2. The importation into the Colony or transhipment
within the Colony of equities from any country in Asia is
probibited except under and in accordance with a permit in.
that behalf previously obtained and issued by the Senior
Veterinary Officer.
(Cap. 139).
(Ordinance No. 16 of 1935).
[1st January, 1936.]
The Prevention of the Introduction of Infectious Disease.
1. Except tinder the authority of a permit granted by
the Senior Veterinary Officer, and except in accordance with
the terms of such permit, no anirnal which is brought into
the waters of the Colony on board any vessel, and which is
not destined for the Colony, shall be removed from such
vessel in tile Waters of the Colony.
2. While any vessel which has on board any animals
or birds not destined for the Colony remains in the waters
of the Colony, all dung of the animals, and all scrapings,
litter and sweepings rernoved from the vicinity of the animals
or birds, shall at intervais not exceeding twenty-four tours
be dealt with and disposed of as the Senior Veterinary Officer
may direct.
3. Calcases of animals or birds which have died or been
slaughtered on board a vessel while in the waters of the
Colony or during a voyage shall not be landed in the Colony
without a special permit.
Special Permits.
4. Except in accordance with a special permit, no
animal shall be landed from any vessel between 6 p.m. and
6 a.m.
5. Except in accordance with a special permit, no
animal shall be landed from any vessel at ~tiiy place other
than an authorized landing place.
6. The following shall be authorized landing places-
(a) Kennedy Town Cattle Wharf;
(b) Ma Tau Ko'k Government Wharf;
(c)Such other landing places as are designated by the
Governor in Council.
7. The p ermittee narned in a special perinit shall ensure
thatthe terms of the special pern-fit are strictly complied with.
8. if any animal or bird brought into the Colony by sea
or by land is found to be suffering from disease the Senior
Veterinary Officer may, if necessary, cause the same to be
destroyed at oncc and its carcase disposed of in such a man-
ner as may be best calculated to prevent the spread of
9. Subject to the ternis of any special permit, every
aninial landed shall forthwith be taken or driven to the
Government Depot at Kennedy Town or Ma Tau Kok as
the case may be, and every aninial which is brought into the
Colony by land shall forthwith be taken or driven to the
Government Depot at Alla Tan Kok by the most direct route.
Every such animal, unless intended for immediate slaughter
and slaughtered accordinaly, shall be detained in segrega-
tion in such depot, at tlic risk and expense of' tile owner, for
such period as may be decided by the Senior Vet10. Animals landed, or brought into the Colon 1) y
land, tinder special permit shall be-
G1)landed only,at the time and place stated in the
permit; and
(b)taken or driven forthwith to the segregation place
stated in the permit by the route stated in the,
permit; and
(c)maintained at such segregation place at the risk
and expense of the owner for the period stated in
the permit.
11. The dting of animals landed or intended to be
landed, and partly consumed or broken fodder that has
been supplied to such aniinais, and the litter, fittings, pens,
hurdles, utensils and things of any kind whatever used for
or about such animals, shall riot be landed in the Colon),
or cast into the waters of the Colony except under and in
accordance with a special perniii.
12. Any aninial or bird which has been conveyed in
the same vessel or train, or has otherwise been in contact
with any diseased animal or bird, or which, in the opinion
of the Senior Veterinary Offirer, may be likely to spread
infection, may be detained by the Senior Veterinary Officer
in quarantine for such period as lie may, in the circum-
stances of the case, think proper.
13. (1) All equines shall be malleined under the super-
vision of the Senior Veterinary Officer within ten days of
arrival in the Colony and shall be re-tested not 'less than
thirty or rnore than forty-five days after such malleining,
unless a mallein certificate is produced to the Senior
Veterinary Officer and lie is satisfied therewith, in which
case 9. re-test shall be carried out not less than thirty or
more tli, forty-five days after the date of the original test
as statecl in such certificate : Provided that, in the case
of equines which are declared on arrival to be intended
for export within one iriontli, the Senior Veterinary Officet
may, in his discretion and subject to such conditions as
he may think desirable, dispense with malleining for that
(2) The Council may order the re-export of any equine
in respect of which the provisions of paragraph (i) have
not been complied with.
14. The following may be required before the Senior
Veterinary Officer shall release animals from segregation--
(a)a certificate to the satisfaction of the Senior
VeterinarY Officer, signed by a duly qualified
veterinary surgeon recognized by the local
authority of the country of origin of the animals,
in such of the forms set out in the Appendix as
may be appropriate, or giving the like particulars;
(b)a certificate to the satisfaction of the Senior
Veterinary, Officer, signed by the master of the
vessel or person in charge of the animals, stating
that no case of disease has occurred during. the
voyage, and giving the following information-
(i) nature of the animals emlifirked;
(ii) port of embarkation ;
(iii) nurnber and causes of deallis;
(iv)nature and number of the aninials to be
landed :
Provided that, when in the opinion of the Senior Veterinary
Officer any such certificate could riot have been, or could
not be, obtained with reasonable ease, fie may dispense with
such certificate.
15. In the event of disease appearing aniotig aiiii-nals
or birds in segregation, the Council shall have power to
order immediate slaughter of the animals or birds or any
of them, or to prolong the period of segregation.
16. The Senior Veterinary Officer in every instance
shall report promptly to the Secretary of the Council, from
time to time, all ascertainable material particulars concern-
ing animals or birds placed in segregation and the orders
given by him with regard thereto.
17. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Ordin-
ance, owners of animals in segregation may at any time
cause their animals to be slaughtered in a lawful manner.
18. For the purpose of slaughter the officer in charge
of i Government depot may permit transfer of aninials from
one Government depot to another.
19. Owners of animals or birds in segregation
shall on demand pay such daily charge for the keep of
such animals or birds, until the same shall lic either released
from segregation or destroyed, as the Senior Veterinary
Officer may direct.
20. Except as provided in by-law 21 no animals, birds,
carcases, dung, litter, fodder, utensils or things of any kind
wilatevel. sliall i)',~ reilloved a segregation place without
a special permit.
21. The ca.reises of animals or birds dying or
slaughtered on account of disease, and all dung, litter,
broken fodder and things of any kind whatever, which in
the opinion of the Senior Veterinary Officer may spread
disease, sliall be disposed of as lie may direct.
Dise(Ise (117i(iig Animals and Birds in the Colony.
22. Every person having any aniinal or bird in his
possession or under his charge shall observe and make
himself acquainted with the state of health of such animal
or bird.
23. Every person having in his possession or under
his charge any inimal or bird affected with or suspected of
being affected with disease shall-
(a)as far as practicable keep that animal or bird
separwe froin aninials or birds not so affected, and
(b)with all practicable speed notify the fact of the
animai or bird beiii,,,,y so affected or suspected to a
police officer ol.' the police area wherein such anirnal
ot. bird is, ot- to a health inspector.
24. On receipt of a notification from 'an owner or
person in charge of in anirrial or bird, or on having reason-
able grounds to suspect the existence of disease in any
place, a police officer or health inspector shall proceed with
all practicable speed to such place in order to ascertain al]
available particulars as to the animal or bird, and the
owner or person in charge of the animal or bird or place
shall give to such police officer or health inspector all rea-
sonable information and facilities for inspection.
25. It shall be lawful for a police officer or health
inspector who has proceeded to any place in accordance
with by-k1W 24, notwithstanding inability to obtain parti-
culars, to serve an interim notice in writing, signed by him,
declaring such 1:)lace to be an infected place pending inves-
tigation by the Senior Veterinary Officer, and also to leave
a police officer or health inspector in the place pending
the arrival of the Senior Veterinary Officer.
26. An interim notice shall set out the requirements of
by-laws 31, 32 and 33 and shall, so far as may reasonably
be necessary, define the premises affected thereby. Such
notice, until withdrawn, shall have force and effect as if
,given or confirmed by the Council.
27. Service of an interim notice shall be effected by
delivery thereof to the owner or occupier of the place or to
a person in charge of the animal or bird, or by posting
the same on some part of the place.
28. A police officer or health inspector serving an
interim notice shall report, with all practicable speed, to the
Secretary of the Council and also, in writing, to the Senior
Veterinary Officer the. particulars obtained and steps taken
by him.
29. The Senior Veterinary Officer shall visit promptly
the place to which any interim notice relates, and if, in
his opinion, disease exists or within fifty-six days has existed
-it such place, lie shall with all practicable speed report all
ascertai ' nable particulars to the Secretary of the Council,
but, if satisfied that disease does not so exist or has not
so existed, he shall withdraw the interim notice.
30. The Council may declare any place where aninials
or birds are or have been to be an infected place, and
thereup,)n notice in that behalf signed by the Secretary of
ihe Council shall be served in the manner prescribed in
by-law 27. ik place declared to be an infected place shall
so continue until the Council shall declare the sarne to be
free from infection.
31. No animal or bird, and no carcase, fodder, litter,
clung, utensil, milk or otber thing, shall be nioved out of
an infected place without a special permit.
32. No perso n, except the Senior Veterinary Officer
and persons acting under his direction, police officers and
hea!th inspectors on duty and the attendants of the animals
or birds shall enter an infected place without a special
permit. No attendant shall leave an infected place without
a special permit.
33. The owner or occupier and the person in charge
of ;in infected place. shall give all reasonable facilities for
inspection and for the cleansing and disinfection of the place
and of any pens, hurdles, utensils or other things used
for or about the animals or birds in such place, and shall
ensure that the requirements of or consequent on any notice,
affecting such place and given under the Ordinance or by-
laws made thereunder, are observed.
34. The Council may order the removal of any animal
or hird from an infected place to any segregation place
appointed by the Council.
35. If in the opinion of the' Senior Veterinary Officer
any animal ot. bird is suffering from or has been in contact
with an aninial or bird suffering from infection or con-
tagious disease, the Council may cause such animal or bird
to be slaughtered and the carcase thereof to be disposed
of in such manner as the Council may think fit.
36. No carcase of an animal or bird shall be buried,
or, after burial, be. dug up, except under the supervision
of the Senior Veterinary Officer or of a health inspector
acting under his instructions.
Depots for Cattle, S-wine, Sheep and. Goats.
37. In the following regulations-
'depot' means one of.the depots specified in by-law 9 or
,any other depot for animals provided by the Govern-
,(officer in charge- means the person appointed by the
Council to superintend and have the charge of any or
all of such depots or of part of any such depot.
38. All cattle, swine, sheep in(] goats brought into the
Colony, for the purpose of being slaughtered shall be kept
in a depot : Provided that no such animal shall be per-
mitted to rernain in any depot for a longer period than
twenty-one days: Provided also that any such aninial
which is condemned by the Senior Veterinary Officer as
unfit to be slaughtered for hunian food may, witli the
consent of the Senior Veterinary Officer, be i-ernoved by the
39. The fee payable for each head of cattle housed in
a depot shall be one dollar when cattle so housed are.
removed to any place other than the slaughter-house adjoin-
ing such depot or another depot, and the fee payable for
each pig similarly housed and removed shall be eight
cents and for each sheep and goat similarly housed and
removed shall be fifty cents. No fee is payable on admis-
40. No cattle, swine, sheep and goats shall be renioved
from a depot for any purpose except on a removal order
signed by the officer in charge. Such order shall be granted
on the production and deposit of the receipt given on the
admission of the animals and in favour of the person tlierein
named or of any other person on his order.
41. The Council shall provide water only for the. tise
of the cattle, swine, sheep, and goats housed in the depots.
The owners of such animals shall provide proper and suffi-
cient food and shall send men in sufficient numbers to look
after, feed and water such animals, but no other unauthorized
person may be or remain on the premises during such
hours as the depots are closed to the public.
42. Neither the Government nor the Council shall be
responsible for the safe custody of any cattle, swine, sheep
or goats housed in a depot.
43. The drenching of any animal with any substance
whatever, or the administration of salt in any form, in 9
depot, except with the permission of the Senior Veterinary
Officer or of the officer in charge, is prohibited.
Maintenance of Order ]il. Depots.
-44. INTo person, not being all officer or servant of the
Council, shall enter ol. remain in ally depot except for the
purpose of securing or of supplying food or water to any
animal therein.
45. No person sliall in any depot use any indecent or
obscene language, ol- enter ol- relliaill thereill in a state of
46. No person shall bring into a depot any malt or
spirituous liquor ol- any drug of any nature whatsoever.
47. Every person who may desire to use a depot for
ific purpose of iccotiiniod~,ttliig any animal shall make
application in writing to the officer in charge, and permis-
sion to use the depots shall be given to the several persons
so applying in tile, order ill which such applications are
48. Every person using any depot shall obey all reason-
able orders given to hirn by the officer in charge, and shall
conduct hin-isell ill a quiet and orderly manner therein.
49. No 1)(,r,.~oil shall obstruct ol- hinder ally other person
ill the proper use of a depot.
50. No persen shall, by ariv disorderly or improper
conduct, disturb ol- interrupt any other person in the proper
use of a depot.
51. The epots sia , or i---le purpose of the admission
of animals, be open at such hours as may be fixed by the
Senior Veterinary Officer with the approval of the Council,
and, except as provided by by-laws 41 and 44, no person
shall attempt to gain access to, ol- shall remain in, a depot
at any, other hour.
52. Whenever in the opinion of the Chairman of the
Cotincil it is expedient for its maintenance or preservation
to close any part of ally depot, he shall cause a notice in
that behalf to be posted in sorne conspicuous part of such
depot specifying the part that is closed, and no unauthorized
person shall thereafter use or enter such part until a further
notice lins been published and posted as aforesaid notifying
the reopening of such part.
53. Every person desiring to bi-ing an animal into a
depot shall apply to the officer in charge to inspect and
pass such animal, and no person shall bring or cause to
be brought or attempt to bring into a depot any animal
which, has not been duly, inspected and passed by the officer
in charge.
54. Every person who brings or causes to be brought
into a depot any beast shall cause such beast to be securely
tied to the tying irons in a byre assigned for the purpose;
and every person who brings or causes to be brought into
a depot any sheep, larnb or goat shall cause such sheep,
lamb or goat to be properly penned in a lair assigned for
the purpose; and every person who brings or causes to
be brought into a depot any pig shall cause such pig to
be properiy secured in a piggery assigned for the purpose.
55. If any difference or dispute shall arise between any
persons using a depot regarding any question of priority
or right to use any part of the depot, such difference or
dispute shall be referred to the officer in charge, and the
decision of the officer in charge shall be final and shall
be obeyed by such persons.
56. No person resorting to a depot, who is in charge
of any cart or other vehicle, shall station such cart or other
vehicle. in the depot or in any private road giving access
thereto in such a manner as to hinder any aninials or any
other cart or vehicle in arriving at or departing from the
depot, or wilfully, or improperly station such cart or vehicle
so as to occupy a position in which the person in charge
of any other cart or vehicle would, by priority of arrival,
have prior claim to place such last-mentioned cart or vehicle.
57. Any person who acts in contravention of by-laws
1 to SY 7, 9 to 11, 13(1), 20 to 24, 3 1 to 33, 36, 40, 43 to
46, 48 to 54, and 56 shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine of one thousand dollars, as well as to suffer any
forfeiture that may be prescribed therein.
58. These by-laws may be cited as the Public Health Citation.
(Animals and Birds) By-laws.
APPENDIX. [by-law 14.]
Importation of animals, Hong Kong.
A. Form of veterinari
.1 certificate to accompany cattle brought
to Hong Kong from abroad.
I, the undersigned, (here insert official capacity, if any)
...........................hereby certify that I have this day examined the
animal(s) described below and have found that the said animal(s)
did not show symptoms of rinderpest, septicaemia haemorrhagica,
pleuro-pneun-lonia contagiosa, foot and mouth disease, or other
infectious or contagious disease.
Breed. Colour. Age. Sex.
Signature of veterinary surgeon ...........................................
Professional qualification ......................................................
Dated this .day of ............19
B. Forgn of veterinary certificate required to accompany equineq
brought to Hong Kong from abroad.
I, the undersigned, (here insert official capacity, if any)
.......................................................... hereby certify-
(a)that I have this day examined the animal(s) described below
and have found that the animal(s) did not show symptoms
of glanders (including farcy), epizootic lymphangitis,
ulcerative cellulitis, dourine, sarcoptic mange, influenza,
ringworm or strangles, and
(b)that I tested (each of) the animal(s) described below with
mallein on the date(s) mentioned, that is, within ten days
before the date of intended shipment of the animal(s) to
Hong Kong, and that the animal(s) did not react.
Description of animals.
Date Result of test.
of mallein test.
Breed. Age. Sex.
Signature of veterinary surgeon ...........................................
Professional qualification ......................................................
Dated this .day of ............19
(Cap. 139, S. 3).
(Ordinance No. 16 of 1935).
[5th January, 1951.]
1. These by-laws may be cited as the Lapinised
Rinderpest Vaccine Inoculation By-laws and shall be read
as one with the Public llealth (Animals and Birds) By-laws.
2. In these by-laws-
'lapinised' means adapted to rabbits by frequent passage
through them;
'lapinised rinderpest vaccine' means any vaccine which is
prepared from rabbits by inoculating a standard
lapinised attenuated rinderpest virus and is approved by
the Senior Veterinary Officer.
Importation, etc., of equines from any country in Asia prohibited. Ord. 16 of 1935, s.4 (2), Schedule. G.N. 601/47. G.N.A. 87/51. Landing of animals in transit prohibited except under permit. Dung and litter to be properly dealt with. No landing of carcases except under special permit. Landing of animals prohibited between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Animals to be landed at authorized landing places. Authorized landing places. Responsibility of permittee. Senior Verterinary Officer may cause destruction of diseased animal or bird. Animals imported to be housed at Government depot. Animals landed under special permit. Provision regarding dung and litter. Detention of animal or bird by Senior Veterinary Officer. Equines to be malleined. Information necessary before release from quarantine. [by-law 14 cont.] Appendix. Power of Council with regard to animals in segregation. Senior Veterinary Officer to report. Power of owner to cause animal to be slaughtered. Transfer permitted for slaughter. Transfer permitted for slaughter. Owners to pay charges. G.N. 601/47. Restrictions against removal of animals, birds or things from segregation place. Disposal of infected carcases. Duty of person in charge to know the state of health of animal of bird. Duty of person in charge of animal or bird to notify existence of disease. G.N.A. 87/51. On receipt of notification of disease police officer to make inquiries. G.N.A. 87/51. Interim declaration of infected area. G.N.A. 87/51. [by-law 25 cont.] Interim notice shall define requirements. Service of interim notice. Particulars with respect to interim notice to be reported. G.N.A. 87/51. Senior Veterinary Officer t visit place declared infected by interim notice. Council may declare place infected. Removal of animals, etc., from infected place prohibited. Admission to infected place prohibited. Owner of occupier to grant facilities for inspection and disinfection. Removal of animals or birds by order of the Council. Power of Council to cause slaughter of cases or contacts. Burial or exhumation of carcases prohibited except under supervision. Interpretation. Animals for slaughter to be housed in Government depots. [by-law 38 cont.] Fees for use of depot. G.N. 601/47. Removal of animals without permit prohibited. Owners of animals to provide food. Government and Council not to accept responsibility. Drenching of animals prohibited. Admission to depot prohibited to unauthorized persons. Bad language and drunkenness forbidden. Liquor prohibited. Application to use depot to be in writing. Orders to be obeyed. Obstruction prohibited. Disorderly conduct forbidden. Hours to be fixed by Senior Veterinary Officer. Notice of closing to be given. [by-law 52 cont.] Animals to be inspected prior to admission. Beasts to be properly secured. Procedure in case of dispute. Obstruction by cart or vehicles prohibited. Penalty G.N.A. 87/51. Citation. [appendix, cont.] G.N.A. 4/51. G.N.A. 87/51. Citation. Interpretation.
Importation, etc., of equines from any country in Asia prohibited. Ord. 16 of 1935, s.4 (2), Schedule. G.N. 601/47. G.N.A. 87/51. Landing of animals in transit prohibited except under permit. Dung and litter to be properly dealt with. No landing of carcases except under special permit. Landing of animals prohibited between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Animals to be landed at authorized landing places. Authorized landing places. Responsibility of permittee. Senior Verterinary Officer may cause destruction of diseased animal or bird. Animals imported to be housed at Government depot. Animals landed under special permit. Provision regarding dung and litter. Detention of animal or bird by Senior Veterinary Officer. Equines to be malleined. Information necessary before release from quarantine. [by-law 14 cont.] Appendix. Power of Council with regard to animals in segregation. Senior Veterinary Officer to report. Power of owner to cause animal to be slaughtered. Transfer permitted for slaughter. Transfer permitted for slaughter. Owners to pay charges. G.N. 601/47. Restrictions against removal of animals, birds or things from segregation place. Disposal of infected carcases. Duty of person in charge to know the state of health of animal of bird. Duty of person in charge of animal or bird to notify existence of disease. G.N.A. 87/51. On receipt of notification of disease police officer to make inquiries. G.N.A. 87/51. Interim declaration of infected area. G.N.A. 87/51. [by-law 25 cont.] Interim notice shall define requirements. Service of interim notice. Particulars with respect to interim notice to be reported. G.N.A. 87/51. Senior Veterinary Officer t visit place declared infected by interim notice. Council may declare place infected. Removal of animals, etc., from infected place prohibited. Admission to infected place prohibited. Owner of occupier to grant facilities for inspection and disinfection. Removal of animals or birds by order of the Council. Power of Council to cause slaughter of cases or contacts. Burial or exhumation of carcases prohibited except under supervision. Interpretation. Animals for slaughter to be housed in Government depots. [by-law 38 cont.] Fees for use of depot. G.N. 601/47. Removal of animals without permit prohibited. Owners of animals to provide food. Government and Council not to accept responsibility. Drenching of animals prohibited. Admission to depot prohibited to unauthorized persons. Bad language and drunkenness forbidden. Liquor prohibited. Application to use depot to be in writing. Orders to be obeyed. Obstruction prohibited. Disorderly conduct forbidden. Hours to be fixed by Senior Veterinary Officer. Notice of closing to be given. [by-law 52 cont.] Animals to be inspected prior to admission. Beasts to be properly secured. Procedure in case of dispute. Obstruction by cart or vehicles prohibited. Penalty G.N.A. 87/51. Citation. [appendix, cont.] G.N.A. 4/51. G.N.A. 87/51. Citation. Interpretation.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PUBLIC HEALTH (ANIMALS AND BIRDS) BY-LAWS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed November 15, 2024,