(Cap. 138).
(Ordinance No. 8 of 1937).
[1st January, 1938]
Requirements for Registration as an Apprentice or Student.
1. Every applicant for registration as ail apprentice
or student must have entered into Articles of Pupilage with
a registered pharmacist or with a body corporate entitled
to become an authorized seller of poisons, or with a
pharmacist jointly with elther the committee of a hospital
or similar institution or the owner of a pharmaceutical
manufacturing laboratory: Provided that where a person
is engaged on a full time agreement in a Government hos-
pital or other Government institution under the direction
of a qualified pharmacist, such agreement shall be accepted
in the place of Articles of Pupilage.
2. At the time of making an application for registration as an
apprentice or student the applicant shall
(a)lodge with the registrar a certificate of having passed the
Matriculation Examination of the University of Hong Kong or
such other equivalent examination as the registrar shall
approve, and shall have taken in that examination the
following subjects
(i) English and Mathmatics;
(ii) one of the following subjects-
Chemistry, Physics, Botany or Biology;
(b) pay the prescribed fee for registration
(c)lodge with the registrar a copy of his Articles of pupilage.
Qualifying Examination - General.
3. The Qualifying Examination shall be styled 'The Chemist and.
Druggist Qualifying,
The Qualifying Examination shall be in the parts, the first
part the Intermediate Examination and the second part the Final
Training and Requirements for Admission to lite
Qualifying. Examination.
Requirements for enlry to the Intermediate Examination.
5. The Intermediate Examination shall be held twice a year
in june and December. When applying to enter for the first time,
the candidate shall
(a) have been registered as an apprentice or student
(b) pay the prescribed fee;
(c) lodge with the registrar a certificate on the official
form obtainable from the registrar signed by the applicant's principal
or his authorized deputy that, subsequent to registration as an apprentice
or student, he has attended a course of approved instruction at a recognized
educational institution over a period of one year full time study or two
years' attendance at evening classes.
6. The subjects of the Intermediate Examination shall be
Chemistry, Physics and Biology and the examination shall be
conducted in accordance with the syllabus as approved from
time to time by the Governor in Council.
The registrar shall supply, without fee, a copy of the syllabus to
any person on application.
7. A person who has been registered as an apprentice or
student. and.who satisfies the registrar that he has passed one
of the examinations set out in Appendix I shall be deemed to
have passed the Intermediate Examination provided that the
subjects include Chemistry, Physics and Biology. If the subjects
include two only of those prescribed in these regulations he
shall be deemed to have passed the examination in such two
8. A candidate shall present himself for examination in all
of the subjects of the examination except that a candidate who
shall be deemed to have passed the examination in two of the
subjects only may present himself for examination in the one
remaining subject.
9. A candidate who has failed to satisfy the Examiners in
one subject only may, subject to the permission of
the Examiners, present hiniself for examination ill thal (lie subject only.
Before lie applies to enter again for the examination a candidate who
has failed to satisfy the Examiners shall produce satisfactory evidence
to the Examiners that lie lias complied with any conditions made by,
theni concerning his presenting himself for examination in the subject
in which lie failed to satisfy the Examiners.
10. Except in the following circumstances no fee Or portion of a
fee shall be returned--
(a)a candidate who withdraws before the last: date of entry for
the examination shall receive back the fee paid;
(b)a candidate who has entered for the exaniination but to
present himself and submits proof
to the registrar that his absence was clue to
illness or other unavoidable cause shall receive back the fee
Requirements for Entry to the Final Examination.
11. The Examination shall be held twice a year in
March and October. When applying to enter the
Exannination for the first time a candidate shall-
(a)have passed or be deemed to have passed the Intermediate
Examination ;
(b) pay the prescribed fee;
(c) produce to the registrar-
(I) a certificate of registration of birth
(II) a declaration, signed by the candidate on the
official form obtainable from the registrar, that he has been
trained under the supervision of a registered pharmacist in
the dispensing and cornpounding of medicines for a period
of not less than four thousand hours, spread over not less
than two years, in one of the following places
(i)a set of premises registered under Part I of the
(ii) a manufacturing pharmaceutical laboratory
(iii) a dispensary of a hospital or similar institution..
The declaration shall state the address of the place or palces
at WhiCh tile Course has been undergone
with the dates and periods of such training and
shall be signed by the pharmacist who supervised
the training. The declaratiori shall only bc valid
if, the course was undergone by the candidate sub-
sequent to registration as an appreritice or student
and while serving under Articles of Pupilage in
accordance with regulations, and only if the course
was Subsequent to such Articles of Pupilage having
been endorsed by the registrar and a copy lodged
with him ;
(III) a certificate on the official form obtainable
from the regIstrar signed by the candidate's prin-
cipal of his deputy that, subsequent to having
passed or being deemed to have passed the Inter-
mediate Examination, the candidate has attended at
a recognized educational institution an approved
systematic course of instruction in the subjects of
the Final Examination and has completed the work
to tile satisfaction of the principal. The course of
instruction shall be spread over a period of not less
than 250 hours in Pharmaceutics, 250 hours in
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and 250 hours in Physio-
logy, Pharmacognosy and Forensic Pharmacy.
12. The subjects of the Examination shall be Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical
Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Physiology and Forensic Pharmacy, and shall be in
accordance with the syllabus as approved from time to time by the Governor
in Council. The register shall supply, without fee, a copy of the syllabus to
any person on application.
13. A candidate shall present himself for examination
in all subjects of the Examination except that-
(a) a candidate who has failed to satisfy the Examiners
in one subject only, may, subject to the permission
of the Examiners, present himself for examination
in that one subject only. Before he applies to enter
again for the Examination a candidate who has
failed to satisfy the Examiners shall produce satisfactory
evidence to the Examiners that he has complied with any
conditions made by them concerning his presenting himself
again for examination in the subject in which he failed to
satisfy the Examiners;
(b)a candidate who satisfies the Examiners in the
subject or subjects in which lie presents himself for
examination in accordance with these regulations
shall be granted a certificate by the Examiners to
that effect and entitling him to be registered as a
chemist and druggist in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Ordinance: Provided that no such
certificate sliall be issued until SLICII time aS the
candidate has attained the age of twenty-one years.
14. The Articles of Pupilage shall contain the provi-
sions of the draft Articles set out in AppendiX 2 or provisions
to like effect or the provisions of any Articles under which
the candidate may have been serving on the 18th Alarch,
1949, provided that such Articles had been endorsed by the
15. Except in the following circumstances no fee or
portion of a fee shall be returned-
(a)a candidate who withdraws before the last date of
entry for the examination shall receive back the fee
(b)a candidate who has entered for the examination
but fails to present himself and Submits to the
registrar proof satisfactory to the registrar that his
absence was due to illness or other unavoidable
cause shall receive back the fee paid.
16. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing
regulations it shall be permissible for the registrar to exempt
from compliance with any requirement contained in such
of the regulations as apply to examinations for registration
as an apprentice or student to-courses of theoretical and
practical study, any person who produces evidence to the
satisfaction of the registrar tliat eitlier-
(a)lie bas complied with a corresponding requirement
under previous regulations at the time such regula-
tions were in force; or
(b) he has received a sufficient preliminary practical
.training in a course of study for the subjects of the
17. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing
regulations the registrar may, subject to such conditions as
lie may prescribe, accept a practical course of study under-
gone in a plaCe other than Hong Kong provided the person
is registered as an apprentice or student.
18. A candidate who has received training in a place
other than Hong Kong may, at the discretion of the registrar,
be admitted to the Final Examination of the Chemist and
Druggist Qualifying Examination provided that-
(a)lie produces evidence satisfactory to the registrar of
having undergone a course of training and study
which, in the opinion of the registrar, is equivalent
to tliat required under regulation ;
(b)lie produces evidence satisfactory to the registrar
of having passed an examination which in the
opinion of the registrar is equivalent to the Inter-
mediate Examination of the Chemist and Druggist
Qualifying Examination;
(c)lie pays the prescribed fee for entry to the Final
19. These regulations may be cited as the Course of
Training, Study and Examination for Applicants for Regis-
tration as Pliarniacists Regulations.
APPENDIX 1. (reg. 7).
Examination accepted in place of the First Part or
Intermediate Examination for the Chemist and
Druggist Qualifying Exagnination.
A candidate shall be deemed to have passed the Intermediate
Examination of the Chemist and Druggist Qualifying Examination
if he produces evidence to the registrar as having passed one of the
following examinations provided that the subjects include Chemistry,
Physics and Biology-
(a)the Final or Intermediate Examination for a degree in Arts
or Science of the University of Hong Kong or of any other
British or Colonial or Dominion University;
(b) the Higher School Examination;
(c)the First or any subsequent examination for any degree
or diploma recognized by the General Medical Council;
(d)the Preliminary Scientific Examination for Chemist and
Druggist of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance if taken
prior to the 18th of March, 1949.
APPENDIx 2. (reg. 14 )
Draft Articles of Pupilage.
It is agreed between ..of
(hereinafter called the Employer) of the first part ........................
of .....................(hereinafter called the Puffil), son or ward of
......................... (hereinafter called the Parent or Guardian)
of the third part, as follows:-
1. The Pupil for himself and the Parent or Guardian as surety
for him jointly and severally bind themselves that the Pupil shall
honestly faithfully and diliTe ntly serve the Employer in his business
of Dispensing Chemist for a period of years frorn the of Nineteen hundred and
which dav is deelirpd to be the commencement of the PuDilave of
the Pupil: that the. Pupil shall always keer) the Employer's secrets
and shall obey his lawful commands. and shall not without authority
make conies of any papers or book,~ belonTing tn t~e Employer;
that the Pupil shall not absent himself f-r(m the Emnlover's service
without leave. shall behave hirnself eivillv and resT)'ectfxillv to the
Employer and his customers, shall observe the rules anp ended to
these Arti 'cles and shall both durin~ and outside of business hours
abstain from all illegal practices.
2. And the Employer (in consideration of the Premium of
II.M paid by the Parent or Guardian the receipt of.'
which the ErnDlover hereby )cknowledzes)* binds himself t,) instruct
the Pupil in bis business of Dispensine Chemist: to afford the Pur)il
such reasonable opportunities and work as inav be required to enable
him to learn the same; to observe the rules apnended to these
Articles; to grant the Pupil such facilities to -attend such classe. as
may be necessary; on their due completion to discharge these Articles
in the form provided and if in hi~z opinion correct, to - verify the facts
set out in the declaration regarding the practical study required by
the regulations to ' made by the Pupil when entering for the
Qualifying Examination.
3. And the Employer further binds his executors and adminis-
trators to repay to the Parent or Guardian a proportionate part
of the premium afore-mentioned in the event of the death of the
Employer before the expiration of these Articles, or alternatively to
make provision for the completion by the Pupil of the remainder
of the Pupilage under conditions acceptable under the afore-
mentioned regulations without cost to the Parent or Guardian.
4. In Witness Whereof the parties to these Articles have set
their hands and seals this of Nineteen
hundred and
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the .......................................
said Employer in the presence of (Employer)
................. 11
Occupation .................................
Address ....................................
Signe(1, Sealed and Delivered by the ...............................
said Pupil in the presence of
...................................... 1
Occupation .................................
Address .....................................
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the .................... *~''.~
said Parent or Guardian in the (Parent or giardian)
presence of
Occupation .................................
Address ....................................
In the foregoing Articles words importing the singular number
shall include the plural and vice versa, words importing the mascu-
line gender shall include the feminine, the words importing persons
shall include Firms and Corporations, unless there be anything in
the context repugmant to such construction.
. respect that ........has
served me in terms of the foregoing Articles during the whole period
herein stipulated do hereby discharge him and also .....................
of all obligations under the said Articles.
In Witness Whereof 1 have set i-ny hand this day of
...........................Nineteen hundred and
No receipt stimi) necessary,
delete if not applicable.
Rules log, Practical Course of Study During Apprenticeship.
1. The employer shall from time to time if so requested, furnish
such information as may be required by the registrar about the staff,
accommodation, equipment and work of the shop, hospital, dispensary
or manufacturing laboratory where the apprenticeship is being
carried out, and shall permit a representative of the registrar to
inspect the premises at any reasonable time during working hours.
2. If the employer is not a registered pharmacist or does not
undertake personally the practical course of study of the pupil he
shall appoint some registered pharmacist member of his staff who
shall be respofisible to the employer therefor.
3. The practical course of study shall include-
(a)the manipulation of pharmaceutical apparatus in common
(b) the preparation of the more commonly used galenicals;
(c)the reading, translation and copying of prescriptions
including the checking of doses;
(d) the dispensing of prescriptions;
(c)experience in the keeping of the records required by the
different parts of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance and
Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, as affecting pharmaceutical
4. The apprentice or pupil shall keep a record of his work.
5. The employer shall provide such apparatus, books of
reference, materials and the opportunity to enable the pupil to
undergo the practical course of study outlined in paragraph 3.
6. The number of pupils that may be employed in any shop,
hospital dispensary or manufacturing pharmaceutical laboratory,
shall not exceed two for each registered pharmacist engaged in the
work in which the pupil is undergoing the course mentioned and
referred to above.
(Cap. 138).
(Ordinance No. 8 of 1937).
[1st January, 1938.]
1. These regulations may be cited as Fees (Pharniacy
and Poisons) Regulations.
2. The following fees shall be paid to the Registrar-
(a) (i) for enrolment as an appren-
tice or student .....$10.00 (s. 4(1)(c))
(ii) for the Intermediate Exam-
ination whether or not
the applicant is examined
in any or all of. the sub-
jects Of the examination. $50.00 (s.4(1)(c))
Ord. 8 of 1937, s. 4, First Schedule. G.N.A. 54/49. [r. 9 cont.] (Cap. 138) [r. 13 cont.] (Cap. 138) (Cap. 138) (Cap. 134) Ord. 8 of 1937, s.4, First Schedule. G.N.A. 54/49.
Ord. 8 of 1937, s. 4, First Schedule. G.N.A. 54/49. [r. 9 cont.] (Cap. 138) [r. 13 cont.] (Cap. 138) (Cap. 138) (Cap. 134) Ord. 8 of 1937, s.4, First Schedule. G.N.A. 54/49.
Subsequent Cap No.
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