No. 16 of 1914.
An Ordinance to Provide for the registration of qualified dental
surgeons and otherwise to regulate the practice of
[1st August, 1914.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Dentistry Ordinance,
2. In this Ordinance,
(a) ' Dental Board ' means the Dental Board established
under the provisions of this Ordinance
(b) ' Dental operation ' includes the extraction of teeth, or
any operation on the teeth involving the use of any instrument ;
(c) ' Exempted person ' means a person who has been
granted a certificate of exemption under the provisions of section
5 (2) ;
(d) ' Registered dental surgeon ' means any person who
has been registered as a dental surgeon in the register of dental
surgeons established under the provisions of this Ordinance.
3.-(1) A Board to be styled the Dental Board shall be
established and shall consist of the Director of Medical Services
Persons registered under this Ordinance are exempt from jury service
[see No. 6 of 1887, s. 4 (5) ] but are eligible for the electorate of the
Urban Council [see No. 7 of 1935, s. 3 (4).]
As amended by No. 41 of 1935 [4.10.35].
(who shall be chairman of the Dental Board), two medical
practitioners and two dental practitioners.
(2) The unofficial members of the Dental Board shall be
appointed by the Governor and shall hold office for three years
but may be reappointed or removed by the Governor at his
(3) Three members of the Dental Board shall form a
4.-(1) The Director of Medical Services shall keep a
register of dental surgeons qualified to practise in the Colony
and of persons exempted under the provisions of section 5 (2),
and sucli register shall be styled the Dental Register.
(2) The Dental Register shall be as nearly as may be
according to the form in the Schedule.
(3) A copy of the Dental Register as it stands at such date
shall be published by the Director of Medical Services in the
first Gazette issued after every 3rd day of May.
(4) Any copy of the Gazette containing the most recent
Copy of the Dental Register shall be prima facie evidence in all
legal proceedings that the persons therein specified are registered
dental surgeons or exempted persons, as the case may be, under
the provisions of this Ordinance, and the absence of any name
from such copy shall be printd facie evidence that such person
is not registered or exempted, as the case may be, under the
provisions of this Ordinance.
5.-(1) Any person who, on applying in writing to the
Director of Medical Services and furnishing him with such proof
of such qualifications as may be prescribed by regulation made
under the provisions of this Ordinance, and who, in the opinion
oF the Governor in Council with the advice of the Dental Board,
is a fit and proper person to be registered as a dental surgeon,
shall be entilled to be registered in the Dental Register.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council with the
advice of the Dental Board to grant a certificate exempting from
any or all of the provisions of this Ordinance any person who,
although otherwise unqualified, is, by reason of his long practice
As amended by No. 9 of 1928 [13.7.28].
of dentistry in the Colony prior to the 1st day of August, 1914,
or on any other ground which may be by the Governor in
Council deemed adequate, in the opinion of the Governor in
Council a person to whom exemption from all or any of the
provisions of this Ordinance may properly be granted: Provided
that any such certificate so granted may be at any time revoked
or amended in such manner and for such cause as may by the
Governor in Council be deemed necessary or desirable.
(3) It shall be lawful for the Director of Aledical Services
to remove from the Dental Register the name of any registered
dental surgeon or exempted person who-
(a) is believed to be deceased
(b) has ceased for a period extending over five years to
reside in the Colony;
(c) has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor;
(d) has been in the opinion of the Dental Board and of
the Governor in Council guilty of infamous conduct in any
professional respect;
(e) being an exempted person, has had the certificate of
exemption granted to him revoked under the provisions of
sub-section (2).
(4) It shall be lawful for the Director of Medical Services
to restore to the Dental Register at any time the name of any
person by order of the Governor in Council.
6.-(1) No person other than a registered dental surgeon or
an exempted person shall by any public or private advertisement
or in any way whatsoever describe himself or hold himself out
as or offer his services as a dental surgeon, Doctor of Dental
Surgery, Licentiate in Dental Surgery, or dentist, or under other
like title or designation or as in any way licensed or authorized
or qualified to perform or as otherwise capable of performing any
dental operation.
(2) No person who practises dentistry or dental surgery
shall by any public or private advertisement or in any way
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1939.
whatsoever describe himself or hold himself out as or offer his
services as or in any way use the title or designation of doctor,
Doctor of Dental Surgery, Licentiate in Dental Surgery, or any
other like title or designation, unless and until he has proved to
the satisfaction of the Governor in Council with the advice of
the Dental Board that the title or designation which he proposes
to use has been duly conferred upon him by some university,
corporation, college or other body which, in the opinion of the
Governor in Council with the advice of the Dental Board, may
properly be. recognized as capable of duly conferring such title
or designation.
(3) Any registered dental surgeon or exempted person shall
be entitled to perform dental operations and to practise dentistry
and dental surgery in the Colony and to demand and recover
reasonable charges for any dental operation, attendance, advice
or aid, and the cost of any dental medicines, dental appliances,
dental plates or artificial dentures supplied by him.
7.-(1) Every person who contravenes any of the provisions
of section 6 shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars and to irdprisonment for any term not exceeding six
(2) Every person who fraudulently procures or attempts to
procure himself or any other person to be registered under or
exempted from the provisions of this Ordinance by making or
producing or causing to be made or produced any false or
fraudulent representation or declaration, either oral or in writing,
and every person who aids and assists him therein, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and being convicted thereof shall be
liable to imprisonment for any term not exiceeding two years.
(3) Every person who practises dentistry or dental surgery
under the designation of any company, association, dental
institute, dental hospital or dental college or in any other manner
than under his own name or under the name of his firm, each
member of which shall be either a registered dental surgeon or
nn exempted person, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two
hundred and fifty dollars and to imprisonment for any term not
exceeding three months.
8. It shall be lawful for the Governot in Council to make.
regulations for any of the following purposes-
(a) prescribing the qualifications for registration as a dental
(b) prescribing the conditions under which a certificate of
exemption from the provisions of this Ordinance may be applied
for ;
(c) prescribing the fees to be paid on registration as a dental
(d) prescribing the fees to be paid on the grant of a
certificate of exemption from the provisions of this Ordinance;
(e) generally for the purpose of carrying into effect the
provisions of this Ordinance.
SCHEDULE. [s. 4 (2). ]
No. 17 of 1914, repealed by No. 5 of 1924.
No. 18 of 1914, repealed by No. 15 Of 1922.
[Originally No. 16 of 1914. No. 5 of 1928. No. 9 of 1928. No 41 of 1935. No. 46 of 1936. Law Rev. Ord., 1939.] Short title. Interpretation. [cf. No. 8 of 1937, s. 2 (xi) ©.] Constitution of Dental Board. Appointment of members of Dental Board. Quorum. Dental Register. Form. Schedule. Annual publication in Gazette to be evidence of registration. Qualification for registration. Special certificate of exemption to unqualified dentists of long local practice. Removal from Register; on death; on leaving Colony; after serious criminal offence; or infamous professional conduct; on revocation of exemption certificate. Restoration to Register. Unqualified persons prohibited from using incorrect or misleading titles or statements of capacity. Dental practitioners prohibited from using any title which has not been properly conferred upon them. Registered or exempted person may practise and recover charges. Penalties : for contravention of section 6; for fraudulent misrepresentation; for practising under assumed name. Regulations.
[Originally No. 16 of 1914. No. 5 of 1928. No. 9 of 1928. No 41 of 1935. No. 46 of 1936. Law Rev. Ord., 1939.] Short title. Interpretation. [cf. No. 8 of 1937, s. 2 (xi) ©.] Constitution of Dental Board. Appointment of members of Dental Board. Quorum. Dental Register. Form. Schedule. Annual publication in Gazette to be evidence of registration. Qualification for registration. Special certificate of exemption to unqualified dentists of long local practice. Removal from Register; on death; on leaving Colony; after serious criminal offence; or infamous professional conduct; on revocation of exemption certificate. Restoration to Register. Unqualified persons prohibited from using incorrect or misleading titles or statements of capacity. Dental practitioners prohibited from using any title which has not been properly conferred upon them. Registered or exempted person may practise and recover charges. Penalties : for contravention of section 6; for fraudulent misrepresentation; for practising under assumed name. Regulations.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 16 of 1914
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DENTISTRY ORDINANCE, 1914,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 6, 2025,