ORDI V ANCE No. 13 of 1358.
Clan. ese Passenger Ships.
No. 13 of 1868.
An Ordinance for the continuance of the heretofore existing Regulations
,respecting Chinese Passenger Ships; and in the case of British Ships,
respecting the '.Creatment of the Passengers tbereih- while at Sea.,
. and for making Regulations in addition thereto.
[21st October, 1858.]
WHEREAS it is desirable to make further provision, in addition to that
made by
the ' Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855,' for the regulation of Chinese
tships, and in the case of British ships, for the treatment of the
passengers therein
while at sea, with a view to the better securing the health of passengers
in such ships
Be it enacted and ordained, by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the
.advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any
voyage of
more than seven days' duration, without strictly conforming in every
respect with the
iegulations contained in schedule (A) annexed to the 'Chinese Passenger'
Act, 1855,'
-amd heretofore in force under the second section of the said Act:
Provided always,
that for voyages to places eastward of the Cape of Good Hopo or on the
West Coast of
America, a Chinese medical practitioner, properly qualified to the
satisfaction of the
Emigration Officer, shall be considered a surgeon in terms of the said
schedule in all
cases where a properly qualified European or American surgeon is not
found ready to
take medical ebarge of the ship on the payment of such remuneration as to
Emigration Officer shall appear reasonable.
2. In every Chinese passenger ship, there shall be a sufficient space
properlyII itproperlyII 'n to be
divided off to the satisfaction of the Emigration Officer at the port of
clearance, to be '''°°''e`t.
used exclusively as 4 hospital or hospitals for the passengers; this
space shall be under
the poop, or in the round-house, or in any deck-house which shall be
properly built
and secured to the satisfaction of such Emigration Officer, or on the
upper passenger
-deck, and not elsewhere, and shall in no case be less than eighteen
clear superficial
feet for every fifty passengers which the ship shall carry. Such
hospitals shall be fitted
with bed places, and supplied with proper beds, bedding, and utensils, to
the satisfaction
of the Emigration Officer at the port of clearance, and throughout the
voyage kept so
fitted and supplied.
3. In the measurement of the passenger decks, poop, round-house, or
for the purpose of determining the number of passengers to be carried in
any Chinese
passenger ship, the space for the hospital sball be included.
4. No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any
voyage as
aforesaid, until some medical practitioner shall have certified to the
Emigration Officer,
and the said Emigration Officer shall be satisfied, that none of the
passengers or crew
appear, by reason of any bodily or mental disease, unfit to proceed, or
likely to endan-
ger the health or safety of other persons about to proceed, in such
vessel-. and .a
nnedic'al inspection of the passengers for the purposes of giving such
certificate, shall
Existing rcqn'a
times to continue.
in t,,ree.
pace for bas.
))its) to be indnd
ed in measnre-
n~enf ot'capaaitc
i'or passengers.
Passengers and
crew to be
examined before-
sailing by some
medical pro 'cti-
Chinese Passenger Ships.
No. 13 of 1858.
take place either on board the vessel, or, at tote discretion of the said
Officer, at such convenient place on shore, befot'eiltbarkation, as he
may appoint; and
tle master, owner '-.o'r charterer of the ship, ~~31r
pay to such medical practitioner a
Burn at the rate p;~,~tw>~t`y-five Mexican dollars, for every hundred
persons so examined:
Provided, that in'fastlie Emigration Officer on any particular occasion
shall be .V ~rle
to obtain such certificate as aforesaid, or the attendance of a medical
practfti ner
within a reasonable time, or without payment of an inspection fee at a
higher rate
than that hereby ordained, then it shall be lawful for the said
Emigration Officer to
dispense with such medical inspection as aforesaid, and to satisfy,
himself by his own
personal examination, (for which he shall receive the fee hereinLefore
ordained to be-
paid,) of the fit sanitary state of the crew and passengers: Provided
also, that all fees
received under this section by the Emigration Officer or Colonial Surgeon
of Hongkong,
shall be within three days after the receipt thereof paid over by the
officer receiving,
them into the Treasury, to the use of the Crown.
g. No Emigration Officer shall give the certificate required by the
sengors' Act, 1855,' in respect of any Chinese passenger ship, unless he
be saia'i~a3
aforesaid with the hospital accommodation therein provided, and with
state of the crew and passengers.
g. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's
theteoF stall have been proclaimed in this Colony by His Excellency the
[Confirmation never proclaimed. Ilepcaledby Ordinance 11'0.4 of T88%.]
Existing regulations to continue in force.
Hospital accommodation to be provided.
Space for hospital to be included in measurement of capacity for passengers.
Passengers and crew to be exmined before sailing by some medical practitioner.
Certificate not to be granted unless sanitary regulations are complied with.
Suspending clause.
Clan. ese Passenger Ships.
No. 13 of 1868.
An Ordinance for the continuance of the heretofore existing Regulations
,respecting Chinese Passenger Ships; and in the case of British Ships,
respecting the '.Creatment of the Passengers tbereih- while at Sea.,
. and for making Regulations in addition thereto.
[21st October, 1858.]
WHEREAS it is desirable to make further provision, in addition to that
made by
the ' Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855,' for the regulation of Chinese
tships, and in the case of British ships, for the treatment of the
passengers therein
while at sea, with a view to the better securing the health of passengers
in such ships
Be it enacted and ordained, by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the
.advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any
voyage of
more than seven days' duration, without strictly conforming in every
respect with the
iegulations contained in schedule (A) annexed to the 'Chinese Passenger'
Act, 1855,'
-amd heretofore in force under the second section of the said Act:
Provided always,
that for voyages to places eastward of the Cape of Good Hopo or on the
West Coast of
America, a Chinese medical practitioner, properly qualified to the
satisfaction of the
Emigration Officer, shall be considered a surgeon in terms of the said
schedule in all
cases where a properly qualified European or American surgeon is not
found ready to
take medical ebarge of the ship on the payment of such remuneration as to
Emigration Officer shall appear reasonable.
2. In every Chinese passenger ship, there shall be a sufficient space
properlyII itproperlyII 'n to be
divided off to the satisfaction of the Emigration Officer at the port of
clearance, to be '''°°''e`t.
used exclusively as 4 hospital or hospitals for the passengers; this
space shall be under
the poop, or in the round-house, or in any deck-house which shall be
properly built
and secured to the satisfaction of such Emigration Officer, or on the
upper passenger
-deck, and not elsewhere, and shall in no case be less than eighteen
clear superficial
feet for every fifty passengers which the ship shall carry. Such
hospitals shall be fitted
with bed places, and supplied with proper beds, bedding, and utensils, to
the satisfaction
of the Emigration Officer at the port of clearance, and throughout the
voyage kept so
fitted and supplied.
3. In the measurement of the passenger decks, poop, round-house, or
for the purpose of determining the number of passengers to be carried in
any Chinese
passenger ship, the space for the hospital sball be included.
4. No Chinese passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea on any
voyage as
aforesaid, until some medical practitioner shall have certified to the
Emigration Officer,
and the said Emigration Officer shall be satisfied, that none of the
passengers or crew
appear, by reason of any bodily or mental disease, unfit to proceed, or
likely to endan-
ger the health or safety of other persons about to proceed, in such
vessel-. and .a
nnedic'al inspection of the passengers for the purposes of giving such
certificate, shall
Existing rcqn'a
times to continue.
in t,,ree.
pace for bas.
))its) to be indnd
ed in measnre-
n~enf ot'capaaitc
i'or passengers.
Passengers and
crew to be
examined before-
sailing by some
medical pro 'cti-
Chinese Passenger Ships.
No. 13 of 1858.
take place either on board the vessel, or, at tote discretion of the said
Officer, at such convenient place on shore, befot'eiltbarkation, as he
may appoint; and
tle master, owner '-.o'r charterer of the ship, ~~31r
pay to such medical practitioner a
Burn at the rate p;~,~tw>~t`y-five Mexican dollars, for every hundred
persons so examined:
Provided, that in'fastlie Emigration Officer on any particular occasion
shall be .V ~rle
to obtain such certificate as aforesaid, or the attendance of a medical
practfti ner
within a reasonable time, or without payment of an inspection fee at a
higher rate
than that hereby ordained, then it shall be lawful for the said
Emigration Officer to
dispense with such medical inspection as aforesaid, and to satisfy,
himself by his own
personal examination, (for which he shall receive the fee hereinLefore
ordained to be-
paid,) of the fit sanitary state of the crew and passengers: Provided
also, that all fees
received under this section by the Emigration Officer or Colonial Surgeon
of Hongkong,
shall be within three days after the receipt thereof paid over by the
officer receiving,
them into the Treasury, to the use of the Crown.
g. No Emigration Officer shall give the certificate required by the
sengors' Act, 1855,' in respect of any Chinese passenger ship, unless he
be saia'i~a3
aforesaid with the hospital accommodation therein provided, and with
state of the crew and passengers.
g. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's
theteoF stall have been proclaimed in this Colony by His Excellency the
[Confirmation never proclaimed. Ilepcaledby Ordinance 11'0.4 of T88%.]
Existing regulations to continue in force.
Hospital accommodation to be provided.
Space for hospital to be included in measurement of capacity for passengers.
Passengers and crew to be exmined before sailing by some medical practitioner.
Certificate not to be granted unless sanitary regulations are complied with.
Suspending clause.
Existing regulations to continue in force.
Hospital accommodation to be provided.
Space for hospital to be included in measurement of capacity for passengers.
Passengers and crew to be exmined before sailing by some medical practitioner.
Certificate not to be granted unless sanitary regulations are complied with.
Suspending clause.
Existing regulations to continue in force.
Hospital accommodation to be provided.
Space for hospital to be included in measurement of capacity for passengers.
Passengers and crew to be exmined before sailing by some medical practitioner.
Certificate not to be granted unless sanitary regulations are complied with.
Suspending clause.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 13 of 1858
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CHINESE PASSENGER SHIPS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,