ORDINANCE No. 12 or 1860.
Water supply.
f&e Ordinances
Nt. 12 of 1380,
NO. s of lass, No.
11 ay' 18ft7, No. 4
of 1Ra8 an,;f Yo. 16
Of 1@00.1
A sum not ex-
ceeding £30,O00
to be charged on
the Colonial re.
venue, In addi-
tfon to tile gene-
ral expenditure.
Power to borrow
fn case the reve-
u>ra be de8eient.
Mortgages to,be
redeemable when
the Governor
shall determine.
water rate to be
imposed on cer
thin sub-districts
of the City of Vic-
Application of
such rate.
No. 12 of 1860.
:1 n Ordinance to provide a Supp'.y of Water for the City of Victoria, aid
to appropriate a Sum not exceeding Thirty thousand Pounds for
such purpose.
[10th July, 1860.)
WHEREAS it is desirable that suitable works should be constructed for the
pose of providing and maintaining a constant supply of pure water to the
City of Victoria, and it is necessary that funds should be provided for
the carrying out
of such works: Be it, therefore, enacted and ordained by His Excellency
the Governor
of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
1. A sum not exceedipg thirty thousand pounds shall be charged upon the
nue of this Colony for the purpose of constructing suitable works for
supplying the
City of Victoria with water, in addition to such sums as are now or may
hereafter be
charged upon the said revenue on account of the expenditure incurred or
to be incurred
in and about the general public service of the said Colony; And His
Excellency the -
Governor is hereby empowered to draw on the Colonial Treasury for such
sum or sums,
not exceeding the aforesaid amount, as lie shall from time to time think
2, In case the said revenue shall not be sufficient to afford such sum as
in addition to the expenditure required for the general public service of
the Colony, it
shall ho lawful for His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council to
borrow such
sum or sums of money as may be so deficient, by mortgage of the water
rate hereinafter-:
authorized; and every mortgage stall ho in the form A. to this Ordinance
3. Every mortgage, which shall be effected under the authority of thin
shall be redeemable whenever His Excellency the Governor in Executive
Council shall
determine: Provided always, that six months' notice of such intention to
redeem shall
be given to the mortgagee; and the Governor is hereby authorized and
empowered to
appropriate out of the Colonial revenue such sum or sums of money as may
be required
to carry out such redemption; but so that the amount borrowed and
redeemed, added
to the amount previously drawn from the Colonial Treasury, shall not at
any time ex-
teed in the whole the sum of thirty thousand pounds.
4. Upon the completion of the said water works there shall be levied
on the Crown lessees of all lands in the sub-districts comprised within
the District of
Victoria, except Wong-nei-claoong and Soo-koan poo, a rate to be called
a'° Water Rate'
estimated at two per cent per afanugn on the gross annual value of
property set forth in
tile Police rate assessment for tile current year; and all the provisions
of the Ordinances'
No. 2 of 185 and No. 3 of 1851, torching valuation, and appeal, shall
extend and apply
to the said water rate.
5. The said rate shall be applied in manner following; that is to say: in
the first
place, in maintaining the said water works and in defraying all expenses
therewith; ,in the second- place, in securing and repaying-any movies
which may have
No. 12 of 1860.
Water supply.
been borrowed for the purposes aforesaid under the authority of this
Ordinance and-
the interest accruing thereon; and the residue shall be carried to the
credit of the
general revenue of the Colony.
g, In the construction of this Ordinance 'The Governor' shall be taken to
include nto,m;ns s tt,e
ter, t'Uovern-
the Officer for the time being Administering the Government of the Colony.
By virtue of the Ordinance \o. 12 of 1860 I [latroiox give the vtrnno tf
the Governor executitq the
mortgage] Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of liongkong and
its dependencies, and
Vice-Admiral of the same, in consideration of the sum of
the Colonial Treasurer of the said Colony by A.B. of
paid to
for the purposes of
the said Ordinance, Do grant and assign unto the said X1,13., his
executors, administrators, and assigns
such proportion of the rates, profits, and other movies arising or
occruin- by virtue of the said Ordinance
from the water rate thereby authorized to be imposed as the said sum of
dotli or shall bear to the whole suns, which is or shall be borrowed upon
credit of the said rates to hold to the said A.B., his executors,
administrators, and assignsfrom this day
until the said sutra of with int°rest a8 the rate of
per cent per annum for tl a same shall bi rally paid and satisfied (tae
sum to be repaid at any time after the exli ration of six mont'ts'
noire). Giver under my hand and
the seal of the said Colony this
eight hundred and
[Repealed by Ordinance N0. 12 of 1875.]
[See Ordinances No. 12 of 1860, No. 5 of 1863, No. 11 of 1867, No. 4 of 1868 and No. 16 of 1890.]
A sum not exceeding 30,000 pounds to be charged on the Colonial revenue, in addition to the general expenditure.
Power to borrow in case the revenue be deficient.
Mortgages to be redeemable when the Governor shall determine.
Water rate to be imposed on certain sub-districts of the City of Victoria.
Application of such rate.
Meaning of the term 'Governor.'
Water supply.
f&e Ordinances
Nt. 12 of 1380,
NO. s of lass, No.
11 ay' 18ft7, No. 4
of 1Ra8 an,;f Yo. 16
Of 1@00.1
A sum not ex-
ceeding £30,O00
to be charged on
the Colonial re.
venue, In addi-
tfon to tile gene-
ral expenditure.
Power to borrow
fn case the reve-
u>ra be de8eient.
Mortgages to,be
redeemable when
the Governor
shall determine.
water rate to be
imposed on cer
thin sub-districts
of the City of Vic-
Application of
such rate.
No. 12 of 1860.
:1 n Ordinance to provide a Supp'.y of Water for the City of Victoria, aid
to appropriate a Sum not exceeding Thirty thousand Pounds for
such purpose.
[10th July, 1860.)
WHEREAS it is desirable that suitable works should be constructed for the
pose of providing and maintaining a constant supply of pure water to the
City of Victoria, and it is necessary that funds should be provided for
the carrying out
of such works: Be it, therefore, enacted and ordained by His Excellency
the Governor
of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as
follows :-
1. A sum not exceedipg thirty thousand pounds shall be charged upon the
nue of this Colony for the purpose of constructing suitable works for
supplying the
City of Victoria with water, in addition to such sums as are now or may
hereafter be
charged upon the said revenue on account of the expenditure incurred or
to be incurred
in and about the general public service of the said Colony; And His
Excellency the -
Governor is hereby empowered to draw on the Colonial Treasury for such
sum or sums,
not exceeding the aforesaid amount, as lie shall from time to time think
2, In case the said revenue shall not be sufficient to afford such sum as
in addition to the expenditure required for the general public service of
the Colony, it
shall ho lawful for His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council to
borrow such
sum or sums of money as may be so deficient, by mortgage of the water
rate hereinafter-:
authorized; and every mortgage stall ho in the form A. to this Ordinance
3. Every mortgage, which shall be effected under the authority of thin
shall be redeemable whenever His Excellency the Governor in Executive
Council shall
determine: Provided always, that six months' notice of such intention to
redeem shall
be given to the mortgagee; and the Governor is hereby authorized and
empowered to
appropriate out of the Colonial revenue such sum or sums of money as may
be required
to carry out such redemption; but so that the amount borrowed and
redeemed, added
to the amount previously drawn from the Colonial Treasury, shall not at
any time ex-
teed in the whole the sum of thirty thousand pounds.
4. Upon the completion of the said water works there shall be levied
on the Crown lessees of all lands in the sub-districts comprised within
the District of
Victoria, except Wong-nei-claoong and Soo-koan poo, a rate to be called
a'° Water Rate'
estimated at two per cent per afanugn on the gross annual value of
property set forth in
tile Police rate assessment for tile current year; and all the provisions
of the Ordinances'
No. 2 of 185 and No. 3 of 1851, torching valuation, and appeal, shall
extend and apply
to the said water rate.
5. The said rate shall be applied in manner following; that is to say: in
the first
place, in maintaining the said water works and in defraying all expenses
therewith; ,in the second- place, in securing and repaying-any movies
which may have
No. 12 of 1860.
Water supply.
been borrowed for the purposes aforesaid under the authority of this
Ordinance and-
the interest accruing thereon; and the residue shall be carried to the
credit of the
general revenue of the Colony.
g, In the construction of this Ordinance 'The Governor' shall be taken to
include nto,m;ns s tt,e
ter, t'Uovern-
the Officer for the time being Administering the Government of the Colony.
By virtue of the Ordinance \o. 12 of 1860 I [latroiox give the vtrnno tf
the Governor executitq the
mortgage] Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of liongkong and
its dependencies, and
Vice-Admiral of the same, in consideration of the sum of
the Colonial Treasurer of the said Colony by A.B. of
paid to
for the purposes of
the said Ordinance, Do grant and assign unto the said X1,13., his
executors, administrators, and assigns
such proportion of the rates, profits, and other movies arising or
occruin- by virtue of the said Ordinance
from the water rate thereby authorized to be imposed as the said sum of
dotli or shall bear to the whole suns, which is or shall be borrowed upon
credit of the said rates to hold to the said A.B., his executors,
administrators, and assignsfrom this day
until the said sutra of with int°rest a8 the rate of
per cent per annum for tl a same shall bi rally paid and satisfied (tae
sum to be repaid at any time after the exli ration of six mont'ts'
noire). Giver under my hand and
the seal of the said Colony this
eight hundred and
[Repealed by Ordinance N0. 12 of 1875.]
[See Ordinances No. 12 of 1860, No. 5 of 1863, No. 11 of 1867, No. 4 of 1868 and No. 16 of 1890.]
A sum not exceeding 30,000 pounds to be charged on the Colonial revenue, in addition to the general expenditure.
Power to borrow in case the revenue be deficient.
Mortgages to be redeemable when the Governor shall determine.
Water rate to be imposed on certain sub-districts of the City of Victoria.
Application of such rate.
Meaning of the term 'Governor.'
[See Ordinances No. 12 of 1860, No. 5 of 1863, No. 11 of 1867, No. 4 of 1868 and No. 16 of 1890.]
A sum not exceeding 30,000 pounds to be charged on the Colonial revenue, in addition to the general expenditure.
Power to borrow in case the revenue be deficient.
Mortgages to be redeemable when the Governor shall determine.
Water rate to be imposed on certain sub-districts of the City of Victoria.
Application of such rate.
Meaning of the term 'Governor.'
A sum not exceeding 30,000 pounds to be charged on the Colonial revenue, in addition to the general expenditure.
Power to borrow in case the revenue be deficient.
Mortgages to be redeemable when the Governor shall determine.
Water rate to be imposed on certain sub-districts of the City of Victoria.
Application of such rate.
Meaning of the term 'Governor.'
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 12 of 1860
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“WATER SUPPLY ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 26, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/152.