(Cap. 136, section 4).
(Ordinance No. 22 Of 1936).
[16th December, 1936.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the
Hospitals Regulations.
2. The Medical Officer-in-Charge shall be responsible
for the care and treatment of all patients in the mental
hospital, and for the maintenance of discipline and good
order generally.
3. Friends may, if the Medical Officer-in-Charge,
considers it to be suitable, be allowed to visit any patient
in the mental hospital, including patients detained on the
Governor's warrant.
4. Patients may write, letters to friends, relatives and
others, and may receive letters from them. All letters
written by or addressed to patients shall be censored by
the Medical Officer-in-Charge, and if free frorn obJection-
able matter they shall be delivered to the addressees.
5. The forms in the Schedule shall be the prescribed
foroms for tile purposes of the Ordinance.
G. R.
Application for an order for the removal to a mental hospital
for the purpose of detention and observation of a person believed
to be of unsound mind.
Mental Hospitals Ordinance, s. 7
(Cliapter 136 of the Revised Edition.)
I of ............................
........ have reason to believe that
.............. ...................... ........................ of
............................................... is t person of unsound mind.
The reasons for my belief are as follows-
1. (Result of personal observation): ..............................
2. (Facts communicated to me by others): .....................
(a) (Name) .......................oi
........... 1 who is said to be
of the person in question, has been communicated with,
with the following result-
(b)No relative of the person in question can be found in
the Colony.
I therefore apply under section 7 of the Mental Hospitals
Ordinance, for a written order authorizing the said ..................... be conveyed to the Government Mental Hospital
and to be detained there under observation for a period not
exceeding seven days.
Dated the of 19
Signature of applicant.
FORm 2.
Order by a magistrate or justic., of the peace authorizing the
removal t,) a mental hospital for the purpose of detention and
observation of a person alleged to be of unsound mind.
Mental Hospitals Ordinance, s. 7
(Chapter 136 of the Revised Editinnj
Whereas ...............of ...................
................. has satisfied me tile
undersigned that there is reason to believe that .......................
................. of
. of unsound mind, I hereby order that the said
................. be conveyed to the
Government Mental Hospital and be there detained under observa-
tion for a period not exceeding seven days from and including
the date of this order.
Dated the of 19
Justice of the Peace.
NOTE-The period of detention authorized by this order will expire at midnight
on the seventh day, counting the date of the order a8 the first day.
C(,.i.tificate'of medical practitioners as to unsoundness of mind.
Mental Hospitals Ordinance, s. 10
(Chapter 136 of the Revised Edition.)
We ...................................................................................
and ...........................................................................................
medical practitioners, hereby certify that ....................................
............... 1
Age ......Sex Nationality
of present
detained for observation under the authority of the Mental Hospitals
Ordinance is in our opinion a person of unsound mind.
The reasons for my opinion are as follows-
Dated the of 19
Medical Practitioner.
The reasons for my opinion are as follows-
Dated the day............of 19
Medical Practitioner.
Dated....the of ............................... 19
FoRm 4.
Certificate of medical practitioners for extension
of period of detention for observation.
Mental Hospitalq Ordinance, s. 11
(Chapter 136 of the Revised Edition.)
We ...............................................................................
and ..........................................................................................
medical practitioners, hereby certify that it is in our opinion
necessary that ...........................................................................
now detained in the Government Mental Hospital for observation
under the authority of the Mental Hospital Ordinance should be
detained there for the purpose of observation for a further period
of seven days from and after the expiration of the order of the
magistrate *(or justice of the peace) under section 7, which is
dated the of 19 *or, for a
further period of seven days from and after the day of
........... 19 on which da.y the extension
The reasons which in my opinion render it necessary to detain
the said ...................for further
observation are as follows-
Dated the of 19
.Medical Practitioner.
The reasons which in my opinion render it necessary to detain
the.................said .............for further
observation ar2 as follows-
Dated the day of...................................... 19
.......... .....................
Medical Practitioner.
..................... 1
Dated the of 19
the first extended period will be the day immediately after the expiration
of the order under section 7: see the nole to k'ort?t 2. There cannot be
more than tivo extensions.
FoRm 5.
Form of order to be given by the senior morlical offirer for
the Lirne being present in and on the stafT of a hospital for the
removal to a Diental hospital for the purpose of detention and
observation of a patient who shows symptoms of sufrering from
delirium tremens.
Mental Hospitals Ordinance, .9. 12
(Chapter 136 of the Revised Edition.)
I . ..............1 being the
senior officer for the tirne being present in and on the stalT of
the .~ .........Hospital, have examined
................. a patient in the said hospital
and find that he shows symptoms of suffering from delirium tremens
and 1 hereby order him to be removed from the said hospital to
the Government Mental Hospital and to be demined there under
observation for a period not exceeding seven days from and includ-
ing the date of this order.
Dated the of 19
tio~er, or a Government medical officer, or a medical officer of His Majesty's
Navy, Army or Air Force serving in the Colony on full Pay, or a Professor
of the Paculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong.
Form G.
Application for reception as a voluntary patient.
Mental Hospitals Ordinance, s. .9
(Chapter 136 of the Revised Edition.)
I .......................................................................................
of ............................................................................................ hereby apply to
be admitted to the mental hospital as a volunlary patient.
I undertake, as from the date of my admission
(a)to pay all fees charged by the mental hospital for rnaintenance. and
(b) to conform to all the regulations of the mental hospital;
(c)to give the M.0. i/c 72 hours' notice of my intention to leave the
mental hospital;
(d)forthwith to leave the mental hospital when sq required by the M.0.
(c)to make no claim against the mental hospital in respect of loss or
damage to any property into it (including, private clothing).
Dated the of .. 1
19 .......'
To the M.0. i/e of the Mental
Hosffital, Hong
Witness ..............................
G.N. 966/38. G.N.A. 79/51. Citation. G.N.A. 79/51. Responsibility of Medical Officer-in-Charge. G.N.A. 79/51. Visitors. G.N.A. 79/51. Letters G.N.A. 79/51. Forms G.N.A. 79/51. Strike out the inappropriate paragraph. (Cap. 136.) (Cap. 136.) (Cap. 136.) *Strike out inappropriate words. G.N.A. 79/51.
G.N. 966/38. G.N.A. 79/51. Citation. G.N.A. 79/51. Responsibility of Medical Officer-in-Charge. G.N.A. 79/51. Visitors. G.N.A. 79/51. Letters G.N.A. 79/51. Forms G.N.A. 79/51. Strike out the inappropriate paragraph. (Cap. 136.) (Cap. 136.) (Cap. 136.) *Strike out inappropriate words. G.N.A. 79/51.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“MENTAL HOSPITALS REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 6, 2025,