fish, nor to store fish or sharks fins for wholesale purposes
on any premises licensed under these by-laws.
7. It shall not be lawful to obstruct any footpath,
lane, street, alley or public thoroughfare for. the purpose
of selling or exposing for sale salted or dried fish or sharks
8. The whole of the interior walls and ceilings shall
be satisfactorily limewashed or painted a light colour and
the woodwork thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water
during the months of March and September in every year.
9. Except for 2 caretakers, who shall be accom-
modated in a part of the premises partitioned off from the
remainder, premises licensed under these by-laws shall not
be used for sleeping purposes.
10. Any breach of these by-laws or of any prescribed
condition shall render the licence liable to cancellation with
or without prior notice from the Council.
11. Any person who acts in contravention of by-laws
1(1), 4, and 6 to 9 shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment for
six months.
12. These by-laws may be cited <is the Salted or Dried
Fish By-laws.
(Cap. 140).
(Ordinance No. 13 of 1935).
[1st January, 1936.]
1. In these by-laws 'officer in charge' means the
person appointed by the Council to superintend and have
the care of the slaughter-houses or any one of them or
any part thereof.
2. No slaw-hter-house other than a slaughter-house
provided by the Government shall be opened or kept open.
3.. Every slaughter-house shall be provided with a
hanging shed for carcases.
4. It shall be lawful for the Urban Council the
sanction of the Governor in Council, to grant to any person
the sole privilege of slaughtering cattle, swine, sheep and
goats within the Colony or within any particular district
or locality therein, for such rent, premium or consideration
and on such conditions as shall be deemed expedient :
Provided that nothing in tbis by-law shall be deemed to
prevent the Governor in Council at his discretion either
from leasing the privilege of slaughtering such animals by
private contract, or from appointing any food officer or
other person to manage Or all Of the pUbliC SkiLl-hter-
5. The lessee of [lie privilege of slaughtering cattle,
swine, sheep and goats shall enJoy, durin- the whole. of
the term of his lease, the sole and exclusive privilege of
slaughtering such animals in the Colony, or in such part
thereof as his lease rnay relate to, and shall give such
security for the payment of the rent thereof arid for the
due observance of these by-laws as the Governor in Council
may direct.
6. The lessee of the privilege of slaughtering cattle,
swine, sheep and goats shall riot sublet or assign his lease
or any part thereof without the written permission of the
7. No person shall slaughter any cattle, swine, sheep
or goats, or dress any carcase thereof, except within a
slaughter-house appointed for that purpose : Provided
always that the Council for sorne special reason iii; pernlit
such animals to be slaughtered elsewhere.
8. Except as provided in any lease or under these
by-laws, no person shall deniand or receive any . money or
other valuable consideration as a fee, fine, toll or rent or
otherwise for access or admission to, or for slaughtering
any cattle, swine, sheep or goats in any slaughtei:-house.
9. No person resorting to the slaughter-houses in
charge of ally cart or other vehicle shall station such cart
or vehicle ill a slaughter-house or in any private road
giving access thereto in such a manner as to hinder any
animals or ally other cart or vehicle in arriving at or de-
parting from the slaughter-house, or wilfully or improperly
station such cart ol- vehicle so as to occupy a position ill
wilich the pel-soll ill charge of any other cart or vehicle
would, by priority of arrival have claim to place such last
mentioned cart ol- vehicle.
10. No person affected with leprosy, sores or ally, con-
tagious or infectious disease shall enter any slaughter-house
premises or shall take part ill the slaughtering of any
aninial for huniaii food or ill the handling of the flesh of
such anillial.
11. No person shall cause the introduction into the
tissues of the carcase of any animal or bird usually used
as food for nian, by injection or ally other means, of water
ol- any other fluid, ol- air or any other gas or gaseous
12. (1) The Director of Medical and Health Services,
the Director of Public Works, the Secretary for Chinese
Affairs, the Corninissioner of Police and the Chairman of
the Council, and their respective officers, as well as any
food officer, shall at al! tinies have free access to every
part of every slaughter-house.
(2~ Any food officer may also at ally time enter ,.inv
premises on which lie has reason to suspect that any animal
has been slaughtered or is being slaughtered in contraven-
tion of by-law 7.
Admission of animals to slaughter-houses.
13. The slaughter-houses shall for the purpose of the
admission of animals be open at such hours as may be
fixed by i-fie Senior Veterinary Officer with the approval of
the Council.
14. Whenever iii the opinion of the Council it is
expedient for its maintenance or preservation to close any
part of any slaughier-house, a notice to that effect shall be
posted in sot-ne conspicuous part of such slaughter-house
specifying the part that is to close, and no unauthorized
person shall thereafter use or enter such part until a fijrtlict.
notice has been published and posted as aforesaid notifying
the reopening of such part.
15. No person shall bring into any slaugliter-house
any animal which is not intended for slaughter and parti-
cularly shall not bring an), dog into a slaughter-house.
16. No person shall convey or CaLISC to be conveyed ot-
attenipt to convey any dead animal into any Sittlgllt(,r-IIOLISC
]'ot- any purpose whatever.
17. Every person desiring to bring an animal into a
slaughter-house shall apply to the officer in charge to inspect
and pass such animal, and no person shall bring or cause to
be brought or attempt to bi-ing into a slaughter-house any
animal which has not been duly inspected arid passed by the
officer in charge.
18. The mark known as the Broad Arrow shall be used
for the purpose of denoting the fitness of cattle to be
slaughtered for human food. No cattle shall be slaughtered
for hurnan food in any slaughter-house unless marked with
the broad arrow. Every person who, without lawful au-
thority stamps, uses, applies or impresses the broad arrow,
or any mark apparently intended to resemble the broad arrow,
on any cattle, shall be deemed to have contravened the pro-
visions of these by-laws.
19. If any person passes ot- attempts to pass into any
slaughter-house any cattle, swine, sheep ot- goat, whicli has
riot been inspected, passed and (in the case of cattle) rnarked
by the broad arrow by an officer duly Mthorized by the
Government, such animal may be detained by the officer in
charge, and such person and also the owner of such animal
shall each be deemed to have contravened the provisions of
these by-laws. Any magistrate may order such anirnal to be
forfeited arid dealt with. as the Chairman of the Urban
Council may determine.
20. Every person who brings or causes to be brought
into a slaughter-house any bovine beast, shall cause such
1-)e~ist to I' securely tied to the tying irons in a byre assigned
for [lie purpose.
21. Every person who brings or causes to be brought
into a slatighter-house iny sheep, lamb or goat, shall cause
such sheep, lamb or goat to be properly penned in Li lair
assigned for the purpose.
22. Every, person who brings or causes to bc brought
into a slaughter-house any pig shall cause such pig to be
properly secured in a piggery assigned for that purpose.
23. No person shall cause or stiffer in), aninial which
has been brought into a slaUghter-house for the purpose of
being slaughtered to be taken out alive except with the written
permission of the officer in charge.
24. Every person being the owner, and every person for
the time being in charge, of any aninial which, after
admission to a slaughter-house, shall in the opinion of the
officer in charge be. unfit for slaughtering, shall remove such
animal to such place as the officer in charge shall direct and
shall deal with such animal in such a inanner*as the Senior
Veterinary Officer shall direct.
25. The owner of any animal shall riot keep such animal
in any slaughter-house for a longer period than twelve hours.
AlaIntenance of order.
26. Subject to the provisions of by-law 12, except by
permission of the officer in charge no person shall enter or
remain in a slaughter-house except for the purpose of
-slaughtering or of supplying food or water to any anirnal
therein or of preparing any carcase for sale, or otherwise for
some lawful purpose connected with the slaughter-house.
27. No person shall use in any slaughter-house any
indecent or obscene language, or enter or remain therein in a
state of intoxication..
28. No person shall bring into a si au gh ter-h Ouse ally
rnalt or spirituous liquor or any drug of' ally nature what-
29. Every person who may desire to use a slaughter-
house for the purpose of slaughtering shall make application,
in writing, to the officer in charge, and permission to use the
slaughtcr-house shall bc given to the several persons so
applying in the order in which such applications are received.
30. Every person using a slaughter-house shall obey
all reasonable orders given to him by the officer in charge,
and shall conduct himself in a quiet and orderly manner
31. No person shall obstruct or hinder any other person
in the proper use of the slaughter-houses, or of any utensil,
article, gear or apparatus provided by the Sanitary Depart-
merit or by the officer in charge for use therein,
32. No person shall by any disorderly or improper
conduct disturb or interrupt any other person in the proper
use of the slaughter-houses, or of any utensil, article, gear
or other apparatus provided for use therein.
33. No person shall spit or commit a nuisance within
the precincts of a slaughter-house.
Slaughter of aitivials.
34. No person shall slaughter, or attempt to slaughter,
any animal in any part of a slaughter-house except in such
part as shall be from time to time assigned by the Senior
Veterinary Officer for the slaughter of animals of the same
class or kind.
35. No person shall slaughter' any animal in such a
situation as will interfere with the slaughtering of any other
36. If any difference or dis pute shall arise between ally
persons using the *Slaughter-houses regarding any question
of priority of right to use any part of a slaughter-house, or
any utensil, article, gear or apparatus therein, such difference
or dispute shall be referred to the officer in charge and the
decision of the officer in charge shall be final and shall be
obeyed by such persons.
37. Evcry person who shall slaughter or assist in the
slaughtering of any animal shall adopt such methods of
slaughtering as may be prescribed by the by-laws, and, in
the absence of such by-laws, such methods as may be
prescribed by the Senior Veterinary Officer, and shall take
all such precautions as may be requisite to secure the inflic-
tion of as little pain as possible.
38. Any animal killed for food in a slaugliter-hous c
shall be killed in the following manner-
(a) all cattle (c ' xcept buffaloes) shall be killed with a
pole-axe or humane killer of a pattern to be'approved
by the Senior Veterinary Officer;
(b)all buffaloes shall be killed with a rifle of a size and
pattern to be approved by the Senior Veterinary
Officer. All rifles used for this purpose shall be kept
by the food officer on duty and shall be used only
by an officer authorized by the Senior Veterinary
(c)all sheep and goats shall be killed with the captive-
bolt type of humane killer, and swine shall be killed
with the knife in a manner approved by the Senior
Veterinary Officer, except in the case of pigs, which,
in the opinion of the officer in charge are too large
to be killed in this way. Such pigs shall be killed
in the same manner as cattle:
Provided always that nothing in this by-law shall affect
Jews, Mohammedans or other people holding religious
beliefs which compel them to kill animals for food in
a particular manner.
39. The owner of any animal to be slaughtered shall
provide the proper instruments, appliances and utensils
required for the purpose and shall cause such articles to be
thoroughly cleansed immediately after the completion of the
process of slaughtering in which they have been used, and
shall cause every such article when not in actual use to be
kept, thoroughly clean.
40. The carcase of every animal slaughtered shall be
hung in the hanging shed immediately after it is dressed
and shall remain there until removed to a market.
41. The owner of any animal that is slaughtered shall
cause the hide or skin, fat and offal of such animal to be
removed from the slaughter-house within twenty-four hours
after the con-ipletion of the slaughter of such animal.
42. The lessee of the privilege of collecting blood and
hair shall forthwith, upon the con-ipletion of the slaughtering
of any animal or the dressing of any carcase, cause such
blood and hair to be collected and deposited in a SLIffiCient
number of receptacles of approved pattern, properly, con-
structed of non-absorbent material and furnished with closely,
fitting covers, and lie shall cause the contents of such
receptacles to be removed from the slaughter-houses at least
once in every twenty-four hours. He shall cause such
receptacles to be thoroughly cleansed irnmediately after they,
have been used for such collection and removal and shall
cause every such receptacle which is not in actual use to
he kept thoroughly clean.
43. Fees in accordance with the following scale. shall
be paid by the owner of any animal to be slaughtered-
(a) cattle (including calves) $2.50 per head;
(b) sheep, goats and swine ...1.40 per head.
The fee shall in all cases be payable on admission to
the SlaUghter-house.
Marketing and transport of carcases.
44. The Senior Veterinary Officer rnay cause such
stamps or other instruments to be made for the purpose of
establishing a special mark for beef, mutton, and pork before
such carcases leave the slatighter-house, in order to show
that such carcases are fit for human food, and may change
or alter such mark, and every such mark for the tinie being
in use at any slaughter-house under the authority of the
Senior Veterinary Officer shall be the official mark within
the meaning of this by-law.
45. Carcases shall be conveyed from the Slaughter-
houses to the markets by government transport. The fol-
lowing transportation fees shall be payable-
(a) cattle (Including calves) $1.50 per head;
(b) sheep, goats and swine .60 per head:
Provided that in respect of each special transportation
trip imide from a slaughter-house to a market at the request
of any market stall-holder, the following additional trans-
portation fees shall be payable---
(i) Hong Kong Island to Central District $ 5.00
to Cmseway Bay 7.50
Elsewhere 10.00
Kowloon 5.00
46. If any food officer or officer of the Sanitary Department
at any time discovers any carcase or part of a carcase
of beef, mutton, or pork not bearing the official mark aforesaid,
he is authorized to seize it, and the Senior Veterinary Officer
may order it to be destroyed and no compensation shall be payable
to any person in respect of such destruction.
47. Any person who acts in contravention of by-laws
2, 6 to 11, 14 to 35, and 38 to 42 shall be liable on summary
conviction to a fine of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment
for six months.
48. These by-laws may be cited as the Slaughter-houses
No obstruction. Limewashing premises. Sleeping on premises. Cancellation of licence. Penalty G.N.A. 87/51. Citation. Ord. 13 of 1935, s. 6, Schedule. G.N. 444/36. G.N. 927/41. G.N. 411/46. G.N. 218/47. G.N. 364/47. G.N. 602/47. G.N.A. 87/51. G.N. 927/41. G.N.A. 87/51. G.N. 218/47. G.N. 218/47. G.N. 602/47. G.N. 411/46. G.N.A. 87/51.
No obstruction. Limewashing premises. Sleeping on premises. Cancellation of licence. Penalty G.N.A. 87/51. Citation. Ord. 13 of 1935, s. 6, Schedule. G.N. 444/36. G.N. 927/41. G.N. 411/46. G.N. 218/47. G.N. 364/47. G.N. 602/47. G.N.A. 87/51. G.N. 927/41. G.N.A. 87/51. G.N. 218/47. G.N. 218/47. G.N. 602/47. G.N. 411/46. G.N.A. 87/51.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SLAUGHTER-HOUSES BY-LAWS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed November 16, 2024,