3. No signboard which is attached to the face of any building
shall project more than 4 feet from such face unless such
signboard is fixed to the underside of the floor of a verandah or -
4. No signboard of which the maximum height exceeds 5
feet shall project more than 2 feet from the face of a building.
5. No signboard, which is attached to the face of a verandah
or balcony shall extend for a greater height than 3 feet above the
level of the floor of such verandah or balcony unless it be hung or
fixed at right angles to the face of such verandah or balcony.
6. Every signboard shall be secured with proper and
sufficient fastenings which shall be fixed and at all times
maintained to the satisfaction of the Building Authority,.
7. Every signboard which fails to comply with the above
conditions will be treated as a contravention of the Ordinance:
Provided that distinctive signboards such as those used by
pawnbrokers will be permitted so long as they comply with the
provisions of regulation 6 and conform to a design and size
approved by the Building Authority.
8, These regulations may be cited as the Signboard
(Schedule 1 to the Buildings Ordinance).
(Cap. 123, sections 89 and 168).
(Ordinance No. IS Of 1935).
[1st January, 1936.]
1. Nothing in these regulations shall affect any existing drain,
sewer, water closet or urinal constructed and maintained in
compliance with by-laws or regulations premise
viously in force until such drain, sewer, water closet or urinal
shall become defective.
2. In these regulations'drain'
means any drain of and used for
the drainage of one building
only, or premises within the
same curtilage, and made merely
for the purpose of
communicating therefrom. with
a cesspool or other like
receptacle for drainage, or with
a sewer into which the drainage
of two or more buildings or
premises occupied by different
persons is conveyed, and 'main
drain' means the whole of suet,
drain excluding any branches
'sewer' includes sewers and drains of every description except
drains to which the word drain interpreted as aforesaid
3. (1) Any owner or occupier of private premises about to
construct, reconstruct, alter or amend any drain shall give the
notice and forward the plans required b., section 128 of the
Ordinance. Such plans must show the whole of the drainage
works proposed to be carried out, the diameter of the pipes, their
gradient and their connexion to the main drain, sewer, channel or
nullah, and also the levels and sizes of any existing drain., crossed
by or adjacent to such new drains. Copies of Schedule A in
English and Chinese may be obtained gratis on application at the
office of the Building Authority, or, in the case of the villages, at
any village police station between 10 a.m.. and 4 P.M.
(2) The approval of plans by, the Building Authority under
these regulations certifies simply to the fact that the plans are in
accordance with the Ordinance, and with the regulations made
thereunder, but signifies no approval of the sufficiency or
otherwise of the plan and throws no responsibility on the Building
4. Any person carrying out excavations for drainage works
on any premises contiguous to a public thoroughfare, whereby the
safety of the public may be jeopardized, shall light such
excavations by means of a lantern or lanterns kept lighted through
the night, and he shall
further provide watchmen, erect hoardings and otherwise take
such precautions as may be necessary for securing the safety of
the public and the protection of adjoining properties.
5. Covered drains and sewers shall be made of impervious
materials, to be approved by the Building, Authority, with smooth
internal surfaces, such as well glazed earthenware pipes or cast-
iron pipes protected against rust or corrosion by suitable asphaltic
coating, and shall be so constructed as to be water-tight and air-
tight. In Jointing pipes with cement, tarred hemp shall be caulked
into the joints before the cement is applied, and care shall be
taken that no cement or other Jointing mliterial projects from the
joints into the interior of the pipes, and any such projecting
material or other irregularities in the bore of the drain or sewer
sliall be carefully removed.
6. All drains and sewers shall be laid so as to have a firm
bed throughout their length. Where the bottom of the trench is in
rock or similar hard substance, the pipes shall be firmly bedded in
suitable selected material free from large stones and well
rammed into place. Where such drains or sewers are laid under a
wall, they shall be protected by means of a relieving arch.
7. All stone-ware pipes shall be -well glazed and free from
cracks and flaws and shall have a thickness of not less than one-
twelfth of their diameter.
8. (1) That portion of the drain of any building which is
immediately connected with any sewer shall (unless specially
exempted by the Building Authority) be provided with a suitable
and efficient intercepting trap at a point situate on the ground of
the owner of the drain as distant as may be practicable from such
building and as near as may be practicable to the point at which
such drain is connected with such sewer. Adequate means of
access shall be provided to every drain by a manhole or
disconnecting chamber or other means of access to be approved
1:)~, the Building Authority for the purpose of cleansing the drain.
All manhole and disconnecting chambers shall be constructed of
brickwork at least 9 inches in thickness built in cement
mortar so as to be water tight up to the level of the adjacent ground and
every drain or sewer connecting into such manhole or disconnecting
chamber shall be continued along the floor of the chamber by means of
open half-channel pipes set in a bed of cement concrete. The surface of
the concrete shall be raised above the edges of [lie half-channel pipes
and shall be floated with neat cement all over so as to present .1 smooth
and impervious surface. Where tributary drains are connected to the
main channel the manhole bottom shall be benched up in cement
concrete at an angle Of 45 degrees and finished at the channel with a
bull nose edge and such tributary drains shall be formed by means of
curved halfchannels similarly, laid in the benching and made to
discharge over the main channel.
(2) All manhole and disconnecting chambers shall be fitted with air
Light covers and frames to be approved by the Building Authority.
9. All covered drains and sewers sliall be laid in straight lines and
regular gradients between the points at which any change of direction
occurs, and all changes of direction shall be made by means of properly
curved pipes or by half channels in manholes.
10. Concrete for encasing drains or sewers shall be composed Of 4
parts of good sound clean stone, broken to pass through a one-inch
ring, 2 parts of sand and i part of Portland cement thoroughly well mixed
and well rammed into place or of such other materials and in such
proportions as the Building Authority may approve.
11. Cement-mortar for the jointing of pipes or any other work shall
be mixed in the proportions of not more than 3 parts of clean sharp sand
to i part of good Portland cement and used fresh.
12. No covered drain or sewer shall be less than 4 inches in clear
internal diameter, but the Building Authority may require any covered
drain or sewer to be constructed of a larger diameter.
13. Subject to the limitation mentioned in regulation 12, no
drain or sewer shall be larger than is necessary in the ,opinion of
the Building Authority to carry off the sewage of the premises
drained or the sewage with the rain-water, which, under
conditions hereinafter specified in regulations 35, 36 and 37, shall
be admitted to the drain.
14. Every, drain or sewer sliall have the maximum fall,
throughout its length, that the relative levels of the public sewer
and of the most remote inlet will admit of: Provided always--
(a) that, if the available fall exceeds 1 in 30, the part of the
drain or sewer more remote from the public sewer may
be laid with a fall of 1 in 30 and the remainder with such
greater fall as may be necessary to connect with the
public sewer;
(b) that, if the excavation necessary to obtain the maximum
available fall, is likely in the opinion of the Building
Authority to endanger the stability of the adjoining or
neighbouring property, the gradient may be modified to
such extent as the Building Authority may approve.
15. Whenever the available fall for a covered drain or
sewer is less than 1 in 30, the Building Authority mayrequire the
gradient of the drain or sewer to be varied by increasing such
gradient in the tipper portion of such drain or sewer and by
reducing it in the remaining portions.
16. Whenever the gradient of any portion of a covered drain
or sewer is less than i in 30 the Building Authority, may, require
an automatic flush tank or any other suitable contrivance for
attaining an effective flush to be provided to his satisfaction.
17. No drain or sewer shall be so constructed as to pass
under any domestic building except when any other mode of
construction is impracticable. Any drain or sewer passing under a
building shall be of cast-iron pipes coated inside with Dr. Angus
Smith's patent 'composition, or of other materi al approved by the
Building Authority, and all such pipes shall be of a quality to be
approved by the Building
Authority and the joints shall be properly caulked and run with
lead, and (unless the written permission of the Building Authority
has first been obtained to lay the drain or sewer otherwise) shall
be laid in one straight line for the whole distance beneath such
building, and shall be imbedded and encased throughout its entire
length in four inches of concrete as specified in regulation io.
18. Whenever a covered drain or sewer traverses soft or
yielding ground, or when water may make its appearance in the
trench, the drain or sewer shall be surrounded throughout its
entire length with not less than 4 inches of concrete as specified
in regulation 10.
19. No drain or sewer shall be constructed in such manner as
to allow any inlet to such drain or sewer to be placed inside any
roofed building, (except such inlet as may be necessary from the
apparatus of any water closet or urinal): Provided that, if in the
opinion of the Building Authority it is impracticable to comply with
this regulation in respect of any premises without encroaching on
unleased Crown land, the Building Authority shall, on payment by
the owner of such premises of a fee of twenty dollars, construct
an inlet on Crown land to receive the drainage of such premises
and connect such inlet with a sewer. The cost of cleansing and
maintaining such inlet shall thereafter be borne by the owner for
the time being of the said premises, and may be recovered by the
Building Authority from such owner by an action in the Supreme
Court in its summary jurisdiction.
20. The aggregate area of the openings in any grating fixed
on the inlet to a waste-pipe from a bath or sink shall not be less
than 4 square inches and such waste-pipe shall not have a less
internal diameter than 1 1/2 inches.
21. Every inlet to a drain or sewer shall be provided with a
trap of a pattern to be approved by the Building Authority. All
surface traps and gulleys shall be provided with hinged gratings
having the nett area of the openings not less than twice the area
of the trap or pipe. Such gratings shall be sunk to a depth of at
least one inch below the surrounding surface with a slope round
them equal to half the width of the grating.
22. Traps shall have not less than 2 inches of water seal and
shall be properly fixed and jointed to the satisfaction of the
Building Authority. All stone-ware traps shall be surrounded with
4 inches of concrete as specified in regulation 10.
23. No person shall construct or fix in connexion with any
drain or waste-pipe the form of trap of the kind known as the bell-
trap or any trap of the kind known as the D trap.
24. Every covered main drain or sewer carrying sewage or
sullage-water shall be ventilated at its upper end by carrying up in
the open air an iron ventilating pipe of a diameter of not less than
4 inches to a height of not less than 3 feet above the eaves of the
building to which it is affixed or of any of the immediately
adjoining buildings, and clear of all windows, sky-lights or other
openings as required by the Building Authority. The joints of all
such pipes shall be properly caulked and run with lead.
25. (1) Every covered main drain or sewer carrying sewage
or sullage-water shall, if required by the Building Authority, have
a ventilating opening near to its lower end and in the open air, and
no trap or other obstruction to the free circulation of air shall exist
between this opening and the one described in regulation 24.
(2) When a covered main drain receives the drainage of more
than one building, the Building Authority may require additional
provision for ventilation of the branch drain from each building.
26.Whenever a drain is intended to carry-
(a)any matter likely, to injure another drain or sewer or to
interfere with the free flow of its contents or to affect
prejudicially the treatment and disposal of its contents;
(b)any chemical refuse or waste steam, or any liquid of a
temperature higher than 110 degrees Fahrenheit, being
refuse or steam which, or a liquid which when so
heated, is, either alone or in combination with the
contents of a drain or sewer, dangerous, or the cause of
a nuisance, or prejudicial to health; or
(c) any petroleum spirit, or carbide of calcium, it shall be
provided with a neutralizing tank, or cooling tank, or both as the
circumstances may require, sited and designed to the satisfaction
of the Building Authority.
27. All caves-gutters shall be of cast-iron or other material
approved by the Building Authority and shall be securely fixed at
a proper gradient and connected to rainwater pipes to the
satisfaction of the Building Authority.
28. (1) Rain-water pipes and waste-pipes from baths, sinks
and other similar appliances on the upper floors of buildings shall
be fixed, as far as may be practicable, vertically arid shall be of
cast-iron socketed pipes jointed with yarn and red lead, or
wrought-iron pipes, with screwed
joints, coated with bituminous composition, or galvanized, or pipes
of other approved materials, securely fixed outside the wall, and
in the open air, by means of heavy wrougt- 'bands fitted round the
pipe, and made fast with wrought-iron spikes not less than 4
inches long, or in the case of iron pipes by means of ears, made
fast as above described and provided, at each point of connexion,
with a suitable head, and at their lower extremity with a bend, shoe,
or pedestal pipe. Every opening in the wall of a buildin- for the
discharge of sullage-water shall be of a suitable size and entirely
protected to the satisfaction of the Building Authority by a fixed
grating of cast-Iron or other material to be approved by the
Building Authority.
(2) In the case of rain-water pipes and waste-pipes abutting
on any street, cast-iron or wrought-iron pipes only shall be used,
properly jointed as above described, (unless permission has been
granted by the Building Authority to use pipes of other material),
and wherever practicable rainwater pipes sliall be carried under
the foot-path and shall discharge into the side-channel.
(3) Zinc, tin-plate, riveted or tap-jointed sheet-iron will not
be permitted.
29. No waste-pipe (other than a soil pipe from <i water
closet or urinal) and no rain-water pipe shall be connected
directly with any covered drain, but every such pipe shall be
brought down to within one foot from the ground and shall
discharge in the open air near to or over a trap.
30. No rain-water pipe from the roof of a building shall be
used as a ventilating pipe for any drain which communicates or is
designed to communicate with a sewer.
31. Any person who may have laid any drain or sewer or
constructed drainage works connected therewith shall not cover
up such drain sewer or works until the same shall have been
previously inspected and passed by, the Building Authority or an
officer deputed by, him, and every such person shall give three
clear days written notice to such Authority that such drain or
sewer or works are ready for inspection, and such notice shall be
delivered at the office of the Building Authority in a form of
which printed copies in English and Chinese may be obtained
gratis on application at the office of the Building Authority, or, in
the case of villages, at any police station between io a.m. and 4
P.M. Provided that in all cases where plans or a notice signed by an
authorized architect have been submitted under regulation 3, the
notice referred to in this regulation shall, if the Building Authority
so requires, be signed by an authorized architect.
32. Before any drain or sewer is covered in, it shall be
inspected and tested bv the Building Authority or an officer
deputed by him to ascertain whether it is water-tight and air tight;
and no drain or sewer that fails in either of these respects shall be
passed. A fee of twenty dollars shall be paid by the person who
signs the notice referred to in regulation' 30 for every inspection
after die first if the Building Authority is satisfied that such further
inspection has been necessitated by negligence or by bad
workmanship or the use of improper materials. After a drain or
sewer has been passed, the earth shall be carefully filled in, above
and around the drain or sewer, and thoroughly rammed and
consolidated. For a depth of at least 6 inches above the summit of
the sockets of the pipes, selected material, free from stones larger
than will pass through a two inch ring, shall be used in filling in the
33. Surface channels shall be constructed of impervious
materials to be approved by the Building Authority and of such
section as the Building Authority may approve, and shall be
finished off smooth and laid to regular gradients of riot less than 1
in 80 unless the Building Authority shall permit a less gradient.
34. The floors of all kitchens, sculleries, bathrooms, stables,
cow-sheds and the like, shall, where practicable, be laid to proper
falls, and shall be elevated above the ground outside the building,
and shall be provided with surface channels passing out through
the wall and delivering above a trapped gulley outside. When new
drains are being, laid and where the floor is at the level of the
ground outside, such surface channel shall be connected to a trap
outside the house by a straight pipe terminating above the water
level and below the grating of the trap, which shall be accessible
and in free communication with the open air. Every such opening
in the wall shall be of a suitable size and entirely protected by a
fixed grating, at its upper end, to the satisfaction of the Building
35. All surfaces of backyards and paved areas of premises
wherever practicable shall have a fall towards the trap or inlet of
the drain of not less than 1 in 40, and such inlet shall be placed as
far from the walls as practicable.
36. Open surfaces such as backyards, courtyards or other
spaces on which slops are thrown, or from which foul water
flow, shall be provided with trapped connexions to the covered
drains for the removal of such waters as well as some of the rain-
37. Wherever an outlet is available, surface channels shall be
provided to carry excessive rainfall from the premises, and these
channels shall be properly connected with a storm water-channel
or drain. As many 4 inch traps as the Building Authority may
approve shall be placed in such surface channels and connected
with the covered drains for the purpose of flushing the sewers.
38. The rain-water from roofs which slope towards inclosed
courtyards or backyards may, if diversion to the
surface channel is impracticable, be received into the covered
drains, but no ventilating pipe shall be used for the conveyance of
rain-water from the roof.
39. No person shall, where it can possibly be avoided, lay
any pipe for conveying sub-soil drainage in such manner or in
such position as to communicate directly with any sewer,
cesspool, or covered drain used for the conveyance or reception
of sewage.
40. In every case where the course of a drain or sewer shall
be diverted, any cesspool previously existing and into which such
drain or sewer may have previously emptied shall be cleansed,
deodorized and filled with clean earth.
41. Every water-closet and urinal in a building shall, unless
exempted by the Building Authority, be constructed against an
external wall, and all apparatus shall be fixed as near to such
external wall as in the opinion of the Building Authority is
42. (1) Every water closet and urinal shall be furnished with a
separate cistern or flushing box unless the Building Authority shall
otherwise permit. In the case of water closets such cistern or
flushing box shall be so constructed, fitted and placed as to admit
of a supply of water to such closet, basin, or other receptacle of
not. less than 2 gallons and not more than 3 gallons each time
such basi n or other receptacle is used.
(2) Such cistern or flushing box shall in all cases, except
where it is in connexion with a valve-closet, be of the type known
as Water Waste Preventor.
(3) Such cistern shall be provided with a suitable ballcock
fixed on the supply pipe, and it shall be furnished with an overflow
pipe carried through the external wall of the building into the open
air and terminating in a conspicuous place.
(4) In the case of trough water closets and urinals, such
cistern or flushing box shall be of automatic action and of such
size and pattern and discharging at such intervals as may be
approved by the Building Authority.
43. (1) Every water closet and urinal shall be furnished with a
suitable apparatus for the effectual application of water to any
basin, or other receptacle with which such apparatus may be
connected and used, and for the effectual flushing and cleansing
of such basin or other receptacle, and for the prompt and
effectual removal therefrorn of any solid or liquid filth which
may from time to time be. deposited therein.
(2) Every water closet or urinal shall be furnished with a basin
or other suitable receptable or receptacles of non-
bent material, and of such shape, capacity, and mode of
construction as to receive a sufficient quantity of water; and every
such receptacle in connexion with a water closet shall in addition
contain a sufficient quantity of water to allow of all ffith which
may from time to time be deposited therein to fall directly into the
water. Every such receptacle shall be provided with a suitable
trap, having a water seal of not less than 1 1/2 inches.
(3) No container or other similar fitting shall be constructed
or fixed under such receptacle.
(4) No trap of the kind known as the D trap shall be
constructed or fixed in connexion with any such water closet or
urinal apparatus.
44. No water closet or urinal or receptacle shall be
directly connectedany water service pipe.
45. No flush-pipe connecting any water closet apparatus
with flie cistern shall be less than il inches in internal diameter
throughout its length and no flush-pipe in connexion with any
urinal shall be less than three-quarters of an inch in internal
diameter throughout its length.
.46. No water closet or urinal apparatus or receptacle shall
be eased in.
47. (1) Every water closet and urinal shall be provided with an
efficient soil pipe of cast-iron or wrought-iron
securely fixed to the wall in the manner described for ventilating
and waste-pipes; and such soil pipe shall be not more than (unless
required by the Building authority 4
inches in diameter in the case of water closets and not more than
(unless required by the Building Authority) 2 inches in diameter in
[lie case of urinals, and shall be properly connected to the drain at
the foot, and shall be continued up in full diameter without bends
or angles, except where unavoidable, and shall terminate in an
open end at least 3 feet in height above the caves of the building
to which it is affixed or of. any adjacent building, and riot less
than to feet from any window.
(2) Such soil pipe shall be jointed with yarn and molten lead
and well caulked.
(3) Every soil pipe shall be provided with proper junctions for
connecting with the water closet or urinal receptacle, the trap of
which shall be connected in a sound and substantial manner. No
soil pipe shall receive any pipe other than that from a water
closet apparatus or urinal, and no trap shall be fixed in any portion
(4) Every soil pipe shall be fixed throughout its entire length
outside the building in the open air.
48. When more than one trap for a water closet or urinal
receptacle is connected with a soil pipe, the trap of each and
every such receptacle shall be provided with an air-pipe of cast
iron or lead not less than 1 1/4 inches in diameter in
the case of urinals and not less than 2 inches in diameter in the
case of water closets, which shall be carried up throughout its
entire length outside the building, and shall either be connected to
the soil pipe above the connexion with the uppermost trap, or
shall terminate not less than 3 feet above the caves of the
building and not less than to feet from any window.
49. All joints, pipes, fittings and apparatus in connexion with
any water closet or urinal shall be perfectly water-tight and air-
tight, and fixed to the satisfaction of the Building Authority.
50. All drains, sewers, and drainage works shall be built and
carried out in all respects in accordance with the provisions of the
Ordinance, and of these regulations and of any that may be made
hereafter, and if no written notice
provided by regulation 3 shall have been given to the Building
Authority by any owner or occupier about to construct,
reconstruct, alter, repair, or amend any drain or sewer on his
premises, and if by such default the Building Authority shall have
had no opportunity of inspecting and approving or disapproving of
any such drain, sewer or drainage works actually built and already
covered in, it shall be lawful for the Building Authority on
discovering the existence of such drain or drainage works to call
upon such owner or occupier to open and uncover the same for
the purpose of inspection, and should such drain, sewer, or
drainage works prove upon inspection to be defective either in
respect of design, workmanship, or materials, they shall be
deemed a nuisance under the aforementioned Ordinance and
dealt with accordingly.
51. All works connected with the construction of drains,
sewers, and connexions shall be carried out in strict accordance
with the plans and sections previously submitted to and approved
by the Building Authority, or with such amendments to such plans
and sections as may have been required by him, to make them
comply with the provisions of the Ordinance, and such works shall
be carried out in a proper and workmanlike manner with the best
materials of their respective kinds, and shall be subject during
their progress Building to the control and supervision of the
officers of the Authority appointed in that behalf and shall be
completed to the entire satisfaction of the Building Authority.
52. (1) Whenever any drain or sewer is about to be
constructed or reconstructed, the Building Authority shall have
power to require the provision of a surface channel of approved
materials and design, in lieu of a covered drain or sewer, in any
position in which a covered drain or sewer may appear to him to
be undesirable.
(2) Waste-pipes from buildings and surface channels
from kitchens,bathrooms, stables, cowsheds and
the like shall discharge into such surface channel without
the intervention of a trap; but any communication between
such surface channel. and a covered drain or sewer shall be
by means of a trap.
53. The position and depth of any sewer to which it is proposed to
make a connexion shall be ascertained by the person submitting any
plan or notice relating to any drainage works. The. Building Authority
shall, on application being made to him by such person, open the road
or footway where necessary to enable such information to be obtained,
but the cost of such opening and of the reinstatement of the surface
shall be borne by the applicant.
54. The Building Authority, or any officer deputed by such
Building Authority may, with such assistants as may be necessary, enter
any building, curtilage or works, and may open the ground surface or
take such other action as he may consider necessary for the purpose of
inspecting and supervising the works to be carried out or about to be
carried out under these regulations : Provided that any damage caused
to the owner by reason of such inspection shall be made good by the
Building Authority at the public expense should the work of which
inspection is made be found sound and good.
55. In any case in which the Building Authority may consider the
provisions of any of these regulations inapplicable or inexpedient, he
may grant such modifications or exemptions as he may consider
56. These regulations may be cited as the Drainage (General, Water
Closets and Urinals, etc.) Regulations.
(Schedule L to the Buildings Ordinance).
(Cap. 12,3, sections 101). and 168).
(Ordinance No. 18 Of 1935).
[ist January, 1936.]
PART 1.-General.
1. In these regulations, 'matshed' includes structures of wood,
mats, palm leaves, thatch or other inflammable material.
Ord. 18 of 1935, Schedule J. Ord. 58/36. G.N.A. 958/41.
[r. 1 cont.] Ord. 58/36, s. 17.
[r. 8 cont.]
[r. 17 cont.]
G.N. 958/41.
[r. 26 cont.]
[r. 50 cont.]
Ord. 18 of 1935, Schedule L. Interpretation.
Ord. 18 of 1935, Schedule J. Ord. 58/36. G.N.A. 958/41.
[r. 1 cont.] Ord. 58/36, s. 17.
[r. 8 cont.]
[r. 17 cont.]
G.N. 958/41.
[r. 26 cont.]
[r. 50 cont.]
Ord. 18 of 1935, Schedule L. Interpretation.
[r. 1 cont.] Ord. 58/36, s. 17.
[r. 8 cont.]
[r. 17 cont.]
G.N. 958/41.
[r. 26 cont.]
[r. 50 cont.]
Ord. 18 of 1935, Schedule L. Interpretation.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DRAINAGE (GENERAL, WATER CLOSETS AND URINALS, ETC.) REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed November 16, 2024, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1881.