ORDINANCE No. 1 or 1862.
Ilarbour Regulation.
No. 1 of 1862.
An Ordinance for the Peculation and Control of the Harbour of Victoria,
Hongkong. _
22nd January, 1862.
WHEREAS it is expedient to revise and amend the regulations hitherto
for the maintenance of order within the Harbour of Victoria, Hongkong:-Be
it enacted and ordained-
~prdinance No. 11 1. Ordinance No. 11 of 1845 is hereby repealed, except
so far as the same repeals
of 1845 repealed. No. 19 of 1844.
iteg-nlations of 2. The harbour regulations issued on the 30th day of
April 1811, under the
April 1841,
revoked. band of Charles Elliot, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, are hereby
Vessels to hoist 3. Every master of a merchant vessel shall hoist the
ship's number on entering
their numbers.
the harbour of Victoria, and shall keep such number flying until the ship
shall have
been reported at the Harbour Master's Office.
Vessels to be 4. Every master shall, within twenty-four hours after
arrival witbin the limits of
' reported within
24 hours. this harbour, report the arrival of his ship at the Harbour
Master's Office, and in the
case of a British vessel, or of a vessel which shall not be represented
by a Consul, shall
' deposit there the ship's articles, list of passengers, ship's register,
and true copy of
manifest if required. In the case of a Foreign vessel represented by a
Consul, the
said papers shall be lodged by the master at the proper Consulate, under
a penalty not
exceeding two hundred dollars on refusal or neglect of the master so to
``:::rrssters and g. The name of a master or first or only mate shall not
be attached by the' Har-
ertitle to possess
possess hour Master to a British ship's register or articles, unless such
master or mate shall
possess a certificate of service or competency.
seamen shall be 6, No officer, seaman, or other person shall be shipped
in this harbour to do
shipped at the
-shipplngomee duty on hoard any merchant vessel, except at the shipping
office of the Harbour
Master, under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for every offence.
:n,ths, deser- 'J. In the event of the death of any of the crew,
passengers, or other persons,
a,- tions, orrernovals
'to be reported. occurring on board any merchant vessel whilst in the
harbour, or in case of the deser-
tion or removal of any of the crew, the master of such vessel shall
forthwith report
the same in writing to the Harbour Master, under a penalty not exceeding
dollars for every death, desertion, or removal which he sball neglect to
Seamen to be $. No master of any ship shall discharge, or force therefrom,
or wilfully or
discharged s`shnl6r negligently leave behind him, in this Colony, any
seaman shipped on board thereof
Ila rbour Master.
unless on a certificate from the Harbour Master or other person appointed
to grant the
same; and who shall have power to withhold or grant the same as he shall
see fit
under a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars: and if any seaman
shall wilfully or
negligently remain in the Colony, after the departure of the vessel in
which he shall
have shipped, without such certificate, such seaman shall on conviction
before the
Marine Magistrate forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars
or be
impr:soned for a term not exceeding one month.
ORDINA\CE No. 1 of 1862.
Harbour Regulation.
Q. Every master of a merchant vessel arriving in the harbour shall take
up the
berth pointed out by the Harbour Master, or by any person sent on board
by him for
that purpose, and shall moor his ship there properly, and shall not
remove from it to
take up any other berth, without his permission, except in case of
necessity, to be
decided by the Harbour Master, under a penalty not exceeding one hundred
and he shall remove his vessel to any new berth when required so to do by
Harbour Master, under a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for every hour
that the
vessel shall remain in her ulcl berth, after notice to remove under the
hand of the
Harbour Master or his deputy shall have been given on board of her.
10. Every master of a merchant vessel shall immediately strike spars,
cleitr hawse, nil orders by the-
or shift berth, or obey any other order which the Harbour Master inay
think fit to itnne~oucyca~r
give, and any master wilfully disobeying or neglecting this regulation,
shall be liable
to a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars.'
11. Every master about to proceed to sea shall, under a penalty not
exceeding nine peter to be
fifty dollars, hoist a blue peter twenty-four hours before time of
intended departure, hoisted and port
obtained before
and shall give notice to the Harbour Master, who will furnish a port
clearance and departure,
shall likewise attest the manifest if necessary; and any ship having
obtained such
clearance and not sailing within thirty-six hours thereafter shall report
to theTiarbour
Master the reason for not going and shall re-deposit the ship's papers if
12. Every master of a merchant vessel arriving in this harbour and having
powder on board, weighing in the whole over two hundred pounds, shall make
immediate report of the same to the Harbour Master, or shall be liable to
a penalty
not exceeding ten dollars for every hour that he shall neglect to do so,
and shall
forthwith on being required so to do by the Harbour Master land or store
the same in
some convenient place to be approved of by the Harbour Master. [Repealed
by Ordi-
nance No. 4 of 1867
13. No dead body shall be thrown overboard within the limits of this
harbour, No dead bodies
or ballast to be
under a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars, to be paid by the
master of the east into the
vessel, and no stone or other ballast shall be thrown overboard within
the said limits
under a penalty not- exceeding one hundred dollars, to be paid by the
master of the
vessel from which such stone or ballast shall have been thrown.
14. Except as is hereinafter directed under sections 21 and 22 of this
or under the sanction of the Harbour Master, no cannon, gun, or fire-arm
of any,
description shall be discharged within the limits of this harbour from
any merchant
vessel or boat, under a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars.
Ships to be
moored where-'
ordered by the
Harbour Master,
and not remove
Merchant vessels,
having upwards
of 200 )As. of
powder on board
to report the
surme hnme
15. Every licensed boat shall, between the hours of sunset and daylight,
carry a
lantern in a oonspie-4srus place with the number of the licence cut out
on the framing:
If the person in charge of any boat shall demand or take more than his
fare, or use
abusive language to passengers, or neglect to carry a light as required,
or refuse
without sufficient cause to take a passenger at the fare established, the
party offending,
or in his absence the person to whom the licence for the, boat was
granted, shall be,.
Fire-arena not
to be used except
in certain cases..
Moats to carry w
light at nighty
No abusive
language to
496 '
ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1862.
I1arbour Regulation.
noatq,naybe liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars; and all
boats whether private or
searched by
officers in notes not may and shall be subject to be stopped and examined
by the Police boats, and if
the person in charge of any boat does not heave to on being hailed by a
Police boat of
uses abusive language to the officer or persons on board of her in the
execution of
their duty, lie shall be liable to be detained in custody until he can be
brought before
a Magistrate, and on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding
twenty-five dollars.
Ships arriving 16. Every commanding officer of any ship-of-war, or master
of a merchant ship
having con-
tagious diseases or vessel of whatsoever nation who may arrive in this
harbour having small-pox or an
'nn board to y
report the same. other disease of a contagious or infectious nature on
board, shall hoist the proper
quarantine flag, and no communication shall be held with any other vessel
or boat or
with the shore, until permission be given by the Harbour Master; and the
Officer on nearing such ship shall be informed of the nature of such
disease that
proper precautions may be taken and assistance rendered, under a penalty
in any of
the foregoing cases not exceeding two hundred dollars for every offence.
Slips to remove 1'7. Every such commanding officer of a ship-of-war, or
master of a merchant
whoa ordered.
vessel, having any such disease on board, shall forthwith remove his ship
to any berth
which shall be pointed out by the Harbour Master, and there remain and
keep the qua-
rantine flag flying until a clean bill of health shall be granted by the
Harbour Master;
and shall afford free access and render every assistance to the Colonial
Surgeon or other
officer of health who may be directed by His Excellency the Governor to
visit such
ship, under a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars for every offence.
steamers' 1$. A public fairway shall be buoyed off for the passage of
river and coast
-fairway to be
kept clear. steamers, and no vessel or boat of any description shall be
allowed to anchor within
such fairway, and the master of any vessel or boat dropping anchor in, or
obstructing such fairway shall be liable for each offence to a fine not
exceeding fifty
dollars in addition to any flue otherwise leviable under this Ordinance
in the case of
sea going vessels, and in the case of boats registered in the Colony to a
like fine in
addition to the forfeiture of register or licence if it be so adjudged by
the Marine
Not to make rapt 19. Every master of any vessel of whatsoever description,
who shall make or
to or injure
buoys and cause to be made fast to any of the public buoys or beacons or
their moorings any rope,
chain, or other gear or shall foul or in any way injure the said buoys,
beacons, or moor-
ings, shall on conviction thereof be fined a sum not exceeding
twenty-five dollars, in
addition to the cost of repairing or replacing the same. [Repealed by
Ordinance No. 17
of 18T3.]
ves~eh to 20. Every master of a vessel or hulk in this harbour shall from
sunset to' sun-
exbibit light at
,at;bt. rise cause to be exhibited a bright white light from the starboard
foreyard arm or in
the case of dismantled vessels or chops at the place where it can be best
seen, and in
default shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. .
ORDINANCE. No. 1 of 1862.
Harbour Regulation.
21. In case of fire occurring on board any ship or vessel in the harbour,
if at night
three lights shall be hoisted in a vertical position at the higbest mast
head, and a single
light at the peals, and guns shall be fired in quick succession until
sufficient assistance
shall be rendered; if during the day the ensign Union down with the
signal Marryat's
Code 2,104 °°I am on Fire' shall be hoisted at the highest mast heart and
guns fired as
above provided for night-time.
22. If or. board any ship or vessel in the harbour a disturbance or riot
shall occur PIeenittionntohe
taken in ensa of
which the master or his officers are unable to quell by the usual process
of bringing the IIIuts17y,
offenders before the Marine Magistrate or a Justice of the Peace; if by
day the ensign
Union down shall be hoisted at the peak and the signal 3,240 'Mutiny on
shall be hoisted at the highest mast head or wherever practicable under
the circumstances;
guns may also be fired as in section 21; if by ieiight three lights shall
be hoisted at the
peak and a single light-.at the mast head, and guns may also be fired as
before stated.
23. The boundaries, limits, and anchorage of Victoria harbour shall
,be defined and taken to be as follows:-
On the east-
.A line drawn from the northernmost point of the Island of Hongkong to the
north-east boundary of British Kowloon.
On the svest-
A line drawn from the westernmost point of Hongkong to the western side
of Green Island, continued to western point of Stone Cutter's Island,
thence to
north point of Stone Cutter's Island, continued to north-west boundary of
The harbour shall be divided into two anchorages, viz., the northern a:id
Northern anchorage shall have for its southern boundary the north
of Hongkong shut in with the southern point of the Kowloon Peninsula
east by south.
Southern anchorage shall have for its northern boundary, Kellett's Island
bearing east by south 2 south.
. 24. It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to direct and enforce the
.of ships in the northern part of the harbour from 1st June to 15th
October, and in the
southern part of the harbour from 16th October to 31st May in each year;
and it shall
be lawful for the Harbour Master to permit a ship to anchor in the south
part of the
harbour during the period first above mentioned, or in the north part of
the harbour
during the period last above mentioned for the purpose of discharging
cargo and for a
specified space of time,
25. It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor from time to time
to set
.apart a special portion of the harbour for the anchorage of ships of
war, and within
such portion of the harbour no merchant vessels, or native craft, or
boats of any de-
scription shall be permitted to anchor without the special sanction of
the Harbour
-Master in each case obtained.
1'reanutions to be
taken in case of
limits, and'
anchorage of
fixed for S.W.
and N.E.
Anchorage f0i
498 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1862.
Harbour Regulation.
Anchorage and Qg, It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to fix from
time to time the place
mooring for river
and coasting of anchorage for river and coasting steamers, and to grant
permission to the owners of
such steamers to lay down permanent moorings to be by him approved,
ing anything to the contrary contained under sections 23 and 24 of this
Ordinance, but
no rivet or coasting steamer shall drop anchor or moor within the fairway
under section 18 of this Ordinance. _
anster9ofvessele 27. Every master of any vessel whatsoever fitting in this
harbour for the con-
fittinq for
eonyeyRnce of veyauce of emigrants whether to be shipped at this or any
other port, shall report the-
passengers to
rei,ortenmw same to the Harbour Master under a penalty not exceeding five
hundred dollars, and
the fittings of said vessel shall be subject to the approval of such
officer,' who is
hereby empowered at all reasonable times to go on board and inspect such
vessel; and
any person who shall in any way, impede the Harbour Master in the
execution of this
duty shall also be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred
dollars. [Repealed by
Ordinance No. 3 of 1873 and by Ordinance No. v of 1874.E
one dounr 2$, A copy of this Ordinance shall be delivered to eactl master
of a vessel
payable on
oretention entering the harbour, and on neglect to return such copy on
obtaining clearance a fee
of one dollar shall be payable by the master.
Cases arising
Under this
Ordtnnnce to be
tried by the
Marine Dtnqis-
29. Where no penalty is attached by this Ordinance for the breach or
ment of any provision herein contained, the penalty shall be a sum not
twenty-five dollars. All offences against any of the provisions of this
Ordinance shall
be cognizable by and may be heard and decided before the Marine
Magistrate, who is
hereby empowered in all cases to order payment of costs by tile
defendant; and in
default of payment of the penalty and costs awarded, may levy, the same
by distress
and sale of the offender's goods, or may forthwith commit such offender
to gaol for
any term not exceeding three months. All orders, judgments, and decisions
of the
Marine Magistrate shall be subject to the right of appeal given by
Ordinance No. 4 of-
3'rovision for 30. Whenever the Marine Magistrate shall be incapacitated
by absents, illness,
ay adicution in
absence of or otherwise from the performance of his duties, it shall be
lawful for the Acting
Marine A
trnte. Marine Magistrate, or any Stipendiary Magistrate, or any two
Justices of the Peace of
the Colony to adjudicate upon all cases and enforce all penalties under
this Ordinance.
Interpretation 31. Wherever the word 'Master' is used in this Ordinance,
it shall be deemed
`I''.'' to, include any person having charge of a ship or vessel or any
other craft. ,
[All repealed by Ordinance 11'0. 8 of 187cJ.]
Ordinance No. 11 of 1845 repealed.
Regulations of April 1841, revoked.
Vessels to be reported within 24 hours.
Masters and mates to possess certificates.
Seamen shall be shipped at the shipping office only.
Deaths, desertions, or removals to be reported.
Seamen to be discharged only by permission of Harbour Master.
Ships to be moored where ordered by the Habour Master, and not remove therefrom without permission.
All orders by the Harbour Master to be obeyed.
Blue peter ot be hoisted and port clearance to be obtained before departure.
Merchant vessels having upwards of 200 lbs. of powder on board to report the same immediately.
No dead bodies or ballast to be cast into the harbour.
Fire-arms not to be used except in certain cases.
Boats to carry a light at night.
No abusive language to passengers.
Boats may be searched by offiers in Police boats.
Ships arriving having contagious diseases on board to report the same.
Ships to remove when ordered.
Steamers' fairway to be kept clear.
Not to make fast to or injure buoys and beacons.
Vessels to exhibit light at night.
Precautions to be taken in case of fire.
Precautions to be taken in case of mutiny.
Boundaries, limits, and anchorage of harbour.
Anchorages fixed for S.W. and N.E. moonsoons.
Anchorage for men-of-war.
Anchorage and mooring for river and coasting steamers.
Master of vessels fitting for conveyance of passengers to report same.
One dollar payable on retention of copy of this Ordinance.
Cases arising under this Ordinance to be tried by the marine Magistrate.
Provision for adjudication in absence of Marine Magistrate.
Interpretation clause.
Ilarbour Regulation.
No. 1 of 1862.
An Ordinance for the Peculation and Control of the Harbour of Victoria,
Hongkong. _
22nd January, 1862.
WHEREAS it is expedient to revise and amend the regulations hitherto
for the maintenance of order within the Harbour of Victoria, Hongkong:-Be
it enacted and ordained-
~prdinance No. 11 1. Ordinance No. 11 of 1845 is hereby repealed, except
so far as the same repeals
of 1845 repealed. No. 19 of 1844.
iteg-nlations of 2. The harbour regulations issued on the 30th day of
April 1811, under the
April 1841,
revoked. band of Charles Elliot, Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary, are hereby
Vessels to hoist 3. Every master of a merchant vessel shall hoist the
ship's number on entering
their numbers.
the harbour of Victoria, and shall keep such number flying until the ship
shall have
been reported at the Harbour Master's Office.
Vessels to be 4. Every master shall, within twenty-four hours after
arrival witbin the limits of
' reported within
24 hours. this harbour, report the arrival of his ship at the Harbour
Master's Office, and in the
case of a British vessel, or of a vessel which shall not be represented
by a Consul, shall
' deposit there the ship's articles, list of passengers, ship's register,
and true copy of
manifest if required. In the case of a Foreign vessel represented by a
Consul, the
said papers shall be lodged by the master at the proper Consulate, under
a penalty not
exceeding two hundred dollars on refusal or neglect of the master so to
``:::rrssters and g. The name of a master or first or only mate shall not
be attached by the' Har-
ertitle to possess
possess hour Master to a British ship's register or articles, unless such
master or mate shall
possess a certificate of service or competency.
seamen shall be 6, No officer, seaman, or other person shall be shipped
in this harbour to do
shipped at the
-shipplngomee duty on hoard any merchant vessel, except at the shipping
office of the Harbour
Master, under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for every offence.
:n,ths, deser- 'J. In the event of the death of any of the crew,
passengers, or other persons,
a,- tions, orrernovals
'to be reported. occurring on board any merchant vessel whilst in the
harbour, or in case of the deser-
tion or removal of any of the crew, the master of such vessel shall
forthwith report
the same in writing to the Harbour Master, under a penalty not exceeding
dollars for every death, desertion, or removal which he sball neglect to
Seamen to be $. No master of any ship shall discharge, or force therefrom,
or wilfully or
discharged s`shnl6r negligently leave behind him, in this Colony, any
seaman shipped on board thereof
Ila rbour Master.
unless on a certificate from the Harbour Master or other person appointed
to grant the
same; and who shall have power to withhold or grant the same as he shall
see fit
under a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars: and if any seaman
shall wilfully or
negligently remain in the Colony, after the departure of the vessel in
which he shall
have shipped, without such certificate, such seaman shall on conviction
before the
Marine Magistrate forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars
or be
impr:soned for a term not exceeding one month.
ORDINA\CE No. 1 of 1862.
Harbour Regulation.
Q. Every master of a merchant vessel arriving in the harbour shall take
up the
berth pointed out by the Harbour Master, or by any person sent on board
by him for
that purpose, and shall moor his ship there properly, and shall not
remove from it to
take up any other berth, without his permission, except in case of
necessity, to be
decided by the Harbour Master, under a penalty not exceeding one hundred
and he shall remove his vessel to any new berth when required so to do by
Harbour Master, under a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for every hour
that the
vessel shall remain in her ulcl berth, after notice to remove under the
hand of the
Harbour Master or his deputy shall have been given on board of her.
10. Every master of a merchant vessel shall immediately strike spars,
cleitr hawse, nil orders by the-
or shift berth, or obey any other order which the Harbour Master inay
think fit to itnne~oucyca~r
give, and any master wilfully disobeying or neglecting this regulation,
shall be liable
to a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars.'
11. Every master about to proceed to sea shall, under a penalty not
exceeding nine peter to be
fifty dollars, hoist a blue peter twenty-four hours before time of
intended departure, hoisted and port
obtained before
and shall give notice to the Harbour Master, who will furnish a port
clearance and departure,
shall likewise attest the manifest if necessary; and any ship having
obtained such
clearance and not sailing within thirty-six hours thereafter shall report
to theTiarbour
Master the reason for not going and shall re-deposit the ship's papers if
12. Every master of a merchant vessel arriving in this harbour and having
powder on board, weighing in the whole over two hundred pounds, shall make
immediate report of the same to the Harbour Master, or shall be liable to
a penalty
not exceeding ten dollars for every hour that he shall neglect to do so,
and shall
forthwith on being required so to do by the Harbour Master land or store
the same in
some convenient place to be approved of by the Harbour Master. [Repealed
by Ordi-
nance No. 4 of 1867
13. No dead body shall be thrown overboard within the limits of this
harbour, No dead bodies
or ballast to be
under a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars, to be paid by the
master of the east into the
vessel, and no stone or other ballast shall be thrown overboard within
the said limits
under a penalty not- exceeding one hundred dollars, to be paid by the
master of the
vessel from which such stone or ballast shall have been thrown.
14. Except as is hereinafter directed under sections 21 and 22 of this
or under the sanction of the Harbour Master, no cannon, gun, or fire-arm
of any,
description shall be discharged within the limits of this harbour from
any merchant
vessel or boat, under a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars.
Ships to be
moored where-'
ordered by the
Harbour Master,
and not remove
Merchant vessels,
having upwards
of 200 )As. of
powder on board
to report the
surme hnme
15. Every licensed boat shall, between the hours of sunset and daylight,
carry a
lantern in a oonspie-4srus place with the number of the licence cut out
on the framing:
If the person in charge of any boat shall demand or take more than his
fare, or use
abusive language to passengers, or neglect to carry a light as required,
or refuse
without sufficient cause to take a passenger at the fare established, the
party offending,
or in his absence the person to whom the licence for the, boat was
granted, shall be,.
Fire-arena not
to be used except
in certain cases..
Moats to carry w
light at nighty
No abusive
language to
496 '
ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1862.
I1arbour Regulation.
noatq,naybe liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars; and all
boats whether private or
searched by
officers in notes not may and shall be subject to be stopped and examined
by the Police boats, and if
the person in charge of any boat does not heave to on being hailed by a
Police boat of
uses abusive language to the officer or persons on board of her in the
execution of
their duty, lie shall be liable to be detained in custody until he can be
brought before
a Magistrate, and on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding
twenty-five dollars.
Ships arriving 16. Every commanding officer of any ship-of-war, or master
of a merchant ship
having con-
tagious diseases or vessel of whatsoever nation who may arrive in this
harbour having small-pox or an
'nn board to y
report the same. other disease of a contagious or infectious nature on
board, shall hoist the proper
quarantine flag, and no communication shall be held with any other vessel
or boat or
with the shore, until permission be given by the Harbour Master; and the
Officer on nearing such ship shall be informed of the nature of such
disease that
proper precautions may be taken and assistance rendered, under a penalty
in any of
the foregoing cases not exceeding two hundred dollars for every offence.
Slips to remove 1'7. Every such commanding officer of a ship-of-war, or
master of a merchant
whoa ordered.
vessel, having any such disease on board, shall forthwith remove his ship
to any berth
which shall be pointed out by the Harbour Master, and there remain and
keep the qua-
rantine flag flying until a clean bill of health shall be granted by the
Harbour Master;
and shall afford free access and render every assistance to the Colonial
Surgeon or other
officer of health who may be directed by His Excellency the Governor to
visit such
ship, under a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars for every offence.
steamers' 1$. A public fairway shall be buoyed off for the passage of
river and coast
-fairway to be
kept clear. steamers, and no vessel or boat of any description shall be
allowed to anchor within
such fairway, and the master of any vessel or boat dropping anchor in, or
obstructing such fairway shall be liable for each offence to a fine not
exceeding fifty
dollars in addition to any flue otherwise leviable under this Ordinance
in the case of
sea going vessels, and in the case of boats registered in the Colony to a
like fine in
addition to the forfeiture of register or licence if it be so adjudged by
the Marine
Not to make rapt 19. Every master of any vessel of whatsoever description,
who shall make or
to or injure
buoys and cause to be made fast to any of the public buoys or beacons or
their moorings any rope,
chain, or other gear or shall foul or in any way injure the said buoys,
beacons, or moor-
ings, shall on conviction thereof be fined a sum not exceeding
twenty-five dollars, in
addition to the cost of repairing or replacing the same. [Repealed by
Ordinance No. 17
of 18T3.]
ves~eh to 20. Every master of a vessel or hulk in this harbour shall from
sunset to' sun-
exbibit light at
,at;bt. rise cause to be exhibited a bright white light from the starboard
foreyard arm or in
the case of dismantled vessels or chops at the place where it can be best
seen, and in
default shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. .
ORDINANCE. No. 1 of 1862.
Harbour Regulation.
21. In case of fire occurring on board any ship or vessel in the harbour,
if at night
three lights shall be hoisted in a vertical position at the higbest mast
head, and a single
light at the peals, and guns shall be fired in quick succession until
sufficient assistance
shall be rendered; if during the day the ensign Union down with the
signal Marryat's
Code 2,104 °°I am on Fire' shall be hoisted at the highest mast heart and
guns fired as
above provided for night-time.
22. If or. board any ship or vessel in the harbour a disturbance or riot
shall occur PIeenittionntohe
taken in ensa of
which the master or his officers are unable to quell by the usual process
of bringing the IIIuts17y,
offenders before the Marine Magistrate or a Justice of the Peace; if by
day the ensign
Union down shall be hoisted at the peak and the signal 3,240 'Mutiny on
shall be hoisted at the highest mast head or wherever practicable under
the circumstances;
guns may also be fired as in section 21; if by ieiight three lights shall
be hoisted at the
peak and a single light-.at the mast head, and guns may also be fired as
before stated.
23. The boundaries, limits, and anchorage of Victoria harbour shall
,be defined and taken to be as follows:-
On the east-
.A line drawn from the northernmost point of the Island of Hongkong to the
north-east boundary of British Kowloon.
On the svest-
A line drawn from the westernmost point of Hongkong to the western side
of Green Island, continued to western point of Stone Cutter's Island,
thence to
north point of Stone Cutter's Island, continued to north-west boundary of
The harbour shall be divided into two anchorages, viz., the northern a:id
Northern anchorage shall have for its southern boundary the north
of Hongkong shut in with the southern point of the Kowloon Peninsula
east by south.
Southern anchorage shall have for its northern boundary, Kellett's Island
bearing east by south 2 south.
. 24. It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to direct and enforce the
.of ships in the northern part of the harbour from 1st June to 15th
October, and in the
southern part of the harbour from 16th October to 31st May in each year;
and it shall
be lawful for the Harbour Master to permit a ship to anchor in the south
part of the
harbour during the period first above mentioned, or in the north part of
the harbour
during the period last above mentioned for the purpose of discharging
cargo and for a
specified space of time,
25. It shall be lawful for His Excellency the Governor from time to time
to set
.apart a special portion of the harbour for the anchorage of ships of
war, and within
such portion of the harbour no merchant vessels, or native craft, or
boats of any de-
scription shall be permitted to anchor without the special sanction of
the Harbour
-Master in each case obtained.
1'reanutions to be
taken in case of
limits, and'
anchorage of
fixed for S.W.
and N.E.
Anchorage f0i
498 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1862.
Harbour Regulation.
Anchorage and Qg, It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to fix from
time to time the place
mooring for river
and coasting of anchorage for river and coasting steamers, and to grant
permission to the owners of
such steamers to lay down permanent moorings to be by him approved,
ing anything to the contrary contained under sections 23 and 24 of this
Ordinance, but
no rivet or coasting steamer shall drop anchor or moor within the fairway
under section 18 of this Ordinance. _
anster9ofvessele 27. Every master of any vessel whatsoever fitting in this
harbour for the con-
fittinq for
eonyeyRnce of veyauce of emigrants whether to be shipped at this or any
other port, shall report the-
passengers to
rei,ortenmw same to the Harbour Master under a penalty not exceeding five
hundred dollars, and
the fittings of said vessel shall be subject to the approval of such
officer,' who is
hereby empowered at all reasonable times to go on board and inspect such
vessel; and
any person who shall in any way, impede the Harbour Master in the
execution of this
duty shall also be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred
dollars. [Repealed by
Ordinance No. 3 of 1873 and by Ordinance No. v of 1874.E
one dounr 2$, A copy of this Ordinance shall be delivered to eactl master
of a vessel
payable on
oretention entering the harbour, and on neglect to return such copy on
obtaining clearance a fee
of one dollar shall be payable by the master.
Cases arising
Under this
Ordtnnnce to be
tried by the
Marine Dtnqis-
29. Where no penalty is attached by this Ordinance for the breach or
ment of any provision herein contained, the penalty shall be a sum not
twenty-five dollars. All offences against any of the provisions of this
Ordinance shall
be cognizable by and may be heard and decided before the Marine
Magistrate, who is
hereby empowered in all cases to order payment of costs by tile
defendant; and in
default of payment of the penalty and costs awarded, may levy, the same
by distress
and sale of the offender's goods, or may forthwith commit such offender
to gaol for
any term not exceeding three months. All orders, judgments, and decisions
of the
Marine Magistrate shall be subject to the right of appeal given by
Ordinance No. 4 of-
3'rovision for 30. Whenever the Marine Magistrate shall be incapacitated
by absents, illness,
ay adicution in
absence of or otherwise from the performance of his duties, it shall be
lawful for the Acting
Marine A
trnte. Marine Magistrate, or any Stipendiary Magistrate, or any two
Justices of the Peace of
the Colony to adjudicate upon all cases and enforce all penalties under
this Ordinance.
Interpretation 31. Wherever the word 'Master' is used in this Ordinance,
it shall be deemed
`I''.'' to, include any person having charge of a ship or vessel or any
other craft. ,
[All repealed by Ordinance 11'0. 8 of 187cJ.]
Ordinance No. 11 of 1845 repealed.
Regulations of April 1841, revoked.
Vessels to be reported within 24 hours.
Masters and mates to possess certificates.
Seamen shall be shipped at the shipping office only.
Deaths, desertions, or removals to be reported.
Seamen to be discharged only by permission of Harbour Master.
Ships to be moored where ordered by the Habour Master, and not remove therefrom without permission.
All orders by the Harbour Master to be obeyed.
Blue peter ot be hoisted and port clearance to be obtained before departure.
Merchant vessels having upwards of 200 lbs. of powder on board to report the same immediately.
No dead bodies or ballast to be cast into the harbour.
Fire-arms not to be used except in certain cases.
Boats to carry a light at night.
No abusive language to passengers.
Boats may be searched by offiers in Police boats.
Ships arriving having contagious diseases on board to report the same.
Ships to remove when ordered.
Steamers' fairway to be kept clear.
Not to make fast to or injure buoys and beacons.
Vessels to exhibit light at night.
Precautions to be taken in case of fire.
Precautions to be taken in case of mutiny.
Boundaries, limits, and anchorage of harbour.
Anchorages fixed for S.W. and N.E. moonsoons.
Anchorage for men-of-war.
Anchorage and mooring for river and coasting steamers.
Master of vessels fitting for conveyance of passengers to report same.
One dollar payable on retention of copy of this Ordinance.
Cases arising under this Ordinance to be tried by the marine Magistrate.
Provision for adjudication in absence of Marine Magistrate.
Interpretation clause.
Ordinance No. 11 of 1845 repealed.
Regulations of April 1841, revoked.
Vessels to be reported within 24 hours.
Masters and mates to possess certificates.
Seamen shall be shipped at the shipping office only.
Deaths, desertions, or removals to be reported.
Seamen to be discharged only by permission of Harbour Master.
Ships to be moored where ordered by the Habour Master, and not remove therefrom without permission.
All orders by the Harbour Master to be obeyed.
Blue peter ot be hoisted and port clearance to be obtained before departure.
Merchant vessels having upwards of 200 lbs. of powder on board to report the same immediately.
No dead bodies or ballast to be cast into the harbour.
Fire-arms not to be used except in certain cases.
Boats to carry a light at night.
No abusive language to passengers.
Boats may be searched by offiers in Police boats.
Ships arriving having contagious diseases on board to report the same.
Ships to remove when ordered.
Steamers' fairway to be kept clear.
Not to make fast to or injure buoys and beacons.
Vessels to exhibit light at night.
Precautions to be taken in case of fire.
Precautions to be taken in case of mutiny.
Boundaries, limits, and anchorage of harbour.
Anchorages fixed for S.W. and N.E. moonsoons.
Anchorage for men-of-war.
Anchorage and mooring for river and coasting steamers.
Master of vessels fitting for conveyance of passengers to report same.
One dollar payable on retention of copy of this Ordinance.
Cases arising under this Ordinance to be tried by the marine Magistrate.
Provision for adjudication in absence of Marine Magistrate.
Interpretation clause.
Ordinance No. 11 of 1845 repealed.
Regulations of April 1841, revoked.
Vessels to be reported within 24 hours.
Masters and mates to possess certificates.
Seamen shall be shipped at the shipping office only.
Deaths, desertions, or removals to be reported.
Seamen to be discharged only by permission of Harbour Master.
Ships to be moored where ordered by the Habour Master, and not remove therefrom without permission.
All orders by the Harbour Master to be obeyed.
Blue peter ot be hoisted and port clearance to be obtained before departure.
Merchant vessels having upwards of 200 lbs. of powder on board to report the same immediately.
No dead bodies or ballast to be cast into the harbour.
Fire-arms not to be used except in certain cases.
Boats to carry a light at night.
No abusive language to passengers.
Boats may be searched by offiers in Police boats.
Ships arriving having contagious diseases on board to report the same.
Ships to remove when ordered.
Steamers' fairway to be kept clear.
Not to make fast to or injure buoys and beacons.
Vessels to exhibit light at night.
Precautions to be taken in case of fire.
Precautions to be taken in case of mutiny.
Boundaries, limits, and anchorage of harbour.
Anchorages fixed for S.W. and N.E. moonsoons.
Anchorage for men-of-war.
Anchorage and mooring for river and coasting steamers.
Master of vessels fitting for conveyance of passengers to report same.
One dollar payable on retention of copy of this Ordinance.
Cases arising under this Ordinance to be tried by the marine Magistrate.
Provision for adjudication in absence of Marine Magistrate.
Interpretation clause.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1862
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“HABOUR REGULATION ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 28, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/165.