Suits Combination ............1
Dressings Field ..............1
Shirts Tropical K.D . ........2
Socks B.G . ..................2
Capes Monsoon ................1
Stockings Khaki pairs ........2
Shirts Blue ..................2
Buttons Plastic R.A.F . ......8
Rings Split ..................8
Shoes Leather .................................. 1 pr.
(Cap. 199, section 13).
(Ordinance No. 63 Of 1948).
[24th June, 1949.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Hong Kong
Naval Force Regulations.
2. (1) The Naval Force shall have a dep ot ship which
shall be called H.M.S. 'COIZNFLOWER'. H.M.S. 'CORN-
FLOWER' shall wear the White Ensigri.
(2) The establishment of the Naval Force shall be deter-
mined from time to time by the Governor as circurristances
may require.
3.(1) (a) Subject to the provisions of the Naval
Discipline Act or Acts in force, King's Regulations
and Admiralty Instructions and all offier regula-
tions, orders or instructions issued by the Admiraltv,
the Hong Kong Defence Force 'Ordinance, and
these regulations, the Naval Force when serving in
the Colony shall be under the orders of the Com-
modore, Hong Kong, as the appropriate Service
Commander thereof, subject to the control of the
(b)Where any power or duty is vested in or imposed
upon the Admiralty by the Naval Discipline Act or
Acts in force, King's Regulations and Admiralty,
Instructions and all other regulations, orders or
instructions issued by the Admiralty, such power or
duty sliall, in respect of the Naval Force, be vested
in, exercised or performed b - y the Governor.
(c) Tlic Force or any part thereof or any officer
orvolunteer thereof wlien serving 0LitSide the
Colonyor when placed under the orders of the
shall be subject to the orders of the Flag
Officer incliarge of the station to which such Naval
Forceoi- part or officer or volunteer belongs and
shallalso. be subject in all respects to such acts,
regulations, orders arid instructions as are applicable
to tile R(yal Navy.
(2) Naval Force officers take precedence after Royal
Naval and Royal Naval Reserve officers, rank for rank,
irrespective of seniority.
(3) Probationary officers shall not receive their corn-
missions until confirmed in their ranks.
. (4) Petty officers and volunteers of the Naval Force rank
and coniniand with but after corresponding ratings of the
Royal Navy arid Royal Naval Reserve irrespective of
(5)(a) Tlic officers and petty, officers of the Naval
Force are to command one anotlier and the volun-
leters of the Force agreeably to their respective ranks
arid ratings in all matters relating to their duties.
(b)When in training or under instruction all such
officers, petty officers and volunteers shall, in all
niatters whatsoever, bc under the command of the
Captain or Commanding Officer, or other superior
officer of tli(, ship in which they may be.
4. The Naval Force sliall be allowed an Honorary
Captain. The officer holding this appointment sliall normal-
Iv be a distinguished e--,x-officer of the Naval Force resident
in tbe Colony'. lle sliall be appointed by the Governor on
the recommendation of the Service Commander and the
Commanding Officer. He shall vacate his appointment on
attaining the age of 7o years.
5. The Naval Force shall be under the executive
command of in officer, who shall normally be a civilian,
appointed b), the Governor on the advice of the Senvice
Commander and the Coiiiiii~iiid,Iiit. Where special cll'Clllll-
stances make it advisable or necessary, an officer of the Royal
Navy, lent by the Admiralty, may be placed in command.
6. The Commanding Officer shall hold the rank
equivalent to the rank of Commander, Royal Navy.
7. Appointment as Commanding Officer shall be inade
for a period of five years. The Governor, upon the recom-
mendations of the Service Commander and the Commandant,
may extend such period by two further years, but no Coni-
manding Officer shall be permitted to retain his command
beyond seven years in all, or beyond the age as laid do-wil
for his rank in regulation 16 hereof whichever may first
8. The Commanding Officer shall bc responsible to the
(a)for rhe maintenance of discipline, efficiency and
proper system 1 . 11 llis unit
(b)for the preservation of the health of those under his
command when called Out ot. under training;
(c)for the supervision and control of all duties pet--
formed !)v those under his corninand;
(d)to account for public equipment and stores of what-
ever description appertaining to his unit ;
(e) for the condition of the ari-ns in his charge;
for thp. proper supervision of the system, as
prescribed by the Cominandant, of accounting for
stores, equipment, pay, records, et cetera ;
(g)to ensure that the account books, returns, et cetera,
as-prescribed by the Commandant, are used;
(h) for the correct receipts and issue of all supplies;
(i)for such other duties as the Commandant may
impose from time to time.
9. (1) The Naval Force may have-
(a)as. Officer Instructor, a Lieutenant Commander of
the Royal Navy appointed by the Adriliralty;
(b)such rating instructors as the Commanding Officer
in consultation with the Service Commander shall
consider necessary.
(2) The appointment of instructors shall be for a period
of three years or for such periods as may be specified by the
(.3) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in these regulations and in the Hong Kong Defence Force
Regulations, instructors shall, at all times during the period
of their appointments, be subject in all respects to the pro-
visions of the 1.~iiig's Regulations and Admiralty Instruc-
tions in so far as they are applicable and consistent with the
prOViSiOnS Of tlICSC rCgUlatiOnS, the Mong Kong Defence
Force Regulations, and with the provisions of the Ordinance
under which they are made.
10. (1) The Commanding Officer may have a civilian
on permanent employment as his Supply Officer.
(2) If no such civilian is available, and when special
circunistlances make it advisable or necessary, this appoint-
rnent may be filled by ar. officer of the Royal Navy.
11. (1) The Naval Force may, have a Senior Shipkeeper
and such other shipkeepers as 1he Governor may think neces-
sary in order to ensure the safety and proper maintenance
of all ships allocated to or belonging to the Naval Force.
(2) All such shipkeepers shall receive emoluments at the
current rates ]aid down for servants of the Governinent of
Hong Kong with similar qualifications.
12. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
herein, the Governor may, on the advice of the Commandant
and the Service Commander and if it is, in the interest of the
Naval Force to do so, authorize the entry or promotion of
any officer or volunteer who does not possess the necessary,
13. (1) Officeis and volunteers shall be divided into two
categories depending on the progress of their instruction and
training, previous naval service and specialist knowledge.
Cate- ory A shall consist of those officers and volunteers
who require the maximurn instruction and training and those
specialist officers and volunteers who are required for
administrative and maintenance duties in Force Headquarters
and in the depot ship.
. Category B shall consist of those officers and volunteers
who either through previous service in the Naval Force or
in other naval forces or becaLise of their specialist know-
ledge are not reqUired to carry out the saine amount of
instruction and training as those in Category A.
(2) The instruction and training required of officers
and volunteers are as shewn in the First Schedule.
. 14. (1) The branches and ranks of officers aLithOriZ(A
in the Naval Force and the conditions of' entry and pro-
motion are shewn in the Second Schedule.
(2) Recommendations for promotion of officers shall in
the first instance be submitted by the Commanding Officer
through the Commandant to the Service Commander who
shall then submit the recommendation to the Governor.
ppointment a
(3) A rid promotion of officers shall be
vested in the Governor and shall be notified in tile G azetle,
and shall be effective from the date of such Gazette or from
such other date as may be specified.
15. (1) Officers oil the ActWe I-1st are eligible, at the
discretion of the Governor, to be placed on the Retired List
in the rank held oil retirement: Provided that-
(a)they have completed 15 years' service in the Naval
Force, which requirement may be waived in special
circumstances, e.g., if an officer has rendered
exceptional services in the interest of the Naval
Force or if he has served long and zealously, in
sorne other of Flis Majesty's Forces before joitillill'
the Naval Force
(b)their services are certified as good and that theY
hold satisfactory certificates for ilIS11-LICtiOll~ll traill-
ing and service affoat.
16. (1) The ages at which oFficers shall normally be
retired are as follows-
(a) Captains ..............6o years.
(b.) Commanders ...........So
(c) Lieutenant Commanders ..: 45
(d) Lieutenants .............. 40
(2) In exceptional cases officers whose services are
especially valuable may, at the discretion of the Governor,
be granted an extension of service for a maximum period
of five years.
(3) Recommendations for extension of service shall be
forwarded to the Service Commander at least two months
prior to the date the officer concerned is due for retirement.
17. (1) Officers and volunteers may be discharged or
required to resign at any period of their service for-
(a) misconduct;
(b) inefficiency;
(c) unsuitability;
(d) physical unfitness.
(2) Officers who fail to obtain the requisite qualifica-
tions for confirmation or promotion shall be liable to re-
(a)in the case of probationary officers, if not confirm-
ed within two years from date of appointment;
(b)in the case of stib-lietitenants, if not qualified for
promotion to lieutenants after five years including
the probationary period as sub-lieutenants.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (i)
and (2) hereof the Governor may, in special circumstances,
order the relaxation of this regulation.
18. Officers shall enter in one of the following
Executive Medical
Engineering Electrical
Special Dental .
Chaplain Instructor.
Supply and Secretariat
19. (1) All officers in Categories A and B are required
to qualify as 'efficient' in each ),ear of their service.
(2) In order to qualify or requalify as 'efficient'
officers shall-
(a)attend such training and instruction in their parti-
CUlar branch as are laid down in the First Schedule
and such further training and instruction as may
be ordered by the Service Commander;
(b)obtain a certificate from the Commanding Officer
to the effect that they have satisfactorily performed
the duties of their appointment and have passed
Such examinations as may be ordered by hirn.
20. (1) Officers on the Active List shall undergo the
obligatory training ordered. by the Commanding Officer.
(2) Naval training shall be carried out in the ships of
the Naval Force, in Flis Majesty's ships or in Shore
Establishments at the discretion of the Service Corn-
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (i)
and (2) hereof the Service Commander may, in excep-
tional circumstances and on ft-il] reasons being stated, order
the relaxation of the regulations respecting obligatory
21. The obligatory training to be performed by pro-
bationary officers.shafl be performed within two years of
22. On the completion of the prescribed obligator),
training for any rank or training period, and subject to the
approval of the Service Commander, officers may undergo
such voluntary training as may be authorized either in the
Colony or in the United Kingdom.
23. (1) The Commanding Officer shall, from time to
time, prescribe courses for qualification in any rank.
(2) Every executive officer after i-(~tcliitig the rank of
lieutenant shall be required to specialize in one of the
following subjects-
(a) Gunnery;
(b) Torpedo Anti-submarine;
(c) Communications;
(d) Navigation Direction
(e) Minesweeping.
Specialist courses in these subjects may be carried out
while the officer is on leave in the United Kingdom or
elsewhere and shall count as naval training.
(3) On completion of one of these course offic'ers sliall
be examined and the Commanding Officer of the respective
school shall render a report to the Service Commander and
the Commanding Officer.
24. The condition of entry, the details of authorized
ratings and the 13ranclies in which they may serve, shall he
as are laid down in the Third Schedule.
25. (1) The term of service shall be for a period of
five years.
(2) The total period of any volunteer's service on the
Active List of the Naval Force shall not exceed four terms
of live years i.e. twenty years in all, except in special cir-
cumslances where an extension may be granted at the
discretion of !he Commandant.
(3) Re-enroirrient shall be in each case conditional on
the volunteer's service being required and subject to his
being in all respects an efficient volunteer.
26. (1) On entry every Volunteer shall be allotted an
-official number', which shall appertain to him throughout
his career.
(2) The official number of a volunteer shall be
specified against his name in the books, returns and docu-
merits of the depot ship and of all ships in which he may
be borne, and in all communications concerning him.
27. The o-eneral principles governing the qualifications
for advancement of volunteers of the Naval Force is that,
as far as possible, the same standard of knowledge and
ability shall be required of thern as of similar Royal Naval
28. (1) A drill consists of one hour's instruction in
any of the subjects in which an officer or volunteer must
be proficient.
(2) Obligatory naval training shall not count as drill.
29. Volunteers shall be instructed in one of the follow-
ing branches-
(a)seaman branch, which includes gunnery, torpedo
anti-submarine, radarplot and quartermaster;
(b) signalman branch;
(c) telegraphist branch;
(d) stoker mechanic branch;
(e) electrical branch;
artificers, which include engineroom, electrical
and ordnance artificers and shipwrights:
(g) supply 'and secretariat branch;
(h) sick berth attendant;
(i) Motor mechanic;
30. (1) All volunteers in Categories A and B are re-
quired to qualify as 'efficient' in each year of their
(2) In order to quality or requalify as 'efficient',
volunteers shall-
(a)attend such training and instruction as are laid
down in the First Schedule and stich further train-
ing and instruction as may be ordered by the
Service Commander;
(b)obtain a certificate from the Cornrriandin- Officer
to the effect that they have satisfactorily performed
the duties of their branch and have passed such
examinations as may be ordered by him.
(3) A notation shall be made on a volunteer's service
certificate when he qualifies or requalifies as 'efficient'.
31. Volunteers shall undergo the obligatory training
ordered by the Commanding Officer.
32. On the completion of the prescribed obligatory
training for any training period, and subJect to the approval
of the Service Commander, volunteers may undergo SLIC11
voluntary training as may be authorized either in the
Colony or in the United Kingdom.
33. All volunteers shall be required to carry out a
period of preliminary training before specializing in the,
branch to which they are allocated. They shall also be
required to qualify in the branch to which they have been
allocated during their first period of service and requalify
in each subsequent period.
34. Volunteers who proceed on leave to the United
Kingdom may be required to carry out specialist courses
when on leave.
35. Embarkation for sea training may be arranged by
the Coniniandino. Officer whenever opportunity occurs.
Officers and Volunteers shall not be embarked in ships of
the Far East fleet unless, in the opinion of the Commanding
Officer, such training shall be of benefit to them. All
volunteers shall, if so ordered, be medically examined before
36. The ilanies and addresses in Ilie United Kingdorn of
officers and ~,oltjnteci.s who are to undergo courses when oil
leave, shall be forwarded to the Admiral Commanding
Reser~,es. The), sliall then be informed by the Admiral
Commanding Reserves when these courses start.
37. (1) \Vlieii officers and volunteers of the Naval
Force are ernbarked for service or training they are to accom-
modate themselves to the berthing and messing arrange-
merits usual for officers and men.of the Royal Navy.
(2) Gunroom officers oil reaching the age Of 2~l Will
rness in the wardi-ooiii~
38. The training and instruction of officers and volun-
teer., shall follow as closely as possible that laid down for
members of the Roval Naval Volunteer Reserve.
39. Officers and volunteers are considered to be tinder
training when they are borne on the books of His Majesty's
ships or establishments, other than'Corn flower-,
or are embarked iii one of His Majesty's ships or in one of
the ships of the Naval Force for sea training for periods of
not less than 24 consecutive hours' duration. Thereafter 12
consecutive hours or more UP to 24 hours, contiguous to the
previous 24 hours shall count as a day for pay.
40. Officers and volunteers of the Naval Force, whose it-
tendance at a course of instruction in the United 1'-iiigdoiii
or elsewhere has been approved by the Service Commander
shall receive their normal pay and allowances together with
all necessary travelling expenses in the country in which the
course is being held. Any capitation fee levied by the
organizer of such courses shall be borne by the Government
of Hong Kong.
f 41. (1) The uniform of officers of the Naval Force shall
be the same in all respects as that of officers of corresponding
rank and branch of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve,
with the addition, when so ordered by the_. Sei-vice Coni-
mander, of a flash bearing the words 'Hong Kong' on
each shoulder.
(2) Details of Al articles of uniform and the occasions
on which they shall be worn shall be as shown in the
Appendix to the Navy List.
(3) In no circumstances are officers to appear partlY, in
uniform and partly in plain clothes.
42. Officers shall provide themselves with numbers 5,
10, 12, 13 and 14 dresses as shown in the Appendix to flic
Navy List unless otherwise ordered.
43. (1) Officers shall wear the uniform of their rank
when borne on sli'ip's books for service, trnining or instruc-
tion in His Majesty's ships an(-] establishments, and on State
and other occasions of ceremony within the British Empire.
(2) Officers on the Active List shall, in addition, be
permitted to wear the uniforiri of their rank when attending
reviews, public balls or entertainments given by Naval or
Military Authorities or by Civil Functionaries, or when
attending functions in His Majesty's ships or esuiblishnients
or on other occasions when uniform is bein- worn at official
entertainments, including those given by Ferritorial 1Jnits
or in Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve drill ships or shore
(3) Officers on the Retired List shall be permitted to
wear the uniform of their i-ink within the British Empire
on State and other occasions of ceremony only.
(4) When woi n, uniform shall be that which is appro-
priate to the occasion. General regulations regarding the
wearing of uniform, patterns, et cetera, are contained in the
Appendix to the Navy List.
44. (1) Except as otherwise provided herein, officers
other than chaplains shall, on confirmation in the rank in
which they are entered, be eligible for a uniform allowance
Of $1,120. Chiplains shall be eligible for a uniform
allowance of $6oo on confirmation as chaplain.
(2) An officer who resigns or is discharged from the
Naval Force before [lie completion of five years' service.shall
be required to refund the amount paid to him to the extent
of one fifth of the allowance in respect of each year or portion
of a year by which his service falls short of five years, but
in exceptional circumstances where the resignation is due
to causes beyond the officer's control, the refund may be
waived at the discretion of the Commandant.
(3) Officers on becoming eligible for uniform allowance
shall furnish -in undertaking to comply with the conditions
of paragraph (2).
(4) No payment in respect of uniform allowance shall
be made without the authority of the Commandant, and no
payment shall he niade unless supported by receipted bills.
(5) An annual allowance of $ioo, payable in arrear,.
towards the upkeep of the uniform may be claimed by all
officers for the fourth and subsequent complete years of
45. (1) Officers shall be permitted to purchase articles
of clothing, for wear when in uniform, from Admiralty
stocks. Applications for clothing shall be forwarded in bulk
by the Supply Oflicer to the Base Supply Officer H.M.S.
(2) All purchases shall be limited strictly to personal
requirements for wear with uniform.
46. (r) The uniform of volunteers of the Naval Force
shall be the same in all respects as that of ratings of corres-
ponding rank.and branch of the Royal Navy with the addi-
tion of the letters H.K.N.F. half an inch in height on the
left sleeve of the coat or juniper. The bottom of the letters
H.K.N.F. shali be four inches above the bottom of the
(2) The cap ribbon shall be of the Admiraltv pattern
as approved for the Nmal Force.
(3) In no circumstances are V011,111tW'S to appear 1)ai-ti~,'
in uniform and partly in plain clothes.
47. (1) Every vo!unteer of the Naval Force on first
enrolment in peace time shall be supplied frec of charge with
the kit of his rating as shewn in the Fourth Schedule.
(2) On each re-enrolment, volunteers shall have their
kits surve yed by the Supply Officer and brought tip to the
requisite complete outfit by the free issue of the necessary
articles to replace (hose found unserviceable.
(3) Volunteers advanced to a higher rating shall be
supplied gratuitously on advancement with the articles of
kit of that rating which were riot comprised in their fornier
kit. When a petty officer dressed as a searnan is confirmud
in rating, the Commanding Officer is to withhold the issue
of class i uniform if the petty officer is within three years
of completing his maximum service or lie is within iS months
of completing his current period of enrolment and lie does
not sign an undertaking to re-enrol.
(4) Every volunteer shall be required to iii.,tilit~1:11 his
kit at his own expense but the kit issued will remain the
property of the Government.
(5) Volunteers shall, on final discharge, be permitted
to retain their kits, provided tliat they have compleled one
enrolment of efficient service wid have not been discharged
for misconduct.
(6) Volunteers shall be perm;tted ---topurcliase from
Admiralty stocks articles of seanien's clotliiii,:, riot included
in the free kit and also stock items, required for the iiia,~ii-
tenance of their kits, provided that the.articles are necessary
and required for their personal use. Bulk deniands are to
be made by the Supply Officer and the Comnimidincy Officel.
is, responsible that this privilege is not abused.
Category A Personnel
1. Every officer shall according to his branch be liable to
perform the instruction and training as ordered by the Commanding
Officer in any one year, the latter either afloat*or by undergoing
a course at one of the schools in the United Kingdom or elsewhere
as decided by the Service Commander.
2. (1) Executive and engineer officers shall be liable to per-
form 80 drills annually except for the, year in which they proceed
on long leave. The number of drills may be reduced at the discretion
of the Commanding Officer.
(2) All other officers shall perform annually such drills not
exceeding 80 as the Commanding Officer may order from time to
3. The length of obligatory training for executive and engineer
officers shall a,-gregate 14 days annually whilst that for specialist
officers may be less, with the exception of the year in which they
proceed on long leave to the United Kingdom when all officers shall
undergo a four weeks' course at one of the schools or four weeks'
training afloat.
4.The length of obligatory training for all volunteers shall be
14 days annually with the excevtion that volunteers who proceed on
long leave to the United Kingdom may be required- to underzo a
four weeks' course at one of the schools oi. foui., training afloat.
5. Every volunteer shall be liable to nerform 80 drills annually
which may be reduced at the discretion of the Commanding Officer.
6. The number of drills on any one day shall normally he two.
Category B Personnel
7. All instruction and training will be voluntary, except that
those officers and volunteers who proceed on leave to the United
Kingdom will be required to undergo a four weeks' course at one
of the schools or four weeks' training afloat.
Category A and B Personnel
8. All officers and volunteers shall attend one ceremonial
parade annually.
9. All officers and volunteers shall attend combined operations,
if so ordered by the Commanding Officer.
10. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinbefore
contained the Commanding Officer may for good cause shown, exempt
an officer or volunteer frim his training or other obligations or any
part thereof.
(A) Qualification required~for entry in probationary rank.
(B) Qualification required for confirmation in the rank.
(C) Qualification required for promotion to the rank.
(D) Remar6.
(A) Attained the age of 21 and must be less than 24.
(B) (1) One year as Probationary Sub-Lieutenant.
(2) Satisfactorily performed obligatary training.
(3) , Qualified as efficient.
(4) Passed qualifying seamanship examination (See D).
(5) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(D) The examination at B. (4) is as follows-
(1)Handling and taking charge of all types of service
boats under oars, sail and power.
(2)Anchor work, knots, splices, bends, hitches, blocks,
(3) Regulations for preventing collisions at sea.
(4) Compass and helm.
(5) Methods of taking soundings.
(6)General knowledge of Seamanship Manual, Vol. 11,
chapter 1.
(7) -Colours of flags and use of substitutes; read plain
language message in semaphore at 10 w.p.m.; read
an exercise (principal signs only) in niorse at 6
w.p.m.; simple procedure for making semaphore
and morse messages.
50 marks to be given for each section, 601/,~ of tot~il and
50% in each section to be obtained.
(A) Attained the age of 24 and must be less than 38.
(B) (1) One year as Probationary Lieutenant.
(2) Satisfactorily performed obligatory training.
(3) Qualified as efficient.
(4)Passed qualifying seamanship examination as in
(D) for Sub-Lieutenant.
(5) Recommended by the Commanding Office(C) (1)Four years as Probationary and Sub-Lieutenant
(2) Satisfactorily performed obligatory training.
(3) Passed qualifying pilotage and gunnery courses.
(4) Recommended by Commanding Officer.
(C) (1) 8 years as Lieutenant including probationary time.
(2) Up to date with training.
(3) Qualified in one of the specialist subjects laid down,
(C) By selection only.
(1) Not under 34 years of age.
(2)11 years as a Lieutenant and Lieutenant Com-
(3) Up to date with training.
(4) Taken an active part in the Naval Force.
(C) BY selection only.
(1) Not under 40 years of age.
(2) 4 years as Commander.
(3) Up to date with training.
(4) Taken an active part in the Naval Force.
(A) Flas attained the age of 21 and must be less than 25.
(B) (1) 1 year as Probationary Sub-Lieutenant (SP).
(2) Completed 28 days training.
(3) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(A) Age for entry to be at the discretion of the Commodore.
(B) (1) 1 year as Probationary Lieutenant (SP).
(2) Completed 28 days training.
(3) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(1)2 years as Probationary Sub-Lieutenant (SP) and
Sub-Lieutenant (SP) combined.
(2) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(C) 8 years as Lieutenant (SP).
(C) By selection.
(1) Not under 34 years of age.
(2)11 years as Lieutenant, (SP) and Lieutenant Com-
mander (SP).
(A) Chaplains (Anglican).
(1) To be less than 40 years of age.
Chaplains (Non-Anglican).
(1) To be less than 40 years of age.
(B) (1) One year as Probationary Chaplain.
(2) Recommended by the Commanding Officer
(A) (1) Has attained the age.of 21 and must be less than 25.
(2)Possessed of business experience or qualification and
the educational qualification required of candidates
for entry as cadet (S) R.N. (See Appendix to Navy
(B) (1) 1 vear as Probationary Sub-Lieutenant (S).
(2) Completed 28 days training.
(3) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(A) (1) Has attained the age of 25 and must be less than 38.
(2) As for Sub-Lieutenant (S).
(B) (1) One year as Probationary Lieutenant (S).
(2) Completed 28 days training.
(3) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(C) (1)Two years as Sub-Lieutenant (S) including pro-
bationary time.
(2) Recommended by the Commanding Office(C) (1)8 years as Lieutenant (S) including time as Pro-
bationary Lieutenant (S).
(2)Completed a minimum of 84 days naval training
and recommended by the Commanding Office(C) (1)By selection. The zone for promotion will be the
same as for Supply Officer, R.N.
(2) Up to date with training.
(A) (.1)Has attained the age of 21 and must be less than
(2)Must be registered under the Medical Registration
Ordinance, or the Dentists Registration Ordinance.
In applying, full particulars of qualifications must
be stated.
(B) (1)1 year as Probationary, Surgeon Lieutenant or
Probationary Surgeon Lieutenant (D).
(2)Satisfactorily performed 28 days training.
(3)Recommended by the Commanding Office(C) (1)6 years as Surgeon Lieutenant or Surgeon Lieut-
enant (D), including probationary time.
(2) UP to date with training.
(C) By selection.
(1)6 years as Surgeon Lieutenant Commander or
Surgeon Lieutenant Commander (D).
(2) Up to date with training.
(A) (1) Attained the age of 21 and must be less than 2.5.
(2)Passed the Graduateship examination of the
Institute of Electrical Engineers or holds an
exempting qualification.
(B) (1) One year as Probationary Sub-Lieutenant (L).
(2) Completed 28 days training.
(.3 ) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(A) (1) Attained the age of 25 and must be less than 38.
(2)Passed the Graduateship examination of the In-
stitute oC Electrical Engineers or holds an exempt-
ing qualification.
(B) (1) One year as Probationary Lieutenant (L).
(2) Completed 28 days training.
(3) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(C) (1) Two years as Probationary and Sub-Lieutenant (L).
(2) Recommended by the Commanding Office(C) (1)Eight years as Lieutenant (L) including probation-
ary time.
(2) Up to date with training.
(C) By selection only.
(1) Not under 35 years of age.
(2)11 years as a Lieutenant (L) and Lieutenant Com-
mander (L).
(3) Up to date with training.
(4) Take an active pari in the Naval Force.
(A) (1) Attained the age of 21 and must be less than 25.
(2)Possess a recognized degree in Science or Mathe-
matics with preferably sorne teaching qualification
or experience(B) (1)Successful completion of 28 days training in Ser-
vice Application of Physics, Mathematics and
ttion, Naval
Navig, Elementary Seamanship and
(2) 1 year as Probationary Instructor Sub-Lieutenant.
(3) Recominprided by the Commanding Officer.
(A) (1) Attained the age of 25 and must be less than 38.
(2)Possess a recognized degree in Science or Mathe-
maties with preferably some teaching qualification.(B) (1)Successful completion of 28 days training in Ser-
vice application of Physics, Mathematics and
Navigation, Elementary Seamanship and Naval
(2) One year ' Probationary Instructor Lieutenant.
(3) ) Recommended by the Commanding Officer(C) (1)Two years as Probationary and Instructor Sub-
Lieutenant combined.
(2) Recommended by the Commandin(r Officer.
(C) (1) Eight years as Instructor Lieutenant.
(2) Recommended by the Commanding 0111cer.
(C) By selection only.
(1) Not under 34 years of age.
(2)11 years as Instructor Lieutenant and Instructor
Lieutenant Commander.
(3) Up to date with training.
(4) Tak-en an active part in the Naval Force.
(A) (1)Have attained the age of 23 and must be less
than 38.
(2)Must be qualified and experienced in steam or
internal combustion engines.
(3)Alust have satisfactory records and qualifications
Workshop service as defined in (D) and a Univer-
sity degree in Engineering, a diploma or certificate
in Engineering of a recognized Engineering Institu-
tion; or, alternatively, pass a general Mechanical
Engineering Examination in I-lis Majesty's Dock-
yard, Hong Kong, or for former Merchant Navy
Officers possession of the necessary certificates.
(B) (1). 1 year as Probationary Lieutenant (E).
(2) Satisfactorily performed 14 days training.
(3) Recommended by the Commanding Officer.
(D)Workshop Service-A candidate is expected to have
served not less than four years as Apprentice Engineer
or Journeyman. This service must have been performed
in works where steam engines, boilers, et cetera, or
internal combustion engines are made or repaired. No
time served before the age of 15 will be counted. Not
less than two years of the apprentice time should have
been devoted to fitting, erecting or repairing engines
of a suitable size either in works or outside and the
remaining two years may have been spent either-
(a) on work of this nature;
(b) at an approved Technical School; or
(c)on work in other branches of the trade subject to
the time allowances specified in the Schedule
Turning ... ... ... Full time.
Working in DrawiOffice ... ... ... Full time up to one year,
and beyond one year one-
half time.
Brass finishing (good
heavy work)..... Full time up to one year,
..and beyond one year one-
..half time.
Pattern making ... One-half time with a maxi-
mum allowance of one
Planing, slotting,
shaping and mill-
ing ... ... ... ... One third time.
Boiler making or
repairing Smith
work One-half time with a maxi-
inum allowance of one
Coppersmith work One-half time with a maxi-
mum' allowance of six
Time spent after the age of 15 at an approved
day Technical School where there is an engineer-
ing laboratory (or 14 years of age in the case of
students at Junior Technical Schools) is accepted
as equivalent to workshop service, usually at the
ratio of three years of the former to two of the
latter provided that the applicant has taken the
full engineering course and can produce the Prin-
Cipal's certificate for continuous and regular attend-
ance at all the approved classes and for satisfactory
progress; such service cannot as a rule be accepted
as equivalent to more than two years' workshop
Actual workshop service performed in the intervals
of a college course and time spent in attending
Evening Classes in Engineering at approved
Technical Schools is accepted as laid down in the
Board of Trade Regulations relating to Enzineers
in the Mercantile Marine.
Workshop service other than the above may be
accepted if it is considered by the Admiralty
useful and equivalent training for an Engineer
Officer. For each 12 months of such service
accepted, the candidate must have. performed at
least an addfflonal three nionths' service on Marine
Engines, citCr in the works or on regular watch
in the main engine room or on day work at sea.
Service in Colonial or Foreign Workshops will not
be accepted unless the Service Conirnander is
satisfied in each case that its value is substan-
tially equivalent to that of service performed in
the United Kingdom.(C) kl)8 years as Lieutenant (E), including probationary
(2) Up to date with training.
(C) By selection.
(1) Not under 34.
(2) 11 years as Lieutenant and Lieutenant Commander.
Over,18 and under 38 years of age.
Transferred from Ordinary Seanian after preliminary training:
and if 'showing special aptitude.
Over 18 years and under 38 years of age.
Over 18 and under 38 years of age.
(1) Over 21 and under 38 years of age.
(2)All classes must produce satisfactory recommendations
from employers.
(3)Engine room artificers. Must be an engine fitter, boiler-
maker, sinith or coppersmith. Must pass a technical
trade examination before a senior engine officer as
arranged by the Commanding Officer.
(4) Ordnance artificers. Must be thoroughly efficient fitters
.and turners with at least 5 years practical experience
(trade test not required).
(5)Electrical artificers. Must be thoroughly efficient fitters
and turners or instrument makers with at least 5 years
practical experience (trade test not required).
(6)Shipwrights. Must possess knowledge of wood, iron and
steel shipbuilding., and must be capable of using the
ordinary tools for each efficiently, and must know the
difFerent parts of a boat and how to repair them (trade
test not required).
(1) Over 21 and under 38 years of age.
(2)Must produce satisfactory recommendations from their
(3)Two years practical experience in manufacture, repair
and running of internal combustion eii.,,.ines.
(4) Must pass a technical examination.
Ov er 18 and under 38 years of age.
ant. Over 18 and under 38 years of age.
r Recommended as suitable by the Director of Education.
r. Over 21 and under 38 years of age.
ating. , Over 18 and under 38 years of age.
All volunteers will be supplied with the kit as shown below,
free of charge, on first enrolment in peace time-
.(A) Chief and Petty Officers and
Men not dressed as Seamen
1 Blue Cloth DB Jacket. 2 shirts tropical,
1 pair blue cloth trousers. 2 pairs shorts tropical.
1 serge SB Jacket. 1 white drill tunic.
.1 pair serge trousers. 1 pair white drill trousers.
1 blue jersey. 2 pairs white stockings.
2 white shirts. 1 pair white socks.
4 white collars. 1 pair white canvas shoes.
1 black silk necktie. 2 cap covers.
1 pair black shoes. 2 suits of action working dress.
1 pair boots. 1 cap and badge.
2 pairs black socks. 1 pair braces.
1 oilskin. 1 kitbag or suitcase.
Distinguishing Badges, as necessary, for Jackets.
(B) Men dressed as Sea-men
2 Blue serge jumpers. 2 pairs tropical shorts.
2 pairs blue serge trousers. 1 white drill juniper.
1 blue jersey. 1 pair white drill trousers.
1 black silk. 3 cotton flannels.
1 blue waistbelt. 2 duck caps and ribbons.
2 blue jean collars. 1 knife and lanyard.
1 pair black shoes. 2 suits of action working dress.
1 pair boots. 1 white waistbelt.
2 pairs black stockings. 1 kitbag or suitcase.
2 pairs black socks. 1 oilskin.
Distinguishing Badges, as necessary, for jumpers.
G.N.A. 138/49. Citation. Depot ship and establishment. Rank and Command. (Cap. 199.) Honorary Captain. Civilian to be appointed as Commanding Officer. [r. 5 cont.] Rank of Commanding Officer. Period of appointment. Commanding Office's responsibilities. Appointment of instructors. (G.N.A. 74/49) (Cap. 199.) Appointment of Supply Officer. Appointment of ship-keepers. Authority to waive qualifications. Categorization of officers and volunteers. [r. 13 cont.] Entry and advancement of officers. Retirement of officers. Age limits. Compulsory removal. Branches open to officers. Officers' qualification as 'efficient'. [r. 19 cont.] Obligatory training. Probationary training Voluntary training. Courses for officers. Entry and advancement of volunteers. Enrolment and re-enrolment. Official numbers. Advancement. Drill. Branches open to volunteers. Volunteers, qualifications as 'efficient'. Obligatory training. Voluntary training. Preliminary and specialist training. Courses for volunteers. Embarkation for training. Forwarding of addresses of officers and volunteers ordered to undergo a course. Messing. Training of officers and volunteers in His Majesty's ships and establishments. Pay during training. Pay and allowance during courses. Description of officers' uniform. Uniforms required by officers. Occasions of wearing uniform. Uniform allowance. Purchase from Admiralty stocks. Description of volunteer's uniform. [r. 46 cont.] Supply and maintenance of volunteer's uniform and kit. RANK. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. Sub-Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Lieutenant Commander. Commander. Captain. SPECIAL BRANCH OFFICERS. Sub-Lieutenant (SP). Lieutenant (SP). Lieutenant Commander (SP). Commander (SP). CHAPLAINS. SUPPLY AND SECRETARIAT. Sub-Lieutenant (S). Lieutenant (S). Lieutenant Commander (S). Commander (S). MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICERS. Surgeon Lieutenant and Surgeon Lieutenant (D). (Cap. 161.) (Cap. 156.) Surgeon Lieutenant Commander and Surgeon lieutenant Commander (D). Surgeon Commander and Surgeon Commander (D). ELECTRICAL OFFICER. Sub-Lieutenant (L). Lieutenant (L). Lieutenant Commander (L). Commander (L). Instructor Sub-Lieutenant. Instructor Lieutenant. Instructor Lieutenant Commander. Instructor Commander. ENGINEER OFFICERS. Lieutenant (E). Lieutenant Commander (E). Commander (E). RATING. Ordinary Seaman. Ordinary Signalman Ordinary Telegraphist. Stoker Mechanic 2nd Class. Electricians mate Radio Electricians mate. Engine room Ordnance Artificers, Shipwrights, Electrical Artificers. Motor Mechanic. Writer. Store Assistant. Petty Officer Schoolmaster. Sick Berth Rating.
G.N.A. 138/49. Citation. Depot ship and establishment. Rank and Command. (Cap. 199.) Honorary Captain. Civilian to be appointed as Commanding Officer. [r. 5 cont.] Rank of Commanding Officer. Period of appointment. Commanding Office's responsibilities. Appointment of instructors. (G.N.A. 74/49) (Cap. 199.) Appointment of Supply Officer. Appointment of ship-keepers. Authority to waive qualifications. Categorization of officers and volunteers. [r. 13 cont.] Entry and advancement of officers. Retirement of officers. Age limits. Compulsory removal. Branches open to officers. Officers' qualification as 'efficient'. [r. 19 cont.] Obligatory training. Probationary training Voluntary training. Courses for officers. Entry and advancement of volunteers. Enrolment and re-enrolment. Official numbers. Advancement. Drill. Branches open to volunteers. Volunteers, qualifications as 'efficient'. Obligatory training. Voluntary training. Preliminary and specialist training. Courses for volunteers. Embarkation for training. Forwarding of addresses of officers and volunteers ordered to undergo a course. Messing. Training of officers and volunteers in His Majesty's ships and establishments. Pay during training. Pay and allowance during courses. Description of officers' uniform. Uniforms required by officers. Occasions of wearing uniform. Uniform allowance. Purchase from Admiralty stocks. Description of volunteer's uniform. [r. 46 cont.] Supply and maintenance of volunteer's uniform and kit. RANK. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. Sub-Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Lieutenant Commander. Commander. Captain. SPECIAL BRANCH OFFICERS. Sub-Lieutenant (SP). Lieutenant (SP). Lieutenant Commander (SP). Commander (SP). CHAPLAINS. SUPPLY AND SECRETARIAT. Sub-Lieutenant (S). Lieutenant (S). Lieutenant Commander (S). Commander (S). MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICERS. Surgeon Lieutenant and Surgeon Lieutenant (D). (Cap. 161.) (Cap. 156.) Surgeon Lieutenant Commander and Surgeon lieutenant Commander (D). Surgeon Commander and Surgeon Commander (D). ELECTRICAL OFFICER. Sub-Lieutenant (L). Lieutenant (L). Lieutenant Commander (L). Commander (L). Instructor Sub-Lieutenant. Instructor Lieutenant. Instructor Lieutenant Commander. Instructor Commander. ENGINEER OFFICERS. Lieutenant (E). Lieutenant Commander (E). Commander (E). RATING. Ordinary Seaman. Ordinary Signalman Ordinary Telegraphist. Stoker Mechanic 2nd Class. Electricians mate Radio Electricians mate. Engine room Ordnance Artificers, Shipwrights, Electrical Artificers. Motor Mechanic. Writer. Store Assistant. Petty Officer Schoolmaster. Sick Berth Rating.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“HONG KONG NAVAL FORCE REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 28, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/2025.