ORDINANCE 110. 1of 1863.
Police Magistrates.
No. 1 of 1863.
An Ordinance to amend certain provisions in Ordinance No G of 1862, uytle.
intituled ' An Ordinance to abolish the Office of Chief Magistrate,
and to appoint and define the duties of two Police Magistrates.'
' [6th February, 1863.]
'(1 E it enacted by His Excellency the Acting Governor of Hongkong, with
the advice
of the Legislative Council thereof, as £ollows:-
1. Section 5 of Ordinance No. G of 182 is hereby repealed.
2, It shall be competent for a Police Magistrate to award as punishment
foi~ any
crimp or offence imprisonment in any gaol o£ this Colony for any period
not exceeding
six calendar mouths with or without hard labour or any fine not exceeding
fifty dollars
or both fine and imprisonment not exceeding these limits, and it shall ho
lawful for the
Magistrate to direct any portion of such imprisonment not exceeding one
month in the
whole to be solitary, but that such solitary imprisonment shall not
exceed fourteen
consecutive days, and farther whoa any male offender shall be convicted
under the said
or this Ordinance of either of the offences next hereinafter specified a
second time or
under aggravated circumstances, that is to say : indecent exposure of his
person, in-
decent assault, assault with intent to rob, assault in a brothel, assault
at or in connexion
with any riotous assemblage, or for malicious injury to property, it
shall be lawful for
the Magistrate to order and direct that in addition to any otter
punishment to which
such male offender shall be sentenced. that such offender shall be onto
or twice publicly
or privately whipped. This section shall be read and construed as i£ the
sane had
originally been section 5 of the said Ordinance.
$, Two Magistrates, sitting together, shall and they are hereby empowered
hear and determine cases of stealing from the person, whenever such
stealing is un-
accompanied by personal violence by means of kicking or beating; and in
every such
case the said Justices may adjudge the offender on conviction to be
imprisoned and kept
to hard labour for any term not exceeding two years, or may commit the
offender for
trial at the Supreme Court.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 16 of 1875.
Sec. 6 of
Ordinance No. c
of 1862 repealed.
Withior vrithonk
solitarpi cnnflue.
Corporal ynuiyh-
mentmnp be
'r6is section to
be construednt
5f it had bean
sec. b of No, c
of 1862.
Stealing from Die
person without
kicking or
beathig triable
by two .IV9ttCCn.
Sec. 5 of Ordinance No. 6 of 1862 repealed.
With or without solitary confinement.
Corporal punishment may be added.
This section to be construed as if it had been Sec. 5 of No. 6 of 1862.
Stealing from the person without kicking or beating triable by two Justices.
Police Magistrates.
No. 1 of 1863.
An Ordinance to amend certain provisions in Ordinance No G of 1862, uytle.
intituled ' An Ordinance to abolish the Office of Chief Magistrate,
and to appoint and define the duties of two Police Magistrates.'
' [6th February, 1863.]
'(1 E it enacted by His Excellency the Acting Governor of Hongkong, with
the advice
of the Legislative Council thereof, as £ollows:-
1. Section 5 of Ordinance No. G of 182 is hereby repealed.
2, It shall be competent for a Police Magistrate to award as punishment
foi~ any
crimp or offence imprisonment in any gaol o£ this Colony for any period
not exceeding
six calendar mouths with or without hard labour or any fine not exceeding
fifty dollars
or both fine and imprisonment not exceeding these limits, and it shall ho
lawful for the
Magistrate to direct any portion of such imprisonment not exceeding one
month in the
whole to be solitary, but that such solitary imprisonment shall not
exceed fourteen
consecutive days, and farther whoa any male offender shall be convicted
under the said
or this Ordinance of either of the offences next hereinafter specified a
second time or
under aggravated circumstances, that is to say : indecent exposure of his
person, in-
decent assault, assault with intent to rob, assault in a brothel, assault
at or in connexion
with any riotous assemblage, or for malicious injury to property, it
shall be lawful for
the Magistrate to order and direct that in addition to any otter
punishment to which
such male offender shall be sentenced. that such offender shall be onto
or twice publicly
or privately whipped. This section shall be read and construed as i£ the
sane had
originally been section 5 of the said Ordinance.
$, Two Magistrates, sitting together, shall and they are hereby empowered
hear and determine cases of stealing from the person, whenever such
stealing is un-
accompanied by personal violence by means of kicking or beating; and in
every such
case the said Justices may adjudge the offender on conviction to be
imprisoned and kept
to hard labour for any term not exceeding two years, or may commit the
offender for
trial at the Supreme Court.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 16 of 1875.
Sec. 6 of
Ordinance No. c
of 1862 repealed.
Withior vrithonk
solitarpi cnnflue.
Corporal ynuiyh-
mentmnp be
'r6is section to
be construednt
5f it had bean
sec. b of No, c
of 1862.
Stealing from Die
person without
kicking or
beathig triable
by two .IV9ttCCn.
Sec. 5 of Ordinance No. 6 of 1862 repealed.
With or without solitary confinement.
Corporal punishment may be added.
This section to be construed as if it had been Sec. 5 of No. 6 of 1862.
Stealing from the person without kicking or beating triable by two Justices.
Sec. 5 of Ordinance No. 6 of 1862 repealed.
With or without solitary confinement.
Corporal punishment may be added.
This section to be construed as if it had been Sec. 5 of No. 6 of 1862.
Stealing from the person without kicking or beating triable by two Justices.
Sec. 5 of Ordinance No. 6 of 1862 repealed.
With or without solitary confinement.
Corporal punishment may be added.
This section to be construed as if it had been Sec. 5 of No. 6 of 1862.
Stealing from the person without kicking or beating triable by two Justices.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1863
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“POLICE MAGISTRATES ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 4, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/180.