(Cap. 140, section 5).
(Ordinance No. 13 Of 1(3,5).
121St October, 1949.1
1.No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale the
Chinese dishes known as 'Yu Sang' and 'Yu Sang
Chuk' nor the jellies known as 'Leung Fan'
'Man Tau Lo' and 'Tai Ts'oi Ko'
2. Except under and in accordance with a permit
issued by the Council, no person shall sell or offer or
expose for sale ice-cream or any frozen or chilled confection
or any non-aerated drinks in the preparation of.which fruit
juice or herbs (other than tea) are used.
3. Except tinder and in accordance with a permit
issued by the Council, which shall be condition.A on produc-
tion to the Council of a certificate of origin and safety from
a competent authority approved by the Council, no person
shall sell or offer or expose for sale any kind of bivalve
mollusc, but such permission shall not be necessary in
respect of bivalve molluscs contained in sealed tins which
have been imported from Australia, Cinada, New Zealand,
the United Kingdom or the United States of Arnerica or
from such other localities as the COLincil may from time to
time approve.
4. (1) Any permit granted tinder these by-laws shall
be for Such period not exceeding one year as the Council
shall think fit and shall be in such form as the Council shall
consider appropriate.
(2) The following fees are hereby prescribed and shall
be paid to the Treasury annually in advance-
Permit Fee
(a) Bivalve mollusc ...........$10.00;
(b) Chinese herb tea ..........$25.00;
(c) Ice-cream .................$10.00;
(d) Non-acrated drinks ....... $10.00
5. No person shall, in any manner whatsoever, in the
harbour of Hong Kong or in the harbour of Aberdeen or
in Kwai Chung Bay, collect shell fish, including mussels,
shrimps, prawns, lobsters and all other kinds of molluscs
and crustaceans.
6. No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale any
shell llsh collected or otherwise obtained frorn tile harbour
of 1-long Kong or from the harbour of Aberd6en or from
Kwai Chung Bay. For the purpose of this by-law 'shell-
fish' includes mussels, shrimps, prawns, lobsters and all
oilier kinds of molluscs and crustaceans.
For the purpose of this by-law-
(a)'harbour of Hong Kong' means the harbour of
Victoria and includes the waters of the Colony
within the following boundaries-
On the east-A straight line drawn from the
westernmost extremity of Siu Chau Wan Point to
the westernmost extremity of A Kung Ngam Point
(some-tirnes known as Kung Arn).
On the west-A straight line drawn from the
westernmost point of the Island of Hong Kong to
the westernmost point of Green Island, thence a
straight line di-awn frorn the westernmost point of
Gi-cen Island to the. westernmost point of Stone-
cutters Island, and thence a straight line drawn
true north froni the westerniliost extremity of Stone-
cutters Island to the mainland ; '
(b)---harbourof Aberdeen' means the whole of Aber-
deen Bay within the boundaries represented by a
straight line. drawn northward from the western-
most point of Aplichau Island and the foreshores
of Aberdeen Bay up to and including high water
mark at spring tide;
(c)'Kwai Chung Bay' means the area bounded on
the west by a line drawn three hundred and thirty-
six degrees from the western extremity of Stone-
cutters Island through Pill.ar Island to the eastern
shore of Capsimun Pass and on the east by the
mainland and the harbour.
7. No person shall sell or offer or e'xpcisc. for sale any
fresh fruit unless the same is whole, that is to say, uncut
and unpeeled : Provided lhat this by-law shall not apply
in the case of peeled purneloes if the inner skin is unbroken.
8. No pe rson shall engage or be engaged in an),
business or trade wherein food, including inilk products
intendod for consumption, either without cooking or without
further cooking, is procured, prepared, handled, distributed
or sold by such person Unless proof of recent inoculation
against cholera, to the satisfaction of a health officer, can
be shown : Provided that this by-law shall riot apply to
persons engaged in the procuring, handling or sale of
cooked foods, inciuding milk products, if contained in the
manufacturers original unbroken scaled containers.
For the purpose of this by-law ''milk products'
includes 'ice-ercai-ii' or any chilled or frozen prepa rat 1011
corninoniv known as ice-creani.
9. Any officer of the Sanitary Department ot, an)
police officer may seize any food which is or appears to
be held in contravention of these by-laws and, if ordered
so to do in writing by the Chairn-ia.n of the Urban Council,
may destroy it or so dispose of it as to prevent it being
used as food for man : Provided that any person claiming
anything seized under these by-laws may within 24 110Lirs
after such seizure, complain to a magistrate who rnay elther
confirm or disallow such seizure wholly or in part, and may
order to be paid by way of compensation SUCII SUM Of
money Pot exceeding the market value of the food se.'7e
as lie may consider reasonable.
10. (1) Any person who aets in contravenlion of by-
laws 1 10 3, sind 5 to 8 sliall be liable on surninary convic-
tion to 9 fine. of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment
for six months.
(2) Any permit issued under any by-law shall be liable
to cancellation by Ihe Council on the breach of any by-
law to which the holder Of SUCII permit is subject or oil
breach of any condition of the permit.
11. These by-laws ma be cited as the Disease Pre-
vention (Food and Drinks) By-laws.
G.N.A. 226/49. G.N.A. 87/51. Yu Sang, Yu Sang Chuk, etc. Ice-cream, fruit juice, etc. Bivalve mollusc. Period, form of permits and fees. G.N.A. 87/51. Collecting shell fish. Sale of shell fish. Uncut fruit. Inoculation against cholera. Authority to destroy. Penalty G.N.A. 87/51. Citation.
G.N.A. 226/49. G.N.A. 87/51. Yu Sang, Yu Sang Chuk, etc. Ice-cream, fruit juice, etc. Bivalve mollusc. Period, form of permits and fees. G.N.A. 87/51. Collecting shell fish. Sale of shell fish. Uncut fruit. Inoculation against cholera. Authority to destroy. Penalty G.N.A. 87/51. Citation.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DISEASE PREVENTION (FOOD AND DRINKS) BY-LAWS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed November 16, 2024, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1926.