No. 10 of 1915.
An Ordinance to provide for the incorporation of the Mother
Superior in this Colony of the Society of the Soeurs de
Saint Paul de Chartres by which the institution known
as the Asile de la Sainte Enfance and as the French
Convent is carried on.
[7th May, 1915.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Soeurs de Saint
Paul de Chartres Incorporation Ordinance, 1915.
2. The Mother Superior in this Colony of the Society of the
Sceurs de Saint Paul de Chartres shall be a body cirporate
(hereinafter called the corporation) and shall have the name
of the Mother Superior of the Sceurs de Saint Paul de
Chartres (Hongkong), and by that name shall and may sue
and be sued in all courts in this Colony and shall and may
have and use a common seal.
3. The corporation shall have full power-
(1) subject to the licence of the Governor having been
previously obtained in each case, to acquire, accept leases of,
purchase, take, hold, and enjoy any lands, buildings, mes-
suages or tenements of what nature or kind soever and
wheresoever situate in this Colony;
(2) to purchase and acquire all manner of goods and
chattels whatsoever;
(3) to invest moneys on mortgage of any lands, buildings,
messuages or tenements in this Colony, or in or upon such
other securities or investments as it may think expedient;
(4) by deed under its seal or otherwise to grant, sell,
convey, assign, surrender and yield up, mortgage, demise,
re-assign, transfer or otherwise deal with or dispose of any
lands, buildings, messuages or tenements, mortgages, deben-
tures, securities, shares, goods and chattels for the time
being vested in it on such terms as may seem expedient to it.
4. The pieces or parcels of ground registered in the Land
Office as Marine Lot No. 23, Marine Lot No. 24 and Inland
Lot No. 1698 together with all rights, easements and ap-
purtenances (includhig all reclamation rights if any) belong-
ing or appertaining thereto or therewith usually held,
* As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
occupied and enjoyed and together with any encroachments
or rights respectiDg encroachments in respect thereof are
hereby transferred to and vested in the corporation subject
to the payment of the rents and the performance of the
covenants and conditions reserved by and contained in the
Crown leases and extension of Crown leases thereof or in
any licences relating thereto.
5. All deeds and other instruments requiring the seal of
the corporation shall be sealed in the presence of the person
who is for the time being Mother Superior in this Colony of
the said Society or of her attorney duty authorised and such
deeds and instruments and all other documents, instruments
and writings requiring the signature of the corporation shall
be signed by such Mother Superior or her attorney.
6.-(1) Sister Felicie, the present Mother Superior in this
Colony of the said Society, having furnished to the Governor
satisfactory evidence of her appointment to that office, shall
for the piirposes of this Ordinance be deemed to be the
Mother Superior in this Colony of the said Society until the
appointment in her stead of some other person as such Mother
(2) When any other person is appointed to the office of
Mother Superior in this Colony of the said Society, such
person shall within three weeks after her appointment or
within such further tinie as may be allowed by the Governor
furnish to the Governor satisfactory evidence of her appoint-
(3) A notification in the Gazette under the hand of the
Colonial Secretary that such evidence has been furnished to
the Governor by such person shall be conclusive evidence of
such appointment.
7. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to
affect the rights. of His Majesty the King His Heirs and
Successors, or the rights of any body politic or corporate or
of any other person except such as are mentioned in this
Ordinance and those claiming by, from and under them.
[Originally No. 10 of 1915. Law Rev. Ord, 1924.] short title. Incorporation of the Mother Superior in Hongkong of the Society of the Soeurs de Saint Paul de Chartres. Powers of the corporation. Vesting of property. Execution of documents. Appointment of Mother Superior. Saving of rights of the Crown.
[Originally No. 10 of 1915. Law Rev. Ord, 1924.] short title. Incorporation of the Mother Superior in Hongkong of the Society of the Soeurs de Saint Paul de Chartres. Powers of the corporation. Vesting of property. Execution of documents. Appointment of Mother Superior. Saving of rights of the Crown.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 10 of 1915
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SOEURS DE SAINT PAUL DE CHARTRES INCORPORATION ORDINANCE, 1915,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 23, 2025,