedicated to
public use or ornament, or in any burial-ground;
(b)steals, or, with intent to steal, cuts, breaks, roots up or
otherwise destroys or damages the whole or any part of any
tree, sapling, bamboo, shrub, or underwood growing
(i) in any place whatsoever, the value of the article stolen
or the injury done being to the amount of twenty-five cents
at the least, after two previous summary convictions of any
such offence; or
(ii) in any park, pleasure ground, garden, orchard, or
avenue, or in any ground adjoining or belonging to any
dwelling-house, the value of the article stolen or the injury
done exceeding the amount of five dollars; or
(iii) in any place whatsoever, the value of the article stolen
or the injury done exceeding the amount of twenty-five
(c)steals, or with intent to steal, destroys or damages any plant,
root, fruit, or vegetable production growing in any garden,
orchard, pleasure ground, nursery-ground, hothouse,
greenhouse or conservatory, after a previous summary
conviction of any such offence,
shall be guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof liable to be
punished as in the case of simple larceny.
17. (1) Any person who steals, cuts, breaks, roots up, or otherwise
destroys or damages with intent to steal, the whole or any part of any
tree, sapling, bamboo, shrub, or underwood growing in any place
whatsoever, the value of the article stolen or the injury done being to
the amount of
twenty-five cents at the least, shall on summary conviction be liable to
a fine, over and above the value of the article stolen or the amount of
the injury done, of five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for three
(2) Any person who having been convicted of any such offence,
either against this or any former Ordinance, afterwards commits any
offence against this section, shall upon conviction thereof in like
manner be liable to imprisonment for six months.
18. (1) Any person who steals, cuts, breaks, or throws down with
intent to steal, any part of any live or dead fence, or any wooden post,
pale, wire, or rail set up or used as a fence, or any stile or gate, or any
part thereof respectively, shall on summary conviction be liable to a
fine, over and above the value of the article stolen or the amount of the
injury done, of one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for three
(2) Any person who, having been convicted of any such offence,
either against this or any former Ordinance, afterwards commits any
offence against this section shall on conviction thereof in like manner
be liable to imprisonment for six months.
19. If the whole or any part of any tree, sapling, bamboo, shrub, or
underwood, or any part of any live or dead fence, or any post, pale,
wire, rail, stile, or gate, or any part thereof, being of the value of twenty-
five cents at the least, is found in the possession of any person, or on
the premises of any person, with his knowledge, and such person,
being taken or summoned before a magistrate, does not satisfy him that
he came lawfully by the same, he shall be liable to a fine, over and
above the value of the article so found, of five hundred dollars or to
imprisonment for three months.
20. Any person who steals, or, with intent to steal, destroys or
damages any plant, root, fruit, or vegetable production growing in any
garden, orchard, pleasure ground, nursery-ground hothouse,
greenhouse or conservatory shall on summary conviction be liable to a
fine, over and above the value of the article stolen or the amount of the
injury (lone, of five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for six months.
21. (1) Any person who steals, or, with intent to steal, destroys or
damages any cultivated root or plant used for the food of man or beast,
or for medicine, or for distilling, or for dyeing, or for or in the course of
any manufacture, and growing in any land, open or enclosed, not being
a garden orchard, pleasure ground, or nursery-ground, shall on
summary conviction be liable to a fine, over and above the value of the
article stolen or the amount of the injury done, of fifty dollars or to
imprisonment for one month.
(2) Any person who, having been convicted of any such offence,
either against this or any former Ordinance, afterwards commits any
offence against this section shall, on conviction thereof in like manner,
be liable to imprisonment for six months.
Larceny of goods in process of manufacture.
22. Any person who steals, to the value of five dollars, any wool '
woollen linen, hempen or cotton yarn, or any goods or article of silk,
woollen, linen, cotton, alpaca or mohair, or of any one or more of those
materials mixed with each other, or mixed with any other material, whilst
laid, placed or exposed, during any stage, process or progress of
manufacture in any building, field, or other place, shall be guilty of
felony and on conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for fourteen
Larceny of electricity.
23. Any person who maliciously or fraudulently abstracts, causes
to be wasted or diverted, consumes or uses any electricity shall be
guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof liable to be punished as in
the case of simple larceny.
Larceny from mines.
24. Any person who-
(a)steals, or severs with intent to steal, the ore of any metal, or
any other mineral from any mine bed or vein thereof;
(b)being employed in or about any mine, takes, removes or
conceals the ore of any metal or an), other mineral found or
being in such mine, with intent to defraud any proprietor of
or adventurer in
such mine, or any workman or miner employed therein, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor triable summarily and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for two years.
Larceny in dwelling-houses.
25. Any person who steals in any dwelling-house any chattel,
money, or valuable security shall
(a) if the value of the property stolen amounts to fifty dollars; or
(b) if he by any menace or threat puts any person being
in such dwelling-house in bodily fear,
be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to im-
prisonment for fourteen years.
Larceny from the person
26. Any person who steals any chattel, money, or valuable
security from the person of another shall be guilty of felony and on
conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for fourteen years.
Larceny from ships, wharves, etc.
27. Any person who steals-
(a)any goods in any vessel, barge or boat of any description in
any haven or any port of entry or discharge or upon any
navigable river or canal or in any creek or basin belonging to
or communicating with any such haven, port, river, or canal;
(b)any goods from any dock, wharf or quay adjacent to any
such haven, port, river, canal, creek, or basin; or
(c)any part of any vessel in distress, wrecked,
stranded, or cast on shore, or any goods,
merchandise, or articles of any kind belonging to
such vessel,
shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for fourteen years.
28. If any goods, merchandise, or articles of any kind belonging to
any vessel in distress, wrecked, stranded, or cast on shore, are found
in the possession of any person or on the premises of any person with
his knowledge, and such
person, being taken or summoned before a magistrate, does not satisfy
him that he came lawfully by the same, then the same shall, by order of
the magistrate, be forthwith delivered over to or for the use of the
rightful owner thereof; and the offender shall on summary conviction of
such offence be liable to a fine, over and above the value of the goods,
merchandise, or articles, of one thousand dollars or to imprisonment for
six months.
29. (1) If any person offers or exposes for sale any goods,
merchandise, or articles whatsoever which have been unlawfully taken,
or are reasonably suspected so to have been taken, from any vessel in
distress, wrecked, stranded, or cast on shore, in every such case any
person to whom the same are offered for sale, or any revenue or police
officer may lawfully seize the same, and shall with all convenient speed
carry the same, or give notice of such seizure, to a magistrate.
(2) If the person who has offered or exposed the same for sale,
being summoned by the magistrate, does not appear and satisfy him
that he came lawfully by such goods, merchandise, or articles then the
same shall, by order of the magistrate, be forthwith delivered over to or
for the use of the rightful owner thereof, on payment of a reasonable
reward (to be ascertained by the magistrate) to the person who seized
the same; and the offender shall on summary conviction of such
offence be liable to a fine, over and above the value of the goods,
merchandise, or articles, of five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for
six months.
(3) In this section, 'revenue officer' has the same meaning as in
the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance.
Larceny by tenants and lodgers.
30. Any person who, being a tenant or lodger, or the husband or
wife of any tenant or lodger, steals any chattel or fixture let to be used
by such person in or with any house or lodging shall be guilty
(a)of felony if the value of such chattel or fixture exceeds the
sum of fifty dollars, and liable to imprisonment for seven
(b) of a misdemeanor triable summarily in all other cases, and
liable to imprisonment for two years;
(c) in any case, if a male the age of sixteen years to be -.once--
privately whipped in addition to any other punishment to
which he may by law be liable.
31. Any person who-
(a) being a clerk or servant or person employed in the capacity of
a clerk or servant
(i) steals any chattel, money or valuable security
belonging to or in the possession or power of his master or
employer; or
(ii) fraudulently embezzles the whole or any part of any
chattel, money or valuable security delivered to or received
or taken into possession by him for or in the name or on the
account of his master or employer;
(b) being a public servant-
(i) steals any chattel, money, or valuable security
belonging to or in the possession of His Majesty or
entrusted to or received or taken into possession by such
person by virtue of his employment; or
(ii) embezzles or in any manner fraudulently applies or
disposes of for any purpose whatsoever except for the public
service any chattel, money or valuable security entrusted to
or received or taken into possession by him by virtue of his
shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for fourteen years, and in the case of or servant or person
employed for the purpose or in the capacity of a clerk or servant, if a
male -under the age of sixteen years, to be once privately whipped
in. addition to any other punishment to which he may by law be liable.
32. (1) Any person who-
(a) being entrusted either solely or jointly with any other person
with any power of attorney for the sale or transfer of any
property, fraudulently sells, transfers, or otherwise converts
the property or any part thereof to his own use or benefit, or
the use or benefit of any person other than the person by
whom be was so entrusted; or
(b) being a director, member or officer of any body corporate or
public company, fraudulently takes or applies for his own
use or benefit, or for any use or purposes other than the use
or purposes of such body corporate or public company, any
of the property of such body corporate or public company;
(c)(i) being entrusted either solely or jointly with any other
person with any property in order that lie may retain in safe
custody or apply, pay, or deliver, for any purpose or to any
person, the property or any part thereof or any proceeds
thereof; or
(ii) having either solely or jointly with any other person
received any property for or on account of any other person,
fraudulently converts to his own use or benefit, or the use or
benefit of any other person, the property or any part thereof
or any proceeds thereof,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for seven years.
(2) Nothing in paragraph (c) of subsection (i) shall apply to or
affect any trustee under any express trust created by a deed or will, or
any mortgagee of any property, real or personal, in respect of any act
done by the trustee or mortgagee in relation to the property comprised
in or affected by any such trust or mortgage.
33. Any person who, being a trustee as hereinbefore defined, of
any property for the use or benefit either wholly or partially of some
other person, or for any public or charitable purpose, with intent to
defraud converts or appropriates the same or any part thereof to or for
his own use or benefit, or the use or benefit of any person other than
such person as aforesaid, or for any purpose other than such public or
charitable purpose as aforesaid, or otherwise disposes of or destroys
such property or any part thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
on conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for seven years: Provided
that no prosecution for any offence included in this section shall be
(a)by any person without the sanction of the Attorney General;
(b)by any person who has taken any civil proceeding against
such trustee, without the sanction also of the court or judge
before whom such civil proceed ings have been had or are
34. (1) Any person who, being a factor or agent entrusted either
solely or jointly with any other person for the purpose of sale or
otherwise, with the possession of any goods or of any document of
title to goods contrary to or without the authority of his principal in
that behalf for his own use or benefit, or the use or benefit of any
person other than the person by whom he was so entrusted, and in
violation of good faith
(a)consigns, deposits, transfers, or delivers any goods or
document of title so entrusted to him as and by way of a
pledge, lien, or security for any money or valuable security
borrowed or received, or intended to be borrowed or
received by him; or
(b)accepts any advance of any money or valuable security on
the faith of any contract or agreement to consign, deposit,
transfer, or deliver any such goods or document of title,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for seven years: Provided that no such factor or agent
shall be liable to any prosecution for consigning depositing,
transferring or delivering any such goods or documents of title, in case
the same shall not be made a security for or subject to the payment of
any greater sum of money than the amount which at the time of such
consignment, deposit, transfer, or delivery very, was justly due and
owing to such agent from his principal, together with the amount of any
bill of exchange drawn by or on account of such principal and accepted
by such factor or agent.
(2)(a) Any factor or agent entrusted as aforesaid and in
possession of any document of title to goods shall be
deemed to have been entrusted with the possession of the
goods represented by such document of title.
(b) Any contract pledging or giving a lien upon such document
of title as aforesaid shall be deemed to be a pledge of and lien
upon the goods to which the same relates.
(c) Any such factor or agent as aforesaid shall be deemed to be
in possession of such goods or documents whether the same
are in his actual custody or are held by any other person
subject to his control, or for him or on his behalf.
(d) Where any loan or advance is made in good faith to any
factor or agent entrusted with and in possession of any such
goods or document of title on the faith of any contract or
agreement in writing to consign, deposit, transfer, or deliver
such goods or documents of title and such goods or
documents of title are actually received by the person making
such loan or advance, without notice that such factor or
agent was not authorized to make such pledge or security,
every such loan or advance shall be deemed to be a loan or
advance on the security of such goods or documents of title
and within the meaning of this section, though such goods
or documents of title are not actually received by the person
making such loan or advance till the period subsequent
(e) Any payment made whether by money or bill of exchange or
other negotiable security shall be deemed to be an advance
within the meaning of this section.
Any contract or agreement whether made direct with such
factor or agent as aforesaid or with any person on his behalf
shall be deemed to be a contract or agreement with such
factor or agent.
(g) Any factor or agent entrusted as aforesaid and in
possession of any goods or document of title to goods shall
be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to have been
entrusted therewith by the owner thereof, unless the
contrary be shown in evidence.
35. Any person who, being a director, public officer,
or manager of any body corporate or public company, as
such receives or possesses himself of any of the property of
such hod corporate or public company otherwise than in
,of a just debt or demand and, with intent to
defraud, omits to make or to cause or direct to be made
a full and true entry thereof in the books and accounts of
such body corporate or public company, shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof liable to imprison-
ment for seven years.
36. Any person who, being a director, manager, public
officer, or member of any body corporate or public com-
pany, with intent to defraud, destroys, alters, mutilates, or
falsities any book, paper, writing, or valuable security
belonging to the body corporate or public company, or
makes or concurs in the making of any false entry, or
omits or concurs in omitting any material particular, in any
book of account or other document, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and on conviction thereof liable to imprison-
ment for seven years.
37. Any person who, being a director, manager, or
public officer of any body corporate or public company,
makes, circulates, or publishes, or concurs in making,
circulating, or publishing, any written statement or account
which he knows to be false in 'any material particular, with
intent to deceive or defraud any member, shareholder, or
creditor of such body corporate or public company, or with
intent to induce any person to become a shareholder or
partner therein, or to entrust or advance any property to
such body corporate or public company, or to enter into
any security for the benefit thereof, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and on conviction thereof liable to imprison-
ment for seven years.
38. Nothing in any of sections 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37
shall enable or entitle any person to refuse to make a full
and complete discovery, or to answer any question or inter-
rogatory in any civil proceeding in any court, or on the
bearing of any matter in bankruptcy or insolvency.
39. Nothing in any of sections 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
or 38, nor any proceeding, conviction, or judgment to be
had or taken thereon against any person under any of the
said sections, shall prevent, lessen, or impeach any remedy
at law or in equity which any party aggrieved by any
offence against any of the said sections might have had
if this Ordinance had not been passed; but no conviction
of any such offender shall be received in evidence in any
action against him ; and nothing in the said sections shall affect or
prejudice any agreement entered into or Security given by any trustee,
having for its object the restoration or repayment of any trust property
Robbery, house-breaking, etc.
40. (1) Any person who-
(a)being armed with any offensive weapon or instrument, or
being together with one other person or more, robs, or
assaults with intent to rob, any person
(b)robs any person and, at the time of or immediately
before or immediately after such robbery, uses an),
personal violence to any person,
shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for life, and addition, if a male, to be once
privately whipped.
(2) Any person who robs any person shall be guilty of felony and
on conviction thereof liable to imprisonment. for fourteen years.
(3) Any person who assaults any person with intent to rob shall
be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for
five years.
41. Any person who-
(a)breaks and enters any place of divine worship and commits
any felony therein or
(b)breaks out of any place of divine worship, having
committed any felony therein,
shall be guilty of felony called sacrilege and on conviction
thereof liable to imprisonment for life.
42. Any person who in the night-
(a)breaks and enters the dwelling-house of another with intent to
commit any felony therein ; or
(b)breaks out of the dwelling-house of another, having
(i) entered the said dwelling-house with intent to commit
any felony therein ; or
(ii) committed any felony in the said dwellinghouse, shall be guilty of
felony called burglary and on conviction thereof liable to imprisonment
for life.
43. Any person who-
(a)breaks and enters any dwelling-house, or any building
within the curtilage thereof and occupied therewith, or any
school-house, shop, warehouse, counting-house, office,
store, garage, pavilion, factory, or worshop, or any, building
belonging to His Majesty, or to any Government, Naval,
Military or Air Force department, and commits any felony
therein; or
(b)breaks out of the same, having committed any felony therein,
shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for fourteen years.
44. Any person who, with intent to commit any felony therein'
(a) enters any dwelling-house in the night; or
(b)breaks and enters any dwelling-house place of divine
worship or any building within the curtilage, or any school-
house, shop, warehouse, counting house, office, store,
garage, pavilion, factory, or workshop, or any building
belonging to His Majesty or to any Government, Naval,
Military or Air Force department,
shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for seven years.
45. Any person who is found by night-
(a)armed any dangerous or offensive weapon or instrument,
with intent to break or enter into any building and to commit
any felony therein; or
(b)having in his possession without lawful excuse (the proof
whereof shall lie on such person) any key, picklock, crow,
jack, bit, or other implement of house-breaking; or
(c)having his face blackened or disguised with intent to commit
any felony; or
(d)in any building with intent to commit any felony therein,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof liable
(i) if he has been previously convicted of any such misdemeanor
or of any felony, to imprisonment for ten years;
(ii) in all other cases, to imprisonment for five years.
(1) Any person who-
(a)utters, knowing the contents thereof, any letter or
writing demanding of any person with menaces,
and without any reasonable or probable cause, any
property or valuable thing; thereof, any letter or
(b) utters, knowing the contents
writing accusing or threatening to accuse any other
person (whether living or dead) of any crime to
which this section applies, with intent to extort or
gain thereby any property or valuable thing from
any person;'
(c)with intent to extort or gain any property or
valuable thing from any person accuses or threatens
to accuse either that person or any other person
(whether living or dead) of any such crime,
shall beguilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable
to imprisonment for life, and, if a male under the age of
sixteen years, to be once privately whipped addition to
any other punishment to which he may by. law be liable.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 35
of the Interpretation Ordinance, any person who
(a)conspires, confederates or agrees to commit an
offence punishable by virtue of subsection (i)
hereof; or
(b)attempts to commit an offence punishable by virtue
of subsection (i) hereof,
shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable
to imprisonment for ten years.
(3)Any person who with intent to defraud or injure
any other person-
(a)by any unlawful violence to or restraint of the
person of another, or
(b) by accusing or threatening to accuse any person (whether living or
dead) of any such crime or of any felony, compels or induces any
person to execute, make, accept., endorse, alter, or destroy the
whole or any part of any valuable security, or to write, impress, or
affix the name of any person, company, firm or partnership, or the
seal of
any body corporate, company or society upon or to any paper or
parchment in order that it may be afterwards made or converted into or
used or dealt with as a valuable security, shall be guilty of felony and
on conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for life.
(4) This section applies to any crime punishable with death, or
imprisonment for not less than seven years, or any assault with intent
to commit any rape, or any attempt to commit any rape, or any
solicitation, persuasion, promise, or threat offered or made to any
person, whereby to move or induce such person to commit or permit the
abominable crime of buggery, either with mankind or with any animal.
(5) For the purposes of this Ordinance it is immaterial
Whether any menaces or threats beof violence,- injury,-
oraccusation to be caused or made by the offender or by any
other person.
47. Any person who has in his possession or under his control
any letter or writing demanding of any person with menaces, and
without any reasonable or probable cause, any property or valuable
thing, shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof liable to
imprisonment for ten years: Provided that if any such person shall
prove that he had such letter or writing in his possession or control
otherwise than with intent to utter such letter or writing he shall not be
guilty of an offence under this section. [46A
48. Any person who with menaces or by force demands
of any person anything capable of being stolen with intent
to steal the same shall be guilty of felony and on conviction
thereof liable to imprisonment for five years. [47
49. Any person who with intent-
(a) to extort any valuable thing from any person, or
(b)to induce any person to confer or procure for any person any
appointment or office of profit or trust,
(i) publishes or threatens to publish any libel upon any other
person (whether living or dead) ; or
(ii) directly or indirectly threatens to print or publish or directly or
indirectly proposes to abstain from or offers to prevent the printing or
publishing of any matter or thing touching any other person (whether
living or dead),
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor triable summarily and on
conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for two years. [48
False pretences.
50. (1) Any person who by any fales pretence or by means of any other fraud
whether or not such false pretence of other fraud was the sole or main
(a). with intent to defraud, obtains from other
person any chattel, money, or valuable security, or
causes or procures any money to be paid, or any,
chattel or valuable security to be delivered to himself
or to any other person for the Lise or benefit or on
account of himself or any other person; or
(b)with intent to defraud or injure any other person,
fraudulently causes or induces any other person--
(i) to execute, make, accept, endorse, or destroy the
whole or any part of any valuable security; or
(ii) to write, impress, or affix his name or the. name of
any other person, or the seal of any body corporate or
society, upon any paper or parchment in order that the
same may be afterwards made or converted into, or
used or dealt with as, a valuable security,
shall-be guilty of a misdemeanor and conviction thereof to
imprisonment for five years. [49
51. Any person who--
(a) inincurring any debt or liability obtains credit under
false pretences or by means of any other fraud or--
(b)with intent to defraud his creditors or any of them,
makes or causes to be made' any gift, delivery, or
transfer of, or any charge on his property; or
(c)with intent to defraud his creditors, conceals or
removes any part of his property after or within two
months before the date of any unsatisfied judgment or
order for payment of money obtained against him; or
(d)with intent to defraud his creditors or any of them,
causes or connives at the levying of any execution
against his property,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor triable summarily and on conviction
thereof liable to imprisonment for one year. [50
Receiving stolen property.
52. (1) Any person who receives any property knowing the same to
have been stolen or obtained in any way whatsoever under
circumstances which amount to felony or misdemeanor, shall be guilty
of an offence of the like degree (whether felony or misdemeanor) and
on conviction thereof liable
(a)in the case of felony, to imprisonment for fourteen years ;
(b)in the case of misdemeanor, to imprisonment for seven years;
(c) in either case, if male under the age of sixteen years to be once
privately whipped in addition. to other punishment to which
he may by law be liable
(2) Any such person may be indicted and convicted, whether the
principal offender has or has not been previously convicted, or is
not amenable to justice.
(3) Any person who, without lawful excuse, knowing
the same to have been stolen or obtained in any way
whatsoever under such circumstances that if the act had
been committed in this Colony the person committing it
would have been guilty of felony or misdemeanor, receives
.or has in his possession any property so stolen or obtained
outside the Colony, shall be guilty of an offence of the
like degree (whether felony or misdemeanor) and *on
conviction thereof liable to imprisonment for seven
years. [51
53. Where the stealing or taking of any property whatsoever is by
this Ordinance punishable on summary conviction, either for every
offence, or for the first and second offence only, or for the first offence
only, any person who receives any such property, knowing the same to
be unlawfully come by, shall upon summary conviction be liable, for
every first, second or subsequent offence of receiving, to the same
punishment to which a person guilty of a first, second, or subsequent
offence of stealing or taking
such property is by this Ordinance made liable. [52
Offences relating to rewards.
54. Any person who corruptly takes any money or
reward, directly or indirectly, under pretence or upon
account of helping any, person to recover any property
which has, under circumstances which amount to felony or
misdemeanor, been stolen or obtained in any way what-
soever, or received, shall (unless he has used all due
diligence to cause the offender to be brought to trial for
the same) be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof
liable to imprisonment for seven years, and if a male under
the age of sixteen years be once privately, whipped in
any other punishment he may by law
be, liable.- [53
55. Any person who---
(a)publicly advertises a reward for the return of any property
whatsoever which has been stolen or lost, and in such
advertisement uses any words purporting that no questions
will be asked; or
(b)makes use of any words in any public advertise-
ment purporting that a reward will be given or
paid for any property which has been stolen or lost,
without seizing or making any inquiry after the
person producing such property or- --
(c) promises or offers in any such public advertisement to return
to any pawnbroker or other person who may have bought or
advanced money by way of loan upon any property stolen or
lost the money so paid or advanced, or any other sum of
money or reward for the return of such property; or
(d) prints or publishes any such advertisement,
shall on summary conviction be liable to a fine of two
hundred and fifty dollars. [54
Principals in the second degree and accessories, etc.
56. Any person who knowingly and wilfully aids, abets, counsels,
procures or commands the commission of an offence punishable either
on indictment or on summary conviction under this Ordinance shall be
liable to be dealt with ` indict ed, tried and punished as a principal
offender. [55
Apprehension of offenders.
57. (1) Any person found committing committing any offence,
punishable either on indictment or on summary conviction, against this
Ordinance except an offence under section 49 may be immediately
apprehended without a warrant by any person and forthwith taken,
together with the property, if any, before a magistrate to be dealt with
according to law.
(2) Any person to whom any property is offered to be sold,
pawned, or delivered, if he has reasonable cause to suspect that any
offence has been committed against this Ordinance with respect to such
property, shall, if in his power, apprehend and forthwith take before a
magistrate the person offering the same, together with such property, to
be dealt with according to law
(3) Any police officer may take into custody without warrant an
person whom he finds lying or loitering in any any
highway, yard, or other place during the night, and whom lie has good
cause to suspect of having committed or being about to commit any
felony against this Ordinance, and shall take such person as soon as
reasonably may be before a magistrate to be dealt with according to
law. [56
Search warrants.
58. (1) If it is made to appear by i information on oath before a
magistrate that there is reasonable cause to believe that any person has
in his custody or possession or on his premises any property
whatsoever, with respect to which any offence, punishable either on
indictment or on summary conviction, against this Ordinance has been
committed, the magistrate may grant a warrant to search for and seize
the same.
(2)(a) Any police officer may, if authorized in writing by the
Commissioner of Police, enter any house, shop, warehouse,
yard, or other premises, and search for and seize any
property he believes to have been stolen, and, where any
property is seized in pursuance of this section, the person on
whose premises it was at the time of seizure or the person
from whom it was taken shall, unless previously charged with
receiving the same knowing it to have been stolen, be
summoned before a magis-
trate to account for his possession of such property, and the
magistrate shall make such order respecting the disposal of
such property and may award such costs as the justice of the
case may require.
(b)It shall be lawful for the Commissioner of Police to give such
authority as aforesaid
(i) when the premises to be searched are or within the
preceding twelve months have been in the occupation of any
person who has been convicted of receiving stolen property
or of harbouring thieves; or
(ii) when the premises to be searched are in the occupation
of any person who has been convicted of any offence
involving fraud or dishonesty and punishable with
(c) It shall not be necessary for the Commissioner of
Police on giving such authority to specify any
particular property, but he may give such authority
if he has reason to believe generally that such
premises are being made a receptacle for stolen
goods. [57
59. -Any- sum-of money which is- ordered to be paid on-
any summary conviction for the value of any property stolen
or taken, or for the amount of any injury done (such value
or amount to be assessed in each case by the convicting
magistrate), shall be paid to the party aggrieved, except
where he is unknown, and in that case such sum shall be
applied in the same manner as a fine : Provided that
where several persons join in the commission of the
same offence, and, on conviction thereof, each is ordered
to pay a sum equivalent to the value of the property or
to the amount of the injury, no further sum shall be paid
to the party aggrieved than such value or amount; and the
remaining sum ordered to be paid shall be applied in the
same manner as a, fine. [58
60. Where any person is summarily convicted of any offence
against this Ordinance, and it is a first conviction, the magistrate may, if
he thinks fit, discharge the offender from
his conviction, on his making such satisfaction to the party
aggrieved for damages and costs, or either of them, as shall
be ascertained by the magistrate. [59
61. Whenever any person convicted of any offence
punishable on summary conviction by virtue of this Ordin-
ance pays the sum ordered to be paid, together with costs,
under such conviction, or receives a remission thereof from
the Governor, or suffers the imprisonment awarded for non-
payment thereof or the imprisonment ordered in the first
instance, or is discharged from his conviction by any magis-
trate as aforesaid, he shall be released from alll further or
other proceedings for the same cause. [60
62. (1) Any person who commits the offence of simple larceny after
having been previously convicted of felony shall be liable to
imprisonment for ten years.
(2) Any person who commits the offence of simple larceny, or any
offence made punishable like simple larceny, after having been
previously convicted
(a)of any indictable misdemeanor punishable under this
Ordinance; or
(b)twice summarily of any offence punishable under the
Malicious Damage Ordinance, or under this Ordinance,
(whether each of the convictions has been in respect of an
offence of the same description or not, and whether such
convictions, or either of them, have been before or after the
passing of this Ordinance),
shall be liable to imprisonment for seven years.
(3) In every case in this section -before menthioned the offender, if
a male under the age of sixteen year, shall be liable to be once '
privately whipped in addition to any other punishment to which he may
by law be liable..
(4) (a) On conviction of a misdemeanor punishable
under this Ordinance 'the court or magistrate instead
of or in addition to any other punishment which
may be lawfully imposed, may fine the offender.
(b)On conviction of a felony punishable under this Ordinance
the court or magistrate, in addition to
imposing a sentence of imprisonment, may require the
offender to enter into his own recognizances, with or without
sureties for keeping the peace and being of good behaviour
(c)On conviction of a misdemeanor punishable under this
Ordinance the court or magistrate, instead of or in addition to
any other punishment which may lawfully be imposed for the
offence, may require the offender to enter into his own
recognizances, with or without sureties, for keeping the
peace and being of good behaviour :
Provided that a person shall not be imprisoned for more
than one year for not finding sureties. [61
63. (1) On the trial of an indictment for obtaining or attempting to
obtain any chattel, money, or valuable security by any false pretence,
it shall not be necessary to prove an intent to defraud any particular
person, but it shall be sufficient to prove that the person-accused did
the act charged with intent to defraud.
(2) An allegation in an indictment that money or bank-
notes have been embezzled or obtained by false pretences can,
so far as regards- the description of the property -be sustained
by proof that the offender embezzled or obtained any piece of
coin or any banknote or any portion of the value thereof,
although such piece of coin or banknote may have been
delivered to him in order that some part of the value thereof
should be returned to any person and such part has been
returned accordingly. .
(3) In an indictment for feloniously.. receiving any property under
this Ordinance any number of persons who have at different times so
received such property or any part thereof may be charged and tried
(4) If any person, who is a member of any co-partnership or is one
of two or more beneficial owners of any property, steals, or embezzles
any such property of or belonging to such co-partnership or to such
beneficial owners he shall be liable to be dealt with, tried, and punished
as if he had not been or was not a member of such co-partnership or
one of
such beneficial owners. [62
64. (1) Whenever any person, is being proceeded against for
receiving any property, knowing it to have been
stolen, or for having in his possession stolen property, for the purpose
of proving guilty knowledge there may be given in evidence at any
stage of the proceedings
(a)the fact that other property stolen within the period of
twelve months preceding the date of the offence charged
was found or had been in his possession;
(b)the fact that within the five years preceding the date of the
offence charged he was convicted of any offence involving
fraud or dishonesty.
This last-mentioned fact may not be proved unless-
(i) seven days' notice in writing has been given to the
offender that proof of such previous conviction is intended
to be given;
(ii) evidence has been given that the property in respect of
which the offender is being tried was found or had been in
his possession.
(2) No person shall be liable to be convicted of any offence
against sections 13, 14 (a), 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 upon any evidence
whatever in respect of any act done by him, if at any time previously to
his being charged with such offence he has first disclosed such act on
oath, in consequence of an), compulsory process of any court of law or
equity in any action, suit or proceeding which has been bona fide
instituted by any person aggrieved.
(3) In any proceedings in respect of any offence
against sections 13, 14 (a), 32, 33, 34 35, 36 and 37 a
statement or admission made by any person in any com-
pulsory examination or deposition before any court on the
hearing of any matter in bankruptcy shall not be admissible
in evidence against that person. [63
65. Where any person is charged on any indictment with any
offence punishable under this Ordinance and committed after a
previous conviction for any felony, misdemeanor, or offence
punishable on summary conviction, and, on his trial for the subsequent
offence, such person gives evidence of his good character, it shall be
lawful for the prosecutor, in answer thereto and before the verdict of
the jury has been returned, to give evidence of the convic-
tion of such person for the previous offence and the jury
shall inquire concerning such previous conviction at the.
same time as they inquire concerning the subsequent
offence. [64
66. (1) If on. the trial of any- -indictment for robbery
it is 'proved that the defendant committed an assault with
intent ' to rob, the jury may acquit the defendant of robbery
and find, him guilty of an assault with intent to rob, and
thereupon. he shall be liable to be punished accordingly.
(2) If on the trial of any indictment for any offence against section
31 (relating to embezzlement) 'It is proved that the defendant stole the
property in question, the jury may find him guilty of stealing, and
thereupon lie shall be liable to be punished accordingly; and on the trial
of any indictment for stealing 'the jury may in like manner find the
defendant guilty of embezzlement or of fraudulent application or
disposition, as the case may be, and thereupon he shall be liable to be
punished accordingly.
(3) If on the trial of any indictment for stealing it is proved that the
defendant- took- -any - chattel,- money, -or_ valuable security in
question in any such manner as would amount in law to obtaining it by
false pretences with intent to defraud, the jury may acquit the defendant
of stealing and find him guilty of obtaining the chattel, money, or
valuable security by false pretences, and thereupon he shall be liable to
be punished accordingly.
(4) If on the trial of any indictment for obtaining any chattel,
money, or valuable security by false pretences it is proved that the
defendant stole the property in question, he shall not by reason thereof
be entitled to be acquitted of obtaining such property by false
(5) If on the trial of any two or more persons indicted for jointly
receiving any property it is proved that one or more of such persons
separately received any part of such property, the jury may convict
upon such indictment such of the said persons as are proved to have
received any part
of such property. [65
67. (1) If any person guilty of any such felony or misdemeanor as is
mentioned in this Ordinance, in stealing,
taking, obtaining, extorting, embezzling, converting, or
disposing of, or in knowingly receiving, any property, is
prosecuted to conviction by or on behalf of the owner of
such property, the property shall be restored to to the `owner
or his representatives.
(2) In every case in this section referred to the court
before whom such offender is convicted shall have power
to from time to time writs of restitution or the
property or to order the restitution thereof in a summary
manner Provided Provided that where goods as defined in the
Sale of Goods Ordinance have been obtained by fraud or
other wrongful means not amounting --to stealing. the
property in such goods shall not revest in the person who
was the owner of the goods or his personal representative,
by reasononly of the conviction of the offender : And
provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the case
(a) any valuable security which has been in good faith
paid or discharged by some person or body
corporate liable to the payment thereof, or, being a
negotiable instrument, has been in good faith taken
or received by transfer or delivery by some person
or body corporate for a just and valuable consideration
without any notice or without any resonable
cause to suspect that the same be-en stolen
(b) any offence sections 32, 33 and 34.
(3) On the restitution of any stolen property if it
appears to the court by the evidence the offender has
sold the stolen property to any person, and that such person
has had no knowledge that the same was stolen, and that
any moneys have been taken from the offender on his
apprehension, the court may. on the
purchaser, order that Out 0moneys a sum not exceed-
ing the amount of the proceeds of such sale be delivered
to the said purchaser. [66
32 of 1935. 35 of 1947. 22 of 1950. Short title. Definition. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 1. Interpretation. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 46. [s. 3 cont.] Simple larceny. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 2. Larceny of cattle. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 3. Killing animals with intent to steal. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 4. Larceny, etc., of dogs. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, ss. 18 and 19. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 5. 22 of 1950, Schedule. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Larceny of bird or beast ordinarily kept in confinement. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 21. 22 of 1950, s. 3 and Schedule. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Punishment of person found in possession of stolen bird, etc. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 22. Killing house-dove or pigeon. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 23. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Taking fish. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 24. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Dredging, etc., for oysters. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 26. Larceny, etc., of wills. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 29. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 6. Larceny, etc., of documents of title to land and other legal documents. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, ss. 28 and 30. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 7. Fraudulent destruction, etc., of valuable security. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 27. Larceny, etc., of fixtures, trees, etc. 6 7 & Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 8. Larceny, etc., of small tree, etc., wherever growing. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 33. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Larceny, etc., of live or dead fence, etc. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 34. Suspected person in possession of tree etc., and not accounting for it. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 35. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Larceny, etc., of plant, etc., growing in garden, etc. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 36. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Larceny, etc., of cultivated plant, etc., not growing in garden. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 37. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Larceny of goods in process of manufacture. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 9. Abstracting of electricity. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 10. Larceny, etc., of ore from mines. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 11. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 39. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Larceny in dwelling-housing. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 13. Larceny from the person. 6 & 7 geo. 5, c. 50, s. 14. Larceny from ships, docks, etc.. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 15. Persons in possession of shipwrecked goods not giving a satisfactory account. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 65. [s. 28 cont.] 22 of 1950, Schedule. Power to seize ship-wrecked good offered for sale. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 66. 22 of 1950, Schedule. (Cap. 109.) Larceny by tenants or lodgers. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 16. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Larceny and embezzlement by clerks or servants. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 17. Conversion. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 20. [s. 32 cont.] Conversion by trustee. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 21. Factors obtaining advances on the property of their principals. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 22. [s. 34 cont.] Keeping by director, etc., of fraudulent accounts. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 82. Fradulent destruction by director etc., of books, etc. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 83. Making by directors, etc., of fraudulent statements. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 84. No person to be exempt from answering questions in any court. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 83. Saving of remedies at law or in equity. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 86. [s. 39 cont.] Robbery. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 23. Sacrilege. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 24. Burglary. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 25. House-breaking and committing felony. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 26. House-breaking with interest to commit felony. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 27. Being found by night, armed or in possession of house-breaking implements. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 28. [s. 45 cont.] Demanding money, etc., with menaces. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 29. 35 of 1947, s. 2. (Cap. 1). Possession of letter or writing demanding money with menaces. 35 of 1947, s. 3. Demanding with menaces, with intent to steal. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 30. Threatening to publish, with intent to extort. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 31. [s. 49 cont.] 22 of 1950, s. 3. False pretences. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 32. Obtaining credit by fraud, etc. 32 & 33 Vict. C. 62, s. 13. 16 & 17 Geo. 5, c. 7, s. 6. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Receiving. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 33. Receivers of stolen property, where the first offence, etc., is punishable on summary conviction. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 97. Corruptly taking a reward. 6 & Geo. 5, c. 50 s. 34. Advertising a reward for return of stolen or lost property. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 102. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Accessories and abettors. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 35. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 99. Arrest without warrant. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 41. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, ss. 103 and 104. Search warrants. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 42. [s. 58 cont.] Application of compensation ordered on summary conviction. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 106. First offenders. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 108. Summary conviction to bar any other proceeding for the same cause. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 109. Special punishments. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 37. (Cap. 211.) [s. 62 cont.] Procedure. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 40. Evidence. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 43. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 85. Evidence as to previous conviction. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 116. [s. 65 cont.] Verdict. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 44. Restitution. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 45. (Cap. 26).
32 of 1935. 35 of 1947. 22 of 1950. Short title. Definition. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 1. Interpretation. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 46. [s. 3 cont.] Simple larceny. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 2. Larceny of cattle. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 3. Killing animals with intent to steal. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 4. Larceny, etc., of dogs. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, ss. 18 and 19. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 5. 22 of 1950, Schedule. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Larceny of bird or beast ordinarily kept in confinement. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 21. 22 of 1950, s. 3 and Schedule. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Punishment of person found in possession of stolen bird, etc. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 22. Killing house-dove or pigeon. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 23. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Taking fish. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 24. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Dredging, etc., for oysters. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 26. Larceny, etc., of wills. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 29. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 6. Larceny, etc., of documents of title to land and other legal documents. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, ss. 28 and 30. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 7. Fraudulent destruction, etc., of valuable security. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 27. Larceny, etc., of fixtures, trees, etc. 6 7 & Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 8. Larceny, etc., of small tree, etc., wherever growing. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 33. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Larceny, etc., of live or dead fence, etc. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 34. Suspected person in possession of tree etc., and not accounting for it. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 35. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Larceny, etc., of plant, etc., growing in garden, etc. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 36. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Larceny, etc., of cultivated plant, etc., not growing in garden. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 37. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Larceny of goods in process of manufacture. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 9. Abstracting of electricity. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 10. Larceny, etc., of ore from mines. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 11. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 39. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Larceny in dwelling-housing. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 13. Larceny from the person. 6 & 7 geo. 5, c. 50, s. 14. Larceny from ships, docks, etc.. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 15. Persons in possession of shipwrecked goods not giving a satisfactory account. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 65. [s. 28 cont.] 22 of 1950, Schedule. Power to seize ship-wrecked good offered for sale. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 66. 22 of 1950, Schedule. (Cap. 109.) Larceny by tenants or lodgers. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 16. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Larceny and embezzlement by clerks or servants. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 17. Conversion. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 20. [s. 32 cont.] Conversion by trustee. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 21. Factors obtaining advances on the property of their principals. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 22. [s. 34 cont.] Keeping by director, etc., of fraudulent accounts. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 82. Fradulent destruction by director etc., of books, etc. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 83. Making by directors, etc., of fraudulent statements. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 84. No person to be exempt from answering questions in any court. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 83. Saving of remedies at law or in equity. 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 86. [s. 39 cont.] Robbery. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 23. Sacrilege. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 24. Burglary. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 25. House-breaking and committing felony. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 26. House-breaking with interest to commit felony. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 27. Being found by night, armed or in possession of house-breaking implements. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 28. [s. 45 cont.] Demanding money, etc., with menaces. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 29. 35 of 1947, s. 2. (Cap. 1). Possession of letter or writing demanding money with menaces. 35 of 1947, s. 3. Demanding with menaces, with intent to steal. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 30. Threatening to publish, with intent to extort. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 31. [s. 49 cont.] 22 of 1950, s. 3. False pretences. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 32. Obtaining credit by fraud, etc. 32 & 33 Vict. C. 62, s. 13. 16 & 17 Geo. 5, c. 7, s. 6. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Receiving. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 33. Receivers of stolen property, where the first offence, etc., is punishable on summary conviction. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 97. Corruptly taking a reward. 6 & Geo. 5, c. 50 s. 34. Advertising a reward for return of stolen or lost property. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 102. 22 of 1950, Schedule. Accessories and abettors. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 35. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 99. Arrest without warrant. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 41. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, ss. 103 and 104. Search warrants. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 42. [s. 58 cont.] Application of compensation ordered on summary conviction. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 106. First offenders. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 108. Summary conviction to bar any other proceeding for the same cause. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 109. Special punishments. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 37. (Cap. 211.) [s. 62 cont.] Procedure. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 40. Evidence. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 43. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 85. Evidence as to previous conviction. 24 & 25 Vict. C. 96, s. 116. [s. 65 cont.] Verdict. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 44. Restitution. 6 & 7 Geo. 5, c. 50, s. 45. (Cap. 26).
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“LARCENY ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 6, 2025,