after notice to the creditor who. made the proof, expunge the
proof or reduce its amount.
24. If a creditor is dissatisfied with the decision of the
trustee in respect of a proof the court may, on the applica-
tion of the creditor, reverse or vary the decision. The
Official Receiver or trustee shall not be personally liable for
any costs in respect of the rejection by him in whole or in
part of any proof unless it is proved to the satisfaction of
the court that lie has acted inala fide or with gross negligence.
25. The court may also expunge or reduce a proof
upon the application of a creditor if the trustee declines to
interfere in the matter, or in the case of a composition or
scheme, upon the application of the debtor.
26. The Official Receiver before the appointment of a
trustee shall have all the powers of a trustee with respect to
the examination, admission and rejection of proofs, and
any act or decision of his in relation thereto shall be sub-
ject to the like appeal.
27. These rules may be cited as the Proof of Debts
(Cap. 6, section 113).
(Ordinance No. 10 Of 1931).
[18th, November, 1932.]
(The marginal references, e.g., 'R1. , are to the English
Bankruptcy Rules, 1915.)
1. These rules may be cited as the Bankruptcy Rules.
2. In these rules-
'court' means the court as defined by the Ordinance., 'and
includes. the Registrar when exercising the power of
the court pursuant to the Ordinance or these rules;
. 'court of appeal' means any court exercising appellate
jurisdiction under the Ordinance or these rules;
'creditor' includes a corporation, and a firm of creditors
in partnership
'debtor' includes a firm of debtors in partnership, and in-
eludes any debtor proceeded against under the Ordin-
ance, whether adjudged bankrupt or not;
'name' of a person means both the individual name or
names, or the initial letter or contraction of such name
or names, and the surname of such person ;
'Registrar' includes the Registrar of the Supreme Court
and any Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Cobrt;
'scheme' means composition or scheme of arrangement
pursuant to the Ordinance;
'sealed' means scaled with the seal of the court
'taxing officer' includes the Registrar and also any officer
or officers of the court wbose duty it is to tax costs;
'trustee' includes the trustee appointed under a com-
position or scheme, of arrangement, and also includes
the Official Receiver when acting as trustee.
3. The provisions of section 122 of the Ordinance
shall apply to these rules as if the words 'these rules'
were substituted for the words 'this Ordinance' in the first
line of the said section.
4. (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) Of
this rule, the forms in the Appendix where applicable, and
where they are not applicable forms of the like character,
with such variations as circumstances rnay require, shall be
used. Where such forms are applicable any costs occa-
sioned by the use of any other or more prolix forms shall
be borne by or disallowed to the party using the same,
unless the court otherwise directs.
(2) The Chief justice may from time to time amend
any form in the Appendix or prescribe any' new form.
Where the Chief justice amends any form or prescribes
any new form, such amended or new form shall be pub-
lished in the Gazette.
Court and chambers.
5. The following matters and applications shall be
heard and determined in open court-
(a)petitions : Provided that a debtor's petition may
be heard in chambers if urgent, and if the judge
so directs;
(b) applications for adjudication
(c)applications to rescind a receiving order, or to
annul all adjudication;
(d) the public examination of debtors;
(e)applications to approve a composition or scheme
of arrangement;
applications for orders of discharge;
(g) applications to set aside or avoid any settlement,
conveyance, transfer, security or payment, or to
declare for or against the title of the trustee to
any property adversely claimed;
(h)applications for the committal of any person to
prison for contempt;
(i)appeals against the rejection of a proof, or applica-
tions to expunge or reduce a proof, where the
amount in dispute exceeds two thousand dollars;
(j) applications for the trial of issues of fact with a
jury, and the trial of such issues;
(k)any other matter which the Chief justice may
Any other matter or application may be heard and
determined in chambers unless the Chief justice directs that
it be heard and determined in open court.
6. Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance and
these rules, any matter or application may, at any time,
if the judge thinks fit, be adjourned from chambers to
court or from court to chambers; and if all the contending
parties require any matter or application to be adjourned
from chambers to court it shall be so adjourned.
7. (1) Every proceeding in court under the Ordin-
ance shall be dated, and shall be intituled 'In Bankruptcy'
and with the name of the matter to which it relates.
Numbers and dates may be denoted by figures.
(2) All applications and orders shall be intituled ex
Parte the applicant.
(3) The first proceeding in every matter shall have a
distinctive number assigned to it by the Official Receiver
and all subsequent proceedings in the same matter shall
bear the same number.
8. All proceedings of the court shall remain of record
in the court, in the custody of the Official Receiver, so
as to form a complete record of each matter, and they shall
not be removed for any purpose, except for the use of the
officers of the court, or by special direction of the Judge
or Official Receiver, but they may at all reasonable times
be inspected by the trustee or the debtor or any person
on behalf of the trustee or debtor free of charge or, by
any creditor who has proved or by any person, on pay-
ment of the appropriate fee.
9. All notices required by the Ordinance or these
rules shall be in writing, unless these rules otherwise
provide or the court in any particular case otherwise orders.
10. Where the court orders a general meeting of
creditors to be suirimoned under rule 5 of the lkleetings
of Creditors Rules it shall be summoned as the court directs,
and in default of any direction by the court the Official
Receiver, if a trustee other than the Official Receiver has
been appointed, shall transmit a sealed, copy of the order
to the trustee; and the trustee (if any) or Official Receiver
(if no trustee has been appointed) shall not less than seven
days before such meeting send a copy of the order to each
creditor at the address given in his proof, or when he has
not proved, the address given in the list of creditors by
the debtor, or such other address as may be known to the
trustee or Official Receiver.
11. (1) Whenever the Gazette contains any advertise-
ment relating to any matter under the Ordinance the
Official Receiver shall file with the proceedings in the matter
a copy of such advertisement.
(2) In the case of an advertisement in a local paper
the Official Receiver shall in like manner file a copy of
the advertisement appearing therein.
(3) For this purpose one copy of each local paper, in
which any advertisement relating to any matter under the
Ordinance is inserted, shall be left with the Official Receiver
by the person inserting the advertisement.
(4) The filed copy of such advertisement shall be
p,rtnia facie evidence that it was duly inserted in the issue
of the Gazette or paper mentioned.
Preparation of order.
12. If within one week from the making of an order
of adjudication, order annulling adjudication or rescinding
a receiving order, order on application to approve a com-
position or scheme, order annulling a composition or
scheme, or order on application for discharge, such order
has not been completed, it shall be the duty of the Official
Receiver to prepare and complete such order : Provided
that if in any case the judge is of opinion that the pro-
visions of this rule ought not to apply, he may so order
And provided also that where an order of discharge is
granted subject to the condition that judgment shall be
entered against the bankrupt, nothing in this rule shall
require the Official Receiver to prepare and complete the order
until the bankrupt has given a consent to judgment being
entered against him.
Security in court.
13. Except where these rules otherwise provide, where
a person is required to give security such security shall
be in the form of a bond with two sureties to the person
proposed to be secured : Provided that the court may
direct thal one surety shall suffice.
14. The bond shall be taken in a penal sum, which
shall be not less than the sum for which security is to
be given, and probable costs, unless the opposite party
consents to it, being taken for a less sum.
15. Where a person is required to give security he
may in lieu thereof lodge in court a sum equal to the sum
in question in respect of which security is to be given and
the probable costs of the trial of the question, together
with a memorandum to be approved of by the Registrar
and to be signed by such person, his solicitor or agent,
setting forth the conditions on which the money is de-
16. The rules for the time being in force in the court
relating to payment into and out of court of money lodged'
in court by way of security for costs shall apply to money
lodged in court under these rules.
17. The security of a guarantee' association or society
approved by the court or the opposite party may be given
in lieu of a bond or a deposit.
18. In all cases where a person proposes to give a
bond by way of security, he shall serve, by post or other-
wise, on the opposite party and on the Registrar, notice
of the proposed sureties, and the Registrar may give notice
to both parties of the time and place at which he proposes
that the bond shall be executed and may state in the notice
that, should the proposed obligee have any valid objection
to make to the sureties or either of them, it must be made
at that tinie.
19. The sureties shall make an affidavit of their suffi-
ciency unless the opposite party dispenses with such
affidavit, and such sureties shall attemd the court to be
cross-examined, if required.
20. The bond shall be executed and attested in the
presence of the Registrar or the Official Receiver.
21. Where a person makes a deposit of money in lieu
of giving a bond the Registrar shall forthwith give notice
to the person to whom the security is to be given of such
deposit having been made.
Exempliom from stamp duty.
22. For the purposes of section 125 of the Ordinance,
'bankruptcy' shall include any proceeding under the
Ordinance whether before or after adjudication, and whether
an adjudication is made or not, and 'bankrupt' shall
include any debtor proceeded against under the Ordinance.
Shorthand notes.
23. If the court is in any case, and at any stage in
the proceedings, of opinion that it would be desirable that
a person (other than the person before whom the examina-
tion is taken) should be appointed to take down, in short-
hand or otherwise, the evidence of the debtor, or of any
witness examined at any public or private sitting or private
meeting under the Ordinance, it shall be competent for the
court to make such appointment; and every person so
appointed, if not already in the service of the Government,
shall be paid a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars a
day, and also a sum not exceeding twenty-five cents per
folio of seventy-two words for any transcript of the evidence
that may be required, and such sums shall be paid by the
party at whose instance the appointment was made, or out
of the estate, as may be directed by the court. The short-
hand writer (if any) attached to the Official Receiver's office
shall be deemed to be duly appointed under this rule, and
it shall not be necessary to make any application to make
such appointment, and a general declaration by such short-
hand writer adapted frorn Form 56 shall be deemed to apply
to all cases in which notes are taken by him as aforesaid.
A. transcript of any such notes, purporting to be such
transcript and purporting to be signed by a shorthand
writer duly appointed under this rule or by the shorthand
writer attached to the Official Receiver's office, shall until
the contrary is proved be sufficient evidence that the ques-
tions and answers set forth therein were so put and answered
Discovery and examination under section 29.
24. Any party to any proceeding in court may with
the leave of the court administer interrogatories to.or obtain
discovery of documents from any other party to such pro-
ceeding. Proceedings under this rule shall be regulated as
nearly as may be by the provisions in the Code of Civil
Procedure for the time being in force in relation to discovery
and inspection. An application for leave under this rule
may be made ex parte.
25. Every application to the court under section 29 Of
the Ordinance shall be in writing and shall state shortly the
grounds upon which the application is made. When the
application is made by or on behalf of the trustee or the
Official Receiver it need not be verified by affidavit.
Warrants, arrests, and commitments.
26. A warrant of seizure, or a search warrant, or any
other warrant issued under the provisions of the Ordinance,
shall be addressed to such officer of the court or to such
public officer as the Registrar may direct.
27. When a debtor is arrested under a warrant issued
under section 27 of the Ordinance he shall be given into the
custody of the Commissioner of Prisons, who shall produce
such debtor before the court as it may from time to time
direct, and shall safely keep him until such time as the
court otherwise orders; and any books, papers, moneys,
goods and chattels in the possession of the debtor, which
may be seized, shall forthwith be lodged with the Official
Receiver or trustee, as the case may be.
28. (1) When a person is apprehended under a
rant issued under subsection (2) Of Section 29 Of the
Ordinance the officer apprehending him shall forthwith
bring him before the court to the end that he may be
examined, and if he cannot immediately be brought up
for examination or examined the officer shall deliver him
into the custody of the Commissioner of Prisons and the
said Commissioner shall receive him into custody and shall
produce him before the court as it may from time to time
direct or order, and subject to such direction or order shall
safely keep him.
(2) The officer executing a warrant issued under sub-
section (2) of section 29 Of the Ordinance shall forthwith,
after apprehending the person named in the warrant and
bringing him before the court as mentioned in rule 27, or
after delivering him to the Commissioner of Prisons, report
such apprehension or delivery to the court and apply to the
court to appoint a day and time for the examination of the
person so apprehended, and the court shall thereupon appoint
the earliest practicable day for the examination and shall
issue its direction or order to the said Commissioner to
produce him for examination at a place and time to be
mentioned in such direction or order. Notice of any such
appointment shall forthwith be given by the Registrar to the
Official Receiver, trustee or other person who has applied
for the examination or warrant.
29. All application to the court to commit any person
for contempt Of Court shall be supported by affidavit. .
30. Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance and
these rules, upon rhe filing of an application to commit, the
court shall fix a time and place to hear the application, notice,
whereof shall be personally served on the person sought to
be committed, not less than three days before the day fixed
for the hearing or the application : Provided that in any
case in which the court rnay think fit, the court may allow
substituted service of the notice by advertisement or other-
wise, or shorten the length of notice to be given.
Costs and taxation.
31. The regulations as to costs contained in Part II of
the Appendix shall, subject to these rules, apply to the
taxation and allowance of costs and charges in all proceedings
under the Ordinance and these rules.
32. The solicitor in the matter of a bankruptcy petition
presented by the debtor against himself shall in his bill of
costs give credit for such sum or security (if any) as he may
have received from the debtor as a deposit on account of
the costs and expenses to be incurred in and about the filing
and prosecution of such petition ; and the amount of ally
such deposit shall be noted by the taxing officer upon the
allocatur issued for such costs.
.33. Before taxing the bill or charges of any solicitor,
manager, accountant, auctioneer, broker or other person
employed by the Official Receiver or trustee, the taxing
officer shall require a certificate in writing, signed by the
Official Receiver ortrustee as the case may be, to be pro-
duced to him, setting forth whether any, and if so what,
special terms of remuneration have been agreed to, and in
the case. of the bill of costs of a solicitor, a copy of the
resolution or other authority sanctioning the employrnent.
34. Every person whose bill or charges is or are to be
taxed shall in all cases give not less than four days' notice
of the appointment to tax the same to the Official Receiver
and to the trustee (if any).
35. The bill or charges, if incurred prior to the appoint-
ment of a trustee, shall be lodged with the Official Receiver,
and if incurred after the appointment of a trustee, shall be
lodged with the trustee, three clear days before the applica-
tion for the appointment to tax the same is made. The
Official Receiver or the trustee, as the case may be, shall
forthwith, on receiving notice of taxation, lodge such bill
or charges with the taxing officer.
36. Every person whose bill or charges is or are to be
taxed shall, on the application of either the Official Receiver
or the trustee, furnish a copy of his bill or charges so to be
taxed. The Official Receiver shall call the attention of the
trustee to any items which in his opinion ought to be dis-
allowed or reduced and may attend or be represented on the
. 37. Where any party to or person affected by any pro-
ceeding desires to make an application for an order that he
be allowed his costs, or any part of thern, incident to such
proceeding, and such application is, not made at the time of
the proceeding--
(a)such party or person shall serve notice of his
intended application on the Official Receiver, and if
a trustee has been appointed, on the trustee;
(b)the Offiical ' Receiver add the trustee may appear on
such application and object thereto;
(c) no costs of or incident to such application shall be
allowed to the applicant unless the court is satisfied
that the application could not have been made at the
time of the proceeding.
38. Where at the instance of the Official Receiver a
shorthand writer not already in the service of the Govern-
ment is appointed to take notes of the examination of the
debtor at his public examination, the cost of such notes shall
be deemed to be in expense incurred or authorized by the
Official Receiver and shall be payable out of the estate of
the bankrupt in the order of priority in which such expenses
are payable under the provisions of section 37 Of the
39. In any case in which, after a bankruptcy petition has
been presented by a creditor against a debtor and before the
hearing of such petition, the debtor files a petition and a
receiving order is made on the petition of the debtor, unless
in the opinion of the court the estate has benefited thereby or
there are special circumstances which make it just that such
costs should be allowed, no costs shall be allowed to the
debtor or his solicitor out of the estate.
40. In the case of a bankruptcy petition against a
partnership the costs payable out of the estates incurred up
to and inclusive of the receiving order shall be apportioned
between the joint and separate estates*in such proportions as
the Official Receiver may in his discretion determine.
41. (1) Where the joint estate of any co-debtors is
insufficient to defray any costs or charges properly incurred
prior to the appointment of the trustee, the Official Receiver
may pay or direct the trustee to pay such costs or charges out
of the separate estates of such co-debtors, or one or more of
them, in such proportions as in his discretion the Official
Receiver may think fit. The Official Receiver may also, as
in his discretion he may think fit, pay or direct the trustee
to pay any costs or charges properly incurred, prior to the
appointment of the trustee, for any separate estate out of
the joint estate or out of any other separate estate,. and any
part of the costs or charges of the joint estate incurred prior
to the appointment of the trustee which affects any separate
estate out of that separate estate.
(2) Where the joint estate of any co-debtors is
insufficient to defray any costs or charges properly incurred
after the appointment of the trustee, the trustee, with such
consent as is hereinafter mentioned, may pay such costs or
charges out of the separate estate of such co-debtors, or one
or more of them. The trustee, with the said consent, may
also pay any costs or charges properly incurred for any
separate estate, after his appointment, out of the joint estate,'
and any part of the costs or charges of the joint estate
incurred after his appointment which allects any separate
estate out of that separate estate. No payment under this
rule shall be made out of a separate estate or joint estate
by a trustee without the consent of the committee of inspec-
tion of the estate out of which the payment is intended to
be made, or if such committee withhold or refuse their
consent, without an order of the court.
Declaration of inability to pay debts.
42. A declaration by a debtor of his inability to pay his
debts shall be dated, signed and witnessed. The witness
shall be a solicitor or the Official Receiver or Registrar.
Bankruptcy notice.
43. A creditor desirous that a bankruptcy notice may be
issued shall produce to the Registrar a scaled copy d the
judgment or order on which the notice is founded and file the
notice together with a request for issue. The creditor shall
at the same time lodge with the Registrar two copies of the
bankruptcy notice to be sealed and issued for service.
44. (1) Every bankruptcy notice shall be indorsed with
the name and place of business of the solicitor actually suing
out the same, or if no solicitor be employed, with a memo-
randum that it is sued out by the creditor in person.
(2) There shall also be indorsed on every bankruptcy
notice an intimation to the debtor that, if he has a counter-
claim, set-off or cross demand which equals or exceeds the
amount of the judgment debt and which he could not have
set up in the action in which the judgment or order was
obtained, he must within the time the notice file
an affidavit to that effect with the Registrar.
(3) In the case of a notice served in the Colony the
time shall be three days. In the case of a notice served
elsewhere with the leave of the court under section 3 Of tile
Ordinance, the Registrar when issuing the notice shall fix
the time.
45. The filing of such affidavit shall operate as an
application to set aside the bankruptcy notice and thereupon
the court shall fix a day for bearing the application, and not
less than three days before the day so fixed the Registrar
shall give notice thereof both to the debtor and the creditor
and to their respective solicitors, if known. If the applica-
tion cannot be heard until after the expiration of the time
specified in the notice as the day on which the act of bank-
ruptcy will be complete, the court shall extend the time and
no act of bankruptcy shall be deemed to have been com-
mitted under the notice until the application has been heard
and determined.
46. Subject to the power of the court to extend the time,
a bankruptcy notice to be served in the Colony shall be
served within one month from the issue, thereof.
47. A bankruptcy notice shall be served and service
thereof shall be proved in the like manner as is by these
rules prescribed for the service of a creditor's petition.
48. When the court makes an order setting aside the
bankruptcy notice it may at the same time declare that no
act of bankruptcy has been committed by the debtor under
such notice.
49. (1) Where a petition is presented by a debtor he
shall, besides inserting therein his name and description and
his address at the date when the petition is presented, further
describe himself as lately residing or carrying on business
at the address or several addresses, as the case may be, at
which he has incurred debts and liabilities which at the date
of the petition remain unpaid or unsatisfied.
(2) Where a petition is presented against a debtor who
resides or carries on business at an address other than the
address at which the debtor was residing or carrying on
business at the time of contracting the debt or liability in
respect of which the petition is presented, the petitioning
creditor, in addition to stating in the petition the description
of the debtor, as of his then present address and description,
shall in the petition describe the debtor as lately residing or
carrying on business at the address at which he was residing
or carrying on business when the debt or liability was
50. Every bankruptcy petition shall be attested. If it
be attested in the Colony the witness must be a solicitor or the
Official Receiver or the Registrar. If it be attested out of
the Colony the witness must be. a judge or magistrate or a
British consul or vice-consul or a notary public.
51. (1) Upon the presentation of a petition either by
the debtor or by a creditor the petitioner shall deposit with
the Official Receiver the sum of one hundred dollars, and
sLich further sum (if any) 'as the court may from time to time
direct, to cover the fees and expenses to be incurred by the
Official Receiver;,and no petition shall be received unless the
receipt of the Official Receiver for the deposit payable on
the presentation of the petition is produced to the Registrar.
(2) The Official Receiver shall account for the money so
deposited to the creditor or, as the case may be, to the debtor's
estate, and any sum so paid by a petitioning creditor shall
be repaid to such creditor (except and so far as such deposit
may be required by reason of insufficiency of assets for the
payment of the fees of and expenses incurred by the Official
Receiver) out of the proceeds of the estate in the order of
priority prescribed by section 37 of the Ordinance.
52. When a petition is filed the Official Receiver may
register a memorial of the petition in the Land Office or in
any District Land Office against any property registered
therein in the name of the debtor or in any alias of his or
in his t'ong name, or in the name of any t'ong in which he
has any share or interest, or in the name or name's of any
wife or concubine of the debtor. This provision shall so far
as the nature of the case will admit apply in the case of any
person carrying on business in a name or style other than
his own.
53. The Official Receiver may in either of the cases
mentioned in rule 133 or 135 register a memorial of the
petition in the Land Office or in any District Land Office
against any property registered in the name or names of any
partner or partners in the debtor firm or in, any alias of his
or theirs or in any Cong name of his or theirs, or in the
name of any t'ong in which he or they has or have any share
or interest, or in the name or narnes of any wife or concubine
of flis or theirs respectively.
Creditar's petition.
54. A petitioning creditor who is resident out of the
jurisdiction, or whose estate is vested in a trustee under any
law relating to bankruptcy, or against whorn a petition is
pending under the Ordinance, or who has made default in
payment of any costs ordered by any court to be paid by him
to the debtor, may be ordered to give security for costs to
the debtor.
55. Every creditor's petition shall be verified by
affidavit, and when it is filed there shall be lodged with it
one copy to be sealed and issued to the petitioner.
56. When the petitioning creditor cannot himself verify
all the statements contained in his petition he shall file in
support of the petition the affidavit of some person who can,
depose to them.
57. Where a petition is presented by two or more
creditors jointly it shall not be necessary for each creditor to
depose to the truth of all the statements which are. within
his own knowledge; but it shall be sufficient that each state-
ment in the petition is deposed to by someone within whose
knowledge it is.
Service of creditor's petition.
58. A creditor's petition may be served in the same
manner as a writ of summons.
59. If a debtor against whom a bankruptcy petition has
been filed dies before service thereof, the court may order
service to be effected on the personal representatives of the
debtor or on the Official Administrator or on sisch other
persons as the court may think fit.
Interim receiver.
60. Where an order is made appointing the Official
Receiver to be interim receiver of the property of the debtor,
such order shall state the nature and, so far as it is known,
the locality of the property of which the Official Receiver
is ordered to take possession.
61. Before any such other is made the person who has
made the application therefor shall deposit with the Official
Receiver the sum of one hundred dollars towards the
prescribed fee for the Official Receiver, and such further
sum as the court directs for the expenses which may be
incurred by him.
62. If the sum of one hundred dollars, and such
further sum so to be deposited for the expenses which may
be incurred by the Official Receiver, proves to be insufficient
the person on whose application the order has been made
shall from time to time deposit with the Official Receiver
such additional sum as the Official Receiver may from
time to time direct; and such sum shall be deposited with-
in forty-eight hours after the making, of a written request
therefor. It such additional sum be not so deposited the
order appointing the interim receiver may be discharged by
the court.
63. If an order appointing an interim receiver is follow-
ed by a receiving order the deposits made by the creditor
on whose application such interim receiver was appointed
shall be repaid to him (except and so far as such deposits
may be required by reason of insufficiency of assets for the
paytment of the fees changeable and the expenses incurred
by the interim receiver) out of the proceeds of the estate
in the order of priority prescribed by the Ordinance.
64. Where, after an order has. been made appointing
an interim receiver, the petition is dismissed, the court
shall, upon application to be made within twenty-one days
from the date of the dismissal thereof, adjudicate with res-
pect to any damages or claim thereto arising out of the
appointment and shall maize such order as the court thinks
fit; and such decision or order shall be final and conclusive
between the parties.
Hearing of petition.
65. The Registrar shall after reference to the Official
Receiver appoint the time and place at which the petition
will be beard and notice thereof shall be written on the
petition and scaled copy, and where the petition has not
been served the Registrar may, after such reference as
aforesaid, from time to time alter the first day so appointed
and appoint another day and hour.
66. Where there are more respondents than one to a
petition the rules as to service shall be observed with respect
to each respondent, but where all the respondents have not
been served the petition may be heard -separately or collec-
tively as to the respondent or such (if the respondents as
has or have been served, separately or collectively as to the
respondents riot then served according as service upon them
is effected.
67. Where a debtor intends to show cause against a
petition he shall file a notice with the Official Receiver
specifying the grounds on which he intends to show cause,
and shall post to the petitioning creditor or to his solicitor
a copy of the notice, in each case three days before the day
on which the petition is to be beard.
68. If the debtor does not appear at the hearing the
court may on hearing the petitioning creditor and the
Official Receiver either dismiss the petition or make a re-
ceiving order on such proof of the statement in the petition.
and of the amount of assets and liabilities as the court
thinks sufficient.
69. On the hearing of the petition the amount of assets
and liabilities, and in the case of a creditor's petition any
matters which the debtor has given notice that he intends
to dispute, shall. be proved.
70. If any creditor neglects to appear on his petition
no subsequent petition against the same debtor or debtors,
or any of them, either alone or jointly with any other
person, shall without the leave of the court be presented by
the same creditor in respect of the same act of bankruptcy.
71. No application to withdraw a petition shall be
heard except upon proof that notice of the intended applica-
tion and a. copy of the affidavits in support thereof have
been duly served upon the Official Receiver not less than
seven days before the day named in the notice for hearing
the application.
Receiving order.
72. Where a receiving order or order of adjudication is
made the Official Receiver may register a memorial of such
receiving order or order of adjudication in the Land Office
or in any District Land Office against any property regis-
tered therein in the name of the debtor or in any alias of
his or in his t'ong name, or in the name of any t'ong in
which he has any share or interest, or in the name or names
of any wife or concubine of the debtor.
73. Where a receiving order or order of adjudication
is made against a firm the Official Receiver may register a
memorial thereof in the Land Office or in any District Land
Office against any property registered in the narne of any
partner or partners in the debtor firm or in any alias of his
or theirs or in any t'ong name of his or theirs, or in the
name of any t'ong in which he or they has or have any
share or interest, or in the name or names of any wife or
concubine of such partner or partners.
74. The Official Receiver shall cause a copy of the
receiving order sealed with the seal of the court to be served
on the debtor.
75. Where a debtor against whom a receiving order
has been made is not in the Colony the court may order
service on the debtor of the receiving order, order of ad-
judication, order to attend the public examination or any
adjournment thereof, or of any other order made against or
summons issued for the attendance of the debtor, to be made
within such time and in such manner and form as it thinks fit.
76. A receiving order shall not be made against a
debtor on a petition in which the act of bankruptcy alleged
is non-compliance with a bankruptcy notice within the
appointed time, where such debtor has applied to set aside
such notice until after the hearing of the application, or
where the notice has been set aside, or during a stay of the
proceedings thereon ; but in such case the petition shall be
adjourned or dismissed as the court rnay think fit.
77. There may be included in a receiving order an
order staying any action or proceeding against the debtor
or staying proceedings generally.
78. Where a receiving order is made the Official
Receiver shall forthwith send notice thereof to the Gazette
and to such local newspaper or newspapers as he may think
79. (1) The costs of all proceedings under the Ordin-
ance, down to and including the making of a receiving order
shall be borne by the party prosecuting the same unless the
court orders that the debtor shall pay the whole or any part
of them, or in the case of a receiving order being made on
a debtor's petition while a creditor's petition against such
debtor is pending, that they shall be paid out of the estate.
When a receiving order is made on a creditor's petition the
costs of the petitioning creditor, including the costs of the
bankruptcy notice, if any, sued out by him, shall be taxed and
be payable out of the estate.
(2) When the proceeds of the estate are not sufficient
for the payment of any costs properly incurred by the
Official Receiner in excess of the deposit between the
making of a receiving order and the conclusion of the first
meeting of creditors, the court may order such costs to be
paid by the party prosecuting the proceedings.
80. (1) An application to the court to rescind a receiv-
ing order or to stay proceedings thereunder, or to annul an
adjudication, made by any person other than the Official
Receiver, shall not be heard except upon proof that notice
of the intended application and a copy of the affidavits in
support thereof have been duly served upon the Official
Receiver. Notice of any such application shall be served
on the Official Receiver not less than seven days before the
day named in the notice for hearing the application. Pend-
ing the hearing of the application the court may make an
interim order staying such of the proceedings as it thinks
(2) In any case in which any such application is made
by the Official Receiver, four days' notice thereof and a copy
of any report in support thereof shall be served on the debtor
,and the petitioning creditor (if any) : Provided that where
such service is found to be impracticable by reason tliat the
debtor or the petitioning creditor is out of the Colony or
cannot be found at his usual or last known address or place
of business no objection shall be taken to the application on
the ground of such service not having been effected.
(3) Where an application is made to the court to rescind
a receiving order or annul an order of adjudication, the
Official Receiver shall make and file four days before the
day appointed for bearing the application a report as to the
debtor's conduct and affairs, including a report as to his
conduct during the proceedings, and the court on the bearing
of the application shall hear and consider such report and
such further evidence as may be adduced by any party, and
any objections which may be made by or oil behalf of the
trustee (if any) or any creditor whom the court may order
to be served with notice of the application or may permit
to appear thereon. For the purposes of the application the
report shall be prima facie evidence of the statements therein
(4) For the purposes of this rule 'creditor' includes all
creditors mentioned in the debtor's statement of affairs or
who have notfified to the Official Receiver or trustee that
they have, or at the date of the receiving order had, claims
against the debtor.
Slatement of affairs.
81. The statement of affairs shall be made out in
duplicate, and one copy shall be verified. The Official
Receiver shall file in court the verified statement of affairs
submitted to him by the debtor.
82. Where any debtor requires any extension of the
time for the filing by him of his statement of affairs, he shall
apply to the Official Receiver who may, if he thinks fit, give
a written certificat extending such time, which certificate
shall be filed and shall render an application to the court
under section 18 of the Ordinance unnecessary.
Public examination.
83. Where the court is of opinion that a debtor is failing
to disclose his affairs or where the debtor has failed to attend
the public examination or any adjournment thereof or where
the debtor has not complied with any order of the court in
relation to his accounts, conduct, dealings and property and
no good cause is shown by him for such failure,Ahe court
may forthwith cominit the debtor for contempt of court or
may, adjourn the public examination sine die, and may niake
such further or other order as the court thinks fit.
84. The court may on the application either of the
Official Receiver or of the debtor appoint a day for proceed-
ing with a public examination which has been adjourned
sine die.
85. Where an examination has been adjourned sine die
and the debtor desires to have a day appointed for proceed-
ing with his public examination, the expense of gazetting,
advertising and giving notice to creditors of the day to be
appointed for proceeding with such examination shall, unless
the Official Receiver or trustee, as the case may be, consents
to the costs being paid out of the estate, be at the cost of
the debtor, who shall, before any day is appointed for pro-
ceeding with the public examination, deposit with the Official
Receiver such sum as the Official Receiver may think
sufficient to defray the expense aforesaid. The balance ol
the deposit after defraying the expense aforesaid shall be
returned to the debtor.
86. In any case in which a public examination has been
adjourned sine die and the court afterwards makes an order
for proceeding with such public examination, notice to
creditors of the time and place appointed for proceeding with
such public examination shall be sent by the Official
Receiver, and notice shall also be inserted in the Gazette and
in the local paper (if any) in which the notice of the first
holding of the public examination was inserted, seven days
before the day appointed.
87. (1) An application for an order dispensing with the
public examination of a debtor or directing that the debtor
be examined in some manner or at some place other than is
usual, on the ground that the debtor is a lunatic or suffers
from mental or physical affliction or disability rendering hirn
unfit to attend a public examination, may be made by the
Official Receiver or by any person who has been appointed
by any court having jurisdiction so to do to manage the
affairs of or represent the debtor, or by any relative or friend
of the debtor who may appear to the court to be a proper
person to make the application.
(2) Where the application is made by the Official
Receiver it may be made ex parte and the evidence in support
of the application may be given by a report of the Official
Receiver to the court, the contents of which report shall be
received as prinia facie evidence of the matters therein stated.
(3) Where the application is made by some person other
than the Official Receiver it shall be made by motion, of
which notice shall be given to the Official Receiver and
trustee (if-any), and shall, except in the case of a lunatic so
found by inquisition, be supported by an affidavit of a duly
registered medical practitioner as to the physical and mental
condition of the debtor.
(4) Where the order is made on the application of the
Official Receiver the expense of holding the examination shall
be deemed to be an expense incurred by the Official Receiver
within the meaning of section 37 Of the Ordinance. Where
the application is made by any other person he shall, before
any order is made on the application, deposit with the Official
Receiver such sum as the Official Receiver may certify to be
necessary for the expenses of.the examination.
88. (1) A bankrupt intending to apply for his discharge
shall file an application for a day to be fixed for the hearing
and when a day for the hearing has been fixed the Officil
Receiver shall forthwith send notice thereof to the Gazette
and to one local newspaper.
(2) Notice of the day appointed for the hearing of the
debtor's application for discharge shall be sent by the Official
Receiver to each creditor not less than fourteen days before
the day so appointed.
89. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 98 of
the Ordinance, an appeal to the Full Court shall lie at the
instance of the Official Receiver from any order of the court
made upon an application for the rescission of a receiving
order, and at the instance, of the Official Receiver or of the
trustee (if any) froni any order of the court made upon an
application for discharge or for annulment of adjudication.
90. In every case of an applica tion by a bankrupt for his
discharge the report of the Official Receiver shall be Sled riot
less than seven days before the time fixed for bearing the
91. Where a bankrupt intends to dispute any statement
with regard to his conduct and affairs contained in the Official
Receiver's report, he shall, not less than three days before
thd hearing of the application for discharge, give notice in
writing to the Official Receiver, specifying the statements
in the report, if any, which he proposes at the hearing to
dispute. Any crediter who intends to oppose the discharge
of a bankrupt on grounds other than those mentioned in the
Official Receiver's report shall give notice of the intended
opposition, stating the grounds thereof, to the Official
Receiver and to the bankrupt not less than three days before
the bearing of the application.
92. A bankrupt shall not be entitled to have any of the
costs of or 'Incidental to his application for his discharge
allowed to him out of his estate.
93. (1) Where the court grants an order of discharge
conditionally upon the bankrupt consenting to judgment
being entered against him by the Official Receiver or trustee
for the balance or any part of the balance of the debts
provable under the bankruptcy which is not satisfied at the
date of his discharge, the order of discharge shall not be
signed, completed or delivered out until the bankrupt has
given the, required consent.
(2) If the bankrupt does not give the required consent
within one month of the makingof the conditional order the
court may, on the application of the Official Receiver or
trustee, revoke the order or make such other order as the
court may think fit.
94. The order of the court made on an application for
discharge shall be dated of the day on which it is rnade and
shall take effect from the day on which the order is drawn
up and signed; but such order shall not be delivered out
or gazetted until after the expiration of the time allowed for.
appeal, or if an appeal be entered, until after
the decision
of the Full Court thereon.
95. When the time for appeal has expired or, as the
case may be, when the appeal has been decided by the Full
Court the Official Receiver shall forthwith gazette the same,
and in one local newspaper.
96. (1) An application by the Official Receiver or
trustee for leave to issue execution on a judgment entered
pursuant to a conditional order of discharge shall be in
writing and shall state shortly the grounds on which the
application is made. When the application is lodged the
Registrar shall fix a day for the hearing.
(2) The Official Receiver or trustee shall give notice of
the application to the debtor not less than four days before
the day appointed for the hearing and shall at the sarne
time furnish him with a copy of the application. Such notice
may be shortened or dispensed with on sufficient grounds,
one of which shall be the probability of the debtor abscond-
97. Where a bankrupt is discharged subject to the
condition that judgment shall be entered agalnst him, or
subject to any other condition as to his future earnings or
after-acquired property, it shall be his duty, until such judg-
ment or condition is satisfied, from time to time to give the
Official Receiver such information as he may require with
respect to his earnings and after-acquired property and in-
come, and not less than once a year to file in the court a
staterrierit showing the particulars of any property or income
he may have acquired subsequent to his discharge.
98. Any statement of after-acquired property or income
filed by a bankrupt whose discharge has been granted sub-
ject to conditions shall be verified by affidavit, and the
Official Receiver or trustee may require the bankrupt to
attend before the court to be examined on oath with refer-
ence to the statements contained in such affidavit or as to his
earnings, income, after-acquired property or dealings.
Where a bankrupt neglects to file such affidavit or to attend
the court for examination when required so to do, or pro-
perly to' answer all such questions as the court may put or
allow to be put to him, the court may, on the application of
the Official Receiver or trustee, rescind the order of dis-
charge, commit the bankrupt for contempt of court or make
such other order as it may see fit.
99. Where after the expiration of two years from the
date of any order made upon a bankrupt's application for a
discharge, the bankrupt applies to the court to modify the
terms of the order on the ground that there is no reasonable
probability of his being in a position to comply with the
terms of such order, he shall give fourteen days' notice of
the day fixed for bearing the application to the Official Re-
ceiver wid to all his creditors.
Meetings of creditors.
100. The Official Receiver shall give three days' notice
to the debtor of the time and place appointed for the first
meeting of creditors. The notice may be either delivered
to him personally or sent to him by prepared letter post, as
may be convenient. It shall nevertheless be the duty of the
debtor to attend such first meeting although the notice is
not sent to or does not reach him.
101. The Official Receiver shall fix the day for the first
meeting, and shall forthwith gazette and advertise the same
in one local newspaper if he considers such advertisement
desirable. The Official Receiver shall also give notice to
the creditors.
102. The notices of subsequent meetings shall be issued
to creditors by the Official Receiver or trustee. Where no
special time is prescribed the notices shall be sent off riot
less than three days before the day appointed for the illect-
103. Where a meeting of creditors is called by notice
the proceedings had and resolutions passed at such meeting
shall, unless the court otherwise orders, be valid notwith-
standing that some creditors have not received the notice
sent to, them.
104. Where a trustee summons a meeting of creditors he
shall send to the Official Receiver a copy of the notice con-
vening the meeting.
105. A certificate by the Official Receiver or other officer
of the court or by the clerk of any such person, Or an affida-
vit by the trustee or his solictor or the clerk of either of
such persons, that the notice of any meeting of creditors
or sitting of the court has been duly posted, shall be
sufficient evidence of such notice having been duly sent to
the person to whom the same was addressed.
106. Where on the request of creditors the Official Re-
ceiver or trustee calls a meeting of creditors, the cost of
summoning such meeting, including all disbursements for
printing, stationery, postage and the hire of a room for the
meeting (if necessary), shall be calculated at th6 following
rates for each creditor to whom notice is required to be
(a)where the assets do not exceed $1,000--50 cents
per creditor for the first twenty creditors and 2
cents per creditor for any number of creditors after
the first twenty;
(b)Where the assets exceed $1,000-50 cents per
creditor for any number of creditors.
107. Where a meeting of creditors is adjourned the ad-
journed meeting shall be held at the same place as the
original place of meeting unless in the resolution for
adjournment another place is specified.
108. In calculating a quorum of creditors present at a
meeting those persons only who are entitled to vote at the
meeting shall be reckoned.
Proof of debts.
109. An affidavit of proof of debt may be sworn or
declared before the OfficialReceiver or any person
authorized to administer oaths or take statutory declarations.
110. In any case in which it appears from the debtor's
statement of affairs that there are numerous claims for
wages by workmen or others employed by the debtor, it shall,
be sufficient if one proof for all such claims is made either
by the debtor or by his foreman or some other person on
behalf of all such creditors. Such proof shall have annexed
thereto, as forming part thereof, a schedule setting forth the
names of the workmen or others and the amounts severally
due lo them. Any proof made in compliance with this rule
shall have the sarne effect as if separate proofs had been
made by each of the said workmen or others.
111. Where a creditor seeks to prove in respect of a bill
of exchange, promissory note, or other negotiable instrument
or security on which the debtor is liable, such bill of
exchange, note, instrument or security must, subject to any
special order of the court made to the contrary, be produced.
to the Official Receiver, chairman of a meeting or trustee,
as the case may be, before the proof can be admitted either
for voting or for dividend.
112. A proof intended to be used at the first meeting of
creditors shall be lodged with the Official Receiver not later
than twenty-four hours before the time appointed for the
meeting. A proof intended to be used at an adjournment of
the first meeting (if not lodged in time for the first meeting)
must be lodged not less than twenty-four hours before the
time appointed for the adjourned meeting.
113. Where a trustee is appointed in any matter all proofs
of debts that have been received by the Official Receiver
shall be handed over to the trustee but the Official Receiver
shall first inake a list of such proofs and take a receipt thereon
from the trustee for such proofs.
114. The Official Receiver, as trustee, not later tlian
twenty-one days from the latest date specified in the notice of
his intention to declare a dividend as the tinie within which
such proofs must be lodged, shall either admit 01' rej . ect
wholly or in part every proof lodged with him or require
furtlier evidence in support thereof.
115. The trustee, other than the Official Receiver, within
twenty-eight days after receiving a proof which has not
previously been dealt with by the Official Receiver shall, in
writing, either admit or reject it wholly or in part or require
further evidence in support thereof : Provided that where
the trustee has given notice of his intention to declare a
dividend he shall, within twenty-one days after the date
mentioned in such notice as the latest date up to which proofs
must be lodged, examine and in writing admit or reject every
proof which has not been already admitted or rejected and
give notice of his decision rejecting a proof wholly or in
part to the creditor affected thereby.
116. Where a creditor's proof has been admitted the
notice of dividend shall be sufficient notification to such
creditor of such admission.
117. No applicatioa to reverse or vary the decision of the,
Official Receiver or. trustee in rejecting a proof shall be enter-
tained after the expiration of twenty-one days from the date
of the decision complained of.
118. The Official Receiver shall in no case be personally
liable for costs in relation to an appeal from his decision
rejecting any proof wholly or in part.
Proxies and voting letters.
119. (1) A proxy shall be lodged with the Official
Receiver or trustee not later than twenty-four hours before
the time appointed for the meeting or adjourned meeting at
which it is to be used.
(2) As soon as a proxy or voting letter has been used it
shall be filed with the proceedings in the matter.
120. A proxy given by a creditor shall be deemed to be
sufficiently executed if it is signed by any person in the
employ of the creditor having a general authority to sign for
such creditor, or by the authorized agent of such creditor if
resident abroad. Such authority shall be in writing and
shall be produced to the Official Receiver if required.
121. The proxy of a creditor blind or incapable of writing
may be accepted if such creditor has attached his signature or
mark thereto in the presence of a witness, who shall add to
his signature his description and residence, provided that all
insertions in the proxy are in the handwriting of the witness
and such witness has certified at the foot of the proxy that
all such insertions have been made by him at the request
of the creditor and in his presence before fie attached his
signature or mark.
122. No person shall be appointed a general or special
proxy who is a minor.
123. (1) Not more than four months before declaring
a dividend, the trustee shall gazette notice of his intention
to do so and at the same time give notice to such of the
creditors mentioned in the bankrupt's statement of affairs as
have not proved their debts. Such notice shall specify the
latest date up to which proofs must be lodged, which shall
be not less than fourteen days from the date of such notice.
(2) Where any creditor, after the date mentioned in
the notice of intention to declare a dividend as the latest
date upon which proofs may be lodged, appeals against
the decision of the Official Receiver or trustee rejecting a
proof, such appeal shall be commenced, and notice thereof
given to the Official Receiver or trustee, within seven days
from the date of the notice of the decision against which
the appeal is made, and the Official Receiver or trustee
shall in such case make provision for the dividen upon
such proof and the probable costs of such appeal in the
event of the proof being admitted. Where no appeal has
been commenced within the time specified in this rule the
trustee shall exclude all proofs which have been rejected
from participation in the dividend.
(3) Immediately after the expiration of the time fixed
by this rule for appealing against the decision of the
trustee, he shall proceed to declare a dividend and gazette
the same and shall also send a notice of dividend to each
creditor whose proof has been admitted.
(4) If it becomes necessary, in the opinion of the
trustee and the committee of inspection, to postpone the
declaration of the dividend beyond the prescribed limit of
four months, the trustee shall gazette a fresh notice of his
intention to declare a dividend; but it shall not be neces-
sary for such trustee to give a fresh notice to such of the
creditors mentioned in the bankrupt's statement of affairs
as have not proved their debts. In all other respects the
same procedure shall follow the fresh notice as would have
followed the original notice.
124. Subject to the provisions of section 70 of the Bills
of Exchange Ordinance, and subject to the power of the
court in any other case on special grounds to order produc-
tion to be dispensed with, every bill of exchange, promis-
sory note or other negotiable instrument or security upon
which proof has been made shall be exhibited to the trustee
before payment of dividend thereon, and the amount of
dividend paid shall be indorsed on the instrument.
125. The amount of the dividend may at the request and
risk of the creditor be transmitted to him by post.
126. If a person to whom dividends are payable desires
that they shall be paid to some other person he may lodge
with the trustee a request to that effect which shall be a
sufficient authority for payment of the dividend to the
person therein named.
Registration of general assignments of book debts.
127. (1) The Registrar shall keep a register for the
purpose of section 48 of the Ordinance, and shall on request
and on the filing of a duly attested copy of an assignment
of existing or future book debts or any class there of from a
person engaged in any trade or business to any other
person, and production of the original thereof, and deposit
of a certified English translation thereof when the original
is in a foreign language, enter particulars of such assign-
merit in the register. Such registration shall be effected
before the commencement of the bankruptcy ; otherwise the
assignment shall be void and of no effect as against the
assignor's trustee in bankruptcy. The register shall con-
tain the name, residence and occupation of the persons by
whom and to whom the assignment was made and given,
and the other particulars shown in the said form or prescrib-
ed under these rules, and all such assignments registered in
each year shall be numbered consecutively according to
the respective dates of' the registration.
(2) Th Registrar shall also keep an index of the names
of the assignors under such assignments. Such index shall
be arranged in divisions corresponding with the letters of the
alphabet, so that all assignors whose surnames begin with
the sarne letter, and no others, shall be comprised in one
division but the arrangement within each such division need
not be alphabetical.
(3) The fees mentioned in the Appendix to these rules
and such other fees is may be prescribed sliall lie paid to
the Registrar.
Appropriation of pay, salary, pensions, etc.
128. When a trustee intends to apply to the court for an
appropriation order under section 56 of the Ordinance, lie
shall give to the bankrupt notice of his intention so to do.
Such notice shall specify the time and place fixed for hearing
the application, and shall state that the bankrupt is at liberty
to show cause against such order being made.
129. Where. an order has been made for the payment by
a bankrupt, or by his employer for the time being, of a
portion of his income or salary (including any bonus or
commission payable to him) the bankrupt may, upon his
ceasing to receive a salary or income of the amount lie
received when the order was made, apply to the court to
rescind the order or to reduce the amount ordered to be
paid by him to the trustee. And in the case of any increase
in the amount of such salary or income (inclusive of -any
bonus or commission as aforesaid) the Official Receiver or
trustee may in like manner apply to the court to increase the
amount ordered to be paid by the debtor to the trustee.
Disclalimer of lease.
130. (1) A lease may be disclaimed without the leave of'
the court in any of the following cases-
(a)where the bankrupt has not sublet the demised
premises or any part thereof or created a mortgage
.or charge upon the lease, and-
(i) the rent reserved or the value of the property
leased, as ascertained by the assessment, is less than
$1,200 per annum; or
(ii) the trustee serves the lessor with notice of his
intention to disclaim, and the lessor does not within
seven days after the receipt of such notice give
notice to the trustee requiring the matter to be
brought before the court;
(b)where the bankrupt has sublet the demised premises
or created a mortgage or charge upon the lease, and
the trustee serves the lessor and the sub-lessee or the
mortgagees with notice of his intention to disclaim,
and neither the lessor nor the sub-lessee or the
mortgagees or any of them, within fourteen days
after the receipt of such notice, require or requires
the matter to be brought before the court.
(2) Except as provided by this rule, the disclaimer of a
lease without the leave of the court shall be void.
(3) Where a trustee disclaims a lease he shall forthwith
file the disclaimer with the proceedings in the court and shall
also, if the lease. is registered in the Land Office, register a
memorial of such disclaimer in the Land Office; and the
disclaimer shall contain particulars of the interest disclaimed
and a statement of the persons to whom notice of the dis-
claimer has been given. Until the disclaimer is so filed, or,
as the case may be, filed and registered, by the trustee, the
disclaimer shall be inoperative.
(4) Where, in pursuance of notice by the trustee of his
intention to disclaim a lease, the lessor, sub-lessee, or mort-
gagee requires the trustee to apply to the court for leave to
disclaim, the costs of the lessor, sub-lessee, or mortgagee
shall not be allowed out of the estate of the bankrupt except
in cases in which the court is satisfied that such application
was necessary in order to do justice between the parties.
(5) A disclaimer made without leave of the court under
this rule shall not be void or otherwise affected on the ground
onIv Iflat the notice required by this rule has not been given
to some person who claims to be interested in the demised
(6) Where any person claims to be. interested in any
part of the property of the bankrupt burdened with onerous
covenants, he shall, at the request of the Official Receiver
or trustee, furnish a statement of the interest so claimed by
Proceedings by company or co-partnership.
131. A bankruptcy petition against or bankruptcy notice
to any debtor to any company or co-partnership duly
authorized to sue and be sued in the name of a public officer
or agent of such company or co-partnership may, be presented
by or sued out by such public officer ot- agent as the nominal
petitioner for and on behalf of such company or co-partner-
ship, on such public officer or agent filing an affidavit stating
that he is such public officer or agent and that he is authorized
to present or sue out such petition or bankruptcy notice.
Proceedings by or against firm
132. any notice, declaration, petition orther
document requiring attestation is signed by a firm of creditors
or debtors in the firm name, the partner signing for the firm
shall add also his own signature e.g. 'Brown & Co. by James
Green, a partner lit the said firm.'
133. Where a firin of debtors file a declaration of inability
to pay tlicir debts or a bankruptcy petition the same shall
contain the nanies irt full of the individual,partners, and if
such declaration or petition is signed in the firm name the
declaration or petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit
made by the partner who signs the declaration or petition,
showing that all the partners concur in the filing of the same :
Provided that the court may dispense with proof of the con-
currence of any partner if it has been impracticable to obtain
his concurrence in time.
134. A creditor's petition in the firm name may be
presented by any partner of the firm, or in the absence of
all the partners from the Colony, by any person having the
control or management of the business of the firm.
1,35. Where a petition is filed against a firm the petition-
ing creditor, or if the petitioning creditor is a firm then one
of the partners therein, shall state on affidavit the names and
addresses of all the partners in the debtor firm to the best
of his information and belief.
136. A limited partnership registered under the. Limited
Partnerships Ordinance, may present a petition in bank-
ruptcy as creditors in the name of the firm. The petition
shall be signed by a partner or, in the absence of all the
partners from the Colony, by any person having the control
or management of the firm.
137. In cases of partnership the debtors shall submit a
statement of their partnership affairs and each debtor shall
Submit a statement of his separate affairs.
138. Where a receiving order is inade against a firm the
joint and separate creditors shall collectiveh, be convened to
the first meeting of creditors.
139. The, joint. creditors, and each set o f separate
creditors, may severally accept compositions or schemes of
arrangement. So far as circumstances allow, a proposal
accepted by joint creditors rnay be approved in the prescribed
manner, notwithstanding that the proposals or proposal of
some or one of the debtors made to their or his separate
creditors rnay not be accepted.
140. Where proposals for compositions or schemes are
made by a firm, and by the partners therein individually, the
proposal made to the joint creditors shall be considered and
voted upon b3, them apart from every set of separate creditors ;
and the proposal inade to each separate set of creditors shall
be considered and voted upon by such separate set of
creditors apart from all, other creditors. Such proposals may
vary in character and arnount. Where a composition or
schemc is approved the receiving order shall be discharged
only so far as it relates to the estate the creditors of which
have accepted the composition or scheme.
141. On the adjudication in bankruptcy of a partnership
the trustee appointed by the joint creditors, or by the court
under subsection (4) of section 23 or subsection (3) of section
81 of the Ordinance, as the case may be, shall be the trustee
of the separate estates. Each set of separate creditors may
appoint its own committee of inspection; but if any set of
separate creditors does not appoint a separate committee, the
committee (if any) appointed by the joint creditors shall be
deemed to have been appointed also by such separate
142. If any two or more of the members of a partnership
constitute a separate and independent firm, the creditors of
such last-mentioned firm shall be deemed to be a separate set
of creditors and to be on the same footing as the separate
creditors of any individual member of the firm. And where
any surplus arises upon the administration of the assets of
such separate or independent firm the same shall be carried
over to the separate estates of the partners in such separate
and independent firm according to their respective rights
143. (1) it appears to the court that any debtor or
creditor or other person who may be affected by any proceed
ing under the Ordinance or rules is a lunatic not so found bY
inquisition (hereinafter called the lunatic), the court may
appoint such person as it may think fit to appear for, represent
or act for and in the name of the lunatic, either generally or
in and for the purpose of any particular application or pro
ceeding or the exercise of any particular rights or powers
which under the Ordinance and rules the lunatic might have
exercised if he.had been of sound mind. The appointment
may be made by the court either on an application made as
hereinafter mentioned or, if the court thinks fit so to do,
with any previous application.
(2) An application to the court to make an appointment
under this ' rule may be made by any person who has been
duly appointed by the court to manage the affairs or property
of or to represent the lunatic, or by any relative or friend of
the lunatic who may appear to the court to be a proper person
to make the application, or by the Official Receiver.
. (3) The application may be made ex parte and without
notice, but in any case in which the court thinks it desirable
the court may require such notice of the application as it
thinks necessary to be given to the Official Receiver or
trustee (if any) or to the petitioning creditor or to the person
alleged to be a lunatic, or to any other person, and for that
purpose may adjourn the hearing of the application.
(4) Where the application is made by some person other
than the Official Receiver it shall be supported by an
affidavit of a duly registered medical practitioner as to the
physical and mental condition of the lunatic. Where the
application is made by the Official Receiver it may be sup-
ported by a report of the Official Receiver, the contents of
which shall be received as prima facie evidence of the facts
therein stated.
(5) When a Person has been appointeel under this rtile
any notice under the Ordinance and rules served on or given
to such person shall have the same effect as if the notice had
been served on or given to the lunatic.
Administration of estates of deceased insolvents.
144. A creditor's petition, and a petition by the legal
personal representative of the deceased, under section 112 of
the Ordinance shall be verified by affidavit.
145. The provisions of rule 51 as to deposits on presenta-
tion of a petition shall apply to petitions presented by a
creditor or by a legal personal representative under section
112 of the Ordinance.
146. Where an administration order under section 112
of the Ordinance is made, such order shall be gazetted and
advertised in the same manner in all respects as an 'order of
adjudication is gazetted and advertised.
147. (1) The petition shall, unless the court otherwise
directs, be served on each executor who has proved the will
or, as the case mny be, on each person who has taken out
letters of administration or, if there is no personal representa-
tive in the Colony, on the Official Administrator. The court
may also, if the court thinks fit, order the petition to be
served on any other person.
. (2) Service shall be proved in the same way as is
provided in the case of an ordinary creditor's petition, and
the petition shall be heard in the like manner.
(3) Where any executor or administrator or the Official
Administrator, as the case may be, intends to show cause
against the petition he shall file with the Official Receiver a
notice specifying the grounds on which he intends to show
cause and shall transmit by post to the petitioning creditor,
or to his solicitor, a copy of the notice, in each case three
days before the day on which the petition is, to be heard.
148. (1) When an administration order under section 112
of the Ordinance. has been made it shall be the duty of the
executor or legal personal representative of the deceased
debtor or of the Official Administrator to lodge with the
Official Receiver forthwith --(in- duplicate)- an account- of. the,
dealings with, and administration of (if any), the deceased's
estate by such executor or legal personal representative or
of the Official Administrator and such executor or legal
personal representative or the Official Administrator shall
also furnish forthwith in duplicate a list of the creditors and
a statement of the assets and liabilities and such other parti-
culars of the affairs of the deceased as may be required by
the Official Receiver. Every account, list and statement to
be made under this rule shall be made and verified as nearly
as may be in accordance with the practice for'the time being
of the original jurisdiction of the court. .
(2) The expense of preparing, making, verifying and
lodging any account, list and statement under this rule shall,
after being taxed, be allowed out of the estate, upon produc-
tion of the necessary allocatur-
149. In proceedings under an order for the adininistra-
tion of the estate of a person dying insolvent, where a meeting
of creditors is summoned for the appointment of a trustee---
(a)the provisions of the Meetings of Creditors Rules
relating to the mode of summoning a meeting of
creditors, and to the persons entitled to a vote at a
meeting, and
(b)the provisions of these rules which refer to creditors,.
,meetings of creditors, trustees and committees of
shall, so far'as applicable, apply as if the proceedings were
undel. a receiving order and order of adjudication.
Official Receivers.
150. (1) As soon as the Official Receiver has been
appointed to the receivership of an estate he shall furnish
the debtor with a form for the preparation of his statement
of affairs.
(2) The Official Receiver or some person deputed by
him shall also forthwith hold a personal interview with the
debtor for the purpose of investigating his affairs.
. (3) It.shall be the.duty of the debtor to attend at such
times and places as the Official Receiver may appoint.
151. Stibject to any general or specialt directions which. the
court may give, the Official- Receiver, in the possession
of the property of a debtor, may make him such allowance
out of his property for the support of himself and his family
as may be just. In fixing the amount of such allowance the
assistance rendered by the debtor in the management of his
business or affairs may be taken into account.
152. Whenever, under the powers given by section 78
of the Ordinance, the Official Receiver employs any person
to assist the debtor in the preparation of his statement of
affairs he shall report the matter to the court and specify
the remuneration to be allowed to such person.
153. Where the Official Receiver holds any.proxies but
cannot conveniently attend any meeting of creditors at
which such proxy or proxies might be used, he may depute
some person unjer his official control, by writing under his
hand, to attend such meeting and use proxies on his behalf
and in such manner as he may direct.
154. In any case of sudden emergency or where there
is no Official Receiver or Deputy Official Receiver capable
of acting, any act or thing requited or authorized to be done
by the Official Receiver may be done by the Registrar.
155. When the Official Receiver appoints a special
manager he may at any time remove him if his employment
seems unnecessary or unprofitable to the estate, and he
shall remove him if so required by a special resolution of
the creditors.
156. Applications by the Official Receiver to the court
may be made personally, and without notice or other form-
ality; but the court may in case order that an applica-
tion may be renewed in a formal manner and that such notice
thereof be given to any person likely to be affected thereby
as the court may direct.
157. Where for the purposes of any application to the
court by the Official Receiver for directions, or on his
opposing a receiving order or an order for adjudication or on
his applying to adjudge a debtor bankrupt or to rescind a
receiving order or to annul an adjudication order or for
leave to disclaim a lease, or for an extension of time to apply
for leave to disclaim a lease, or for an order to take criminal
proceedings against a bankrupt, or to commit a bankrupt,
it is necessary that evidence be given by him in support of
such opposition or application, such evidence may be given
by a report of the Official Receiver to the court and need
not be given by affidavit, and any such report of the Official
Receiver to the court shall be received by the court as
prima facie evidence of the matters reported upon.
158. In any case of doubt or difficulty or in any inatter
not provided for by the Ordinance or any rules thereunder
relating to any proceeding in court the Official Receiver
may apply to the court for directions.
159. (1) Where a composition or scheme is sanctioned
by the court the Official Receiver shall pay over any surplus
in hand after making 'all proper deductions therefrom to the
debtor or, as the case may be, to the trustee under the corn-
position or scheme.
(2) Where a debtor is adjudged bankrupt and a trustee
is appointed, the Official Receiver shall pay such surpluses
as aforesaid to the trustee in the bankruptcy.
(3) The provisions of this Part of these rules as to
trustees and their accounts shall not apply to the Official
Receiver when acting as trustee, but he shall account in such
manner as is provided by the Ordinance or as the court
may from time to time direct.
160. The debtor shall on the request of the Official Re-
ceiver furnish him with all such accounts and particulars as
he may require. If the debtor fails to comply with the
requirements of this rule the Official Receiver shall report
such failure to the court and the court shall take such action
on such report as the court may think just.
161. The following provisions shall apply to every case
in which proceedings are taken by action, motion or in any
other manner against the Official Receiver in respect of
anything done or default made by him when acting, or in
the bona fide and reasonable belief that he is acting, in pur-_
suance of the Ordinance or. in execution of the powers given
to the Official Receiver by the Ordinance-
(a)Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b), the
costs, damages and expenses which the Official
Receiver may have to pay, or to which. he may be
put under such proceedings, shall be paid out of
the estate of the debtor and not personally.
(b)As soon as any such proceedings are commenced it
shall be the duty of the Official Receiver to report
the same to the Colonial Secretary, who shall deter-
mine whether or not such proceedings shall be re-
sisted or defended.
(c)The Official Receiver shall not, unless the court
otherwise orders, be entitled to be paid out of the
estate any costs or expenses which he may have
to pay or bear in consequence of resisting or de-
fending any such proceedings, unless the Colonial
Secretary has determined that such proceedings
shall be resisted or defended.
(d)The Official Receiver shall, if necessary, apply to
the court for any reasonable adjournment of any
motion or other summary proceedings before the
COUrt pending the determination of the Colonial
Secretary upon the,question whether such motion
or proceedings shall be resisted or defended. And
the court may grant an adjournment upon such
terms as it thinks fit.
(e)If such proceedings are commenced before the
appointment of a trustee by the creditors or before
the approval of a composition or scheme, the
Official Receiver may, before putting the trustee
appointed by, the creditors or in the case of a com-
position the debtor himself into possession of the
debtor's property, retain the whole or some part of
the debtor's estate according as the Colonial Secre-
tary shall in each case direct, to meet the damages,
costs or expenses which the Official Receiver may
have to pay or bear in consequence of the said pro-
ceedings. If such proceedings are commenced after
the appointment of a trustee by the creditors or
after the approval of a composition or scheme, the
Official Receiver shall forthwith give notice of such
proceedings to the trustee or other person in whom
the estate of the debtor may be vested (including
where necessary the debtor himself) and the estate
of the debtor shall, as from the date of such notice,
be deemed. to be charged with the payment of the
said damages, costs and expenses.
Outside trustees.
162. On the appointment of a trustee, notice of his
appointment shall forthwith be gazetted by the Official Re-
ceiver. Notice of the appointment shall if he considers it
necessary be inserted by the Official Receiver in a local
paper. The expense of such gazetting and notice shall be
borne by the estate.
163. It shall be a sufficient reason for refusing to
approve the appointment of a person as trustee that in any
other proceedings under the Ordinance such person has
either been removed under subsection (2) of section 96 of
the Ordinance from the office of trustee or has failed or
neglected, without good cause shown by him, to render his
accounts for audit for two months after the date by which
the same should have been rendered.
164. Where a trustee or special manager has given
security in the prescribed manner but fails to keep up such
security or, if called upon to do so, to increase such security,
the court may remove him from his office.
165. Where a trustee is removed by the court the order
removing him shall at once be filed with the proceedings in
the matter and shall also be gazetted by the Official Receiver.
166. A trustee intending to resign his office shall call a
meeting of creditors to consider whether his resignation shall
be accepted or not, and shall give not less than seven days'
notice of the meeting to the. Official Receiver.
167. Except as provided by the Ordinance or any, rules
thereunder, no trustee shall be entitled to receive out of the
estate any remuneration for services rendered to the estate
except the remuneration to which under the Ordinance and
such rules he is entitled as trustee.
168. (1) Where the trustee or special manager carries on
the business of the debtor he shall keep a distinct account of
the trading and shall incorporate in the cash book the total
weekly amount of the receipts and palyments on such trading
(2) The trading account shall from time to time, and not
less than once in three months, be verified by affidavit and
the trustee shall thereupon submit such account to the com-
mittee of inspection (if any), or such member thereof as may
be appointed by the committee for that purpose, who shall
examine and certify thic same.
169. A trustee before making application to the court for
his release shall give notice of his intention so to do to the
Official Receiver, to all the creditors of the debtor who have
proved their debts and to the debtor, and shall send with such
notice a summary of his receipts and payments as trustee :
Provided that where such application is made upon the
trustee ceasing to act by reason of a composition having been
approved under section 25 of the Ordinance, such notice and
surnniary shall be sent to the debtor only.
170. Where the court has granted to a trustee his release
a notice of the order granting such release shall be gazetted.
The fees shall be. charged to the estate.
171. The release of a trustee shall not take effect unless
and until he has duly delivered over all the books, papers,
documents and accounts which by these rules he is required
to deliver over on his release.
172. Where one-fourth in value of the creditors desire
that a general meeting of the creditors may be summoned to
consider the propriety of removing the trustee such meeting
may be summoned by a member of the committee of
inspection, or by the Official Receiver, on the deposit of a
sum sufficient to defray the expenses of summoning such
173. Where the trustee has an account at a bank he shall
forthwith pay all moneys received by him into the credit of
the estate. All payments out shall be made by cheque
payaWe to order, and every cheque shall have marked or
written on the face of it the name of the estate and shall be
signed by the trustee. Every cheque shall be countersigned
in cases where there is a committee of inspection by at least
one member of the committee and by such other person,
if any, as the creditors or committee of inspection may
174. Where a trustee applies to the court for directions
in any matter he shall file an application, and the court shall.
then hear the application or fix a day for hearing it or direct
the trustee to apply by motion.
175. Any creditor who has proved his debt may apply
to the trustee for a copy of the accounts (or any part thereof)
relating to the, estate as shown by the cash book up to date,
and on paying for the same at the rate Of 25 cents per folio
he shall be entitled to have such copy accordingly.
176. Where in pursuance of section 88 of the Ordinance
the Official Receiver or trustee is required to transmit to
creditors a statement of the accounts, the cost of furnishing
and transmitting such statement shall be calculated at the
rate Of 25 cents per folio for each statement where the
creditors do notexceed ten, and where the creditors exceed
ten $1 per folio, for the preparation of the statement and the
actual cost of printing, if printed.
177. Neither the trustee nor any member of the com-
mittee of inspection of an estate shall, while acting as trustee
or member of such committee, except by leave of the court,
either directly or indirectly, by himself or any partner,
clerk, agent or servant, become purchaser of any part of the
state. Any such purchase made coptrary to the provisions
of this rule may be set aside by the court on the application
of the Official Receiver or any creditor or the debtor.
178. (1) Where the trustee carries on the business of
the debtor he shall not without the express sanction of the
court purchase goods for the carrying on of such business
from his employer (if any) or from any person whose con-
nexion with the trustee is of such a nature as would result
in the trustee obtaining any portion of the profit (if any)
out of the transaction.
(2) No member of a committee of inspection of an estate
shall, except under and with the sanction of the court, directly
or indirectly, by himself or any employer, partner, clerk,
agent or servant, be entitled to derive any profit from any
transaction arising out of the bankruptcy or to receive out
of the estate any payment for services rendered by him in
connexion with the administration of the estate or for any
goods supplied by him to the trustee for or on account of the
estate. If it appears to the court that any profits or payment
has been made contrary to the provisions of this rule it may
disallow such payment or recover such profit, as the case may
be, on the audit of the trustee's account.
(3) Where the sanction of the court under this rule to a
payment to a member of a committee of inspection for
services rendered by him in connexion with the administra-
tion of the estate is obtained, the order of the court shall
specify the nature of the services and shall only be given
where the service performed is of a special nature. No
payment shall under any circumstances be allowed to a
member of a committee for services rendered by him in the
discharge of the duties attaching to his office as a member
of such committee.
(4) The cost of obtaining such sanction as aforesaid shall
be borne by the person in whose interest it is obtained and
shall not be payable out of the debtor's estate.
179. (1) Where a debtor is adjudged bankrupt and a
trustee is appointed the Official Receiver shall forthwith ptit
the trustee into possession of all property of the bankrupt of
which the Official Receiver may be possessed; provided that
such trustee has, before the estate is handed over to him by
the Official Receiver, discharged any balance due to the
Official Receiver on account of fees, costs and charges
properly incurred by him and payable under the Ordinance,
and on account of all advances properly made by him in
respect of the estate, together with interest on such advances
at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and has discharged
or undertaken to discharge all guarantees which have been
given by the Official Receiver for the benefit of the estate;
and the trustee shall pay all fees, costs and charges of the
Official Receiver which may not have been discharged by
the trustee before being put into possession of the property
of the bankrupt and whether incurred before or after he has
been put into such possession.
(2) The Official Receiver shall be deemed to have a lien
upon the estate until such balance has been paid and such
guarantees and other liabilities have been discharged.
(3) It shall be the duty of the Official Receiver, if so
requested by the trustee, to communicate to the trustee all
such information respecting the bankrupt and his estate and
affairs as may be necessary or conducive to the due discharge
of the duties of the trustee.
180. Where the Official Receiver is of opinion that any
act done by a trustee or any resolution passed by a committee
of inspection should be brought to the notice dthe creditors,
for the purpose of being reviewed or otherwise, the Official
Receiver may summon a meeting of creditors accordingly to
consider the same, and the expense of summoning such
meeting shall be paid by the trustee out of any available
assets under his control.
Special manager.
181. Where a. special manager is appointed he shall be
paid such remuneration as is provided by the scale of
allowances contained in Table C of Part III of the Appendix.
182. Every special manager shall account to the Official
Receiver and such special manager's accounts shall be
verified by affidavit in the prescribed form and, when
approved ~y the Official Receiver, the totals of the receipts
and payments shall be added to the. Official Receiver's
Security by trustee or special manager.
183. In the case of a trustee or special manager the
following rules as to security shall be observed-
(a) the security shall be given to the Registrar;
(b) it shall not be necessary that security be given in
each separate matter; but security may be given
either specially in a particular matter or generally to
be available for any matter in which the person
giving security may be appointed either as trustee,or
special manager;
(c)the Official Receiver shall fix the amount and nature
of such security and may from time to time, as he
thinks fit, either increase or diminish the amount of
special or general security which any person has
184. All notices requiring publication in the Gazette shall
be gazetted by the Official Receiver or trustee as the case
may be.
185. Where any receiving order is amended, and also in
any case in which any matter which has been gazetted has
been amended or altered or in which a matter has been
wrongly or inaccurately gazetted, the Official Receiver or
trustee shall re-gazette such order or matter with the neces-
sary amendments and alterations in the prescribed form, nt
the expense of the estate.
188. Where an order (other than an order annulling an
adjudication or rescinding a receiving order) which has
been gazetted is annulled, revoked or rescinded, notice of the
order of annulment, revocation or rescission shall be publish-
ed in the Gazette. When the order is annulled, revoked or
rescinded on the application of the Official Receiver or of
the trustee the fee for gazetting shall be paid out of the
estate but in any other case such fee shall be paid by the
party making the application.-
Accounts and audit.
187. The Official Receiver until a trustee is appointed,
and thereafter the trustee, shall keep a record of all
minutes, all proceeding had and resolutions passed at
any meeting of creditors or of the committee of inspection,
and all such matters as may be necessary to give a correct
view of his administration of the estate, but he shall not be
bound to insert in the record any document of a confidential
nature (such as the opinion of counsel on any matter affect-
ing the interest of the creditors) nor need he exhibit such
document to any person other than a member of the com-
mittee of inspection.
188. The Official Receiver until a trustee is appointed,
and thereafter the trustee, shall keep a book to be called
the 'Cash Book' in which he shall (subject to the provisions
of these rules as to trading accounts) enter the receipts and
payments made by him.
189. The trustee shall submit the said record and cash
book, together with any other requisite books aId vouchers,
to the committee of inspection (if any) when required, and
not less than once every three months.
190. The committee of inspection shall not less than
once every three months audit the cash book and certify
therein under their hands the day on which the said book
was audited.
191. (1) Every trustee shall, at the expiration of six
months from the date of the receiving order and at the
expiration of every succeeding six months thereafter until
his release, transmit to the Official Receiver a copy of the
cash book in duplicate for such period, together with the
necessary vouchers and copies of the certificates of audit
by the committee of inspection. He shall also forward with
the first accounts a summary of the debtor's statement of
affairs, showing thereon in red ink the amounts realized,
and explaining the cause of the non-realization of such assets
as may be unrealized.
(2) When the estate has been fully realized and dis-
tributed or if the adjudication is annulled, the trustee shall
forthwith send in his accounts to the Official Receiver
although the six months may not have expired.
(3) The accounts sent in by the trustee shall be certified
and verified by him.
192. When the trustee's account has been audited the
Official Receiver shall certify that the account has been duly
passed and shall file the Same with- the- proceedings in this-
193. Where a trustee has not since the date of his
appointment or since the last audit of his accounts, as the
case may be, received or paid any sum of money on account
of the debtor's estate, he shall, at the period when he is re-
quired to transmit his estate account to the Official Receiver,
forward to the Official Receiver an affidavit of no receipts or
194. Upon a trustee resigning or being released or re-
moved from his office, he shall deliver over to the Official
Receiver or, as the case may be, to the new trustee all books
kept by him and all other books, papers, documents and
accounts in his possession relating to the office of trustee.
195. Where a receiving order has been made against
debtors in partnership distinct accounts shall be kept of the
joint estate and of the separate estate or estates, and no
transfer of a surplus from a separate estate to the oint estate
on the ground that there are no creditors under such separate
estate shall be made until notice of the intention to make such
transfer has been gazetted.
196. When property forming part of a debtor's estate is
sold by the trustee through an auctioneer or other agent, the
proceeds of the sale shall be paid over by such auctioneer
or agent after deducting the charges and expenses connected
with the sale.
197. In any case in which, under the provisions of
section 63 of the Ordinance, a trustee makes an allowance to
a bankrupt out of his property, such allowance, unless the
creditors b special resolution determine otherwise, shall be
in money and the amount allowed shall be duly entered in
the trustee's accounts.
Unclaimed funds.
198. An application under section 128 of the Ordinance
for payment out of the Bankruptcy Estates Account of any
sum to which any person claims to be entitled shall be made
in such form and manner as the Registrar may frorn time
to time direct and shall (unless the Registrar dispenses
therewith) be supported by the affidavit of the claimant and
such further evidence as the Registrar may require.
199. For the purposes of subsection (i) of section 128 Of
the Ordinance the court may at any time order the trustee
under any bankruptcy, composition or scheme to submit to it
an account verified by affidavit of the sums received and paid
by him under or in pursuance of any such bankruptcy, com-
position or scheme, and may direct and enforce an audit of
the account and payment of any unclaimed or undistributed
moneys arising from the property of the debtor in the hands
or under the control of such trustee into the Bankruptcy
Estates Account in accordance with the terms of the said
200. (1) Any person who knowingly falsifies or fraudu-
lently alters any document in or incidental to any
proceedings under the Ordinance or any rules thereunder
shall be deemed to be guilty of contempt of court and shall
be liable to be punished accordingly.
(2) The. penalty imposed by this rule shall be in
addition to and not in substitution for any other penalty,
punishment or proceeding to which such person may be
201. No person shall, as against the Official Receiver or
trustee, be entitled to withhold possession of the books of
account or of any document or paper belonging to the debtor
or to set up any lien thereon.
202. The court may, on the application of the Official
Receiver, direct that the debtor's books of account and other
documents given up by him may be sold, destroyed or other-
wise disposed of.
203. Non-compliance with any of these rules, or with
any rule of practice for the time being in force, shall not
render any proceeding void unless the court so directs, but
such proceeding may be set aside, either wholly or in part,
as irregular or amended or otherwise dealt with in such
manner and upon such terms as the court may think fit.
204. The court may, under special circumstances and for
good cause shown, extend or abridge the time appointed by
these rules or fixed by any order of the court for doing any
act or taking any proceeding.
205. When no other provision is made by the Ordinance
or any rules thereunder the law, procedure and practice in
bankruptcy matters. in force on the 31st day of December,
1931, shall, in so far as applicable, remain in force. And
save as provided by subsection (1) of section 99 of the
Ordinance and by these rules or rules amending them, the
Code of Civil Procedure shall not apply to any proceeding
in bankruptcy.
Affidavit verifying trustee's account ... ... ... ... ... 146
Affidavit verifying trustee's trading account ... ... ... 149
Affidavit verifying special manager's account ... ... ... 151
Certificate of committee of inspection as to audit of
trusten's account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...145
Profit and loss account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 148
Statement of accounts for creditors under section 88 ... 150
Trustee's trading account ... ... ... ... ... 147
Order restraining before receiving order ... ... ... ... 24
Application for under section 18 .....75
Application for adjudication after resolution for bank-
ruptcy or by consent .... ... ... .... ... ... ... 76
Application for: no quorum at adjourned meeting ... .. 77
Application to annul ... ... ... ... ... ... 79
Order of . ...................... 78
Order annulling .................. ... ... --- ... ... . 80.
Resolutions where adjudication resolved on ... ... ... 36
Admission of debt by debtor of bankrupt ... 113
Of day for proceeding with public examination ... ... 54
Of receiving order, etc . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27
Of day for hearing application for discharge ..: ... ... 82
Form of ............................. ... ... ... ... 6
After-acquired property:
Affidavit by bankrupt as to ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93
For costs of debtor's petition ... ... ... ... ... ... 144
Bankruptcy notice:
On judgment or order of court .... ... ... 5
Affidavit of service ................ ... ... ... ... ... 7
Affidavit on application to set aside ... ... ... ... 8
Notice in newspapers of substituted service ... ... ... 15
Order setting aside ................. ... ... ... ... 9
Order for substituted service......... ... ... ... ... 16
Request for issue of ................ ... .... 4
Bond. on stay of proceedings:
Form ....................... ... ... .. ... 19
Affidavit of justification ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 21
Notice of sureties ................... ... ... ... ... 20
Book debts:
Register of assignment of ... ... ... 117
Affidavit in support of application for committal of
debtor under. section 26 or 55 ... ... ... ... ... 96
Affidavit of non-compliance with order of court ... ... 104
Affidavit of person interested in composition for com-
mittal ............................ ... ... ... ... 95
Affidavit of trustee under section 53(5) ... ... ... ... 97
Application by trustee for committal of bankrupt or
other person .................. ... ... ... 94
Notice of application for committal under section 20 or
110 ....................... ... ... --- --- 98
Notice of application for committal under section 26 ... 99
Notice of application for committal under section 53(5) 100
Order of committal under section 20 or 110 ... ... 101
Order of committal under section 26 ... ... 102
Order of committal under section 53(5) ... ... 103
Order for discharge from custody ... ... ... ... ... 106
Order for production for examination of person in prison 107
Warrant of committal for contempt ... ... ... ... ... 105
Composition or scheme:
Affidavit in support of application for enforcement of
provisions ......................72
Application for enforcement of composition or scheme 71
Application to extend time for approving composition
or Scheme and order thereon 67
Certificate of approval of composition or scheme... 74
Composition or Scheme-cont.
Notice to creditors of application to approve composition
or scheme ........................ 68
Notice to creditors of intention to pay composition 140
Notice to Official Receiver of application by debtor to
approve composition or scheme .... ... ... ... 69
Order for enforcement of provisions of composition or
scheme ........................ ... ... ... ... ... '17,3
Order on application to approve composition or scheme 70
Proposal for composition ......... ... ... ... ... 64
Proposal for scheme .............. ... ... ... ... ... 65
Report of Official Receiver on proposal for composition
or scheme ........................ ... ... ... ... 66
Admission of debt ................ ... ... 113
Order to pay admitted debt ... ... ... ... ... ... ..'. 114
Deceased debtor:
Petition by creditor (section 112) ... ... 134
Petition by legal personal representative (section 112) 135
Order for administration of estate on petition ... ... 136
Declaration of inability to pay:
Declaration of inability to pay ..... ... ... ... ... 2
Application for by trustee .......... ... ... ... 131
Order on application by trustee ... ... ... 132
Afridavit by debtor whose discharge has been granted
con(litionally as to after-acquired property ... ... 93
Application for .................. .. ... ... ... ... 81
Advertisement of date of hearing of application ... ... 82
Consent ol bankrupt to judgment ..... ... ... 91
Judgment ............................ 92
Notice to creditors of application ... ... ... ... ... 84
Notice to Official Receiver and trustee of application ... 83
Order of, unconditionally ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... 85
Order refusing -discharge .... ... ... - ... - ... ... ... 86
Order subject to conditions as to earnings. etc . ... 89
Order subject to consent to judgment ... ... ... ... 90
Order suspending discharge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 87
Order where only fict proved is thatassets are not
equal to 50 per cent ... ... ...... ... ... ... 88
Without notice ...................... ... ... ... ... 125
Of lease after notice ............... ... .. ... ... 126
Of lease with leave of court ........ ... ... ... ... 127
Notice of disclaimer without leave of court ... 128
Notice of disclaimer with leave of court '... ... ... 129
Notice to landlord of intention to disclaim lease not
sublet or mortgaged ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 123
Notice of intention to disclaim lease sublet or mortgaged 124
Notice by landlord or other person requiring truste to
bring disclaimer before court...... ... ... ... ... 130
Application by creditor for order for trustee to pay and
order thereon ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 142
Notice to creditors of intention to declare ... ... ... 138
Notice to persons claiming to be creditors of intention
to declare final dividend ..... ... ... ... 139
Notice of dividend ............... ... ... ... ... 141
Shorthand writer, appointment of..... ... ... 55
Shorthand Writer, declaration by .... ... 56
Summons under section 29.......... ... ... ... 112
Gazetting and publication in newspaper:
Substituted service of petition or bankruptcy notice ... 15
Transfer from separate estate to joint estate ... ... 154
Interim receiver:
Application for, order thereon....... ... ... ... 13
Issues of fact:
For trial by jury ................ ... ... 133
Letters, etc.:
Order for redirection (section 28) ... ... ... ... ... 111
Married women:
Notice of application to set aside income of separate
property notwithstanding restraint on anticipation ... 119
Order for payment to trustee of income from separate
property ........... .............. ... ... 122
First meeting:
Affidavit of postage of notices ... ... ... ... ... ... 33
Application for extension of time for holding and order
thereon ........................... ... ... ... ... 29
Certificate of postage of notices . ... ... ... ... 34
List of creditors assembled at ... ... ... ... ... 45
Memorandum of adjournment ........... ... ... ... 37
Memorandum of proceedings at adjourned first meeting:
no quorum 38
Notice to creditor where no offer of composition or
scheme ............................ ... ... ... ... 30
Notice to creditors where debtor submits offer ... ... 31
Notice to creditors of adjourned meeting ... ... ... ... 32
Notice to debtor to attend ... ... ... ... ... .... ... 35
Resolutions where adjudication resolved on ... ... ... 3G
Other meetings:
Affidavit of postage of notices ... ... ... ... ... ... 41
Certificate of postage of notices ... ... ... ... ... ... 42
List of creditors assembled at ... ... ... ... ... ... 45
Memorandum of adjournment 37
Notice (general form) 40
Notice of, to appoint new trustee ... ... ... ... 44
Notice to creditors of adjourned meeting ... ... ... ... 32
Notice to creditors where debtor submits offer for com-
position .................. ... ... 31
Notice to creditors to remove trustee and to fill vacancy .... 43
Order of court for general meeting of creditors ... 39
Adjournment of ....................22
Affidavit of justification ... ... ... ... ... ... ... --- 21
Affidavit of service ..........--- 14
Affidavit of truth of statements in petition ... ... ... 11
Affidavit of truth of statements in joint petition ... ... 12
Allocatur for costs of debtor's petition ... ... ... ... 144
Bond on stay of proceedings, security, etc . ... ... 19
Creditor's petition .................... ... ... ... ... 10
Creditor's petition (section 112) ..... ... ... ... 134
Debtor's petition ..................... ... ... ... ... 3
Dismissal of .......................... ... 23
Legal personal representative's petition (section 112) ... 135
Notice by debtor of intention to oppose ... ... ... ... 17
Notice of sureties .................... ... ... ... ... 2b
Notice in newspaper of substituted service ... ... 15
Order for substituted service ... ... ... . ... ... ... 16
Order to stay proceedings on .......... ... ... 18
Postage of notices:
Affidavit of (first meeting) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33
Affidavit of, general ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... _. 41
Certificate of (first meeting)......... ... ... ... ... 34
Certificate of, general................ ... ... 42
Form of .............................. ... ... 46
Form of, for debt of workmen ... ... ... ... ... ... 48
Notice of rejection ................... ... ... ... 49
By trustee in prior bankruptcy ........ ... 47
General ............................... ... ... ... ... ... 50
Special ............................... ... ... ... ... ... 51
Public examination:
Application by Official Receiver for order fixin., . ... ... 52
Appointment of shorthand writer .... ... ... .55
Declaration by shorthand writer ....... ... ... 56
Memorandum of ......................... ... ... ... 62
Notes of shorthand writer if appointed ... ... ... ... 57
Notes where shorthand writer not appointed ... ... ... 58
Notice of day for proceeding with (local paper) 54
Order appointing 53
Order dispensing wit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 60
Order as to examination of person suffering from mental
or physical affliction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 61
Public examination-cont.
Order of adjournment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59
Order that examination concluded........ ... ... ... ... 63
Shorthand writer, appointment of........ ... ... ... ... 55
Shorthand writer, declaration by ....... ... ... ... ... 56
Receiving order:
Application to rescind ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 79
Notice of, etc., (for local paper).... ... ... ... ... 27
Order rescinding ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80
Order on creditor's petition ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26
Order on debtor's petition............ ... ... ... 25
Of assignment of book debts.......... ... ... ... ... 117
Application by trustee for ............ 153
Notice to creditors of intention to apply for ... ... 152
Statement to accompany notice to creditors ... ... 137
For issue of bankruptcy notice .......... ... ... ... 4
To deliver bill for taxation ............ ... ... 143
Salary or income:
Notice of application for payment to trustee of portion
of pay or salary (section 56) ... ... ... ... ... 118
Notice of application for payment to trustee of income
of married woman (section 57) ... ... ... ... 119
Order under section 56 (1) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 120
Order under section 56 (2) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 121
Order under section 57 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 122
Scheme-see Composition or -scheme.
Shorthand writer:
Appointment of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 55
Declaration by......................... ... ... ... ... ... 56
Special manager:
Affidavit by .......................... ... ... ... ... ... 151
Of affairs ......... .................. ... ... ... ... ... 28
Of accounts under section 88........... ... ... ... ... 150
To accompany application for release ... ... ... ... 137
Summons under section 29 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 112
Allocatur, for costs of debtor's petition ... 144
Request to deliver bill for ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 143
General title................... ... ... ... ...
Trial by jury:
Issues of fAct ...................... ... ... ... 133
Search warrant ................... 108
Against debtor about to quit the Colony ... ... ... 110
Of committal for contempt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 105
Of seizure .......................... ... ... ... ... ... 109
To apprehend Person under section 29 ... ... ... ... 115
Order for production for examination of person appre-
hended under section 29 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 116
FORm 1. [rule 7.]
In the Supreme Court of Hong Kong.
In Bankruptcy.
No. of 19
Ex parte [here insert the Debtor, or J.S., a Creditor, or the
Official Receiver, or the Trustee]
FORm 2. [s. 3 (1) (f); rule 42.]
I, A.B. [name and description of debtor], residing at-
[and carrying on business at ], hereby declare that I
am unable to pay my debts.
Dated this day of 19
Signed by the debtor in my presence.
Signature of witness.
Filed the day of 19
NOTE-Where the debtor resides at a place other than his place of business
both addresses should be inserted.
FORm 3. [s. 10; rule 49.]
I, A.B. [name and description of debtor], residing at
[and carrying on business at (a) and
being unable to pay my debts, hereby petition the court that a
receiving order be made in respect of my estate [and that I
may be adjudged bankrupt].
Dated this day of 19
Signed by the debtor in my presence.
Signature of witness.
Filed the day of 19
NOTE-Where the debtor resides at a place other than his place of business
both addresses should be inserted.
FORm 4. [s. 4; rule 43.]
1. I, , of
in the of
hereby request that a bankruptcy notice be issued by the court
against (a)
2. I produce a sealed copy of a final judgment or order
against the said
obtained by (b) in the Supreme Court
on the day of 19
3. Execution on the said judgment or order has not been
Dated this day of 19
Judgment Creditor (c)
NOTE-Where the debtor resides at a place other than his place of business
both addresses should be inserted.
FORM 5. [s. 4; rule 43.]
To A.B. [or A.B. & Co.] of
TAKE NOTICE that within [seven] days after service of this
notice on you excluding the day of such service you must pay to
of [or to
of his (or their) agent duly authorized] (a) the
sum of $ claimed by (b)as being the amount
due on a final judgment or order obtained by (c)
against you in the Supreme Court, dated whereon
execution has not been stayed, or you must secure or compound
for the said sum to (d)satisfaction [or the satisfaction
of his (or their) said agent] (a) or to the satisfaction of the court;
or you must satisfy the court that you have a counterclaim, set-off
or cross-demand against (c)
which equals or exceeds the sum claimed by (c)
and which you could not set up in the action or other proceedings
in which the judgment or order was obtained.
Dated this day of 19
You are specially to note:
That the consequences of not complying with the requisitions
of this notice are that you will have committed an act of bank-
ruptcy, on which bankruptcy proceedings may be taken against
If however, you have a counterclaim, set-off or cross-demand
which equals or exceeds the amount claimed by (e)
in respect of the judgment or order and which you could
not set up in the action or other proceedings in which the said
judgment or order was obtained, you must within days
apply to the court to set aside this notice, by filing with the
Registrar an affidavit to the above effect.
(Alternative form to be used tn cases where deponent is affirmed and not sworn
and form of jurat where affirmatinn has to be interpreted to deponent).
I of do solemnly and sincerely
Affirmed at the Courts of Justice, Hong Kong, this
day of 19 , the contents of this affirmation
having been first duly interpreted to the deponent
in the language by
Sworn Interpreter
Before me,
A Commissioner, etc.
FORM 7. [rule 47.]
In the matter of a bankruptcy notice, issued ........................
I, L.M., of make oath and say-
1. That I did on day the day of
19 serve the above-mentioned A.B. [or the
partners in the above-mentioned firm of1 with a copy
of the above-mentioned notice, duly sealed with the seal of the
court, by delivering the same personally to the said A.B. [or C.D.
a partner or E.F. a person having at the time of service the control
and management of the partnership business there or of the business
carried on under the above-mentioned name or style] at [place]
at in the noon.
2. A sealed copy of the said notice is hereunto annexed and
marked .....................
Sworn at, etc.
NOTE-If the service is effected on a person having at the time of service
the control or management of the partnership business, the affidavit must, after
the description of the place of service, contain the words 'being the principal place
of business of the said
FORm 8. [rules 44, 45.]
1, A.B., of make oath and say-
1. That I was, on the day of served
with the notice hereunto annexed for describe the notice.]
That I have satisfied the debt claimed by C.D. by [state nature
of satisfaction].
2.That I have a counterclaim [or set-off or cross-demand]
for $ being a sum equal to [or exceeding] the claim of the
said C.D. in respect of [here state grounds of counterclaim].
3. That I could not have set up the said counterclaim [or as
the case may be] in the action in which the said judgment or order
was obtained against me.
Sworn at, etc.
FORm 9. [rule 48.]
In the matter of a bankruptcy notice issued ..................
Upon the application of AX. to set aside this notice, and upon
reading the affidavit of A.B. rand upon hearing ], it is
ordered that this notice be set aside, and that C.D. for as the case
may be] pay to A.B. the sum of $ for costs [or the costs of
this matter].
Dated this day of 19
In the matter of a bankruptcy notice issued ..................
Upon the application of A.B. to set aside this notice and upon
reading and hearing , and upon the said
A.B. having entered into a bond in the penal sum of [the amount
of the alleged debt and probable costs or such other sum as the
court may direct], with such two sufficient sureties as the court
[or C.D.] has approved [or having deposited in court the sum of
$ ], as security for the amount claimed by the notice, the
condition the bond ror deposit] being (here insert condition], it
is ordered, etc.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 10. [ss. 6, 9; rule 55.]
I, C.D., of [or We, C.D., of and E.F., of
hereby petition the court that a receiving order may be made in
respect of the estate of (a) of (b) and
lately carrying on business at [or residing at] (c),
and say-
1. That the said A.B. is domiciled in the Colony [or has within
a year next preceding the presentation of this petition resided (or
carried on business) within the Colony or as the case may be, follow-
ing the terms of section 6].
2.That the said A.B. is justly and truly indebted to me [or us]
in the aggregate in the sum of $ [set out aviount of debt
or debts and the consideration].
3. That I [or we] do not, nor does any person on my [or our]
behalf hold any Security on the said debtor's estate, or on any part
thereof, for the payment of the said sum
That I hold security for the payment of [or part of] the said
sum [but that I will give up such security for the benefit of the
creditors of A.B. in the event of his being adjudged bankrupt (or
and I estimate the value of such security at the sum of $
That I, C.D., one of your petitioners, hold security for the
payment of, etc. $
That I, E.F., another of your petitioners, hold security for
the payment of, etc. $
4. That A.B. within three months before the date of the.
presentation of this petition has committed the following act [or
acts] of bankruptcy, namely [here set out the nature and date or
dates of the act or acts of bankruptcy relied on].
Dated this day of 19
-(Signed) C.D.
Signed by the petitioner in
my presence.
Signature of witness.
NOTE-If there be more than one petitioner and they do not sign together,
the signature of each must be separately attested, e.g. 'Signed by the petitioner
E.F. in my presence.' If the petition be signed by a firm the partner signing
should add also his own signature, e,g. 'A.S. & Co. by J.S., a partner in the said
firm.' If the debtor resides at any place other than the place where he carries
on business both addresses should be inserted.
This petition having been presented to the court on the
day of 19 , it is ordered that this
petition shall be heard at on the day of
' 19 at o'clock in the noon.
And you, the said A.B., are to take notice that if you intend
to show cause against the petition you must file with the Official
Receiver a notice showing the grounds upon which you intend
to show cause, and post a copy of the notice to the petitioner or
his solicitor, in each case three days before the day on which the
petition is to be heard.
FORM 11. [s. 9; rule 55.]
the petitioner named in the petition hereunto
annexed make oath and say-
That the several statements in the sail petition are within my
own knowledge true.
Sworn at, etc.
NOTE-If the petitioner cannot depose that the truth of all the several state-
ments in the petition is within his own knowledge he must set forth the statements
the truth of which he can depose to and file a further affidavit by some person or
persons who can depose to the truth of the remaining statements.
FORm 12. [s. 9; rule 55.]
We, C.D., E.F., G.H., etc., the petitioners named in the petition
hereunto annexed, severally make oath and say-
And first I the said C.D. for myself say-
1. That A.B. is justly and truly indebted to me in the sum
of $ as stated in the said before-mentioned petition.
2. That the said A.B. committed the act [or acts] of
bankruptcy stated to have been committed by him in the said
before-mentioned petition.
3. That A.B. has within a year before the date of the
presentation of the petition ordinarily resided [or carried on
business] at
And I the said E.F. for myself say-
4.That A.B. is justly and truly indebted to me in the sum
of $ as stated in the said before-mentioned petition.
And I the said G.H. for myself say-
5. That A.B., is, etc.
Sworn by the deponents C.D., E.F.,
and G.H., etc.
(See note to last form.)
FORM 13. [s. 13; rule 60.]
I, C.D., of do, on the grounds set forth in the
annexed affidavit, apply to the court to appoint the Official Receiver
as interim receiver of the property of the said A.B., and [here insert
any special directions to the receiver that may be desired].
Dated this day of 19
(Signed) C.D.
Upon reading this application and the affidavit therein referred
to, and hearing it is ordered that upon a deposit
of $100 being lodged by the applicant the Official Receiver be
thereupon constituted interim receiver of the property of the said
A.B., and [here insert directions, if any].
Nature and locality of property to be taken possession of ...........
Dated this day of 19
FORM 14. [rule 58.]
In the matter of a petition dated
I, L.M., of , make oath and say-
1. That I did, on day the day of 19
serve the above-mentioned A.B. [or the partners 'in the
above-mentioned firm of ] with a copy of the
above-inentioned petition, duly sealed with the seal of the court, by
delivering the same personally to the said A.B. [or C.D., a partner,
or E.F., a person having at the time of service. the control and
management of the partnership business there or of the business
carried on under the above-mentioned name or style] at* [place]
before the hour of in the noon.
2. A sealed copy of the said petition is hereunto annexed.
Sworn at, etc.
*NOTE-If the service is ejYected on a person having at the time of service
the control and management of the partnership business, the affidavit must, after
the description of the place of service, contain the words 'being the principal place
of business of the said . .'
FORM 15. [rule 47.]
In the matterof a bankruptcy petition filed the day
of , 19 [or in the matter of a bankruptcy
notice issued on the day of , 19 ].
Take notice that a bankruptcy petition ha.3 been presented [or
a bankruptcy notice has been issued] against you by
of and the court has ordered
that the sending of a sealed copy of the petition [or bankruptcy
notice] together with a sealed copy of the order for substituted
service by registered post addressed to
and/or the publication of this notice in the
newspapers [following the terms of the order for substituted service]
shall be deemed to be service of the petition [or bankruptcy noticel
upon you; (a) and further take notice that the said petition will
be heard at the court on the day of at
o'clock in the noon, on which day you are
required to appear, and if you do not appear the court may make
a receiving order against you in your absence.
The petition [or bankruptcy notice] may be inspected by you
on application at the court.
Dated this day of 19
To A.B.
FORM 16. [rule 47.]
In the matter of a bankruptcy petition filed the day
of [or In the matter of a bankruptcy notice issued
on the day of 19
Upon the application of and upon reading the
affidavit of of in the
It is ordered that the sending of a sealed copy of the above
mentioned petition [or bankruptcy notice] together with a sealed
copy of this order by registered post addressed to at
and/or by publication in the newspapers
of the presentation of such petition and the time and place fixed
for hearing the petition [or of the issuing of such bankruptcy
notice] shall be deemed to be good and sufficient service of the
said petition [or bankruptcy notice] on the said on
the day of completing such posting or publication as afore-
Dated this day of 19
FORm 17. [rule 67.]
In the matter of a bankruptcy petition presented against nic
on the day of , 19 , by C.D.
of [or and E.F. of G.H. of ' etc]
I, the above A.B., do hereby give you notice that I intend
to show cause against the petition and that I intend to dispute
the petitioning creditor's debt [or the act of bankruptcy, or to
contend that , or as the case may be.]
Dated this day of 19
To the Official Receiver, and to C.D. [petitioning creditor].
FORM 18. [rule 80.]
In the matter of a bankruptcy petition against A.B.
Upon the hearing of this petition this day, and the said A.B.
appearing and denying that he is indebted to the petitioner [where
petition presented by more than one creditor, add the name of the
creditor whose debt is denied] in the sum stated in the petition
[or alleging that he is indebted to the petitioner in a sum of a
less amount than three hundred dollars, or alleging that he is
indebted to C.D., one of the petitioners, in a sum less than the
sum stated to be due from him in the petition] it,is ordered that
the said A.B. shall within days enter into a bond in the
penal sum of [the amount of the alleged debt and probable costs,
or such other sum as the court may direct] with such two suffi-
cient sureties as the court shall approve to pay [or deposit with
the Registrar the sum of as security for the payment
of] such sum or sums as shall be recovered against the said
A.B. by C.D. the petitioner [or one of the petitioners] in any
proceeding taken or continued by him against the said A.B.,
together with such costs as shall be given by the court.
And it is further ordered that, upon the said A.B. entering
into the bond aforesaid, all proceedings on this petition shall be
stayed until after the court shall have come to a decision on
the proceedings.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 19. [rules 13, 80.]
(Title )
Know all men by these presents, that we, A.B. of etc. and
C.D. of etc. and E.F. of etc. are jointly and severally held and
firmly bound to L.M. of etc. in dollars to be paid to
the said L.M., or his certain attorney, executors, administrators
or assigns, for which payment to be made we bind ourselves and
each and every of us, our and each of our heirs, executors and
administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of
one thousand nine hundred and
Whereas a bankruptcy petition against the said A.B. having
,been presented to the court he did apnear at the hearing of the
said petition and deny that he was indebted to the petitioner [or
to one or more of the petitioners], [or allege that he was indebted
to the petitioner in the sum of dollars only or as the case
may be].
Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that
if the above-bounden A.B., or the said C.D. or E.F., shall on
demand well and truly pay or cause to be paid to L.M., his
attorney or agent, such sum or sums as shall be recovered against
the said A.B. by any proceedings taken or continued within twenty-
one days from the date hereof in any competent court by the said
L.M. for the payment of the debt claimed by him in the said
petition, together with such costs as shall be given to the said
L.M. by such court [or whatever the condition of the bond is]
this obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force.
A.B. (L.S.)
C.D. (L.S.)
E.F. (L.S.)
Signed, sealed and delivered by the above-bounden in
the presence of
NOTE-If a deposit of money be made the memorandum should follow the
terms of the conditions of the bond. This form may be adapted to other cases.
FORm 20. [rule 18.]
In the matter of a bankruptcy petition [or In the matter of
a bankruptcy notice by C.D.] of
Take notice that the sureties whom I propose as my security
in the above matter [here state the proceeding which has rendered
the sureties necessary] are [here state the full names and descriptiong
of the sureties and their residences for the last six months, therein
mentioning the district or city, places, streets and numbers, if any].
Dated this day of 19
To the Registrar
and to L.M. of
FORm 21. [rule 19.]
In the matter of a bankruptcy petition against A.B. of
[or In the matter of a bankruptcy notice by LM, against
A.B. of ].
1, E.F., of , one of the sureties for make
oath and, say-
1. That I am a householder [or as the case may be], residing
[describing particularly the street or place and the
number of the house, if any].
2. That I am worth property to the amount of $
[the amount required] over and above what will pay my just debts
[if security in any other action or for any other purpose, add and
every other sum for which I arn now security].
3. That I am not ball or security in any other matter, action
or proceedings, or for any other person [or if security in any other
action or actions, add except for C.D., at the suit of E.F., in the
Supreme Court in the sum of $ ; for G.H., at the suit of
LK., in the Supreme Court in the sum of $ specifying
the several actions or matters, and courts, and the sums in which he
has become bound].
4.That my property, to the amount of the said sum of
$[and if security in any other action, etc. over and
above all other sums for which I am now security as aforesaid],
consist of [here specify the nature and value of the property in
respect of which the deponent proposes to become bondsman as
follows, stock in trade, in my business of carried on
by me at of the value of $of good book
debts owing to me to the amount of $of furniture in
my house at of the value of $ of leasehold
property of the value of $ . situate at , or of
other property, particularizing each description of property, with
the value thereof].
5. That I have for the last six months resided at
rdescribing the place of such residence, or if he has had more than
one residence during that period, state in the same nianner as above
Sworn at, etc.
FORM 22.
Upon the bearing of the petition this day, and hearing
for the petitioner and for the debtor and
the Official Receiver, and reading it is ordered that
the further hearing of this petition be adjourned until the
day of 19 at o'clock in the
Dated this day of 19
FORm 23. [rule 68.]
In the matter of a bankruptcy petition filed the [date].
Upon the hearing of this petition this day, and upon reading
and hearing and the Official Receiver it is ordered
that this petition be dismissed [and that the petitioner do pay to
the said A.B. the taxed costs thereof].
Dated this day of 19
FORm 24.
Upon the application of and upon reading
it is ordered that L.M. of shall be restrained from taking
any further proceedings in the action brought by him [or upon
the judgment recovered or obtained by him] against the said A.B.
in [here state the number of the action] [or it is ordered that
the proceedings in the action (or suit) brought by him against
the said A.B. in (here state the number of the action) may be
proceeded with on (here insert the terms fixed by the court)].
Dated this day of 19
FORm 25. [s. 5; rules 68, 74.]
On the petition of the debtor himself, filed the day
of , 19 , , a receiving order is hereby
made against A.B. [insert name, addresses and descriptions of debtor
as set out in petition], and the Official Receiver is hereby con-
stituted receiver of the estate of the said debtor.
Dated this day of 19
NOTE-The above-named debtor is required immediately after the service.of
this order upon bin& to attend the Official Receiver at his offices at the Courts of
The Official Receiver's offices are open (except on holidays) every week-day
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., except Saturdays, when they close at 1 p.m.
The name and address of the solicitor (if any) to the debtor
are [insert name and address].
FORM 26. [s. 5; rules 68, 74.]
On the petition dated the day of 19
of J.S. of
a creditor, filed the [insert date], and on reading
and hearing and it
appearing to the court that the following act or acts of bankruptcy
has or have been committed, viz-
[Set out the nature and date or dates of the act or acts of
bankruptcy on which the order is made.]
A receiving order is hereby made against A.B.. [insert name,
addresses and descriptions of debtor as set out in petition] and
the Official Receiver is hereby constituted receiver of the estate of
the said debtor.
Dated this day of 19
NOTP-The above-named debtor is required, immediately after the service of
this order upon him, to attend the Official Receiver at his offices at the Courts of
The Official Receiver's offices are open every week-day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
except Saturdays, when they close at 1 p.m.
The name and address of the solicitor to the petitioning creditor
are [insert name and address].
FORm 27.[ ss. 16. 22 (2), 78 (1) (f);
rule 78.]
NOTICE OF RECEIVING ORDER, ETC. (for local newspaper).
Receiving order made ................................................................
Date and place of first meeting ................................................
Date of public examination .......................................................
D ate of adjudication (if any) ......................................................
Note-All debts due to the estate should be paid to me.
Official Receiver.
Dated this day of , 19
FORm 28. [s. 18 (1);
rules 81, 150.]
To the Debtor,
You are required to fill up, carefully.and accurately, this sheet
and such of the several sheets A, B, Q D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,
L and M* as are applicable showing the state of your affairs
on the day on which the receiving order was made against you,
viz. the day of , 19 . Such sheets,
when filled up, will constitute your Statement of Affairs, and must
be verified by oath, declaration or affirmation.
I of
make oath and say that the above
statement and the several lists hereunto annexed marked
are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a full, true and complete
statement of my affairs on the date of the above-mentioned receiving
order made against me.
Sworn at the Courts of Justice, Hong Kong, this
day of A
Before me,
A Commissioner etc.
Alternative form to be used where affirmation is made, and
statement of affairs has to be interpreted to deponent.
I of do solemnly and
sincerely affirm that the contents of this my statement of affairs and
of the several lists thereunto annexed and of my affirmation are to
the best of my knowledge and belief full, true and complete.
Affirmed at the Courts of Justice, Hong Kong, this
day of , 19 , the contents of this statement
of affairs and of the several lists hereunto annexed, and the
affirmation, having been first duly interpreted to the deponent
in the language by
Sworn Interpreter.
Before me,
A Commissioner etc.
The names to be numbered consecutively, creditors for $1000
and upwards being placed first.
Dated this day of 19
NOTES--1. When. there is a contra account against the creditor less than
the amount of his claim against the estate, the amount of the creditor's claim and
the amount of the contra account should be shown in the third column and the
balance only inserted under the heading 'Amount of debt' thus-
$ c.
Total amount of claim
Less contraaccount............. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
No such set-off should be included in sheet 'I.'
2. The particulars of any bills of exchange and promissory notes held by a
creditor should be inserted immediately below the name and address of such creditor.
Dated this day. of 19
Dated this day of 19
LIABILITIES OF DEBTOR on bills discounted other than
his own acceptances for value.
Dated this day of 19
.(FULL PARTICULARS of all liabilities not otherwise
scheduled to be given here.)
Dated this day of 19
Dated this day of 19
Dated this day of 19
FULL PARTICULARS of every description of PROPERTY in possession and
in reversion as defined by section 2 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance
(Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition) not included in any other list,
are to be set forth in this list-
Dated this day of
Dated this day of 19
NOTE-If any debtor to the estate is also a creditor, but for a less amount
than his indebtedness, the gross amount due to the estate and the amount of the
contra account should be shown in the third column and the balance only inserted
under the heading 'Amount of debt' thus-
Due to estate ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $
Less contra account... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... $
No such claim should be included in sheet 'A.'
Dated this day of 19
Dated this day of 19
IN SUBSTITUTION forSuch of the sheets named 'A' to 'J' as will
have to be returned blank.
Dated this day of 19.
Particulars of all property held by or in name of wife (or of any
Dated this day of 19
. (Signature)
FORm 29. [rule 100.]
Ex parte the Official Receiver.
the Official Receiver in the above matter,
apply to the court for an extension of time to the
day of , 19 , for holding the first meeting of
creditors, on the ground following (a)-
That the said debtor has not submitted a statement of and in
relation to his affairs in compliance with section 18 of the
Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition).
That the said debtor has obtained an extension of time for
submitting a statement of and in relation to his affairs,
viz. to the day of 19
That the prescribed notice in the Gazette of the first meeting
of creditors in the above matter required by rule 2 of the
Meetings of Creditors Rules cannot be given in time for
holding the meeting within fourteen days from the date of
the receiving order.
That there may be sufficient time for the books of the debtor
to be examined and the statement of affairs investigated.
Dated this day of , 19
Official Receiver.
Upon the application of the Official Receiver it is ordered that
the time for holding the first meeting of creditors in the above
matter be extended to the day of , 19
Dated this day of 19
FORM 30. [s. 17; rule 101.]
(Under receiving order dated theday of 19
Notice is hereby given that the first meeting of creditors in
the above matter will be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Courts
of Justice, on the day of 19
at o'clock in the noon.
To entitle you to vote thereat your proof must be lodged with
me not later than twenty-four hours before the time appointed for
the meeting.
Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with me not
later than twenty-four hours before the time appointed for the
The public examination of the debtor is fixed for the
day of , 19 , at o'clock in the
noon, at the Courts of Justice.
Any creditor who has tendered a proof, or his representative
authorized in writing, may question the debtor on his public
examination concerning his affairs and the causes of his failure.
Dated this day of ' 19
Official Receiver.
(The debtor's statement of affairs (a)
NOTE-At the first meeting the creditors may amongst other things-
1. By ordinary resolution resolve. that the debtor be adjudged bankrupt, and
in that case they may also, by ordinary resolution, appoint a trustee.
2. By ordinary resolution appoint a committee of inspection from among the
creditors or the holders or intended holders of general proxies or general powers
of attorney for the creditors.
3. A form of proof and forms of general and special proxy are sent herewith.
FORM 31. [ss. 17, 25; rules 101, 102.]
(Under receiving. order, dated theday of 19
Notice is hereby given that the first [or a general] meeting of
the creditors of the above-named debtor will be held at the Official
Receiver's Office, Courts of Justice, on the day of
19 , at o'clock in the noon precisely.
Creditors qualified to vote at such meeting may, by a resolution
passed by a majority in number, and three-fourths in value, of all
the creditors who have proved their debts, accept the proposal made
by the debtor for a composition [or scheme], the terms of which
are set forth in the accompanying report, or any amendment of
such proposal which in the opinion of the Official Receiver is
calculated to benefit the general body of creditors.
Proofs of debt inteiided to be used at the meeting must be
lodgel with the Official Receiver not later than twenty-four hours
before the time appointed for the meeting.
Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged not later
than twenty-four hours before the time appointed for the meeting.
Creditors who prove their debts, and whose proofs are admitted,
and who do not vote on the debtor's proposal, will be reckoned as
voting against it.
The public examination ofthe debtor is fixed for tne
day of ,19 , at o'clock in tne
noon, at the Courts of Justice.
Any creditor who has tendered a proof, or his representative
authorized in writing, may question the debtor on his public
examination concerning his affairs and the causes of his failure.
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
1. Creditors who have proved may vote for or against the acceptance of the
debtor's proposal by means of the voting letter attached to the Official Receiver's
2. If the proposal be not accepted the meeting may, if the debtor has not
already been adjudged bankrupt, resolve on his adjudication, and in that case they
may also by ordinary. resolutions appoint a trustee and a committee of inspection.
3. A form of proof and forms of general and special proxy are sent herewith.
FORm 32. [s. 17; rule 102.]
Take notice that the meeting of creditors in the above matter
held on the day of at the Official Receiver's
Office was adjourned to the day of and will
accordingly be held at the Official Receiver's Office, Courts of
Justice, on the said day at o'clock in the noon.
[Insert here nature of business to be transacted.]
Dated this day of , 19
Official Receiver.
FORm 33.. [rule 105.]
a clerk in the office of the Official Receiver,
make oath and say as follows- '
1. That I did, on the day of 19
send to each creditor mentioned in the debtor's statement Oi afrairs,
and to the above-named debtor, a notice of the time and the place of
the (a) first meeting of creditors.
2. That such notices were addressed to the said creditors
respectively, according to their respective names and addresses
appearing in the statement of affairs of the said debtor, and also
to the said debtor at
3. That the post office acknowledgment for the same is
hereunto annexed and marked 'A'.
Sworn at, etc.
FORm 34. [rule 105.]
1, a clerk in the office of the Official Receiver,
hereby certify-
1. That I did, on the day of 19
send to each creditor mentioned in the debtor's statement of affairs,
a notice of the time and place of the .(a) first meeting of creditors.
2. That such notices were addressed to the said creditors
respectively according to their respective names and addresses
appearing in the statement of affairs of the said debtor.
3. That the post office acknowledgment for the same is
hereunto annexed and marked 'A'.
4. That I did on the said day of
19 send by registered post notice of the time and place of
the said meeting to the said debtor, and that such notice was
sent to the following address-
Dated this day of 19
Clerk to the Official Receiver.
FORm 35. [rule 100.]
Take notice that the first meeting of your creditors will be
held on the day of , 19 , at
o'clock at the Official Receiver's Office, Courts of Justice, and that
you are required to attend thereat and submit to such examination
and give such information as the meeting may require. And
further, take notice that if you fail to comply with the require-
ments of this notice you will be guilty of a contempt of court
and may be punished accordingly.
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
the above-named debtor.
FORm 36. [rule 100.]
Minutes of resolutions come to and proceedings had at the
first meeting of creditors held at this day of
, 19 , Official Receiver, Chairman.
Resolved as follows [unanimously]-
That A.B. shall be adjudged bankrupt, and that the Official
Receiver do apply to the court to make the adjudication.
That G.H. of [residence and occupation] [or That the Official
Receiver] shall be the trustee of the property of the bankrupt.
That LK., L.M., N.O., P.Q. and R.S. be appointed the committee
of inspection in this bankruptcy, for the purpose of superintending
the administration of the property of the bankrupt by the trustee.
[Here add any other resolutions that may be come to as to the
manner of the administration of the property by the trustee, etc.]
NOTE-When a resolution is carried unanimously the creditors need not sign,
but when a division is taken all creditors and holders of proxies voting should sign.
The signatures must be attached at the ntecting. Resolutions should be put
FORM 37. [rule 107.]
Meeting held at on the day of
19 , at o'clock.
Memorandum-The (a) meeting of creditors in
the above matter was held at the time and place above mentioned,
and the several proofs of debt lodged were produced; but it appear
ing that (b)the meeting was adjourned until the
day of 19 , at o'clock in the
noon, then to be held at the same place.
FORm 38.
Meeting held at on the day of
19 , at o'clock.
Memorandum-The adjourned meeting of creditors in the above
matter was held at the time and place above mentioned, and the
several proofs of debt lodged were produced; but it appearing
that there was not a quorum of creditors qualified to vote present
or represented no resolution was passed, and the meeting was not
further adjourned.
FORM 39. [s. 17; rules 10, 100.]
Upon the application of C.D., of it is ordered that
the trustee of the property of the bankrupt [or the Official Receiver
do summon a meeting of the creditors of the bankrupt to be hell
at on the day of , 19 , at o'clock
in the noon [here state the purpose for which meeting
Dated this day of 19
FORm 40. [rule 101.]
Take notice that a meeting of creditors in the above matter
will be held at on the day of
19 , at o'clock in the noon(Forms of general and special proxy are inclosed herewith.)
Dated this day of 19
(Signed (a)
FORm 41. [rule 105.1
the trustee [or clerk to the trustee, as the case may be] in the above
matter, make oath and say as follows-
1. That I did on the day of 19
send to each creditor who has proved in this matter, and also to
all creditors mentioned in the debtor's statement of affairs, a notice
of (a)
2. That such notices were addressed to such of the said
creditors who have proved their debts according to the addresses
in their respective proofs, and to such as have not proved, according
to their respective names and addresses appearing in the statement
of atrairs of the said debtor.
3. That the post office acknowledgment for the same is
hereunto annexed and marked 'A'.
Sworn at, etc.
FORm 42. [rule 105.]
a clerk in the office of the Official Receiver, hereby certify-
1. That I did on the day of , 19 ,
send to each creditor who has proved in this matter, and also to
all creditors mentioned in the debtor's statement of affairs, a notice
of (a)
2. That such notices were addressed to such of the said
creditors who have proved their debts according to the addresses
in their respective proofs, and to such as have not proved, according
to their respective names and addresses appearing in the statement
of afrairs of the said debtor.
3. That the post office acknowledgment for the same is
hereunto annexed and marked 'A'.
Dated this day of 19
Clerk to the Official Receiver.
FORm 43. [rule 102.]
At the request of one-fourth in value of the creditors of the
bankrupt a general meeting of the creditors is hereby summoned
to be held at on the day of 19
at o'clock in the noon for the purpose, of considering
the propriety of removing G.H., the trustee of the property of the
bankrupt, from his office as such trustee, and in the eve~i of his
removal to appoint a person to fill the vacancy.
Dated this day of 19
A member of the Committee of Inspection
[or Official Receiver].
FORm 44. [rule 102.]
I, C.D., Official Receiver, hereby give you notice that a meeting
of creditors will be held at on the day of ,
19 , at o'clock in the noon, for the purpose of
appointing a trustee in the place of the late trustee, who has resigned
the office [or who has died or against whom a receiving order has
been made].
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FORm 45. [s. 17.]
(Except a meeting at which a scheme or composition has been
Meeting held at this day of
FORm 46. [rule 109.]
No. (a) of 19
Re (a)
I (b)
of make
oath and say-
(c) That I am in the employ of the under-mentioned
creditor, and that I am duly authorized by
to make this affidavit, and that it is within my own know-
ledge that the debt hereinafter deponed to was incurred,
If made by clerk
and for the consideration stated, and that such debt, to
the best of my knowledge and belief, still remains unpaid
If by clerk or
and unsatisfied.
(d) That I am duly authorized, under the seal of
the company hereinafter named, to make the proof of
debt on its behalf.
That the said W at the date of the
receiving order, viz., the day of
Debt $
and still justly and truly indebted to (e)
in the sum of
dollars and
cents for (f) as shown
account indorsed hereon
by the* for
account hereto annexed, marked NOTE THIS.
which sum or any part thereof I say that I have not nor
hath (g) or any person by (h) order
to iny knowledge or belief for (h)use had
or received any manner of satisfaction or security what-
soever, save and except the following (i)-
Adrnitted to vote for
the day
of 19
Official Receiver.
(Credit should be given for contra accounts.)
If space is not sufficient, let the particulars be annexed, but
where the particulars are on a separate sheet of paper the same
must be marked by the person before whom the affidavit is sworn,
IN BANKRUPTCYT.- This is the account marked with the letter
'A' referred to in the annexed proof of the debt made by
in re
Sworn before me this day of 19
A Commissioner, etc.
(Signature of Deponent)
FoRm 47. [rule 109.]
I, , of , make
oath 1, and say-
1. The said was adjudicated a bankrupt
on , 19 , and I am the trustee under such
2.There was at the date of the receiving [or administration]
order herein, namely, the day of ' 19 , and
still is an unsatisfied balance of the debts provable in the aforesaid
bankruptcy, of which 1 am trustee, amounting to $ as shown
in the statement indorsed hereon [or annexed hereto and marked 'A'].
3. I claim to prove in the present bankruptcy for the said
Sworn, etc.,
Before me,
Admitted to vote for $
the day of
Official Receiver
or Trustee.
Admitted to rank for dividend
for $ this
day of ' 19
Official Receiver
or Trustee.
FORm 48. [rule 110.]
I (a) of'
make oath and say- $
1.That (c) W at the
date of the receiving order, viz. the day of 19 ,
and still justly and truly indebted to the several persons
whose names, addresses and descriptions appear in the schedule
indorsed hereon in sums severally set against their names in the
sixth column of such schedule for wages due to them respectively
as workmen or others in (d) in respect
(f services rendered by them respectively to (e)
during such periods before the date of the receiving order as are
set out against their respective names in the fifth column of such
schedule, for which said sums, or any part thereof, I say that
they have not, nor hath any of them, had or received any manner
of satisfaction or security whatsoever.
Sworn, etc.,
Schedule referred to on the other side.
Fonm 49. [rules 114, 115.]
Take notice, that, as Official Receiver [or trustee] of the above
estate, I have this day rejected your claim against such estate .(a)
[to the extent of $ ] on the following grounds-
And further take notice that if you are dissatisfied with my
decision in respect of your proof you may apply to the court to
reverse or vary the same, but subject to the power of the court
to extend the time, no application to reverse or vary my. decision
in rejecting your proof will be entertained after the expiration of
(b) days from this date.
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver
or Trustee.
FORm 50. [s. 78 (1) (d); rule 119.]
. (Title.)
I, (a) of a creditor, hereby appoint (b)
to be (c) general proxy in the above matter
[excepting as to the receipt of dividend (d)].
Dated this day of 19
(Signed) (e)
(Signature of witness)
1. When the creditor desires that his general proxy should receive dividends
he should strike out the words, 'excepting as to the receipt of dividend', putting
his initials thereto (f).
2. The authorized agent of a corporation may fill up blanks, and sign for the
corporation thus-
For the Company, Limited.
J.S. (duly authorized under the seal of the company).
3. A proxy given by a creditor may be filled up and signed by any person
in the employ of the creditor having a general authority in writing to sign for
such creditor. Such person shall sign-
J.S. (duly authorized by a general authority in writing
to sign on behalf [name of creditor]) (g).
Certificate to be signed by person other than creditor filling up
the above proxy. .
I, of , being a [here state whether clerk
or manager in the regular employment of the creditor or a commis
sioner to administer oaths in the Supreme Court], hereby certify
that all insertions in the above proxy are in my own handwriting,
and have been made by me at the request of the above-named
and in his presence, before he attached his signature
[or mark] hereto.
Dated this day of 19
The proxy must be lodged with the Official Receiver or trustee
not later than twenty-four hours before the time appointed for
the meeting at which it is to be used.
FORm 51. [s. 78 (1) (d); rule 119.]
(a) of , creditor, hereby appoint (b)
as (c) proxy at the meeting of creditors to be
held on the day of 19 or at any
adjournment thereof, to vote (d)
Dated this day of 19
(Signed) (e)
(Signature of witness)
1. A creditor may give a special proxy to any person to vote at any 8pecified
meeting or adjournment thereof on all or any of the following matters---
(a)for or against any specific Proposal for a composition or scheme of
b)for or against the appointment of any specified person as trustee or as
member of the committee of inspection, or for or against the continuance
in office of any specified person, as trustee or member of a committee of
(c) on all questions relating to any matter, other than those above referred to,
arising at any specified meeting or adjournment thereof.
2. The authorized agent of a corporation may fill up blanks, and sign for the
corporation thus-
For the Company, Limited.
J.S. (duly authorized under the seal of the company).
3. A prozy given by a creditor may be filled up and signed by any person
in the employ of the creditor having a general authority in writing to sign for
such creditor. Such Person shall sign-
J.S.(duly authorized by a general authority in writing
to sign on behalf of [name of creditor) (f).
Certificate to be signed by person other than creditor filling up
the above proxy.
I, of , being a [here state whether clerk
or manager in the regular employment of the creditor or a commis
sioner to administer oaths in the Supreme Court], hereby certify
that all insertions in the above proxy are in my own handwriting,
and have been made by me at the request of the above-named
and in his presence before he attached his signature
[or mark] thereto.
Dated this day of 19
The proxy must be lodged with the Official Receiver or trustee
not later than twenty-four hours before the time appointed for the
meeting at which it is to be used.
FoRm 52. [s. 19.]
A receiving order having been made in the above matter,
application is hereby made to the court by the Official Receiver for
an order appointing the day of at
or such other time and place as the court shall direct for holding the
public examination of the debtor, and that the debtor do attend such
public examination.
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FORM 53. [s. 19.]
Upon the application of the Official Receiver in the above matter,
it is ordered that the public examination of the above-named debtor
be held at the Supreme Court, on the day of at
o'clock in the noon.
And it is ordered that the above-named debtor do attend at the
place and time above mentioned.
Dated this day of 19
NOTE-Notice is hereby given that if you, the above-wamed debtor, fail,
without reasonable excuse, to attend at the time and place aforesaid you will be
liable to be committed to prison without further notice.
FoRm 54. [s. 19; rule 86.]
Notice is hereby given that the court has appointed day.
the day of ' 19 ' at o'clock in
the noon, for proceeding with the public examination of the
above-named debtor, which, on the day of
19 , was adjourned sine die.
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FORM 55. [s. 19; rule 23.]
Upon the application of the Official Receiver the
court hereby, Pursuant to rule 23 of the Bankruptcy Rules, appoints,
of to take the examination of the said
at his public examination this day.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 56. [s. 19; rule 23.]
Of the shorthand writer
appointed by the court to take down the examination of the said
, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will
truly and faithfully take down the questions and answers put to
and given by the saidin this matter, and will
deliver true and faithful transcripts thereof as the court may direct.
Dated this day of 19Declared before me at the time and place
A Commissioner.
FORM 57. [s. 19; rule 23.]
Public examination of the debtor held this jay
of , 19
The above-named debtor, being sworn and examined at the time
and place above-Mentioned, upon the several questions following
being put to him, gave the several answers thereto respectively
following each question, that is to say-
This is a transcript of the notes of the public examination
of , held this day of , 19
Shorthand writer duly appointed under rule 23,
Shorthand writer attached to the Official Receiver's Office.
FORm 58. [s. 19; rule 23.]
Public examination of the debtor held this day
of , 19
The above-named debtor being sworn and examined at the tinie
and place above-mentioned, upon his oath saith as follows-
These are the notes of the examination of held
this day of , 19
Clerk to the Chief Justice.
FORM 59. [s. 19.]
This being the day appointed for the (a) public
examination of the above-named and the said
having submitted himself for such examination; now
upon hearing the Official Receiver, and upon hearing
and it appearing that
It is ordered that the said public examination be adjourned to
the day of ' 19 , at
in the noon.And it is further ordered that the
said do attend at the court on the said day
of 19, for the purpose of being further examined
as to his conduct, dealings, and property. And it is further ordered
that the said
Dated this day of 19
FORM 60. [s. 19; rule 87.]
Upon the application of the Official Receiver [or of (a)
of ] in the above matter, and upon
reading and upon hearing and it
appearing to the court that the debtor is (b) ' it is
ordered that the public examination of the debtor be dispensed with.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 61. [s. 19; rule 87.]
Upon the application of the Official Receiver [or of (a)
] in the above matter, and upon
reading , and upon hearing , and it
appearing to the court that the debtor is suffering from physical
disability which makes him unfit to attend a public examination in
court [or as the case may be] it is ordered that instead of a public
examination of the debtor (b) the debtor be examined on oath
at (c) before the. Registrar
on the day of , 19
at o'clock or such other time as having regard to the
condition of the debtor may be convenient, and that the Official
Receiver and trustee and (d) be at liberty to
attend such examination and take part therein.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 62. [s. 19 (8).]
Memorandum.-That 1,
the above-named debtor, being sworn and examined upon my oath
say that the notes of my public examination marked 'A', and
appended hereto, were read over by or to me and are correct.
And I further say that, at the time of this my examination,
I have delivered up to the Official Receiver or the trustee of my
estate, all property, estate and effects, and all books, papers and
writings relating thereto.
And I further say that I have made a full disclosure of all
my assets and of all my debts and liabilities of whatever kind, and
that I have not removed, concealed, embezzled or destroyed any part
of my estate, real or personal, nor any books of account, papers or
writings relating thereto, with an intent to defraud my creditor5 or
to conceal the state of my affairs.
[Here insert any special matter.]
Dated this day of 19
FORm 63. [s. 19.]
Whereas the above-named A.B. has duly attended before the
court and has been publicly examined as to his conduct, dealings
and property;
And whereas the court is of opinion that the alTairs of the said
A.B. have been sufficiently investigated, it is hereby ordered that
the examination of the safd A.B. is concluded.
Dated this day of 19
FoRm 64. [ss. 20, 25.]
the above-named debtor,
hereby submit the following proposal for a composition in satisfaction
of my debts-
1. That payment in priority to all other of my debts of all
debts directed to be so paid in the distribution of the property of a
bankrupt shall be provided for as follows-
[Set out terms of proposal so far as relate to preferential claims.]
2. That provision for payment of all the proper costs, charges
and expenses of and incidental to the proceedings, and all fees and
percentages payable to the Official Receiver and the court, shall be
made in the following manner-
[Set out proposal for provisions for fees, charges, costs, etc.]
3. That the following composition shall be paid as hereinafter
mentioned on all provable debts-
[Set out terms of composition.]
4. That the payment of the composition be secured in the
following manner-
[Set out full names and addresses of sitreties (if any) and
complete particulars of all securities intended to be given.]
Dated this day of 19
(Signed) (a)
FORM 65. [ss. 20, 25.]
the above-named debtor, hereby
submit the following proposal for a scheme of arrangement of my
affairs in satisfaction of my debts.
1. That-
[Set out terms of scheme.]
2. That payment in priority to all other of my debts of all
debts directed to be so paid in the distribution of the property of
a bankrupt is provided for as follows-
[Set out or indicate by reference to the scheme how it is
proposed to satisfy preferential claims.]
3. That provision for payment of all the proper costs,
charges and expenses of and incidental to the proceedings, and
all fees and percentages payable to the Official Receiver and the-
court, is provided for as follows-
[Set out or indicate by reference to the scheme how it is
proposed to provide for fees, costs, charges, etc.]
[Set out any other terms.]
Dated this day of 19
.(Signed) (a)
FORm 66. [ss. 20, 25.]
(Title.) .
The Official Receiver hereby reports-
That the debtor has lodged with him a proposal for a
composition [or scheme] to be submitted to the creditors, of which
the following is a copy-
[Here set out fully the terms of proposal.]
That the liabilities as shown by the debtor's statement of affairs
amount to the sum ofand the assets are estimated
by the debtor at the sum ofafter payment of preferential
That the value of the assets is fairly estimated by the debtor
[or as the case may be].
That the terms of the debtor's proposal [set out particulars of
proposal and observations on the proposal and the debtor's conduct.]
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FORM 67.
Ex parte the Official Receiver.
The Official Receiver reports to the court-
That a (a) was on the day of
19 , duly lodged by the debtor in the above matter.
That the public examination of the debtor was concluded on
the day of 19
That (b) in
time to allow of the approval of the said (a)
within fourteen days after the conclusion of the examination of the
debtor as required by section 22 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance
(Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition).
Under these circumstances, application is made for an extension
of time to the day of 19 for obtaining
such approval.
Dated this day of 19
Offici al Receiver.
Upon reading the above report of the Official Receiver, and
hearing , it is ordered that the time for
obtainIng the approval of the said(a) in the above
matter be extended to the day of 19
Dated this day of 19,
FoRm 68. [s. 20 (5).]
Take notice that application will be made to the court, on
the day of ' 19 , at
o'clock in the noon to approve the composition [or
scheme of arrangement] as proposed by the said debtor and duly
accepted by the statutory majority of the creditors at a meeting
held on the day of 19
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FoRm 69.
Take notice that application will be made to the court on
the day of , 19 , at o'clock in
the noon, to approve the composition [or scheme]
accepted on the day of , 19 , by the
statutory majority ofcreditors.
Dated this day of , 19
Fonm 70. [s. 20 (12);
rule 12.]
On the application of and on reading
the report of the Official Receiver filed on thh day
of , and hearing the Official Receiver and
and the court being satisfied that the creditors
in the above matter have duly accepted a composition [or scheme]
in the following terms, namely [here insert terms if short; if not,
insert in the terms contained in the paper writing marked 'A',
annexed hereto]* and being satisfied that the said terms are
reasonable and calculated to benefit the general body of creditorst
and that the case is not one in which the court would be required,
if the debtor were adjudged bankrupt, to refuse an order of
[and as the case may be.]
And being satisfied-
(a) that no facts have been proved which would justify the
court in nefusing, qualifying or suspending an order of discharge;
(b) that facts have been proved which would justify the court
in refusing, qualifying or suspending an order of discharge, but
that having regard to the nature of such facts, and the composition
[or scheme] providing reasonable security for payment of not less
than twentv-five per cent on all the,unsecured debts provable against
the debtor's estate, the said composition [or scheme] is hereby
approved, and it is ordered-
(a) That the receiving order made against the said
on the day of 19 be and the same
is hereby discharged,
(b) That the order of adjudication made against the said
on the day of 19 be and
the same is hereby annulled.
or after*
and being satisfied that the said terms are not reasonable or
calculated to benefit the general body of creditors
and [or aftert and being satisfied]
(a) that the case is one in which the court would be required,
if the debtor were adjudged bankrupt, to refuse his discharge;
(b) that facts have been proved which would, under the
Ordinance, justify the court in refusing, qualifying or suspending
the debtor's discharge.
The court doth refuse to approve the said composition [or
Dated this day of 19
FORM 71. [s. 20 (15).]
In a matter of a composition [or scheme of arrangement]
made by A.B., of
I, L.M., of , do apply to this court for an order
for the enforcement of the provisions of the said composition [or
scheme of arrangement] against on the
grounds set forth in the annexed affidavit.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 72. [s. 20 (15).]
In the matter of a composition [or scheme of arrangement]
made by A.B., of
I, L.M., of rnake oath and say-
1. That I am interested in the said composition [or scheme
of arrangement], having proved my debt as a creditor of the said
A.B. [or as the case may be].
2. That [one] of the provisions of the said composition [or
scheme of arrangement] is [or are] that [here set it or them out].
3. That has failed to comply with the said
provision [or as the case may be].
Sworn at, etc.
FORm 73. [s. 20 (15).]
Inthe matter of a composition [or scheme of arrangement]
made by A.B., of
Upon the application of L.M., of and reading
[here insert evidence], and upon hearing , the court
being of opinion that the provisions of the said composition [or
scheme of arrangement] mentioned in the 'said affidavit should be
enforced, it is ordered that [here insert order].
Dated this day of 19
Take notice that unless you obey the directions contained in
this order, you will be deemed to have committed a contempt of
FORM 74.
I hereby certify that a composition [or scheme of arrangement]
between A.B., of , the above-named
debtor, and his creditors was duly approved by the court on
the day of 19
Dated this day of ' 19
Official Receiver.
FORm 75. [s. 18 (3).]
The Official Receiver hereby reports to the court-
That a receiving order was made against the above-named
debtor on the day of , 19
That the act of bankruptcy on which the petition was founded
was the allegation that the debtor had within three months before
the date of the presentation of the petition
That from inquiries made since the receiving order, the state
ment that the said debtor had appears to have been
well founded, and the present place of residence of the debtor
has not been ascertained.
That the debtor has failed to attend at the office of the Official
Receiver to be examined in respect of his property and creditors,
and to give necessary information relative to his estate, affairs,
conduct and dealings, and to receive instructions as to the pre-
paration of a statement of and in relation to his affairs in
accordance with the notice (a copy of which is hereto annexed)
sent by post addressed to as aforesaid.
That the debtor has not submitted a statement of and in relation
to his affairs in pursuance of section 18 of the Ordinance.
The Official Receiver accordingly, in pursuance of the provisions
of section 18 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised
Edition) makes application to the court to adjudge the said debtor
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FoRm 76. [s. 22.]
The Official Receiver reports to the court-
That at the first meeting of the creditors of the said debtor
held at on the day of
19 , the following resolution was passed-
'That , the above-named debtor, shall be
adjudged bankrupt, and that the Official Receiver do apply to the
court to make the adjudication'; [and (or, or)
that the debtor has, in writing, consented to be adjudged bankrupt].
The Official Receiver accordingly, in pursuance of the provisions
of section 22 of. the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised
Edition) makes application to the court to adjudge the said debtor,
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FoRm 77. [s. 22.]
The Official Receiver reports to the court-
That a receiving order was made against the above-named
debtor on the day of , 19
That the first meeting of creditors was duly summoned to be
held at on the day of ' 19
That creditors qualified to vote not being present or represented
thereat to form a quorum, the said meeting was adjourned to the
day of ' 19
That at such adjourned meeting creditors qualified to vote not
being present or represented to form a quorum no resolution was
That (a)
The Official Recehrer accordingly, in pursuance of section 22 of
the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition) makes
application to the court to adjudge the said debtor,
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FORm 78, [s. 22; rule 12.]
Pursuant to a petition, datedagainst [here
insert name, description and address of debtor] on which a receiving
order was made, on the [date], and on the application of the Official
Receiver, and on reading and hearing
it is ordered that the debtor be and the
said debtor is hereby adjudged bankrupt.
Dated this day of 19
Whereas pursuant to a petition dated
against A.B., a receiving order was made on the [date]: And
whereas it appears to the court that at the first meeting of creditors
held on the [date], [or at an adjournment of the first meeting of
creditors] at it was duly resolved
that the debtor be adjudged bankrupt. It is Ordered that the debtor
be and the said debtor is hereby adjudged bankrupt.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 79. [rule 80.]
I, R.S.' of being interested in this matter [or
Official Receiver] do hereby make application
to the court that the order of adjudication [or receiving order]
against A.B. be annulled [or rescinded] [here state grounds of
Dated this day of 19
FORm 80. [rule 12.]
On the application of R.S., of [or On the
application of the Official Receiver], and on reading
and hearing, it is ordered that the order of adjudication
[or receiving order] dated against A.B., of be
and the same is hereby annulled [or rescinded].
Dated this day Of
FORM 81. [s. 30; rule 88.]
I, A.B., of having been adjudged bankrupt on
the day of ' 19 , and being desirous of
obtaining my discharge, hereby apply to the court to fix a day
for hearing my application.
My public examination was concluded on the day of
Annexed hereto is the certificate of the Official Receiver
certifying the number of my creditors.
Dated this day of 19
To the Registrar.
FORm 82. [s. 30; rule 88.]
(For local paper or Gazette).
Notice is hereby given that the court has appointed
day, the day of , 19 , at o'clock
in the noon, for hearing the application of the above-named
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FORM 803. [s. 30; rule 88.]
The bankrupt having applied to the court for his discharge,
the court has fixed the day of ' 19 at
o'clock in the noon at for hearing the
Dated this day of 19
To the Official Receiver,
trustee of the estate of
the bankrupt.
FORm 84. [s. 30; rule 88.]
Take notice that the above-named bankrupt has applied to the
court for his discharge, and that the court has fixed the
day of 19 at o'clock for hearing the
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
FORm 85. [s. 30; rules 12, 94.]
On the application of A.B., of etc. adjudged bankrupt'on the
day of , 19 , and upon taking into
consideration the report of the Official Receiver as to the bankrupt's
conduct and affairs, including the bankrupt's conduct during the
proceedings under his bankruptcy, and upon hearing. the Official
Receiver, and C.D., E.F., etc. creditors, and G.H., the trustee [as
the case may be].
And whereas it has not been proved that the bankrupt has
committed any of the misdemeanors or felonies mentioned in section
30 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition),
and proof has not been made of any of the facts mentioned in section
30 (4) or section 31 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance, or that the
bankrupt has been guilty of any misconduct in relation to his
property and affairs. It is ordered that he be and he hereby is
Dated this day of 19
FORm 86. [s. 30; rules 12, 94.]
On the application of
[Commencement as in Form 85.]
And whereas it has been proved that the bankrupt has com-
mitted the following misdemeanors [or felonies], namely,
[Here state particulars.]
And whereas it has not been proved that the bankrupt has
committed any of the misdemeanors or felonies mentioned in section
30 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance, but proof has been made of the
following facts under subsection (4) of that section, [and section
31 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance], namely,
[Here state particulars.]
or/and that he has been guilty of misconduct in relation to his
property and affairs, namely,
[Here state particulars.]
It is ordered that the bankrupt's discharge be and it is hereby
Dated this day of 19
FORm 87. [s. 30; rules 12, 94.]
On the application of
[Commencement as in Form 85.]
And whereas it has not been proved that the bankrupt has
committed any of the misdemeanors or felonies mentioned in section
30 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition)
[or it has been proved that the bankrupt has committed the
following misdemeanors (and/or felonies), namely, (set thein out),
but the court has for the following special reasons (state them)
determined that his discharge shall not on that ground be absolutely
refused]; but proof has been made of the following facts under
section 30 (4) [and section 31] of the Bankruptcy Ordinance.
[Here state particulars.]
or/and that he has been guilty of misconduct in relation to his
property and affairs, namely,
[Here state particulars.]
It is ordered that the bankrupt's discharge be suspended until
a dividend of not less than 50 per cent has been paid to the creditors,
with liberty to the bankrupt at any time after the expiration of
two years from the date of this order to apply for a modification
thereof, pursuant to section 30 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance.
It is ordered . that the bankrupt's discharge be suspended for
years, and that he be discharged as from the day
of 19
Dated this day of 19
FORm 88. [s. 30; rules 12, 94.]
NOT EQUAL TO 50 per cent.
On the application of
[Commencement as in Form 85.]
And whereas it has not been proved that the bankrupt has
committed any of the misdemeanors or felonies mentioned in section
30 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition)
and whereas the only fact under subsection (4) of that section
and section 31 of which proof has been made is the fact that the
bankrupt's assets are not of a value equal to 50 per cent of the
amount of his unsecured liabilities.
It is ordered that the bankrupt's discharge be suspended for
and that he be discharged as from theday of
, 19
Dated this day of 19
FORm 89. [s. 30; rules 12, 94.]
On the application of
[Commencement as in Form 85.]
And whereas it has not been proved (a)
It is ordered that the bankrupt be discharged subject to the
following conditions as to his future earnings, after-acquired pro-
perty, and income-
After setting aside out of the bankrupt's earnings, after-
acquired property, and income the yearly sum of $ for the
support of himself and his family, the bankrupt shall pay the
surplus, if any [or such portion of such surplus as the court may
determine], of such earnings, after-acquired property, and income
to the Official Receiver [or trustee] for distribution among the
creditors in the bankruptcy. An account shall, on the 1st day of
January in every year, or within fourteen days thereafter, be filed
in these proceedings by the bankrupt, setting forth a statement of
his receipts from earnings, after-acquired property, and income
during the year immediately preceding the said date, and the surplus
payable under this order shall be paid by the bankrupt to the
Official Receiver [or trustee] within fourteen days of the filing of
the said account.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 90. [s. 30; rules 12, 93.]
On the application of
[Commen.ce,t)tent as in Form 85.]
It is ordered that the bankrupt be discharged subject to the
following condition to be fulfilled before his discharge takes effect,
namely, he shall before the signing of this order consent to judg-
ment being entered against him in the original jurisdiction of this
court by the Official Receiver [or trustee] for the sum of $ ,
being the balance [or part of the balance] of the debts provable
in the bankruptcy which is not satisfied at the date of this order,
and for $25 for costs of judgment.
And it is further ordered, without prejudice and subject to any
execution which may be issued on the said judgment with the leave
of the court, that the said sum of $ be paid out of the
future earnings or after-acquired property of the bankrupt in manner
following, that is to say, after setting aside out of the bankrupt's
earnings and after-acquired property a yearly sum of $
for the support of himself and his family, the bankrupt shall pay
the surplus, if any [or such portion of such surplus as the court
may determine], to the Official Receiver [or trustee] for distribution
among the creditors in the bankruptcy. An account shall on'the
1st day of January in each year, or within fourteen days thereafter,
be filed in these proceedings by the bankrupt, setting forth a state-
ment of his receipts from earnings, after-acquired property, and
income during the year immediately preceding the said date, and
the surplus payable under this order shall be paid by the bankrupt
to the Official Receiver ror trustee] within fourteen days of the
filing of the said account.
And it is further ordered that upon the required consent being
given judgment may be entered against the bankrupt in original
jurisdiction for the said sum of $ together with $25 for
costs of judgment.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 91. [rules 12, 93.]
Re -
1, A.B., of the above-named bankrupt, do hereby,
consent to judgment being entered against me in the original juris
diction of the court by the Official Receiver [or trustee] for the
sum of $ , being the balance or part of the balance of
the debts provable under my bankruptcy which is not satisfied at
the date of my discharge; but this consent is subject to the pro-
vision contained in the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the
Revised Edition) with regard to the issue of execution on such
Dated this day of 19
FORM 92. [rules 12, 93.]
In the Supreme Court of Hong Kong,
Original Jurisdiction.
No. of 19
A.B., Defendant.
And in the matter of the bankruptcy of the said A.B.,
The day of 19
Pursuant to the order of thecourt in bankruptcy dated the
day of whereby it was ordered that
[recite substance of order.]
And the consent mentioned in the said order having been given
and filed in the matter of the said bankruptcy.
It is this day adjudged that the said plaintiff recover against
the said defendant together with $25 for costs of
Dated this day of 19
FORM 93. [rule 98.]
I, the above-named debtor, make oath and say as
1. I have since the date of my discharge resided and carried
.on business atand I now reside and carry on
business at
2.The statement hereto annexed is a full, true and complete
account of all moneys earned by me and of all property and
income acquired or received by me since the date of my discharge
[or since the date when last I filed a statement of after-acquired
property and income in court, namely, the day of
, 19 ].
Sworn at, etc.
FORm 94. [rule 29.1]
I, the trustee of the property of the said bankrupt [or as the
case may be], do apply to the court for an order of committal for
contempt of the court against the said bankrupt for L.M.,
], on the ground set forth in the annexed affidavit.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 95. [rule 29.]
In the matter of a composition made by A.B., of
I, L.M., of , make oath and say-
1. That of was by an order of the
court made on the day of 19 ordered
to [here set out the order].
2. That a copy of the said order was duly served on the said
3. That the said has failed to obey such order.
Sworn at. etc.
FORM 96. [rule 29.]
the Official Receiver of the estate of the said
debtor [the trustee of the property of the said bankrupt] make
oath, and say-
[1. That the said debtor did attend at the first meeting of his
creditors held on the day of ' 19 , at
, and wilfully refused to submit to be examined
at such meeting in respect of his property [or his creditors], the
submitting to examination being a duty imposed upon him by the
Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition).]
[1. That the said [debtor] bankrupt did wilfully fail to attend
a meeting of his creditors held on the day of 19
[or to wait on me at my office on the day
of 19, ], the attending
such meeting [or waiting
on me] being a duty imposed upon him by the Bankruptcy Ordinance
(Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition).]
[1. That the said [debtor] bankrupt has wilfully failed to
execute [here describe the deed, etc., that he has failed to
execute], the execution of such deed when required by me being
a duty imposed upon him by.section 26 [or 55] of the Bankruptcy
Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition).]
2. [That the said [debtor] bankrupt was on the day
of , 19 , duly served with a notice, a copy of which
is hereunto annexed, by leaving the same at his usual place of
residence, requiring him to attend the said meeting], [or to execute
the above-mentioned deed, etc.]
[1. That the said (debtor) bankrupt has wilfully failed to
perform the duty imposed upon him by section 2f) of the Bankruptcy
Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition) (here insert any act
he has been required to do by any special order of the court, stating
the day on which the order was gnade).]
2. [That the said (debtor) bankrupt was duly served with a
copy of such. order by leaving the same at his usual place of
residence on the day of 19 .]
[1. That the said (debtor) bankrupt has failed to deliver up
possession of .(here state the property he has failed to deliver up),
which property is divisible amongst his creditors under the
Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition) and which
said property was (or is) in his possession or control, he having been
required by me to deliver up the said property by notice, a copy
of which is hereunto annexed, and which notice was served upon
him on the day of 19 at
Sworn at, 'etc.
Official Receiver.
[or Trustee.]
FORM 97. [rule 29.]
I, G.H., the trustee of the property of the said A.B., a bankrupt,
make oath and say-
1. That I believe that L.M., of hath in his
possession or power as [here set out the capacity in which the
person stands to the bankrupt] certain moneys [and securities]
belonging to the bankrupt, that is to say [here set out and describe
the particular moneys and securities].
2. That on the day of ,19 , I did
apply personally to the said L.M. to pay and deliver to me the
said moneys and securities, and that he did not then pay or deliver,
nor has he since paid or delivered, to me the same [or That I,
on the day ofposted a letter to the said
L.M., addressed to him atcalling upon him to, etc.,
and that on the day of , 19 , I
posted another letter, by which I again called upon him to, etc.,
and that he has failed to pay and deliver the same].
3. That I firmly believe that the said L.M. is not entitled by
law to retain such moneys [and securities] as against the bankrupt
or against me as the trustee of the property of the bankrupt.
Sworn at, etc.
FORm 98. [ss. 20 (15), 110;
rule 30.]
Take notice that C.D., of will on the
day of , 19 , at o'clock in the noon,
apply to the court for an order for your committal to prison for
contempt of this court, you having disobeyed the order of the
court made on the day of ' 19 , [here
set out order].And further take notice that you are required to
attend the court on such day at the hour before stated, to show
cause why an order for your committal should not be made.
Dated this day of 19
To the said A.B., bankrupt.
Take notice that the trustee [or 'Official Receiver] of the
property of the said bankrupt will on the day of ,
19 , at o'clock in thenoon, apply to the court
for an order for your committal to prison for contempt of this
court, you having failed to perform the duty imposed on you by
section 26 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised
Edition) [here set out the duty he has failed to perform]. And
further take notice that you are required to attemd the court on
such day at the hour before stated to show cause why an order for
your committal should not be made.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 100. [s. 53 (5); rule 30.]
To [here insert name, address and description of the. person
to whom the notice is to be sent].
Take notice that the trustee [or Official Receiver] , of the
property of the bankrupt will on the day of
19 , at o'clock in thenoon, apply to the court
for an order for your committal to prison for contempt of this court
you having failed to pay and deliver to him certain moneys [and
securities] belonging to the bankrupt in your possession or power
as [here state whether as treasurer, banker, etc.], that is to say
[here set out and describe the particular moneys and securities].
And further take notice that you are required to attend the court
on such day at the hour before stated to show cause why an order
for your committal should not be made.
Dated this day of 19
FoRm 101. [ss. 20 (15); 110.]
Whereas by an order of this court made on the day
of , 19 , [here recite the order]. Now upon the
application of C.D., of , and upon hearing A.B. [or as
the case may be], [or if he does not appear] reading the affidavit
of [here insert name and description of person by whom the order
was served on A.B.], and upon reading the affidavit of [enter
evidence], the court being of opinion that the said A.B. has been
guilty of a contempt of this court by his disobedience of the said
order, it is ordered that the said A.B. do stand committed to [here
insert prison] for his. said contempt.
Dated this day of 19
FoRm 102. [s. 26 .(4).]
Upon the application of the trustee [or Official Receiver] of the
property of the bankrupt [or debtor]. and upon hearing the bankrupt.
[or if he does not appear], and reading the affidavit of [here insert
name and description of person by whom the notice to show cause
was served] and upon reading the affidavit of [enter evidence], the
court being of opinion that the bankrupt has been guilty of a
contempt of this court by having failed to rhere follow the notice],
it is ordered that the bankrupt do stand committed to [here insert
prison] for his said contempt.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 103. [s. 53 (5)]
Upon the application of the trustee of the property of the
bankrupt, and upon hearing L.M. [or if L.M. does not appear
and reading the affidavit of here insert name and description of
person by whom the notice to show cause was served] and upon
reading the affidavit of [enter evidence] the court being of opinion
that L.M. has been guilty of a contempt of this court by having
failed to pay and deliver to the said trustee certain moneys Fand
securities] [Acre follow the notice], it is ordered that the said L.M.
do stand committed to [kere insert prison] for the said contempt.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 104. [s. 26 (4); rule 30.]
I, L.M. of make oath and say-
1. That G.H. of was by an order of the court
made on the day of ,19 ,ordered to [here set
out order].
2. That [a copy of] the said order was duly served on the
said G.H.
3. That the said G.H. has failed to obey the order.
Sworn, etc.
FORM 105 [rule 26.]
To the Bailiff of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong and his
assistants and to all police officers of this Colony and to the
Commissioner of Prisons.
Whereas by an order of this court bearing date the
day of 19 , it was ordered that the said debtor [or
L.M. of ]should stand committed for contempt of this
These are therefore to require you the said bailiff, and others,
to take the said A.B. [or L.M.] and to deliver him to the
Commissioner of Prisons, and you the said Commissioner to
receive the said A.B., and him safely to keep in prison in your
custody until such time as this court shall order; and you the
said Commissioner shall, while the said A.B. is in your custody, at
all times when the court shall so direct produce the said A.B. before
the court.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 106.
Upon application made this day offor A.B., who
was committed to prison for contempt by order of this court, dated
the day of 1 ' 19 , and upon reading his
affidavit showing that he has cleared [or is desirous of clearing]
his contempt and has paid the costs occasioned thereby, and upon
hearing the trustee [or Official Receiver or C.D. of ],
it is ordered that the Commissioner of Prisons do discharge the said
A.B. out of his custody, as to the said contempt.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 107.
Upon application made this day of by
[applicant] for an order for the production of A.B., who was
committed to prison for contempt by order of this court dated the
day of, for examination before this court, it
is ordered that the Commissioner of Prisons do cause the said A.B.
to be brought in custody before the court at on
the day offor examination before the court, and
afterwards to be taken back to prison to be there safely kept
pursuant to the said order.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 108. [s. 54; rule 26.]
Whereas by evidence duly taken upon oath it hath been made
to appear to the court that there is reason to suspect and believe
that property of the said debtor is concealed in the house [or other
place, describing it, as the case may be] of one X.M., of
such house [or place] not belonging to the said debtor.
These are therefore to require you to enter in the me into
the house [or other place, describing it] of the said situate
ataforesaid, and there diligently to search for the said
property, and if any property of the said debtor shall be there
found by you on such search, that you seize the same, to be disposed
of and dealt with according to the provisions of the Bankruptcy
Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition).
Dated this day of 19
To the Bailiff of the Supreme Court and his assistants.
FORM 109. [s. 27; rule 26.]
Whereas on the day of 19 a receiving
order was made against the said debtor:These are therefore to
require you forthwith to enter into and upon the house and houses,
and other the premises of the said debtor, and also in all other
place and places belonging to the said debtor where any of his
goods and moneys are, or are reputed to be; and there seize all
the ready money, jewels, plate, household stuff, goods, merchandise,
books of account, and all other things whatsoever, belonging to
the said debtor, except his necessary wearing apparel, bedding and
tools, as excepted by the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the
Revised Edition).
And that which you shall so seize you shall safely detain and
keep in your possession until you shall receive other orders in
writing for the disposal thereof ' from the trustee [or Official
Receiver]; and in ease of resistance or of not having the key or
keys of any door or lock of any premises belonging to the said
debtor where any of his goods are or are suspected to be, you
shall break open, or cause the same to be broken open, for the
better execution of this warrant.
Dated this day of 19
To the Bailiff of the Supreme Court and his assistants.
FORM 110. [
s. 27; rules 26, 27.]
To the Bailiff of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong and his
assistants and to all police officers of this Colony and to the
Commissioner of Prisons.
Whereas, by evidence taken upon oath, it hath been rnade to
appear to the satisfaction of the court that there is probable reason
to suspect and beliswe that the said A.B., of has
absconded and gone abroad [or quitted his place of residence],
lor is about to go abroad (or quit his place of residence)] with
a view to avoiding service of a bankruptcy petition [or to avoiding
appearing in a bankruptcy petition, or to avoiding examination
in respect of his atfairs, or otherwise delaying or embarrassing
the proceedings in bankruptcy or to avoiding payment of a judg
ment debt in respect of which a bankruptcy notice has been issued.]
[Or that there is probable cause to suspect and believe that
the said A.B. is about to remove his goods or chattels with a view
to preventing or delaying such goods or chattels being taken
possession of by the trustee of the property of the bankrupt or
that the said A.B. has concealed (or is about to conceal or destroy)
his goods or chattels, or some of them, or his books, documents
or writings, or some or one of them, which books, documents or
writings, or some or one of them, may be of use to the creditors
in the -course of the bankruptcy -of the said A.B.]
[Or that it hath been made to appear to the satisfaction of
this court that the said A.B. has removed certain of his goods
and chattels in his possession; above the value of fifty dollars,
without the leave of the Official Receiver or trustee, that is to
say (here describe the goods or chattels).]
[Or that the said A.B. did without good cause fail to attend
at this court on the day of' 19 , for the
purpose of being examined, according to the requirements of
an order of this court made. on the day of
19 , directing him so to attend.]
These are therefore to require you the said bailiff, and others,
to take the said A.B. and to deliver him to the Commissioner of
Prisons and you the said Commissioner to receive the said A.B.,
and him safely to keep in prison until such time as this court
may order.
Dated this day Of 19
FORM 111. [s. 28.1]
Upon the application of the Official
Receiver [or the trustee] of the property of the above debtor, it
is ordered that for a period of three months from the day
of , 19 , all post letters, telegrams and postal
packets directed or addressed to the said debtor, at (a)
shall be re-directed, sent or delivered by the Postmaste
General, or officers acting under him, to (b)
except any letter on which there is a. specific directioi
signed by the Official Receiver [or trustee] that it is to be delivered
as addressed, if possible, and that a sealed duplicate of this order
be forthwith transmitted by the Official Receiver [or trustee] to
the Postmaster General, or officers acting under him.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 112. [s. 29; rule 25.]
To of
You are hereby required to attend at the Courts of Justice,
Hong Kong, on the day of , 19 , at
o'clock in thenoon, to give evidence in the above
matter, and then and there to have and produce (a)
Hereof if you fail, having no lawful impediment to be then
made known to the court, and allowed by it, the court may by
warrant cause you to be apprehended and brought up for examina-
Dated this day of 19
NOTE-This summons is issued on the application of the Official Receiver and
trustee, and take notice, that if the sum of $ , stated to be due by you to
this estate, be paid to Official Receiver, at , on or
before the day of , this summons will be discharged.
FORm 113. [s. 29; rule 25.]
In the matter of A.B. of a bankrupt.
I, the undersigned J.K. of ,do hereby admit that
I am indebted to the said bankrupt in the sum of
dollars upon the balance of accounts between myself and the said
J. K.
Dated this day of 19
C.D., Registrar,
[or Official Receiver].
FORm 114. [s. 29; rule 25.]
Whereas J.K., of , in his examination taken this
day, and signed and subscribed by him, has admitted. that he is
indebted to the said debtor in the sum of dollars, on
the balance of accounts between him and the debtor; it is ordered
that the said J.K. do pay to the trustee of the property of the
debtor, in full discharge of the sum so admitted, the sum of
dollars forthwith [or if otherwise state the time and
inanner of payinent], and do further pay to the said trustee the
sum of dollars for costs.
Dated this (lay of 19
FROM 115. [s. 29; rules 26, 28.]
To the Bailiff of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong and his
assistants and to all police officers of this Colony and to the
Commissioner of Prisons.
Whereas by summons dated the day of
and directed to A.B., of [or F.M., of the
said A.B. [or F.M.] was required personally to be and appear
on the day of at o'clock in the
noon at the court to be examined [and produce such document as
hereinafter mentioned] which said summons was afterwards on the
day ofas hath been proved upon oath duly
served upon the saidand a reasonable sum was tendered
him for his expenses, and whereas the said having no
lawful impediment made known to and allowed by the court at
the time of its sitting hath refused to appear before the court at
the time appointed [and/or hath refused to produce a document
in his custody or power relating to the debtor, his dealings, or
property, which the court has required him to produce]. These
are, therefore, to require and authorize you and every of you, the
said bailiff and your assistants and police ofileers and constables
immediately upon receipt hereof to take the said A.B. [or F.M.], and
bring him before this court at such time and place as this court
shall direct, in order to his being examined as aforesaid, and in
the meantime him safely to keep or deliver to the Commissioner
of Prisons and forthwith, after such taking and delivery, to report
the same to the court, and obtain its direction or order fixing a
day, time and place for the examination of the said A.B. [or F.M.],
and you the said Commissioner of Prisons to receive the said A.B.
[or F.M.], and. hirn safely keep in prison and in your custbdy to
await the direction or order of the court, and to produce him
before the court at such time and place as shall be specified in
such direction or order, and for so doing this shall be a sufficient
warrant to you and every of you.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 116. [s. 29; rule 28.]
Upon report made to the court the day of
that A.B. has been apprehended under a warrant issued by the
court on the day of , it is ordered that the
Commissioner of Prisons do cause the said A.B. to be brought
in custody before the court sitting on the day of
at o'clock in the noon for examination before the
court, and in the meantime to be safely kept, and afterwards if
the court shall so direct to be taken back to prison and there
safely kept pursuant to the said warrant.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 117. [rule 127.]
For use only in case of assignment by way of security or other charge.
FORM 118. [s. 56; rule 128.]
To A.B.
Take notice that I intend to apply to the court on the
day of , 19 , at o'clock in
the noon, for an order under. section 56 of the
Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition) for the
payment of a part of your pay [or salary or income] to me as
trustee for the benefit of the creditors under your bankruptcy. On
the application you are at liberty to show cause against such order
being made.
Dated this day of 19
G.H., Trustee.
FORM 119. [ss. 56, 57; rule 128.]
Take notice that I intend to apply to the court on the
, day of , 19 , at o'clock in
thenoon for an order pursuant to section 57 of
the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition) that
the whole, or such part as the court may determine, of the income
of the separate property of the said A.B. arising under an indenture
of settlement dated the day of
and made between and
[or as the case may be], notwithstanding the restraint on anticipation
to which such income is subject. may be paid to me as trustee for
distribution among the creditors.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 120. [s. 56 (1).]
Whereas it appears to the court that the bankrupt is [or here
state what the bankrupt, is], and as such is in the enjoyment
of the monthly pay [Or pension, allowance or compensation]
ofdollars; and whereas upon the application of G.H.
of, the trustee of the property of the bankrupt, it
appears to the court just and reasonable that the monthly sum
of dollars, portion of the said pay [or pension,
allowance or compensation] ought to be paid to the said trustee
during the bankruptcy, in order that the same may be applied in
payment of the debts of the bankrupt, and that such payment
ought to be made out of the first moneys which shall be due
after the day of ,19 , and be continued
until the court shall make order to the contrary; it is ordered,
with the consent of His Excellency the Governor, that such portion
of the [here insert pay or pension, allowance or compensation]
shall be paid to the trustee accordingly.,
Dated this day of 19
I consent to the above order.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 121. [s. 56(2).]
Whereas it appears to the court that the bankrupt is in receipt
of or entitled to a salary or income including bonus or commission
and whereas upon the application of the trustee of the property
of the bankrupt and upon hearing the bankrupt it appears to the
court just and reasonable that the monthly sum of
dollars a portion of the said salary or income ought to be paid
by the bankrdpt to the trustee during the bankruptcy in order that
the sum may be applied in payment of the debts of the said
bankrupt and that the first of such payments ought to be made
on the day of ' 19 , and that the
payments ought to be continued monthly until this court shall make
order to the contrary; it is ordered that the said sum shall be
paid by in manner aforesaid out of the
bankrupt's sai.d salary or income.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 122. [s. 57.]
Whereas it has been made to appear to the court that the
bankrupt under and by virtue of an indenture of settlement, dated
the day of , and made between
and [or as the case may be]
is entitled to separate property, the income whereof is subject to
a restraint on anticipation, and whereas upon the application of
the trustee in the bankruptcy and having regard to the means
of subsistence available for the bankrupt and her children it
appears to the court just and reasonable that the whole for the
annual sum of $ part] of such income should be paid
to the trustee in the bankruptcy during the bankruptcy for
distribution among the creditors by equal monthly [or quarterly
or half-yearly] payments of $ ,and that the first of such
payments ought to be made on the day of
19 , and that the payments ought to be continued monthly [o;
quarterly or half-yearly] until the court shall make order to the
contrary. It is ordered that the said income [or part of income]
shall be paid by to the trustee in the bankruptcy
in manner aforesaid.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 123. [s. 59; rule 130.]
Take notice that I intend to disclaim the (a)
dated whereby (b)
was let to the above-named bankrupt at a rent of $
If you require the matter to be brought before the court, you
must give notice thereof to me in writing within seven days of the
receipt by you of this notice.
Dated this day of 19
The landlord of the above-mentioned
FORm 124. [ss. 59, 112 (1);
rule 130.]
Take notice that I intend to disclaim the lease dated
whereby (a)
was let to (b) at a rent of $
If you require the matter to be brought before the court, you
must give notice thereof to me in writing within fourteen days of
the receipt by you of this notice.
Dated this day of 19
The landlord of the above-mentioned
premises and
The sub-tenant, or mortgagee.
FORm 125. [s. 59; rule 130.]
the trustee of the property of the
above-named bankrupt, hereby disclaim the .(a) of
the premises (b) which were let to the above-named
bankrupt (c) at a rent of $ per
Notice of this disclaimer has been given to (d)
Dated this day of , 19
FORM 126. [s. 59; rule 130.]
Pursuant to notice dated the day of 19
addressed to (a) I,
the trustee of the property of the above-named bankrupt, hereby
disclaim the lease dated the day of 19
whereby (b)
were let to (c) at a rent of $ for a
term of
Notice of this disclaimer has been given to (d)
Dated this day of 19
FORM 127. [s. 59; rule 130 ]
Pursuant to an order of court dated the day of
,19 ,I, , the trustee of the
property of the above-named bankrupt, hereby disclaim all interest
in the lease dated the . day of , 19 ,
whereby the premises (a) were demised to
at a rent of $ per annum, for a
term of
Notice of this disclaimer has been given to
Dated this day of 19
FORM 128. [s. 59; rule 130,]
Take notice that, by writing under my hand, bearing date
the day of , 19 , I, , the
trustee of the property of the above-named bankrupt, disclaimed
(a) of the premises known as .(b)
which were let to (c)at a rent of
$ per (d)
The above-mentioned disclaimer has been filed in court with
the proceedings in the bankruptcy [and has been registered in the
Land Office].
Your attention is directed to the provisions of the Bankruptcy
Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Revised Edition), on the back hereof.
Dated this day of 19
NOTE-On the back of this notice the provisions of subsections (2) and (6)
of section 59 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance should appear.
FORM 129. [s. 59; rule 130.]
Take notice that pursuant to an order of court dated the
day of ,19 , I, , the
trustee of the property of the above-named bankrupt, by writing
under my hand bearing date the day of
disclaimed all interest in the lease dated the day of
,19 whereby the premises
were demised to at a rent of
$ per annum, for a term of
The above-mentioned disclaimer has been filed in court with
the proceedings in bankruptcy [and has been registered in the Land
Dated this day of 19
FORM 130. [s. 59; rule 130.]
Trustee of the property of the above-named bankrupt.
I hereby give you notice that the bankrupt was, at the date
of the receiving order, interested as lessee [or as the case may be]
in the property described in the schedule to this notice, and that as
such lessee [or as the case may be] the bankrupt was liable in
respect of [set out nature of the bankrupt's liability] which liability
has devolved on you as trustee in bankruptcy of his property,, and
I hereby require you to bring the matter of your intended disclaimer
of the bankrupt's interest in the said property before the court.
1 am, etc.,
[State how interested in the property.]
SCHEDULE to notice when given by lessor.
FORM 131. [s. 82(3); rule 174.]
I desire to make application to the court for its directions [here
state the particular matter in relation to which they are sought].
Let this application be heard on the day of
at o'clock in the noon, and let the trustee give
notice to [here insert the persons to whom it is to be given].
Dated this day of 19
FORM 132. [s. 82 (3); rule 174.]
Whereas at a court held [or in chambers] this day the trustee
of the property of the bankrupt applied to the court for its directions
[here state the particular matter in relation to which they are
sought]. Now upon hearing C.D., ofon the matter,
it is ordered[here set out the order], and that the
trustee do pay out of the property of the bankrupt the sum of
the costs of this order, [and the sum of
to C.D. for his costsl or that C.D. do pay the sum of
the costs of this ordeA.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 133. [s. 97 (2).]
On the application of and on hearing
it is ordered that the following issues of fact be tried with a
jury on [Add any other necessary directions].
Dated this day of 19
FORM 134. [rule 144.]
I, C.D of [or We, C.D., of and E.F. of
I hereby petition the court that an order be made for
the administration in bankruptcy of the estate of the late [here
insert name and description of deceased debtor] who died on the
day of ,19 , and say-
1. That the said A.B. for the greater part of the six months
next preceding his decease resided [or carried on business] within
the jurisdiction of this court [or as the case may be].
. 2.That the estate if the said A.B. is justly and truly indebted
to me [or us in the aggregate] in the sum of $ [set out
amount of debt or debts and the consideration].
3. That [I] do not nor does any person on [my] behalf hold
any security on the said deceased debtor's estate, or on any part
thereof, etc. [or as in Form No. 10, Creditor's petition].
4. That the estate of the said A.B. is according to my informa-
tion and belief insufficient to pay his debts.
5. That the will of the said. A.B. was on the day of
19 proved by J.S., of and
G.H., of
That letters of administration were on the day of
G.H., . of 19 granted to J.S., of and
That no probate or administration in respect of the said estate
has been applied for.
Dated this day of 19
Signed by the petitioner in my presence.
Signature of witness.
This petition having been presented to the court on the
day of 19 , it is ordered that this petition shall
be heard at on the day of 19
at o'clock in the noon.
If you, the said J.S. or G.H., intend to show cause against
the petition, you must file with the Official Receiver a notice showing
the grounds upon which you intend to show cause, and post a copy
of the notice to the petitioner or his solicitor, in each case three
days before the day on which the petition is to be heard.
FORM 135. [s. 112 (9); rule 144.]
I, C.D., of [or We, C.D., of and E.F., of
], hereby petition the court that an order be made for
the administration in bankruptcy of the estate of the late [here
insert name and description of deceased debtor], who died on the
day of 19 and say-
1. That I am the Official Administrator of the estate [or we
are] the legal personal representative [or representatives] of the
said [debtor] and that his will was on the day of
19 , proved by [or that letters of administration of
his estate were on the day of 19 granted
2. That the said [debtor] for the greater part of the six
months next preceding his decease resided [or carried on business]
within the jurisdiction of the court [or as the case may be].
3. That the estate of [debtor] is according to my [or our]
information and belief insufficient to pay his debts.
Signed by the petitioner in my presence.
Signature of witness.
FORM 136. [s. 112 (4); rule 146.]
Upon the petition of C.D., dated and numbered
of 19 and upon reading and
hearing it is ordered that the estate of A.B.,
of , who died insolvent, be administered in
bankruptcy, and that the Official Receiver be the trustee, and the
costs of this application be
Dated this day of 19
FORM 137. [s. 94; rule 169.]
Statement showing position of estate at date of application for
...............$ C.
(b) preferential........ ... ... ...
(b) unsecured....... ... ... ... ...
The debtor's estimate of amount expected to rank for dividend
was $
Assets not yet realized are estimated to produce $
[Add here any special remarks which the trustee thinks
Creditors can obtain any further information by inquiry at the
office of the trustee.
Dated this day of 19
FORm 138. [s. 67; rule 123.]
A (a) dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter.
You are mentioned in the debtor's statement of affairs, but you have
not yet proved your debt.
If you do not prove your debt by the day of
19 ' you will be excluded from this dividend.
Dated this day of 19
FoRm 139. [s. 67; rule 123.]
Take notice that a final dividend is intended to be declared
in the above matter, and that if you do not establish your claim
to the satisfaction of the court on or before the day of
' 19 , or such later day as the court may fix,.
your claim will be expunged, and I shall proceed to make a final
dividend without regard to such claim.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 140.
Notice is hereby given that a composition is intended to be
paid in the above matter.
Your name is included in the list of creditors in the debtor's
statement of allairs, but you have not yet proved your debt.
The last day for receiving proofs is the day
of 19
Dated this day of 19
Official Receiver.
. FROM 141. [s. 67; rule 123.]
(Please bring this dividend notice with you).
Dividend of per cent
Notice is hereby given that a dividend of
per cent has been declared in this matter, and that the same may
be received at my office, as above, on the
day of ,19 or on any subsequent
between the hours of and
Upon applying for payment this notice must be produced entire
together with any bills of exchange, promissory notes or other
negotiable securities held by you. If you do not attend personally
you must fill up and sign the subjoined forms of receipt and
authority, when a cheque or money order payable to your order
will be delivered in accordance with the authority.
Dated this day of 19
(Signed) G.H.,
Received of the sum of dollars
and cents, being the amount payable to me/us in
respect of the dividend of per cent
on my/our claim against this estate.
(Creditor's signature)
Please deliver (a) to me/us by post, at my/our risk or (a)
to the bearer, Mr. the cheque or money
order for the dividend payable to me/us in this matter.
(Creditor's signature)
(Date) 19
FORM 142. [s. 73.]
I, F.K., of , make application to this court for
an order to be made upon the trustee to pay the dividend in this
bankruptcy due to me, with interest thereon for the time it has
been withheld from me, that is to say, from the
day of 19 , on which day I applied to the
trustee for its payment to me, and also to pay to me the costs of
this application.
Dated this day of 19
Upon the reading of this application, and upon hearing
it is ordered that the trustee do forthwith pay
to the said F.K. the sum of dollars, the amount of
such dividend.
And it is further ordered that the trustee do pay to the said
creditor at the same time the sum of, for interest
on such dividend, being at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, for
the time that its payment has been withheld, together with a
further sum of for the costs of this application.
Dated this day of ,19
[If the court does not order payment, then after the words it is
ordered insert the order inade.]
FORM 143.
I hereby request that You will, within seven days of this date
or such further time as the court may grant, deliver to me for
taxation by the Registrar your bill of costs [or charges] as
(a) failing which I shall, in pursuance of
the Ordinance, proceed to declare and distribute a dividend without
regard to any claim you may have against me or against the estate
of the debtor.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 144.
I hereby certify-
1. That I have taxed the bill of costs of the
debtor's solicitor, for filing the petition herein, and have allowed the
same at the sum of dollars and cents.
2. That the deposit of paid to the Official Receiver
on the filing of the petition (a)included in the above
mentioned sum.
3. That credit has been given in the said bill for the sum
-of received on account of such costs.
Dated this day of 19
FORM 145. [rule 190.]
We, the undersigned, members of the Committee of inspection
in the matter of , a bankrupt, hereby certify that
we have examined the foregoing account with the vouchers, and
that to the best of our knowledge and belief the said account
contains a full, true and complete account of the trustee's receipts
and payments on account of the estate.
Dated this day of 19
C.D. Committee of Inspection.
FORM 146. [ss. 89, 93;
rule 191 (3).]
I, G.H., of , the trustee of the property of the
above-named bankrupt, make oath and say-
That the account hereunto annexed marked B contains a full
and true account of my receipts and payments on account of the
bankrupt's estate from the day of to
the day of inclusive, *and that I have not,
nor has any other person by my order or for my use during such
period, received or paid any moneys on account of the said estate
*other than and except the items mentioned and specified in the
said account.
Sworn at, etc.
G.H., Trustee.
FORM 147. [rule 168.]
G.H., the trustee of the property of the bankrupt in account
with the estate.
Date Date $
G.H., Trustee.
We have examined this account with the vouchers and find the
same correct, and we are of opinion that the expenditure has been
Dated this day of 19
Committee of Inspection.
[or Member of the Committee of Inspection.]
FORM 148. [rule 168.]
Dr. Cr.
Stock on hand on daySales
of . 19...................Other receipts, if any
Purchases .........Stock on hand on day
Trade expenses, viz- of 19......
Rent and taxes
Wages ..............
Miscellaneous ....
Balance being profit .........
G.H., Trustee.
NOTE-This account to be submitted when the committee of inspection require,
and in any case at the end of the trading business carried on by the trustee.
FORM 149. [rule 168.]
I, G.H., of the trustee of the property of the
above-named bankrupt, make oath and say that the account hereto
annexed is a full, true and complete account of all money received
and paid by me or by any person on my behalf in respect of the
carrying on of the trade or business of the bankrupt, and that the
sums paid by me as set out in such account have, as I believe,
been necessarily expended in carrying on such trade or business.
Sworn at, etc.
G.H., Trustee.
FORM 150. [s. 88; rule 176.]
Receipts. Payments.
Date. Of whom Nature of Amount. Date. To whom Nature of Amount.
received. receipt.paid.payment.
$ $
Dated this day of 19
FORM 151. [rule 182.]
I, of make oath and say as
1. The account hereunto annexed marked with the letter 'A',
produced and shown to me at the time of swearing this my affidavit,
and purporting to be my account as special manager of the estate
or business of the above-named debtor, contains a true account of
all and every sums and sum of money received by me or by' any
other person or persons by my order or to my knowledge or belief
for my use on account or in respect of the said estate or business.
2. The several sums of money mentioned in the said account
hereby verified to have been paid or allowed have been actually
and truly so paid and allowed for the several purposes in the
said account mentioned.
3. The said account is just and true in all and every the
items and particulars therein contained according to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Sworn, etc.
FORM 152. [s. 94; rule 169.]
Take notice that I, the undersigned trustee [or late trustee]
of the property of the bankrupt, intend to apply to the court
for my release, and further take notice that any objection you
may have to the granting of my release must be notified to the
court within twenty-one days of the date hereof.
A summary of my receipts and payments as trustee is here
Dated this day of 19
NOTE-Subsection (3) of section 94 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 6
of the Revised Edition), enacts that 'An order of the court releasing the trustee
siliall discharge him from all liability in respect of any act done or default made
by him in the administration of the affairs of the bankrupt, or otherwise in relation
to his conduct as trustee, but any such order may be revoked on proof that it was
obtained by fraud or by suppression or concealment of any material fact.' _
FORM 153. [s. 94; rule 169.]
I, G.H., the trustee of the property of the bankrupt, do hereby
report to the court as follows-:-
1. That the whole of the property of the bankrupt has been
realized for the benefit of his creditors [and a dividend to the
amount ofper cent has been paid as shown by the
statement hereunto annexed];
[or That so much of the property of the bankrupt as can,
according to the joint opinion of myself and the committee of
inspection, hereunto annexed in writing under our hands, be
realized without needlessly protracting the bankruptcy, has been
realized as shown by the statement hereunto annexed, and a dividend
to the amount of per cent has been paid];
[or That a composition (or scheme) under section 25 of the
Bankruptcy Ordinance has been duly approved by the court.]
2. I therefore request the court to grant me a certificate of
Dated this day of 19
FORM 154. [s. 38 (6).]
Notice is hereby given that there being in the hands of the
trustee in the above bankruptcy a surplus estimated at $
arising from the separate estate of [name of separate partner]
one of the bankrupts, and there being. no separate creditors of
such bankrupt, it is the intention of such trustee, at the expiration
of days from the appearance of this notice in
the Gazette, to transfer such surplus to the credit of the joint
estate in the said bankruptcy.
Dated this day of 19
PART II. [rule 31.]
1. The scale of costs and the amount and the mode of taxa-
tion thereof shall be that applicable from time to time in the
original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
2. In respect of business connected with sales, purchases,
leases, mortgages and other matters of conveyancing, and in respect
of other business not being business transacted in court or in
chambers, and not being otherwise contentious business, the soli-
citor's remuneration shall (in the absence of any agreement to the
contrary) be regulated by the conveyancing scale charges for the
time being in force: Provided that, in cases of sales of mortgaged
properties, the trustee's solicitor shall be entitled to percentage only
upon so much of the proceeds of sale as shall not be chargeable
by the mortgagee's solicitor with the percentage, and such per-
centage shall be payable only out of the proceeds of sale.
3. All court fees and other proper disbursements shall be
allowed in addition to the remuneration in the authorized scale.
4. Extra allowance for length of sittings, or other increased
allowances not inconsistent with the scale, may be allowed: Pro-
vided that any such allowances shall have been ordered and certified
by the court at the time, or all such charges shall be disallowed.
5. Vouchers shall be produced on taxation for all payments,
or such payments shall be disallowed.
6. As to all fees or allowances which are discretionary, the
same are, unless otherwise provided, to be allowed at the discretion
of the Registrar, who in the exercise of such discretion is to take
into consideration other fees and allowances to the solicitor and
counsel, if any, in respect of the work to which any such allowance
applies, the nature and importance of the matter, the amount
involved, the interest of the parties, the estate or person to bear
the costs, the general conduct and costs of the proceedings, and
all other circumstances.
7. The allowances to witnesses in bankruptcy proceedings in
the court shall be in accordance with those from time to time
ordinarily made in proceedings in the original jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court.
[s. 114.] [18th Nov., 1932.]
1...........Declaration by a debtor of inability to pay his
debts, filing of ...............2.00
2.........................Bankruptcy notice 5.00
3........................Bankruptcy petition 50.00
4................Bond with sureties, including filing 6.00
5.......Affidavit other than proof of debts, including filing 2.00
6...............Subpoena, or summons under section 29 .50
7.................Marking exhibit, including filing .50
8............Proof of debt above $20, including filing . 1.00
9.....................Petition under section 112 50.00
10. (a) Application for an order of discharge including
expenses of gazetting .......25.00
(b) and for each creditor to be notified .50
11. Application for search other than by petitioner,
trustee, bankrupt or any officer of the court 1.00
12. Application to the court, except by the Official
Receiver when acting either as Official Receiver
or trustee, and except where otherwise
specifically provided for ........4.00
13. Order of the court, including filing 5.00
14. Office copy, each folio of 72 words .50
15. Allocatur by the Registrar for any costs, charges
or ffisbursements-
Where the amount allowed does not exceed $100 4.00
Where the amount exceeds $100-
for the first $100 .........4.00
for every additional $100 or fraction thereof 1.00
16. Application to the Registrar for payment of money
out of the Bankruptcy Estates Account 2.00
17. On every application to the court to approve a composition
a fee computed at the following rates on the gross amount of
the composition, i.e. $15 on every $1,000 or fraction of $1,000 up
to $50,000, and $7.50 on every $1,000 or fraction of $1,000 beyond
18. On every application to the court to approve a scheme of
arrangenient-a fee computed at the following rates on the gross
amount of the estimated assets (but not exceeding the gross amount
of the unsecured liabilities), i.e. $15 on every $1,000 or fraction
of $1,000 up to $50,000, and $7.50 on every $1,000 or fraction of
$1,000 beyond $50,000:
Provided that where a fee has been taken on a previous applica-
tion to the court to approve a composition or scheme, or where
a fee has been paid under this table on the account submitted
for audit, seven-eighths of the amount thereof shall be deducted
from the fee payable on an application to approve a composition
or scheme.
19. On every application for release by a trustee-a fee of
$2.50 on every $1,000 or fraction of $1,000 of assets realized and
brought to credit.
20. Registration of assignment of book debts under rule
(a) On producing original assignment, filing $
attested copy thereof and certified translation
(when necessary) in the English language,
including registering and marking original 1.00
(b) Every search or official certificate of th~' result
of a search in one name in any register or
index in the custody of the Registrar . 1.00
(c) For every additional name if included in the
same certificate ........................................... .50
(d) For a duplicate copy of certificate if not more
than 3 folios ......- .50
(e) For every additional folio ..--- ---------------- .50
(f)On filing certificate (in English) or other
evidence of satisfaction to the approval of the
Registrar ..................1.00
1. On the net assets realized or brought to credit by the
Official Receiver, whether acting as interim receiver, receiver or
trustee, or by a trustee other than the Official Receiver, after
deducting any sums paid to secured creditors in respect of their
securities, and not being. assets realized by a special manager or
moneys received and spent in carrying on the business of the
debtor, and on the net assets realized by an Official Receiver when
acting as trustee, or by a trustee other than the Official Receiver
to administer a debtor's property under a composition or scheme,
after deducting any sums paid to secured creditors in respect of
their securities, and not being moneys received and spent in carrying
on business of a debtor, a percentage according to the following
On the first $10,000..or fraction thereof ......... 7 1/2 per cent.
' ' next 15,000 .... 6 ' '
1125,000 ............. 4 1/2 ' '
1150,000 ............. 3 ' '
On all further sums .........2 ' '
Provided that where the assets realized or any part thereof
consist of the profit on exchange contracts the following percent-
ages shall be payable in respect of the net amount realized by
such contracts-
(a) Realized ..................2 1/2 per cent.
(b) Set off ...................1 ' '
2. On the amount distributed to creditors by the Official
Receiver or any other trustee, when acting as trustee under a
On the first $ 5,000 or fraction thereof 3 per cent.
next 5,000 ..................2 1/2 ' '
10,000 ......................1 1/2 ' '
On all further sums
3. On the amount distributed in dividend by the Official
Receiver, or any other trustee, when acting otherwise than as trustee
under a composition-
On the first $10,000 or fraction thereof..... 3 3/4 per cent.
next 15,000 ...... 3 per cent.
25,000 .............2 1/2 per cent.
50,000 .........
On all further sums . .......................................
4. For the Official Receiver acting as interim receiver of the
property of a debtor, in addition to the percentage chargeable on
realizations, on every order ....$45.00
and in addition, where the order is in force for a
longer period than fourteen days, for every seven
days after the first fourteen, and for every fraction
of seven days ...............15.00
5. For each notice by the Official Receiver to a creditor of
a first or any other meeting, or sitting of the court-
Where bhe estimated value of the assets exceeds
$1,000 each notice ..............50 cents.
Where the estimated value of the assets does
not exceed $1,000-
On the first twenty notices each notice 50
For each notice above twenty ....25
Each notice by the Official Receiver to a creditor
of an adjourned meeting or an adjourned
sitting of the court ............25
6. For the Official Receiver supervising a special menager or
the carrying on of a debtor's business, where the estimated assets
exceed $1,000-a fee according to the following scale-
$ c.
If the gross assets are estimated by the Official
Receiver..............not to exceed $5,000 15.00
If to exceed $ 5,000 but not to exceed $ 50,000 30.00
' ' 50,000 ' ' 100,000 45.00
' ' 100,000 ' ' 200,000 60.00
' ' 200,000 ..................................... 75.00
7. Travelling, keeping possession and other reasonable
expenses of Official Receiver or trustee-the amount disbursed.
8. For official stationery, printing, books, forms and postages
-each estate-
.....................................$ c.
for every ten applications to debtors to an estate,
or fraction of ten ..................1.50
Where the estimated assets exceed $1,000-
for every ten creditors or fraction of ten 7.50
Where the estimated assets do not exceed $1,000---
for every ten creditors or fraction of, ten up to
twenty ..............................7.50
for every ten creditors or fraction of ten above
twenty ..............................3.75
9. A fee according to the following scale on the gross amount
of the assets realized and brought to credit shall be paid-
(a)in respect of estates in which the Official Receiver acts as
trustee, when he accounts to the court under subsection
(3) of section 78 of the Ordinance;
(b)in respect of estates in which the Official Receiver is not
acting as trustee, when the trustee sends his accounts to
the Official Receiver under subsection (1) of section 93
of the Ordinance.
$15 on every $1,000 or fraction of $1,000 up to $50,000
$7.50 on every $1,000 or fraction of $1,000 beyond $50,000:
Provided that where a fee has been taken on an application
to approve a composition or scheme of arrangement, seven-eighths
of the, amount thereof shall be deducted from the fee. ,
10. On every payment of money out of the Bankruptcy Estate
Account-20 cents on each $10 or fraction of $10 to be charged
as follows-
When the money consists of unclaimed dividends-on each
dividend paid out.
When the money consists of undistributed funds or balances
-on the amount paid out.
TABLE C. [rule 181.]
Scale of allowances to auctioneers, accountants
and special managers.
All the following charges shall be subject to reduction by
agreement with the Official Receiver or the trustee.
Pure personal property. $
For inventory only and one copy (not exceeding
5 folios) .........................15.00
For every additional folio beyond 5 up to 20 and
one copy ..........................1.00
For each folio above 20 and one copy .75
For inventory and valuation-
On the first $1,000 .........2 1/2 per cent.
' ' next 4,000 ............1
Above $ 5,000 up to $100,000 ... 1 3/4 ' '
' 100,000 .......................................... 1/2 ' '
For sales by private contract based on the valuation-half the
above charges for inventory and valuation.
For sales by auction, in addition to suzh out-of-pocket expenses
as may be authorized at the time by the Official Receiver or
On the first $1,000 ...........6 per cent.
next 4,000 ....................5
5,000 .........................4
Aove,' $10','000 ..... 2 1/2
For sales by auction of leasehold property including prior
valuations, for determining amount of reserve bids; and for sale,
by private contract, to include prior valuation-
On the first $ 3,000 5 per cent.
next 17,000 .......2 1/2 ' '
Above $20,000 up to $50,000 1 1/2 ' '
' 50,000 ............1 ' '
For valuation of leasehold property and reporting thereon-a
fee to be fixed by agreement but not to exceed-
On the first $10,000 ..........1 per cent.
' ' next 90,000 ................ 1/2 ' '
Above $100,000 ................ 1/4 ' '
Cost of surveys, dilapidations and specifications-in discretion
of caxing officer, $25 to $100.
The foregoing charges to be in addition to such out-of-pocket
expenses as may be authorized at the time by the Official Receiver
or trustee.
An architect or auctioneer who uses his own motor car or
motor cycle, instead of travelling by railway or hired vehicles,
shall be entitled if the taxing officer is satisfied that such user
was reasonable to an allowance not exceeding 25 cents per mile.
Fees for services not provided for in the scale may be fixed
by agreement with the trustee and the consent of the committee
of inspection.
3-Special manager's and accountant's charges.
Where the employment of a special manager or accountant has
been duly sanctioned, and in the absence of any special arrange-
ment with the Official Receiver or the trustee for a smaller amount,
the following charges may be allowed-
For carrying on a business and supervising
same and all accounting, collecting and
realizing assets in respect thereof or pre-
paring balance sheet, investigating
accounts, etc-principal's time, exclusively
so employed, per day of six hours,
including - necessary affidavit verifying
accounts . ......................100 to 175
Chartered or Incorporated Accountants other
than principals .................75 ' 100
Chief clerk's time ..............20 ' 45
Other clerk's time, per day of seven hours 5 ' 20
These charges shall include stationery, except the forms used.
N.B.-Only the minimum charges will be allowed as a rule, unless there is good
reason for increasing them, such as the difficulty and unusual nature of the
business to be carried on, the complexity of negotiations or other similar
(Ordinance No. 1 of 1883).
No subsidiary legislation.
(Ordinance No. 2 Of 1889).
No subsidiary legislation.
Regulations-Fraser, vol. 3, p. 1146. Short title. R1. Interpretations. R3. Computation of time. R4. (Cap. 6). Use of forms in Appendix. R5. Matters to be heard in court. R6. Adjournment from chambers to court and vice versa. R9. (Cap. 6) Proceedings, how intituled. R10. Form 1. (Cap. 6) Records of the court. R12. Notices to be in writing. R13. (Cap. 6.) Meetings summoned by court. R15. Form 39. Filing gazetting, etc. R17. (Cap. 6) Preparation of order. R37. Forms 70, 78, 80, 85 to 92. Security by bond. R38. Form 19. Amount of bond. R39. Deposit in lieu of bond. R40. Money lodged in court. R41. Security of guarantee society. R42. Notice of sureties. R43. Form 20. Justification by sureties. R44. Form 21. Execution of bond. R45. Notice of deposit. R46. Application of section 125. R48. (Cap. 6). Shorthand notes, etc. R67. Forms 55 to 58. Discovery R73. [r. 24 cont.] Examination under section 29. R74. Forms 112 to 114. (Cap. 6) To whom warrants addressed. R80. Forms 105, 108 to 110, 115. Custody and production of debtor. R81. Form 110. Execution of warrant. R82. Form 115. Form 116. Application to commit, B83. Forms 94 to 97. Notice and hearing of application. R84. Forms 98 to 100, 104. (cap. 6) Regulations as to costs. R103. Solicitor's costs in case of petition by debtor. R105. certificate of employment. R109. Notice of appointment. R112. Lodgment of bill. R113. Copy of bill. R114. Applications for costs. R115. Costs of shorthand notes. R118. (Cap. 6) Disallowance of costs of unnecessary petition. R119. Apportionment of costs in case of partnership. R120. Costs and of joint and separate estates. R121. [r. 41 cont.] Form of declaration. R136. Form 2. Issue of notice. R138. Forms 4, 5. Indorsement of address, etc. R140. Form 8. Application to set aside. R141 Form 8. Duration of notice. R142. Service of notice. R143. Forms 7, 15, 16. Setting aside notice. R144 Form 9. Description and address of debtor. R146. Form 3. [r. 49 cont.] Attestation. R148. Deposit by petitioner. R149. (Cap. 6.) Registration of petition in Land Office or District Land Office. Registration of petition in Land Officer or District Land Office against partner. Security for costs. R150. (Cap. 6) Verification. R151. Forms 10 to 12. Who to verify. R152. Joint petitioners. R153. Service R155 Form 14. Death of debtor before service of petition. R159. Form and contents of order. R161. Form 13. Deposit. R162. Further deposit necessary. R163. Repayment of deposit. R164. [cf. Cap. 6, s. 37.] Damages if petition dismissed. R165. Time of hearing. R167. Several respondents. R168. Debtor intending to show cause. R169 Form 17. Non-appearance of debtor. R170 Forms 23, 25, 26. Hearing of petition. R171. Non-appearance of creditor. R172. Application to withdraw petition. Registration of receiving order or order of adjudication in Land Office or District Land Office. Registration of receiving order or order of adjudication in Land Office, or District Land Office, against partner. Service of receiving order. R182. Forms 25, 26 Service where debtor abroad. R183. Receiving order on bankruptcy notice. R184. Stay of proceedings. R185. Advertisement. R186. Form 27. Costs of petition, etc. R187 (Cap. 6.) Application to rescind order, to stay proceedings thereunder or to annual adjudication R182. Forms 18, 19, 79. Application by Official Receiver. Report by Official Receiver on application to rescind receiving order or annul adjudication. R188A. How made out. R189. Form 28. Extension of time. R190. (Cap. 6). Adjournments sine die. R195. Application to proceed. R196. Proceeding after adjournment sine die. R197. Notice of proceeding after adjournment sine die. R198. Form 54. Public examination or debtor who is a lunatic, etc. R199. Forms 60, 61. (Cap. 6.) Application. R227. Forms 81 to 84. Appeals. R229. (Cap. 6) Report of Official Receiver. R230. Evidence in answer to report. R231. Costs of application. R232. Orders conditional on consent to judgment. R233. Forms 90 to 92. Order. R234. Forms 85 to 89. Gazetting order. R235. Execution on judgment in case of conditional discharge. R236. Accounts of after-acquired property. R237. Verification of statements of after-acquired property. R238 Form 93. Application for modification of order. R239. Notice to debtor of first meeting. R240 Forms 29, 35, 39. Notice of first meeting. R241 Forms 30, 31, 39, 40. Notices of other meetings. R242 Forms 31, 32, 43, 44. Non-reception of notice by creditor. R243. Notice to Official Receiver of creditors' meetings. R244. Proof of notice. R245 Forms 33, 34, 41, 42. Cost of creditors' meetings. R246 Adjournment R248 Form 37. Quorum R249. Swearing of proof. R250 Forms 46, 47. Workmen's wages. R251 Form 48. Production of bills of exchange and promissory notes. R252. Time for lodging proofs. R253. Transmission of proofs to trustee. R254. Time for admission or rejection of proofs by Official Receiver. R259 Form 49. Time for admission or rejection of proof by trustee. R260. Form 49. Notice of admission of proof R261. Appeal form refection of proof. R262. Costs of appeals form decisions as to proofs. R263. Filing of proxies. R264 Forms 50, 51. Signature of proxy. R265 Filling in when creditor blind, etc. R266. Minors not to be proxies. R267. Notice of intended dividend. R268 Forms 138, 139, 141. [r. 123 cont.] Production of bills, notes, etc. R269. (cap. 19) Dividend may be sent by post. R270. Payment of dividends to a nominee. R271. Form of register. Form 117. (Cap. 6) Notice to bankrupt of application. R272. Forms 118, 119. (Cap. 6) Review of order. R275. [r. 129 cont.] Disclaimer of lease. R276 Forms 123 to 130. Public officer or agent of company, etc. R277. Attestation of firm signature. R278. Debtor's petition by firm. R281. [r. 133 cont.] Creditor's petition by firm. Creditor's petition against firm. Petition by limited partnership. [cf. R283] (Cap. 37) Statement of affairs. R287. First Meeting. R291. Acceptance of composition, etc., by joint and separate creditors. R292. Voting on composition. R293. Adjudication. Trustee. R294. (Cap. 6.) Separate firms. R295 Lunatics. R297 [r. 143 cont.] (Cap. 6) verification of petition. R299 forms 134, 135. Deposit. Gazetting R300 Form 136. Service. R301. Duties of executor, etc. R302. [r. 148 cont.] Meetings of creditors. Trustees, etc. R304. Duties as to debtor's statement of affairs. R311 Form 28. Subsistence allowance to debtor. R312. Special report as to person employed to assist debtor. R313. (cap. 6) Use of proxies by deputy. R314. Registrar to act in sudden emergency. R317. Removal of special manager. R318. Mode of application to court. R319. Evidence on application by Official Receiver. R320. [r. 157 cont.] Application of directions. R321. (Cap. 6.) Accounting by Official Receiver. R323. Accounts of debtor. R325. Liability for costs, expenses and damages. R326. [r. 161 cont.] Notice of appointment. R327. Grounds for refusing to appoint. R330. (Cap. 6.) Removal for failing to keep up or increase security. R331. Removal by court, R332. Notice of resignation. R333. Limit of remuneration. R335. Trustee carrying on business. R337. Forms 147 to 149. Application for release. R338. Forms 137, 152, 153. Gazetting of lease. R150. Delivery of books, etc., on release of trustee. R340. Meeting to consider removal of trustee. R341. Bank account. R342. [r. 173 cont.] Application for directions. R344. Forms 131, 132. Creditor may obtain copy of trustee's accounts. R345. Statements of accounts to be furnished to creditors. R346. Form 150. (Cap. 6) Purchase of part of estate by trustee or committee forbidden. R347. Dealings with estate by trustee and committee of inspection. R348. Discharge of costs, etc., before estate handed over to trustee. R349. (Cap. 6) [r. 179 cont.] Meetings of creditors to consider conduct or trustee. R350. Remuneration of special manager. R351. Accounts. R352, Form 151. Standing security to Registrar. R353. Gazetting notices. R354. Re-gazetting. R355. Gazetting annulment of order already gazetted. R356. Record of minutes, etc., R360. [r. 187 cont.] cash book. R361. Books to be submitted to committee of inspection. R362. Audit of cash book. R363. Form 145. Official Receiver's audit of trustee's accounts. R364. Form 146. Accounts to be filed. R365. Affidavit of no receipts. R366. Proceedings on resignation, etc., of trustee. R367. Joint and separate estates accounts. R368. Expenses of sales. R369. Allowance to debtor. R370. (Cap. 6). Application for payment out by party entitled. R372. Accounts by trustees of unclaimed funds. R373. Falsification of documents. R382. No lien on debtor's books. R383. Disposal of bankrupt's books and papers. R284. Non-compliance with rules. R385. Abridgment or enlargement of time. R386. Saving for existing laws, etc. R387. (Cap. 6). (Cap. 4, rules) (a) Insert the other address or addresses at which unsatisfied debts or liabilities may have been incurred. (a) Insert description, name and address of judgment debtor. (b) 'me' or as the case may be. (c) or solicitor of the judgment creditor. (a) Strike out such of the grounds authorized. (b) Insert name of creditor. (c) 'him' or 'them'. (d) 'his' or 'their'. (e) Name of creditor. (f) Name and address of solicitor suing out the notice or 'This notice is sued out by in person.' (a) Insert name of debtor. (b) insert present address and description of debtor. (c) Insert address or addresses at which the debtor has lately resided or carried on business. Note.-The address at which the debtor was residing or carrying on business when the petitioning creditor's debt was incurred should in all cases appear in the petition (see rule 49.) (a) Add this in case of a petition. Sheet 'L' should be substituted for any one or more of such of the sheets named as will have to be returned blank. Strike out words which do not apply. (1) This date should be twelve months before date of receiving order, or such other time as Official Receiver may have fixed. (2) this schedule must show when debts were contracted. (3) Specify all dependants. (4) here add particulars of other losses or expenses (if any), including liabilities (it any) for which no consideration received. (5) Strike out words which do not apply. (6) These figures should agree. (a) Strike out such of the grounds as are not applicable. (a) Here insert 'has not been lodged' or 'has been lodged.' (a) Insert here if necessary 'adjourned'. (a) Insert here if necessary 'adjourned'. (a) 'first' or as the case may he. (b) Here state reason for adjournment. [Here insert purpose for which meeting called] (a) 'trustee' or 'Official Receiver.' (a) Insert here 'the time and place of a general meeting or adjourned general meeting' or as the case may be. (a) Insert here 'the time and place of a general meeting or adjourned general meeting' or as the case may be. (a) Here insert the number of matter, and the name of debtor, as given on the notice of meeting. (b) Fill in full name, address and occupation of deponent. If proof made by creditor strike out clauses(c and (d). If made by clerk of creditor strike out (d). If by clerk or agent of company strike out (c). (e) Insert 'me' or in case of a firm 'me and C.D. and E.F. my co-partners trading as', or if by clerk, insert name, address and description of principal. Debt....$ : Contra ...$ : $ : NOTE THIS (f) State consideration, as - Goods sold and delivered by me [and my said partner] to him [or them] at his [or their] request between the dates of [or moneys advanced by me in respect of the undermentioned bill of exchange], or as the case may be. *Strike out the words not applicable. (g) 'my said partners of any of them' or 'the above-named creditor', as the case may be. (a) Fill in full name address and occupation of deponent. (b) the above-named debtor or the foreman of the above named debtor or on behalf of the workmen and others. employed by the above-named debtor. (c) I or the said. (d) my employ or the employ of the above-named debtor. (e) me or the above named debtor (a) If proof wholly rejected strike out words underlined. (b) 21 days or 7 day as the case may be . See Rules 117 and 123(2). (a) If a firm write 'we' instead of 'I' and set out the full name of the firm. (b) Here insert either 'Mr. of ' or clerk, manager etc., in my regular employ'or the Official receiver. The standing or the person appointed must be clearly set out. (c) 'my' or 'our' (d) See footnote 1. (e) If a firm, sign the firm's trading title, and add 'by A.B., a partner in the said firm'. As to signature by agent, see footnotes 2 and 3. (f) It is not intended that the Official receiver shall in any case receive dividends on behaof of a creditor. (g) The official receiver or trustee may require the authority to sign to be produced for his inspection. (a) If a firm write 'we' instead of 'I' and set out the full name of the firm. (b) Here insert either 'Mr. of ' or the Official receiver. (c) 'my ' or 'our'. (d) Here insert the word'for' or the word 'against' as the case may require and specify the particular resolution or name of proposed trustee, remuneration. or other matter. (e) If a firm, sign the firm's trading title, and add 'by A.B., partner in the said firm' As to signature by agent see footnotes 2 and 3. (f) The Official Receiver or trustee may require the authority to sign to be produced for his inspection. (a) Insert here word 'further' if necessary. [Set out any further order of the court.] (a) Insert name and address of applicant, and the capacity in which he makes the application. (b) State what the disability is. (a) Insert name and address of applicant, and the capacity in which he makes the application. (b) The part of the order to be adapted to the circumstances of the case. (c) Insert place of examination. (d) Insert name of any other person authorized by the court to attend. (a) To be signed by the debtor, or in the case of joint debtors, to be signed in the firm name by such of the debtors as the Official Receiver shall require. (a) To be signed by the debtor, or in the case of joint debtors, to be signed in the firm name by such of the debtors as the Official Receiver shall require. (a) 'composition' or 'scheme of arrangement. (b) 'the prescribed notices cannot be given'; or 'the moneys or securities required for the said (a) have not been lodged'; or as the case may be. (a) Notice of this application was on the day of , 19, sent by post addressed to the debtor. Or the debtor has consented, in writing to the court adjudging him bankrupt. (a) Here state particulars of the finding of the court. Where debtor does not submit to examination. Where debtor fails to attend a meeting other than the first. Where debtor fails to execute a deed. Where debtor fails to attend a meeting other than the first or to execute a deed. Where debtor fails to obey special orders of court. Where debtor has failed to deliver up property. (a) Here insert the full address or addresses. (b) 'the said Official Receiver [or trustee] at' or otherwise as the court may direct. (a) State any particular documents required, e.g. all ledgers and books of account, invoices, statements of account, letters, books, papers and documents of every kind, in any manner relating to your dealings and transactions with A.B. a bankrupt, touching a debt alleged to be due by you to the due bankrupt's estate amounting to the sum of $ (a) lease or tenancy as the case may be. (b) Here specify property let. (a) Here insert particulars of demised property. (b) the above-named bankrupt or as the case may be. (a) lease dated the or as the case may be. (b) Insert description of the property. (c) a tenancy or for a term of years or as the case may be. (d) Insert names and addresses of persons to whom notice given. (a) Here insert names and addresses of persons to whom notice of intention to disclaim has been given. (b) Here insert particulars of demised property. (c) the above-named bankrupt or as the case may be. (d) Insert names and addresses of persons to whom notice of disclaimer has been given. (a) Insert description of the property disclaimed. (a) the lease dated the day or or as the case may be. (b) Insert description of property disclaimed. (c) on a tenancy or for a term of years or as the case may be. (d) Add where necessary pursuant to notice dated the day of , 19 (a) 1st or as the case may be. (b) Insert number of creditors. (a) Insert here first or second or final or as the case may be. (a) Strike out word inapplicable. If not to be sent by post strike out words in italics, and insert the name of the person who is to receive the cheque or money order. (a) Here state capacity in which person employed or engaged. (a) is or is not.
Regulations-Fraser, vol. 3, p. 1146. Short title. R1. Interpretations. R3. Computation of time. R4. (Cap. 6). Use of forms in Appendix. R5. Matters to be heard in court. R6. Adjournment from chambers to court and vice versa. R9. (Cap. 6) Proceedings, how intituled. R10. Form 1. (Cap. 6) Records of the court. R12. Notices to be in writing. R13. (Cap. 6.) Meetings summoned by court. R15. Form 39. Filing gazetting, etc. R17. (Cap. 6) Preparation of order. R37. Forms 70, 78, 80, 85 to 92. Security by bond. R38. Form 19. Amount of bond. R39. Deposit in lieu of bond. R40. Money lodged in court. R41. Security of guarantee society. R42. Notice of sureties. R43. Form 20. Justification by sureties. R44. Form 21. Execution of bond. R45. Notice of deposit. R46. Application of section 125. R48. (Cap. 6). Shorthand notes, etc. R67. Forms 55 to 58. Discovery R73. [r. 24 cont.] Examination under section 29. R74. Forms 112 to 114. (Cap. 6) To whom warrants addressed. R80. Forms 105, 108 to 110, 115. Custody and production of debtor. R81. Form 110. Execution of warrant. R82. Form 115. Form 116. Application to commit, B83. Forms 94 to 97. Notice and hearing of application. R84. Forms 98 to 100, 104. (cap. 6) Regulations as to costs. R103. Solicitor's costs in case of petition by debtor. R105. certificate of employment. R109. Notice of appointment. R112. Lodgment of bill. R113. Copy of bill. R114. Applications for costs. R115. Costs of shorthand notes. R118. (Cap. 6) Disallowance of costs of unnecessary petition. R119. Apportionment of costs in case of partnership. R120. Costs and of joint and separate estates. R121. [r. 41 cont.] Form of declaration. R136. Form 2. Issue of notice. R138. Forms 4, 5. Indorsement of address, etc. R140. Form 8. Application to set aside. R141 Form 8. Duration of notice. R142. Service of notice. R143. Forms 7, 15, 16. Setting aside notice. R144 Form 9. Description and address of debtor. R146. Form 3. [r. 49 cont.] Attestation. R148. Deposit by petitioner. R149. (Cap. 6.) Registration of petition in Land Office or District Land Office. Registration of petition in Land Officer or District Land Office against partner. Security for costs. R150. (Cap. 6) Verification. R151. Forms 10 to 12. Who to verify. R152. Joint petitioners. R153. Service R155 Form 14. Death of debtor before service of petition. R159. Form and contents of order. R161. Form 13. Deposit. R162. Further deposit necessary. R163. Repayment of deposit. R164. [cf. Cap. 6, s. 37.] Damages if petition dismissed. R165. Time of hearing. R167. Several respondents. R168. Debtor intending to show cause. R169 Form 17. Non-appearance of debtor. R170 Forms 23, 25, 26. Hearing of petition. R171. Non-appearance of creditor. R172. Application to withdraw petition. Registration of receiving order or order of adjudication in Land Office or District Land Office. Registration of receiving order or order of adjudication in Land Office, or District Land Office, against partner. Service of receiving order. R182. Forms 25, 26 Service where debtor abroad. R183. Receiving order on bankruptcy notice. R184. Stay of proceedings. R185. Advertisement. R186. Form 27. Costs of petition, etc. R187 (Cap. 6.) Application to rescind order, to stay proceedings thereunder or to annual adjudication R182. Forms 18, 19, 79. Application by Official Receiver. Report by Official Receiver on application to rescind receiving order or annul adjudication. R188A. How made out. R189. Form 28. Extension of time. R190. (Cap. 6). Adjournments sine die. R195. Application to proceed. R196. Proceeding after adjournment sine die. R197. Notice of proceeding after adjournment sine die. R198. Form 54. Public examination or debtor who is a lunatic, etc. R199. Forms 60, 61. (Cap. 6.) Application. R227. Forms 81 to 84. Appeals. R229. (Cap. 6) Report of Official Receiver. R230. Evidence in answer to report. R231. Costs of application. R232. Orders conditional on consent to judgment. R233. Forms 90 to 92. Order. R234. Forms 85 to 89. Gazetting order. R235. Execution on judgment in case of conditional discharge. R236. Accounts of after-acquired property. R237. Verification of statements of after-acquired property. R238 Form 93. Application for modification of order. R239. Notice to debtor of first meeting. R240 Forms 29, 35, 39. Notice of first meeting. R241 Forms 30, 31, 39, 40. Notices of other meetings. R242 Forms 31, 32, 43, 44. Non-reception of notice by creditor. R243. Notice to Official Receiver of creditors' meetings. R244. Proof of notice. R245 Forms 33, 34, 41, 42. Cost of creditors' meetings. R246 Adjournment R248 Form 37. Quorum R249. Swearing of proof. R250 Forms 46, 47. Workmen's wages. R251 Form 48. Production of bills of exchange and promissory notes. R252. Time for lodging proofs. R253. Transmission of proofs to trustee. R254. Time for admission or rejection of proofs by Official Receiver. R259 Form 49. Time for admission or rejection of proof by trustee. R260. Form 49. Notice of admission of proof R261. Appeal form refection of proof. R262. Costs of appeals form decisions as to proofs. R263. Filing of proxies. R264 Forms 50, 51. Signature of proxy. R265 Filling in when creditor blind, etc. R266. Minors not to be proxies. R267. Notice of intended dividend. R268 Forms 138, 139, 141. [r. 123 cont.] Production of bills, notes, etc. R269. (cap. 19) Dividend may be sent by post. R270. Payment of dividends to a nominee. R271. Form of register. Form 117. (Cap. 6) Notice to bankrupt of application. R272. Forms 118, 119. (Cap. 6) Review of order. R275. [r. 129 cont.] Disclaimer of lease. R276 Forms 123 to 130. Public officer or agent of company, etc. R277. Attestation of firm signature. R278. Debtor's petition by firm. R281. [r. 133 cont.] Creditor's petition by firm. Creditor's petition against firm. Petition by limited partnership. [cf. R283] (Cap. 37) Statement of affairs. R287. First Meeting. R291. Acceptance of composition, etc., by joint and separate creditors. R292. Voting on composition. R293. Adjudication. Trustee. R294. (Cap. 6.) Separate firms. R295 Lunatics. R297 [r. 143 cont.] (Cap. 6) verification of petition. R299 forms 134, 135. Deposit. Gazetting R300 Form 136. Service. R301. Duties of executor, etc. R302. [r. 148 cont.] Meetings of creditors. Trustees, etc. R304. Duties as to debtor's statement of affairs. R311 Form 28. Subsistence allowance to debtor. R312. Special report as to person employed to assist debtor. R313. (cap. 6) Use of proxies by deputy. R314. Registrar to act in sudden emergency. R317. Removal of special manager. R318. Mode of application to court. R319. Evidence on application by Official Receiver. R320. [r. 157 cont.] Application of directions. R321. (Cap. 6.) Accounting by Official Receiver. R323. Accounts of debtor. R325. Liability for costs, expenses and damages. R326. [r. 161 cont.] Notice of appointment. R327. Grounds for refusing to appoint. R330. (Cap. 6.) Removal for failing to keep up or increase security. R331. Removal by court, R332. Notice of resignation. R333. Limit of remuneration. R335. Trustee carrying on business. R337. Forms 147 to 149. Application for release. R338. Forms 137, 152, 153. Gazetting of lease. R150. Delivery of books, etc., on release of trustee. R340. Meeting to consider removal of trustee. R341. Bank account. R342. [r. 173 cont.] Application for directions. R344. Forms 131, 132. Creditor may obtain copy of trustee's accounts. R345. Statements of accounts to be furnished to creditors. R346. Form 150. (Cap. 6) Purchase of part of estate by trustee or committee forbidden. R347. Dealings with estate by trustee and committee of inspection. R348. Discharge of costs, etc., before estate handed over to trustee. R349. (Cap. 6) [r. 179 cont.] Meetings of creditors to consider conduct or trustee. R350. Remuneration of special manager. R351. Accounts. R352, Form 151. Standing security to Registrar. R353. Gazetting notices. R354. Re-gazetting. R355. Gazetting annulment of order already gazetted. R356. Record of minutes, etc., R360. [r. 187 cont.] cash book. R361. Books to be submitted to committee of inspection. R362. Audit of cash book. R363. Form 145. Official Receiver's audit of trustee's accounts. R364. Form 146. Accounts to be filed. R365. Affidavit of no receipts. R366. Proceedings on resignation, etc., of trustee. R367. Joint and separate estates accounts. R368. Expenses of sales. R369. Allowance to debtor. R370. (Cap. 6). Application for payment out by party entitled. R372. Accounts by trustees of unclaimed funds. R373. Falsification of documents. R382. No lien on debtor's books. R383. Disposal of bankrupt's books and papers. R284. Non-compliance with rules. R385. Abridgment or enlargement of time. R386. Saving for existing laws, etc. R387. (Cap. 6). (Cap. 4, rules) (a) Insert the other address or addresses at which unsatisfied debts or liabilities may have been incurred. (a) Insert description, name and address of judgment debtor. (b) 'me' or as the case may be. (c) or solicitor of the judgment creditor. (a) Strike out such of the grounds authorized. (b) Insert name of creditor. (c) 'him' or 'them'. (d) 'his' or 'their'. (e) Name of creditor. (f) Name and address of solicitor suing out the notice or 'This notice is sued out by in person.' (a) Insert name of debtor. (b) insert present address and description of debtor. (c) Insert address or addresses at which the debtor has lately resided or carried on business. Note.-The address at which the debtor was residing or carrying on business when the petitioning creditor's debt was incurred should in all cases appear in the petition (see rule 49.) (a) Add this in case of a petition. Sheet 'L' should be substituted for any one or more of such of the sheets named as will have to be returned blank. Strike out words which do not apply. (1) This date should be twelve months before date of receiving order, or such other time as Official Receiver may have fixed. (2) this schedule must show when debts were contracted. (3) Specify all dependants. (4) here add particulars of other losses or expenses (if any), including liabilities (it any) for which no consideration received. (5) Strike out words which do not apply. (6) These figures should agree. (a) Strike out such of the grounds as are not applicable. (a) Here insert 'has not been lodged' or 'has been lodged.' (a) Insert here if necessary 'adjourned'. (a) Insert here if necessary 'adjourned'. (a) 'first' or as the case may he. (b) Here state reason for adjournment. [Here insert purpose for which meeting called] (a) 'trustee' or 'Official Receiver.' (a) Insert here 'the time and place of a general meeting or adjourned general meeting' or as the case may be. (a) Insert here 'the time and place of a general meeting or adjourned general meeting' or as the case may be. (a) Here insert the number of matter, and the name of debtor, as given on the notice of meeting. (b) Fill in full name, address and occupation of deponent. If proof made by creditor strike out clauses(c and (d). If made by clerk of creditor strike out (d). If by clerk or agent of company strike out (c). (e) Insert 'me' or in case of a firm 'me and C.D. and E.F. my co-partners trading as', or if by clerk, insert name, address and description of principal. Debt....$ : Contra ...$ : $ : NOTE THIS (f) State consideration, as - Goods sold and delivered by me [and my said partner] to him [or them] at his [or their] request between the dates of [or moneys advanced by me in respect of the undermentioned bill of exchange], or as the case may be. *Strike out the words not applicable. (g) 'my said partners of any of them' or 'the above-named creditor', as the case may be. (a) Fill in full name address and occupation of deponent. (b) the above-named debtor or the foreman of the above named debtor or on behalf of the workmen and others. employed by the above-named debtor. (c) I or the said. (d) my employ or the employ of the above-named debtor. (e) me or the above named debtor (a) If proof wholly rejected strike out words underlined. (b) 21 days or 7 day as the case may be . See Rules 117 and 123(2). (a) If a firm write 'we' instead of 'I' and set out the full name of the firm. (b) Here insert either 'Mr. of ' or clerk, manager etc., in my regular employ'or the Official receiver. The standing or the person appointed must be clearly set out. (c) 'my' or 'our' (d) See footnote 1. (e) If a firm, sign the firm's trading title, and add 'by A.B., a partner in the said firm'. As to signature by agent, see footnotes 2 and 3. (f) It is not intended that the Official receiver shall in any case receive dividends on behaof of a creditor. (g) The official receiver or trustee may require the authority to sign to be produced for his inspection. (a) If a firm write 'we' instead of 'I' and set out the full name of the firm. (b) Here insert either 'Mr. of ' or the Official receiver. (c) 'my ' or 'our'. (d) Here insert the word'for' or the word 'against' as the case may require and specify the particular resolution or name of proposed trustee, remuneration. or other matter. (e) If a firm, sign the firm's trading title, and add 'by A.B., partner in the said firm' As to signature by agent see footnotes 2 and 3. (f) The Official Receiver or trustee may require the authority to sign to be produced for his inspection. (a) Insert here word 'further' if necessary. [Set out any further order of the court.] (a) Insert name and address of applicant, and the capacity in which he makes the application. (b) State what the disability is. (a) Insert name and address of applicant, and the capacity in which he makes the application. (b) The part of the order to be adapted to the circumstances of the case. (c) Insert place of examination. (d) Insert name of any other person authorized by the court to attend. (a) To be signed by the debtor, or in the case of joint debtors, to be signed in the firm name by such of the debtors as the Official Receiver shall require. (a) To be signed by the debtor, or in the case of joint debtors, to be signed in the firm name by such of the debtors as the Official Receiver shall require. (a) 'composition' or 'scheme of arrangement. (b) 'the prescribed notices cannot be given'; or 'the moneys or securities required for the said (a) have not been lodged'; or as the case may be. (a) Notice of this application was on the day of , 19, sent by post addressed to the debtor. Or the debtor has consented, in writing to the court adjudging him bankrupt. (a) Here state particulars of the finding of the court. Where debtor does not submit to examination. Where debtor fails to attend a meeting other than the first. Where debtor fails to execute a deed. Where debtor fails to attend a meeting other than the first or to execute a deed. Where debtor fails to obey special orders of court. Where debtor has failed to deliver up property. (a) Here insert the full address or addresses. (b) 'the said Official Receiver [or trustee] at' or otherwise as the court may direct. (a) State any particular documents required, e.g. all ledgers and books of account, invoices, statements of account, letters, books, papers and documents of every kind, in any manner relating to your dealings and transactions with A.B. a bankrupt, touching a debt alleged to be due by you to the due bankrupt's estate amounting to the sum of $ (a) lease or tenancy as the case may be. (b) Here specify property let. (a) Here insert particulars of demised property. (b) the above-named bankrupt or as the case may be. (a) lease dated the or as the case may be. (b) Insert description of the property. (c) a tenancy or for a term of years or as the case may be. (d) Insert names and addresses of persons to whom notice given. (a) Here insert names and addresses of persons to whom notice of intention to disclaim has been given. (b) Here insert particulars of demised property. (c) the above-named bankrupt or as the case may be. (d) Insert names and addresses of persons to whom notice of disclaimer has been given. (a) Insert description of the property disclaimed. (a) the lease dated the day or or as the case may be. (b) Insert description of property disclaimed. (c) on a tenancy or for a term of years or as the case may be. (d) Add where necessary pursuant to notice dated the day of , 19 (a) 1st or as the case may be. (b) Insert number of creditors. (a) Insert here first or second or final or as the case may be. (a) Strike out word inapplicable. If not to be sent by post strike out words in italics, and insert the name of the person who is to receive the cheque or money order. (a) Here state capacity in which person employed or engaged. (a) is or is not.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“BANKRUPTCY RULES,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025,