Section Page
1. Short title ............................. ... ... ... 502
2. Interpretation ............................. ... ... ... ... 5012
3. Power to Governor to raise a defence force ... ... ... 503
4. Financial provision ............... ....... ... ... ... 503
5. Force to consist of units ............... ... ... ... ... ... 503
6. Commissioned officers ... ............. ... ... ... ... 504
7. Liability for service outside the limits of the Colony ... 505
8. Volunteers to be' under command of officer of regular forces 505
9. Storage of dangerous goods .............. ... ... ... ... 505
10. Right to leave Force ..................... ... ... ... ... 505
11. Services of individual may be dispensed with, or Force
disbanded ............................... ... 506
12. Courts of inquiry ......................... ... ... ... 507
13. Regulations ............................ ... 507
14. Calling out of Force in an emergency ... ... ... ... ... 507
15. Pay and emoluments --- ................. ... ... ... ... 508
16. Pensions for members, widows and families in certain cases. 508
17. Hospital treatment ..................... ... ... ... ... ... 510
18. Welfare fund ..................... . ... ... ... ... ... 510
19. Service discipline. laws .................. ... ... ... ... 511
20. Disciplinary measures and courts martial ... 511
21. Failure to report for duty ..........--- ... ... ... ... 512
22. Discipline when not called out ............ ... ... ... 512
23. Failure to fulfil obligations as to efficiency, etc. 513
24. Complaints ............................. ... ... ... ... 513
25. Obstructing the Force .................. ... ... ... ... 514
26. Penalties ............................. ... ... ... ... 514
27. Vesting of property of Force in Commandant ... ... ... 514
28. Wrongful disposal of property ............. ... ... ... 514
29. Return of arnis, etc . ................ ... ... ... ... ... ... 514
30. Recovery of subscriptions and fines .... ... ... ... ... 515
31. Summary remedies .................... ... ... ... ... ... 515
32. Appearance before magistrate ........... 515
33. Payments of public money for Force ..... ... ... ... ... 515
34. Oath to be taken ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 515
To provide for the establishment of the Hong Kong Defence
[1st March, 1949.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Hong Kong
Defence Force Ordinance.
2. In this Ordinance-
'Air Force' means the Hong Kong Air Force;
'appointments' includes accoutrements and equipment of
every kind other than clothing;
'Auxiliary Force' means the Hong Kong Auxiliary Force;
'Commandant' means the person for the time being
entrusted with the general administration of the Force,
and in the event of there being no such person, means
the officer who is most senior in rank in the Force;
'commanding officer' means the person for the time being
in command of one of the units of the Force, and in the
event of there being no such person, means the officer
who is most senior in rank in that particular unit;
'emergency' means any occasion which the Governor in
Council may consider of sufficient gravity to warrant the
calling out of the Force or any part thereof; .
'Force' means the Force which the Governor is authorized
to raise aiid maintain under section 3 ;
'Force pay code' means the British pay code and the British
pensions code applicable to the Royal Navy, the Army
and the Royal Air Force respectively as existing on the
1st day of January, 1949 : Provided that in giving effect
to this interpretation all officers and volunteers shall be
deemed to be locally domiciled;
'instruction' means the performance of drills or parades at
such time and place as ordered by the Commandant or
commanding officer, other than parades or drills which
are performed during a period of training;
'Naval Force' means the Hong Kong Naval Force;
officer' means a person holding a commission as an officer
in the Force;
'Regiment' means the Hong Kong Regiment;
'Service Discipline Acts' means the Naval Discipline Act,
the Army Act and the Air Force Act;
'training' means a period of consecutive attendance at such
time and place as ordered by the Commandant or
commanding officer of not less than twenty-four hours'
'unmarried dependant' in relation to an officer or volunteer
means a person wholly or substantially maintained by
such officer or volunteer on a permanent bona, fide
domestic basis throughout the period beginning six
months prior to the commencement of his calling out,
training or instruction and continuing tip to the date of
his death;
'volunteer' means a member of the Force not being an
officer thereof; and
'Women's Volunteer Force' means the Hong Kong
Women's Volunteer Force.
3. It shall be lawful for the Governor to raise and
maintain a force of volunteers for the defence of the Colony
to be known as the Hong Kong Defence Force and in his
discretion to accept the services of any person desiring to be
enrolled as a volunteer.
4. The Force shall be raised and maintained at the
expense of the Colony out of moneys provided by the
Legislative Council.
5. (1) The Force shall consist of such units and sub-
units as the Governor may determine from time to time by
notification in the Gazette.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
and unless and until the Governor shall otherwise determine
there shall be-
(a)a naval unit to be known as the Hong Kong Naval
Force and the officer for the time being discharging
the duties of the Commodore, Hong Kong, shall be
the appropriate service commander thereof;
(b)a military unit to be known as the Hong Kong
Regiment and the officer for the time being discharg-
ing the duties of the General or other Officer
Commanding, Land Forces, Hong Kong, shall be
the appropriate service commander thereof;
(c)an air force unit to be known as the Hong Kong
Air Force and the officer for the tlirte being dis-
charging the duties of the Air Officer Commanding,
Royal Air Force, Hong Kong, shall be the
appropriate service commander thereof ;
(d)an auxiliary force to be known as the Hong Kong
Auxiliary Force aiid the officer for the tirne being
discharging the duties of the General or other Officer
Commanding, Land Forces, Hong Kong, or such
other person as the Governor may by writing tinder
his hand appoint shall be the appropriate service
commander thereof;
(e)a women's volunteer force to be known as the Hong
Kong Women's Volunteer Force and the appro-
priate service commander thereof shall be such
person as the Governor may by writing under his
hand appoint; and
a force headquarters to be known as Force Head-
quarters which shall consist of the following sub-
(i) the Commandant aiid his Staff;
(i i) the Depot;
(iii) the Officer Cadet Cadre; and
(iv) the Specialist Cadre.
Such sub-units shall be constituted in such manner
and by such personnel as the Governor may
by notification in the Gazette specify. The
Comirrandant shall be the appropriate service
commander of Force Headquarters.
6. The officers of the Force shall be selected on rrierit
and persons of any nationality may hold a commission
therein. Officers shall be commissioned by the Governor on
the recommendation of the appropriate service commander
and no such commission shall be deemed to be vacated by the
death or retirement from office of the Governor by whoin the
commission was granted.
7. It shall be lawful for the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Executive Council if he is satisfied that
such course is in the interests of the Colony or for its defence
to order for service outside the Colony any officer or volunteer
(a) the Naval Force
(b) the Regiment;
(c) the Air Force;
(d) the Women's Volunteer Force; and
(e) the Specialist Cadre of Force Headquarters
Provided that no such order shall be made unless such officer
or volunteer shall on enlistment in the Force or prior to any
such order have declared in writing that lie is willing to serve
outside tile linlits of the Colony if so ordered.
8. Whenever any officers or volunteers are called out
or under training together with His Majesty's regular forces,
they shall subject to any regulations made under this
Ordinance be under the command of the officers of His
Majesty's regular forces : Provided that officers and volun-
teers of the Force shall, when the circumstances of the service
admit, be led by their own officers under such command, and
the seniority of officers of the Force in relation to officers of
His Majesty's regular forces shall be governed by the
appropriate King's Regulations.
9. The provisions of any Ordinance relating to the
storage of dangerous goods shall not apply to dangerous
goods belonging to the Force but such dangerous goods
shall only be stored in such places and subject to such
regulations as may be approved by the Governor.
10. (1) Subject as hereinafter mentioned any volunteer
may, except during any emergency, quit the Force upon-
(a)giving to the Commandant twenty-eight days' notice
in writing of his intention to quit the Force;
(b) delivering up in good order (fair wear and tear only
excepted) all arms, appointments and clothing
being public property or property of the Force
issued to him; and
(c) paying all nioneys due or becoming due by him
tinder this Ordinance or under any regulations
made thereunder or under the rules of the Force
either before or at the time or by reason of his quit-
ting the Force.,
and thereupon he shall be struck off the strength of the F orce
by the Commandant.
(2)(a) If the Commandant refuses to strike him off the
strength of the Force, and the volunteer considers
himself aggrieved thereby, the volunteer may
through the normal service channels appeal to his
service commander.
(b) Upon any such appeal if it appears to the service
commander that the provisions of subsection (i)
have been complied with by the volunteer lie may
order the Commandant forthwith to strike such
volunteer off the strength of the Force and such
order shall be binding on all persons.
(3) Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained,
every volunteer shall be deerned to have engaged himself to
serve frorn the date of his enlistment into the Force for the
period stated in the regulations applicable to his unit. If
the volunteer quits or is discharged from the Force before the
expiration of his period of service, he shall pay to the Corn-
mandant such sum as he may order not exceeding one
hundred dollars : Provided that no such sum shall be pay-
able by a volunteer who quits the Force for any cause which
the Commandant may consider reasonable and bona fide :
Provided also that nothing in this subsection shall relieve
any volunteer from the obligation to comply with the
provisions of subsection (i) if he wishes to quit the Force.
(4) During an emergency any volunteer if not called out
shall be entitled to quit the Force only with the previous
sanction in writing of the Governor. Nothing in this sub-
section shall prevent the granting by the Commandant in
his discretion of leave of absence froni the Colony not
involving quitting the Force, but Without such leave no
volunteer may quit the Colony.
11. The Governor may whenever it may seem to him
expedient to do so-
(a)dispense with the services of any officer or volunteer
(b)disband. or discontinue the services of the Force or
any part thereof.
12. A service commander may at any time assemble a
court of inquiry comprised of officers of the Force to inquire
into any matter relative to the Force and to record the facts
and circumstances ascertained on such inquiry. Courts of
inquiry so assembled shall be conducted in accordance with
the normal procedure applicable to the appropriate service.
13. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
respecting the constitution, general government, discipline
-iii (training of the Force as a whole aiid in particular
(a) conditions of efficiency;
(b) appointnient, promotion and rank of officers; and
(c) generally for the better carrying Out Of the PrOVi-
sions of this Ordinance.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (i) a
service commander may, with the approval of the Governor
and for the purposes aforesaid, make regulations for the unit
of which he is the service commander in so far as they are
not inconsistent with the regulations made tinder subsection
14. (1) In case of an emergency the Governor may by
proclamation call out the Force or any part thereof.
(2) Every officer and every volunteer so called out shall
be bound to assemble at such place as he may be directed by
his service commander and to carry out any lawful command.
(3) Every such officer and every volunteer so called out
shall be deemed to be so called out from the time at which he
reports at the place directed by his service commander. Any
officer or volunteer who fails to report nt the place so
directed shall be liable to be charged with desertion unless
withlin seven days he shows good cause to the satisfaction of
the Commandant why lie was unable to report as directed.
(4) An officer or volunteer who lias been called out shall
rernain so called out for as long as the Governor considers
necessary, and shall only be released from such service by
order of the Governor.
(5) In any proceedings whatsoever the production of a
copy of a number of the Gazette containing what purports to
be a proclamation under subsection (i), shall for all purposes
whatsoever be conclusive proof that the said proclamation
was lawfully issued aiid that the Force, or the part thereof,
referred to in the said proclamation, was duly called out on
the date which purports to be the date of such number of the
15. (1) All officers and volunteers shall when called out
or under training receive full pay and emoluments appro-
priate to their units at rates in accordance with the Force pay
code and, in addition, when serving in the Colony receive a
cost of living allowance at the current rate admissible to a
servant of the Government of Hong Kong earning a similar
amount as salary subject, nevertheless, to a minimum rate to
be fixed from tinie to time by the Governor in Council.
(2) When called out an officer or volunteer, who is
required by the exigencies of service to live in a country
different to that of his family, shall receive a high cost of
living allowance which shall be assessed by the Governor
in Council on the cost of living prevailing at his family's
place of residence.
16. (1) Every officer and every volunteer, irrespective
of nationality, who when called out, in training or tinder
instruction sustains wounds or injuries or contracts an illness,
which in the opinion of a board constituted for the purpose of
this section, is attributable to or aggravated by such service,
shall be entitled to apply for the appropriate disability
pension. Such pension shall be paid in accordance with the
provisions of the Force pay code at rates applicable to his
rank and appropriate to his unit.
(2) The wife (as defined in the Force pay code) of an
officer or volunteer, as declared on the date of enlistment or
as subsequently notified to the Commandant, who loses his
life whilst called out, in training or under instruction or
whose death is, in the opinion of a board constituted for the
purpose of this section, attributable to illness caused or
aggravated by such service shall, irrespective of the
deceased's nationality, be entitled-
(a) to a widow's pension payable in accordance with the
provisions of the Force pay code at rates applicable
to the deceased's rank and appropriate to his unit;
(b) additional allowance for children (as defined in the
Force pay code) payable in accordance with the
provisions of such code at rates applicable to the
deceased's rank aiid appropriate to his unit.
(3)(a) The parent, a motherless or fatherless child aiid
other dependant of an officer or volunteer, as
declared on the date of enlistment or as subsequently
notified to the Commandant, who loses his life whilst
called out, in training or under instruction or whose
death is, in the opinion of a board constituted for
the purpose of this section, attributable to illness
caused or aggravated by such service shall, irres-
pective of the deceased's nationality, be entitled to
claim the appropriate pension in respect of the
deceased. Such pension shall be paid in accordance
with the provisions of the Force pay code at rates
applicable to the deceased's rank. and appropriate
to his unit.
(b) The terms 'parent', 'child' and 'other depend-
ant' shall have the respective meanings assigned to
them in the Force pay code.
(4) An unmarried dependant declared on the date of
enlistment or as subsequently notified to the Commandant as
living as a wife of an officer or volunteer who loses his life
whilst called out, in training or under instruction or whose
dealli is, in the opinion of a board constituted for the purpose
of this section, attributable to illness caused or aggravated by
such service shall, irrespective of the deceased's nationality,
be entitled to clairn a pension in respect of the deceased.
Such a pension shall be paid in accordance with the provisions
of the Force pay code at rates applicable to the deceased's
rank and appropriate to his unit.
(5) All pensions paid under the provisions of this section
shall be augmented whilst the pensioner is resident in the
Colony by a cost of living allowance to be fixed from time to
time by the Governor in Council.
(6) The Governor may, if he reasonably suspects that a
claim to pension under this Ordinance is made fraudulently
or by a person not entitled thereto, refuse payments of, or
may authorize payments in part only of any pension payable
or any additional pension which may hereafter become
payable under this section.
(7) (a) For the purposes of this section there shall be
a board which shall consist of a chairman and such other
members as the Governor may from time to time appoint.
(b) It shall be the duty of the board-
(i) to assess the degree of disability;
(ii) to ascertain the causes of death, injury or
(iii) to recommend the award of pension and ihe
amount thereof; and
(iv) to make general recommendations for the
better carrying out of the provisions of this section.
(8) Pensions shall be paid out of the general revenue
and are hereby made charges upon such revenue.
17. Every officer and every volunteer, irrespective of
nationality, who when called out, in training or under instruc-
tion sustains wounds or injuries or contracts an illness, which
in the opinion of the board constituted under section 16, is
attributable to or aggravated by such service, may be granted
free hospital and medical treatment or obtain a refund of
medical expenses and during the period of his disability shall
receive full pay and emoluments.
18. (1) There shall be established a fund to be known as
the 'Commandant's Welfare Fund'.
(2) The fund shall consist of-
(a)all sums forfeited by or fines inflicted on volunteers
other than sums ordered to be forfeited by or fines
inflicted by a magistrate or competent court under
the powers conferred by this Ordinance;
(b) any donations and voluntary contributions; and
(c)such sums as may be voted annually by the Legis-
lative Council.
(3) The fund shall be controlled by the Commandant
and applied to the general welfare of the Force.
19. (1) Every officer of the Force aiid every volunteer
when called out, in training or under instruction shall be
subject in all respects to the provisions of the appropriate
Service Discipline Act applicable to him in so far as they
are applicable and consistent with the provisions of this
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit
or derogate from the power given by the appropriate section
(if any) of the Service Discipline Acts applicable to the case
to the officer commanding His Majesty's force with which
the Force is serving of making general orders specifying
such exceptions or modifications as are referred to in the
same section : Provided nevertheless that such modifica-
tions shall not apply to the officers and volunteers who
being on active service as defined by the appropriate section
(if any) of the Service Discipline Acts applicable to the
case are outside the limits of the Colony.
20. (1) Disciplinary measures may be imposed, court
martial proceedings may be commenced and carried on, and
punishments may be imposed, in respect of offences against
the Service Discipline Acts when an officer or volunteer
concerned is subject to any one of such Acts applicable
to him.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Commandant to order any
officer or volunteer to attend at any time and place in the
Colony. for the purpose of any court martial lawfully
convened or court of inquiry or for any other special
purpose which may seem proper to the Commandant.
(3) It shall be lawful for the Commandant by warrant
under his hand to call upon any police officer not below
the rank of sub-inspector to arrest and hand over to the
Commandant or to such person authorized by him to act
on his behalf any officer or volunteer who refuses or
neglects to comply with the order given under subsection
(4) No sentence of a court martial for the trial of an
officer or volunteer, whilst serving in the Colony shall be
carried into execution unless confirmed by the Governor.
21. Any officer or volunteer who fails without good
and sufficient reason (the proof whereof shall be upon him)
to report for duty at anv time or place when lawfully ordered
so to do shall be guilty of an offence.
22. (1) The Commandant, who shall be the sole judge
of the sufficiency of the cause, may, on the advice of the
appropriate commanding officer, discharge from the Force
any volunteer, who has not been called out, for any offence
or misconduct.
(2) Any volunteer who feels aggrieved by such dis-
charge may through the normal service channels appeal to
the Governor and the Governor may cancel or confirm such
discharge or give such other directions with reference
thereto' and such determination shall be binding on all
(3) Commanding officers may inflict such summary
punishments as are laid down in the regulations to the
Ordinance for minor offences committed by volunteers under
their command.
(4)(a) If any officer or volunteer, when on duty with
the Force or any part thereof, or when wearing
the uniform of the Force, commits an offence
against this Ordinance or any regulations made
thereunder he may if he is an officer be placed
under arrest by a superior officer and if he is a
volunteer be placed under arrest by an officer,
warrant officer or non-coniniissioned officer of the
Force, who is his superior in rank;
(b)an officer or volunteer may not be. kept under
arrest longer than during the period which he
would have been on duty with the Force or would
be in uniform;
(c)every such arrest shall be forthwith reported to the
appropriate commanding officer who will inform
the Commandant;
(d) release from such arrest shall be without prejudice
to any subsequent proceedings for discharge or
summary punishment under the provisions of this
23. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of section
22 but subject to the provisions of subsections (2).and (3)
hereof every volunteer who, in the opinion of the Com-
mandant fails without reasonable excuse, to complete.the
requirements of efficiency in any year shall forfeit the sum
of one hundred dollars which shall be paid into the Com-
mandant's welfare fund.
(2) No volunteer shall be liable to forfeit the said sum
of one hundred dollars in respect of the year during which
he attains such age of compulsory retirement as may be
prescribed by regulations.
(3) If any volunteer other than a person referred to
in subsection (2) quits the Force without completing the
requirements of efficiency in any year, he shall remain liable
to forfeit the said sum of one hundred dollars : Provided
that the Commandant may exempt from the liability any
volunteer who, in his opinion quitted the Force for a reason-
able and bona fide cause and used reasonable diligence in
his training until he quitted the Force.
(4) If any volunteer fails to fulfil any of his obliga-
tions under this Ordinance, such failure shall be deemed
to be a sufficient cause for discharge within the meaning
of subsection (i) of section 22 : Provided that no volunteer
shall be discharged for this cause if the Commandant or
the Governor in th6 case of appeal is of opinion that such
volunteer had a reasonable excuse for such failure.
(5) For the purpose of this section the year shall be
deemed to start on the ist day of April.
24. Any officer or volunteer who feels that he has a
just cause for complaint in any matter relative to the Force
may present his complaint to the service commander of his
unit through the commanding officer and the Commandant
with a right of appeal to the Governor whose decision shall
be final.
25. Any person who wilfully obstructs any part of the
Force or any officer or volunteer in performance of any
service or duty under this Ordinance or regulations made
thereunder shall be guilty of an offence.
26. Any person who is guilty of an offence under this
Ordinance for which no special penalty is provided shall
be liable on conviction to a fine of one thousand dollars
and in default of payment to imprisonment for six months.
27. All moneys subscribed by or to, or for the use
of the Force as a whole, or lawfully used by it, not being
the property of an individual member of the Force, and
the exclusive right to sue for and recover current subscrip-
tions, arrears of subscriptions and the moneys due to the
Force as a whole, shall vest in the Commandant with power
for him to sue, to make contracts and conveyances, and
to do all other lawful things relating thereto and the Com-
mandant shall be deemed to be a public officer and the
service of the Force as a whole shall be deemed to be a
public service.
28. If any officer or volunteer gives, sells, pledaes,
lends or otherwise disposes without proper authority or
permission any arms, ammunition, appointments, clothing,
supplies or any other article or thing being public property
or property of the Force or any part thereof entrusted to
or held by him he shall upon summary conviction be liable
to a fine of one thousand dollars and to make good the
value thereof as assessed by the Commandant.
29. If any officer or volunteer fails duly to deliver up
in good condition (fair wear and tear only excepted) any
arms, clothing, or appointments which he is liable under
this Ordinance to deliver up, or any arms, clothing and
appointments being public property or property of the
Force or any part thereof, which lie has been ordered to
deliver up either temporarily or permanently, he shall upon
summary conviction be liable to a fine of one thousand
dollars and to make good the value thereof as assessed by
the Commandant.
30. If any person belonging to or having belonged to
the Force or any part thereof refuses or neglects to pay
anything subscribed or undertaken to be paid by him
towards any of the funds or expenses of the Force or any
part thereof, or due under the rules of the Force as approved
by the Governor or any of the units in the Force and
actually payable by him, or to pay any fine incurred by
him under the rules of the Force or any unit in the Force,
such money or fine shall (without prejudice to any other
remedy) be recoverable from him, with costs. Such moneys
excluding. such costs as aforesaid when recovered shall be
paid into the Commandant's Welfare Fund.
31. Any money, pecuniary penalty, or fine recoverable
under this Ordinance may be recovered in a summary way
before a magistrate.
32. The Commandant may appear before a magistrate
by any member of the Force authorized by him in writing
under his hand.
33. It shall be lawful for the Accountant General to
pay to the Commandant for the purpose of the Force such
sum in eacli year as may be authorized by the Governor
out of moneys voted by the Legislative Council. Moneys
so voted will be applied to eacli unit of the Force in accord-
ance with decisions made by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Legislative Council.
34. (1) Every officer and volunteer shall, on his enlist-
ment into the Force or as soon afterwards as may be,
whether or not he has previously been a member of the
Hong Kong Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, the Hong
Kong Naval Volunteer Force or the Hong Kong Volunteer
Defence Corps, make an oath or declaration in the form
appropriate to his case as set forth in subsection (2).
(2) The form of oath or declaration shall be as
For British subjects-
'I swear that I will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to His Majesty KING GEORGE VI, His Heirs
and Successors, according to law, and that I will faith-
fully serve as an officer or as a volunteer in accordance
with the provisions of the Hong Kong Defence Force
For other than British subjects-
I that I will faithfully serve as an officer
or volunteer in accordance with the provisions of the
Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance.'
(3) Every such oath oi declaration shall be adminis-
tered by an officer on the permanent staff of the Force or
any. part thereof, or by an officer of the Force who has
himself made such oath or declaration.
63 of 1948. 7 of 1949. Short title. Interpretation. Power to Governor to raise a defence force. Financial provision. Force to consist of units. [s. 5 cont.] Commissioned officers. Liability for service outside the limits of the Colony. Volunteers to be under command of officer of regular forces. Storage of dangerous goods. [cf. 1 of 1873, s. 10.] Right to quit Force. [s. 10 cont.] Power to Governor to dispense with services of individuals and to disband the Force. Courts of inquiry. Power to make regulations. 7 of 1949, s. 2. Calling out of Force in an emergency. [s. 14 cont.] Pay and emoluments. Pensions for disabled members of the Force and for widows and families of those who lose their livers whilst called out, in training or under instruction. 7 of 1949, s. 3. [s. 16 cont.] Hospital treatment. Welfare fund. Occasions on which officers of the Force and volunteers are subject to Service discipline laws. Disciplinary measures and courts martial. [s. 20 cont.] Failure to report for duty. Discipline when not called out. Failure by volunteers to fulfil obligations as to efficiency, etc. Complaints. Obstructing the Force. Penalties. Vesting of property of Force in Commandant. Wrongful disposal of property. Return of arms, etc. Recovery of subscriptions and fines. Summary remedies. Appearance before magistrate. Payments of public money for Force. Oath to be. Taken. [s. 34 cont.]
63 of 1948. 7 of 1949. Short title. Interpretation. Power to Governor to raise a defence force. Financial provision. Force to consist of units. [s. 5 cont.] Commissioned officers. Liability for service outside the limits of the Colony. Volunteers to be under command of officer of regular forces. Storage of dangerous goods. [cf. 1 of 1873, s. 10.] Right to quit Force. [s. 10 cont.] Power to Governor to dispense with services of individuals and to disband the Force. Courts of inquiry. Power to make regulations. 7 of 1949, s. 2. Calling out of Force in an emergency. [s. 14 cont.] Pay and emoluments. Pensions for disabled members of the Force and for widows and families of those who lose their livers whilst called out, in training or under instruction. 7 of 1949, s. 3. [s. 16 cont.] Hospital treatment. Welfare fund. Occasions on which officers of the Force and volunteers are subject to Service discipline laws. Disciplinary measures and courts martial. [s. 20 cont.] Failure to report for duty. Discipline when not called out. Failure by volunteers to fulfil obligations as to efficiency, etc. Complaints. Obstructing the Force. Penalties. Vesting of property of Force in Commandant. Wrongful disposal of property. Return of arms, etc. Recovery of subscriptions and fines. Summary remedies. Appearance before magistrate. Payments of public money for Force. Oath to be. Taken. [s. 34 cont.]
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“HONG KONG DEFENCE FORCE ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 27, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/2018.