No. 8 of 1922.
An Ordinance to restrict the employinent of aliens and of
former enemy aliens on certain Britisli ships reg-
istered in the Colony of Hongkong.
[24th March, 1922.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Merchant Shipping
(Aliens Employment) Ordinance, 1922.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
2. In this Ordinance, former enemy alien means an
alien who is or at any time has been a subject or citizen
of the Gerinan Empire or ally component state. thereof, or
of Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, or Turkey, except-
any former subject of the german empire or any
component state thereof, or of Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria
or Turkey, who has changed his allegiance as a result of
the recognition of new states or territorial rearrangements,
(2) any former subject or citizen of the German empire
or any component state thereof, or of Austria, hungary
Bulgaria or Turkey, who has been naturalized in any other
foreign state or in any British possession in accordance
with the laws thereof and when actually resident therein,
ancl who, by virtue of such naturalization or otherwise, has
lost the nationality of the former enemy state of which he was
originally a national.
&-(1) No alien shall act as master, chief officer, or chief
engineer of a British ship of over sixty tons itet register
tonnage registered' in the Clolony : Provided that this
prohibition shall not apply to ally person who holds a valid
certificate of exemption granted by the Governor in Council
and who complies with the conditions, if any, attached to
such exemption, or to any alien who has acted as a master,
chief officer, or chief engineer of a British ship at any time
during the war and who is certified by the Admiralty to have
performed good and faithful service in that capacity.
(2) No alien shall act in any capacity on boarel a British
ship of over sixty tolls net register tounage registered in
the Colony unless he has produced to the officer before whom
he is engaged satisfactory proof of his nationality.
4. No former enemy alien shall act as master, officer,
or member of the crew of a British ship registered in the
5. Every person who engages an alien or a former enemy
alien within the Colony for employment on a British ship
in contravention of the provisions of this Ordinance shall
also be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance, and
where the person guilly of an offence is a company, every
director and officer of the company shall be guilty of the
like offence unless he proves that the act constituting the
offence took place without his consent or connivance.
6. Every person who is guilty of an offence against this
Ordinance shall upon summary conviction be liable to a
fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to imprisonment
for any term not exceeding six months.
[Originally No. 8 of 1922.] Short title. Interpretation. 9 & 10 Geo. 5, c. 92, s. 15. Employment of aliens in British ship. 9 & 10 Geo. 5, c. 92, s. 5. Employment of former enemy aliens in British ships. 9 & 10 Geo. 5, c. 92, s. 12. Persons engaging aliens or former enemy aliens for employment in contravention of the Ordinance. Penalties.
[Originally No. 8 of 1922.] Short title. Interpretation. 9 & 10 Geo. 5, c. 92, s. 15. Employment of aliens in British ship. 9 & 10 Geo. 5, c. 92, s. 5. Employment of former enemy aliens in British ships. 9 & 10 Geo. 5, c. 92, s. 12. Persons engaging aliens or former enemy aliens for employment in contravention of the Ordinance. Penalties.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1922
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“MERCHANT SHIPPING (ALIENS EMPLOYMENT) ORDINANCE, 1922,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 16, 2025,