No. 27 of 1921.
An Ordiance for the incorporation of the Christian
brothers school known in french as L'institut des
Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes and known In Hong-
kong as st. joseph's College.
[4th November, 1921.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the St. joseph's college
Incorporation Ordinance, .1921.
2. The director in Hongkong of St. joseph's College aud
his Successors for the time being in the office of the Director
in hongkong of St. Joseph's College shall be a body corporate
(hereinafter called the corporation), and shall have the name
of The Director in Hongkong of St. Joseph's College , and
by that name shall and may sue and be sued in all courts in
the Colony, and shall and may have and use a common seal
and the said seal may from time to time break, change, alter,
and make anew as the said corporation may see fit.
3. The corporation shall have full power-
(a) subject to the licence of the Governor having been
previously obtained in each case, to acquire, accept leases of,
purchase, take, hold, and enjoy, any immovable property
situate in the Colony.
(b) to sell, assign, surrender, yield up, transfer, mortgage,
charge, demise, re-assign, or otherwise dispose of and deal
with any immovable property vested in the corporation upon
such terms as to the corporation may seem fit.
(c) to invest moneys on mortgage of any immovable prop-
erty in the Colony or in or upon such other securities as to
the corporation may seem fit.
4. The pieces or parcels of ground respectively registered
in the Land Office at Victoria in this Colony as Inland Lots
Nos. 1506 and 1642, Rural Building Lot No. 30, Sub-section
1 of Section A of Kowloon Inland Lot No. 576 and the
Remaining Portion of Section A. of Kowloon Inland Lot No.
576, together with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances
respectively belonging or appertaining thereto or therewith
usually held, occupied and enjoyed, are hereby transferred
to and vested in the corporation subject to the payment of
the rents and the performance of the covenants and conditions
reserved by and contained in the respective Crown leases
5. All deeds and other instruments requiring the seal of the
corporation shall be sealed in the presence of the person wbo
is for the time being the Director in Hongkong of St. Joseph's
College or of his attorney duly authorised, and such deeds
and instruments and all other documents, instruments and
writings requiring the signature of the corporation shall be
signed by such Director in Hongkong or his attorney.
6. No assignment by way of sale of the said pieces or
parcels of ground respectively registered in the Land Office
at Victoria aforesaid as Inland Lots Nos. 1506 and 1642,
Rural Building Lot No. 30, Sub-section 1 of Section A of
Kowloon Inland Lot No. 576 and the Remaining Portion of
Section A of Kowloon.lnland Lot No. 576, or any other lands,
buildings, messuages or tenements sibiate in this Colony
which may at any time hereafter be vested. in the corporation,
shall be, valid without the authority of the superieur
of the society of Christian Brothers known in French as
L'institutdes freres des ecoles chretiennes, such authority
to be signified in writing signed by the said superieur general.
7.--(1) Brother Marcian james, at present Director in
hongkong of St. Joseph's College, having furnished to the
Governor satisfactory evidence of hisappointment to the
said office, shall for the purposes of this Ordinance be deemed
to he the Director in Hongkong of St. Joseph's College until
the appointment in his stead of some other person as such
(2) When any other person is appointed to the office of
Director in Hongkong of St. Joseph's College, such person
shall within three weeks after his appointment or within-
such further time as may be allowed by the Governor furnish
to the Governor satisfactory evidence of his appointment.
(3) A notification in the Gazette under the hand of the
Colonial Secretary that such evidence has been furnished to
the Governor by such person shall be conclusive evidence of
such appointment.
8. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deeined to
affect the rights of his Majesty the King his Heirs and
Successors or the rights of any body politic or corporate or
of any other person except such as are mentioned in this
Ordinance and those claiming by, through or under them.
[Originally No. 27 of 1921.] Short title. Incorporation. Powers of the corporation. Vesting of properties. Execution of documents. Consent to sales of lands. Appointment of Director. Saving of rights to the Crown and of certain other rights.
[Originally No. 27 of 1921.] Short title. Incorporation. Powers of the corporation. Vesting of properties. Execution of documents. Consent to sales of lands. Appointment of Director. Saving of rights to the Crown and of certain other rights.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 27 of 1921
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE INCORPORATION ORDINANCE, 1921,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 16, 2025,