(Cap. 172, section 7).
(Ordinance No. 22 Of 1919).
[3rd August, 1934.]
Citation and Interpretation
1. These regulations may be cited as the Places of
Public Entertainment Regulations.
2. For the purposes of these regulations-
'premises' means any place kept or used or intended to
be kept Or used for public entertainment under a licence
or licences granted under the Ordinance, and includes
any means of ingress or egress for the purposes of
and in connexion with such place, and in cases in which
such place consists of a part or parts only of a building
includes also any other part or parts of such building
used or intended to be used for the purposes of and in
connexion with such public entertainment;
'licensing authority' means the officer or authority by
whorn licences may be issued under the Ordinance,
and in respect of any issued licence rneans the officer
or authority by whom the licence was issued, and
includes any officer or authority for the time being
entitled to cancel, renew or otherwise deal with any such
Applications for licences.
1. (1) The Commissioner of Police is and shall be
the officer or authority by whom licences under this Part
may be issued.
(2) Any person who desires to keep or use any
premises for a public entertainment shall, if riot Chinese,
send in an application in writing to the Commissioner of
Police, and if Chinese send in an application in writing to
the Secretary.for Chinese Affairs, which in either case shall
contain the following information-
(a)the names, descriptions and addresses of the person
or persons making the application ;
(b)the character of the entertainment for which the
premises are proposed to be used and the locality
and general nature of the premises.
(3) The application shall contain a statement as to the
nature and extent of the interest of such person or persons
in the premises and such other particulars as the Commis-
sioner of Police or the Secretary for Chinese Affairs may
require in considering the application.
2. Every person desirous of obtaining authority to
open any premises within the Colony for a public entertain-
ment shall first make public his intention so to do and the
purpose for which the premises will be used, by exhibiting
a notice on the proposed site, or if it is proposed to adapt
an existing building, upon such building, in such a position
that it can be plainly seen and read from the principal public*
thoroughfare upon which the site. or building fronts, or by
advertisement in four newspapers (two English and two
Chinese) circulating in the Colony. A copy of the notice
or of each of the four newspapers, as the case may be, shall
.be forwarded to the Commissioner of Police and to the
Secretary for Chinese Affairs.
Submission of plans.,
3. (1) If so required by the Commissioner of Police
or Secretary for Chinese Affairs, as the case may be, the
applicant shall submit to the building authority-
(a)complete plans, elevations and sections to a scale
of 1 /8 of an inch to a foot; and
(b)a block plan on a separate sheet showing tile posi-
tion of the premises in relation to any adjacent lots
and buildings and to the public thoroughfares upon
which the site of the premises abuts, drawn to a
scale of not less than 1 /20 of an inch to. a foot.
(2) In connexion with the installation of any electrical,
lighting, cooling, ventilating or mechanical apparatus, every
applicant and every licensee shall submit to the building
authority detailed specifications, accompanied by such draw-
ings and diagrams as the building authority and the Chief
Officer of the Fire Brigade may consider necessary to enable
the proposal to be full), considered and to form an adequate
record of the work when completed. The specifications and
drawings shall be furnished before the work in connexion
with the erection or adaptation of premises is commenced.
The specifications as far as they relate to mechanical
ventilation or cooling shall show the size and area of inlet
and outlet openings, ducts and shafts for the conveyance
of air, the construction of and the means of access to ducts
and shafts, and details of the apparatus proposed for
cleansing or cooling the air. The proposed sizes and routes
of pipes for fire hydrants, drenchers and sprinklers and the
position of the fire appliances and control valves shall be
clearly indicated.
(3) All plans should be coloured to distinguish the
materials employed in the construction of p'remises, and shall
be accompanied'by such description of the materials to be
used and the mode of construction to be adopted as may
be necessary to enable the building authority to judge
whether these regulations will, ~vlien the premises have been
completed, be complied with.
(4) The wid * th of all staircases and the number of steps
in each, the width of corridors, gangways and doorways and
the heights of the tiers and other parts of the premises shall
be indicated on the drawings.
(5) The thickness of the walls shall be clearly shown
by figures.
(6) The plans shall show the seating and the numbers
of persons to be accommodated in the various parts of the
(7) On completion of the building and equipment,
complete revised drawings on linen shall be forwarded to
the building authoritY and the licensing authority for
4. (1) Premises shall abut upon and have frontages
of adequate length to two or more thoroughfares. The
frontages shall, except in special circumstances, form about
one-half of the total boundar;es of the site of the buildifig~
excluding recesses and projections which do not prej'udiciall~
affect exits, and shall permit of the provision of suitable
exits in accordance with these regulations from each tier
or floor direct to two or inore thoroughfares. The
thoroughfares shall be of such widths as will enable the
persons who are to be accommodated to disperse rapidly
in the event of fire or panic and as will afford facilities
for the approach of fire appliances.
(2) In cases in which premises will accommodate more
than 5oo but not more than 2,Ooo persons one of the
thoroughfares upon which such premises abut shall be at
least 40 feet wide.
In cases in which premises will accommodate more than
2,ooo but not more than 3~0 persons one of the thorough-
fares shall be at ]cast 40 feet wide and of the others one,
shall be at least 3( feet wide if a carriageway or 20 feet
wide if a footway.
In cases in which premises will accommodate more than
3,ooo but not niore than 5,0M persons one of the, thorough-
fares shall be at least 5o feet wide and of the offiers one
sliall be. al least 30 feet wide.
In cases in which premises will accommodate more
than 5,ooo persons such further frontage to the thorough-
fares shall be provided as the building authority illaV
(3) In cases of small halls and other siniflar buildings
accommodating not more tlinn Soo persons, and of roonis
or other premises forming part only of a building, special
consideration shall be given to the circumstances in cach
. (4) In any case in which some of the exits from
premises discharge into a back street which is little fre-
quented and riot accessible by a short route from the
thoroughfare in which the entrances are situate, direct
access between the two thoroughfares shall bc provided by
means; of an external passage\\,~ty if the building authority
so requires.
(,5) Passageways referred to in this regulation shall be
and shall remain under the complete control of the licensee,
sliall be unobstructed, sliall be ol)(']] to tile skY, and if
less than 12 feet wide shall not be overlooked by windows
from adJoining buildings at a height of less than 12 feet.
il,lat'n,tenance, alterations, etc.
5. (1) All parts of premises and the fittings rid
apparatus therein, including any safety curtain and seating,
door fastenings and notices, and the lighting, electrical,
cool;ilg, ventilating, meclinnical _Uld other installations,
sfiall be maintained at all tinies in good order and condition
and as approved by the building authority and the licensing
(2) Alterations or additions whether permanent or
temporaiy to the structure, the lighting, electrical, cooling,
ventilating, mechanical or other installations, or to the
seatincy, gangways or other installations, or to the seating,
gangways or other arrangements at premises, as approved
by the building authority and the licensing authority frorn
to tirne, shall not be rilade except with the consent in
writing of the building authority and tile licensing authority
and in accordance with tile conditions of such consen
Notice in writing shall be given to the building authority
and the licensing authority of any alteration or addition pro-
posed to be made, and such notice shall be accompanied bs
full details and, if necessary, by drawings in duplicate. Th c
work shall not be commenced until the plans have been
approved : Provided that the provisions of this paragraph
shall riot require notice to be given to the building authority
of any work which is necessary for the efficient maintenance
of the premises and of the electrical and other installations.
6. Notice in writing shall be given to the building
authority and the licensing authority of intention to carry
out repairs or redecorations necessitating the use of scaffold-
ing, cradles or plant involving risk of injury, obstruction,
fire or panic, if it is intended that the public shall be admitted
while such scaffolding, cradles or plant are in position or
in use. If the licensing authority so requires, the prernises
shall be closed to the public until the work has been completed
and tlic scafTolding, cradles and Plant reinoved.
Coitstry.clioit and a~rr(iiigei)te?~t of preinises.
7. (1) Premises in which a stage will bc provided and
in which scenery will be used shall riot be constructed under-
neabh or on the top of any part of any other building.
(2) Premises in which a stage will not be provided and
in which scenery will not be used shall not be constructed
underneath or on top of an), part of any other building except
with [lie consent in writin- ol' the building ~ttl[1101-itV Ind tlIC
iicensing authority.
8. Living rooms shall not be provided in the preinises
except with the consent in writing of the building authority,
and the licensing authority.
9. (1) Any openings in the premises overlooking an
adjacent site upon which an inflammable structure is erected
or upon which inflammable material is stored shall be
protected to the satisfaction of the licensing atithority.
(2) Except with the consent in writing of the building
authority and the licensing authority, openings shall not be
made in the walls or roof of the premises within i horizontal
distance of 12 feet of any other buildings, whether then
existing or likely to be made, overlooking the premises.
10. In no case shall the lowest floor of the premises be
at a lower level than that by which it can be effectually
drained by gravitation into a public sewer, and such premises
shall be drained to the satisfaction of the building ~ttiilioi-it~'.
11. (1) The premises shall be enclosed with external or
party walls of brick, stone or concrete of such thickness as
the building authority may require.
(2) Where the premises are only part of a building they,
shall, if so required by the building authority and the
licensing authority, be separated from the other parts of the
building by walls and structures of fire-resisting materials in
a manner to be approved by the building authority and tile
licensing authorlly, and have no openings in the walls,.or
in any other part of the premises which overlook any portion
of the adjoining part and which nlay be liable. to com-
municate fire to the premises.
12. (1) The floors, tiers and roofs of the premises shall
be entirely of fire-resisting materials to the satisfaction of tile
building authority and the licensing authority.
(2) Wood flooring, where permitted, shall be laid
directly oil to concrete and shall be suitably protected against
dry rot. In any position where this form of construction is
impracticable, the wood flooring shall be 1 1/4 inches thick and
shall be grooved and tongued.
(3) All wood centering used under concrete or other
positions shall be removed, and centering in positions from
which removal is impracticable shall be of metal.
13. (1) All doors or openings approved by the building
authority and the licensing authority for the purpose of egress
froin the premises and all such doors from the stage and
dressing rooms shall be clearly indicated by the word EXIT
in block letters in English and Chinese. The letters shall
ilot be less than 7 inches high.
(2) Such notices shall be at a height of at least 6 feet
9 inches above the floor and, where possible and desirable,
shall be placed over such doors or openings.
(3) Doors and openings, other than exits, in sight of
the audience, which lead to portions of the premises accessible
to the public, shall have notices placed over them indicating
the use of such portions. Such doors and openings shall not
resemble exits.
(4) Notices and signs (handpointers) indicating the way
out of the premises shall be provided as the licensing
authority may consider necessary.
(5) Notices bearing the words NO EXIT shall not be
14. Save in exceptional circumstances, the premises
shall not have more. than two tiers, including the gallery,
above the level of the pit, and a tier shall not be constructed
with a slope of more than 35 degrees.
15. The height between any floor and the under side of
the tier or ceiling above it shall in no part be less than io feet.
16. The floor ol' the highest part of the pit, or of the
stalls where there is no pit, shall not be more. than 6 inches
above the level of the street at the principal entrance to the
pit and the lowest part of the floor of the pit or stalls shall
riot lie inore than 1,5 feet below the level of the street at lhe
principal entrance to the pit, except that where owing to the
natural levels of the site and adJoining roads this is not
possible then such floor levels shall be subject to the special
approval of the building authority.
17. (1) Two separate exits shall be provided from
ever ' v tici. or floor which accommodates not inore than 5oo
persons, and one. additional exit shall be provided for every
250 Or part Of 250 persons above Soo.
(2) Two of the exits froin each tier or floor shall open.
into different thoroughfares or ways.
(3) If the tier or floor accommodates riot more than 39o
persons the width of each exit shall be nOt less tilan 4 feet,
measured between the walls at an), point or between the
leaves of the doors when open, and if the tier or floor accom-
modates more than 300 persons the width of each of the exits
shall be riot less than 5 feet rneasured in like nianner.
(4) In the case of any, premises or portions of premises
which are 40 feet or niore above pavement level the total
width of exits provided shall be 25 per cent in excess of
the width required by paragraph (3),
(5) If any tier or floor be divided into two or rnore parts
exits as required by this regulation shall be provided from
each of such parts.
(6) In calculating the number of persons who can be
accommodated in any tier or floor or part of a tier or floor,
the accommodation of all standing and waiting spaces in
such tier or floor or part of a tier or floor shall be included.
For the purpose of this regtilation, any tea room, lounge,
restaurant or foyer shall be regarded as a waiting space.
(7) Exits shall be arranged so as to afford a ready niewls
of egress from all parts of each tier or floor and shall lead
directly into thoroughfares or ways. In the case of theatres
and music halls and other prenlises where the principal fire
risk is on the stage, some of the exits from each part of
each tier or floor shall be placed in positions remote from
the stage.
(8) Steps leading from any tier or floor to an exit shal,l,
if necessary, be screened from such tier or floor by, fire-
resisting materials and shall be lighted to the satisfaction of
the building authority and the licensing authority.
(9) All entrance and exit doors, other than pass doors
in connexion with spaces in which persons await admission,
shall be arranged so as to be. available for exit during the
whole of the time that the public are on the premises.
(io) No lift shall be considered as an exit within the
meaning of these regulations.
18. (1) Every lobby, corridor or passage intended for
the use of the audience shall be formed of fire-resisting
materials and shall, when finished, be at the narrowest point
of the widifis specified for exits in paragraphs (3) and (4)
of 17.
(2) Where possible, inclines shall be used instead of
steps but no corridor, passage or gangway outside the
auditorium shall be inclined to a steeper gradient than
1 in io.
(3) M7here a sloping corridor leads direct to a sCiir the
corridor, for a distance of 5 feet from the stair, shall be level.
(4) There shall be no projections, other than handrails
as provided for in paragraph (8) of regulation 22, exceeding
2 inches from the walls of such corridors or passages within
6 feet 9 inches of the floor. All recesses shall be defended.
19. (1) Pay boxes and check boxes shall be placed so
as not to obstruct exitways, and pay boxes shall be ade-
quately ventilated.
(2) Pay boxes, check boxes and attendants' seats
shall be fixed in such positions as not to obstruct rneans
of exit, and any mirrors, pictures, notices or advertisements
which may be permitted by the licensing authority shall be
,attached to or hung upon the walls in positions in which
they will not be likely to cause obstruction to exit and shall
be fixed flat against the wall or kept clear of the head-line,
i.e. 6 feet 9 inches above the floor.
(3) Advertisement boards or easels shall not be placed
in positions in which they are likely to obstruct means of
exit or to be overturned. Notice in writing of any proposal
to rail off a portion of the vestibule for the accommodation
of such boards or easels shall be given to the licensing
authority and written consent obtained in the. manner pre-
scribed by paragraph (2) of regulation 5.
20. (1) T'he aggregate unobstructed width of all the
exit doorways or passages that lead from a vestibule
towards a thoroughfare or way shall be it least one-third
greater than the aggregate width of all the exits that lead
into such vestibule.
(2) Any portion of a vestibule used for the display of
loose or projecting advertisement boards or easels shall be
defined by means of a chain or other device.
21. (1) Provision shall not be made in the corridors
for hanging hats and cloaks.
(2) Where c!oak-rooms are provided, they shall be
enclosed in fire-resisting materials, shall be adequatel~
ventilated and shall be so situated that the persons using
them shall not interfere with the free use of any exitway.
The fittings shall be of metal or hardwood.
22. (1) Staircases intended for the use of the ptiblic
from 'any tier or floor or part of a tier or floor accommodat-
ing not more than 300 persons shall be in no part less than
4 feet wide and such staircases frorn any pier or floor or part
of a tier or floor accommodating more than 300 persons
shall be in no part less than 5 feet Wide,*
(2) Such staircases shall be without winders, shall be
in flights of not more- than sixteen or less than three steps
each, shall not have more than two successive flights with-
out a turn, and if there be more than twelve steps in a
flight, shall not have more than one flight without a turn.
(3) The several flights of steps shall be properly sup-
ported and enclosed to the satisfaction of the building
authority and the licensing authority.
(4) Staircases, unless constructed of reinforced con-
crete, shall have solid square (as distinguished from
spandrel) steps.
(5) T * he landings, unless constructed of reinforced con-
crete, shall be at least 6 inches thick, and the depth of the
landing between the flights shall not be less than the width
of tile flight.
(6) The trends shall be not less than i i inches wide
and the risers not more than 6 inches high. The treads
and risers of eich flight shall be of uniform width and
height. Each step shall lap at ]east one inch over the back
edge of the step below.
(7) Every staircase and the roof thereof shall be of
such fire-resisting material and construction as may be
approved by the building authority and the licensing
(8) A continuotis handrail shall be fixed on each side
of all steps and landings at a height OF 2 feet 9 inches above
the steps or landings. The rail shall be supported by
strong metal brackets built into the wall and shall not pro-
ject more than 3 inches. Where the flight of steps returns
the newel wall shall be chased so as to allow the handrail
to turn without projecting over the . landing.
(9) Any other projections from the walls of a staircase
shall be at least 6 feet 9 inches above the steps or landings
and any recesses shall be defended.
23. (1) All doors used by the public as exit doors
shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the building
authority and the licensing authority,, be hung in two folds,
shall be made to open in the direction of exit and shall be
hung so as not to obstruct, when open, any gangway,
passage, staircase or landing. If such doors are also in-
tended for use as entrances one of the folds shall be made
to open both ways.
(2) Doors leading frorn exit passages, staircases or
corridors shall, where considered necessary by the licensing
.authority, be hung so as to be closed by the stream of
persons passing from the auditorium to the street, and shall
in any case be fitted with springs and arranged so as not
to clash with exit or other doors.
(3) A door shall not open immediately upon a step or
steps but a- landing at least ; feet in depth shall be provided
between the step or steps and the door.
(4) Where for convenience of working a door not
providing fire separation is required to be held open into
a vestibule or corridor, it shall be fitted with a suitable
device which will allow it to shut readily by gentle pressure
in case of emergency.
(5) No fastenings other than automatic bolts shall be
fitted on exit doors. The automatic bolts shall be without
sharp projections and shall be of such pattern that
horizontal pressure on either cross bar will open the doors.
The cross bars shall not be placed at a greater height than
3 feet. Doors fitted with automatic bolts shall have the
words PUSH BAR TO OPEN painted upon them in block
letters at least 4 inches high, in E'riglish and Chinese.
(6) Locking bars, hasps, staples, screw-eyes or any
fastenings other than automatic fastenings shall not be
fitted on exit doors.
(7) In the case of exit doors which it rilay be desired
to keep open while the public are on the premises, special
provision shall be iii~tJe for fastening thein open in such a
manner as not to form recesses. Any cabin hooks or fittings
which may be used shall riot prevent a door frorn opening
back to the full extent.
(8) Gates across exitways shall riot be fitted with any
fastenings other than automatic bolts, shall be made to open
both ways and shall be so fitted that when opened inwards
they can be locked back against the wall in such a manner
as to require. a key to release them. When locked back
they shall not form an obstruction.
(9) Automatic bolts on external gates shall be of a
specially strong type and the working parts shall be of a
metal not liable to corrosion.
(io) Door handles or other door fittings shall not pro-
ject into exitways more than 2 inches when the doors are
open or closed.
(ii) Internal exit doors shall be made to swing or to
open in the direction of exit and shall fitted with any
fastenings other than automatic bolts.
(12) Revolving doors shall not be provided. Roll-up
shutters or collapsible gates shall riot be provided without
the consent in writing of the licensing authority.
24. (1) Collapsible gates or rolling shutters shall not
be installed in entrances or exits without the consent in
writing of the licensing authority, and any such gates or
shutters which may be installed shall be opened to allow
full width and necessary height of exitway -before the ad-
mission of the public and sliill bc kept locked in that 1)osi-
tion during the whole of tfie time that the public are on
the premises.
(2) Locks, inonkey-tail, flush or barrel bolts, or locking
bars or other obstructions to exit, other than such as are
permitted by this regulation, shall not be fitted on such
g,ite,-, or shutters.
25. (1) Any barriers which may be provided for
checking or controlling admission shall be arranged so that
the portions immediately in the line of exit open automatic-
ally upon pressure being applied in the direction of exit
and so as not to reduce the width of the exitway. All such
barriers shall be shown on -the plans submitted.
(2) Rope barriers shall be fitted with automatic catches
or slip connexions and shall be arranged so as not to trail
on the floor when parted and the Fittings shall not project
into the gangway or exitway.
26. If chains and padlocks be used for securing exit
doors when the public are not on the premises, a keyboard
shall be provided in a position approved by the licensing
authority and before the admission of the public the chains
and padlocks shall be hung upon such board, each in .In
allotted position, and shall remain upon the board during
the whole of the tirne that the public are on the premises.
The position of the board shall be so situated as to be easily
discernable by any police or authorized inspecting officer.
27. (1) Gangways nOt less thall 3 feet 6 inches wide
shall be formed-
(a) leading direct to the exit doors;.and
(b)intersecting the rows of seating in such a manner
that no scat shall be more than io feet from a
gangway measured in the line of seating.
(2) Where steppings are provided in intersecting
gangways, suitable hand-grips shall be provided at the
ends of the seats.
(3) There shall be no projections into a ,tiiw~ ty which
diminish the clear width of the gangway.
28. All gangways and exitways and the treads of steps.
and stairways shall be maintained with non-slippery sur-
29. The edges of the treads of steps and stairways shall
be made conspicuous, if so required by the licensing
30. Drugget, matting, crumb cloths and other floor
coverings shall be' secured and maintained so as not to be
likely to ruck or to be in any Nvay a source of danger.
31. Any curtains which may be permitted by the
licensing authority to be hung over doorways or in or across
corridors or gangways shall riot conceal notices, shall be
parted in the centre and shall be hung so that the can
b y
readily be drawn aside and so as not to trail on the floor.
32. (1) Guard rails not less than 3 feet 6 inches high
measured from the floor level or inclined guard rails of a
projection and pattern to be approved * by the Chief Officer
of the Fire Brigade shall be provided on the resters in front
of gangways in tiers.
(2) The tops of resters shall be constructed with the
surface inclined towards the seating at an angle of 3o
degrees, and shall be concave in section, or shall be pro-
vided with such other means as to allow only small articles
to be placed thereon and to ensure that such articles are
not liable to fall to the tier or area below.
33. At theatres, music halls or other like premises no
enclosure (except refreshment rooms, foyers and waiting
spaces), where the public can assemble for any purpose
other than to view the performance, shall be provided.
34. Where so required by the licensing authority suit-
able accommodation shall be provided for persons awaiting
admission to the seating, it premises referred to in regula-
tion 33.
35. (1) The seating area assigned to each person shall
be not less than-
(a) 2 feet 4 inches deep where backs are provided ; or
(b) 2 feet deep where backs are not provided; and
(c) i foot 8 inches wide where arms are provided; or
(d) i foot 6 inches wide where arms are not provided.
(2) In all cases there s6all be in unobstructed way'or
space at least i foot in depth, measured between prependi-
culars, between the back of each seat and the front of the
scat immediately behind.
(3) The seating shall be fixed firmly to the floor.
(4) If seats be made to tip up automatically they shall
be actuated by weights.
36. (1) In the case of any premises which are not in-
tended to be used regularly for a closely-seated nudience,
the seating shall be arranged in accordance with paragraphs
(i) and (2) of regulation 35 and provision shall be made for
fixing securely to the floor the rows of seating flanking the
front, back and cross gangways and the seats near exits.
(2) If chairs are used they shall be battened together in
lengths of not less than four chairs.
37. (1) Premises shall not be used for a closely-seated
audience except in accordance with plans previously sub-
mitted to and approved in writing by the building authority
and the licensing authority.
(2) In the case of premises used regularly for a closely-
seated audience the seating shall be firmly fixed to the floor.
(3) A copy of the seating plan shall be kept readily
available at the premises and shall be shown to any authorized
inspecting officer.
(4) Opera glasses or other articles which may be.
attached to the backs of seats intist not reduce the clear width
of scatways or constitute objectionable projections, and any
attachment shall be so arranged -is not to trall on the floor
or cause any obstruction.
38. (1) In all buildings in which a permanent 5Lage, is
(a)such stage shall be separated from the auditorium by
a brick proscenium wall riot less than 13 inches in
thickness, and such wall shall be carried up the full
thickness to a height of at least 3 fect above the
roof, measured at right angles' to the. slope of the
roof, and shall be carried down below the stage to
a solid foundation;
(b)not more than three openings shall be formed in the
proscenium wall, exclusive of the proscenium open-
ing. No such opening, other than the proscenium
opening, shall exceed 20 square feet in area, nor at
its lower part shall it be at a higher level than 3 feet
above the floor of the stage. Such openings shall
be closed with double teak or oak doors 2 inches
thick hung in fire-resisting frames with a i inch lap,
or with such other fire-resisting doors and frames
as may be approved by the building authority. The
doors shall be made self-closing and silent in action ;
(c)the proscenium opening shall be provided with a
fire-resisting safety curtain, to be used as a drop
curtain, of such pattern, construction and gearing,
and with such arrangementments for pouring water
upon the surface of the curtain towards the stage,
as may be approved by the building authority and
the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade;
(d)all the decbration around the proscenium opening
shall be constructed of fire-resisting materials;
(e)in exit shal! be provided from each side of the stage,
and on(, of such exits shall lead direct to a street or
ffirough an unventilated lobby constructed of fire-
resisting materials with self-closing fire-resisting
doors liting to open outwards and fitted with auto-
rnatic fastenings only;
in exit leading direct to a street or way shall be
provided from the stage basement and permanent
ventilation to the b<tSeTlient shall be provided direct
to the outer air;
(g)electric light shall be the only illuminant used for
the stage, and smoking thercon is prohibited except
when required in a stage production;
(h)the safety curtain to the proscenium opening shall
be lowered and raised in the presence of each
audience. The licensee shall notify the building
authority and the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade
immediate!), in the event of the safety curtain being
out of order;
(i)whenever the safety curtain is lowered all lights in
the auditorium shall be immediately lighted;
(j) the words SAFETY CURTAIN in plain block
letters, and the Chinese characters shall be
painted on the safely curtain. The letters and
characters shall be riot less than 12 inches high and
shall be in a central position in which they can be
seen frorn all parts of the auditoriuni and not less
than 3 feet from the bottom of the safety curtain.
If it be desired to place upon the safety curtain any
advertisement or decoration such advertisement or
decoration shall be painted upon the curtain itself
and shall not be within 1 foot of any portion of the
words SAFETY CURTAIN or of the Chinese
(k) wires and ropes in connexion with gymnastic or
other displays or any other apparatus or scenery or
properties shall not at any time during the per-
formance cross the plane of descent of the safety
curtain. Special precautions shall be tal~cii by the
licensee to ensure that curtains or hangings do not
in ally circun-istances interfere with the descent of
the safety curtain;
(1)except as provided in this paragraph the space above
the stage shall be of sufficient height to allow of
the safety curtain being raised in one piece above
the top of the. proscenium opening mid of all scenes
being so raised without rolling- Where ill extsting
buildings the space above' the stage is insufficient
to allow the safety curtain to be raised in one piece,
sectional safety curtains of such design as may be
approved by the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade
may be provided;
(m) the roof over the stage shall be of fire-resisting
material and shall be provided with a lantern light
-ol. lights at the- back thereof equal at the -base to
one-sixth of the area of the stage. Such lantern
light shall be glazed at the sides with sheet glass
not more than one-twelfth of ill inch in thicImess
and shall be capable of being opened to all exient
equal at least to the superficial area required at the,
base of the lantern light. The sashes shall be
bottom hung to open outwards, shall be of a type
that cannot be rendered inoperative by warping or
settlement or by dirt and shall be capable of being
opened by the cutting of a cord ol- the fusing of a
link. Such cord shall be brought down to the stage
to a position near the safety-curtain release and shall
be suitably, indicated ;
(n)the stage shall be ventikited to the satisfaction of the
building authority ;
(o)the sashes and other moving parts ol the lantern
light shall be tested periodically to ensure their being
in efficient working order. There shall be no
obstruction to the upward flow of air from the stage
to th(, ventilators.
(2) Subject as provided ill this paragraph this regulation
shall apply to all buildings as aforesaid, whether already,
erected or hereafter to be erected : Provided that it shall be
lawful for the building authority, after consultation with the
Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade, to exempt any building
for such period or periods as he may think fit from all or
any of the provisions of this regulation : any such exemption
may be subject to such conditions as the building authority
may see fit to impose.
(3) The owner and the licensee of any building as afore-
-said -in -respect of which any failure to- comply with any
provision of this regulation is proved to exist or to continue
shall upon sunirnary conviction be liable to a find of one
thousand dollars.
39. (1) Stage floors shall be of hardwood not less than
Q inches thick with hardwood or fire-resisting supports and
shall be sufficiently strong for any type of performance. wli ich
is likely to be given.
(2) Flies, including lighting flies and perches and
gridirons, shall be of fire-resisting material and adequate
means of escape direct to the open air shall be provided
(3) Scenery shall be counterweighted and hung on wire
ropes as far as 'i:)i-acticable. Counterweights of scenery shall
be guarded, and where possible shall be carried to the walls
and cased in.
(4) Access to flies, gridirons, electricians' perches and
other raised platforms, other than lighting perches not more
than 4 fect above or below a platform or fly to which suitable
access is provided, shall be by means of step-ladders with
40. Except with the consent in writing of the licensing
authority and in accordance with any conditions of such
consent, scenery or stage properties shall riot be kept or used
on any platform or in any other part of premises which are
not provided with a safety curtain of a pattern approved by
the licensing authority.
41. (1) Scenery or properties shall riot be* kept or used
in the stage basement or in any part of premises other than
on the stage or in the approved scene or property store.
(2) The stage shall not in any circumstances be con-
gested with scenery or properties, or the exits therefrorn
obstructed during performances.
(3) Except with the consent in writing of the licensing
authority and subject to the conditions of such consent,
scenery or properties shall not be placed on the auditorium
side of the safety curtain.
42. (1) Such dressing-room and staff-rooin accommoda-
tion for performers, musicians and staff shall be provided for
both sexes as the licensing 1Llti]01-it), may consider necessary,
having regard to the use proposed to be rnade of premises
and the maximum number of persons to be employed.
(2) The dressing-rooms shall be separated from the
remainder of premises by walls constructed of fire-resisting
materials, with only such means Of Communication therewith
as may be approved bY the licensing authority.
(3) A ventilated lobby or corridor constructed of fire-
resisting materials shall be provided between the stage and
the dressing-room block, and such lobby shall be fitted with
self-closing fire-resisting doors at each end thereof so fitted
as to swing both ways.
(4) Ventilation direct to the open air shall be provided
to the corridors in the dressing-room block.
(5) AIII dressing-roonis and staircases leading thereto
shall be constructed of fire-resisting materials and shall be
connected with exits leading direct into a tliol.oughfare or
way, one of such exits being independent of anY exit by wi~
of the stage or the approaches thereto.
(6) All fittings in dressing-rooms shall as far as prac-
ticable be fire-resisting.
(7) Dressing-rooins shall riot be situated inore than one
storey below the street level.
(8) The exit doors from the dressing-room block shall
be fitted with automatic bolts only. The doors to single .
dressing-rooms may be fitted with other approved fastenings.
Permanent ventilation shall be provided to dressing-roonis
by means of flues built into the brickwork or by such other
means as may be approved by the building authority.
43. (1 ' ) Suitable workshops, store rooms, scene stores,
property stores and offices shall be provided if required by
the licensing authority.
(2) Workshops, store rooms, scene stores, property
stores and wardrobe and painting roorns shall be separated
frorri the public portion of premises and from one another by
brick or concrete walls not less tlian 9 inche's thick or by such
other- construction as may be approved, by the licensing
authority and shall be ventilated to the satisfaction of the
licensing authority from the highest point direct to the open
(3) All openings in such division walls shall be of such
size as dhe buildin authority and the licensing authorit,'
9 b
may approve and shall be fitted with fire-resisting doors or
fire-resisting screens. If iron doors are provided they shall
overlap the door frarne at least 3 inches when closed, and if
made in two folds, such folds shall overlap each other at least
3 inches when closed.
(4) The floors and ceilings of the portions of premises
mentioned in paragraphs (i) and (2) shall be formed of fire-
resisting materials.
44. (1) EC-itchens and serveries shall be separated, from
the public portion of premises by fire-resisting materials.
This regulation shall riot apply to the provision of a grill
in a restaurant.
(2) Ventilating shafts frorn kitchens shall be constructed
so as to allow of frequent cleaning.
45. Constructional ironwork shall, if considered neces-
sary by the building authority, be embedded in fire-resisting
46. Soft wood or other inflammable wall linings, decora-
tions, partitions, screens or barriers shall not be used in any
part of premises and cavities shall not be left behind any
linings or decorations.
47. All fixed or permanent decorations shall be of incom-
bustible materials. Any fixed hangings and curtains which
may be permitted by the licensing authority shall be of
heavy woollen material only.
48. All skylights and lantern-lights wbich rnay be liable
to be broken, other than the lantern light osei. the stage,
shall be fitted with wired glass.
49. All fire-resisting doors, screens and shutters and
smoke doors shall be maintained self-closing and shall riot be
secured open while the public are on premises.
50. (1) The sides of any boxes which ina be pi-o\,ided
shall riot exceed 3 feet in height and the fronts of the boxes
shall be formed of open balustrades or grilles.
(2) Curtains shall not be provided to boxes and recesses
shall not be obscured by curtains.
FPre protection arr~iitgenieAi.ts.
51. (1) Fire appliances for the protection of premises
shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Chief Officer
of the Fire Brigade.
(2) Hydrants shall be provided in theatres, music
halls,. exhibition halls and in any other premises in which,
in the opinion of the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade,
such protection is necessary.
(3) Automatic sprinklers shall be provided in the stage
portion of all theatres and music halls and in scene stores
and property stores and such workrooms and other portions
of premises as the Chief Officer of the Fire- Brigade inay
specify in each case.
(4) Hydrants shall be provided with the Hong Kong
Fire Brigade standard fittings. Hydrants, drenchers and
sprinklers shall be connected with 9 main on which a suit-
able pressure and volurne of water are alw,,t~,-s available.
52. In theatres and music halls and any other premises
in which, in the opinion of the licensing authority,, such
protection is necessary, direct telephone C0111111Unication
sha.11 be established with the nearest Fire Brigade Station.
53. Premises shall be provided with lightning con-
ductors if considered necessary by the building authority.
Sanitary provisions.
54. (1) If required by the building authority, each
part of premises used by the public shall be provided with
water-closet and urinaf accommodation approximately in
accordance with (lie following scale-
(a) Water-closets-
(i) for males : one water-closet for the first 200
or less; two water-closets for 200-500; three water-
closets for 5oc)-i,ooo; and one water-closet for every
additional 5(0 Or less;
(ii) for females : one water-closet for the first
ioo or less; two water-closets for 100-250; three
waler-closels for 25()-~00; and one water-closet for
every additional Co or less;
(b)Urinals---in each part of theatres and music halls,
one urinal stall for every So males; in each part
of dancing hails, concert halls and cinematograph
halls, and in each restaurant, one urinal stall for
every ioc, males.
For the purpose of this regulation, it is assumed that
the public in each part of premises consists of equal
numbers of males and females.
(2) In addition to the provision specified in paragraph
(i), such separate water-closets and urinal accommodation
as may be required by the building authority shall be pro-
vided for the staff and employees and for the performers
and the orchestra.
(3) Urinal stalls shall be fitted with automatic flushing
apparatus, and shall be of a pattern approved by the
building authority. Water-closets, urinals and drains shall
be constructed in accordance with the enactments
(4) The floors of all water-closets and urinal apart-
merits land of the lobbies approaching such apartments
shall be constructed of impervious material and sloped to
a drain.
(5) Water-closet and urinal aparthients shall not,
except where unavoidable, be approached direct from the
auditorium or from spaces in which the public await
(6) If leng.thy chiematograph displays are to be given
regularly, a water-closet shall be provided contiguous to
the operating inclosure.
M Natural lighting by means of windows or skylights
shall be provided to the auditorium and (where practicable)
to all other parts of premises.. Suitable curtains or shutters
may be provided so that dui-ing performances the windows
and skylights may be obscured.
56. All nican., for the admission of light and air shall
be utilized as far as practicable when premises are not in
use by the public and all windows wid skylights shall be
kept clean.
57. An adequate nurnber of nietal bins or i.ccel)t.,icles
with properly fitting covers ~11ah be provided for dust and
refuse. Such receptacles shall be maintained in a clean and
wholesome condition, in in open area or other suitable
Ligittlibg, coolin,.-, clectrical, ve?btllalliig and
mechanical iltstall~itiolbs.
58. .~\ii application for a licence or renewal of a licence
under the regulations in this Part shall be accompanied b~
a certificale of stability of the alternative gas lighting systeni
after an examination of the installations.
59. If the licensing authority thinks it expedient lie rnay
call upon the licensee of premises to furnish a certificate of
stability of the electric system.
60. None of the provisions of these regulations rela(ing
to electric s~Isteili.,; shall apl)1y to anv liceiised building
existing on 3rd August, 1934, until either-
(a) major electrical alterations are commenced; or
(b)the licensing authority gives miritteii notice to the
licensee that there is a danger of fire from faulty
wiring or apparatus,
whereupon, in either case, all the provisions of til(~se
regulations shall apply to such building.
61. All portions of premises to which the public have
access shall be provided with two independent systems of
lighting, 1..e. electricity and gas, to the satisfaction of the
licensing authority and the lighting points provided in
accordance with this regulation shall be indicated to the
satisfaction of the licensing authority.
In any portion of premises the total illumination on the
twosysterns required by this regulation is hereinafter referred
to as 'minimurn lighting' of that portion.
62. The minimum lighting in all portions of premises
shall be maintained continuously while the public are on the
premises : Provided tli~t so long as there is sufficient day-
light in any portion of the premises artificial light need riot
be maintained in that portion.
63. For the preservation of orderly conduct as much
light shall be maintained in the auditorium as is possible
without detriment to the performance or entertainment.
64. Good general 'Illumination shall be provided in the
auditorium whenever possible without detriment to the
performance or entertainment.
65. Each system of lighting shall be so installed that a
fault or accident oil one- system cannot in any cirCUMStanCeS
-i~fect, the other.
66. The lighting points shall be so arranged that all
parts of the pren-iises, including. recesses and cupboards, can
be adequately illtiminated.
67. If the installation of oil or candle lamps be permitted
by the licensing authority the lamps shall be of a pattern
approved by the licensing authority and shall be properly
fixed away from woodwork or other combustible materials
and where practicable they shall be otit of reach of the public.
Lamps for burning kerosene oi- other mineral oil shall riot be
68. Provision shall be rnade so that each notice
indicating an exit can be illuminated by a light on each
system. In the auditorium of a theatre or music hall, and
in such other places or positions as the licensing authority
may determine, provision shall be made so that such notice
can be internally illuminated by a light oil at least one of
tile systems.
69. The lighting of exit notices shall riot in any circum-
stances be extinguished or dimi-ned while the public are oil
the premises.
70. Notices, other than exit notices, in or abollt tile
auditorium or main liall, shall not be internally illuminated.
71. Corridors and staircases, which form the means of
escape from anY stage or platforni ol- froili any dressing- or
retiring rooms, and the notices indicating the exits from such
portions of. the premises, shall be provided with two inde-
pendent systems of lighting to tile satisfaction of the
licensing authority : Provided that, in the case of small
premises, two independent systems of lighting need not be
provided if the licensing authority is satisfied that two
systems are not necessary in those portions of the premises.
72. Gas, oil or candle lamps shall not be installed within
the limits of the stage or platform or in positions in which
it is possible for thern to come into contact with scenery or
73. (1) Lamp shades of inflammable material shall not
be provided.
(2) Lamp shades shall be of incombustible material
except when intended for use in positions remote from corn-
bustible materials. If shades of combustible material be
provided for use in such positions, they shall be rendered
satisfactorily non-inflammable, shall be suitably ventilated to
the satisfaction of the licensing authorit ' v and shall be so
arranged that, in case of electric lighting fittings, it is not
possible for the shades to come into contact with the lamp
or holder, and in the. case of gas fittings, the shades are
efficiently protected from the flame or from an.y parts of
the fitting liable to reach a high temperature. No large or
elaborate ' shade shall be provided without the previous
consent of the licensing authority.
74. (1) The main switches, meters and other electrical
apparatus in connexion with the intake from the supply
undertaking shall be installed in an enclosure. The en-
closure shall be in a dry place, and shall be of adequate size,
constructed of fire-resisting materials And adequately
(2) The enclosure referred to in paragraph (i) shall be
used only for the accommodation of such apparatus, and
no water or gas pipes shall be therein. Means shall be
,tdol)tecl (c) the satisfactioil or the buildin- ~iiithorit~, and the
licensing authority to Drevent smoke or gases p 1 assing into
the enclosure.
75. Boilers, engines and other plant used for generating
electricity, and secondary batteries, shall be installed in
enclosures. Tlic enclosures shall be of adequate size, con-
strUCted of fire-resistin materials and adequately ventilated
to the satisfaction of the building authority and the licensing
76. (1) Connexions to stage switchboards and other
large control boards shall be readily accessible and any live
conductors at the back of such boards shall be protected to
[lie satisfaction (if the licensing authority.
(2) All parts of switches and fuses, and any conductors
which are alive or liable to become alive, shall be so protected
thal accidental cotitact with them is impossible : Provided
that~ this paragraph shall riot apply to any such apparatus
installed in a position which is recognized by the licensing
authority as being accessible only to skilled electriciansi
(3) Switch and fuse boards and other controlling
apparatus shall, where\,er practicable, be installed in positions
inaccessible to the public. If the licensing authority agrees
in writing to such apparatus being installed within reach of
the public, arrangements shall be made to prevent inter-
ference by an~r unauthorized person. Cut-outs shall not be
installed in positions where they may be visible to the
assembled publi
(4) Local switching for lighting shall be avoided as far
as practicable in ;ill parts of preniises accessible to the public.
or currents 5(
operation shall be f ) per cent in excess of the
maximurn current of the main circuits or sub-circults
(6) When practicable motor-starting switch gear shall
be installed close to the motor controlled thereby, and shall
be so placed that the motor is clearly visible to the operator.
Any apparatus or switch provided for speed control or for
stopping shall, if installed away from the motor, be so
arranged that it cannot be used as a starter.
If in any case the permission of the licensing authority
in writing is given for the remote control of motors, ;t
suitable isolating switch shall be installed close to the motor.
(7) Ironclad and other enclosed switches, other than
tumbler switches, shall have the '0,~t' and 'Off' positions
clearly indicated.
(8) Switches and cut-outs shall be labelled as rnay be
considered necessary by the licensing authority, to indicate
clearly the main circuits or sub-circuits which they control.
77. (1) Ample space sliall be provided for [lie coii\,etii-
ent operation and proper maintenance of all switch gear;
any platform provided for such purposes shall be of fire-
resisting construction, and the floor shall be of a non-
conducting material or shall be covered with an insulating
mat. Guardrails and step-ladders with handrails shall be
pro\,ided where considered necessary by the licensing
(2) If considered necessary by the licensing authority
for obviating risk of shock, guardrails shall be constructed
of English oak or teak, and any metal within reach of a
person on the platforni shall be satisfactorilY 1.-)i-otecte(l.
78. (1) Wiring shall not be run in a ventilating duct,
flue or air shaft, or installed in a lift unless it is essential
for the operation of the lift.
(2) A cable duct shall be stopped at any point at which
it passes through a fire-resisting wall or floor so as to prevent
the passage of fire or smoke from one section of the duct
to another.
(3) Cable ways shall not be formed in the protective
covering of structural steel work.
(4) Conduits shall be efficiently protected against
(5) Where cables are permitted without conduits or
similar protection (e.g. for connexions to battens), they shall
be efficiently protected by an asbestic or other non-
inflammable covering, and shall be supported to the satisfac-
tion of the licensing authority. This paragraph shall not
apply to cables used in connexion with portable apparatus.
(6) The use of flexible cord or cable shall be avoided
whenever practicable. In any case in which such a con-
ductor is permitted it shall be as short a's possible. Each
cord or cable shall be fitted with a separate plug connexion.
(7) Sub-circuits for current-consuming devices other
than lamps shall not be connected to lighting circuits:
Provided that any such device which consumes not more
than 500 watts may be connected to a separate sub-circuit
of a lighting distribution board.
(8) Sub-circuits from one source of supply only shall
be taken into any fitting, and a voltage greater than 250
shall not exist between any conductors in any fitting.
(9) Multiple core and bunch cables shall be suitably
insulated and protected.
79. (1) All suspended fittings or apparatus, other than
small single-lamp pendants fitted at a height of less than
ten feet above the floor level, shall be provided with satisfac-
tory means of suspension independent of the conductors.
Heavy pendent fittings or apparatus shall, unless rigidly
fixed, be provided with two means of suspension indepen-
dent of the conductors. A self-sustaining winch shall be
provided for such fittings or apparatus, if the licensing
authority so requires. Proper means of access shall be
provided for the inspection and maintenance of the fittings
or apparatus.
(2) Fittings and accessories liable to interference or
damage shall be protected to the satisfaction of the licensing
(3) A sufficient number of sockets shall be installed to
minimize the use of flexible cords or cables. Plugs and
accessories connected to flexible cords or cables shall be fitted
with suitable clamps to grip the protective covering of the
80. (1) Generators and motors sliall be designed for the
particular purposes for which they are required and siiall be
installed only in approved positions.
(2) Such macbines, unless of the or
flame-proof type, shall be installed in enclosures coils[ rucled
of fire-resisting materials and adequately ventilated.
(3) Every sucli ii-iaciiiiie shall be fitted witli a plate
indicating the type, voltage, speed, capacity aild, wliere
apphcable, the frequency and riumber of pliases.
81. (1) Resistances sliall be placed only in 1)ositi(II.S
approved by the licensing authority, and if so required by
11e licensing autliority sliall be installed in
enclosures which shall be ventilated to the satisfaction of. the
licensing authorit.y. Banks of resistances shall be centralized
and 5
-trranged so that each unit is readily accessible.
(2) Tracker wires shall be so installed and shielded tliat,
in the event of breakage, slackness or other displacernent,
they cannot inake contact with five nietal.
(3) Liquid resislances sliall be niounted oil appro\red
82. Radiators. convectors and otlier
devices shall riot bc installed except with the consent in
writing of the licensing authority. If sucii a device bc
ins(alled it shall be securely fixed in position and, if liable in
any circumstances to reacli a bigh temperawre, shall be
provided with a stout wire guard of c!ose iiies~i, securely fixed
and so ai-ranged that no part of the guard is within six inclies
of ally portion of the device wliicii is at a temperature.
The metal framework and the guard shall be eartlied.
83. Electric kettles, irons and other appliances shall be
used only in positions specially approved by the licensing
authority. If the temperature (f a non-lumlnous.appliance
be liable to exceed 212' F., a pilot lan-ip shall be installed to
indicate whether the current is oil or off. 'I'lle pilot lamp
final sub-circuit shall be separately fused oil each pole.
84. In any premises where a safety curtain is provided
to the proscenium opening-
(a)electric light shall be the only illuminant provided
for or oil the stage and (where such accommodation
is provided) in the st~i,,ye basenienl, the nies, 1)rop(,i,t~
rooms and scene stores;
(b)apparatus sliall be so fixed and arranged that it
cannot in anY circumstances interfere with the proper
Working of tile safety curtain.
85. (j) The outer cases ol' battens, footlights, lanterns
and similar fittings shall be of hard metal of not less than
No. 20 standard gauge (.o-c) inches). If wood be used for
the construction of portable lengths, it shall be teak or
P'nglish oak of such thickness as may be approved by the
licensing authority.
(2) Battens, lanterns and sinlilar fittings shall bc
ventilated and (he cases and all niefal work shall
be earthed.
(3) 'Fhe lamps and any parts of such apparatus. liable to
become hot shall be so arranged and guarded as not to
endanger scenery or other material. The guard shall be of
Wire MCS11 Or Of Such other type as will afford ventilation,
shall be rigidly fixed and, where practicable, shall be at a
distance of at least 12 inches vertically and 3 inches hori-
zontally from the casing of the lamp or holder.
(4) Each batten shall be suspended by at least three
steel wire ropes, and if required by the licensing authority
a suitable self-sustaining winch shall be provided.
86. If it is desired to instal in the auditorium or main
hall any lamp ol- apparatus for the purposes of stage
illumination, advertisement or special effects, such lamp or
apparatus shall be containe(] ill a suitable enclosure Iri-~-inged
to the satisfaction of the licensing authority.
87. Except with the consent of the licensing authority
and subject to any conditions of such consent, any lamp
which may be used in the auditorium for projecting advertise-
merits, stage illumination, special effects or for any other
purpose shall be contained in a suitable enclosure to the
satisfaction of the licensing authority.
88. If any system of installed ,khicli is
not coil te ill plated ill these regulations, such conditions as
may be considered necessary bythe licensing authority shall
be complied with in respect of such system.
89. Suitably protected portable distribution boards
shall be provided as the licensing authority may consider
necessary to ensure adequate fuse protection to Sinall filial
sub-circuits fed through stage sockets. The current in any
Such sub-circuit supplying a number of small Incandescent
lamps shall be limited to 5 (iiitperes.
. 90. (1) The electrical installation shall be in the charge
of a competent person during the whole of the time that the
public are on premises.
(2) In premises where a safety curtain is provided to
the proscenium opening the electrician in charge of the
electrical installation, ol- a competent assistant electrician,
shall remain within the stage risk during the whole of the
time that the public are on the premises: Provided that
this rule shall not operate so as to prevent the electrician in
charge for the time being leaving the stage in case of urgent
necessity in connexion with the electrical installation.
91. (1) Temporarv electrical installations shall comply
with the regulations.
(2) All temporary installations sliall be disconnected
from the permanent installation immediately after each
occasion on which they are used and shall be entirely removed
immediately the i-iced therefor has ceased.
92. In premises where exhibitions or bazaars are to be
frequently held, suitable distributing means shall be per~
manently installed, with tappings each controlled by a
double-pole switch and double-pole cut-outs,
Distribution boards shall be provided as the licensing
authority may consider necessary.
93. All lampholders within normal reach shall be kept
fitted with lanips.
94. \Viring and apparatus which will be out of use
during the run of 51 production, or which are not likely to be
required for a period exceeding one nionth, dis-
connected during such period by, the withdrawal of the fuses
on both poles. Permanently disused wiring and apparatLIS
shall be removed.
95. A diagram and/or schedule indicating clearly, the
arrangements of the circuits and sub-circults, the position of
the distribution boards and the sizes of the cables shall be
kept in an accessible position oil premises.
96. At least one bucket filled with dry sand, or a
chemical extinguisher of a type approved by the Chief Officer
of the Fire Brigade, shall fie provided and kept readily
accessible the followi-,,'z. intake rooms, main
ng positions, 1 1
distribution ro ' oms, motor generator rooms, near stage switch
boards and in such other positions as the Chief Officer of the
Fire Brigade may, consider necessary.
97. In cases in which premises form part of larger
premises [lie electrical services for such part sliall not be
used for any purpose in connexion with the remaining parts
of the premises except with the consent in writing of the
licensing authority and in accordance with any conditions of
such consent.
98. RadiG apparatus or any, electrical amplifying
appriratus shall not be installed or used except with the
consent in writing of the licensing authority and in accord-
ance with any conditions,of such consent.
99. Gas meters and the connexions thereto shall be
installed in an enclosure constructed of fire-resisting materials.
,ri,e enclosure shall be ventilated to the open air and shall
be reserved exclusively for the meters and connexions. A
main cock with fixed handle shall be provided and shall be
accessible only to authorized persons.
100. Gas burners shall be guarded by wire guards or
glass globes or other efficient means and shall be protected
against draughts to the satisfaction of the licensing
authority. In open exitways or other exposed positions the
gas burners shall be enclosed in weatherproof lanterns.
Fittings and accessories liable to interference or damage
shall be protected to the satisfaction of the licensing
101. Any connexion to the gas mains for the supply of
one of the systems of lighting requiied by regulation 61
shall be rnade in such a manner that an accident to any
other gas services or supplies cannot jeopardize the
minimum lighting. A separate connexion to the gas main
shall be made for the supply to any large boiler, engine or
cooking plant and to such other apparatus as the licensing
authority inay determine.
102. (1) Piping other than the connexions to the meter
shall be.of hard metal and shall be securely fixed away
from electrical wiring and apparatus. Where lia151e to cor-
rosion, piping shall be efficiently protected by painting or
such other method as i-nay be approved by the licensing
(2) No wires for the purpose of grounding my
electrical apparatus shall be connected to gas piping.
103. Lighting brackets and similar fittings shall be of
a rigid pattern. Heavy pendent fittings shall be fitted with
secondary means of suspension.
104. Taps within reach of the public shall be of a key
pattern or shall be rendered inaccessible to unauthorized
105. In any case in which remote control of gas lights
or appliances is permitted by the licensing authority, a suit-
able by-pass and pilot light installation shall be provided.
106. (1) Appliances for high-pressure gas lighting,
lime-light or any other purpose n 1 ot provided for in these
regulations shall not be installed except with the consent of
the licensing authority and in 'accordance with any condi-
tions of such consent.
(2) Ovens, geysers, gas-rings or, other gas appliances
shall not be installed except in positions or rooms specially
approved by the licensing authority. If installed, they
shall be mounted upon approved incombustible material
and, unless the licensing authority agrees otherwise, shall
be connected to the supply by rigid piping. Rubber or
soft metal tubing shall not be provided. Gas irons shall
not be provided except with the consent in writing of the
licensing authority, and in accordance with 'any condition of
such consent. The room or other place in which any such
appliance is installed shall be ventilated to the satisfaction
of the licensing authority and, unless specially exempted,
by the licensing. authority, shall be separated by fire..
resisting materials frorn the remainder of premises.
Ventilation and cooling..
107. (1) Means of ventilation capable of providing a
supply of outdoor air at the minimum rate of i,ooo cubic
feet per occupant per hour shall be installed at premises.
The ventilation shall be effected by means of mechanical
plant capable of giving a positive supply and shall be sup-
plemented, if so required by the building authority~ by a
mechanical means of exhaust ventilation : Provided that in
certain cases a positive supply shall not be required if the
building authority is satisfied that the standard of ventila-
tion prescribed by this regulation can be maintained by
natural means or by means of a mechanical exhaust system.
(2) The entering air shall be so distributed that all
occupied parts of the building, including entrance vesti-
bules, waiting spaces and refreshment saloons, are reached
and the vitiated air effectually displaced.
(3) The condition of the air shall not be regarded as
satisfactory if the amount of carbon dioxide in. occupied
portions of premises, taken at a level of three to six feet
above the floor level, exceeds io parts in io,ooo.
108. When a cooling plant is installed the machinery, in
connexion therewith shall be contained in a room ventilated
to external atinosphere and provided with fire-resistino*
partitions and doors.
109. The inlet and outlet gratings, openings, Clucts and
~:1 Z1
fans shall be so placed, and of such size, that no objection-
able draughts are caused.
110. When air ducts and shafts are constructed of
material other than metal they shall be formed of or lined
with a Suitable smooth material Impervious to moisture.
All ducts shall have adequate rneans of access for cleaning
111. In any premises where a safety curtain is provided
to the proscenium opening the installation shall be such
that under any conditions of working it shall not be possible
for a current of air to be drawn from the stage to the
auditorium, and in order to ensure this supplementary
mechanical means of extracting air from the stage shall be
provided if required by the building authority and the
licensing authority.
112. Independent means of eXtr-~ction from lavatories
and sanitary conveniences shali be provided and so
arranged that the air movements shall not be from the lava-
tories, and conveniences into other parts of premises.
113. All regulating valves and dampers necessary to
secure effective air distribution shall be fitted with pointers
or other means of indicating the positions in which they
are set and with an approved locking device which cannot
readily be interfered with by the public.
114. When practicable, means of access td all fans,
motors, control gear and other apparatus shall be provided
and the starting mechanism shall be adjacent to or in sight
of the machinery which it controls.
115. If two or more extraction fans are installed pro-
vision shall be made., if required by the building authority,
and the licensing authority, to ensure that the operation of
the fans shall not be ineffective in the event of one or more
of the fans being out of use.
116. If fans are provided for both the supply and
extraction of air and the Lise of the. extract fans alone is
found to cause discomfort, the motors shall, if so required
by the buildin ' - aulhority and the licensing authority, bi.,
interlocked so as to prevent any, of the extract fans being
run when the inlet fans are not working.
117. The materials used for the ventilation and cooling
equipment shall be incombustible as far as reasonably
118. The ineans of ventilation shall be used continuously
while the public are oil premises, so as to provide efficient
119. Detafled instructions relative to the working,of the
ventilation system shall be exhibited in such positions as
the licensin,y authority may require.
120. The ventilating shafts shall be kept clean.
121. The installation shall be' constantly Under the
supervision of a competent person.
122. Limelight, acetylene gas installations or steel
cylinders for the storage of compressed air, oxygen, hydro-
gen, or other gases or liquidS Under pressure, shall not be
used except with the consent of the licensing authority and
in accordance with any conditions of such consent. At
least seven days' notice shall be given of any proposal to
lise such apparatus.
123. Lighting fittings, switchboards, fuse-boards and
other electrical apparatus and accessories and heating
apparatus shall be so placed that they do not form 'an ob-
struction in any gangway, exitway, corridor or staircase, and
unless recessed or defended to the satisfaction of the build-
ing authority, shall not be less than 6 feet 9 inches above
the floor level.
124. In this Part-
'building' includes any, booth, tent Or sirnilar Structure;
'new building` means a buil(ling erected or adapted after
3rd August, 1934, for the purpose of cinematograph
125. No building shall be used for cinematograph
exhibitions unless it be provided with an adequate number
of exits clearly indicated and so placed and maintained as
readily to aflord the audience imple means of safe egress.
126. The doors of all exits shall be SO C011StrUcted and
maintained as easily to open outwards on being pressed
from within.
127. Seating shall be so arranged as not to interfere
with free 'access to any exit. Gan-ways, slaircases and
passages leading to exits shall, while the public are present
in a building, be kept clear of obstruction. No person
shall be allowed to stand or sit in any gangway intersecting
rows of seats or in the space between the front row of seats
and. the screen; and if standing be permitted by, the licens-
ing authority in any other gangway or portion of the audi-
torium, Sufficient room shall be left to allow persons to pass
easily to and fro.
128. The licensee or some responsible person nominated
by him in writing for the purpose shall be in charge during
the whole time of any exhibition and there shall also be
during that time a sufficient staff of attendants in a building
for the purpose of seCUring safety.
129. All persons responsible for or employed in or in
connexion with an exhibition shall take all due precautions
for the prevention of accidents and shall abstain from any
act whatever which tends to cause fire and is not reasonably
necessary for the purpose of the exhibition.
130. Fire appliances suitable to the character of a build-
in- and adequate to deal with an outbreak of fire shall be
provided and maintained in good working order. During
an exhibition such appliances shall be in the charge of
some person specially nominated for that purpose who shall
see that they are kept constantly available for use.
131. There shall always be within a cinematograph in-
closure sufficient.means of dealing with fire, readily avail-
for use, and these shall include a th ' ick woollen
blanket, two bucizets of water and a bucket of dry sand.
Before the commencement of each exhibition the operator
shall satisfy himself that the fire appliances within the
enclosure are ready for use.
132. No smoking shall at anytime be permitted within
a cinematograph encl osure, nor in a film room nor in my
part of premises ifi which films are stored, wound or re-
paired. Notices stating that smoking is prohibited shall bc
kept posted in tile enclosure and film room and any such
part of premises as aforesaid.
133. No inflammable article shall unnecessarily be taken
into or allowed to remain in the enclosure, the film room or
any part of premises in which films are stored, wound or
134. Projecting apparatus shall be placed in an
enclosure of substantial construction rnade of or lined in-
ternally with fire-resisting material and of sufficient
dimensions to allow the operator to work freely.
135. All fittings and fixtures within the enclosure, other
than t ' lie frames Of Outside windows, shall be constructed
of or covered with fire-resisting material.
136. The entrance to the enclosure shall be suitably
placed and fitted with a self-closing close-fitting door of
fire-resisting material which shall be kept closed during an
exhibition. For the purpose of this regulation 'fire-
resisting material' includes teak or oak not less than two
inches thick.
137. The openings through which the necessary pipes
and cable pass into the enclosure shall be efficientlY, sealed
or bushed, as the case may be.
138. The openings in the front face of the enclosure
shall be covered with glass and shall not be larger than is
necessary for effective projection and observation.
E-ach such opening shall be fitted with a screen of fire-
resisting material, which can be released from both the in-
side and the outside of the enclosure so that it automaticallY
closes Nvith a close-fitting joint. Screens shall be so con-
structed and arranged that they can all be released
simultaneously from the operating position near any of the
projectors. 6penings shall not exceed three for each pro-
jecting apparatus. All screens shall be closed at the con-
clusion of the last dai,ly performance.
139. '1'he door of the enclosure and all openings, bushes
and joints shall be so constructed and maintained as to
prevent as far as possible the escape of any snioke into th ' c
auditorium or any part of a building to which the public
are admitted.
140. Adequate means of ventilation shall be provided,
with sufficient inlets and outlets to ensure a constant supply
of fresh air. Inlets and outlets shall communicate directly
with the outside of a building. and shall be so ai-ranged as
not to expose the operator to a direct draught.
141. If the enclosure is inside the auditorium, either a
suitable barrier shall be placed round the enclosure at a
distance of not less than two feet from it, or other effectual
mea~ns shall be taken to prevent the public frorri coming
into contact with the enclosure : Provided that this require-
ment shall not apply where the enclosure is of permanent
construction and is riot entered from the auditorium.
142. The enclosure shall be in the charge, of a competent
operator who shall be present in tile enclosure during the
whole time that the apparatus is in use. This shall not
prevent the operator from leaving the enclosure for i short
period in case of need provided that a competent assistant
is left in charge and the operator remains within immediate
ca 11.
143. No unauthorized person shall go into the enclosure
or be allowed within the barrier.
144. In the case of building,,, used habitually for cine-
inatograph exhibitions the enclosure sliall be outside the
auditorium and in the case of permanent buildings used
habitually as aforesaid the enclosure shall also be
permanent Provided that if the licensing authority is of
opinion that, in the case of an existing building, compliance
with either ol- both of these requirements is impracticable
Or in the circumstances unnecessary for securing safety, the
requirements shall riot apply. In any new building where
the enclosure is permanent, the enclosure shall also comply
with the following requirements---
(a) a window or shylight shall be provided;
(b) the entrance shall be froiri the open air;
(c)alternative means ~of egress shall be provided,
unless the licensing authority is satisfied that
compliance with this requirement is impracticable.
145. Projecting apparatus Shall be placed on firm
SUPPOrtS constructed of fire-resisting material. Every
lantern sliall be fitted with a metal shutter which can readily
be inserted by hand between the source of light and the
flliii gate, and every projector shall be fitted with a metal
shutter so arranged as automatically to cut off the film gate
from the source of light when the projector stops. The con-
strurtion of the film gate shall be substantial and such as
to afford arnple heat-radiating surface. The passage for
the film shall be sufficiently narrow to prevent flames
travelling upwards and downwards from the light-opening,
and the film must be securely held in the tipper film box.
146. Projectors shall be fitted with two metal boxes of
substantial construction to.and from which the film shall
be made to travel, unless both the film spools are contained
in a metal chamber of substantial construction below the
projector. There shall not be more than 2,000 feet of film
in either of the two metal boxes. The film boxes or
chamber shall be made to close in such a manner, and shall
be fitted with film slots so constructed, as to prevent the
passage of flame to the interior of the box or chamber and
they shall remain so closed during the whole time that pro-
jection is taking place.
147. Take-up spools shall be mechanically driven and
films shall be wound on spools so that the wound film does
not at any time reach or project beyond the edges of the
flanges of the spool.
148. During an exhibition all films when iiot'iii use shall
be kept in closed metal boxe-s of substantial construction.
When in the enclosure not rnore than six spools shall be
kept in one box at the same time.
149. The total amount of film kept in any building
licensed or used as a place of public entertainment shall not
exceed live hundred and sixty reels or one ton.
Not more thall 20,000 feet of film in all shall be kept in
the enclosure and the rewinding room at the sarne time.
Film in excess of this arnount shall be stored elsewhere in
accordance with the Celluloid and Cinematograph Filin
Ordinance, 1923, and any regulations made thereunder.
150. A separate. roorn shall be provided for the rewinding
and repairing of films and shall be constructed throughout of
or !ined internally with fire-resisting inaterial.
151. All fittings and fixtures within the rewinding room
shall be constructed of or covered with fire-resisting material,
and the entrance shall be provided with a self-closing close-
fitting door of fire-resisting material which shall nol com-
municate directly with the auditorium or any part. of a
building to which the public are adinitted. If there is any
communicating doorway or other opening between the
enclosure and the rewinding room it shall also be provided
with a door or shut.ter of fire-resisting material.
For the. purpose of this regulation 'fire-resisting
material' includes teak or oak not less than two inches
152. The rewinding roorn shall be provided with adequate
rneans of ventilation, with Sufficlent inlets and outlets to
ensure a constant supply of fresh air. Inlets and outlets sliall
communicate directly with the outside of a building.
153. Alternative nicans of egress shall be provided other
Ilmn through the enclosure : Provided that if the licensing
~iutliority is of opinion that in the circumstances compliance
with any of the provisions of regulations 150 to 153 is
impracticable or in the case of any of the provisions of
regulations i5o, iSi and 153 unnecessary for securing safety,
such compliance shall be dispensed with.
154. W11C1'C a building is used only occasionally for the
purpose of ciiiciiit(ogrtpli exhibitions the provisions of
regulations 126 and 149 shall not apply unless specially
imposed by the licensing authority in cases of exceptional
danger, but the following requirements shall be complied
(11) the doors of all exits shall be arranged to rneet 'Ally
. requirements of the licensing authority;
(h)1he film boxes fitted to the projector shall not exceed
iS inches in diameter, inside measurement;
(c)not rnore than three spools sliall be kept in the
enclosure at any one time.
155. Where a portable self-contained projector is used,
the provisions of regulations 126, i3o and 132 to 15- inclusive
shall not apply 1)i-(..vided that regulations 124, 1251 127, 128,
129, 131 (with the substitution of the words 'reserved space'
for the word 'ciiclostii-e'), 154 (whether or not the buildi ng
is only occasionally used) and 156 to 16o inclusive are corn-
plied with.
156. (1) If the projector is erected in any part of tile
auditorium or any place to which the public have access,
effective means shall be -adopted, whether by the erection of
a suilable barrier or otherwise, to maintain round the
projector a cletr space of at least 3 feet, hereinafter referred
to as the reserved space.
(2) No uiiaLItflOri7cd person shall be allowed within the
reserved space.
(3) No smokino. shall at, an), time be permitted within
the reserved space.
(4) No inflammable article shall unnecessarily be taken
into or allowed to rernain in the reserved space.
157. The projector shall be placed on a fil-111 support and
shall be kept clear of the access to in), exit.
158. (1) The projector and the illuminant shall be entire-
ly enclosed in a casing of fire-resisting material except for
such openings as are necessary for effective manipulation and
(2) Any electric wiring or terminals fitted within the
casing shall be so placed that it is impossible for films in
use in the projector to come in contact With tliern.
(3) Each electric circuit on the projector shall be fitted
with a separate sm,itcl~ controlled from otitsiele the casing
and so placed as to be within reach of the operator \\Then
standing at the projector.
(4) No illuminant other than electric light in hermetical-
ly scaled lamps sfia.11 be used within the projector, and the
illuminant sha.11 be separately encased in such a way is to
prevent contact with the filin.
(5) The heat of the illuminan(, and its position in
relation to the optical system, shall be suell th,-11 it is
impossible for the rays, of liglit to ignite a slationary film.
The power consumed by the illuminant sliall not exceed
1,000 watts.
159. (1) The projector shall belitted with flin-boxes of
fire-resisting material, whicli shall be made to close in such
manner, and (where ribbon film is employed) shall be fitted
with film-slots so constructed, as to revent the passage of
flame to the interior of the box.
(2) Film boxes shall not be. capable of carrying films of
more than a total length Of 2,000 feet.
(3) At no time shall a filni be exposed except the portion
necessary for threading up.
(4) During an exhibition riot more than two reels of
film shall be in the auditorium at ally Olle tinle. If furtlier
reels of film are required, they shall be kept in closed metal
boxes outside the auditorium, and if in the building, in a
place approved by the licensing authority.
160. A copy of such of the regulations in this Part as
apply when a portable projector is used shall be exhibited in
any room or place in which a portable projector is used for
the purposes of an exhibition.
161. (1) Any person who desires to use any building,
matshed, tent or other structure to which this Part applies,
hereinafter referred to as 'the place', for a public entertain-
ment shall send in an application to the Secretary for Chinese
Affairs which shall contain the following information-
(a) the names, descriptions and addresses of the person
or person making the application; and
(b) the character of the entertainment for which the
place is proposed to be used and the locality of the
If the Secretary for Chinese Affairs approves of such
application he shall send it to the Commissioner of Police
for his approval, who, if he approves of the application,
shall send it to the building authority who shall, unless
owing to special circumstances he chooses to grant any
modification under regulation 171, be supplied by the
applicant with plans and section to a scale of not less than
1/20 of an inch to a foot together with a block plan showing
the position of the place in relation to adjoining buildings
and public streets with such completeness as the building
authority may require. Such plans shall be amended in any
particular required by the building authority and shall be
retained by him and shall show the number of person to be
accommodated in the various parts respectively of the place
and also the widths of all staircases, corridors, gangways
and doorways. Printed copies of plans and sections suitable
for submission in accordance with this requirement may be
obtained from the office of the building authority on payment
of a fee of $5 in each case.
(2) The Commissioner of Police'as licensing authority
may, upon being informed by the building ititliority, that lie
has no objection, issue a licence for a public entertainment
as specified in the licence, to be held ill the place oil the d~i~
or days specified ill the licence.
162. Ill the case of any tent or similar structure which it
is desired to use for a public entertaini-nent the pi-o~,Isioils
contained in regulation 163 shall, as far as practicable, be
163. (1) The follo~vitig requirements sliall apply in the
case of every matshed which it is desired to use ot- which is
licensed for a public entertainment-
(a)no part of the structure shall be bi-tilt over water
having a depth of more thall 3 feet at high tide;
(b)the structure shall not be within So yards of ally
other building, except with the permission in writ-
ing of the building authority ;
(c) the structure shall not exceed one storey in height
(d)no part of the floor Of Such structure shall be ITIOIT
than 4 feet 6 inches above the level of the ground ;
(e)the side of every such structure for a height. of 8
feet above the floor shall be left open and
unenclosed except by a light open fence constructed
to the satisfaction of the licensing authority or
some officer deputed by him;
gang'ays shall be formed and maintained to the
satisfaction of the licensing authority or an ofFicer
deputed by him. Such gangways shall not be less
than 4 feet ill width and not more than 20 feet
apart ;
(g)exits shall be provided and maintained to the satis-
faction of the licensing authority ol- ail officer
deputed by hini ;
(h)all gangways, exits and passages shall be ket)t at
.all -times free from any -obsti uction whatsoever .
(i)the number of persons admitted shall be limited to
thos6 for whom seating accommodation is provided
and in no case shall such number exceed 2,ooo ;
any artificial lighting arrangement--, shall be to the
special satisfaction in each case of the licensing
authority or an officer deputed by him ;
(7,)axes and choppers shall be provided in convenient
positions within the structure to the satisfaction of
the licensing authority or an officer deputed b~
(1)fire buckets not less than 48 in number shall be
provided to the satisfaction of the licensing
authority or in officer deputed by himi and shall be
kept filed with water within the structure;
On)fire-extinguishing apparatus of such type as the
Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade may deern neces-
sary shall be provided and in any particular case
lie may direct that the. matshed shall be further
protected by the provision of uniformed Govern-
merit firemen. The expenses of the provision of
rnen and apparatus shall be borne by the licensee ;
(v)dressing rooms shall be situated not less than 20
feet distant from the main structure, and if corn-
munication is allowed, such communication shall
be by means of open bridges only;
(o)no cooking shall be allowed in or near the
structure ;
(p)no smoking shall be allowed within the structure
and the licensee shall take all reasonable precau-
tIons to prevent it.
(2) In respect of any licence under this Part the
Secretary for Chinese Affairs, the Commissioner of Police
and the building authority may add or SUbstitute further-
or other conditions in any case in which it may appear
desirable to do so, but the licensee shall have the right to
appeal against the imposing of such further or other con-
ditions to the Governor in Council whose decision shall be
164. Any person who desires to use any building,
matshed or place for a public entertainment shall send an
application in writing to the District Officer of the district
in which such building, matshed or place is situate; the
application shall state-
(a)the names, descriptions and addresses of the
person or persons making the application ;
(b)the character of the entertainment for which the.
premises are proposed to be used, the locality of
the premises and the general nature of the build-
ing, matshed or place.
165. (1) The District Officer may, impose slich of tile
conditions contained in Part III as he may deein applicable
and expedient and any other special conditions lie may
consider necessary having regard to the construction of the
premises and any other matler whatsoever.
(2) If satisfied that the specified requirements have
been complied with the District Officer may in his discre-
tion issue a licence for such period as may appear expedient.
No fee shall be payable for any such licence.
166. The District Officer may during the currency of
any licence impose any further conditions he may consider
necessary or may amend any existing conditions and such
further or amended conditions, together with the original
conditions, shall as from the tirne when the further condi-
tions were imposed or the original conditions amended be
deemed to be the conditions of the licence.
167. No boxing contest and no entertainment other than
that mentioned in any licence shall be held in any building,
matshed or place licensed for a public entertainment in the
New Territories without the special permission of the Dis-
trict Officer of the district concenied endorsed on such
licence. This regulation shall be deemed to be a condition
of every licence for a public entertainment issued by a
District Officer.
168. No boxing contest shall be held in any building
or place licensed for a public entertainment, without the
special permission in writing of the licensing authority en-
dorsed on such licence.
169. No entertainment of a kind other than that mentioned in any licence shall
be held in any building or place licensed for a public entertainment, without the
special permission of the licensing authority endorsed on such licence. This regulation
shall be deemed to be a condition of every licence for a public entertainment issued under
these regulations.
170. In the case of a temporary building no licence will be issued for a longer
period than one month, but such licence may be renewed at the discretion of the licensing
171. The building authority in collaboration with the licensing authority may,
where he considers any of the provisions of any of the foregoing regulations, owing to
special or structual circumstances, inapplicable or inexpedient, grant such modifications
as he may think desirable on receiving a written application.
172. The licensing authority and any police or fire brigade officer deputed by him
are empowered to enter any place of public entertainment at any time, whether during
the performance of a stage play or otherwise, for the purpose of inspecting the same,
including any fire service or apparatus in connexion therewith, and of seeing that all
regulations applicable thereto are duly observed.
173. Every person holding a licence under these regulations who fails to comply with
any of the conditions of his licence or with any of the provisions of these regulations,
and every person who commits a breach of any of the provisions of these regulation for
which no other penalty is imposed, shall upon summary conviction be liable to a fine of five
hundred dollars.
174, Every person who smokes in any part of a place of public entertainment where
smoking is prohibited, or who stands or sits about or otherwise obstructs any gang-
way, passageway or vestibule during the performance of a
stage play, or who obstructs any police ol- other officer ill
the discharge of the duties irnposed oil hirn h),- these re-ula-
tions or otherwise, shall upon summary Conviction be fiable
to a fine of twenty-five dollars.
175. The licensing authority sliall, SUbJect to tlic
approval of tile Governor in Council, have 1)ow(-.,i- at all
times by notice in fortliwith to cancel ans, licence
without payment of nny compensation, upon bein.. salisified
that any of the conditions of the licence liave not been
complied with ol- tliat tliere lias been disorder ai ol- upon
premises (r that the performance of any public ciitertiiii~
ment is or has heen offensive to good manners or decorurn
or calcu!ated to corrupt public morals. An ' ~, holder of a
licence who continues the performance of any public enter-
tainment after the receipt of such notice sliall be liable
upon summary conviction to a fine of one thousand dollars.
Any police officer not under the rank of .1~,ssist~iiit Super-
intendent shall also liave po\ver to close, in anY
performance if, in his discretion, lie considers it necessary
in the interests of peace and good orcler to do so.
176. M7lien. it al)pears to tile Commissioner of Police,
or to any police officer no! under the rank ol' Assistant
Superintendent, that lby reason of any breacli of these
regulations or for any other reason whatsoever, it is neces-
sary for [lie safety or preservation of in), person or any
property, or the avoid,-ince or' arty casualty, or the p:',~'CII-
tion or discontinuance of any disorder, ol- the prevenlloll
or discontinuance, Of Mly public entertainment offensive to
good manners ol- decoruni ol- calculated to coi-i-til)t public
morals so to do, it shall be lawful for Illin and for
police officer specially aulliorized by the Commissioner of
Police in that behalf to order, ill person, tliat In.), 1)1,ICC
of public entertainment bc t~eiiil)oi-.ii-il)l closed ol- vacaled,
and upon such order every inernber of any nudience, and
every other person ~vliosoevei., shall fortliwilli comply \\,itli
such order in an orderly manner. Furthermore, it shall be
lawful f& the Commissioner of Police, and for any, police
officer not tinder the rank of Assistant Superintendent or
authorized as aforesaid, to tahe, in person ol- tinder his
personal superintendence, stich steps with a view to renloval
or mitigation of the cause of danger or offence, or with
a view to the protection of any person or any property,
or avoidance of any casualty, as may be considered
expedient. No claim whatsoever shall be made against the
Commissioner of Police or any police officer or against any
person assisting the police and Under police direction in
respect of any act done under this regulation.
177. All cinematograph films and posters, hereinafter
called films and posters, shall be censored by a board of
censors, or by a member of such board, or by sonic other
Persons authorized in that behalf by the board in writing
with the approval of the Governor. No film or poster
shall be exhibited unless it has been censored and passed
by the boarel of censors or by a member of such board
or by sonic other person authorized as aforesaid.
178. The board of censors shall consist of the Commis-
sioner of Police, the Secretary for Chinese Affairs and the
Director of Education.
179. Any owner or hirer of any film or poster who may
be dissatisfied with the decision of any individual censor
shall have a right of appeal to the board of censors, whose
decision shall be final.
180. The fee for censoring films in any appeal as ]fore-
said shall be $25.00 Per reel. Ill all other cases of censor-
ing films the fee shall be $3.00 per short reel or trailer
Of 300 feet or under, $6.00 per short reel or trailer exceed-
ing 300 feet but not exceeding 500 feet. $12.00 per reel
exceeding 5oo feet but not exceeding 1,000 feet, and $15.00
per reel exceeding 1,000 feet. Posters will be censored free
of charge.
181. It shall be the duty of all managers of cinema-
tograph theatres to arrange for the projection or display
of all films and posters for censoring at a place to be
appointed by the board of censors.
182. Cinematograph theatres shall bc used for the
exhibition of films only and shall not be used for any other
purpose without the express permission in writing of the
Commissioner of Police.
183. Except as provided by paragraph (2) of regula-
tion 165 the following fees are payable in respect of
For a period- $
not exceeding 1 month ....1 .....60.00
exceeding 1 month but Not exceeding 3 month 120.00
3 months 6 210.00
6 12 360.00
No licence shall be valid for a longer period than
twelve months.
184. The Governor in Council may, upon good cause
being shown to his satisfaction, exempt from the operation
of any provision of any of the above regulations any
building, matshed, tent or other structure or place kept or
used for a public entertainment, and may reduce the fee
payable in respect of any licence.
(Ordinance No. 29 Of 1936)
(under authority of section 10 of Ordinance No. 20 of 1948).
Regulations - Fraser, vol. 3, p. 882. G.N. 680/41. G.N. 509/46. G.N. 655/47. (Cap. 172.) Licences. [r. 1 cont.] Notice of intention to open place of public entertainment. Plans, etc. Site: accommodation up to 2,000; accommodation up to 3,000; accommodation up to 5,000; accommodation over 5,000; accommodation up to 500; access between thorough-fares; passageways. Maintenance; alterations. Notice of repairs. [r. 6 cont.] Premises under or over any other building. Living rooms. Opening in walls. Drainage. Walls. Floors, tiers and roofs. Exit, etc. notices. Tiers, number and slope. Tiers, height. Level of pit and stalls. Entrances and exits. Corridors, passages, etc. Pay boxes and check boxes. Vestibules. Cloak-rooms. Staircases. Doors and fastenings. [r. 23 cont.] Collapsible gates and rolling shutters. Barriers. Chains and padlocks. Gangways. Non-slippery surfaces. Edges of steps. Mats and floor coverings. Curtains. Resters. Enclosures. Waiting spaces. Permanent seating. Chairs. [r. 36 cont.] Seating; opera glasses. Proscenium wall and safety curtain; stage exits; electric light and smoking on stage; safety curtain; stage properties; [r. 38 cont.] roof above stage; ventilation of stage; exemptions; penalty. Stage floors. Flies, gridirons and scenery; access to flies, gridirons, etc. Scenery. Storage of scenery, etc. [r. 41 cont.] Dressing-rooms and staff rooms. Scene stories, workshops, etc. Kitchens and serveries. Ironwork. Inflammable linings, etc. Decorations hangings, etc. Skylights, etc. Fire-resisting doors, etc., to be self-closing. Boxes. Fire appliances; hydrants, drenchers, etc. Telephone and fire alarm. Lightning conductors. Water-closets and urinals. [r. 54 cont.] Natural lighting. Admission of light and air. Dustbins. Certificates of stability for lighting system. Power to ask for certificate. Regulations not applicable to certain premises. Lighting; two independent systems of lighting. Minimum lighting. Lighting of auditorium. Necessity to provide good illumination. Separation of systems. Recesses, cupboards, etc. Oil or candle lamps. Lighting of exit notices. [r. 68 cont.] Lighting of exit notices. Notices in auditorium. Lighting of stage, etc., exits. Gas, oil, etc., lamps. Lamp shades. Electrical intake enclosure. Boiler, etc. enclosure. Switchboards control apparatus, etc. [r. 76 cont.] Switchboards, platforms, etc. Wiring. Fittings, accessories, etc. [r. 79 cont.] Machines. Resistances. Radiators and convectors. Electric kettles, irons, etc. Stage and platform illumination. Battens, footlights, etc. Projector lamps, etc., in auditorium. Lamps for special purposes. Special lighting. Connexions to stage sockets. Electrician. Temporary electrical installations, Exhibitions, etc. Lamp-holders. Disused wiring and apparatus. Diagram of wiring. Fire appliances. Installations for unlicensed and main portions of premises. Radio installations. Gas meters and main control. [r. 99 cont.] Guards for burners. Separation of supplies. Piping. Lighting fittings, etc. Taps. Remote control. Other gas installations. Ventilating installations. Cooling plant, Positions of inlets, etc. Duct and shafts. Position of inlets, etc., in relation to stage. Ventilation of lavatories, etc. Valves and dampers. Access to fans, etc. Short-circuiting of air supply. Interlocking of fans. Incombustible material. Continuous use. Working. Ventilating shafts. Maintenance. Acetylene, limelight and compressed gas cylinders. Position and protection of lighting, heating and other fittings. Interpretation. Exits. Exit doors. Seating and gangways. Presence of licensee and attendants. Precaution against accidents and fire. Fire appliances. Prohibition of smoking. Inflammable articles. Enclosure for projecting apparatus. Fittings, etc., of enclosure. Entrance to enclosure. Openings in enclosure. Door, etc., of enclosure. Ventilation of enclosure. Barrier. Competent operator. Prohibition of entry. Enclosure to be outside auditorium. Projecting apparatus. Projectors. [r. 146 cont.] Take-up spools. Films to be kept in boxes. Maximum length of film. (23 of 1923). Rewinding room. Fittings, etc., of rewinding room. Ventilation of rewinding room. Means of egress. Exemption. Portable projector. Reserved space for projector in auditorium. [r. 156 cont.] Projector support. Projector casing. Film boxes and films. Licences. [r. 161 cont.] Tents. Matsheds. Applications for licences. [r. 164 cont.] Powers of District Officers. No entertainment other than that specified in licence. Boxing contests. Special permission. Temporary building. Power to allow modifications. Right of entry. General penalty. Smoking. [r. 174 cont.] Cancellation of licence. Special powers of police. Board of censors. Appeal. Fees. G.N. 509/46. Duty of managers to facilitate censoring. Cinematorgraphs to exhibit films only except with permission. Fees. G.N. 655/47. Exemption.
Regulations - Fraser, vol. 3, p. 882. G.N. 680/41. G.N. 509/46. G.N. 655/47. (Cap. 172.) Licences. [r. 1 cont.] Notice of intention to open place of public entertainment. Plans, etc. Site: accommodation up to 2,000; accommodation up to 3,000; accommodation up to 5,000; accommodation over 5,000; accommodation up to 500; access between thorough-fares; passageways. Maintenance; alterations. Notice of repairs. [r. 6 cont.] Premises under or over any other building. Living rooms. Opening in walls. Drainage. Walls. Floors, tiers and roofs. Exit, etc. notices. Tiers, number and slope. Tiers, height. Level of pit and stalls. Entrances and exits. Corridors, passages, etc. Pay boxes and check boxes. Vestibules. Cloak-rooms. Staircases. Doors and fastenings. [r. 23 cont.] Collapsible gates and rolling shutters. Barriers. Chains and padlocks. Gangways. Non-slippery surfaces. Edges of steps. Mats and floor coverings. Curtains. Resters. Enclosures. Waiting spaces. Permanent seating. Chairs. [r. 36 cont.] Seating; opera glasses. Proscenium wall and safety curtain; stage exits; electric light and smoking on stage; safety curtain; stage properties; [r. 38 cont.] roof above stage; ventilation of stage; exemptions; penalty. Stage floors. Flies, gridirons and scenery; access to flies, gridirons, etc. Scenery. Storage of scenery, etc. [r. 41 cont.] Dressing-rooms and staff rooms. Scene stories, workshops, etc. Kitchens and serveries. Ironwork. Inflammable linings, etc. Decorations hangings, etc. Skylights, etc. Fire-resisting doors, etc., to be self-closing. Boxes. Fire appliances; hydrants, drenchers, etc. Telephone and fire alarm. Lightning conductors. Water-closets and urinals. [r. 54 cont.] Natural lighting. Admission of light and air. Dustbins. Certificates of stability for lighting system. Power to ask for certificate. Regulations not applicable to certain premises. Lighting; two independent systems of lighting. Minimum lighting. Lighting of auditorium. Necessity to provide good illumination. Separation of systems. Recesses, cupboards, etc. Oil or candle lamps. Lighting of exit notices. [r. 68 cont.] Lighting of exit notices. Notices in auditorium. Lighting of stage, etc., exits. Gas, oil, etc., lamps. Lamp shades. Electrical intake enclosure. Boiler, etc. enclosure. Switchboards control apparatus, etc. [r. 76 cont.] Switchboards, platforms, etc. Wiring. Fittings, accessories, etc. [r. 79 cont.] Machines. Resistances. Radiators and convectors. Electric kettles, irons, etc. Stage and platform illumination. Battens, footlights, etc. Projector lamps, etc., in auditorium. Lamps for special purposes. Special lighting. Connexions to stage sockets. Electrician. Temporary electrical installations, Exhibitions, etc. Lamp-holders. Disused wiring and apparatus. Diagram of wiring. Fire appliances. Installations for unlicensed and main portions of premises. Radio installations. Gas meters and main control. [r. 99 cont.] Guards for burners. Separation of supplies. Piping. Lighting fittings, etc. Taps. Remote control. Other gas installations. Ventilating installations. Cooling plant, Positions of inlets, etc. Duct and shafts. Position of inlets, etc., in relation to stage. Ventilation of lavatories, etc. Valves and dampers. Access to fans, etc. Short-circuiting of air supply. Interlocking of fans. Incombustible material. Continuous use. Working. Ventilating shafts. Maintenance. Acetylene, limelight and compressed gas cylinders. Position and protection of lighting, heating and other fittings. Interpretation. Exits. Exit doors. Seating and gangways. Presence of licensee and attendants. Precaution against accidents and fire. Fire appliances. Prohibition of smoking. Inflammable articles. Enclosure for projecting apparatus. Fittings, etc., of enclosure. Entrance to enclosure. Openings in enclosure. Door, etc., of enclosure. Ventilation of enclosure. Barrier. Competent operator. Prohibition of entry. Enclosure to be outside auditorium. Projecting apparatus. Projectors. [r. 146 cont.] Take-up spools. Films to be kept in boxes. Maximum length of film. (23 of 1923). Rewinding room. Fittings, etc., of rewinding room. Ventilation of rewinding room. Means of egress. Exemption. Portable projector. Reserved space for projector in auditorium. [r. 156 cont.] Projector support. Projector casing. Film boxes and films. Licences. [r. 161 cont.] Tents. Matsheds. Applications for licences. [r. 164 cont.] Powers of District Officers. No entertainment other than that specified in licence. Boxing contests. Special permission. Temporary building. Power to allow modifications. Right of entry. General penalty. Smoking. [r. 174 cont.] Cancellation of licence. Special powers of police. Board of censors. Appeal. Fees. G.N. 509/46. Duty of managers to facilitate censoring. Cinematorgraphs to exhibit films only except with permission. Fees. G.N. 655/47. Exemption.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PLACES OF PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,