No. 13 of 1914.
An Ordinance to provide for the public lighting of the Colony
and for the Protection of the appliances used in connexion
[8th May, 1914.]
1. This Ordinan ce may be cited as the Public Lighting
Ordinance, 1914.
2. It shall be lawful for the Director of Public Works to,
cause a sufficient number of posts, standards and brackets for
the lighting of the public or private streets, roads, ways and
thoroughfares in the Colony to be provided and to be set up,
fixed or erected in all suitable situations for such lighting, whether
in any of the said streets, roads, ways and thoroughfares or in any
place adjacent thereto or upon or against the wall of any house
or building or the side of any wall or fence, or elsewhere, as he
may think proper; and it shall also be lawful for him to cause
to be provided and put and affixed upon the said posts, standards
and brackets such a number of lamps and of such sizes and sorts
respectively as may be found requisite for the lighting of the
said streets, roads, ways and thoroughfares respectively.
3. The laws relating to the removing, taking, carrying away
or stealing of fixtures and chattels respectively shall be inter-
preted to apply to the removing, taking, carrying away or
stealing of any of the posts, standards, brackets or lamps
provided under this Ordinance; and the property of and in all
or any of such posts, standards, brackets or lamps shall be
deemed to be vested in the Director of Public Works for all
the purposes of any proceedings, civil or criminal, in relation
4. Every person who wilfully injures, displaces or damages
any of the posts, standards or brackets provided under this
Ordinance or who wilfully extinguishes, obscures or interferes
in any way with the light of any lamp provided under this
Ordinance shall upon summary conviction be liable to a fine not
exceeding fifty dollars in addition to the full amount of the
damage and all incidental costs and expenses.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1939.
5. It shall be lawful for any person witnessing the commis-
sion of an offence against section 4 to seize the said offender
and to deliver him to any constable or to a magistrate; and no
warrant shall be in any case necessary to justify the apprehension
of any such offender.
6. When any damage or injury has been occasioned to any
of the posts, standards, brackets or lamps provided under this
Ordinance by any person otherwise than wilfully, and such
person has not made satisfaction for the same, it shall be the duty
of a magistrate, on complaint thereof rnade, to order and compel
the said person to make full satisfaction for the amount of
such damage or injury, together with all incidental costs and
7. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall be deemed
to affect any liability imposed by section 93 of the Buildings
Ordinance, 1935, upon the owners of the land fronting, adjoin-
ing or abutting on any street on land held under lease from the
Crown on which buildings front, adjoin or abut.
[Originally No. 13 of 1914. No. 18 of 1935. Law Rev. Ord., 1939.] Short title. Director of Public Works to have power to erect lamp posts and affix lamps thereon. Property in lamp posts and lamps to be vested in Director of Public Works. [cf. No. 9 of 1899, s. 87, and No. 32 of 1935, s. 2 (2) (iii).] Damaging lamp posts or lamp or light of lamps provided under this Ordinance. Apprehension without warrant of offender against section 4. Compensation to be paid for damage other than wilful. Saving of Ordinance No. 18 of 1935, s. 93.
[Originally No. 13 of 1914. No. 18 of 1935. Law Rev. Ord., 1939.] Short title. Director of Public Works to have power to erect lamp posts and affix lamps thereon. Property in lamp posts and lamps to be vested in Director of Public Works. [cf. No. 9 of 1899, s. 87, and No. 32 of 1935, s. 2 (2) (iii).] Damaging lamp posts or lamp or light of lamps provided under this Ordinance. Apprehension without warrant of offender against section 4. Compensation to be paid for damage other than wilful. Saving of Ordinance No. 18 of 1935, s. 93.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 13 of 1914
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PUBLIC LIGHTING ORDINANCE, 1914,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,