in premises registered as a dairy or milk shop in
accordance with the Milk and Dairies By-laws, and
then only if his certificate of registration is endorsed
to that effect ; or
(1)in premises registered as a food factory for the
manufacture of reconstituted inilk ot. reconstituted
10. No person shall advertise, sell, offer or expose for
sale under a description or designalion including the words
or any substance purporting to be recon
stlotted milk ol- reconstituted creaniis defined in these
by-laws unless the words 'milK' or 'creaM' are immediately
preceded by the word ',reconsilluted' which shall be
exhibited with the same degree of prominence as the words
(i) Any persor, who acts in contravention of by-
laws 2 to to shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment for six months,
as well as to suffer any forfeiture that may be prescribed
(2) Any licence issued under any by-law shall be liable
to cancellation by the Council on the breach of any by-law
to which the holder of such licence is subject or on breach
of any condition of the licence.
12. These by-laws rnay be cited as the Reconstituted
and Cream By-laws.
(Cap. 140).
(Ordinance No. 13 Of 1935).
[1st January, 1936.]
1. These, by-laws may be cited as the Food Factories
2. No building or part of a building shall be used as
a food factory unless licensed by the Council. Such licence
shall be renewable annually on ist October. The annual
licence fee shall be $120.00. If a licence is issued on or
after ist April in any year, half fee shall be payable.
3. Every keeper of a food factory shall cause the floor
thereof to be thoroughly washed and cleansed at least once
every day.
4. Every keeper of a food factory shall cause the
whole of the inside walls thereof to be properly scraped and
whitewashed at least once a quarter and also at all other
times when he may be required to do so by notice ill writing
from the Council. Ceilings shall be rendered and kept dust
5. Every keeper. of a food factory shall cause every
table and implement used in the preparation of food and
every table, shelf or other article used to hold or contain
food to be thoroughly washed and cleansed otice at least in
every day.
6. Every food factory shall have an ample supply of
good potable water, and, except with the special permission
of the Council, the water shall be Jaid on the premises front
the public water mains.
7. Except with the permission in writing. of the.
Council no unsalted flesh meat shall be brought into the
premises of a food factory or used or consumed therein
other than that which has been slaughtered in the Govern-
ment Slaughter-houses, or which has been imported from
Canada, Australia or New Zealand or from such other
localities as the Council may from time to time approve.
8. Every keeper of a food factory shall cause every
means of ventilation in connexion therewith to be kept in
good order and efficient action.
9. No keeper of a food factory shall cause or allow to
be brought into., placed ill or carried through such food
factory any night-stool or other receptacle for urine or
10. No keeper of a food factory shall sit, stand or lie
down upon an.y table or shelf in such food factory, nor
shall lie allow any other person to sit, stand or lie down
upon any such table or shelf, nor shall he sleep or allow
any other person to sleep within such food factory except
in accordance with the provisions of by-law iS.
11. No person suffering from any skin disease or in-
fectious disorder, or who has recently been in contact with
a person so suffering, shall enter any food factory or take
part in or assist in any way in the conduct of the trade
carried on there.
12. No person shall commit a 1MiSance within the pre-
cincts of any food factory.
13. No keeper of a food factory shall keep or allow to
be kept therein any animal or bird.
14. Elvery keeper of* a food factory sliall afford to any
food officer free access to every part thereof for the purpose
of inspection at all fiours during the day time and also at
all times during the night when ~,~,oi-k is going. on in the
food factory.
15. Whenever it appears to the. Council that any house
or building or part thereof used for the preparation, storage
or -,ale of food is in such an insanitary condition as to be
Ullfit for SUCh ILISC, the Occupier or, in the Case Of unoccupied
premises, the owner thereof shall whitewash, cleanse or
purify the same in such manner as rnay be required by the
Council by notice in writing signed by the Secretary there-
16. No occupier of any house or building or part there-
of which is used for the preparation, storage or sale of food
shall keep or allow to be kept therein or adjacent thereto for
more than 24 hours or otherwise than in some proper re-
ceptacle, any dirt, dLing, bones, ashes, nightsoii, filth or
any noxious or offensive matter, or shall suffer such re-
cept.acle to be in a filthy or noxious state or shall fail to
employ proper rneans to remove the filth therefrom and to
cleanse and purify the same.
17. (1) No person shall spit in any food factory except
into spittoons provided for the purpose.
(2) The registered proprietor of every food factor),
shall cause to be continuously displayed, in a conspicuous
position on every floor of his registered premises, a notice
or notices of a size and form approved by the Council, and
in a language prescribed by the Council, requiring all
persofis present on the prernises riot to spit on the flool. :
Provided that the Council may, in its cilseretion, exempi in
writing any premises from the above requirement as to
display of notice, and revoke in writing any such exemp-
(3) The registered proprietor of every food factory
shall cause any phlegm, spittle or saliva found on the floor
of his premises to be promptly swept tip and remo-ved; and,
in the event of his providing, olle (I. Illore, spittoolisy shall
cause a sufficient quantity of a disinfectant fluid to be kept
continuously in such spittoons while in use, and shall
thoroughly cleanse them daily at the close of business.
18. Where in any food factory any part of a floor to
which the licence relates is used for sleeping Purposes, such
shall be partitioned off from the remainder of the floor to
the satisfaction of the Council ; and no part of the trade
shall be carried on and no storage of raw materials or
finished products shall be permitted in the part so
partitioned off for sleeping purposes.
1 19. Every food factory shall be provided with adequate
kitchen, ablution, urinal and Iatrine accommodation to the
satisfaction of the Council.
20. (1) Any person who acts in contravention of by-
laws 2 to 19, 22, 24 to 35, 38 to 47, 5o (i) and (4), and
Si (a) to (1) shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment for six months,
as well as to stiffer any forfeiture that may be prescribed
(2) Any licence issued tinder any by-law shall be
liable to cancellation by the Council on the. breach of any
by-law to which the holder of such licence is subject or on
breach of any condition of the licence.
PART 11.
Aerated Water Factories.
21. For the purpose of the by-laws in this part the
terin 'aerated waters' shall mean any liquid intended for
human consumption which is impregnated with carbon
dioxide or oxygen or both under pressure, but shall not
include any intoxicating liquors as defined in the Dutiable
Corn inod i ties Ordinance.
22. No premises shall be Lised for the manufacture of
aerated waters unless such premises have been licensed by
the Council.
23. Licences shall be renewed annually in January.
The fee shall be $120.00 per annurn. If a licence is issued
on or Lifter 1st july in any year, half fee shall be payable.
24. Such premises shall comply in all respects with the
provisions of the Buildings Ordinance.
25. No water shall'be used in any aerated water factory
whether for the manufacture of aerated waters or for
any other purpose except such as is derived from water-
works as defined in the Waterworks Ordinance, and is laid
on to the premises, provided that the Council may give
premission for the use of water frorri any other source for
any purpose for which such water is required. All water
used for the manufacture of aerated waters shall be sub-
jected to such purification as the Council rnay require.
26. All premises, utensils and machinery used in the
manufacture and packing of aerated waters shall be kept
in a cleanly condition.
27. No aerated water factory shall be used for any
other purpose except with the premission of the Council.
28. The manufacture of aerated waters shall not be
carried on in any part of a building which is used for
domestic purposes.
29. No animals except cats shall be kept in any aerated
water factory.
30. No drain inlet shall exist in any part of any pre-
mises actually used for the manufacture of aerated waters.
31. Every aerated water factory shall be provided with
adequate kitchen, ablution, Urinal and latrine accommoda-
tion to the satisfaction of the Council.
32. Every aerated water factory shall, between the
hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and at any other time by order
in writing from the Council, be open to the inspection of
any food officer specified in such order.
33. All premises in which the work of nianufactilring
waters is carried on shall have their floor surfaces or ground
surfaces of non-absorbent material finished off smooth, and
their walls rendered to a height of seven feet with cement-
mortar or other non-absorbent material, or be otherwise
constructed and maintained to the satisfaction - of the
Council. Ceilings shall be rendered and kept dust proof.
34. Every aerated water manufactory shall be
adequately lighted and ventilated to the satisfaction of the
Council, and the ground surfaces shall be paved with a
layer of not less than six inches of good lime-concrete or
not less than three inches of cement-concrete composed of
one part of cement, three parts of sand and five parts of
stone broken to pass through a one inch ring, and the
surface thereof shall be rendered smooth and impervious
with a layer of asphalt or ceinent-mortar of not less than
half an inch in thickness or of such other material of such
nature and thickness as the Council may approve.
35. Every room or other part of every aerated svater
manufactory in which the actual work of manufacturing
aerated waters is carried on shall have the interior surfaces
of the walls and ceilings or roofs limewashed throughout
during the months of January and July each year.
36. The Council shall have power to exempt any
aerated water manufactory from all or any of the, foregoing
37. All premises used as bake-houses shall be regis-
at the office tered annually, during the month of January, ,
of the Secretary to the Council and every application for
registration shall be made in Form i in the Schedule. The
registration fee shall be $60.00 per annum. If a bake-
house is registered on or after ist July in any year, half fee
shall be payable.
38. Every bake-house sliall be adequately lighted and
ventilated to the satisfaction of the Council and the ground
surfaces shall be paved with a layer of not less than six
inches of good lime-Concrete or not less than three inches
of cenient-concrete composed of one part of cement, three
three parts of sand and five parts of stone broken to pass
through a one inch ring, and the surface thereof shall be
rendered sniooth and mipervious with a layer of asphalt or
cernent-mortar of not less than half an inch in thickness or
of such other materials of such nature and thickness as the
Council may approve. The walls shall be rendered to the
height of seven feet with cement-mortar or other non-
absorbent material or be otherwise constructed and main-
tained to the satisfaction of the Council.
39. Every bake-house shall have an ample supply of
good potable water and, except with the special permission
of the Council, this water shall be laid on to the bake-house
from the public water mains.
40. Every bake-house shall be so drained as to be in
accordance with the requirements of the Building Authority,
and all inlets to the drains shall be placed outside the
41. No water closet, dry closet, earth closet or 'Urinal
shall be within or in direct communication with any bake-
42. Every bake-house shall bc kept at all times in a
cleanly condition and free from all noxious matter. The
troughs, tables and utensils in use in the bake-house shall be
thoroughly cleansed and the floors properly swept at least
once in every twenty-four hours. The whole of the interior
walls and the ceilings of the rooms shall be properly lime-
washed and the wood-work thoroughly scrubbed with soap
and water during the months of January and July of each
43. No animals except cats shall be kept in a bake-
44. No person suffering from any infectious or con-
tagious disease shall be permitted to take part in the manu-
facture or sale or delivery of bread or biscuits.
.45. Every bake-house shall, during the hours at which
baking operations are carried on, be open to inspection by
any food officer or officer of 1he Sanitary Department.
46. No premises shall be used as a bake-house until such
premises have been approved by the Council as being in
accordance with these by-laws and have been registered.
47. Where ally part of a floor of a bake-house is used
for sleeping purposes, such part shall be partitioned off from
the remainder of the floor to the satisfaction of the Council ;
and no part of the trade shall be carried on and no storage
of raw materials or finished products shall be permitted in
the part so partitioned off for sleeping purposes.
Food Preserving Establishments.
48.. For the purposes of the by-laws in this Part the
expression ---foodpreserving establishment' nicans ally busi-
ness, undertaking or concerti which carries oil the trade of
food preserving, or any of the branches of such trade, such
as the making of sugar confectionery, cocoa, chocolate, ja rn,
marmalade, preserved fruits, Chinese preserves, fruit and
table jellies, rneat extracts, meat essences, sauces and picides;
the preparation of rneat, poultry, ganie, fish, vegetables and
fruit for sale in a preserved state and the processes of wrap-
ping and filling, and packing other than the packing of the
finished article in cases ot- crates merely for storage 01,
49. A register of food preserving establishments sliall be
kept by the Secretary of the Council.
50. (1) No person shall continue or commence business
in any food-preserving establishment unless it is registered
under these by-laws. The registration fee (renewable an-
nually on ist October) shall be $120.00. If a registration is
made oil or after ist April ill any year, half fee shall be
(2) In order to effect registration, and subject to these
by-laws, one of the persons specified in paragraph (3) shall
furnish to the Secretary or the Council the Particulars
specified ill F01-M 2 Ill tile Schedule and shall certify the
correctness of such particulars and of his o\vii,desci-iptioii.
The particulars specilled, and any other particulars
aridrequired by this by-Jam, sliall be furnished and
certified bY, the Proprietor ol- one of the proprietors of the food
preserving establishment and ill tile case of a cornpany by
a director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company.
(4) If any change occurs, ol- if any inaccuracy is dis-
C(N1Cred, ill a n ' v of tile specified particulars, the persons
specified ill par,'graPh (3) shall, within seven clays, furnish
substituted particulars to the Secretary of the Council and
sliall certify the correctness of such substituted particulars
and of their own descriptions : Provided thal if one of such
Pei-soils complies with tile requirellients of tills Paragraph the
obligations imposed by this paragraph on any other person
shall be deemed to have been discharged as regards the
substituted particulars so furnished.
(5) Ill case of ,ill ' v niaterial departure frorn the parti-
culars or SUbstiluted particulars furnished ill respect of any
food preserving establishment such food preserving establish-
ment shall be deemed to be unregistered.
51. The following conditions and requirements shall be
complied with ill respect of every food Preserving establish-
(a)except with the permission of the Council no water
shall bc used for any purpose other than water from
the Government Water Works and laid on to the
premises ;
(b)except with the permission ill writing of the Council
no unsalted flesh ineat shall be brought into the
premises of a food preserving establishment or used
or consumed therein other than that which has been
slaughtered in the Government Slaughter-houses, or
which has been imported from Canada, Australia or
New Zealand or from such other localities as the
Council illay fron] time lo tifile
(c)all premises, apparatus, utensils and machinery shall
be kept in a cleanly condition and free from ill
noxious matter;
(d)excepr with the permission of the Council the
premises shall riot be put to any other Lise or pur-
pose, domestic or otherwise;
(e)110 allinials except cats shall be kept oil tile prenlises;
no drain inlet sliall exist ol- remain in any part of
the premises ;
(g)adequate kitclien, ablution, urinal and priv), acc(111-
niodpition, to the satisfaction of the Council, shall be
(ib) the ground surfaces of the premises shall be laid
with not less than six inches of good linie-concrete,
or not less than three inches of cenient-concrete corn-
posed of one part of cement, three parts of siiid and
five parts of stone broken to pass through a one inch
ring, and the surface shall be rendered smooth and
impervious with a layer of asphalt or cement~rnortar
of not less than half ail inch in tliickii(,ss, or of such
other material of' such nature and thickness as the
Council nlay approve. Floorother (han
ground surfaces shall be of non-absorbent iiiaterial,
finished off smooth ;
(1)the walls shall be rendered to the height of seven
feet with cement-mortar or other non-absorbent
material or be otherwise constructed and niaintained
to the satisfaction of* the Council. Ceilings shall be
rendered and. kept dust proof;.
adequate lighting and ventilation, to the satisfaction
of the Council, sliall be provided ;
(k) ithe interior S111-faces ol' (he Walls and 01,
roofs shall bc liniewashed tlll-0111'111.)Llt HIC
months of january and July eacii Year
(1) the premises, and the work being carried on, and all
utensils, receptacles, machinery, fittings,
fixtures and things therein, and accommodation
referred to in paragraph shall be open, between
the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., to the inspection o17
any member of the Council and any food officer;
(m) exemptions frorn or modifications of all or any of the
conditions or requirements of this by-law may be
granted bY the Council in its discretion and with or
without conditions of exemption or modification.
Such exemptions and modifications shall be noted
in the register ;
(ib)subject to exemptions and modifications as aforesaid
the Council may refuse registration, and rnay strike
off any food preserving establ.ish ment from the
register, if the conditions and requirements of these
by-laws are not complied with.
SCHEDULE. [by-law 37.]
I, the undersigned, hereby notify the Urban Council that I
propose to commence/continue the business of a bake-house on the
premises known as No. Street,
floor, Lot No. and I beg leave to request that the said
premises may be duly registered as a bake-house.
Signature of applicant.
FORM 2. [by-law 50 (2).]
Name of establishment ...............................................................
Address ....................;
Proprietor .................................................................................
Description of premises .....1
Branch or branches of the food-preserving trade carried on .............
.......... 1
Date ........................................................................................
1 certify that the above (substituted) * particulars are correct ant]
that I am ..........................................
*Delete if necessary.
...... ~i 1
gnature of informant.
G.N.A. 87/51. Ord. 13 of 1935, s. 6. Schedule. G.N. 739/41. G.N. 749/41. G.N. 602/47. G.N.A. 87/51. G.N. 602/47. G.N. 739/41. G.N.A. 87/51. (Cap. 109). G.N. 602/47. (Cap. 123). (Cap. 102). Schedule Form 1. G.N. 602/47. G.N. 602/47. Schedule Form 2. G.N. 740/41. [by-law 51, cont.]
G.N.A. 87/51. Ord. 13 of 1935, s. 6. Schedule. G.N. 739/41. G.N. 749/41. G.N. 602/47. G.N.A. 87/51. G.N. 602/47. G.N. 739/41. G.N.A. 87/51. (Cap. 109). G.N. 602/47. (Cap. 123). (Cap. 102). Schedule Form 1. G.N. 602/47. G.N. 602/47. Schedule Form 2. G.N. 740/41. [by-law 51, cont.]
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“FOOD FACTORIES BY-LAWS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed November 15, 2024,