ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1861.
No. 1 of 1861.
An Ordinance for amending Ordinance No. 8 of 180.
[23rd March, 1861.E
Preamble. ~HLR>JAS it is necessary to amend Ordinance No. 8 of 1860, inti-
tuled 'An Ordinance to amend the Law in relation to the Grant
and Revocation of Probates of Wills and Letters of Administration in
Hongkong: : lie it therefore enacted and ordained by His Excellency the
Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
as follows:- ,
itepeal of 1. Sections 10 and 11 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1860 are hereby
sections 10 &
11 of No, s o£~ ed and instead thereof there shall be substituted the
following two sec-
isso. tions to be numbered respectively 10 and 11, that is to say:-
Aftiaavits. U.
before whom
to be made
when persons
making them
reside in
Foreign Paris.
made in Bri-
tish domi-
nions before
whom to be
1'orti.oa of
section 16 0£
No. 8 of 1860
to be struck
Provision for
reprints of
.No. 8 or 1860.
10. Affidavits declarations or affirmations of persons residing in
Foreign farts if sworn declared or afhrlned before the persons em-
powered to administer oaths under the Act of the 6th Geo. IV. cap.
87 or under the Act of the 18th and 19th Viet. cap. 42 before any
Foreign Local Magistrate or other person having authority to ad-
minister an oath in places where there are no such persons as are
mentioned in the said Acts may be used in the said Court in its
Probate Jurisdiction. -
lI. Affidavits declarations and affirmations sworn made and
taken in any place out of the Colony of Hongkong under the do-
minion of IIer Majesty before any Court, Judge, Notary Public,
or person lawfully authorized to administer oaths in. such place may
be used in the said Court in its Probate Jurisdiction. And all
officers of the said Court shall take judicial notice of the seal or
signature, as the case may be, of any such Court, Judge, Notary
Public, or ` person which shall be attached, suspended, or' sub-
scribed to any such affidavit, declaration, or affirmation-or to any
other document.
2. All of section 15 of Ordinance \'o. 8 of 1860 from the words in
tile seventh line 'and all the' to the end inclusive shall be struck out.
3. In every reprinted copy of Ordinance No. 8 of 1860 the amend-
ments hereinbefore specified in respect of the same shall be made by the y
printer before publishing the same; and it shall not be afterwards neces-
sary to print or reprint this Ordinance.
Repeal of sections 10 & 11 of No. 8 of 1860.
Affidavits, &c. before whom to be made when persons making them reside in Foreign Parts.
Affidvits made in British dominions before whom to be sworn.
Portion of section 15 of No. 8 of 1860 to be strunk out.
Provision for reprints of Ordinance No. 8 of 1860.
No. 1 of 1861.
An Ordinance for amending Ordinance No. 8 of 180.
[23rd March, 1861.E
Preamble. ~HLR>JAS it is necessary to amend Ordinance No. 8 of 1860, inti-
tuled 'An Ordinance to amend the Law in relation to the Grant
and Revocation of Probates of Wills and Letters of Administration in
Hongkong: : lie it therefore enacted and ordained by His Excellency the
Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
as follows:- ,
itepeal of 1. Sections 10 and 11 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1860 are hereby
sections 10 &
11 of No, s o£~ ed and instead thereof there shall be substituted the
following two sec-
isso. tions to be numbered respectively 10 and 11, that is to say:-
Aftiaavits. U.
before whom
to be made
when persons
making them
reside in
Foreign Paris.
made in Bri-
tish domi-
nions before
whom to be
1'orti.oa of
section 16 0£
No. 8 of 1860
to be struck
Provision for
reprints of
.No. 8 or 1860.
10. Affidavits declarations or affirmations of persons residing in
Foreign farts if sworn declared or afhrlned before the persons em-
powered to administer oaths under the Act of the 6th Geo. IV. cap.
87 or under the Act of the 18th and 19th Viet. cap. 42 before any
Foreign Local Magistrate or other person having authority to ad-
minister an oath in places where there are no such persons as are
mentioned in the said Acts may be used in the said Court in its
Probate Jurisdiction. -
lI. Affidavits declarations and affirmations sworn made and
taken in any place out of the Colony of Hongkong under the do-
minion of IIer Majesty before any Court, Judge, Notary Public,
or person lawfully authorized to administer oaths in. such place may
be used in the said Court in its Probate Jurisdiction. And all
officers of the said Court shall take judicial notice of the seal or
signature, as the case may be, of any such Court, Judge, Notary
Public, or ` person which shall be attached, suspended, or' sub-
scribed to any such affidavit, declaration, or affirmation-or to any
other document.
2. All of section 15 of Ordinance \'o. 8 of 1860 from the words in
tile seventh line 'and all the' to the end inclusive shall be struck out.
3. In every reprinted copy of Ordinance No. 8 of 1860 the amend-
ments hereinbefore specified in respect of the same shall be made by the y
printer before publishing the same; and it shall not be afterwards neces-
sary to print or reprint this Ordinance.
Repeal of sections 10 & 11 of No. 8 of 1860.
Affidavits, &c. before whom to be made when persons making them reside in Foreign Parts.
Affidvits made in British dominions before whom to be sworn.
Portion of section 15 of No. 8 of 1860 to be strunk out.
Provision for reprints of Ordinance No. 8 of 1860.
Repeal of sections 10 & 11 of No. 8 of 1860.
Affidavits, &c. before whom to be made when persons making them reside in Foreign Parts.
Affidvits made in British dominions before whom to be sworn.
Portion of section 15 of No. 8 of 1860 to be strunk out.
Provision for reprints of Ordinance No. 8 of 1860.
Repeal of sections 10 & 11 of No. 8 of 1860.
Affidavits, &c. before whom to be made when persons making them reside in Foreign Parts.
Affidvits made in British dominions before whom to be sworn.
Portion of section 15 of No. 8 of 1860 to be strunk out.
Provision for reprints of Ordinance No. 8 of 1860.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1861
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PROBATE -- AMENDMENT ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 27, 2025,