No. 30 of 1915.
An Ordinance to amend and consolidate the law relating to
Chinese passeitger ships as defined by the Chinese
Passengers Act, 1855, and concerning Asiatic emigrants
[31st March, 1916.]
This Ordinance may be cited as the Asiatic Emigration
Ordinance, 1915.
2.-(1) In this Ordinance,
(a) 'The Act' means the Chinese Passengers Act, 1855;
(b) 'Assisted emigrant' means any male emigrant who
intends to labour for hire in some place beyond the limits of
this Colony and who has received assistance in the way of
payment of passage money, subsistence or otherwise in order to
enable him to carry out his intention;
(c) ' Emigrant ' means any person being a native of Asia
who, unless exempted from the provisions of this Ordinance, is
carried or is about to be carried as a passenger in any emigrant
(d) Emigrant ship ' includes every Hong Kong emigrant
ship and every outport emigrant ship;
(e) Emigration Officer '' as regards this Colony means
the Harbour Master and includes any person duly authorized
by' him to perform or assist 'in performing his duties and as
regards other places includes every person lawfully acting
as Emigration Officer, Immigration. Agent or Protector of
Emigrants and every person authorized by the Governor of any
British colony to carry out the provisions of the Act;
(f) Free emigrant ' means 'an emigrant who is not under
any contract of service whatever;
The operation of this Ordinance is not limited by the Boaiding-house
Ordinance, 1917 : see No 23 of 1917, s. 8; see also No. 12 of 1923,
[Vaccination], s. 8.
See Proclamation No. 10 of 1916.
(g) ' General licence' means a licence granted under
section 13;
(h) 'Hong Kong emigrant ship' includes every ship
carrying from any port in the Colony of Hong Kong more
than twenty passengers being natives of Asia;
(i) ' Long voyage ' means any voyage, within the mean-
ing of the Act, which is declared by proclamation by the
Governor to be a voyage of more than thirty days' duration
Master ' in reference to any ship includes any person
for the time being in command or charge of the same;
(k) ' Outport emigrant ship' includes every British ship
carrying from any port in China or within one hundred miles
of the coast thereof, other than a port in the Colony of Hong
Kong, more, than twenty passengers being natives of Asia;
(l) ' Outport licence ' means a licence granted under
section 12
(m) ' Passenger ' means any person who is carried or is
about to, be carried in any emigrant ship other than the master
and crew, and the owner, his family and servants;
(n) ' Ship ' includes all seagoing vessels;
(o) ' Short voyage ' means any voyage, within the mean-
ing of the Act., of more than seven days' duration but not
exceeding thirty days' duration and any other voyage which
may, be declared by proclamation by the Governor to be a short
(p) ' Special licence ' means a licence granted' under'
section 14.
(2) Any emigrant ship clearing otit or proceeding to sea
on any voyage to any port for the purpose of commencing at
or from such port any short or long voyage shall be deemed
to have cleared out or proceeded to sea upon the said last-
mentioned voyage from the Colony or from a port in China
or within one hundred miles of the coast thereof, as the case
may be.
3. Save in so far as the provisions of the Act are expressly
modified by the provisions of this Ordinance, nothing contained
in the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to affect the
operation of the provisions of the Act.
4.-(1) The provisions of this Ordinance respecting ships
carrying emigrants and respecting the treatment of such
emigrants therein while at sea shall be deemed to be regulations
made under section 2 of, the Act in substitution for the regula-
tions contained in Schedule A to the said Act.
(2) The form of Emigration Officer's certificate contained
in the First Schedule to this Ordinance shall in the case of any
ship 'under special licence be substituted for the form of the
Emigration Officer's certificate. contained in Scheduld B to the
(3) The form of bond contained in the Second Schedule to
this Ordinance shall be substituted for the form of bond contained
in Schedule C to the Act.
5. Nothing. contained in the provisions of this Ordinance shall
be deemed in the case of any ship which is being regularly
employed in the. conveyance of public mails under contract with
the government of the state or colony for which. such mails are
carried or of any other'ship which is approved by the Goverrroi-
as a first class ship to apply to passngers who being natives of
Asia are travelling or are about to travel on the same terms as
non-Asiatic passengers in the first class of any such ship or in the
first or second class of any such ship if such ship carries more
than two classes of passengers.
6. The master of every ship arriving within the'waters of the
CAny with more than twenty emigrants on board or intended
for carrying from the Colony more than twenty emigrants shall,
within twenty-four hours from the arrival of his ship, report such
arrival to the Emigration Officer.
7. The owners or charterers of any emigrant ship about to
proceed on any voyage, or if they are absent their respective
agents, shall, as soon as such ship is laid on for the conveyance
of emigrants, give notice in writing of the fact to the Emigration
Officer specifying in such notice the name, destination and
probable time of departure of such ship.
8.-(1) No emigrant ship shall clear out.or proceed to sea on
any, voyage without a certificate from the Emigration Officer.
(2) Such certificate shall he in the form required by the Act
or, in the case of a ship under a special licence, in the form
contained in the First Schedule.
9. No emigrant ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any
voyage and the Emigration Officer shall not grant the certificate
unless the master of such ship is provided with a licence under
the hand of the Governor and the public. seal of the Colony or
under the hand and seal of an Emigration Officer, to be obtained
in manner hereinafter mentioned.
10.-(i) A licence granted under the provisions of this
Ordinance may be-
(a) a general licence granted under section 13;
(b) a special licence granted under section 14;
(c) an outport licence granted under section 12.
(2) Such licences shall be in the respective forms contained
in the Eleventh Schedule.
For survey requirements se, No. 10 of 1899 [Merchant Shipping].
S. 10 (8) (a) (v)
See s . 49 for penalty.
11. Whenever. any emigrant ship is about to -proceed to sea
from the Colony on any long or short voyage, the owners or
charterers of' such ship, or if they are absent from the Colony
their respective agents, shall, before such. ship is laid on for
the conveyance of emigrants, apply in writing to the Colonial
Secretary for a licence under the hand of the Governor and the
public seal of the Colony for the conveyance of such emigrants.
12. Whenever any outport emigrant ship, which is not pro-
vided with a licence covering her intended voyage, is about to
proceed with emigrants from any port in China or within one
hundred miles of the coast thereof, other than a port in the Colony
of Hong Kong, on any short voyage, the owners or charterers
of such ship, or if they are absent their respective agents, shall,
before such ship is laid on for the conveyancd of.emigrants, apply
in writing to. the Emigration Officer at such port for a licence
under his hand and seal for the conveyance of such emigrants on
the intended voyage only.
13. The Governor may grant to any vessel a general licence
for any period or for any number of voyages or for voyages
between any specified ports.,
14. The Governor may grant a special licence for any period
not exceeding twelve months, or for any number of voyages to be
performed within twelve months, between any specified ports, to
any ship which is being regularly employed in the conveyance of
public mails under contract with the government of the state or
colony for which,such mails are carried, or to any other ship which
is approved by the Governor as a first class ship.
15. The grant of a general or special licence shall be in the
absolute discretion of the,Governor and the grant of an outport
licence shall be in the absolute discretion of the Emigration
16. No licence shall be issued until-
(a) the master of the ship in respect of which application is
made for a licence shall have entered into a joint and several bond
with two sufficient. sureties approveq by an Emigration Officer in
the sum of one thousand pounds in the form contained in the
Second Schedule;'
(b) the owners or charterers, or if they are absent from the
Colony their respective agents, shall have furnished, on oath if
required, all the particulars specified in 'the Third Schedule as
necessary on. application for the form of licence applied for and all
other particulars relating to the intended emigration that may be
required by an Emigration Officer;
(c) the owners or charterers, or their respective agents, or the
master of the ship, shall have paid to the Emigration Officer the
fee for the licence applied for, which shall be fifteen dollars in the
case of a general licence or a special licence and five dollars in the
case of an outport licence.;
(d) such other conditions shall have been complied with as
may have been prescribed by the Governor or the Emigration
Officer as the case may be.
17. No emigrant ship shall carry any emigrants except free
18. The number of passengers which may be carried on any
ship which has a special licence shall not exceed one passenger
for every ten tons of the registered tonnage of the ship.
19. Every outport licence shall specify the period within which
the ship shall clear out and proceed to sea, and the ship shall
clear out and proceed to sea within the period specified: Provided
that it shall be lawful for the Emigration Officer to extend such
period in the case of any outport licence granted by him.
20.-(1) Any general licence may be revoked by the Governor
if it appears to his satisfaction at any time that ' any of the
particulars furnished in respect of the said licence,were untrue or
that there has been any breach of any condition of the said licence
or that there has been any other contravention of the provisions
of this Ordinance.
(2) Any special licence may be revoked at any.time by the
Governor in his absolute discretion.
(3) Any outport licence may be revoked by an Emigration
Officer at the port where such outport licence was issued if it
appears to. the satisfaction of such Emigr ation Officer that any qf
the particulars respect of the said licence were untrue
or that there has been any breach of any condition of the said
licence or that there has been any other contravention of the
provisions of this Ordinance.
(4) In every case in which a licence is revoked by the
Governor or by an Emigration Officer it shall be lawful for the
Governor or the Emigration Officer, as the case may be, to order
that,the ship be seized and detained until the emigration papers
of the said ship, if already granted, are delivered up to be
21. In case it is shown to the satisfaction of the. Governor
-in Council, at any time before the departure of any emigrant
ship proceeding on any voyage, that the master, mate or Any
other officer of such ship is unfit for the proper discharge of his
duties by reason of incompetency or misconduct or for any other
sufficient cause, it shall be lawful for the Governor by order under
his hand to direct the dismissal or removal of such master, mate
or other officer from the said ship, and thereupon the owners or
charterers thereof or their agents shall forthwith dismiss or
remove such master, mate or other officer, as the case may
be, and appoint another in his place, to be approved by an
Emigration Officer, in the' place of the one so dismissed or
removed as aforesaid.
22.~(i) All emigrant ships,clearing out or proceeding to
sea on any short voyage under a general or outport licence shall
be subject to the regulations contained in the Fourth Schedule.
(2) All emigrant ships clearing out or proceeding to sea on
any short voyage under a special licence shall be subject to the
regulations contained in the Fifth Schedule.
(3) All `emigrant ships clearing out or proceeding to sea on
any long voyage shall be subject to the regulations contained in
the Sixth Schedule.
23. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to
.exempt from all or any of the provisions of this Part such, or
such class or party of, assisted emigrants and upon such con-
ditions and for such period as may be in the opinjon of the
Governor in Council desirable.
(a)-Medical inspection.
24. It shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint any duly
qualified persons as medical officers for the purposes of the Act
and of this Ordinance.
25. No emigrant ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on
any voyage until a duly appointed medical officer shall have
certified to the Emigration Officer, and such Emigration Officer
shall not grant his certificate unless he is satisfied, that none of
the emigrants, passengers or crew appears, by reason of any
bodily or mental disease, unfit to proceed or likely to endanger
the health or safety of other persons about to proceed in such
26. A medical inspection of the emigrants, passengers and
crew for the purposes of giving such certificate shall take place
either on board such ship or, in the case of emigrants, at the
discretion of the Emigration Officer, at such time and on shore,
before embarkation, as 'ne may appoint.
27. A medical inspection of assisted emigrants shall take
place on shore before embarkation as well as on board the ship
after embarkation and the Emigration Officer shall not grant his
certificate unless fie is satisfied that such double inspection has
been duly made or has been dispensed with by the sanction of
the Governor.
28. The medical inspection of emigrants required to be made
after their embarkation in any emigrant ship shall take place at
such time as the Emigration Officer may appoint.
29. Any medical officer appointed under the provisions of
this Ordinance for the inspection of intending emigrants and the
supervision of matters and things relating to the comfort and
well-being of such emigrants before their departure and on their
voyage, shall be entitled to charge, and the master, owner or
charterer of. the ship carrying or about to carry emigrants in
respect of which or whom such inspection or supervision is
effected shall pay to such medical officer, such fees as may from
time to time be prescribed by the Governor in Council.
30. Any Chinese medical practitioner shall be eligible, with
the approval of the Governor, for the office of surgeon of any
ship for the purposes of the Act or of this Ordinance.
(b)-Provisions relating to passage brokers.
31.-(1) No person shall act as a passage broker or in
procuring emigrants for, or in the sale or letting of passages
in, any emigrant ship proceeding on any voyage unless he has
with two sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs, entered into a joint and several bond in the
sum of five thousand dollars to; His Majesty, His Heirs and
Successors, according to the form in the 'Seventh Schedule,
which bond shall be renewed on each occasion of obtaining such
licence as hereinafter mentioned and shall be deposited with the
'Secretary for Chinese Affairs; nor unless such person has
obtained a licence to let or sell passages; nor unless such licence
is then in force.
(2) Where different members of the same firm act as passage
brokers each' person so acting shall comply with the terms of
this section.
32. Any person wishing to obtain a licence to act as a
passage . broker shall make application for the same to the
Secretary for Chinese Affairs who is hereby authorized if he
thinks fit to grant such licence, according to the form in the
Eighth Schedule: Provided always that no such licence shall
be granted ' unless such bond as is mentioned in section 31 has
been first entered into: Provided also that any magistrate who
adjudicates on any offence committed by such broker against this
Ordinance is hereby authorized to order the offender's licence
to be forfeited and the same shall thereupon be forfeited accord-
ingly: and the said magistrate making such order shall forthwith
cause notice of such forfeiture, in the form in the Ninth Schedule,
to be transmitted to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, and such
forfeiture shall be exclusive and independent of any other punish-
ment which may be inflicted upon such offender under the
provisions of this Ordinance.
33. Every person obtaining such licence as aforesaid shall
pay to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs a fee of two hundred
dollars, or where the duration of the licence is short such reduced
fee as the Governor in Council may authorize.
34. Such licence shall continue in force until the 31st day
of December in the year in which such licence is granted, and
for fourteen days afterwards, unless sooner forfeited as herein-
before mentioned.
35. Every.passage broker' who contracts with any intending
emigrant for a passage in any ship shall forthwith give notice in
writing to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs and to the Emigra-
tion Officer of every such contract, specifying the . name, age
and sex of such emigrant and the name of such ship.
36.-(1) Every passage broker who receives money from
any emigrant for or in respect, of a passage in any emigrant
ship proceeding on any voyage shall give to such emigrant a
passage ticket, under the hand of such passage broker and
stamped with his seal or trade mark.
(2) Every such ticket shall be printed in a plain and legible
type according to the form in the Tenth Schedule and shall
be accompanied with a translation thereof in the Chinese
language, in plain and legible characters.
37. Every passage broker, before he receives or takes any
money on account of any passage or for the sale or letting of the
whole or any part of the accommodation of or in any such ship,
shall produce to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs the certificate
of the master or owner of the ship in respect of which a passage
has been taken or the accommodation in which has been,so sold
or let, to the effect that such ship has been chartered for the
purpose of carrying emigrants and that such passage broker is
authorized to receive payment for such passage or for the sale
or letting of the accommodation in such ship ; and such certificate'
shall be filed in the office of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs.
38.-(1) Every passage broker who has engaged to provide
an emigrant with a passage shall, either *personally or by his
duly authorized representative, attend with such passenger at
such place and time as may be appointed by the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs, and in the presence of the Secretary for Chinese
Affairs or of such officer as the Secretary for Chinese ' Affairs
may appoint the true intent and meaning of such passage ticket
shall be explained to such emigrant with the object of ascertain-
ing that such emigrant understands where he is going and that
such emigrant is not. acting under -compulsion and is not being
influenced to emigrate by false representations.
(2) In the absence of any appointment by the Secretary
for Chinese Affairs the said attendance in the case of all female
emigrants, and in the case of all male emigrants who either are
assisted emigrants or appear to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs
to be under the age of sixteen years, shall take place at the office
of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, and in the case of all other
emigrants shall take place on board the emigrant ship.
(3) It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to direct
that any of the provisions of this section may be dispensed with
in the case of emigrants travelling to any British possession.
39. No person shall fraudulently alter or cause to be altered,
rendered useless or destroyed, after it is once issued, or shall
fraudulently induce any person to part with or render useless
or destroy, any such passage ticket, until the termination of the
passage which it is intended to, evidence.
40. No licensed passage broker shall, as. agent for any person
whether, a licensed broker or not, receive money for or on account
of the passage of any emigrant on board an emigrant ship
without having a written authority to act as such agent or, on
the dernand of the Emigration Officer, refuse or fail to exhibit
his licence and such written authority.
. 41._(i) It shall be lawful for the Secretary for Chinese
Affairs or the Emigration Officer, at any time' when he is
satisfied that any emigrant who is unwilling to leave port has
been obtained by any fraud, violence or other improper means,
to land such emigrant and procure him a passage back to his
native place or that from which he was taken, and also to defray
the cost of his maintenance whilst awaiting a return passage.
(2) All such expenses, with all legal costs incurred, shall
be recoverable by the Secretary for Chinese Affairs or. Ernigra-
tion Officer before any magistrate from the emigration: passage
broker of the vessel in which such emigrant was shipped or
intended to be shipped.
(c)-Provisions as to emigration boarding-houses.
42.-(1) No assisted emigrant shall, without the sanction of
the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, be permitted to embark in
this Colony in any emigrant ship on any voyage unless he has
been lodged in a boarding-house licensed under this Ordinance
during a period of not less than forty-eight hours previous to the
examination by the Secretary for Chinese Affairs.
(2) No person shall accommodate any assisted emigrant.
except in a boarding-house for assisted emigrants licensed under
this Ordinance.
43.-(1) It shall be lawful for the Secretary for Chinese
Affairs to license a sufficient number of fit and proper persons
to keep boarding-houses for assisted emigrants.
(2), Every such licence shall be granted for such period not
exceeding twelve months, and on payment of such fee and on
such terms and conditions, as may be prescribed by any rules
to be made tinder section 44.
(3) Every boarding-house keeper licensed tinder this Ordin-
ance shall enter into a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars,
with two sufficient sureties to be approved by the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs, for the due observance of such terms and
44.-(i) It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to
make rules for the licensing, regulation and sanitary mainten-
ance of such boarding-houses and with regard to all persons
residing therein, brid by such rules to require such registers or
other books to be kept as he may deem expedient.
See s. 5 for penalty.
For rules made under this Ordinance and No. 23 of 1917 [Boarding-
house], see the corresppnding volume of the Regulations of Hong
(2) All such rules when made shall be published in the
Gazette and when so published shall be as valid and binding as
if contained in this Ordinance.
45.-(1) The keeper of every such boarding-house shall
supply the Secretary for Chinese Affairs with a return of all
emigrants who are inmates of the house, giving their number,
names, descriptions and such other particulars as the Secretary
for Chinese Affairs may direct together with the name of the
emigrant ship by which they intend to proceed.
(2) Such return must be supplied at least twenty-four hours
before the examination by the Secretary for Chinese Affairs and
shall be in such form as he may direct.
46.-(1) The keeper of every licensed boarding-house from
which any assisted emigrant is to be shipped or in the case of
every male emigrant under the age of sixteen years and of all
female emigrants the passage broker who provides the passage
shall attend at the office of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs or
other place appointed for the examination to be held by the
Secretary for Chinese Affairs, and shall then furnish the
Secretary for Chinese Affairs or such officer as the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs may appoint with two copies of the photograph
of every such emigrant, with the names, ages and number of the
said emigrants, numbered to correspond with a list containing
the names, ages, sex, destination, occupation and any other
particulars which may be required by the Secretary for Chinese
Affairs concerning each emigrant entered thereon together with
the name of the ship by which each emigrant intends to sail and
the date of departure.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Secretary for Chinese Affairs
to employ photographers to furnish, the photographs required by
this section.
47. Except where otherwise expressly prescribed under the
provisions of this Ordinance, every' person who contravenes any
of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a
48. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of
any regulation contained in the Schedules to this Ordinance
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
49. The master of any ship failing or neglecting to comply
with the provisions of section 6 shall upon summary conviction
be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and to
imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months.
[ss. 5o and 51, rep. No. 21 Of 1922.]
52. Every person who-
(i) makes or attempts to make any fraudulent use of a
certificate granted under the provisions of this Ordinance; or
(2) forges, counterfeits, alters or erases the whole or any
part thereof; or
(3) uses or attempts to use any spurious or fraudulent
certificate, and every person aiding and abetting in such offence;
(4) by any fraud or false representation as to the size of a
ship or otherwise or by any false pretence whatsoever induces
any person to engage a passage in any emigrant ship; or
(5) falsely represents any assisted emigrant to be a non-
assisted emigrant,
shall be liable upon conviction -either summarily or on indictment
to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one year and to a
fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.
53. Every person who-
(i) unlawfully, either by force or fraud, takes away or
detains against his will any person with' intent to put him on
board any emigrant ship; or
(2) With any such intent, receives or harbours or enters
into any contract for foreign service. with any person s6 taken'
away or detained,
shall be gu ilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
liable at the discretion of the court to imprisonment for any term
not exceeding seven years.
54. Every person who falsely and deceitfully personates, or
aids and abets. in falsely and deceitfully personating, an emigrant
or intendin emigrant at
any attendance before or examination
by the Secretary for Chinese Affairs or any officer appointed
by the Secretary, for Chinese Affairs or an Emigration Officer,
required by this or any other enactment for the time being in
force relating to Asiatic emigration,
shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor and shall upon summary conviction be liable to a fine
not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars and to imprisonment
for any term not exceeding six. months.
55.-(1) Every person who- commits any contravention of
any rule made unaer the provisions of section' 44 shall be guilty
of an offence and shall upon summary conviction be liable to
a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars in respect of such
(2) The keeper of any hotel or boarding-house who know-
ingly furnishes any false or incorrect return or other particulars
required of him, or who obtains or attempts to obtain by fraud,
intimidation or force the shipment of any emigrant or intending
emigrant, and every person who aids or abets such keeper in so
doing, shall upon summary conviction be liable to a fine not
exceeding five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for any term
not exceeding one year.
(3) Any such keeper and his sureties shall also be liable to
the enforcement of his and their bond, and the licence of such
keeper may be. suspended or cancelled by the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs.
56. The owners or charterers of any emigrant ship and any
emigration passage broker, and any intending emigrant by any
such ship, and any master or other person in charge of,any such
ship, who fails to comply with or commits any breach of the
provisions of this Ordinance so far as they inav respectively be
bound thereby, and any person granting or knowingly uttering
any forged certificate, permit, notice or other document under
this Ordinance, shall, without prejudice to any other proceeding,
civil or criminal, be liable upon summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for any
term not exceeding six months.
57. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to apply
the whole or any part of the penalties recoverable under section 5
of the Act for the non-observance or non-performance of the
regulations made under this Ordinance or the Act towards
the expenses of reconveying to their homes or transferring to
another ship emigrants who were intending to proceed in any
vessel whose licence has been revoked in manner hereinbefore
58. Particulars or any of such requited to be furnished under
any of the provisions of section 16 shall, if so ordered by an
.Emigration Officer, be verified upon oath or declaration before
an Emigration Officer or justice of the peace who are hereby
authorized to administer such oath or declaration.
59. The forms. in the Schedules to this Ordinance or forms
to the like effect, with such variations. and additions as circum-
stances may require, may be used for the purposes therein
indicated and according to the directions therein contained, and
instruments in those forms shall (as regards the form thereof)
be valid and sufficient.
SCHEDULES. [s.59.]
FIRST SCHEDULE. [ss. 4 (2), 8 (2).]
I, A.B., Emigration Officer for
do hereby certify as follows:-
1. That the ship , A.B., master, is specially licensed
under hhe provisions of the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915.
2. That the said ship is licensed to carry adult emigrants,
of whom none are to be under any contract of service whatever.
Dated this day of
Emigration Officer.
SECOND SCHEDULE. [ss. 4 (3), 16],
Know all men by these presents that we, A.B., of . ,
and C. D., of ' and E.F., of , are held
and firmly bound unto Our Sovereign Lord King George VI in the
sum of one thousand pounds of good and lawful money of ('Treat
Britain, to be paid unto Our said Sovereign Lord the King, His Heirs
and Successors; to which payment well and be made we bind
ourselves and every of us jointly and severally for and in the whole,
our heirs, executors and administrators and every of thea), firmly by
these presents, sealed with our seals.
Dated this day of 19
Now the condition of this obligation is that if (in respect of the
ship whereof is master) all and every the
requirements of the Chinese Passengers Act, 1855, and of the Asiatic
Emigration Ordinance, 1915, and of the regulations contained in the
Schedules to the said Ordinance shall be well and truly performed [in
like manner as the same ought to be observed and performed in case
the said ship were a British ship, and the said
were a British subject] (a) then this obligation to be void, otherwise
to remain in full force and effect.
Signed, sealed and delivered by the above-bounden
and and in the presence of
Name........of ship
Nationality of'ship ......................................................................
Registered tohnage ....................................................................
Name of owners ....; .............
Name of charterers (if any) .......................................................
Name of agents ........................................................................
Name of master .........................................................................
Intended voyage or voyages
Number of emigrants to be conveyed-
Assisted ...............................................
Other than assisted ...............................
(For outport licences only, in addition to the above.)
Proposed time of departure .......................................................
I the undersigned hereby apply for a (a) ................................
licence under the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance; 1915, for the above
ship for (b)
(Signature) .........
(c) Owners, charterers or agents.
I (d) ..........................
of (e) ..................................................................................
do solemnly swear that the above particulars are true.
Sworn by the within-named
of ...........19
Before me
........................... .............................
Justice of the Peace or Emigration Officer.
FOURTH SCHEDULE. [s. 22 (1).]
1. No emigrant ship licensed under general or outport licence
under the provisions of the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance,. 1915, shall
clear out or proceed to sea on any short voyage unless the master
thereof hits received from an Emigration Officer a copy, of these regula-
tions and a certificate in the form in the Appendix to these regulations,
nor until the master has entered into the bond in the form set out in
the Second Schedule to the said Ordinance.
No Emigration Officer shall be bound to uive such. certificate
until seven days after receiving from the owners or charterers of the
ship, or if they are absent from their respective agents, an application
in writing for the same and a notice that the ship is laid on for the
conveyance of emigrants, nor, where the number of emigrants on
board exceeds fifty, unless there are on board a medical officer und
interpreter duly approved by such Emigration Officer.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1939, Supp. Sched.
3. After receiving such application the Emigration Officer, and
any person authorized by him in that behalf, shall be at liberty at all
times to enter and inspect the ship and the fittings, provisions and
stores therein; and any person impeding such entry or insp&ction or
refusing to allow the. same shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding
one hundred dollars for each ofience.
4. The following conditions as to the accommodation of emigrants
shall. be observed to the satisfaction of the Emigration Officer-
(1) that the ship. is in a state of perfect cleanliness and if neces-
sary has been disinfected;
(2) that the space appropriated to the emigrants between decks
is clean, properly lighted and ventilated, and contains at the least 9
superficial and 54 cubic feet on the upper between decks and 18
superficial and 126 cubic feet of space on the lower between decks for
every adult emigrant on board, that is' to say, for every emigrant
above 12 years of age and for every 2 emigrants between the ages of
1 and 12 years; and that the height between decks is at least 6 feet;
(3) that the accommodation for female emigrants between decks
is separate from that provided for male emigrants;
. (4) that a space of 4 superficial feet per adult is left clear on the
upper deck for the, use of the emigrants;
(5) that sufficient latrines, both as to condition and number, are
provided in suitable parts of the ship; .
(6) that a reasonable space is set apart, properly divided and fitted
up, as a sick-bay or hospital; and
(7) that in the measurement of the passenger decks for the pur-
pose of determining the number of emigrants to be carried in any such
ship, the space for the sick-bay or hospital shall not be included.
5. No part of the cargo or of the provisions, water or stores shall
be carried on the upper. deck or on the passenger decks, unless in the
.opinion of the Emigration Officer the same is so placed as not to
impede light or ventilatio or to interfere with the comfort of the
emigrants nor unless the same is stowed and secured to the satis-
faction of
the Emigration officer; and the space thereby occupied or
rendered unavailable for the accommodation of the emigrants shall be
deducted in calculating the:' space by which the number of passengers
is regulated.
The Emigration Officer may in his discretion permit emigrants
to be carried da deck passengers, on such conditions as may from time
to time be prescribed 'under instructions from one of His Majesty's
Principal Secretaries of,State and, until and subject to such instrue.
tions, on the conditions following-
(1) a suitable awning with screens shall be provided on deck,
sufficient for the protection of such emigrants carried as deck passen.
gers from the sun and from rain;
(2) the space appropriated to such emigrants carried as deck
passengers shall contain at the least 16 superficial feet for every adult,
that is to say, for every emigrant,above 12 years of age and for every
2 emigrants between 1 and 12 years of age; and
(3) in case emigrants are carried as deck passengers in dition to.
other emigrants for whom accommodation between decks is provided,
the space to be appropriated for such emigrants carried as deck
passengers shall be reckoned exclusively of the space of 4 superficial
feet per adult required to be left cleat on the upper deck for the use
of such other emigrants.
7. The following conditions as to provisions shall be observed, to
the satisfaction of the Emigration Officer-
(1) provisions, fuel and water shall be placed on board,-of good
quality, properly packed and sufficient for the use and consumption
of the emigrants, over and above the victualling of the crew, during
the intended voyage, according to the following scales-
Scale for Chine8e.
per day.
Rice or bread stuffs ........1 1/3 lb.
Dried and/or salt fish .......l/3 lb.
Chinese condiment and curry stuffs 1 oz.
Fresh vegetables, which keep
for short voyages, such as sweet 1 1/3 lb.
potatoes, turnips, carrots and
pumpkins ..........
Firewood ..................2 lb.
Water (to be carried in tanks or sweet
casks) ....................1 gallon.
Scale for Indians.
per day.---
Atta or rice ..............1 2/3 lb.
Fresh vegetables which will keep
for short voyages, such as sweet
potatoes, onions, turnips, carrots and
pumpkins ............. 3/4 lb.
Ghee ....................... ................ 4 oz.
Salt ........................ 1/2 oz.
Sugar .....................2 oz.
Tea ....................... 1/3 oz.
Chillies .................. 1/6 oz.
Turmeric.................................................................. 1/6 oz.
Garlic ................... 1/6 oz.
Ginger .................... 1/3 oz.
Firewood ..................2 lb.
Water .....................1 gallon.
(2) the last preceding condition as to provisions shall be deemed
to have been complied with in any case where by the special authority
of the Emigration Officer any other articles of food have been sub-
stituted for the articles enumerated in the foregoing scale, as being
equivalent thereto; and
(3) the emigrants may supply their own provisions for the voyage,
and proper accommodation for the stowage and sufficient cabooses for
the cooking of such provisions must be allowed.
8. The Emigration Officer shall not give his certificate unless he
is satisfied-
(1) 'that the ship is seaworthy, clean and properly manned,
equipped, fitted, lighted and ventilated, and has not on board any
cargo likely from its quaiity or mode of stowage to prejudice the health
or safety of the emigrants;
(2) that suitable medicines and medical stores, provisions, fuel
and water have been placed on board, of good quality, properly packed
and sufficient in quantity to supply the emigrants on board during the
intended voyage;
(3) that all the requirements of the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance,
1915, have been complied with; and
(4) that the intending emigrants who are males under the age of
sixteen years or females have been passed by the Secretary for Chinese
9. The Emigration Officer may at any time enter and inspect the
ship and the accommodation, provisions and stores provided for the
emigrants, and may require the master or any other person to produce
the licence and the ship's papers for his inspection, and if he thinks
necessary after inspecting the ship's papers, he may muster and
inspect the emigrants.
10. The Emigration Officer may in all cases, if any of the
emigrants are in bad health or insufficiently provided with clothing
or if there is reason to suspect that fraud or violence has' been
practised in their collection or embarkation, detain the ship and, if he
thinks fit, order all or any ofthe emigrants to be relanded.
11. The Emigration Officer may, if he thinks fit, before granting
his certificate employ any duly qualified medical practitioner, master
mariner, marine surveyor or other person whose professional assistance
and advice, he may require for the, purpose of ascertaining whether
the requirements of the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, have
been duly complied with, and the costs and charges of obtaining
such assistance and advice shall be defrayed by the owners or
charterers of the ship, whether the Emigration Officer grants his
certificate or not.
12. The Governor in,Council shall from time to time fix a reason-
able scale of fees and charges, to be approved by one of His Majesty's
Principal Secretaries of State, for the remuneration of any profes-
sional persons who may be employed under regulation 11 of these
regulations, and pending the approval or disapproval of such scale
the fees and charges therein. specified shall be payable as if the same
had been approved in manner aforesaid.
13. The owners or charterers of every ship shall pay such fees
for the remuneration of the Emigration Officer as may from time to
time be ordered under instructions from one of His Majesty's Principal
Secretaries of State, and until and subject to such instructions the
following fees shall be payable in addition to all fees and charges
payable under regulation 1.2 of these regulations-
upon every application for a certificate $25:
Provided that for an Emigration Officer's certificate delivered at
a second port on the same voyage for a ship which has already received
a certificate at the first port the fee shall be only $12.50: Provided
also always that no fees be payable to the Emigration Officer of this
Colony, but in lieu thereof the following stamp duties are hereby
imposed: that is to say-
1. upon every application for a certificate under
regulation 2, a stamp duty of ......$ 1
2. upon every certificate granted under regulati on
1, a stamp..............duty of ....................................... $ 1
and any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to stamps shall
be read as if the stamp duties hereby imposed were inserted in the
Schedule thereof.
14. In case default is made by the owners or charterers of the
ship in the payment of any fees, costs or charges to which they may
be liable under the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, and these
regulations, the ship may be detained by the British consul, or if in
this Colony by the Governor, until such fees, costs and charges shall
have been paid.
15. The Emigration Officer may withhold his certificate or revoke
the same at any time before the departure of the ship'if it appears to
his satisfaction that any particulars contained in the application in
writing which has been made for the same, or any other particulars
which may have been furnished to him by or on behalf of the owners,
charterers or master, of the ship in relation thereto, are untrue, or
that the requirements of the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915,
have not been complied with; and in every such case it shall be lawful
for the British consul, or if in this Colony for the Governor, to seize
and detain the ship until the certificate, if already granted, has been
delivered up to be cancelled.
16. The master of every emigrant ship, being a British ship and
proceeding on any short voyage, shall during the whole of the intended
voyage make issues of provisions, fuel and water according to the
aforesaid scale to all the emigrants except' such as have supplied
themselves therewith, and shall not make any alteration, except for
the manifest advantage of the emigrants, in respect of the space
allotted to them as aforesaid or in respect of the means of ventilation,
and shall not ill-use the emigrants or require them (except in case
of necessity) to help in working the ship; and shall issue medicines
and medical comforts, as may be requisite; and shall calL at such
ports as may be mentioned in the Emigration Officer's clearing
certificate for fresh water and other necessaries; and shall carry the
emigrants without unnecessary delay to the destination to which they
are bound.
17. Before the arrival of any such British ship at the port for
which the emigrants have embarked, the master shall cause the
emigrants to be mustered for the purpose of ascertaining that there
are none on board who are not in possession of an emigration passage
ticket and included in the Emigration Officer's certificate and detailed
list of emigrants; if any such are found it shall be the duty of the
master to hand them over to the proper authority to, be dealt with
according to law.
18.-(1) The master of every such British ship shall, within
twenty-four hours after his arrival at the port of destination and at
any port of call, produce his emigration papers to the British consul,
if any, at such port, or if such port is in His Majesty's dominions,
then the master of such ship shall produce the said papers to any
officer appointed or authorized by the local Government in that behalf.
(2) It shall be lawful for such consul or other officer to enter and
inspect such ship, and in case the master obstructs ot refuses to assist
him in the discharge of such duty or without reasonable cause fails
to produce his emigration papers as aforesaid, he shall be liable to a
fine of five hundred dollars and the ship. may be detained by the
British consul or, if in His Majesty's dominions, by the local Govern
ment, until such fine has been paid and the emigration papers have
been given up.
19. In all ports and places where no Emigration Officer has been
appointed, the British consul shall, until such appointment and at
all times during the vacancy of such office, be deerned to be the
Emigration Officer for the purposes of these regulations,
20. All emigrant ships must be provided with boats and life-
saving appliances in accordance with the provisions of Table A of
the Regulations under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1899, as if
.they were * seagoing ships having passenger certificates under section
10 of the* said Ordinance, and every emigrant ship shall carry a fire
engine or force pump with sufficient hose to reach fore and aft
at least three dozen fire buckets.
Appendix. [reg. 1.]
Form of Emigration Officer's certificate.
I, A.B., Emigration Officer at, the port of do
hereby certify as follows-
(1) that the ship C.D., master, of
the port of is within the provisions of an Ordinance of
the legislature of Hong Rong, intituled the Asiatic Emigration Ordin-
ance, 1915, and that the said ship is authorized to proceed to sea from
the port of for the, port of
(2) that the ship is authonized to carry adult
emigrants and that there are on board[if any are emigrants
carried as deck passengers, add: of whomare, emigrants
carried as deck passengers] making in all adult emigrants,
namely, men, women,male children, and
. female children, such children being between the ages of
one and twelve years;
(3) that the ship is in a state of perfect cleanlineas;
(4) that the space set apart and to be, kept clear for the use of
such emigrants is as follows-on the upper deck superficial
feet, being [describe space] and in the between deck
superficial feet, being [describe space];
(5) that the ship is seaworthy and properly manned, equipped,
fitted, lighted and ventilated, and has not on board any cargo likely
from its quality, quantity or mode of stowage to prejudice the health
or safety of the emigrants. The means of ventilating the emigrants'
accommodation between decks are as follows-[ describe, space];
(6) that suitable medicines and stores, provisions, fuel and water,
have been placed on board, of good quality, properly packed and
sufficient in quantity to supply the emigrants on board during the
intended voyage;
(7) that all the conditions and requirements of the said Ordinance
have been duly complied with;
(8) that none of the Said emigrants is under any contract of
service. whatever, and that no fraud appears to have been practised in
collecting such emigrants;
(9) that the intending emigrants who are males under the age of
sixteen years or females have been passed by the Secretary for Chinese
Affairs; and
(10) that the master of the ship is to put into for
water and fresh vegetables.
Dated the day of ,19
(Signed) A.B.,
Emigration 6fficer at the port of
FIFTH SCHEDULE. Is. 22 (2).]
1. No ship licensed under special licence under the provisions of
the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, shall clear out or proceed to
sea until the master thereof has received from the Emigration Officer
a copy of these regulations, and a, certificate in the form contained in
the First Schedule to the said Ordinance, which copy and certificate,
with any documents to be attached thereto, shall be signed by the
Emigration Officer, nor until the master has, with two sufficient
sureties to be approved by the Emigration Officer, entered into a joint
and several bond in the sum of one thousand pounds to His Majesty,
His Heirs and Successors, in the form contained in the Second
Schedule to the said Ordinance.
2. The following conditions as to the accommodation of emigrants
shall be observed-
(1) the Space appropriated to the emigrants between decks shall
be properly entilated and shall contain at the least 9 superficial and
54 cubic feet of space for every adult emigrant on board, that is to
say, for every emigrant above 12 years of age and for every 2 emigrants
between 1 and 12 years of age; the height between decks shall be at
least 6 feet.;
(2) the accommodation for female emigrants between decks shall
be separate from that provided for male emigrants;
a space of 4 superficial feet per adult shall be left clear on the
upper deck for the use of ernigrants; and
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1939, Supp. Sched.
(4) a reasonable space shall be set apart as a sick-bay, and
sufficient latrines, both as to condition and number, shall be provided
in suitable parts of the ship.
3. Emigrants may be carried as deck passengers, at seasons
allowed by law, on such conditions as may from time to time be
prescribed under instructions from one of His Majesty's Principal
Secretaries of State and, until and subject to such instructions,' on the
conditions following-
(1) a suitable awning with screens shall be provided on ' deck,
sufficient.for the protection of such emigrants carried as deck. passen-
gers from the sun and from rain;
(2) the space appropriated to such emigrants carried as deck
passen lers shall contain at the least 16 superficial feet for every adult,
that is to say, for every emigrant above 12 years of age and for every 2
emigrants between 1 and 12 years of age;
(3) in case emigrants are carried as deck passengers in addition to
other emigrants for whom accommodation between decks is provided,
the space to be appropriated for such emigrants carried as deck
passengers shall be reckoned exclusively of the space of 4 superficial
feet per adult required to he left clear on the upper deck for the use
of such other emigrants; and
(4) a medical officer and interpreter duly approved by the
Emigration Officer shall be carried where the number of emigrants on
4. The following conditions as to provisions shall be observed-
,Provisions, fuel and water shall be placed on board, of good
quality,. properly packed and sufficient for the use and consumption of
the emigrants, over and above the victualling of the crew, during the
intended voyage, according to the following scales-
Scale for Chinese.
Rice or bread stuffs ......1 1/3 lb.
Dried and/or salt fish ....l/3b.
Chinese condiments and curry stuff 1 oz.
Fresh vegetables which will keep
for short voyages, such as sweet
potatoes, turnips, carrots and
pumpkins .............1 1/3 lb.
Firewood ..................2 lb.
Water (to be carried in tanks or sweet
casks) ....................1 gallon.
or according to a scale at least equivalent to the
Scale for Indians.
per day.
Atta or rice......................................... . 1 2/3 lb.
Fresh vegetables which will keep
for short voyages, such as sweet
potatoes, onions, turnips,; carrots and
pumpkins ......... 3/4 lb.
Ghee ......................4 oz.
Salt . .................................................................. 1/2 oz.
Sugar .....................2 oz.
Tea ....................... 1/3 oz.
Chillies.................................... 1/6 oz.
Turmeric ........................... 1/6 oz.
Garlic ...................... 1/6 oz.
Ginger ...................... 1/3 oz.
Firewood ..................2 lb.
Water ......................1 gallon.
(1) The Emigration Officer may at any time enter and inspect
the ship. and the accommodation,, provisions and stores provided for
the emigrants, and may require the master or any other person to
produce the licence and the ship's papers for his inspection and, if
he thinks necessary after inspecting the ship's papers, he may muster
and inspect the emigrants.
(2) If in any such case the Eniigration Officer discovers that the
number of emigrants on board or intended to be carried upon that
voyage exceeds the.number authorized by the licence, or that. any
condition of the licence or any of'these regulations has been broken,
he may detain the ship until the emigrants in excess of the legal
number are landed or until the condition of the licence or the
regulation in question is fully complied with, and he shall forthwith
report the circumstances to the Governor.
6. The master of every British ship shall, on demand, produce
his emigration papers to the British consul at any port to which the
licence extends or, in case such port is in His Majesty's dominions,
to any officer appointed or authorized by the local Government in that
7. All emigrant ships must be provided with boats and life-saving
appliances in accordance with the provisions of Table A of the
Regulations under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1899, as if they
were seagoing ships having passenger certificates under section 10
of the said Ordinance, and every, emigrant ship shall carry a fire
engine or force pump with sufficient hose to reach fore and aft and
at least three dozen fire buckets.
SIXTH SCHEDULE. Is. 22 (3).]
1. No emigrant ship licensed under the provisions of the Asiatic
Emigration Ordinance, 1915, shall clear out or proceed to sea on any
long voyage unless the master thereof has received from an
Emigration Officer a copy of these regulations and a certificate in
the form provided in Schedule B to the Act, nor until the master has
entered into a bond in the form provided in Schedule C to the Act.
2. No Emigration Officer shall be bound to give such certificate
until seven days after receiving from the owners or charterers of the
ship, or if they are absent from their'respective agents, an application
in writing for the same and a notice that the ship is laid on for notice
conveyance of emigrants and of her destination and date of sailing, requisite.
nor unless there are on board a medical officer and interpreter duly
approved of by.such Einigratiern Officer.
3. After receiving such application and notice the Emigration Inspection
Officer and any person authorized by him in that behalf shall be at of ship.
liberty at all times to enter and inspect the ship and the fittings,
provisions and stores therein and any person impeding such entry or
inspection or refusing to allow the same shall be liable to a penalty
not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offence.
4. The following conditions as to the accommodation of emigrants
shall be observed to.the satisfaction of the Emigration Officer-
(1) that the ship is seaworthy and properly manned, equipped,
fitted, lighted and ventilated, that She is in a state of perfect clean-
liness and that she has if necessary been disinfected;
(2) that the space appropriated to the emigrants between decks
contains at the least 12 superficial and 72 cubic feet of space for
every adult on board, that is to say, for every emigrant above 12 years
of age, and for every 2 emigrants between 1 and 12 years of age; and
the height between decks is at least 6 feet;
(3) that the accommodation for female emigrants between decks
is separate from that provided for male emigrants;
(4). that a space of 5 superficial feet per adult is left clear on the
upper deck for the use of emigrants;
(5 that sufficient latrines, both as to condition and number, are
provided in suitable parts of the ship;
(6) (a) that there is a sufficient space, properly divided off and
located to the satisfaction of the Emigration the port of
clearance, to be ' used exclusively as a hospital which shall ' in no case
be of less dimensions than 18 clear superficial feet for every 50
emigrants whom the ship carries;
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1939, Supp. Sched.
(b) that every such hospital shall be fitted with bed places and
supplied with proper beds, bedding and utensils, to the satisfaction of
the Emigration Officer at the port of clearance, and shall throughout
the voyage be kept so fitted and supplied;
(7) in the measurement of the passenger decks for the purpose of
determining the number of emigrants to be carried in any such ship the
space for the sick-bay or hospital shall not be included;
(8) that provisions, fuel and water have been placed on board, of
good quality,. properly packed and sufficient to supply the emigrants
on board during the declared duration of the intended voyage according
to the following scales-
Scale for Chinese.
Rice ............1 lb. per day.
Salt beef
Salt pork
Salt fish ....... 1/2 on alternate days.
Fresh beef or mutton, in
Salted vegetables
Fresh vegetables such as
sweet potatoes, onions,
turnips, . carrots and
Water ...........3 Imperial qt. per day.
Firewood ........2 lb.
Tea ............. 1/3 oz.
Lime or lemon juice, and.
sugar ...........2 oz. per. week.
Note.-Fresh vegetables to be issued during the first month of
the voyage only, unless the master shall obtain a fresh supply en
route when these articles may be again supplied in the above
Scale for Indians.
per day.
Atta or rice ................^ 1 2/3 lb.
Fresh vegetables .............1/2 oz.
Ghee ..............4 oz.
Salt .............. oz.
Sugar .............2 oz.
Tea ............... 1/3 oz.
Chillies ..........1/6 oz.
Turmehe ........... 1/6 oz.
Garlic ............1/6 oz.
Ginger ............1/3 oz.
Water .......3 Imperial quarts.
Firewood........................... 2 lb.
(9) that medicines and medical comforts have been placed on board according to the following scale-
As amended by Proclamation Ne. 4 of 1927 [16.12.27].
Commercial carbolic acid or in
lieu of this equal quantities
of Jeyes' fluid or Esset's
fluid .............10 gal. 15 gal. 15 gal. 20 gal. 25 gal.
Chloride of lime 28 lb. 42 lb. 56 lb.56 lb. 60 lb.
Sulphur for fumigation .14 18 18 20 25
Lint ......................2 2 4 4 6
Absorbent cotton wool ..... 2 2 4 4 6
*One complete amputating case of instruments.
*One pocket dressing case of instruments.
One hypodermic syringe.
*One silver catheter.
One case of gum elastic or rubber catheters
Two pairs of. dressing scissors.
One Higainson's enerma syringe.
One stomach tube with glass funnel.
One Macintyre splint.
One set of Cline's splints.
Bandages, leg and arm, 2 dozen.
Bandages, flannel, 2
Bandages, triangular, 1
Calico for bandages, 3 yards.
Flannel for bandages, 3
Three 2 oz., 4 oz., and 8 oz. measure glasses.
Two. dozen medicine bottles, 6 oz. and 10 oz.
Scales and weights (grain), dispensing, one set.
One brass dressing syringe.
Two small glass syringes.
One pestle and mortar (Wedgewood).
One spatula.
Two metal or earthenware bed pans.
One spirit lamp.
One set of test tubes.
Litmus paper, 4 books.
Dispensary paper, one quire.
Blank labels, 6 dozen.
+One set of midwifery instruments including long forceps.
One female catheter and, one set of tracheotomy instruments.
1. All volatile medicines and acids shall be put in strong
stoppered bottles, and the acids shall be carefully packed in a sniall
case with sand or sawdust.
2. Chloroform should be in blue glass bottles or covered from light
by dark paper.
3. All the drugs, etc., shall be properly labelled and the quantities
clearly marked on each article.
4. Poisons shall be specially distinguished.
5. Only to be provided if there is any person on board competent
to use them.
6. Only required if women and children accompany'the coolies.
(10) that all the requirements of the Asiatic Emigration
Ordinance, 1915, have been complied with; and
(11) that the intending emigrants who are males under the age
of sixteen years or females have been passed by the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs.
5. No part of the eargo or of the provisions' water or stores shall
be carried on the upper deck or oil the passetiger decks unless in the
opinion of the Emigration Officer the same is so placed as not to
impede light or ventilation or to interfere with the comfort of the
emiarants nor unless the same is stowed and secured to the
satisfaction of the Emigration Officer; and the space there occupied
or rendered unavailable for the accommodation of the emigrants
shall be deducted in calculating the space by which the number of
passengers is regulated.
6. The master of every emigrant ship, being a British ship and
proceeding on any Iong shall during the whale of the intended
voyage make issues of provisions, fuel and water according to the
aforesaid scale and shall not make any alteration, except for the
manifest advantage of the emigrants, in respect of space allotted thern
as aforesaid or in respect of the means of ventilation, and shall not
ill-use the emigrants or require them (except in case of necessity) to
help in working the vessel; and shall issue medicines and medical
comforts as shall be requisite to the best of his judgment, and shall
call at such ports, as may be mentioned in the Emigration Officer clearing
certificate for fresh water and other necessaries;'- and shall carry the
emigrants without unnecessary delay to the destination to which they are
7. The Emigration Officer shall not give his certificate until he shall-
have mustered the emigrants and have ascertained to the best of his power
that they understand whither they are going. If any of the emigrants are in
bad health or insufficiently provided with clothing, or if there is reason to
suspect that fraud or violence has been practised in their collection or
embarkation, he may detain the ship and, if he shall think fit, may order all or
any of the emigrants to be relanded.
8. All emigrant ships must be provided with boats and life-saving
appliances in accordance with the provisions of Table A of the Reaulations
under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1899, as if they were seagoing
ships having passenger certificates, under section 10 of the said Ordinance,
and every emigrant ship shall carry a fire engine or force pump with
sufficient hose to reach fore and aft and at least three dozen fire buckets.
9. Each emigrant ship shall carry the following.small stores
Brooms ...........24,
Lanterns with. locks 2
Cooking spades ...3
Meat choppers ....3
Chopping boards ..3 for every 100 emigrants.
Wood choppers ....1
Rice baskets ....10
Iron dishes, 18 inches 10
'Rubbish tubs ....4
A bed, blanket and pillow for each person the hospital can
12 Blue lights and 12 rockets.
10. Before the Emigration Officer can muster the emigrants he must be
furnished with an emigration list in the form following
List of emigrants on board the ship .....
of the burden of tons, of which is master for the present
voyage ..........which belongs to the port of
is to sail from Hong Kong on the 19
and is bound to the'final port of
consisting of . male adults .
female adults . male children and female
children under twelve years of age, making a total of *
emigrants, said steamer being entitled, under the Chinese, Passengers
Act, 1855, and the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, to carry
........................................ emigrants.
Name of Surgeon ............
Name of Interpreter ...........................................
Total. pussengers, ................
Crew, including master and all persons on ship's articles ................
Total number of souls on board ................
Victoria, Hong Kong, the day of 19
Master ........Ship ...................................
SEVENTH SCHEDULE. [s. 31 (1).]
Know all men by these presents, that we, A.B_* of
C.D., of , and E.F., of
are held and firmly bound unto Our Sovereip Lord King George VI
in the sum of five thousand dollars, to be paid to Our said Sovereign
Lord the King, His Heirs and Successors; to which payment well
and truly to be made we bind ourselves, and every of us jointly and
severally, our heirs, executors -and administrators, and the heirs,
executors and administrators of each of us, and each and every of
them, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals.
Dated this day of 19
WHEREAS by the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, it is
amongst other things enacted that no person shall carry on the
business of a passagt broker in Hong Kong, in respect of any
emigrant ship, or shall be in anywise concerned in the sale or letting
of passages in any such ship, unless such person has, with two good
and sufficient sureties to be approved of by the Secretary for Chinese
Affairs, previously entered into a joint and several bond to His
Majesty, His' Heirs and Successors, in the sum of five thousand
dollars; AND WHEREAS the said C.D. and E.F. have been approved of
by the Secretary for Chinese Affairs as sureties for the said A.B.
Now the condition of this obligation is that if the above-bounden
A.B. shall well and truly. observe and comply with all the require-
ments of the said recited Ordinance, so far as the same relate to
passage brokers, and further, shall well and truly pay all fines,
forfeitures and penalties and also all sums of money, by way of
subsistence money, or of return passage money, and compensation
to any passenger or on his account, and also all costs Which the
above-bounden A.B. may at any time he adjudged to pay under or
by virtue of any of the provisions of the said recited Ordinance or
of the Chinese Passengers Act, 1855, of the Imperial Parliament,
then and in Such case this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain
in full force.
Signed, sealed and delivered, by
the above-bounden A.B., C.D.,
and E.F., in the presence of*
A.B., + of having shown to the satisfaction.of me, the
undersigned, that he has given bond to His Majesty, as by the
Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, is required: 1, the undersigned,
do hereby license and authorize the said A.B. to carry on the
business of a passage broker in Hong Kong, in respect of emigrants
on board emigrant ships proceeding from Hong Kong, until the end
of the present year and fourteen days afterwards, unless this licence
is sooner determined by forfeiture for misconduct on the part of the
said A.B. as in the aforesaid Ordinance is provided.
Given under my hand and seal this day of ,19
[ L.S.]
Secretary for Chinese Affairs.
Hong Kong, 19
Sir,-This is to give you notice that the licence granted on the
day of 19 , to A.B.,* of
to act as an emigration passage broker, was on the day of
19 duly declared by me the undersigned
magistrate to be forfeited.f
To the Honourable the Secretary for Chinese Affairs;
TENTH SCHEDULE. Is. 36 (2).]
I hereby engage that the Asiatic named at foot hereof shall be
provided with a passage to, and shall be landed at the port of
in in the' ship called
the with not less than 72 cubic feet and
12 superficial feet for berth accommodation, or in the case of a ship
with a special licence, 54 cubic feet and 9 superficial feet, and shall
be victualled according requirements during the voyage and
the term of detention at any place before its determination, for the
sum of . . dollars, and I hereby acknowledge to have
received the sum of dollars in full payment.
Victoria, Hong Kong, the day of 19
Passage broker,
I hereby certify that I have explained and registered the above
passage ticket.
Victoria, Hong Kong, the day of 19
Secretary for Chinese. Affairs.
Note.-Should the above-named ship not be able to proceed on
the proposed voyage, a passage is to be provided in some other ship
licensed for the conveyance of emigrants.
General licence.
Audit No . ............
....................G. R.'
......Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915.
...............General licence.
......(Ordinance No. 30 of 1915, s. 13.)
.WHEREAS .....have applied for a
general licence in respect of' the ship ........................................
and have furnished the particulars required by or under the provisions
of the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance,. 1915, AND WHEREAS the master
of the said ship has entered into the bond required by the said
Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the
Colony of Hong Kong and its Dependencies and Vice-Admiral of the Same
DO HEREBY GRANT to the said ship a general licence for (a) ......
......................... . to carry any number of free
emigrants not exceeding between the 1st day of June
and the 15th day of October in any year and not exceeding .... *---*---.
between the'16th day of October and the. 31st day of May in any year
subject to all the conditions and provisions imposed, by the said
Ordinance and by the Chinese Passengers Act, 1855, and subject 'also
to the following conditions (b) ....................................................
Dated the day of 19
Fee: $15.00.
Audit No . ............
Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915.
General licence.
(Ordinance No. 30 of 1915, s. 13)
Narne of ship .........................................................................
Nationality of ship ................................... 1
Name of owners, charterers or agents ..........................................
...................................... ...............
Maximum number of emigrants-
1st June to 15th October ....................................................
16th October to 31st May ....................................................
Fee: $15.00 received.
Date of issue 19
Harbour Master Letter No. (Emigration) dated 19
Special licence.
Audit.......No . ............
.......G. R.
Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915.
..................Special licence.
..................(Ordinance No. 30 of 1915, s. 14.)
WHEREAS .......... have applied for a
special licence in respect of the ship ..........................................
and have furnished the particulars required by or under the provisions
of the Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, AND WHEREAS the master
of the said ship has entered into the bond required by the said
Goveynor and Comm ander- in- Chief of the
Colony of Hong Kong and its Dependencies and Vice-Admiral of the
Same DO HEREBY,GRANT, to the said ship a special licence for (a) .......
....... ... to carry any number of free
emigrants not exceeding .between
and ......subject to all the conditions and provisions imposed
by the said Ordinance and by the Chinese Passengers Act, 1855, and
subject also to the following conditions (b) .................................
Dated the day of
Fee: $15.00.
Audit No. . .............
Asiatic Emigration,Ordinance, 1915.
Special licence.
(Ordinance No. 30 of 1915, s. 14.)
Name of ship .......................................
Nationality of ship ...................................................................
Name of owners, charterers or agents ...........................................
.............................................................. .........
Maximum number of emigrants ............................
Period or number of voyages .....................................................
Ports between which ship may ply .............................................
Fee: $15.00 received.
Date of issue 19
Harbour Master Letter No. dated 19
Outport licence.
Chinese Passengers Act,,
Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, (Hong Kong).
Outport licence.
(Hong Kong Ordinarice No. 30 of 1915, s. 12)
WHEREAS ..............have applied for an outport
licence in respect of the ship ....................................................
and have furnished the particulars required by or under the provisions
of the Asiatic Emigration Ordinanee, 1915, AND WHEREAS the master
of the said ship has entered into the bond required by the said
Ordinance NOW THEREFORE I .......
Emigration Officer at the port of ....................................
DO HEREBY GRANT to the said ship an outport licence to carry any
number of free emigrants not exceeding on a voyage from subject to all the conditions and
provisions imposed by the said . Ordinance and by the Chinese
Passengers Act, 1855, and subject also to the following conditions-
(1) The said ship shall clear qut and proceed to sea before .........
(2) (a)
Dated the day of 19
Emigration Offcer at the port of ........................
Fee: $5.00.
Chinese Passengers Act, -1855.
Asiatic Emigration Ordinance, 1915, (Hong Kong).
Outport licence.
(Hong Kong Ordinance No. 30 of 1915, s.12.)
Name of ship ...........................................................................
,Nationality of ship ......
Name of owners, charterers or agents .........................................
Maximum number of emigrants ..................................................
Destination ........................
Period. within which ship must clear out and proceed. to sea ............
Fee., $5.00 received.
Date of issue 19
No. 31 of 1915, incorporated in No. 58 of 1911
.repealed by No. 39.Of 1932.
[Originally No. 30 of 1915. Law Rev. Ord., 1939. 18 & 19 Vict. C. 104. Short title. Interpretation. Act. Assisted emigrant. Emigrant. Emigrant ship. Emigration Officer. Free emigrant. General licence. Hong Kong emigrant ship. Long voyage. Master. Outport emigrant ship. Outport licence. Passenger [cf. No. 10 of 1899, s. 2(f).] Ship. Short voyage. Special licence. Voyage from the Colony to other port whence emigration voyage commences. Chinese Passengers Act, 1855, operative except where expressly modified by this Ordinance. Legislation specially authorized by the Act. Substitution of provisions of Ordinance for Schedule A to the Act : i.e. the regulations as to ships and emigrants. Substitution in certain cases of special form of Emigration Officer's certificate for Schedule B to the Act. First Schedule. Substitution of a form of bond for Schedule C to the Act. Second Schedule. Exemption of Asiatics travelling 1st or 2nd class on mail or other approved ship. Master emigrant ship to re-port ship's arrival in waters of the Colony. Notice of intended voyage to be given to Emigration Officer. No emigrant ship to go to sea without certificate. 9 cf. No. 10 of 1899, s. 10 (12) (b).] Form of certificate. First Schedule. No certificate to be granted and no emigrant ship to go to sea without licence. Licence : different kinds of: General. Special. Outport. Forms of licence. Eleventh Schedule. General of special licence : time and mode of application for. Outport licence : time and mode of application for. General licence : power of Governor to grant. Special licence : power of Governor to grant. Issue of licence discretionary. Conditions precedent to issue of licence. Second Schedule. Third Schedule. Emigrant ship to carry only free emigrants. Limitation on number of passengers to be carried by any ship with a special licence. Period to be fixed for clearance in outport licence. Revocation of licence. Power to remove master or other officer. Ships under general or outport licence for short voyage subject to regulations in Fourth Schedule. Ships under special licence for short voyage subject to regulations in Fifth Schedule. Ships licensed for long voyage subject to regulations in Sixth Schedule. Power to Governor in Council to exempt wholly or partly from Part III approved assisted emigrants. Power to Governor to appoint medical officers. No ship to proceed to sea without medical certificate of health. Medical inspection : where and when held. Medical inspection of assisted emigrants. Time for medical inspection after embarkation. Fees of medical officer. Right of Chinese medical practitioner to be surgeon of ship. Prohibition of person acting as passage broker without having entered into bond and obtained licence. Seventh Schedule. Mode of obtaining passage broker's licence, and forfeiture thereof. Eighth and Ninth Schedules. Fee to be paid for licence. Duration of licence. Giving of notice of contract with emigrant to Secretary for Chinese Affairs and Emigration Officer. Giving of contract ticket for passage. Tenth Schedule. Production to Secretary for Chinese Affairs of certificate of chartering ship for carrying emigrants. Explanation of passage ticket to emigrant. Prohibition of alteration of passage ticket. Authority of passage broker to act as agent. Power to land emigrant who is unwilling to leave port. and who has been procured by fraud. Prohibition of emigrant embarking otherwise than from licensed boarding-house. Licensing of boarding-houses. Power to make rules for boarding-houses. Furnishing return of particulars of emigrants before embarkation. Furnishing photographs of certain emigrants. Employment of photographers. Penalty for contravention of Ordinance. Penalty for contravention of regulations. Penalty for contravention of section 6. Penalties : fraudulent use of certificate ; counter-feiting certificate; fraudulent inducement to emigrate; Penalty for improperly obtaining emigrant. [cf. No. 41 of 1932, s.89.] Penalty for personation of emigrant. Penalty for contravention of rule made under section 44, furnishing false return, fraudulent shipment, etc. General penalty. Application of penalty for breach of the Ordinance recoverable under the Act. Particulars under section 16 may be required to be given under oath. Use of forms. Schedules. [ss. 4 (3), 16.] [s. 16.] (a) Insert 'general,' 'special,' or 'outport.' (b) State period, number of voyages, or voyage. (c) Strike out all but one. (d) Insert name. (e) Insert address and description (e.g.'merchant'.) Prohibition of ship departing without certificate. Application for certificate and notice. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Inspection of ship. Accommodation of emigrants. Stowage of cargo, provisions, etc. Conditions as to carriage of emigrants as deck passengers. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Conditions as to provisions. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Conditions precedent to grant of certificate. Power of Emigration Officer. Detention of ship if any emigrants ill or in certain other circumstances. Power to employ medical men, marine surveyors and others. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Fees of professional persons employed. Fees of Emigration Officer. Ordinance No. 8 of 1921. Power to detain ship for non-payment of fees, etc. Withholding of certificate, etc., in case of false particulars furnished. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Treatment of emigrants at sea. Mustering of emigrants by master. Production of emigration papers at port of destination. British consul deemed Emigration Officer where no such officer is appointed. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Life-saving and fire appliances. Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. [reg. 1.] [Fourth Schedule Appendix contd.] Prohibition of ship departing without certificate. Accommodation of emigrants. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Conditions as to carriage of emigrants as deck passengers. Conditions as to provisions. [Fifth Schedule contd.] Powers of Emigration Officer. Production of emigration papers at port of destination. Life-saving and fire appliances. Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. Prohibition of ship departing without certificate. Application for certificate and notice requisite. Inspection of ship. Accommodation of emigrants. [Sixth Schedule contd.] [Sixth Schedule contd.] [Sixth Schedule, reg. 4 (9) - contd.] [Sixth Schedule, reg. 4 (9) - contd.] [Sixth Schedule, reg. 4 (9) - contd.] [Sixth Schedule, reg. 4 (9) - contd.] Stowage of cargo, provisions, etc. Treatment of emigrants at sea. [Sixth Schedule contd.] Mustering of emigrants by Emigration Officer. Life-saving and fire appliances. Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. Small stores. List of emigrants. [Sixth Schedule, reg. 10 - contd.] * Insert personal and family names in full, with the occupation and address of each of the parties. *Insert the names and addresses in full of the witnesses. The personal and family names in full of the person applying for the licence, with his address and trade or occupation, must be correctly inserted. *The personal and family names in full, with the address and trade or occupation of the party, to be here inserted. Here state severally the reasons for forfeiture. (a) Mention the period, number of voyages, or specified ports, as the case may be, in accordance with section 13 of the Ordinance. (b) Here add any other conditions prescribed under section 16 (d) of the Ordinance. [Eleventh Schedule contd.] (a) Mention the period or number of voyages, as the case may be, in accordance with section 14 of the Ordinance. (b) Here add any other conditions prescribed under section 16 (d) of the Ordinance. [Eleventh Schedule contd.] [Eleventh Schedule contd.] (a) Here add any other conditions prescribed under section 16 (d) of the Ordinance.
[Originally No. 30 of 1915. Law Rev. Ord., 1939. 18 & 19 Vict. C. 104. Short title. Interpretation. Act. Assisted emigrant. Emigrant. Emigrant ship. Emigration Officer. Free emigrant. General licence. Hong Kong emigrant ship. Long voyage. Master. Outport emigrant ship. Outport licence. Passenger [cf. No. 10 of 1899, s. 2(f).] Ship. Short voyage. Special licence. Voyage from the Colony to other port whence emigration voyage commences. Chinese Passengers Act, 1855, operative except where expressly modified by this Ordinance. Legislation specially authorized by the Act. Substitution of provisions of Ordinance for Schedule A to the Act : i.e. the regulations as to ships and emigrants. Substitution in certain cases of special form of Emigration Officer's certificate for Schedule B to the Act. First Schedule. Substitution of a form of bond for Schedule C to the Act. Second Schedule. Exemption of Asiatics travelling 1st or 2nd class on mail or other approved ship. Master emigrant ship to re-port ship's arrival in waters of the Colony. Notice of intended voyage to be given to Emigration Officer. No emigrant ship to go to sea without certificate. 9 cf. No. 10 of 1899, s. 10 (12) (b).] Form of certificate. First Schedule. No certificate to be granted and no emigrant ship to go to sea without licence. Licence : different kinds of: General. Special. Outport. Forms of licence. Eleventh Schedule. General of special licence : time and mode of application for. Outport licence : time and mode of application for. General licence : power of Governor to grant. Special licence : power of Governor to grant. Issue of licence discretionary. Conditions precedent to issue of licence. Second Schedule. Third Schedule. Emigrant ship to carry only free emigrants. Limitation on number of passengers to be carried by any ship with a special licence. Period to be fixed for clearance in outport licence. Revocation of licence. Power to remove master or other officer. Ships under general or outport licence for short voyage subject to regulations in Fourth Schedule. Ships under special licence for short voyage subject to regulations in Fifth Schedule. Ships licensed for long voyage subject to regulations in Sixth Schedule. Power to Governor in Council to exempt wholly or partly from Part III approved assisted emigrants. Power to Governor to appoint medical officers. No ship to proceed to sea without medical certificate of health. Medical inspection : where and when held. Medical inspection of assisted emigrants. Time for medical inspection after embarkation. Fees of medical officer. Right of Chinese medical practitioner to be surgeon of ship. Prohibition of person acting as passage broker without having entered into bond and obtained licence. Seventh Schedule. Mode of obtaining passage broker's licence, and forfeiture thereof. Eighth and Ninth Schedules. Fee to be paid for licence. Duration of licence. Giving of notice of contract with emigrant to Secretary for Chinese Affairs and Emigration Officer. Giving of contract ticket for passage. Tenth Schedule. Production to Secretary for Chinese Affairs of certificate of chartering ship for carrying emigrants. Explanation of passage ticket to emigrant. Prohibition of alteration of passage ticket. Authority of passage broker to act as agent. Power to land emigrant who is unwilling to leave port. and who has been procured by fraud. Prohibition of emigrant embarking otherwise than from licensed boarding-house. Licensing of boarding-houses. Power to make rules for boarding-houses. Furnishing return of particulars of emigrants before embarkation. Furnishing photographs of certain emigrants. Employment of photographers. Penalty for contravention of Ordinance. Penalty for contravention of regulations. Penalty for contravention of section 6. Penalties : fraudulent use of certificate ; counter-feiting certificate; fraudulent inducement to emigrate; Penalty for improperly obtaining emigrant. [cf. No. 41 of 1932, s.89.] Penalty for personation of emigrant. Penalty for contravention of rule made under section 44, furnishing false return, fraudulent shipment, etc. General penalty. Application of penalty for breach of the Ordinance recoverable under the Act. Particulars under section 16 may be required to be given under oath. Use of forms. Schedules. [ss. 4 (3), 16.] [s. 16.] (a) Insert 'general,' 'special,' or 'outport.' (b) State period, number of voyages, or voyage. (c) Strike out all but one. (d) Insert name. (e) Insert address and description (e.g.'merchant'.) Prohibition of ship departing without certificate. Application for certificate and notice. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Inspection of ship. Accommodation of emigrants. Stowage of cargo, provisions, etc. Conditions as to carriage of emigrants as deck passengers. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Conditions as to provisions. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Conditions precedent to grant of certificate. Power of Emigration Officer. Detention of ship if any emigrants ill or in certain other circumstances. Power to employ medical men, marine surveyors and others. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Fees of professional persons employed. Fees of Emigration Officer. Ordinance No. 8 of 1921. Power to detain ship for non-payment of fees, etc. Withholding of certificate, etc., in case of false particulars furnished. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Treatment of emigrants at sea. Mustering of emigrants by master. Production of emigration papers at port of destination. British consul deemed Emigration Officer where no such officer is appointed. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Life-saving and fire appliances. Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. [reg. 1.] [Fourth Schedule Appendix contd.] Prohibition of ship departing without certificate. Accommodation of emigrants. [Fourth Schedule contd.] Conditions as to carriage of emigrants as deck passengers. Conditions as to provisions. [Fifth Schedule contd.] Powers of Emigration Officer. Production of emigration papers at port of destination. Life-saving and fire appliances. Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. Prohibition of ship departing without certificate. Application for certificate and notice requisite. Inspection of ship. Accommodation of emigrants. [Sixth Schedule contd.] [Sixth Schedule contd.] [Sixth Schedule, reg. 4 (9) - contd.] [Sixth Schedule, reg. 4 (9) - contd.] [Sixth Schedule, reg. 4 (9) - contd.] [Sixth Schedule, reg. 4 (9) - contd.] Stowage of cargo, provisions, etc. Treatment of emigrants at sea. [Sixth Schedule contd.] Mustering of emigrants by Emigration Officer. Life-saving and fire appliances. Ordinance No. 10 of 1899. Small stores. List of emigrants. [Sixth Schedule, reg. 10 - contd.] * Insert personal and family names in full, with the occupation and address of each of the parties. *Insert the names and addresses in full of the witnesses. The personal and family names in full of the person applying for the licence, with his address and trade or occupation, must be correctly inserted. *The personal and family names in full, with the address and trade or occupation of the party, to be here inserted. Here state severally the reasons for forfeiture. (a) Mention the period, number of voyages, or specified ports, as the case may be, in accordance with section 13 of the Ordinance. (b) Here add any other conditions prescribed under section 16 (d) of the Ordinance. [Eleventh Schedule contd.] (a) Mention the period or number of voyages, as the case may be, in accordance with section 14 of the Ordinance. (b) Here add any other conditions prescribed under section 16 (d) of the Ordinance. [Eleventh Schedule contd.] [Eleventh Schedule contd.] (a) Here add any other conditions prescribed under section 16 (d) of the Ordinance.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 30 of 1915
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ASIATIC EMIGRATION ORDINANCE, 1915,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 5, 2025,