No. 2 of 1920.
An Ordinance to provide for the establishincut of a
Volunteer Force.
[6th February, 1920]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Volunteer Ordi-
nance, 1920.
2. In this Ordinance,
(a) Administrative commandant of a volunteer corps
means the officer for the time being entrusted with the
general administration of the corps, and in the event of there
being no such officer means the officer who is highest in
rank in such corps.
(b) Appointments includes accoutrements and equip-
ments of every kind, other than clothing.
(c) General Officer Commanding the Troops means the
officer for the time being commanding His Majesty's regular
forces in the Colony.
(d) Officer means a person holding a commission as
officer in a volunteer corps.
(c) Volunteer means a member of. a volunteer corps
not being an officer.
3.-(1) It shall be lawful for the Governor to accept the
services of any persons desiring to be formed under this
Ordinance into a volunteer corps and offering their services,
and, on such acceptance being notified in the Gazette, the
proposed corps shall be deemed lawfully formed.
(2) Any such corps shall be designated by such style as
the Governor may order.
4. The officers of a volunteer corps shall be commissioned
by the Governor, and no such commission shall be deemed
vacated by the death or retirement from office of the
Governor by whom the same was issued.
5.-(1) Subject as hereinafter mentioned, any volunteer
may, except on actual military service, quit his corps on
complying with the following conditions:-
(a) giving to the administrative commandant of his corps
fourteen days notice in writing of his intention to quit the
corps ;
(b) delivering up in good order (fair wear and tear only
excepted) all arms, clothing, and appointments, being public
property or property of the corps, issued to him; and
(c) paying all money due or becoming due by him under
this Ordinance or tinder any regidations made thereunder
or under the rules of the corps, either before or at the time
or by reason of his quitting it;
and thereupon he shall be struck out of the muster roll of
the corps by the administrative commandant.
(2) If any volunteer gives such notice and the adminis-
trative commandant refuses to strike him out of the muster
roll, and the volunteer considers himself aggrieved thereby,
the volunteer may appeal to a magistrate, who shall hear
and determine the appeal, and may, for the purposes thereof,
administer oaths and examine.any person as a witness, and,
if it appears to the magistrate that the arms, clothing, and
appointments issued to the volunteer, being public property
or property of his corps, have been delivered up in good
order (fair wear and tear only excepted), or that he has paid
or is ready to pay sufficient compensation for any damages
that such articles may have sustained, and that all moneys
due or becoming due by him under this Ordinance or under
any regulations made thereunder or under the rules of his
corps, either before or at the time of or by reason of his
quitting it, have been paid, the magistrate may order the
administrative commandant forthwith to strike such volunteer
out of the muster roll of his corps, and such determination
shall be binding on all persons.
(3) Nothwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained,
every volunteer shall be deemed to have engaged himself to
serve for a period of three years from the date of his first
admission to his corps, and if he quits, or is disicharged
from, the corps before the expiration of the first year of the
said period he shall pay to the administrative commandant
of his corps the sum of sixty dollars, if after the expiration
of the first year and before the expiration of the second year
the sum of forty dollars, and if after the expiration of the
second year and before the expiration of the third year
the sum of twenty dollars: Provided that no such sum shall
be payable by a volunteer who, in the opinion of the
administrative commandant, bona^ fide intends to leave the
Colony forthwith for a period of at least one year, or who
quits his corps for any other cause which the administrative
commandant may consider reasonable and bona' fide.
6. Whenever any volunteers are on actual military
service, or are undergoing drill, exercise or inspection
together with His Majesty's regular forces, or are voluntarily
doing duty together with such forces, they and their officers
shall, subject to any regulations made under this Ordinance,
be under the command of the officers of His Majesty's
regular forces, so, nevertheless, that the volunteers shall,
when the circumstances of the service admit, be led by their
own officers under such command.
7. An annual inspection of every volunteer corps shall be
held by a general or field officer of His Majesty's army.
[s. 8, rep. by No. 2 of 1921.]
9. The Governor may disband or discontinue the services
of any volunteer corps or any part thereof whenever it may
seem to him expedient to do so.
10. The General Officer Commanding the Troops, with the
approval of the Governor, may at any time assemble a court
of inquiry comprised of officers of any volunteer corps to
inquire into any matter relative to the corps or to any officer
or volunteer, and to record the facts and circumstances
ascertained on such inquiry, and, if so required, to report on
the same for the information of the General Officer Com-
manding the Troops.
11.(1) The General Officer Commanding the Troops may,
with the approval of the Governor after consultation with the
administrative commandant, make regulations respecting the
constitution, general government, discipline and training of
any volunteer corps, and in particular respecting--
(a) conditions of efficiency;
(b) appointment, promotion and rank of officers; and
(c) assembling and proceedings of courts of inquiry.
As amended by No. 2 of 1921.
As amended by No. 2 of 1921 and Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
(2) The regulations contained in the First Schedule shall
be deemed to have been made under this Ordinance and
shall continue in force except in so far as they may be
rescinded or amended or added to by regulations inade
under this Ordinance, or by any other Ordinance.
12.(1) In case of great national emergency, or in case
of actual or apprehended invasion of or attack on the Colony,
or in case of serious local disturbance, the Governor may, by
proclamation, call out any volunteer corps or any portion
thereof for actual military service.
(2) Every officer and volunteer belonging to every corps
or portion thereof so called out shall be bound to assemble
at such place as may be directed by the Governor, and to
perform such service as may be required under the orders of
the General Officer Commanding the Troops.
(3) Every such officer and volunteer from the time of his
corps being so called out shall, for the purposes of this Ordi-
nance, be deemed to be on actual military service. If any
such officer or volunteer, not being incapacitated by infirmity
for service, refuses or neglects so to assemble, he shall be
deemed a deserter.
(4) The period of such service shall continue so long as
the Governor may consider necessary, and shall end only by
order of the Governor.
(5) Nothing in this Ordinance shall render any officer or
Volunteer liable to serve or proceed on duty without his
consent beyond the limits of the Colony.
13. All officers and volunteers, when called out on actual
military service by the Governor, shall be entitled to pay
and allowances in like manner and after like rates and
conditions, and to be qUartered or billeted in like manner in
every respect and tinder and subject to the same regulations,
as His Majesty's regular forces, so far as the same may by
the Governor in Council be deemed applicable to the volun-
teer corps.
As amended by No. 2 of 1921,
14. All officers and volunteers who, when called out on
such actual military service as aforesaid, leave families unable
to support themselves shall, during the period of their
absence on such service, be entitled to relief for their wives
and families, and it shall be lawful for the Governor in
Council to fix the amount, of such relief.
15. All officers and volunteers who may have received
wounds or injuries when called out on actual military
service as aforesaid, and the widows and families of all such
officers and volunteers who may have been killed or have
died within twelve months after having been wounded of
wounds received during, such actual military service, or
have died within twelve months from illness directly trace-
able to fatigue or exposure incident to such service, shall be
entitled to such pensions or gratuities as may be fixed by the
Governor in Council: Provided that no pension under this
section shall exceed the sum of one thousand dollars per
16. With respect to the discipline of officers and volunteers
while they are not on actual military service or undergoing
drill, exercise, training, or inspection together with, or
voluntarily doing any duty together with, His Majesty's
regular forces or any part thereof, the following provisions
shall take effect:-
(1) The administrative commandant of a volunteer corps
may subject to such appeal to the Governor as is hereinafter
mentioned, discharge from the corps any volunteer and
strike him out of the nnister roll either for disobedience of
orders by him while doing any duty with his corps, or for
neglect of duty or misconduct by him as a member of the
corps, or for other sufficient cause, the existence and
sufficiency of such causes respectively to be judged of by
the administrative commandant or, in case of appeal, by the
(2) The volunteer so discharged shall nevertheless be
liable to deliver up in good order (fair wear and tear only
excepted) all arms, clothing, and appointments, being public
property or property of the corps, issued to him, and to pay
all moneys due or becoming due by him under this Ordi-
nance or under any regulations made thereunder or under
the rides of the corps, either before or at the time or by
reason of his discharge.
(3) Any volunteer who feels aggrieved by such discharge
may appeal to the Governor within a reasonable time after
such discharge and the Governor may cancel or confirm such
discharge or give such other directions with rejerence there-
to as to him may seem just and proper, and such deter-
mination shall be binding on all persons.
(4) If any officer or volunteer as aforesaid-
(a) while he is on the line of march or on duty with the
corps to which he belongs or any part thereof; or
(b) while he is engaged in any exercise or drill with such
corps or any part thereof; or
(c) while he is wearing the clothing or accoutrements of
such corps and is going to or returning from any place of
exercise, drill, or assembly of such corps or is otherwise on
disobeys any lawful order of any officer under whose com-
mand he then is or is guilty of misconduct, the officer then
in command of the corps, or any superior officer under whose
command the corps then is, may order the offender, if an
officer, into arrest, and, if not an officer, into the custody of
any volunteer belonging to the corps: Provided that the
offender be not kept in such arrest or custody longer than
during the time of the corps or such portion thereof as
aforesaid then remaining on march or duty or continuing
engaged in any such exereise or drill as aforesaid or other-
wise on duty; and for the purposes of, this provision any such
officer or volunteer, while going to or returning from any
place of exercise, drill, or assembly of his corps, shall be
deemed to be on duty so long as he continues to wear the
clothing or accoutrements of such corps. Every such arrest
shall be forthwith reported to the administrative. commandant
of the corps or such other officer as may be prescribed.
16A.-(1) without prejudice to the provisions of section
16, every member of a volunteer corps who in the opinion of
the administrative commandant fails to make himself efficient
in any year shall forfeit a sum of twenty-five dollars, which
shall be paid into the general fund of the corps.
As amended by No. 2 of 1922 and Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the year shall be
deemed to commence on the 16th day of April.
17(1) With respect to the discipline of officers and
volunteers when they are on actual military service or are
undergoing drill, exercise, training or inspection together
with or are voluntarily doing any duty together with His
Majesty's regular forces or any part thereof, the following
provisions shall take effect: namely, the provisions of the
Army Act shall, so far as the same are applicable and
consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, apply to all
officers and volunteers, with the following modifications
only :-
(a) that no officer or volunteer shall for any offence against.
such Act except for the offence of murder be subject to the
penalty of death; and
(b) that no sentence of a court martial for the trial of an
officer or volunteer shall be carried into execution unless
confirmed by the Governor.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit or
derogate from the power given by section 117 of the said
Act to the General Officer Commanding His Majesty's forces
with which the corps is serving of making such exceptions
or modifications as in the same section are referred to.
Provided. nevertheless that such modifications shall not
apply to officers and volunteers who being on active service
as defined by section 189 of the Army Act are outside the
limits of the Colony.
18. The members of a volunteer corps may make rules
for the management of the property, finances, and civil affairs
of the corps, but such rules shall not have effect unless and
until they have been approved by the Governor and have been
published in the Gazette, and upon publication in the Gazette
the rules so approved shall be binding on all members of the
As amended by No. 2 of 1921,
19. All moneys subscribed by, or to, or for the use of a
volunteer corps, and all effects belonging to any such corps
or lawfully used by it, not being the property of an individual
member of the corps, and the exclusive right to sue for and
recover current subscriptions, arrears of subscriptions, and
other moneys due to the corps, shall vest in the administrative
commandant of the corps for the time being with power for
him to sue, to make contracts and conveyances, and to do all
other lawful things relating thereto, and the administrative
commandant of a volunteer corps shall be deerned to be a
public officer within the meaning of the Crown Suits Ordi-
nance, 1910, and the service of any volunteer corps shall be
deemed to be a public service within the meaning of that
20. Every person who fails to deliver up in good order (fair
wear and tear excepted) any arins, clothing or appointments
which he is liable under this Ordinance or the rules framed
under this Ordinance to deliver up, shall be liable to pay to the
administrative commandant of the corps the value thereof as
determined by a general committee constituted in accordance
with the rules frained under this Ordinance.
21. If any person belonging or having belonged to a
volunteer corps refuses or neglects to pay anything subscribed
or undertaken to be paid by him towards any of the funds
or expenses of the corps or due under the rules of the corps
and actually payable by him, or to pay any fine incurred by-
him under the rules of the corps, such money or fine shall
(without prejudice to any other remedy) be. recoverable
from him, with costs, at any time within eighteen months
after the same becomes due and payable in manner herein-
after mentioned and, when recovered, shall be applied as part
of the general fund of the corps.
22. Any money, pecuniary penalty, or fine recoverable
under this Ordinance may be recovered in a summary way
before a magistrate.
23. The administrative commandant of any volunteer
corps may appear before a magistrate by any member of the
corps authorised by him in writing under his hand.
* As amended by Law Rev, Ord., 1924.
24. The provisions of any Ordinance relating to the
storage of gunpowder or explosives shall not apply to gun-
powder or explosives belonging to any corps established
or raised under this Ordinance; but such gunpowder and
explosives shall only be stored in such places and subject to
such regulations as may be approved by the Governor.
25. lt shall be lawful for the Treasurer to pay to the
administrative commandant of any volunteer corps for the
purposes of the corps such sum, in each year as may be
authorised by the Governor in Council ont of moneys voted
by the Legislative Council.
26.-(1) Every officer and volunteer shall, on his ad-
mission to a volunteer corps or as soon afterwards as may
be, take the oath or make the declaration in the second
Schedule to be administered by a justice of the peace, or
by an officer of the corps who has taken such oath or made
such declaration.
(2) Every person who was a member of the Hongkong
Defence Corps on the 23rd day of December, 1919, shall
be exempt from the provisions of this section, but such
exemption shall not relieve any such person from any duty
or liability to -which he would have been subject if he had
taken the oath or declaration of allegiance prescribed hy
sub-section (1).
27. Every person who obstructs or resists any member
of a volunteer corps in the discharge of his duty shall upon
summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two
hundred and fifty dollars, and to imprisonment for any term
not exceeding six months.
[s. 28, rep. Law Revision Ordinance, 1924.]
FIRST SCHEDULE. [s. 11 (2).]
1. These regulations may be. cited as the Hongkong Volunteer Regula-
tions, 1920.
2. in these rezulations, the.corps means the first corps formed under
the Hongkong Volunteer Ordinance, 1920.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
3.-(1) The corps may consist of the following units, with such other
units as may be found desirable
(a) a company of artillery
(b) a company of engineers
(c) a machine gun company
(d) a battalion of infantry which may consist of the following companies,
with such other companies as may be found Jesirable
(i) a mounted infantry company
(ii) a light infantry coinpany
(iii) an infantry company
(iv) a Scottish company ;
(v) a Portuguese company
(vi) a reserve company.
(2) The machine gun company will be for heavy machine guns, eg.,
Vickers guns. Lewis gunners will be distributed throughout the platoons
of the infantry battalion.
(3) The reserve company shall. consist of men who have reached the age
of 40 years. No mitn who is under that age shall join the reserve company
except with the special permission of the administrative commandant.
(4) Signallers will be distributed throughout, the various companies and
(5) Subject to the provisions of the Army Act and of the Hongkong
Volunteer Ordinance, 1920, and of these regulations, the corps shall be
under the orders of the General Officer Commanding the Troops, subject to
the general control of the Governor.
(6) The company of artillery shall he under the executive command of
an officer of the corps, and shall be under the orders of the Officer Com-
manding the Royal Artillery of the Garrison for training and inspection.
(7) The company, of engineers shall be under the executive command of
an officer of the Corps, and shall he under the orders of the Chief Engineer
of the Garrison for training and inspection.
(8) The machine gun company shall be under the executive command of
an officer of the corps, and shall he under the orders of the General Officer
Commanding the Troops for training and inspection.
(9) The infantry battalion shall be under the executive command of an
officer who may be either a volunteer officer or an officer of His Majesty's
regular forces. If this officer is a volunteer officer, the adjutant of the
corps shall he an officer of His Majesty's regular forces, appointed with the
consent of the General Officer Commanding the Troops, unless no regular
officer is available.
(10) The administrative commandant of the corps shall be the officer
commanding the infantry battalion, and he shall be assisted by an admin-
istration staff.
(11) The administrative commandant may, with the approval of the
Governor, establish one or more cadet companies in connexion with the corps,
and every such company shall, as regards its establishment, administration,
and government, be subject to such regulations as the administrative com-
maudant may make with the approval of the Governor.
(12) Members of the infantry battalion shall be transferred to the reserve
company from the other companies upon attaining the age of 50 years.
4. The establishment of the corps shall be fixed from time to time as
circumstances may require.
5.-(1) Recommendations for the. appointment and promotion of all
officers of companies will be submitted by the administrative commandant
to the Governor through the General Officer Commanding the Troops.
(2) Every officer upon his first appointment in the corps to any rank, and
every officer before promotion to any higher rank, shall pass the examination
prescribed for that rank : Provided that the General Officer Commanding
the Troops may exempt any officer from compliance with this paragraph
either wholly or in part, and may extend the time for passing such examina-
tion, but if any officer fails to comply with the conditions of any such
exemption or extension he shall revert to his former rank.
(3) The nature of the examination in each case shall be as may be
prescribed by the General Officer Commanding the Troops.
(4) The examining board shall be appointed by the Gencral Officer
Commanding the Troops.
(5) An officer whose turn for promotion arrives may be superseded if he
has not passed the prescribed examination.
(6) Supernumerary officers may he appointed in any unit, but any such
officers shall be absorbed into the establishment as soon as vacancies OCCur
(7) All appointments and promotions of members of the staff and of
officers shall be notified in the Gazette and shall take effect from the date
of such Gazette or from such other date as may be specified in the notifica-
(8) The appointment and promotion of all members of the stafF and
officers are vested in the Governor.
6-(1) The appointment and promotion of all non-commissioned officers
of companies are vested in the administrative commandant.
(2) Recommendations for the appointment and promotion of all non-
commissioned officers of companies will he submitted by the commanding
officer., of such companies to the administrative commandant.
(3) Promotion will be subject to the passing of such an examination as
may be prescribed or approved by the General Officer Commanding the
As amended by No. 2 of 1921.
7. The training, to be carried out will he as prescribed in the First
8.-(1) Officers will provide and maintain their own uniform and
appointments according to the scale laid down in the Second Appendix.
(2) Other ranks will be provided with nniform in accordance with the
scale laid down in the Third Appendix.
(3) In no circumstances may articles of uniform be worn with plain
9.-(1) An allowance towards the cost of his outfit of not more than
two hundred dollars will be paid to each officer on his first appointment as
an officer in the corps : Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to
those officers who were officers of the Hongkong Defence Corps
immediately before the repeal of the Military Service Ordinance, 1917,
unless the General Officer Commanding the Troops shall otherwise direct.
(2) Should an officer fail to become proficient within twelve months from
appointment, he shall at the discretion of the administrative commandant
be liable to refund all or part, of the allowance made to him.
(3) Should an officer leave the corps within two years of appointment,
he shall at the discretion of the administrative commandant be liable to
refund all or part of the allowance rnade to him.
10. A stock-book for stores issued on payment shall be kept showing
the nature and value of each article and the member of the corps to whom
it is issued.
11. For every receipt and issue of stores there shall be a voucher. An
order book for all stores required shall be kept, and, on receipt of the
stores, entry shall be made in the stock-book. The receipt vouchers shall
consist of the counterfoils of the order book, or of invoices from the Crown
Agents, or from firms or departments which supply stores. Issue vouchers
shall consist of receipts signed by the members of the corps to whom tbe
stores are issued on an issue book with pages numbered consecutively.
The issue book shall be checked by the administrative commandant and
each signature shall be authenticated by his initials.
12. In every case the folio of the stock-book shall be inserted on the
voucher and the entries made on the day of issue.
13. All stores ordered from England must be obtained in the usual
manner through the Crown Agents for the Colonies.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
14. The adjutant shall also perform the duties of quartermaster.
15. The corps sergeant-major shall also perform the duties of quarter-
inaster sergeant.
16. The administrative commandant may, with the approval of the
Governor, inake regulations for the management of the Regimental
17.-(1) The following books shall be kepi by the adjutant
(a) Muster roll
(b) Record of attendance at parades, drills, and machine gun, rifle, and
revolver practices
(c) Account of receipts and expenditure
(d) Stock-book for stores
(e) Order book for stores
(f) Ammunition account.
(2) The officers commanding the artillery, engineer, and machine gun
companies will keep for their own . companies a record of attendance at
parades, drills, and rifle and revolver practices.
(3) Periodical returns and reports shall be rendered by the administrative
commandant, as prescribed in the Fourth Appendix.
FIRST APPENDIX. [First Sched. Reg. 7.]
1. For training purposes the year will be divided into the two following
periods :-
Cold weather :-15th October to 15th April.
Hot weather: -16th April to 14th October.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924,
2. Recruits shall do 40 drills unless previously passed into the ranks.
Recruits for the reserve company shall do 20 drills unless previously passed
into the ranks.
3. The following shall be the respective minimum numbers of - parades
necessary annually for efficiency :-
Artillery company ......20.
Engineer company........, 10.
Machine gun company ....20.
Infantry battalion ....................... 10.
These parades shall be in addition to the annual inspection and to any
parades and attendances ordered for musketry instruction and musketrY
This paragraph shall not apply to the reserve company.
4. The officers commanding the respective companies shall fix the time
and place for parades, drills, and rifle practices.,
5. The musketry course -will he as laid down in the current Army
6. The artillery and engineer companies will be mobilised for one
week-end during the cold weather.
7. There will be a camp of exercise for the machine gun company and
the infantry battalion during the cold weather.
8. The minimum attendance at camp necessary for efficiency shall be
three days, which need not be consecutive. , This paragraph shall not
apply to the reserve compimy.
9. The reserve company shall undergo the following annual training
(a) musketry instruction and musketry practice (a modified course only)
(b) annual inspection.
The camp will be optional for this company.
Members of the reserve company who have attained the age of 50 years
shall uot be required to undergo any training.
10. Classes will be held at convenient times in each year for the instruction
of members desirous of obtaining certificates of qualification for promotion
as non-commission ed officers.
Reg. 8 (1).]
THIRD APPENDIX. [Reg. 8 (2).]
Helmet and fittings, khaki ..1
Cloth service cap ...........1
Greatcoat ...................1
Boots, military pattern .....1 pair.
Khaki drill frock and trousers 2 suits.
32 shirts ...................2
shorts ....................... 2 pairs.
putties ................................... 1 pair.
In the mounted infantry company, the following shall be substituted for
the trousers -
Breeches . ........................2 pairs.
In the Scottish company, the following shall he sabstituted for the cap,
frock, trousers, shorts, and putties
Cap, balmoral .....................1
Jacket, service dress .............2
Kilt, khaki serge .................I
Trousers, khaki drill .............1
Kilt pin ..........................1
Sporran ...........................1
Hose tops, diced . ................1 pair.
Garters, Highland . ...............1 pair.
Gaiters .......................... 1 pair.
Rea. 17 (3).]
the following returns and reports will he rendered by the administrative
commandant to the General Officer Commanding the Troops at the respective
times specified below for transmission to the Governor:-
Oath of officer and volunteer.
I, A B., do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and hear
true allegiance to His Majesty King GEORGE the Fifth, His Heirs and
Successors, and that I will faithfully serve His Majesty, His Heirs and
Successors. in the Corps in cordaitee with the provisions of
the Hongkong Volunteer Ordinance, 1920, and of the regulations and rules
which may he in force thcrennder from time to time.
Form No. 2.
Declaration of officer and voltmteer to be made in lieu of the oath, if
such officer or volanteer objects to take the oath.
I, A.B., do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare that I will he faithful
and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King GBoRet the Fifth, His Heirs
and Successors, and that I will faithfully serve His Majesty, his Heirs and
Successors, in the Corps in accordance with the provisions of
the Rongkong Volunteer Ordinance, 1920, and of the regulations and rules
which may be in force thereander from time to time.
[Originally No. 2 of 1920. No. 2 of 1921. No. 2 of 1922. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Power of Governor to accept services of corps. Commissions of officers. Right of volunteer to quit corps on certain conditions. Volunteers to be under command of officers of regular forces. Annual inspection. Disbanding of corps. Courts of inquiry. Regulations. First Schedule. Calling out for actual military service in case of national emergency, invasion, or serious local disturbance. Pay and allowances on actual military service. Relief to families of persons called out on actual military service. Provision for officers and volunteers disabled on service and for widows and families of those killed on service. Discipline while not on actual military service. Failure to become efficient. Discipline when on actual military service. 44 & 45 Vict.c. 58. Rules for management of property, etc., of corps. Vesting of property of corps in the administrative commandant ex officio. Ordinance No. 5 of 1910. Giving up of arms, etc. Recovery of subscriptions and fines. Summary remedies. Appearance before magistrate of administrative commandant. Storage of gunpowder, etc. Payment of public money for corps. Oath of allegiance. Second Schedule. Obstructing member of corps. Short title. Interpretation. [First Schedule contd.] Composition and command. 44 & 45 Vict.c. 58. [First Schedule contd.] Establishment of corps. Appointment and promotion of officers and staff. Appointment and promotion of non-commissioned officers. [First Schedule contd.] First Appendix. Uniform. Second Appendix. Third Appendix. Officers outfit allowance. Stock-book to be kept. Order book to be kept. Entries in stock-book. Ordering of stores. [First Schedule contd.] Quarter-master. Corps quartermaster sergeant. Regimental Institute. Books and returns. Fourth Appendix. [First Schedule. First Appendix contd.] [First Schedule contd.]
[Originally No. 2 of 1920. No. 2 of 1921. No. 2 of 1922. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Power of Governor to accept services of corps. Commissions of officers. Right of volunteer to quit corps on certain conditions. Volunteers to be under command of officers of regular forces. Annual inspection. Disbanding of corps. Courts of inquiry. Regulations. First Schedule. Calling out for actual military service in case of national emergency, invasion, or serious local disturbance. Pay and allowances on actual military service. Relief to families of persons called out on actual military service. Provision for officers and volunteers disabled on service and for widows and families of those killed on service. Discipline while not on actual military service. Failure to become efficient. Discipline when on actual military service. 44 & 45 Vict.c. 58. Rules for management of property, etc., of corps. Vesting of property of corps in the administrative commandant ex officio. Ordinance No. 5 of 1910. Giving up of arms, etc. Recovery of subscriptions and fines. Summary remedies. Appearance before magistrate of administrative commandant. Storage of gunpowder, etc. Payment of public money for corps. Oath of allegiance. Second Schedule. Obstructing member of corps. Short title. Interpretation. [First Schedule contd.] Composition and command. 44 & 45 Vict.c. 58. [First Schedule contd.] Establishment of corps. Appointment and promotion of officers and staff. Appointment and promotion of non-commissioned officers. [First Schedule contd.] First Appendix. Uniform. Second Appendix. Third Appendix. Officers outfit allowance. Stock-book to be kept. Order book to be kept. Entries in stock-book. Ordering of stores. [First Schedule contd.] Quarter-master. Corps quartermaster sergeant. Regimental Institute. Books and returns. Fourth Appendix. [First Schedule. First Appendix contd.] [First Schedule contd.]
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1920
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VOLUNTEER ORDINANCE, 1920,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 18, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1332.