No. 12 of 1922.
An Ordinance to provide for the registration of imports
and exports.
[1st July, 1922]
1. This Ordinance inay be cited as the Registration of
Imports and Exports Ordinance, 1922.
2. In this Ordinance, Superintendent means Superin-
tendent of Imports and Exports and inclades any Assistant
3.--(1) It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to
make regulations for the following purposes:
(a) prescribing the conditions under which goods may be
imported into the Colony;
(b) prescribing the conditions under which goods may be
exported out of the Colony
(c) imposing upon importers, exporters, shipowners and
others the duty of furnishing such particulars as may be
prescribed for the compilation of trade returns and statistics.
(2) The regulations in the Schedule shall be in force until
altered or amended by regulations made under this Ordinance.
(3) All regulations made under this Ordinance shall be
laid on the table of the Leuislative Council at the first meeting
thereof held after the publication in the Gazette of the
making of such regulations, and if a resolution is passed at
the first meeting of the Legislative Council held -after such
regulations have been laid on the table of the said Counell
resolving that any such regulation shall be rescinded, or
amended in any manner whatsoever, the said regulation shall,
without prejudice to anything done thereunder, be deemed
to be rescitided, or amended, as the case may be, as from
the date of publication in the Gazette of the passing of such
4. Every person who contravenes or fails to comply with
any of the provisions of this Ordinance or of any regulation
made thereunder shall upon summary conviction be liable
to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars and to
imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months.
5.--(1) It shall be lawful for any public officer authorised
thereto in writing by the Superintendent of Imports and
Exports, either generally or for a particular occasion, to
enter any place and to board any ship (not being or having
the status of a ship of war), and to open any cargo either on
land or on board ship and to search and take samples of the
(2) No person shall obstruct any entry, search, or taking
of samples authorised by this section.
6. It shall be lawful for the Superintendent to call on any
person to produce for inspection any books or other documents
that may seem to the, Superintendent necessary for the
verification of any particulars which are required to be
furnished under this Ordinance, and such person shall
thereuponbebolind to produce such documents forthwith
at the office of the Superintendent.
[s. 7, rep. Law Revision Ordinance, 1924.]
1. In these regulations,
(a) Person includes body corporate and a firm.
(b) Public godown keeper means any person who carries on the
business of storing goods for payment.
(c) Ship includes every description of vessel used in navigation.
(d) Ship-owner or owner of a ship includes the igents and
charterers of a ship.
(e) Transhipment cargo means cargo which remains, during all the
time that it is in the Colony, under the control of the ship-owner in his
capacity as such, whether on a through bill of lading or otherwise.
(f) Transit cargo ineans cargo passing through the waters of the
Colony without transhipment.
2. Nothing in these rule,- shall apply to the following
(a) Vransit cargo.
(b) Articles imported or exported by the Colonial Government or the
naval or military authorities.
(c) Ship's stores.
(d) Personal baggage, within the limits of weight carried free under
passage ticket and comprising only articles and goods for personal use or
(e) Fresh foodstuffs, ice, and live animals.
(f) Ships and aircraft except when exported or imported as articles of
(g) Articles imported or exported by means of the Post Office..
(A) Travellers samples, if not for sale.
(i) Articles imported from or exported to such particular place or places
as shall be notified from time to time by the Superintendent.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
3.-(1) Every person who imports any article by sea or by rail shall
within seven days after the arrival of the ship or train on which such article
is imported and before taking delivery of such article furnish to the Super-
intendent an accurate and complete import declaration relating to such
article in Form No. 1 in the Appendix.
(2) Together with every such import declaration, such importer shall
produce at the office of the Superintendent either a bill of lading. or a
delivery order, or a railway invoice, or a dqpiieate import declaration, in
respect of the said imported article, and the Superintendent shall then, if
he is satisfied that the import declaration has been correctly fitted in and
that the importation does not infringe any restriction or prohibition imposed
by law on the importation of any class of article, stamp or sign such bill
of lading, delivery order, railway consignment note or duplicate import
declaration in such manner is he may think fit, and return it to the
(3) in every case where the importer is unable to furnish all the partic-
ulars required at the time of importation, lie may enter under any of the
columns in the said Form No. 1 the words not yet known and the
procedure in paragraph (2) of this regulation shall be followed as though
all the particulars had been furnished ; but in every such case the importer
shall so soon as he has the necessary information furnish to the Superin-
tendent such particulars as bave been omitted.
(4) No imported article shall be delivered by any ship-owner or public
godown keeper, or by any railway official, without the production by the
importer of the bill of lading, delivery order, consignment note or duplicate
import declaration, as the case may be, duly stamped or signed by the
Superintendent: Provided that an imported article may be moved from any
ship or from Kowloon railway station to any public godown without the
production of such document so stamped or signed as aforesaid.
(5) When any article is short-landed, the person who signed the import
declaration relating to such article shall within ten days after the arrival of
the ship notify the Superintendent of such short-landing.
4.-(1) Every person who intends to export any article by sea or rail
shall before exportation furnish to the Superintendent an accurate and
complete export declaration relating to such article in Form No. 2 in the
(2) With every such export declaration, such exporter shall produce
either a shipping order or a railway consignment note or a duplicate export
declaration in respect of the said article, and the Superintendent shall then,
if he is satisfied that the export declaration has been correctly filled in and
that the exportation does not infringe any restriction or prohibition imposed
by law on the exportation of any article or class of article, stamp or sign
such shipping order, railway consignment note, or duplicate export declara-
tion in such manner as he may think fit, and return it to the exporter.
(3) No person shall accept for exportation any article unless the
exporter shall have produced the shipping order, railway consignment
note, duplicate export declaration or duplicate transhipment declaration
duly stamped or signed by the Superintendent.
(4) When any article is short-shipped, the exporter shall within forty-
eight hours of the departure of the ship notify the Superin ten dent of such,
5. (1) Regulations 3 and 4 of these regulations shall not apply to
transhipment cargo.
(2) In the case of importation or exportation otherwise than by sea or
rail, special arrangements shall he made by the importer or the exporter, as
the case may be, with the Superintendent, before any article is imported or
exported, as the case may be.
6.-(1) The ship-owner who has control of any transhipment clrgo
shall, within seven days after the arrival of such cargo in the Colony and
before re-exporting it, furnish to the Superintendent an accurate and
complete transhipment declaration relating to such cargo in Form No. 3 in
the Appendix.
(2) Every such ship-owner shall, together with the transhipment declara-
tion required by paragraph (1) of this regulation, produce to the Superin-
tendent either a shipping order or a duplicate transhipment declaration, and
the Superintendent shall then, if he is satisfied that the transhipment.
declaration has been correctly filled in, stamp or sign such shipping order
or duplicate transhipment declaration in such manner as he may think fit
and return it to the ship-owner.
7. The owner and master of every ship which arrives within the water.-;
of the Colony shall within forty-eight hours of the arrival of the ship
furnish to the Superintendent an accurate and complete import manifest
containing a statement of all articles imported by such ship with the
following particulars of each article :-
(a) number and description of packages
(b) distinguishing marks or numbers
(c) description of goods
(d) consignor
(e) consignee and
port of destination (if transhipment cargo).
The owner of every ship which leaves the waters of tbe Colony shall
within forty-eight hours after the departure of tbe ship furnish to the
Superintendent an accurate and complete export manifest containing a state-
ment of all articles exportol by such ship with the following particulars
of each article
(a) number and description of packages
(b) distinguishing marks or numbers
(c) description of goods
(d) consignor
(e) consignee
(f) port of destination.
Form No. 1. [Reg. 3 (1).]
S.S ........................................................................................
Date of arrival ...........................................................................
I/we hereby declare that I am/we are the importer(s) of the following articles by
the above-mentioned ship, and that their country of origin * is ...............
................. ...........................................
Date .......................................
Siqnatitre of importer.
* In case of manufactured articles, this ineans; origin in present condition, not origin
of raw material. Where the country of origin is unknown, the country of shipment
should be given.
This should be given so far as possible in accordance with the published List, of
C.I.F. at rate of day.
Form No. 2. [Reg. 4 (1).]
s.s. ......................................................................
Date of sailing .............................................................................
i/we, hereby declare that we are the exporter(s) of the following articles by
the atiove-mentioned ship, and that their ultimate destination is ...............
Date .......................................
signature of exporter.
* This should he given go far as possible in accordance with the published List of
F.O.B. at rate of day.
Form No. 3.
Arrived by S.S .........................................................................
Date of arrival ............................................
Forwarded by S.S .........................................................................
Date of sailing .............................................................................
I/we declare that wish to traiiship the following articles from
the first-mentioned ship above. to the seCOnd-mentioned ship above ; that
the said arxicles have been continuously in MY custody as ship's agent(s):
1 our
and that the countries of origin and ultimate destination are
(Origin) .......(Destination)
Signature of trawshipper.
No. 13 of 1922 incorporated in no. 1 of 1898.
[Originally No. 12 of 1922. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Regulations. Schedule. Penalties. Search. Production of documents. Interpretation. Exceptions. [Schedule contd.] Importation. Appendix. Form No. 1. Exportation. Appendix. Form No. 2. [Schedule contd.] Transhipment cargo. Importation or exportation otherwise than by sea or rail. Transhipment cargo. Appendix Form No. 3. Import manifest. Export manifest. [Schedule Appendix.] [Schedule Appendix contd.] [Schedule Appendix contd.]
[Originally No. 12 of 1922. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Regulations. Schedule. Penalties. Search. Production of documents. Interpretation. Exceptions. [Schedule contd.] Importation. Appendix. Form No. 1. Exportation. Appendix. Form No. 2. [Schedule contd.] Transhipment cargo. Importation or exportation otherwise than by sea or rail. Transhipment cargo. Appendix Form No. 3. Import manifest. Export manifest. [Schedule Appendix.] [Schedule Appendix contd.] [Schedule Appendix contd.]
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 12 of 1922
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“REGISTRATION OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS ORDINANCE, 1922,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 15, 2025,