(C.tP. 138).
Regulation............................... Page.
1. Citation ................................ ... ... ... ... ... 68
2. Interpretation. ...................... ... ... ... ... ... fis
Application and Relaxation of Part. II of the Ordinance.
3. Restriction of sales by shopkeepers. ... ... ... ... 69
4. Extension of labelling provisions and relaxation with respect
to poisons in the Sixth List. 70
5. Extension of Section 19 (2) to sales wholesale, etc., and
relaxation of the said subsection. 70
6. Relaxation of Section 20 (3) in the case of certain medicines. 72
7. Further relaxation of Section 19 (2) in the case of certain
preparations containing Part I Voisons for the destruc-
tion of noxious insects . ............. ... ... ... ... ... 72
8. General exemption of Section 20 transactions. 73
9. Exempt ' ion from the provisions relating solely to the First
List. 73
10. Complete exeinption for articles and suLstances in the
Second List . ......................... ... ... ... ... 73
Additional Restrictions on the Sale of Poisons.
11. Additional restriction of sale of poisons in the Third List. 74
12. Additional restriction of sales by authorized sellers of
poisons. . ............................ ... 75
13. Restriction of sales by listed sellers of Part II Poisons.--- 75
14. Restriction of sales of strychninc . ... ... ... ... ... 75
Supplementary Provisions with respect to Labelling
and Containers.
15. Manner of labelling containers. 75
16. Labelling of name of poisons ........... ... ... 76
17. Labelling of particulars as to proportion of the poisan ... 76
18. Indication of character of the poison (Fifth List) . ... ... 77
19. *Special cautions in the case of certain articles . ... ... 78
20. Name of seller and address of premises ... ... ... 78
21................Form of containers. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... 79
Storage and Transport.
22................Storage of poisons. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... 79
23................Transport of poisons . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80
24. Special provisions with respect to the transport of poisons
in the Seventh List. 80
Special Provisions ivith respect to Hospitals.
25. Supply of medicines to out-patients from certain hospitals,
etc . ................................. ... ... ... ... ... 81
26. Supply of medicines for use in hospitals, etc . ... ... 82
27. Stora.ge of poisons in institutions . ... ... ... ... ... 82
Regulation. Wholesale Dealers. Page.
28. Sale and supply of poisons wholesale . ... ... ... ... 83
29. Licensing of wholesale dealers . ........ ... ... ... ... 83
30. Sales by wholesale dealers. ............. ... ... ... 84
31. Records to be kept by wholesale dealers. ... ... 84
32. Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations. ... ... 84
33. Form of -registrar's list. 85
34. Certificate of persons to whoni poisons may be sold 85
35. Form of application to registrar and note . ... ... ... 86
36. Forin of record of sales . ............. ... ... ... ... ... 89
37. Preservation of records. ............... ... ... ... ... ... 89
38. Penalties......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... 89
(Cap. 138, section 3).
(Ordinance No. 8 of 1937).
[1st January, 1938.]
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Poisons Regulations.
2. (1) In these Regulation-
'antimonial poisons' means chlorides of antimony, oxides
of antimony, sulphides of antimony, antimonates, antimonites and organic compounds
of antimony;
'arsenical poisons' means halides of arsenic, oxides of arsenic, sulphides of arsenic,
arsenities, copper acetoarsenities, sodium thioarsenites and organic compounds
of arsenic;
'British Pharmaceutical Codex' and 'British Pharmacopoeia' include supplements;
'food' includes a beverage;
'listed seller of Part II poisons' means a person entitled, subject to the provisons
of the Ordinance and to these regulations, to sell poisons included in Part II of the
Poisons List by virtue of the entry of his name in the registrar's list kept in
pursuance of section 23 of the Ordinance.
'medicine for the internal treatment of human ailments'
includes any medicine to be administered by hypodermic
injection, but does not include any mouth-wash, eye-
drops, eye-lotion, car-drops, douche or similar article;
'sale exempted by section 21 of the Ordinance' means a sale
made in such circumstances as to be entitled, except as
provided by these regulations, to exemption under
section 21 of the Ordinance from the foregoing provisions
of Part II of the Ordinance;
'transaction exempted by section 20 of the Ordinance' means
the supply of a medicine in such circumstances as to be
entitled to exemption under section 20 of the Ordinance
from the provisions of section 19 of the Ordinance;
(2) In these regulation any reference to an alkaloid
shall include a reference to any salt of that alkaloid, and, in
a case where the esters of an alkaloid are included in the
Poisons List by virtue of the words 'its esters', to any esters
of that alkaloid;
(3) Any reference in the Lists to these regulations to
the regulations to the percentage of a poison contained in any substance or
preparation shall, unless otherwise expressly provided, be
construed in the following manner, that is to say, a reference
to a substance or preparation containing one per cent of any
poison means-
(a) in the case of a solid, that one gramme of the poison
in contained in every one hundred grammes of the
substance or preparation;
(b) in the case of a liquid, that one millilitre of the
poison, or, if the poison itself is a solid, one gramme
of the poison, is contained in every hundred milli-
litres of the substance or preparation;
and so in proportion for any greater or less percentage;
(4) the Interpretation Ordinance, applies for the purpose
of the construction of these regulations as it applies for the
purpose of the construction of an Ordinance.
Application and relaxation of Part II of the Ordinance.
3. it shall not be lawful for any shopkeeper to sell
poisons on any premises used for or in connexion with his
retail business, notwithstanding that the sale is exempted by
section 21 of the Ordinance, unless he coniplies with tile
provisions of paragraph (a) ol- (b), as the c.,ise ma.v be, of
subsection (i) of section to of [fie Ordinance.
4.(1) Subject as lici-ciii~!ftei- provided, the provisions
of paragraph (C) Of Subsection (i) of section in of the Orclill
ance and of re-ulations I -ov 1 -Clate to
2t, J5 f.0 20 (whiell pi is,oIls 1
the labelling of Poisons) shall -tl)pi~,~ to sales exempted l)v
SCC111011 21 of the Ordinwice, other th.111 sales of poismis to
be exported to purchasers outside the Coloily ; ill(] sliall lis(-)
apply to the supply of Poisons (Otherwise thall oil sale.) in
like manner as if references ill the said provislems to the sale
and the seller of poisons included references to the suPply
and the supplier of poisons respectively,.
(2) The said provisions, except the provisioiis or
tion i o and of panigraph (c) (iv) of stibsection (i ) of sect i(m 1
of the Ordinance as modified by, I-CgUlatiOn 20, Shall flot
apply to the sale or supply, of lily of the Poisons inclucled '111
the Sixth List to these regulations to a Pei-soil who-
(a)carries on a business ill the course of which Poisons
-ii.e regularly; sold by, way of wholesale dealing (r
are regularly used in the manufacture of other
articles ; and
(b) requires the Poison For the purpose of lim(
if the outside of the p.-tcl,~,ige in which the poisoll is solcl ol.
supplied is labelled conspicuously xvith words inclicating the
dangerous properties of the Poison.
5. (1) 'FlIC 131-OVISIOIIS Of SUbSCC111011 (2) of SC(IiOll 10
shal! apply to sales exempted by SCCtiOn 2 1 of 1 he Ordi Ila lice,
except sales of Poisons to be exporled to purchasers oti(SI(-1(~
the Colony,; and shall also ,,1:)ply, to the supplY ill the forin
of a commercial smilple, otherwise thall oil sale, of any slib-
stance included in the First List to these regIllatiolls ill like
manner as if references in the said provisions lo [lie sale ~iliel
seller of poisons respective] - ), included references to the stil)i)].\'
and the supplier of poisotis ill the form of comin
Provided that the said provisions shall not apply to Ille
sale or supply of any article by the manufacturer thereof ol.
by a person carrying on a business in the course of wIlich
poisons are regularly sold by way, of x~,liolestlc dealing, JF---
(a) the article is sold ol. supplied to a person carrying
on a business in the course of which poisons are
ot- are regularly used in the manu-
facture of other articles; and
(1))the seller or supplier is reasonably satisfied that tile
purchaser requires the article for the purpose of that
(2) 1-)aral-raph (a) of SUIDSW1011 (2) Of SCCtion 19 shall,
in its application to sales exempted bY section 21 of the
Ordinance and to [lie supply in the form of commercial
samples of substances included in the First List to these
regulations, be deerned to be satisned if the person to -whorn
111C poison or salliple is sold ol. supplied is known by the
person in charge of the department of the business through
which (lie sa!e ol- s ' tiplAY is effected to be a person to whom
the poison Or sainple, may properly be sold or supplied,
(3) SO Illuch of para....raph (b) of subsection (2) Of
section it) as requires ill entry in a book to bc signed b), the
pitt-chaser of a poison shall riot, as respects the sale of a
poison to a person for the purposes of his trade, business or
profession, apply if the following requirements are satisfied-
(11)tile sellel- Illust obtaill before [lie completion of Ille
sale, in order in writing sigiicd by the purchaser
st,ititi,,, his ilanic and address, trade, business ol. pro-
fession, tile nanle and (Itiantity of tile article to be
purchased, and the purpose for which it is required ;
(1))tile seiler' must be reasonably satisfied that the
signature is that of the person purporting to have
signed the order, and that that person carries on the
trade, business ol- profession stated in the order,
being one in which the poison to be purchased is
used ;
(c)if the arlicle Sold is sent by post, it Illust bC sent by
registered post
(d)the seller must insert in the entry prescribed by
I-C'-ul~ttiO!1 36 the words 'signed order' and a
reference . number by which the order can be
identified :
Provided that where a person represents that lie urgently
a poison for the purpose of his trade, business (r
pro,Iession, the seller may, if lie is reasonably satisfied that
the person so requires the poison and is, by reason of some
emergency, unable before delivery either to furnish to the
seller an order in writing duly signed or to attend and sign
the entry in the book, deliver the poison to the purchaser
on an undertaking by the purchaser to furnish such an order
within the twenty-four hours next following.
If any purchaser by whom any such undertaking has
been given fails to deliver to the seller a signed order in
accordance with the undertaking, or if any person for the
purposes of obtaining delivery of any poison under the fore-
going proviso makes a statement which is to his knowledge
false, he shall be deemed to have contravened the provisons
of this regulation.
(4) Such of the provisions of this regulation as require
the purchaser to state his trade, business or profession and
the seller to be satisfied with respect thereto, shall not apply
in the case of a sale to any hospital, infirmary, dispensary or
clinic, and for teh reference in the proviso to the foregoing
paragraph to the purposes of the purchaser's trade, business
or profession, there shall be substituted, in the case of any
such sale, a reference to the purposes of medical, dental or
veterinary treatment.
6. The requirements mentioned in subsection (3) of
section 20 of the Ordinance (which requires particulars of
medicines supplied or dispensed under that section to be
entered in a book) need not be satisfied in the case of any
medicine, not being a substance included in the First List
to these regulation, which is supplied by-
(a) a registered medical practioner for the purposes of
medical treatment; or
(b) an authorized seller of poisons on and in accordance
with a prescription given by a registered medical
7. The requirements mentioned in subsection (2) of
section 19 of the Ordinance (which contains restriction as to
the persons to whom Part I poisons may be sold and other
conditions attached to such sales) need not be satisfied in the
case of the sale by an authorized seller of a preparation con-
taining any poison in Part I of the Poisons List put up for
sale in a form immediately ready for use for the destruction
of noxious insects, and the following requirements shall have
effect in lieu thereof-
(a)the seller must record in the Poisons Book the
quantity of such form of preparition supplied, the
date of supply and the name of the person to whom
supplied ;
(b)the preparation must conform in all respects with
the requirements as to labelling contained in the
Ordinance or these regulations :
Provided that this relaxation shall not apply in respect
of the sale of any such preparation unless one month before
such preparation is put up for sale the seller or the wholesale
importer shall have submitted a sample thereof to the
registrar in the form intended to be put up for sale with
particulars of the ingredients and the proportions by weight
of Part I poisons therein contained.
8. Nothing in these regulations shall apply, except as
is expressly provided therein, to transactions exempted by
section 20 Of the Ordinance.
9. Such of the provisions of these regulations, and of
Part II of the Ordinance as modified by these regulations,
as apply solely with respect to the substances included in
the First List to these regulations, shall not apply with
respect to-
(a) machine-spread plasters; or
(b) surgical dressings; or~
(c)articles containing barium carbonate and prepared
for the destruction of rats and mice; or
(d)corn paints in which the only poison is a poison
included in the Poisons List under the heading of
10. Nothing in Part II of the Ordinance or these
regulations shall apply-
(a)with respect to any article in Group I of the Second
List to these regulations; or
(b)so far as any poison specified in the first column
of Group II of that List is concerned, with respect
to any of the articles or substances specified in the
second column opposite the description of the
Additional restrictions on the sale of pols(ns.
(i) It shall not be la-wful to sell an.y poison included
in the Third List to G1C.SC rCgLI1~ltlol]S, except on and in
accordance with a prescription given by a registered medical
practitioner, registered dentist or duly qualified veterinary
surgeon in the form provided by this re-Ulation.
(2) This regulation shall apply to the sale of any such
poison, notwithstanding that it is a transaction exempted by
section 20 of the Ordinance, but shall not apply to any sale
exempted by section 21 of the Ordinance.
(3) for the purposes of this regulation a prescription
(a,) be in writing and be signed b~, [lie person
it with his usual signature and be dated by Iiiiii
(1)) specify the address of the person giving it ;
(c)specify the name and address of the person for
whose treatment it is given or, if the prescription is
given by a vetci-intr~, surgeon, of the person to
whorn the medicine is to be delivered ;
(ol)have -written thereon, if gl~,eii b.), a dentist, the
words ---Forolental treatment only' or, if (riven by
a veterinary surgeon, the words '],'or oi~li'iit~il treal-
Inent only' ;
(e)indicate the total amount of the medicine to be
supplied and the dose to be taken.
(4) The person dispensing the prescription shall comply
with the following requirements-
(a)the prescription niust not be dispensed more than
once unless the prescriber has stated thereon that
it may be dispensed rnore than once;
(b)if the prescription contains a direction that it rna.\
be dispensed a stated number of tlines ot, at stated
intervals, it must not be dispensed otherwise than
in accordance with the direction ;
(c)at the time of dispensing there i-nust be noted on
the prescription above the signature of the prescriber
the name ahd adiress of the seller and the date on
which the prescription is dispensed;
(d) except in the case of a prescription which be
dispensed again, the prescription Must, for a Period
of two years, be retained and kept on the premises
on which it was dispensed in such manner as to
be readily available for inspection.
12. It shall not be lawful for an authorized seller of
poisons to sell any substance included in the First List to
these regulations, unless the sale is effected by, or under
the supervision of, a registered pharmacist.
13. No shopkeeper shall be entitled by virtue of being
a listed seller of Part II poisons to sell any poison other
than anirnonia, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, potassium
quadroxalate and sulphuric acid, except in a closed con-
tainer as closed by the manufacturer or other than from
whom the poison was obtained.
14. It shall not be lawful to sell or supply strychnine
except as an ingredient in a medicine :
Provided that this Regulation shall not apply to the sale
of strychnine-
(a) by way of wholesale dealing; or
(b) to be exported to purchasers outside the Colony ; or
(c)for the PLirpose of being compounded in medicines
prescribed or administered by a registered medical
practitioner or duly qualified veterinary surgeon ; or
(d)to a person or institution concerned with scientific
education or research or chemical analysis, for the
purpose of that education, research or analysis.
Supplementary provisions with respect to labelling
arid containers.
15. (1) Subject to the provisions of these regulations,
the particulars with which the container of a poison is
required to be labelled tinder paragraph (c) of subsection 1
of section 19 of the Ordinance and under these regulations,
MUSt appear in a conspicuous position on the container in
which tile poison is sold and on every box or other covering
of whatever nature enclosing the container, and the parti-
culars must be clearly and distinctly set out and not in any
way obscured or obliterated.
(2) Where the poison is contained in an ampoule,
cachet, or similar article, it shall not be necessary to label
the article itself, if every box or other covering in which
the article is enclosed is duly labelled.
(3) Nothing in the said paragraph (c) or in regulations
15 to 20 shall require the labelling of any transparent cover
or any wrapper, hamper, packing case, crate or other cover-
ing used solely for the purposes of transport or delivery.
16. (1) Subject as hereinafter provided, for the pur-
poses of paragraph (c) (i) of subsection (i) of section ig of
the Ordinance and of paragraph (3) (
the name of a poison shall be the term tinder which it is
included in the Poisons List:
Pr ovided that, where the said term describes a group
of poisons and not the poison specifically, the name of the
poison shall be-
(a)if the poison is the subject of a monograph in either
the British Pharmacopoeia or the British Illi.ar-
maceutical Codex, one or other of the names or
synonyms or abbreviated names set out at the head
of the monograph, and
(b)in any other case, the accepted scientific name or
nanie descriptive of the true nature and origin of
the poison.
(2) For the purposes aforesaid it shall, in the case of
a preparation in the British Pharmacopoeia, or the Formulary
of the British Pharmaceutical Codex or any dilution or
admixture of such a preparation, or any surgical dressing
for which a standard is described in the British Pliarmaceu-
tical Codex, be sufficient, notwithstanding anything in the
foregoing paragraph of this regulation, to state the name,
synonym or abbreviated name used to describe the prepara-
tion or surgical dressing in the British Pharmacopoeia or
the Formulary of the British Pharmaceutical Codex with the
addition of the letters B.1`., or B.P.C., as the case may be.
17. (1) For the purposes of paragraph (c) (ii) of sub-
section (i) of section 1( 1
) of the Ordinance (which requires
preparations containing poisons to be labelled with the
prescribed particulars as to the pfoportion of poison therein)
the label of the container of any preparation containing a
poison as one of its ingredients.shall, subject as hereinafter.
provided, include i statement of the proportion which the
poison bears to the total ingredients of the preparation.
(2) 1 n the case of .i preparation containing a poison
specified in the first colunin of the Fourtli List to these
regulations, it shall be sufficlent to state on the label the
particulars specified in the second column of that List
against the description of the poison.
(3) 1 n the case of a preparation or surgical dressing
whicli is narned in accordance with paragraph (2) of the last
foregoing regulation, it shall not be necessary to state on the
label the proportion of the poison contained in the prepara-
tion, and in the case of any dilution or admixture of such
a preparation, it sliall be sufficient to state the proportion
~~,lilcli the preparation bears to the total ingredients of the
dilution or admixture.
(4) Wliere the poison is in tablets, pills, cachets,
capsules, lozenges or similar articles, or in ampoules, it shall
be sufficient to state on the label of the box or other covering
in wlitcli the articles are enclosed the number of the articles
and the amount of the poison, or in the case of such a
preparation as is mentioned in the last foregoing paragraph,
the amount of the preparation, contained in each article.
(,5) Where any proportion is stated as a percentage, the
statement sliall indicate whether the percentage is calculated
oji the basis of weight in weight, weight in volume, or
Vollillic ill volume.
18. (1) In pursuance of paragraph (c) (iii) of subsection
(i) of section ig of the Ordinance (which requires the con-
tainers of poisons to be labelled with the word 'Poison'
or otlier prescribed indication of character), the container of
an ' v ii-licle specified in the Fifth List to these regulations
sliall, instead of being labelled with the word 'Poison' be
labelled witli the words specified in the said List as applicable
to that article.
(2) The said words or the word ''Poison', as the case
nlay bc, mUSt riot be modified in meaning by the addition of
any other words or rnarks, and-
(a)in the case of a substance included in the First List
to these regulations, must either be in red lettering
or be set against a red background; and .
(b)in all cases must either be on a separate label or be
surrounded by a line within which there must be no
other words except words with which the container
of the poison is required to be labelled under the
Ordinance or these regulations.
19. (1) It shall riot be lawful to sell ot- supply any
(a)in the case of a liquid other than a medicine,
contained in i bottle of a capacity of not more
than one hundred and twenty fluid ounces, unless
the bottle is labelled with the words 'Not to be
taken' ;
(b)in the case of an embrocation, liniment, lotion,
liquid antiseptic, or other liquid medicine for
external application, unless the container is labelled
with the narne of the article and the words 'For
external use only'.
(2) It shall not be lawful to sell or supply any con-i-
pressed hydrocyanic acid, unless the container is labelled
with the words both in English and in Chinese, ' Warning,
This contalner holds poisonous (Yas and should only be
opened and used by persons having expert knowledge of
the precautions to be taken in its use'.
(3) ]'his regulation shall be in addition to the other
requirements of the Ordinance and ol' these regulations
with respect to labelling and shall apply to transactions
exempted by section 20 Of the Ordinance, but shall not
apply to the sale ot. sul.-)ply of poisons to be exported to
purchasers outside the Colony.
20. (1) The provisions of paragraph (c) (iv) of sub-
section (i) of section ig of the Ordinance (which requires
the container of a poison to be labelled with the name
of the seller and the address of the premises on which it
was sold) shall riot apply in the case of an artiele sold
for the purpose of being sold again in the sarne container.
(2) The requirements of the said paragraph shall be
deemed to be satisfied, in the case of a poison supplied
from a warehouse or depot, if the container of the poison
is labelled with the address of the supplier's principal place.
of business, or, in the case of a limited company, of the
registered office of the company,-.
(3) Where any poison (other than a substance included
in the First List to these regulations) is sold in a container
and outer covering, being the container and covering in
which it was obtained by the seller, it shall be sufficient if
the naine of the selier and the address of the premises 011
which it was sold appear only on the outer covering.
(4) Where the names of more than one person or more
than one address appear on any label, there must also be
words on the label indicating clearly which person is the
seller and at which of the addresses the poison was sold.
21. (1) It shall not be lawful to sell, whether whole-
sale or retail, or supply any poison unless-
(a)it is contained in a container impervious to the
poison and sufficiently stout to prevent leakage
arising from the ordinary risks of handling and
transport ; and
(b)in the case of a liquid contained in a glass bottle of
a capacity of not more than one hundred and twenty
fluid ounces, not being a inediciii~ rnade tip ready
to be taken for the internal treatment of human
ailments, the outer surface of the bottle is fluted
vertically with ribs or grooves recognizable by
(2) Sub-paragraph (a) of the foregoing paragraph shall
apply to transactions exempted by section 20 of the Ordin-
ance, and sub-paragraph (b) shall not apply to the sale or
supply of poisons to be exported to purchasers outside the
Colony or the sale or supply of poisons to a person or
institution concerned with scientific education or research or
Slorage and transport.
22. (1) It shall not be lawful to store any poison except
in a container impervious to the poison and sufficiently stout
to prevent leakage from the container arising froni the
ordinary risks of handling.
(2) It shall not be lawful to store an), substance included
in the First List to these regulations in any retail shop or
premises used in connexion therewith unless tile substance
is stored-
(a)in a cupboard ol- drawer reserved solely for the
storage of poisons; ol-
(b)in a part of the premises ~vliicii is partitioned off' of.
otherwise separated from the remainder of the
premises and to -~\,liicii customers are not 1)ern,.itted
to have access ; ol-
(c)on a shelf reserved solely for the storage of poisons
(i) no food is kept directly under the shelf, and
(5) the container of the substance is rendered dis-
tinguishable by touch frorn the containers of' articles
and substances other than poisons stored tipon the
same premises.
23. It shall not be lawful to consign an poison for
transport unless it is sufficiently stoutly packed to avoid
leakage arising from the ordinary risks of handling and
24. ()) It shall not be lawful to consign for transport
by carrier any poison included in the Seventh List to these:
re(xulations unless the outside of [lie package containing the
article is labelled conspicuously with the name ol- descrip-
tion of the poison as set forth in the said List and a iiotice.
indicating that it is to be kept separate from food and from
empty containers in which food has been contained.
(2) It shall not be lawful for any person knowing]), to
transport any such poison as aforesaid, either on his owl]
behalf or for another person, in any vehicle in ~vliicli food is
being transported, unless the food is carried in a part of the
vehicle effectively separated from that containing (he poison,
or is otherwise adequately protected from the risk of' con-
(3) This regulation shall not appl.y with respect to
Special provislons with respect to hospitals.
25. (1) The provisions of Part II of the Ordinance and
of these regulations, except the provision,-, of regulation ig,
shall not apply with respect to---
(a)an), medicine for the treatment of human ailments
dispense,d from a hospital, inCirmary or. dispensary
Maintained by any public atithority oi- out of public
funds, or by a charity, or from any institution
approved by the Director of Medical and Health
Services, where the dispensing is in the charge of
a wholetime registered pharmacist or such other
person as may be approved by the Director of
Medical and Health Services ;
(b)any medicine for the treatment of animals supplied
from a veterinary hospital which is under the
superintendence of n duly qualified veterinary
if the requirements contained in the following provisions of
this regulation are satisfied in relation thereto.
2) The medicine nitist not be supplied except by, or on
and in accordance with a prescription of, a duly registered
medical pi-actitioti~i. ror the purposes of medical treatment,
or a registered dental surgeon for the purposes of dental
treatment, or a duly qualified veterinary surgeon for tile
purposes of animal treatment.
(3) In a case where a substance included in the First
List to these regulations is supplied, a record must be kept
on the premises in such a way that there can readily be
traced at any time during a period of two years after the
date on which the substance was supplied the following
(a) the name and quantity of the poison supplied; and
(b) the date on which the poison was supplied; and
(c)the name and address of the person to whom the
poison wag supplied; and
(d)the name of the person who supplied the poison or
who gave the prescription upon which it was
(4) The container of the medicine must be labelled-
(a)with a designation and address sufficient to identify
the hospital, infirmary, dispensary or institution
from which it was supplied;
(b)except in the case of a medicine made up ready for
treatment, with the word 'Poisoit';
(c)in the case of a poison supplied frorn a veterinary
hospital, with the words 'For antmal treatnten.t
0 Ifly ', ;
and in the case of a medicine to which regulation ig applies
the requirements of that regulation shall bc satisfied in
addition to the requirements aforesaid.
26. (1) This and the next following regulation apply to
any hospital, infirmary, dispensary, clinic, nursing honle or
other institution at which hunian ailments are treated (herein-
after referred to as an institution).
(2) In any institution in which medicines are dispensed
in a dispensing or pharmaceutical department in charge of
a registered pharmacist or any other person approved by the
Director of Medical and Health Services for that purpose,
no medicine containing a poison shall be supplied from that
department, except in cases of emergency, for use in the
wards, operating theatres or other sections of the institution,
except in accordance with the requirements contained in the
following provisions of this regulation.
(3) The medicines must not be supplied except upon a
written order signed by a duly registered riledical practitioner,
registered dental surgeon,' or by a sister or nurse in charge
of a ward, theatre or other section ol' the institution.
(4) The container of the medicine must be labelled-
(a) with words describing its contents ;
(b)in the case of substances included in the First List
to these regulations, with a distinguishing mark or
other indication indicating that the poison is to be
stored in a cupboard reserved solely for the storage
of poisons.
27. (1) In any institution in which medicines are dis-
pensed in a dispensing or pharmaceutical department in
charge of a person appointed for the purpose, all poisons
other than those issued for use within the institution must
be stored in that department.
(2) In any institution to which the foregoing paragraph
does riot apply all. poisons other than those issued for use
within the institution must be stored-
1 a person app,
(n) in charge of'ointed for the purpose by
the governing body orperson in control of the
institution; and*
(b)in tlit. case of substances which are included in the
First List to these regulations either in a cupboard
or drawer, or on a shelf, reserved solely for the
storage of poisons.
In a case where a poison is stored on a shelf, the con-
tainer of the poison must be rendered distinguishable by
touch from the containers of articles other than poisons stored
on the sanne premises.
(3) In every institution, every substance included in the
First List to these regulations which is stored in the wards
must be stored in a cupboard reserved solely for the storage
of poisons and poisonous substances.
(4) All places in which poisons are required by this
regulation to be stored must be inspected at regular intervals
of time not exceeding three months by a registered pharmacist
or registered medical practitioner appointed for the purpose
by the governing body of the institution and a record of
such inspections shall be made in a book kept at the
Sale and supply of poisons by wholesale and
licensing of wholesale dealers.
28. No person shall sell, or supply, by way of wholesale
dealing, any substance or article consisting of or containing
any poison unless lie is licensed in that behalf by the
29. No person shall be licensed as a wholesale dealer
unless lie is the agent of the manufacturer and carries on a
bona ' fide business in the course of which poisons are regular-
ly supplied.
30. No person licensed as aforesaid shall sell or supply
any poison except upon the premises named in his licence
and to-
a)another wholesale dealer duly licensed to sell poisons
wholesale ;
(b)an authorized seller of poisons or a listed sciler of
Part II poisons : Provided that Part I poisons
shall not be so sold or supplied to such secondly
mentioned seller ;
(c) a registered pharmacist;
(d)a registered medical practitioner, registered dental
surgeon or duly qualified veterinary surgeon ;
(e)such persons who require the poison for the purpose
of their trade or business and in such quantities (if
any), as may be named in his licence;
a Government department or officer of the Crown
requiring the article for the purposes of the. public
(g)a person or institution concerned with scientific
research, if the article is required for the purposes
of that education or research ;
(h)a hospital, infirmary, dispensary or similar institu-
tion approved by nil order, whether general or
special, of the Governor in Council under para-
graph (d) of section 21 of the Ordinance.
(1) purchasers outside the Colony.
31. Every wholesale dealer licensed in that behalf by
the registrar shall enter in a book kept for that purpose
every import or purchase by him of poisons'in Part I of the
Poisons List. He shall also in such book enter every sale by
him of stich poisons whether uncompounded or as part of 9
pharmaceutical preparation giving the date of sale, the narne
of the purchaser and the amount of the poison or the aniount
of such preparation as the case may be.
32. ]il al] establishments in which pli~irillICCLItical pre-
parations containing an poison are manufactured for tile
purpose of the internal treatment of human ailments, the
preparation must be nianufactured by, or under the super-
vision of-
(a) a registered pharmacist; or
(b)a person having one of the following qualifications
in chemistry-
(i) the Fellowship of the Institute of Chemistry;
(ii) the Associateship of the Institute of Chemistry
Provided that this regulation shall not apply to tile
nianufacture by or under the supervision of a registered
medical practitioner of preparations containing pituitary,
suprarenal or thyroid glands, the active principles of any of
those glands or the salts of the active principles of thyroid
33. The registrar's list shall be kept in the forni
hereunder set out.
(Chapter 138 of the Revised Edition.)
List oF persons entitled to sell poisons in Part II of the
Poisons List.
Description of business
Full Name. Address of Premises. carried on at the
34. (1) A certificate given for the purposes of paragraph
(a) of subsection (2) of section ig of the Ordinance, being
a certificate certifying a person to be a person to whorn a
poison may properly be sold, shall be in the form, and shall
contain the particulars, as provided by this regulation.
(2) Persons known both to the intending purchaser and
to the seller are hereby authorized to give such certificate as
(3) On any sale of a poison upon such a certificate as
aforesaid, the certificate shall be retained by the seller.
(4) The Forin of the certificate as aforesaid shall be-
For the purposes of subsection (2) (a) (1) of section io
of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, ChaPter iffi
of the RevIsed Edition, 1, the undersigned, occupying
(a) ................................................................................
hereby certify that 1 am acquainted with (b) ......................
........................ and with (c) ................................
and that (b) ............is a person to
whom (d) ...............may properly be
supplied by (c) .......................
1 further certify that (e) 1
is the signature of the said (b)
Signatitre of person giving certificate.
Date ...................................................
(a) Insert full postal address.
(b) Insert full name of intending purchaser.
(c) Insert full name of intending seller.
(d) Insert name of poison. ,
(e) Intending purchaser to sign here.
35 * Every application made for the entry of a name on
the registrar's list in pursuance of subsection (i) of section 23
of the Ordinance, being a list of persons entitled, subject
to the provisions of the Ordinance and of these regulations,
to sell poisons included in Part II of the Poisons List, shall
be made in the form set out hereunder.
(Chapter 138 of the Revised Edition).
Form of application by a person to have his name
entered in the registrar's -list of persons entitled to sell
poisons included in Part II of the Poisons List.
I . ..........................................................................
being engaged in the business of ....................
hereby apply to have my name entered in the list kept in
pursuance of section 23 of the above Ordinance in respect
of the following premises., namely . .................................
... .................................................................................
as a person entitled to sell from those premises poisons
included in Part II of tile Poisons List.
Signature of applicant
Date .......................................
(The following note to be set out on the above form).
1. A person whose name is entered in the registrar's
list (i.e. a listed seller) is entitled to retail only those poisons
in Part II of the Poisons List in the Second Schedule.
2. A listed seller is permitted to retail preparations,
solutions or admixtures containing a poison in Part I of
the Poisons List in the Second Schedule to the Ordinance
(other than a poison appearing in the Third List to these
regulations) but only where the proportion of such poison
does not exceed 0.01% per weight of the total ingredients
in the case of arsenic and strychnine and 0.1% in the case
of other poisons. This enables a listed seller to sell certain
proprietary articles in general demand by the public if sold
in the form as supplied by the manufacturer (which shall
not include a listed seller).
(The following is a. summary of the requirements).
Requirements applying to all listed sellers of Part II
(i) The sale must be effected on the premises specified
in the registrar's list.
(2) The container of the poison must be labelled with
the various particulars and in the manner required by para-
graph (c) of subsection (i) of section 19 of the Ordinance
and regulations 15, 16, 17, iS and 19.
Special labelling cautions in the case of certain articles
(regulation 19).
No poison may, be sold except in containers which
comply with the requirements of regulation 21.
(4) It is Unlawful to store any poison except in a con-
tainer impervious to the poison and sufficiently stout to
prevent leakage from the container arising from the ordinary
risks of handling. (regulation 22).
(5) Any poison consigned for transport must be suffi-
ciently stoutly packed to avoid leakage arising from the
ordinary risks of handling and transport. (regulations 23
and 24).
(6) No poison, other than ammonia, hydrochloric acid
(spirits of salts), nitric acid, potassium quadroxalate (salts
of lemon) and sulphuric acid, may be sold by a listed seller
except in a closed container as closed by the manufacturer
or other person from whom the poison was obtained,
(regulation 13).
36. The particulars of sales of poisons which are
required by paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section ig of
the Ordinance to be entered in a book shall be in the follow.-
ing form-
Date of sale .................................................................
Narne and quantity of poison supplied ...........................
Purchaser's Name .........................................................
Address .................
Business, tracle or occupation ...................................
Purposes for which stated to be required ........................
Date of certificate (if any) ................................................
Narne and address of person giving certificate if any .........
Signature of purchaser or where a signed order is permitted
by the Poisons Regulations, the date of the signed order ....
37. ' M1 books kept for the purposes of Part 11 of the
Ordinance shall be preserved on the premises on which the
sales recorded therein were made for a period of two years
from the date on which the last entry was made therein.
38. Any, person who acts in contravention of regulations
3, 5, 11, (1), 12, 14, 19(1) and (2), 21(1), 22, 23, 24
(1) and (2), 25(3), 28, 30, 31, 32, and 37 shall, on summary
conviction, be liable to a fine of fine hundred dollars, and,
in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine of one
hundred dollars for every day subsequent to the day on
which lie is convicted of the offence during which the con-
travention or default continues.
FIRST LIST.Substances falling within the Poisons List to which special
restrictions apply.
Alkaloids, the following; their salts, simple or complex:-
Acetylclihydrocod ein one
Aconite, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.02
per cent of the alkaloids of aconite
Apomorphine except substances containing less than 0.2 per cent
of apomorphine
Atropine except substances containing less than 0.15 per cent
of atropine
Belladonna, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than
0.15 per cent of the alkaloids of belladonna calculated as
Brucine except substances containing less than 0.2 per cent of
Calabar bean, alkaloids of
Coca, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.1
per cent of the alkaloids of coca
Cocaine except substances containing less than 0.1 per cent of
Codeine except substances containing less than one per cent o
. codeine
Colchicine except substances containing less than 0.5 per cent
of colchicine
Coniine except substance containing less than 0.1 per cent of
Cotarnine except substances containing less than 0.2 per cent
of cotarnine
Ecgonine except substances containing less tlian 0.1 per co?,t
of ecgonine
Emetine except substances containing less than one peg, cent of
Ergot, alkaloids of
Ethylmorphine except substances containing less than 0.2 pel.
cent of ethylmorphine
Gelsemium, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than
0.1 per cent of the alkaloids of gelsemium
Homatropine except substances containing less than 0.15 per
cent of homatropine
Hyoscine except substances containing less than 0.15 per cent
of hyoscine
Hyoseyamine except substances containing less than 0.15 per
cent of hyoscyamine
Jaborandi, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than
0.5 per cent of the alkaloids of jaborandi
Lobelia, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.5
per cent of the alkaloids of lobelia
Morphine except substances containing less than 0.2 per cent of
morphine calculated as anhydrous morphine
Papaverine except substances containing less than one per cent
of papaverine
Pomegranate, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than
0.5 per cent of the alkaloids of pomegranate
Quebracho, alkaloids of
Sabadilla, alkaloids of~ except substances containing less than
one per cent of the alkaloids of sabadilla
Solanaceous alkaloids, not otherwise included in this List, except
substances containing less than 0.15 per cent of solanaceous
alkaloids calculated as hyoscyamine
Stavesacre, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than
0.2 per cent of the alkaloids of stavesacre
Strychnine except substances containing less than 0.2 per cent
of strychnine
Thebaine except substances containing less than one per cent
of thebaine
Veratruni, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than
one per cent of the alkaloids of veratrum
Yohimba, alkaloids of
Amidopyrine; its salts
Amino-alcohols, esterified with benzoic acid, phenylacetie acid,
phenylpropionic acid, cinnamic acid or the derivatives of these
acids, except in substances containing less than ten per cent of
esterified amino-alcohols
Antimonial poisons except substances containing less than the
equivalent of one per cent of antimony trioxide
Arsenical poisons except substances containing less than the equiva-
lent of 0.01 per cent of arsenic trioxide
Barbituric acid; its salts; derivatives of barbituric acid; their salts;
compounds of barbituric acid, its salts, its derivatives, their salts,
with any_other substance
Barium, salts of
Cannabis; the resin of cannabis; extracts of cannabis; tinctures of
cannabis; cannabin tannate
Cantharidin except substances containing less than 0.01 per cent of
Cantharidates except substances containing less than the equivalent
of 0.01 per cent of cantharidin
Digitalis, glycosides of, except substances containing less than one
unit of activity (as defined in the British Pharmacopoeia) in two
grammes of the substance
Dinitrocresols; dinitronaphthols; dinitrophenols; dinitrothyrnols
Ergot; extracts of ergot; tinctures of ergot
Guanidines, the following: -polyrnethylene diguanidines, dipara-
anisylphenetyl guanidine
Hydrocyanic acid except substances containing less than 0.1 per
cent of hydroc ' yanic acid (HCN); cyanides except substances
containing less than the equivalent of 0.1 per cent, weight in
weight, of hydrocyanic acid (HCN); double cyanides of mercury
and zinc
Lead, compounds of, with acids from fixed oils
Mercuric chloride except substances containing less than one per cent
of mercuric chloride; mercuric Jodide except substances contain-
ing less than two per cent of mercuric iodide; nitrates of mercury
except substances containing less than the equivalent of thr~e
per cent, weight in weight, of mercury (Hg); potassio-mercuric
iodides except substances containing less than the equivalent of
one per cent of mercuric iodide; organic compounds of mercury
except substances containing less than the equivalent of 0.2 per
cent, weight in weight, of mercury (Hg)
Metan itro phenol; orthonitro phenol; paranitrophenol
Nux Vomica except substances containing less than 0.2 per cent of
Opium except substances containing less than 0.2 per cent of
morphine calculated as anhydrous morphine
Oxycinchoninic acid, derivatives of; their salts; their esters
Phenyleinchonic acid; salicyl-cinchoninic acid; their salts; their
Phenylethylhydantoin; its salts; its acyl derivatives; their salts
Savin. oil of
Strophanthus, glycosides of
Thallium, salts of
Tribromethyl alcohol
Articles exenipted by regulation 10 from the provisions
of the Ordinance and of these regulations.
Adhesives; anti-.1'oulin.,,. compositions; builders' materials;
ceramics; distempers; electrical valves; enamels; explosives; fillers;
fireworks; -lazes; glue; lacquer solvents; loading materials;
marking inks; Ynatches; motor fuels and lubricants; paints other
than pharmaceutical paints; photographic paper; pigments; plastics;
polishes; printers' inks; propellants; rubber; varnishes.
Poison. Substance or artiele'in which exempted.
Acetanilide; alkyl acetani- Substances not being preparations for
lides the treatment of human ailments
Alkaloids Ipecacuanha; extracts and tinctures of
Emetineipecacuanha; substances containing
less than 0.05 per cent of emetine
Ephedra, alkaloids or Substances containing less than one per
cent of the alkaloids of ephedra
Jaborandi, alkaloids of Substances containing less than 0.025 per
cent of the alkaloids of jaborandi
Lobelia, alkaloids of Preparations for the relief of asthma
in the form of cigarettes, smoking
mixtures or fumigants; substances
containing less tbar. 0.1 per cent of
the alkaloids of lobelia
Nicotine Tobacco
Pomegranate, Pomegranate bark
alkaloids of
Solanaceous alkaloids Stramonium contained in preparations
for the relief of asthma in the form
of cigarettes, smoking mixtures or
Stavesacre, alkaloids of Soaps; ointments; lotions for external
Ammonia Substances not being solutions of
ammonia or preparations containing
solutions of ammonia; liquids con-
taining less than five per cent,
weiffht in weight. of ammonia
(NH 3 );refrigerators; smelling
Poison. Substance or article in which exempted.
Arsenical poisons Pyrites ores or sulphuric acid contain-
ing arsenical poisons as natural
Chloroform Substances containing less than ten per
cent of chloroform
Creosote obtained from Substances containing less tl-an fifty per
wood cent of creosote obtained from wood
Formaldehyde Substances containing less than five per
cent, weight in weight, of form-
aldehyde (H.CHO); photographic
glazing or hardeiiing solutions
Hydrochloric acid Substances containing less than nine per
cent, weight in weight, of hydro-
chloric acid (HCI)
Lead acetate Substances containing less than four per
cent of lead acetate
Lead, compounds of Machine-spread plasters
Mercuric chloride Batteries
Mercuric chloride; mercuric Dressings on seeds or bullis
iodide; organic com-
pounds of mercury
Mercury, nitrates of Ointments containing less thanthe
equivalent of three per cent, weight
in weight, of mercury (Hg)
Nitric acid Substances containing less than nine per
cent, weight in weight, of nitric acid
Nitrobenzene Substances containing less than 0.1 per
cent of nitrobenzene; soaps contain-
ing less than one per cent of nitro-
Phenols Carvacrol;
coal tar, crude or refined;
creosote obtained from coal tar;
essential oils in which phenols occur
medicines containing less than one, per
cent of phenols;
nasal sprays, mouthwashes, pastilles,
lozenges, capsules, pessaries, oint-
ments, or suppositories containing
less than 2.5 per cent of phenols;
smelling bottles;
soaps for washing;
solid substances containing less than
sixty per cent of phenols;
tertiary butyl-cresol;
Poison. Substance or article in which exempted.
Plienylene diamines;Substances other than preparations for
toluene diamines; the dyeing of hair
their salts;
Picric acid Substances containing less than five per
cent of picric acid
Potassium hydroxide Substances containing less than twelve
per cent of potassium hydroxide
Sodium fluoride Substances containing less than three per
cent of sodium fluoride as a pre-
Sodium hydroxide Substances containing less than twelve
per cent of sodium hydroxide
Sodium silicofluorideSubstances containing less than three
per cent of sodium silicofluoride as
a preservative
Sulphuric acid Substances containing less than nine per
cent, weight in weight, of sulphuric
acid (H 2 so 4 ) accumulators; bat-
teries; fire extinguishers.
Substances required by regulation 11 to be sold by retail only
upon a prescription given by a registered 7nedical practitioner,
registered dental surgeon or duly qualified veterinary surgeon.
Arnidopyrine; its salts
Barbituric acid; its salts; derivatives of barbituric acid; their
salts; compounds of barbituric acid, its salts, its derivatives,
their salts, with any other substance
Dinitrocresols; dinitronaphthols; dinitrophenols; dinitrothymols
Phenyleinchonic acid; salicyl-cinchoninic acid; their salts; their
Sulphonal; alkyl sulphonals
Urethanes and ureides (any poisonous member under whatever
trade name or designation)
Sulphonamide compounds or substituted sulphonamide com-
pounds used for their bactericidal efYeet.
Ant.ihistaminic agents, or histamine antagonists of the metabolic
blocking type used for the relief of allergic symptoms, in-
cluding ethylenediamine derivatives and other synthetic com-
pounds with analogous pharmacological action, by whatever
names or trade names they may be offered for sale.
Statement of particulars as to proportion of the poison in certain
cases permitted by regulation 17 (2).
Name of Poison. Particulars.
Alkaloids The proportion of any ne alkaloid of
Aconite, alkaloids of aconite that the preparation would
be calculated to contain on the
assumption that all the alkaloids of
aconite in the preparation were that
Belladonna, alkaloids The same as above, with the substitution
of for the reference to aconite of a
Calabar bean, reference to belladonna, calabar
alkaloids of bean or such other of the said
Coca, alkaloids of poisons as the case may require.
Ephedra, alkaloids of
Ergot, alkaloids of
Gelsemium, alkaloids
Joborandi, alkaloids of
Lobelia, alkaloids of
alkaloids of
Quebracho, alkaloids
of, other than the
alkaloids of red
Sabadilla, alkaloids of
Solanaceous alkaloids
no' ' otherwise in-
cluded in the
Poisons List.
Stavesacre, alkaloids of
Veratrum, alkaloids of
Yohimba, alkaloids of
Antinionial poisons The proportion of antimony trioxide
(Sb 2 0,13) or antimony pentoxide
(Sb 2 Od that the preparation would
be calculated to contain on the
assumption that the antimony (S1o)
in the poison had been wholly con-
verted into antimony trioxide or
antimony pentoxide as the case may
Arsenical poisons Theproportion of arsenic. trioxide
(As 20 3 ) or arsenic pentoxide
(As 2 0 5 ) that the preparation would
be calculated to contain on the
assumption that the arsenic (As) in
the poison had been wholly con-
verted into arsenic trioxide or
arsenic pentoxide as the case may
Name of Poison. Particulars.
Barium, salts of The proportion of one particular barium
salt which the preparation would be
calculated to contain on the assump-
tion that the barium (Ba) in the.
poison had been wholly converted
into that salt.
Digitalis, glycosides of; The humber of units of activity as
other active principles..defined in th ~ British Pharma-
of digitalis copoeia contained in a specified
quantity of the preparation.
Hydrocyanic acid; The proportion of hydrocyanic acid
cyani(l(~; double (I1CN) that the preparation would
cyanides of mercury be calculated to contain on the
and zinc
assumption that the cyanides in the
poison had been wholly converted
into hydrocyanic acid.
Lead, compounds of with The proportion of lead oxide (PbO) that
acids froni fixed oils
the preparation would be calculated
to contain on the assumption that
the lead in the poison had been
wholly converted into lead oxide.
Mercury, organic com- The proportion of organically-combined
pounds of mercury (11g) contained in the pre-
Phenols The proportion of phenols (added
together) contained in the prepara-
Compounds of phenol The proportion of plienols (added to-
with a metal gether) that the preparation would
be calculated to contain on the
assumption that the compounds of
phenols with a metal had been
wholly converted into the corres-
ponding phenols.
Pituitary gland, the active Either-
principles of
(a)the number of units of activity as
defined in the British Pharma-
copoeia contained in a specified
quantity of the preparation; or
(b)the proportion of pituitary gland,
or of anterior or of posterior lobe
of the gland, as the case may be,
contained in the preparation; or
(c)the amount of pituitary gland, or
of anterior or of posterior lobe of
the gland, as the case may be,
from which a specified quantity of
the preparation was obtained, to-
gether with an indication 'Whether
the amount relates to fresh or to
dried gland substance.
Name of Poison, Particulars.
Potassium hydroxide The proportion of potassium monoxide
(K 2 0) which the preparation would
be calculated to contain on the
assumption that the potassium
hydroxide in the preparation had
been wholly convertA into potas-
sium monoxide.
Sodium hydroxide The Proportion of sodium monoxide
(Na,O) which the preparation would
be calculated to ontain oil the
assumption that the sodium hydro-
xide in the preparation had been
wholly coverted into sodium
Strophanthus, glycosides The amount of Standard Tincture of
of Strophanthus as defined in the
British Pharmacopoeia which pos-
sesses the same activity as a
specified quantity of the preparation
when assayed by the method
described in the said Pharmacopoeia.
Suprarenal gland, the Either-
active principles of;
their salts (a)the proportion of suprarenal gland
or of the cortex or of the medulla
of the gland, as the case may be,
contained in the preparation; or
(b)the amount of suprarenal gland,
or of the cortex or of the medulla
of the gland, as the case may be,
from which a specified quantity
of the preparation was obtained,
together with an indication whe-
ther the amount relates to fresh
or to dried gland substance.
Thyroid gland, the active Either-
principles of; their salts (a) the proportion of thyroid ,,land
contained in the preparation; or
(b)the amount of thyroid gland from
which a specified quantity of the
preparation was obtained together
with an indication whether the
amount relates to fresh or to dried
Indication of character prescribed by regulation 18 for the
purposes of section 19 (1) (c) (iii) of the Ordinance.
1. To be labelled with the words 'Caution. It is dangerous to
take this preparation except under medical supervision.':-
Medicines made up ready for the internal treatment of
human ailments if the poison is one of the following:-
Allyl isopropylacetylurea
Phen yi~,thylliyd,.intoin; its salts; its acyl derivatives; their
salts '
Pituitary gland, die active principles of
Thyroid gland, the active principles of; their salts
2. To be labelled with the words 'Caution. It is dangerous to
exceed the stated dose.': -
Medicines (other than medicines mentioned in paragraph 1.
of this List) made up ready for the internal t,reatiii2nt ol* human
allments except in the case of a substance iticlu(l~.~(1 in the First
1 ~ist.
3. To be labelled with the words 'Poison. For animal
treatment only.': -
Kedicines made- up ready for the treatment of animals.
4. To be labelled with the words 'Caution. This preparation
may cause serious inflammation of the skin in certain persons and
should be used only in accordance with expert advice.'.-
Preparations for the dyeing of hair containing phenylene
d~ :.tniiiie~; or toluene diamines or th,~ir salts.
5. To be labelled with the words 'Caution. This substance is
eau s tic.': -
Potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, and articles contain-
in,,,. either of thise substances.
Poisons exempted by regulation 4 (2) froni labelling provisions when
sold or supplied in certain circumstances.
Alkali fluorides
Antimony, chlorides of; oxides of antimony; sulphides of
antimony: antinitinates; antinionites
Dinitroexpsols; dinitronaphthols; dinitrophenols
Glyceryl trinitrate
Hydrochloric acid
Hydrofluoric acid; sodium silicofluoride
Lead acetates; compounds of lead with acids from fixed oils
Mercuric chloride; mercuric iodide; organic compounds of mercury
Mercury, oxides of; nitrates of mercury
Metanitrophenol; orthonitrophenol; paranitrophenol
Nitric acid
Oxalic acid; metallic oxalates
Phenols; compounds of phenol with a metal
Phosphorus, yellow
Picric acid
Potassium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide
Sulphuric acid
Poisons to which repulation 24 (Tran.Rport) applies.
Arsenical poisons
Barium, salts of
Hydrocyanic acid; cyanides
Thallium, salts of
(Cap. 138).
(Ordinance No. 8 of 1937).
[1st January, 1938.]
1. In the construction of this List, unless the contrary
intention appears-
(a)a reference to a substance shall include a reference
to that substance prepared either from natural
sources or artificially;
(b)a reference to a substance shall include a reference
to that substance when contained as such in any pre-
paration., solution, admix(ure or natural substallev;
(c)words in the singular shall include the plural,
and words in the plural shall include the singular.
2. This list may be cited as the P'oisons List.
Acetanilide; alkyl acetanilides
Alkali fluorides other than those specified in Part 11 of this
Alkaloids, the-following; their salts, simp~e or complex:-
Acetyl di hydroc od ei none; its esters
Aconite, alkaloids of
Belladonna, alkaloids of
Ord. 8 of 1937, s.4, First Schedule. G.N. 351/39. G.N.A. 289/48. G.N.A. 94/50. G.N.A. 79/51. Citation. Interpretation. (Cap. 1.) Restriction of sales by shopkeepers. [r. 3. cont.] Extension of labelling provisions and relaxation with respect to poisons in the Sixth List. Extension of section 19(2) to sales wholesale etc. and relaxation of the said subsection. Relaxation of section 20 (3) in the case of certain medicines. Further relaxation of section 19 (2) in the case of certain preparations for the destructions of noxious insects. General exemption of section 20 transactions. Exemption from the provisions relating solely to the First List. Complete exemption for articles and substances in the Second List. Additional restriction of sale of poisons in the Third List. Additional restriction of sales by authorized sellers of poisons. Restriction of sales by listed sellers of Part II poisons. Restriction of sales of strychnine. Manner of labelling containers. [r. 15 cont.] Labelling of name of poison. Labelling of particulars as to proportions of the poison. Indication of character of the poison. (Fifth List). [r. 18 cont.] Special cautions in the case of certain articles. Name of seller and address of premises. Form of containers. Storage of poisons. [r. 22 cont.] Transport of poisons. Special provisions with respect to the transport of poisons in the Seventh List. Supply of medicines to out-patients from certain hospitals, etc. [r. 25 cont.] Supply of medicines for use in hospitals, etc. Storage of poisons in institutions. Sale and supply of poisons wholesale. Licensing of wholesale dealers. Sales by wholesale dealers. G.N.A. 289/48. Records to be kept by wholesale dealer. Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations. Form of registrar's List. (Listed sellers of Part II Poisons, section 23). Certificate of persons to whom poisons may be sold. [r. 34 cont.] Form of application to registrar. [r. 35 cont.] Form of record of sales. Preservation of records. Penalties. G.N.A. 79/51. Ord. 8 of 1937, s. 18, Second Schedule. G.N. 351/39.
Ord. 8 of 1937, s.4, First Schedule. G.N. 351/39. G.N.A. 289/48. G.N.A. 94/50. G.N.A. 79/51. Citation. Interpretation. (Cap. 1.) Restriction of sales by shopkeepers. [r. 3. cont.] Extension of labelling provisions and relaxation with respect to poisons in the Sixth List. Extension of section 19(2) to sales wholesale etc. and relaxation of the said subsection. Relaxation of section 20 (3) in the case of certain medicines. Further relaxation of section 19 (2) in the case of certain preparations for the destructions of noxious insects. General exemption of section 20 transactions. Exemption from the provisions relating solely to the First List. Complete exemption for articles and substances in the Second List. Additional restriction of sale of poisons in the Third List. Additional restriction of sales by authorized sellers of poisons. Restriction of sales by listed sellers of Part II poisons. Restriction of sales of strychnine. Manner of labelling containers. [r. 15 cont.] Labelling of name of poison. Labelling of particulars as to proportions of the poison. Indication of character of the poison. (Fifth List). [r. 18 cont.] Special cautions in the case of certain articles. Name of seller and address of premises. Form of containers. Storage of poisons. [r. 22 cont.] Transport of poisons. Special provisions with respect to the transport of poisons in the Seventh List. Supply of medicines to out-patients from certain hospitals, etc. [r. 25 cont.] Supply of medicines for use in hospitals, etc. Storage of poisons in institutions. Sale and supply of poisons wholesale. Licensing of wholesale dealers. Sales by wholesale dealers. G.N.A. 289/48. Records to be kept by wholesale dealer. Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations. Form of registrar's List. (Listed sellers of Part II Poisons, section 23). Certificate of persons to whom poisons may be sold. [r. 34 cont.] Form of application to registrar. [r. 35 cont.] Form of record of sales. Preservation of records. Penalties. G.N.A. 79/51. Ord. 8 of 1937, s. 18, Second Schedule. G.N. 351/39.
Subsequent Cap No.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“POISONS REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 6, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1912.