(Cap. 177).
(Ordinance NO. 37 Of 1949).
[19th August, 1949.]
1. These rules may be cited as the Registration of
Persons Rules.
2. In these rules-
'age' shall be determined according to the English usage
of calculation ;
'consul' means a consul de carriere or a Tradc, Commis-
sioner or other Commissioner or special representative
officially appointed as such by the tinited Kingdom
or other member of the, Commonwealth;
'consular staff' means those members of the staff of a
consul who bold appointments in the permanent home
establishment of the service of such consul
'family' means persons who are-
(a) related to or dependent on; and
(b)resident with the applicant; and includes domestic
servants resident with applicant.
'Ordinance' means the Registration of Persons Ordinance.
3. An applicant, unless the provisions of any order
made under section 4 of thc Ordinance otherwise requires,
may apply for registration elther through his cluployer ol-
in person.
4. An applicant who applies for registration through
his employer shall furnish his employer with such parti-
culars of himself and of niembers of his family being of
the age of twelve years and upwards as will enable his
employer to complete Form I(a) of the Schedule on his
5. On receipt of particulars as set out in rule 4 an
employer shall complete Form i(a) in respect of such
applicant and shall sign the certificate appearing thereon.
6. An ciliployer shall forthwith forward Form i(a) on
completion as set out in rulf, 5 to such registration officer
as the Registration Commissioner nia), determine.
7. An applicant who applies for registration in person
shall furnish I,t registration officer with such particulars of
hirnself and of nienibers of his family being of the age
of twelve years and upwards as will enable such registra-
tion officer to complete Form 2(a) of the Schedule on his
be ha I f.
8. On receipt of particulars as set out in rule 7. such
registration officer shall complete Form 2(a) in respect of
such applicant. On completion by such registration officer,
stich applicant shall sign,the certificate appearing thereon.
9. The Registration Commissioner shall cause to be
filed. all duly completed Forms i(a) and 2(a). Such file
sliall forrin the register.
10. The Registration Commissioner shall cause identity
cards in Form 3(0) of the Schedule to be prepared by
transcription thereto of the particulars entered on Forms
i(a) and 2(a) and identity cards in Form 4(a) to be prepared
by transcription thereto of the particulars entered on Form
i(a) in respect cif consuls, their wives and children of the
age Of 12 years and upwards and consular staff, their wives
and children of the age of 12 years and upwards.
11. On such dates and in such places as a registration
officer may direct, any employer who has completed Form
i(a) in respect of any applicant shall-
(a)assemble all such applicants and applicants being
members of their families of the age of 12 years
and upwards to be photographed and for the
recording of their thumbprints on the identity
cards in Forms 3(a) and 3(b) of the Schedule and
on Form i(b) of the Schedule which latter form
shall then be issued by a registration officer to
each applicant so photographed : Provided that
the Registration Commissioner ll-lay accept photo-
graphs produced by a consul of Iiii-nself, his wife
and children of the.age of 12 years and upwards
and of his consular staff, their wives and children
of the age of 12 years and upwards, and may
dispense with the assembly Of SLICII persons for
photographing and dispense with the recording of
their thumbprints;
(b)on receipt of identity cards in FM-M 3((1) Or F01-111
4(a) of the Schedule from a registration officer in
respect of such applicants, issue to each such
applicant in person flis or her identity card first
having verified that the photograph thereon is that
of the applicant;
(c) render a signed statement to the Registration Coin-
missioner in the manner required by him to tile
effect that lie has complied with the requirerne 1 nts
of paragraph (b) of this rule.
12. On such dates and ill such places as a registration
officer may direct, any applicant in respect of whom Forin
2 (a) Il as been completed shall-
(a)attend with ol- without applicants being members
of his family of the age of 12 years and upwards
as he may be directed by a registration officer to be
photographed and to record thumbprints upon the
identity cards ill Forms 3Vi) and 3(b) Of tile
Schedule and on Forril 2(b) of the Schedule which
latter form shall then be issued by a registration
officer to each applicant so photographed ;
(b)attend with or without such applicants being
members of his family of the age of 12 years and
upwards as may be directed by a registration officer
for the ISSLIC to him or to her and to such applicants
being members of his family of identify. cards in
Form 3(a) of the Schedule.
13. Any employer who has completed Form i(a) in
respect of ally person shall on the last day of each calendar
month, forward to such registration officer as the Registration
Commissioner rnay direct, a return showing--
(a)the names and identity card numbers of persons
already registered who have died or left the employ-
ment of such employer during that month ;
(b)the names and identity card numbers of persons
already registered who have reported a change of
-iddress during that month or who have reported
any changes in the numbers of members of their
families or the attainment by any such member of
the age of 12 years;
(c)the names and identity card numbers of persons who
have bee,l taken into employment during that
14. Any applicant who has been issued with an identity
card after making in application in person shall report forth-
with to a registration officer-
(a)any change of address or change in the numbers of
members of his family or the attainment by any such
member of the age of 12 years
(b) any change in occupatioll.
15. Upon the death of a person to whom an identity
card has been issued, the person in possession of his identity
card shall deliver it to a registration officer or to any police
station within seven days.after the date of the death.
16. Any person who finds a lost identity card shall
foi-tli~;llli delIver it to a registration officer ot- to any police
17. When -in identity card Is lost, destroyed ol- defaced,
the person to whoni the card relates shall forthwith nolify a
registration officer. A duplicate identity card may be issued
on payment of a fee of two* dollars in place of one lost
destroyed or so defaced as to be useless for tile purposes of
18. (a) Any employer who-
(i) fails to comply with the requirements of rule i i
hereof; or
~ii) fails to render to a registration ol'licci- i return
as provided in rule i. hereof; ol-
(b)any person who fails to repyrt to his ciiipio\,ei- or
a registration officer, as the case may be, any change
of address or occupation or change in members of
his family as set out in rules i,-, and 14 hcrUOf; W-
(c)any person who, being in possession of an ideiitl't\,
card of a deceased person, fails within seven days
to deliver it to a registration officer or any police
station; or
(d)any person who, having found a lost identity card
fails to deliver it forthwith to a i-e,7isti,,,ttioii officer
or to any, police station ; ol-
(e)any person who aids mid abets or who conimands,
procures and counsels any person to conirnit any
offence made punishable bY this
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on suniniary
conviction to a fine of one thousand dollars and to iniprisoll-
rnent for six months.
19. The Registration Commissioner or such other
person or persons as he may authorize in that behalf ill
writing may make such endorsements on an identity card
as may from time to time be considered necessary or expedient
for the purpose of providing for the special identification of
the holder of such identity, ctrd.
Employer's Sheet Identity Card
Serial No.: No.:
Pursuant to the provisions of the Registration of Persons
Ordinance, Chapter 177 of the Revised Edition, I, the undersigned
employer, do hereby certify that the following is a true record of
the particulars in respect of the undermentioned person employed
by me as on the (a) 1949, and that in the attached
(b) sheets I have truly recorded the information
given by him in respect of the members of his family of the age
of twelve years and upwards.
(a) NAME OF EMPLOYER OR FIRM: Signature of Employer.
(c) Designation of Person Signing Above:
(1) (a) Employer's(1) (b) Subsidiary Serial No.
reference number for members of family
for employee: of the age of twelve
years and upwards:
(2) Name (in English):
(3) Name (in Chinese
(4) Address (in English):
(5) Address (in Chinese
(6) Age last birthday: Sex (M. or F.):
(8)Race (if Chinese write 'C'
or if of other race write in
(9)Nationality (if Chinese write
'C' or if of other nationality
write in full):
(10) Occupation:
Identity Card
Form 1 (b) (Employer should not
(Rule 11) make any entry here
except at (1) (a) or
(b) which should be
the same as the entry
at (1) (a) or (b)
(Ma) Employer's reference num- (1) (b) Subsidiary Serial No.
ber for Employee: for members of family
of the age of twelve
years and upwards:
has been phatographed and should produce this receipt when
called upon to receive his identity card.
Received identity card of Thumb Print.
above reference.
Date. Signature.
Identity Card
Pursuant to the provisions of the Registration of Persons
Ordinance, Chapter 177 of the Revised Edition, 1, the undersigned,
(lo hereby certify that the following is a true record of the parti-
culars in respect of myself as on the (a) and that
in the attached (b) shects is recorded the inforina-
Gon lruly given by ine in i.csl)ecl of members of my family of the
age of twelve years and upwards.
................ Signature of Applicant.
................................. Signature of Registration Officer.
(1) (a) Applicant's Reference (1) (b) Subsidiary Serial No.
number: for members of family
for the age of twelve
years and upwards:
(2) Name (in English):
(3) Name (in Chinese
(4) Address (in English):
(5) Address (in Chinese
(6) Age last birthday: (7) Sex (M. or F.)
(8) Race (if Chinese write 'C'
or if of other race write in
(9) Nationality (if Chinese write
'C' or if of other nationality
write in full):
(10) Occupation:
Identity Card
Form 2 (b) (Applicant should not
(Rule 12) make any entry here FP
except at (1) (a) or
(b) which should be
the same as the
entry at (1) (a) or
(b) above)
(1)(a) Applicant's Reference(1)(b) Subsidiary Serial No.
No.: for members of the
family of the age of
twelve years and up-
has been photographed and should produce this receipt when
called upon to receive his identity card.
Received identity card of Thumb Print.
above reference.
Date: Signature.
Form 3 (a) (rules 11-12) Form 3 (b) (rules 11-12)
Identity Card
ENDORSEMENTS Changes of permanent
residence or address of
Hong Kong employrnent.
FORM 3 (RULES 11-12)
(1) Employers Serial No.: (1) Employers Serial No.:
(2) Name (in English) (2) Name (in English)
(3) (in Chinese) (3) (in Chinese)
(4) Address in English) (4) Address (in English)
(5) (in Chinese) (5) (in Chinese),
Employment Employment Address
Address (in English) (in English)
(in Chinese)
Date of issueIssuing Officer's
Form 3 (b) (rules 11-12) Form 3 (a) (rules 11-12)
Counterfoil Identity card
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
(6) Age (7) Sex (6) Age (7) Sex Changes of permanent residence
or address of employment.
(8) Race
(8) Race Embossed
Photograph Photograph
(9) Nationality (9) Nationalits, j
Claimed Claimed
(10) Occupation ~(10) Occupation
Thumb Print. Thumb Print.
Form 4(a) (Rules 10 and 11) Form 40) (Rules 10 and 11) G N.A, 60/50.
Identity Card (Consular Corps.) Identity Card (Consular Corps.)
Photograph Photograph
No .................................... No . ............
Name of Holder ....Name of Holder
Status of Holder ..Status of Holder
.. ..............................................................
Nationality .......Nationality
Address ...........Address
Signature of Holder Signature of Holder
Colonial Secretary.
Hongkong ..........Hongkong
(Ordinance No. 42 Of 1912.)
No svbsidiary legislation.
Ord. 37 of 1949, s. 13 (3) Schedule. G.N.A. 60/50. Citation. Interpretation. G.N.A. 60/50. (Cap. 177.) How applicant may apply for registration. Application through employer. Employer to complete Form 1(a). Form 1(a) to be forwarded to registration officer. Application in person. Registration Officer to complete Form 2(a). Formation of register. Preparation of identity cards. G.N.A. 60/50. Photographing and fingerprinting of applicants who apply through employers. G.N.A. 60/50. [r. 11 cont.] Photographing and fingerprinting of applicants in person. G.N.A. 60/50. Monthly return reporting changes by employers. Report of changes to registration officer by applicant in person. Death of holder of identity card. Finding of identity cards. Issue of duplicate of identity card. Offences. G.N.A. 60/50. Endorsement on identity card. G.N.A. 60/50. G.N.A. 60/50.
Ord. 37 of 1949, s. 13 (3) Schedule. G.N.A. 60/50. Citation. Interpretation. G.N.A. 60/50. (Cap. 177.) How applicant may apply for registration. Application through employer. Employer to complete Form 1(a). Form 1(a) to be forwarded to registration officer. Application in person. Registration Officer to complete Form 2(a). Formation of register. Preparation of identity cards. G.N.A. 60/50. Photographing and fingerprinting of applicants who apply through employers. G.N.A. 60/50. [r. 11 cont.] Photographing and fingerprinting of applicants in person. G.N.A. 60/50. Monthly return reporting changes by employers. Report of changes to registration officer by applicant in person. Death of holder of identity card. Finding of identity cards. Issue of duplicate of identity card. Offences. G.N.A. 60/50. Endorsement on identity card. G.N.A. 60/50. G.N.A. 60/50.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“REGISTRATION OF PERSONS RULES,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 5, 2025,