No. 2 of 1864.
An Ordinance for establishing a Mint in the Colony of Hongkong.
[26th February, 1864.]
BE it enacted by His Excellency the Governor o Hongkong, with the advice
of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. That a Mint be established in Hongkong on such site as tire Governor
or Officer
Administering the Government of the Colony may approve; that a chief
officer thereof
shall be appointed under the title of Master, who shall be empowered to
coin silver
coin of such weight and fineness and of such designs as may from time to
time be
approv ed by Her Majesty, from dies to be furnished by the Master of the
Royal Mint
under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Lords Commissioners of
Majesty's Treasury.
2. That it may be lawful for the Governor or Officer Administering the
ment of the Colony, by and with the advice of the Executive Council; to
frame regula-
tions under which the Mint shall receive silver bullion and coin the
same; and to
authorize the retention (without reference to any charge which may be
imposed for the
expense of refining such. bullion) of such proportion thereof, or of the
'POin struck
therefrom, by way of a Mint charge or sei;norage, as shall he sufficient
to defray the
expenses attending the coinage; and to alter or amend such regulations
from time to
time as may be found necessary.
4.f Coming De-
artment and
of Welting De-
Govornor to
-appoint such
otter officers as
ntay be
The Master to
wake quarterly
ORDINANCE -No. 2 OF 1864.
3inster to enter
into contracts,
subject to
3. That the Master be empowered subject to the approval of the Governor or
-Officer Administering the Government of the Colony, to enter into such
contracts and
to establish such regulations for the orderly and convenient performance
of the duties
of the Mint as may be found necessary.
~g fnnr 4. That four other principal officers of the Mint be appointed.
41f Bullion Office.
1st. The Superintendent of the Bullion Office, who shall be responsible to
Master for the receipt of bullion and the delivery of coin by the Mint;
safe custody of the same while in charge of his department; the faithful
duct and accurate record of all transactions with the public, and with the
assaying, melting and coining departments of the Mint, including the
cash, bullion, and other account ; for the proper registering and safe
of documents; and for the faithful and zealous discharge of any other
which the Master may direct him to perform.
2nd. The Assayer who will be responsible to the Master for the correct.
assay of
all bullion brought to the Mint to be assayed or coined; for the correct
of the bars cast for rolling and of the coin struck at the Mint; for the
thereof being kept with care and precision ; and for the faithful and
discharge of any other duties which the Master may direct kiln to perform.
3rd. The Superintendent of the Coining Department and Machinery, who will
responsible to the Master for the bullion delivered into his charge by
the Super-
intendent of the Bullion Office; for its conversion into coin of the
legal weight,
properly stamped with the authorized dies; for the safe custody and
use of the dies; for the operations of his department being properly and
economically conducted; for the records thereof being kept with care and
precision; and for the faithful and zealous discharge of any other duties
the Master or his representative may direct him to perform.
4th. The Superintendent of the Melting Department, who will 1>e
responsible to
the Master for the skilful and economical direction of the operations of
and refining; for the records thereof being kept with care and precision;
for the faithful and zealous discharge of any other duties which the
Master or
his representative may direct him to perform.
5. That all such other officers and servants of the Mint as may be
necessary shall
be appointed from time to time by the Governor or Officer Administering
tile Govern-
ment, subject to the approval arid confirmation of the Secretary of State
8. That the Master shall faithfully and without unnecessary delay after
tile ex-
piration of each quarter prepare and forward to the Governor the
following returns:-
(1.) Weight of silver bullion received from the public by the Bullion
(2~) Weight melted previous to assay;
(3.) Weight assayed and named,. and value thereof;
(4.) Weight refined
(5.) Weight and value of uncoived- bullion re-issued, and amount charged
for melting, assaying, and refining;
ORDINANCE No. 2 of 1864.
(6.) Weight of each description of coin produced;
(7.) Weight of each description of coin delivered to the public, and the
amount, if any, charged for coining;
(8.) Copy of the reports of the assay of coin;
(9.) Number and description of dies received or completed dliriug the
of dies worn out, of dies effectually defaced, and of serviceable dies in
(10.) A return, shewing the waste during the quarter, distinguishing the
waste arising in melting, in refining, in coining, and in assaying.
And he shall forward any other returns which the Governor or Officer
the Government of the Colony may require.
7. That with a view to ensure the careful observance of the standard in
the coin the
-Governor or Officer Administering the Government of the Colony shall
cause to be taken
at uncertain times during each quarter from amongst the coins issued at
the Mint to
the public without preference in the selection, specimen pieces, and that
such specimens
shall be forwarded from time to time to the Master of the Royal Mint in
London for
such examination as the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury may
S. That the Governor or Officer Administering the Government of the Colony
shall direct a Board of Government officers not less than tbrecin number,
to assemble at
the Mint at the expiration of each quarter for the inspection of the
store of bullion
,and coin in the Mint, and report on the same to him, stating the exact
amounts of
the balance of each description verified by them.
9. That the salaries specified as under shall be added to the civil list:
Per Annum .
...... ... ...... $6;720.
The Superintendent of the Bullion Office, $3,8410.
The Assayer, ... ... ....... ..... ... ... ......... ...... ...... $3,840.
The Superintendent of the Coining Department $3,840.
The Superintendent of the Melting Department, $3,840.
10. That such other officers and servants of the Mint as may be appointed
l)e paid such salaries-as may be fixed by the Governor or Officer
Administering the
Government of the Colony, with the approval of the Secretary of State,
and that such
salaries shall be borne on the Annual Estimates.
Repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1887.
~NoTE.-For Regulations as to the receipt of bullion 4-c., of the 11th
December 186.5,
see Gazette 23rd December 186,5.
For Regulations of the 20th April 1866 mortifying the,former, see Gazette
.c f the same month.
For l~tarther -Rules of the 2nd Dray 1866, see Gazette 5th of the same
And for Proclamation by the Governor of the 15th September 186f~as to
.tender of the Mint dollar and half dollar, see Gazette of the some date.
For Regulations for the issue of silver coin of the 20th October 1866,
see Gazette
-12th January 1867. -
The Mint has long ceased to exist:
The Master of the Mint, .........
And any other
returns re<lnired
by the Governor.
Specimen pircex
to be taken at
uncertain limey
in each tlnnrier,
and forwarded
to master oft he
koyal Mint in
l.ondou far
quarterly survey
to be held or t.Tiu
bullion and coin
in ate Will.
Salaries to be
added to uir11
Salaries of otter
ofttcers to be'
fixed by the
Governor and
placed on the
Empowering the Governor to establish a Mint.
To appoint a Master. Master to be empowered to coin silver coin.
Governor to frame regulations for reception at Mint of silver bullion, &c.
Empowering master to enter into contracts, subject to Governor's approval.
Appointing four other principal officers.
Superintendent of Bullion Office.
Superintendent of Coining Department and Machinery.
Superintendent of Melting Department.
Governor to appoint such other officers as may be necessary.
The Master to make quarterly returns.
And any other return required by the Governor.
Specimen pieces to be taken at uncertain times in each quarter, and forwarded to Master of the Royal Mint in London for examination.
Quarterly suvey to be held of the bullion and coin in the Mint.
Salaries to be added to civil list.
Salaries of other officers to be fixed by the Governor and placed on the Annual Estimates.
No. 2 of 1864.
An Ordinance for establishing a Mint in the Colony of Hongkong.
[26th February, 1864.]
BE it enacted by His Excellency the Governor o Hongkong, with the advice
of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. That a Mint be established in Hongkong on such site as tire Governor
or Officer
Administering the Government of the Colony may approve; that a chief
officer thereof
shall be appointed under the title of Master, who shall be empowered to
coin silver
coin of such weight and fineness and of such designs as may from time to
time be
approv ed by Her Majesty, from dies to be furnished by the Master of the
Royal Mint
under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Lords Commissioners of
Majesty's Treasury.
2. That it may be lawful for the Governor or Officer Administering the
ment of the Colony, by and with the advice of the Executive Council; to
frame regula-
tions under which the Mint shall receive silver bullion and coin the
same; and to
authorize the retention (without reference to any charge which may be
imposed for the
expense of refining such. bullion) of such proportion thereof, or of the
'POin struck
therefrom, by way of a Mint charge or sei;norage, as shall he sufficient
to defray the
expenses attending the coinage; and to alter or amend such regulations
from time to
time as may be found necessary.
4.f Coming De-
artment and
of Welting De-
Govornor to
-appoint such
otter officers as
ntay be
The Master to
wake quarterly
ORDINANCE -No. 2 OF 1864.
3inster to enter
into contracts,
subject to
3. That the Master be empowered subject to the approval of the Governor or
-Officer Administering the Government of the Colony, to enter into such
contracts and
to establish such regulations for the orderly and convenient performance
of the duties
of the Mint as may be found necessary.
~g fnnr 4. That four other principal officers of the Mint be appointed.
41f Bullion Office.
1st. The Superintendent of the Bullion Office, who shall be responsible to
Master for the receipt of bullion and the delivery of coin by the Mint;
safe custody of the same while in charge of his department; the faithful
duct and accurate record of all transactions with the public, and with the
assaying, melting and coining departments of the Mint, including the
cash, bullion, and other account ; for the proper registering and safe
of documents; and for the faithful and zealous discharge of any other
which the Master may direct him to perform.
2nd. The Assayer who will be responsible to the Master for the correct.
assay of
all bullion brought to the Mint to be assayed or coined; for the correct
of the bars cast for rolling and of the coin struck at the Mint; for the
thereof being kept with care and precision ; and for the faithful and
discharge of any other duties which the Master may direct kiln to perform.
3rd. The Superintendent of the Coining Department and Machinery, who will
responsible to the Master for the bullion delivered into his charge by
the Super-
intendent of the Bullion Office; for its conversion into coin of the
legal weight,
properly stamped with the authorized dies; for the safe custody and
use of the dies; for the operations of his department being properly and
economically conducted; for the records thereof being kept with care and
precision; and for the faithful and zealous discharge of any other duties
the Master or his representative may direct him to perform.
4th. The Superintendent of the Melting Department, who will 1>e
responsible to
the Master for the skilful and economical direction of the operations of
and refining; for the records thereof being kept with care and precision;
for the faithful and zealous discharge of any other duties which the
Master or
his representative may direct him to perform.
5. That all such other officers and servants of the Mint as may be
necessary shall
be appointed from time to time by the Governor or Officer Administering
tile Govern-
ment, subject to the approval arid confirmation of the Secretary of State
8. That the Master shall faithfully and without unnecessary delay after
tile ex-
piration of each quarter prepare and forward to the Governor the
following returns:-
(1.) Weight of silver bullion received from the public by the Bullion
(2~) Weight melted previous to assay;
(3.) Weight assayed and named,. and value thereof;
(4.) Weight refined
(5.) Weight and value of uncoived- bullion re-issued, and amount charged
for melting, assaying, and refining;
ORDINANCE No. 2 of 1864.
(6.) Weight of each description of coin produced;
(7.) Weight of each description of coin delivered to the public, and the
amount, if any, charged for coining;
(8.) Copy of the reports of the assay of coin;
(9.) Number and description of dies received or completed dliriug the
of dies worn out, of dies effectually defaced, and of serviceable dies in
(10.) A return, shewing the waste during the quarter, distinguishing the
waste arising in melting, in refining, in coining, and in assaying.
And he shall forward any other returns which the Governor or Officer
the Government of the Colony may require.
7. That with a view to ensure the careful observance of the standard in
the coin the
-Governor or Officer Administering the Government of the Colony shall
cause to be taken
at uncertain times during each quarter from amongst the coins issued at
the Mint to
the public without preference in the selection, specimen pieces, and that
such specimens
shall be forwarded from time to time to the Master of the Royal Mint in
London for
such examination as the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury may
S. That the Governor or Officer Administering the Government of the Colony
shall direct a Board of Government officers not less than tbrecin number,
to assemble at
the Mint at the expiration of each quarter for the inspection of the
store of bullion
,and coin in the Mint, and report on the same to him, stating the exact
amounts of
the balance of each description verified by them.
9. That the salaries specified as under shall be added to the civil list:
Per Annum .
...... ... ...... $6;720.
The Superintendent of the Bullion Office, $3,8410.
The Assayer, ... ... ....... ..... ... ... ......... ...... ...... $3,840.
The Superintendent of the Coining Department $3,840.
The Superintendent of the Melting Department, $3,840.
10. That such other officers and servants of the Mint as may be appointed
l)e paid such salaries-as may be fixed by the Governor or Officer
Administering the
Government of the Colony, with the approval of the Secretary of State,
and that such
salaries shall be borne on the Annual Estimates.
Repealed by Ordinance No. 1 of 1887.
~NoTE.-For Regulations as to the receipt of bullion 4-c., of the 11th
December 186.5,
see Gazette 23rd December 186,5.
For Regulations of the 20th April 1866 mortifying the,former, see Gazette
.c f the same month.
For l~tarther -Rules of the 2nd Dray 1866, see Gazette 5th of the same
And for Proclamation by the Governor of the 15th September 186f~as to
.tender of the Mint dollar and half dollar, see Gazette of the some date.
For Regulations for the issue of silver coin of the 20th October 1866,
see Gazette
-12th January 1867. -
The Mint has long ceased to exist:
The Master of the Mint, .........
And any other
returns re<lnired
by the Governor.
Specimen pircex
to be taken at
uncertain limey
in each tlnnrier,
and forwarded
to master oft he
koyal Mint in
l.ondou far
quarterly survey
to be held or t.Tiu
bullion and coin
in ate Will.
Salaries to be
added to uir11
Salaries of otter
ofttcers to be'
fixed by the
Governor and
placed on the
Empowering the Governor to establish a Mint.
To appoint a Master. Master to be empowered to coin silver coin.
Governor to frame regulations for reception at Mint of silver bullion, &c.
Empowering master to enter into contracts, subject to Governor's approval.
Appointing four other principal officers.
Superintendent of Bullion Office.
Superintendent of Coining Department and Machinery.
Superintendent of Melting Department.
Governor to appoint such other officers as may be necessary.
The Master to make quarterly returns.
And any other return required by the Governor.
Specimen pieces to be taken at uncertain times in each quarter, and forwarded to Master of the Royal Mint in London for examination.
Quarterly suvey to be held of the bullion and coin in the Mint.
Salaries to be added to civil list.
Salaries of other officers to be fixed by the Governor and placed on the Annual Estimates.
Empowering the Governor to establish a Mint.
To appoint a Master. Master to be empowered to coin silver coin.
Governor to frame regulations for reception at Mint of silver bullion, &c.
Empowering master to enter into contracts, subject to Governor's approval.
Appointing four other principal officers.
Superintendent of Bullion Office.
Superintendent of Coining Department and Machinery.
Superintendent of Melting Department.
Governor to appoint such other officers as may be necessary.
The Master to make quarterly returns.
And any other return required by the Governor.
Specimen pieces to be taken at uncertain times in each quarter, and forwarded to Master of the Royal Mint in London for examination.
Quarterly suvey to be held of the bullion and coin in the Mint.
Salaries to be added to civil list.
Salaries of other officers to be fixed by the Governor and placed on the Annual Estimates.
Empowering the Governor to establish a Mint.
To appoint a Master. Master to be empowered to coin silver coin.
Governor to frame regulations for reception at Mint of silver bullion, &c.
Empowering master to enter into contracts, subject to Governor's approval.
Appointing four other principal officers.
Superintendent of Bullion Office.
Superintendent of Coining Department and Machinery.
Superintendent of Melting Department.
Governor to appoint such other officers as may be necessary.
The Master to make quarterly returns.
And any other return required by the Governor.
Specimen pieces to be taken at uncertain times in each quarter, and forwarded to Master of the Royal Mint in London for examination.
Quarterly suvey to be held of the bullion and coin in the Mint.
Salaries to be added to civil list.
Salaries of other officers to be fixed by the Governor and placed on the Annual Estimates.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1864
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“MINT ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 6, 2025,