No. 31 of 1921.
An Ordinance to regielate the imposition of the penalty of
[16th December, 1921.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Stocks Ordinance,
2. In this Ordinance, the court means the Supreme
3. Every male person who is convicted summarily or
on indictment of an offence -under sections 44 or 45 of the
Offences aeainst the Person Ordinance, 1865, or under
sections 3, 4, 8, 9, 11 or 17 of the Protection of Women and
Girls Ordinance, 1897, may be sentenced by the magistrate
or the court to be publicly exposed in the stocks for any
period not exceeding six hours in addition to any other
punishment to which such person is liable: Provided always
that in the case of a summary conviction no such sentence
shall be carried into effect until after the expiration of
seven clear days from the date of such conviction.
4.-(1) For, the purpose of carrying any such sentence
into effect, it shall be lawful for the magistrate or for the
court, as the case may be, to issue an order in the form in
the, Schedule requiring the Superintendent of Prisons to
deliver to the Captain Superintendent of Police, any person
who has been sentenced under this Ordinance.
(2) Any such order shall further require the Captain
Superintendent of Police to return such person to the
Superintendent of Prisons, and the Superintendent of
Prisons to receive such person from the Captain Super-
intendent of Police, after such sentence has been carried
into effect, for the purpose of serving or continuing to serve
any other or further sentence which shall have been
imposed upon him.
(3) Any such order addressed to the Captain Super-
intendent of Police may be executed by any police officer,
and any such order addressed to the ' Superintendent of
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
Prisons may be executed by any officer of the Prison
[s. 5, rep. Law Revision Ordinance, 1924.]
Form oF ORDER.
Stochs Ordinance, 1921.
To the Superinterident of Prisons and the Captain Superintendent of
WHERE AS ...................was on the
day of ...............19 convicted summarily (or
on indictment) under section of Ordinance No of
and was sentenced to ...and further. under
the Stocks Ordinance, 1921, to be publicly exposed in the stocks for a
period of ...hours :
THIS IS TO COMMAND you, the Superintendent of Prisons, to
deliver the said ....... to the Captain Superintendent
of Police on the of ..19 .......for
the purpose of carrying into effect the punishment of stocks so imposed.
AND this is FURTHER to command you, the Captain Superin-
tendent of Police, to return the said .... to the
superintendent of Prisons, and to command you, the Superintendent of
Prisons, to receive the said from the Captain
Superintendent of Police, so soon as coiiveniently may be after the said
punishment of stocks has been carried into effect, for the purpose of serving
or continuing to serve any other or further sentence of imprisonment which
has been impsed upon him.
Dated the day of ...........19
Signed ................
Magistrate or Registrar.
[Originally No. 31 of 1921. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Penalty of stocks may be imposed for certain offences. Ordinances Nos. 2 of 1865, and 4 of 1897. Order by magistrate or court to enable sentences under this Ordinance to be carried into effect. Schedule.
[Originally No. 31 of 1921. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Penalty of stocks may be imposed for certain offences. Ordinances Nos. 2 of 1865, and 4 of 1897. Order by magistrate or court to enable sentences under this Ordinance to be carried into effect. Schedule.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 31 of 1921
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“STOCKS ORDINANCE, 1921,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 16, 2025,