To give effect to ait Order in Council of the 12th day of
illarch, ig,)3, relating to themarriages of British subjects
in foreign countries.
[17th July, 1903.]
WHEREAS His Majesty the King, by virtue of the authority
vested in him by the Foreign Marriage Act, 1892, and
with the advice of His Privy Council, has been pleased,
by an Order in Council ' dated the 12th day of March,
1903, to order that certain modifications of the require-
merits of the said Act as to residence and notice shall
have effect in cases where one only of the parties has
dwelt within the district of the marriage officer
mentioned in the said Act and the other of such parties
lias dwelt in a Colony, provided that the law of such
Colony shall give effect to such Order in Council:
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to give effect within thi~
Colony to such Order in Council:
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Foreign
Marriage Ordinance.
2. Notice of a marriage intended to be solemnized
under the Foreign Marriage Act, 1892, may be given in
writing signed by the party giving such notice to the
Registrar of Marriages by one of the parties intending such
marriage who has had his or her usual place of abode in
the Colony for one week immediately preceding such notice.
3. Before the issue of such certificate or licence as
hereinafter mentioned, the said party shall appear per-
sonally before the Registrar of Marriages, and shall make
affidavit, which the Registrar is hereby authorized to take,
that he or she believes there is not any impediment or
objection which should obstruct the solemnization of the
4. The Registrar shall file every such notice as afore-
said in his office, and shall, unless such notice has been
published by proclamation of banns, exhibit one copy
thereof at his office, and may if he thinks fit exhibit copies
in other conspicuous places open to the public, and shall
enter a copy of the said notice with the date of such entry
in the marriage notice book kept under the Marriage
Ordinance, and shall allow any person to inspect such book
during office hours without fee.
5. At any time not less than fifteen days (except when
the Governor shall grant a licence as hereinafter provided)
after the giving of such notice, the Registrar unless he is
aware of any impediment or objection -which should obstruct
tile solemnization of the marriage, shall, on payment by
the party giving such notice of a fee of one dollar, give to
such party a certificate that the said notice has been given
and published as aforesaid.
6. At any time after the giving of such notice the
Governor, unless he is aware of any impediment or objec-
tion which should obstruct the solemnization of the
marriage, may grant a licence authori7ing the Registrar of
Marriages to issue. his certificate on or after any day named
in such licence. The fee for such licence shall be thirty
Originally 6 of 1903. Fraser 6 of 1903. 16 of 1947. (55 & 56 Vict, c. 23, s. 21). Short title. Notice of intended marriage. Affidavit before issue of certificate or licence. Notice to be filed, etc., by Registrar of Marriages. (Cap. 181.) Certificate by Registrar of Marriages. Governor's licence. 16 of 1947, s. 2.
Originally 6 of 1903. Fraser 6 of 1903. 16 of 1947. (55 & 56 Vict, c. 23, s. 21). Short title. Notice of intended marriage. Affidavit before issue of certificate or licence. Notice to be filed, etc., by Registrar of Marriages. (Cap. 181.) Certificate by Registrar of Marriages. Governor's licence. 16 of 1947, s. 2.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“FOREIGN MARRIAGE ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 4, 2025,