To authorize the Registrar of Births and Deaths to keep
special registers of births for the purpose of registering
births previously registered in specified lost registers
of births formerly kept by the Registrar of Births and
[18th December, 1947.]
1. This Ordiriance may be cited as the Births
Registration (Special Registers) Ordinance.
2. In this Ordinance-
'birth certificate(1872)' means a certified and sealed copy
of an entry of a birth, given pursuant to section 16
of the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1872;
'birth certificate (1896)' means a certified and scaled copy
of an entry of a birth, given pursuant to section 21 Of
the Births aiid Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1896;
'birth certificate (1934)' means a certified and sealed copy
of an entry of a birth, given pursuant to section 24
of the principal Ordinance;
'general register office' means the office of the Registrar;
'lost register (1872)' means any register book of births
formerly kept in accordance with the provisions of the
Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1872 and
which, under section 3 of this Ordinance, is deemed
to have been lost;
'lost register (1896)' means any register book of births
formerly kept in accordance with the provisions of the
Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1896 and
which, under section 3 of this Ordinance, is deemed
to have been lost;
'lost register (1934)' means any register book of births
formerly kept in accordance with the provisions of the
principal Ordinance and which, under section 3 of this
Ordinance, is deemed to have been lost;
'No. 1 register (1872)' means a special register of births
kept under the provisions of this Ordinance for the
purpose of registering birth certificates (1872);
'No. 2 register (1872)' means a special register of births
kept under the provisions of this Ordinance for the
purpose of registering evidence other than a birth
certificate (1872) of previous registration in the lost
register (1872) ;
'No. 1 register (1896)' means a special register of births
kept under the provisions of this Ordinance for the
purpose of registering birth certificates (1896);
'No. 2 register (1896)' means a special register of births
kept under the provisions of this Ordinance for the
purpose of registering evidence other than a birth
certificate (1896) of previous registration in the lost
register (1896) ;
'No. 1 register (1934)' means a special register of births
kept under the provisions of this Ordinance for the
purpose of registering birth certificates (1934) ;
'No. 2 register (1934)' means a special register of births
kept under the provisions of this Ordiriance for the
purpose of registering evidence other than a birth
certificate (1934) of previous registration in the lost
register (1934)
'principal Ordinance' means the Births and Deaths Regis-
tration Ordinance,
'Registrar' means the Registrar of Births and Deaths;
'special register of births' means the No. 1 register (1872),
or the NO. 2 register (1872), or the No. 1 register (1896),
or the No. 2 register (1896), or the No. 1 register (1934),
or the No. 2 register (1934), as the context requires.
3. All the register books of births specified in Part
I, Part II and Part III of the First Schedule are hereby
deemed to have been permanently lost as from 25th day
of December, 1941.
4. For the purposes of this Ordinance the Registrar
shall cause to be printed in the prescribed form, and kept
in the general register office, special register books of births
as follows-
(a) No. 1 register (1872);
(b) No, 2 register (1872)
(c) No. 1 register (1896)
(d) No. 2 register (1896)
(e) No. 1 register (1934)
(f) No. 2 register 0934).
5. (1) Any person in possession of a birth certificate
(1872) may require the Registrar to register the birth to
which such certificate relates in the No. 1 register (1872)
and such birth shall be registered accordingly without
payment of any fee.
(2) Any person in possession of a birth certificate
(1896) inay require the Registrar to register the birth to
which such certificate relates in the No. 1 register (1896)
and such birth shall be registered accordingly without
payment of any fee.
(3) Any person in possession of a birth certificate
0934) may require the Registrar to register the birth to
which such certificate relates in the No. 1 register (1934)
and such birth shall be registered accordingly without
payment of any fee.
6. (1) Any person who is unable to produce a birth
certificate (1872) but who by means of other evidence
satisfies the Registrar that his birth was registered in the
lost register (1872) may require the Registrar to register
his birth in the No. 2 register (1872) and such birth shall
be registered accordingly without payment of any fee.
(2) Any person who is unable to produce a birth
certificate (1896) but who by means of other evidence
satisfies the Registrar that his birth was registered in the
lost register (1896) may require the Registrar to register
his birth in the No. 2 register (1896) aiid such birth shall
be registered accordingly without payment of any fee.
(3) Any person who is unable to produce a birth
certificate (1934) but who by means of other evidence
satisfies the Registrar that his birth was registered in the
lost register (1934) may require the Registrar to register
his birth in the No. 2 register (1934) and such birth shall
be registered accordingly without payment of any fee.
(4) No birth shall be registered in the No. 2 register
(1872), the No. 2 register (1896) or the No. 2 register (1934)
except with the consent of the Registrar and the fact of
such consent having been given shall be entered in any
such register.
7. The Registrar shall cause indexes of the special
register of births to be made, and any person shall be
entitled on payment of the prescribed fee to require the
Registrar to cause a search to be made of such indexes and
register and to receive a copy of any entry in the said
register certified under the hand of the Registrar and sealed
or stamped with the seal or stamp of the general register
8. (1) The Registrar shall cause to be sealed or
stamped with the seal or stamp of the general register office
all certified copies of entries given in the said office.
(2) Every. entry and every certified copy of an entry
iii the No. 1 register (1872) and in the No. 1 register (1896)
shall be received as evidence of the birth to which the same
relates without other or further proof of such entry.
(3) Every entry and every certified copy of an entry
in the No. 1 register (1934) shall be of equivalent evidential
value to that accorded to a birth certificate (1934) by section
24 of the principal Ordinance.
(4) No entry aiid no certified copy of an entry in the
No. 2 register (1872), the No. 2 register (1896) or the No. 2
register (1934) shall be received as evidence of the birth to
which the same relates without other or further proof of
such entry.
9. There shall be paid in respect of any matter for
which a fee is prescribed under this Ordinance, the fees
specified respectively in Part I of the Fifth Schedule.
10. Any person who having custody of the special
register of births or certified copies thereof, or of any part
thereof, carelessly loses or injures the same or carelessly
allows the same to be injured whilst in his keeping shall
be deerned to have committed a breach of the provisions
of this Ordinance and upon summary conviction shall be
liable to a fine of one thousand dollars.
11. Any person who wilfully destroys or injures, or
causes to be destroyed or injured, any such register or any
part or certified copy of any part thereof, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor triable summarily and be liable to
imprisonment for two years.
12.1 With regard to th c correction of errors in the
special register of births, the following provisions shall
have effect-
(a)no alteration in any such register shall be made
except as authorized by this Ordinance;
(b)any clerical error which may be discovered in any
such register shall, as soon as possible, be corrected
by the Registrar, who shall place his initials in the
margin opposite the entry in which such error has
been discovered ;
(c)an error of fact or substance iii any such register
may be corrected by entry in the margin (without
any alteration of the original entry) by the
Registrar on payment of the prescribed fee and on
production to him by the. person requiring such
error to be corrected of a declaration in the
prescribed form setting forth the niture of the error
aiid the true facts of the case, and made by two
credible persons to the satisfaction of the Registrar
having knowledge of the truth of the case, and
the Registrar shall initial such marginal entry and
shall add thereto the day and month and year when
such correction is made.
13. (1) The forms prescribed in the Schedule shall
be used in the cases to which they refer.
(2) The Governor in Council may by regulations
provide for the due carrying out of this Ordinance, and
may by such regulations amend the Schedules.
Registers of births formerly kept pursuant to the Births and
Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1872 (No. 7 of 1872).
Serial Particulars of lost registers Office where birth
No. of births. registered.
1. Register for the period 19th General Register Office.
August, 1874, to 31st Decem-
ber, 1874, both days inclusive.
2. Register for the period 1st do -
January, 1875,to 13th
September, 1896, both days
3. Register for the period 1st Aberdeen District Office.
January, 1873,to 13th
September, 1896, both days
4. Register for the period 1st Yaumati District Office.
January, 1888,to 13th
September, 1896, both days
Registers of births formerly kept pursuant to the Births and
Deaths Registration Ordinance, 1896 (No. 7 of 1896). (In force
on 14.9.1896 by Proclamation No. 3 of 1896).
Serial Particulars of lost registers Office where birth
No. of births. registered.
1. Register for the period 14th General Register Office.
September, 1896, to 31st
December, 1900, bothdays
2.Register for the years 1903 to - do -
3. Register for the period 1st - do -
January, 1912, to 27th
October 1912, both days
4. Register for the period 14th Aberdeen District Office.
September, 1896, to 31st
December, 1912, both days
5. Register for the period 14th Yaumati District Office.
September, 1896, to 31st
December, 1912, both days
6. Register for the years 1908 to Kowloon City District
1912. Office.
Registers of births formerly kept pursuant to the Births and
Deaths Registration Ordinance (Chapter 174 of the Revised Edition).
Serial Particulars of lost registers Office where birth
No. of births. registered.
1. Register for the years 1936 and General Register Office.
2. Register forthe period 5th do
November, 1941, to 24th
December, 1941, both days
3. Register for the period 18th Eastern District Office.
April, 1936, to 31st December,
1936, both days inclusive.
4. Register for the year 1937. - do -
5. Register for the period 11th Western District Office.
March, 1937, to 31st Decem
ber, 1937, both days inclusive.
6. Register for the period 1st - do -
January, 1940, to 24th
December, 1941, both days
7. Register for the years 1936 and Central District Office.
8. Register for the period 1st - do -
January, 1940, to 24th
December, 1941, both days
9. Register for the period 8th June, Shaukiwan District
1937, to 31st December, 1937, Office.
both days inclusive.
10. Register for the period 1st Stanley District Office.
January, 1940, to 24th
December, 1941, both days
11. Register for the period 1st Aberdeen District Office.
January, 1940, to 24th
December, 1941, both days
12.Register for the years 1936 and Yaumati District Office.
13.Register for the period 11th - do -
December, 1940, to24th
December, 1941, bothdays
14. Register for the period 3rd Shamshuipo District
December, 1940, to 24th Office.
December, 1941, bothdays
15. Register for the period 1st Hung Hom District
January, 1940, to 24th Office.
December, 1941, both days
inclusive. .
Serial Particulars of lost registers Office where birth
No. of births. registered.
16. Register for the period 1st Kowloon City District
January, 1940, to 24th Office.
December, 1941, both days
17. Register for the years 1936 and Au Tau District Office.
18. Register for the period 8th - do -
April, 1941, to 24th December,
1941, both days inclusive.
19. Register for the period 1st Cheung Chau District
January, 1940 ' to 24th Office.
December, 19411 both days
20. Register for the period 1st Lok Ma Chau District
January, 1940, to 24th Office.
December, 1941, both days
21. Register for the period 1st Ping Shan District
January, 1940, to 24th Office.
December, 1941, both days
22. Register for the period 1st Sai Kung District Office.
January, 1940, to 24th
December, 1941, both days
23. Register forthe period 1st Sha Tau Kok District
January,1940, to 24th Office.
December,1941, bothdays
24. Register forthe period 1st Sha Tin District Office.
January,1940, to 24th
December,1941, bothdays
25. Register forthe period 1st Sheung Shui District
January,1940, to24th Office.
December,1941, bothdays
26. Register for the year 19.37. Tai Po District Office.
27. Register forthe period 1st do -
January, 1940, to 24th
December, 1941, both days
28. Register for the period 1st Tsun Wan District
January, 1940, to24th Office.
December, 1941, both days
29. Register for the year 1937.Tai O District Office.
30. Register for the period 1st - do -
January,1940 ' to 24th
December,1941, both days
FORM 1.(No. 1 Register (1872) ).
1872. Births in the District of Hong Kong.
FoRm 2. (No. 2 Register (1872)
1872. Births in the District of Hong Kong.
FORM 1. (No. 1 Register (1896)
19 Births in the district of Hong Kong.
FORm 2. (No. 2 Register (1896)
19 Births in the district of Hong Kong.
FORM 1. (No. 1 Register (1934)
19 Births in the district of Hong Kong.
FORm 2. (No. 2 Register (1934)
19 Births in the district of Hong Kong.
[s. 9.]
The following fees shall be paid in connexion with searches,
corrections of errors and certified copies of entries in the register
1. A search either in indexes or in the register books
for any given entry over a period not exceeding five years,
i.e. a particular search ..........$1.00
2. A search either in indexes or in the register books
for information other than that concerning any given entry
i.e. a general search ............................................. 5.00
3. A correction of an error in any register book 1.00
4. A certified copy of an entry in any of the register
books .............................1.00
But if posted to an addressee outside the Colony ... 2.00
Form 1.
We . .A.B . ......and .....C.D .
hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that when the birth
of .....E.F . ............was registered on the of 19 , the following
errors of fact or substance occurred in the register, viz., (here set
forth the error or errors)..
And we further solemnly and sincerely declare that the true
facts of the case are as follows-(here set forth the true facts).
Dated the of ...., 19
(Signed) A.B.
Before me,
Justice of the Peace.
50 of 1947. 26 of 1949. 22 of 1950. Short title. Interpretation. (7 of 1872.) (7 of 1896.) (Cap. 174). Birth registers deemed lost. First Schedule. Register books. [s. 4 cont.] Second Schedule. Forms 1 and 2. Third Schedule. Forms 1 and 2. Fourth Schedule. Forms 1 and 2. Requirement of registration in No. 1 registers. Requirement of registration in No. 2 registers. Indexes and searches. Official seal. Evidential value of matter from various registers. Fees. Fifth Schedule. Part I. Penalty for loss or injury of register. Penalty for destroying register. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Correcting of errors in register. Fifth Schedule. Part II. Form I. Forms. Power to make regulations. Schedule. G. N. A. 214/49. [First Sch. Cont.]
50 of 1947. 26 of 1949. 22 of 1950. Short title. Interpretation. (7 of 1872.) (7 of 1896.) (Cap. 174). Birth registers deemed lost. First Schedule. Register books. [s. 4 cont.] Second Schedule. Forms 1 and 2. Third Schedule. Forms 1 and 2. Fourth Schedule. Forms 1 and 2. Requirement of registration in No. 1 registers. Requirement of registration in No. 2 registers. Indexes and searches. Official seal. Evidential value of matter from various registers. Fees. Fifth Schedule. Part I. Penalty for loss or injury of register. Penalty for destroying register. 22 of 1950, s. 3. Correcting of errors in register. Fifth Schedule. Part II. Form I. Forms. Power to make regulations. Schedule. G. N. A. 214/49. [First Sch. Cont.]
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“BIRTHS REGISTRATION (SPECIAL REGISTERS) ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 6, 2025,