No. 29 of 1912.
An Ordinance for the further relief of innkeepers.
[4th October, 1912.]
1. This Oridnance may be cited as the Innkeepers Ordi-
nance, 1912.
2. In this Ordinance,
(a) Inn means any hotel, inn or other place of refresh-
ment the keeper of which has now by law a lien on any
prperty deposited with him or left on his premises.
3. An innkeeper shall, in addition to his ordinary lien,
have the right absolutely to sell by public auction any
property which may have been doposited with him or left in
the inn he keeps or in the premises appurtenant or belonging
thereto, where the person depositing or leaving such property
shall be or become the said innkeeper either for
any board or lodging or for the keep or expenses of any
animal left with such innkeeper or standing at livery in the
stables or fiedls occupied by such innkeeper: Provided how-
(1) that, except in the case of perishable property, no such
sale shall be made until after the said property shall have
beeen for the space of six weeks in such charge or custody or
in or upon such premises without such debt having been
(2) that such innkeeper, after having, out of the proceeds
of such sale, paid himself the amount of any such debt
together with the ccosts and expenses of such sale, shall on
demand pay to the person depositing or leaving such property
the surplus (if any) remaining after such sale;
(3) that the debt for the payment of which a sale is made
shall not be any other or greater debt than the debt for
which the property could have been retained by the inn-
keeper under his lien;
* As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924, See also No. 3 of 1870.
+ As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
(4) that, in the case of perisliable property, as soon as
conveniently may be either before or after such sale, and in
the ease of other property at least one month before any
such sale, the innkeeper shall cause to be inserted in a news-
paper circulating in the Colony an advertisement containing
a notice of such sale or intended sale and giving shortly a
description of the property sold or intended to be sold
together with the name of the owner or person where known
who deposited or left the same.
[Originally No. 29 of 1912. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation [ef.No.3 of 1870.] Innkeeper to have a right of sale in addition to his lien. [ef.41&42 Vict. C. 38, s. 1.]
[Originally No. 29 of 1912. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation [ef.No.3 of 1870.] Innkeeper to have a right of sale in addition to his lien. [ef.41&42 Vict. C. 38, s. 1.]
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 29 of 1912
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“INNKEEPERS ORDINANCE, 1912,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,