To validate payments of pensions, gratuities, and other
grants in respect of the death, disablement or sickness of
officers and volunteers of the Hong Kong Volunteer
Defence Corps and members of the Hong Kong Naval
Volunteer Force who were called out on actual military
service or actual service during the 1939 World War.
[2nd June, 1950.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Volunteer and
Naval Volunteer Pensions Ordinance.
2. For the purposes of this Ordinance-
'member' shall mean a person who was serving in the Hong
Kong Naval Volunteer Force constituted under the
Naval Volunteer Ordinance, 1933, (repealed by the Hong
Kong Defence Force Ordinance) as a member;
'officer' and 'volunteer' shall mean a person who was
serving in the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps con-
stituted under the Volunteer Ordinance, 1933, (repealed
by the Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance) as an
officer or volunteer;
'orders in council regulating naval pensions' shall mean
the Orders in Council concernhig Retired Pay, Pensions
and other grants for members of the Naval Forces and
the Nursing and Auxiliary Services thereof disabled aiid
for the widows, children, parents and other dependants
of such members deceased, in consequence of service
during the 1939 World War dated 21St September, 1939,
7th August, 194(, ioth February and 28th October, 1943,
2oth January and 28th September, 1944, 4th June, 1946
and such others as shall amend the foregoing;
'royal warrants' shall nican the Ministry of Pensions Royal
Warrants concerning Retired'Pay, Pensions aiid other
grants for members of the Military Forces and of the
Nursing and Auxiliary Services thereof disabled and for
the widows, children, parents and other dependants of
such members deceased in consequence of service during
the 1939 World War dated i5th September, 1939, 29th
June, 1940, 12th January, 4th October and 4th Decem-
ber, 1943, 2nd October, 1944, 12th April, and 5th
December, 1946, 29th March and 8th May, 1947, 24th
May and 28th October, 1949, and such others as shall
amend the foregoing.
3. It shall be lawful for the Govertior in Council to make
regulations for the purpose of paying pensions, gratuities and
other grants in respect of the death, disablement or sickness
of officers and volunteers who were called out on actual
military service under the Volunteer Ordinance, 1933, on or
after the 7th day of December, 1941, and it shall be deemed
to have been lawful and shall be lawful to pay in respect of
such persons pensions, gratuities and other grants computed
according to the provisions of the Royal Warrants applicable
at the date of the grant of such pension, gratuity or other
grant or which have been applied subsequently by such
Royal Warrants except hereafter in so far as the application
of the provisions of such Royal Warrants shall be modified
for the purpose of this Ordinance by regulations made
hereunder by the Governor in Council.
4. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to
make regulations for the purpose of paying pensions,
gratuities and other grants in respect of the death, disable-
ment or sickness of members who were called out on actual
service under the Naval Volunteer Ordinance, 1933, on or
after the 30th day of August, 1939, and it shall be deemed to
have been lawful and shall be lawful to pay in respect of such
persons pensions, gratuities and other grants computed
according to the provisions of the Orders in Council regulat-
ing naval pensions applicable at the date of the grant of such
pension, gratuity or other grant or which have been applied
subsequently by such Orders in Council except hereafter in
so far as the application of the provisions of such Orders in
Council shall be modified for the purpose of this Ordinance
by regulations made hereunder by the Governor in Council.
5. There shall be kept at the Treasury copies of the
Royal Warrants and of the Orders in Council regulating
naval pensions and such copies shall be available for inspec-
tion by the public without charge during normal office
6. For the purpose of this Ordinance-
(a) powers similar to those exercised by the Minister of
Pensions in regard to the awarding, continuing,
withholding, reviewing, varying, forfeiting, can-
celling or restoring of an award and the exercising of
any other discretion incidental thereto or otherwise
in regard to the making or paying of an award under
the Royal Warrants and Orders in Council regulat-
ing naval pensions shall be exercised by the
Governor in. Council save in so far as any other
person, or body of persons, may be nominated by
the Governor in Council by notice in the Gazette to
exercise all or any of such powers;
(b) every officer and volunteer of the Hong Kong
Volunteer Defence Corps shall be deemed for the
purpose of this Ordinance as being included within
the definition of 'member of the military forces' as
used in the Royal Warrants;
(c) every member of the Hong Kong Naval Volunteer
Force shall be deemed for the purpose of this Ordin-
ance as being included within the definition of
'member of the naval forces' as used in the Orders
in Council regulating naval pensions.
11 of 1950. Short title. Interpretation. (30 of 1933.) (Cap. 199.) (10 of 1933.) 1939/1221 1940/1469 1943/204 1943/1560 1944/99 1944/1125 1946/812 (as amended) Cmd. 6105 Cmd. 6205 Cmd. 6419 Cmd. 6473 Cmd. 6489 Cmd. 6558 Cmd. 6799 Cmd. 6995 Cmd. 7096 Cmd. 7124 Cmd. 7699 Cmd. 7826 Pensions and gratuities payable in respect of officers and volunteers of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps. (10 of 1933). Pensions and gratuities payable in respect of members of the Hong Kong Naval Volunteer Force. (30 of 1933). Availability of certain Royal Warrants and Orders in Council. Modification of application of Royal Warrants and Orders in Council.
11 of 1950. Short title. Interpretation. (30 of 1933.) (Cap. 199.) (10 of 1933.) 1939/1221 1940/1469 1943/204 1943/1560 1944/99 1944/1125 1946/812 (as amended) Cmd. 6105 Cmd. 6205 Cmd. 6419 Cmd. 6473 Cmd. 6489 Cmd. 6558 Cmd. 6799 Cmd. 6995 Cmd. 7096 Cmd. 7124 Cmd. 7699 Cmd. 7826 Pensions and gratuities payable in respect of officers and volunteers of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps. (10 of 1933). Pensions and gratuities payable in respect of members of the Hong Kong Naval Volunteer Force. (30 of 1933). Availability of certain Royal Warrants and Orders in Council. Modification of application of Royal Warrants and Orders in Council.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VOLUNTEER AND NAVAL VOLUNTEER PENSIONS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 1, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/2028.