ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1858.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
No. 8 of 188.
An Ordinance for Regulation of the Chinese People, and for,
the Population Census, and for other Purposes of Police.
[10th May, 1858.]
BE it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of-
HODgkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in
manner followiua, that is to say :-
a~>hofntmonta of
ee 61714.
Poaor9 and
duties of the
iceoeal of or& 1. Ordinance No. 6 of 1857 is hereby repealed. [Repealed by
Ordinance No. 13 of'
nanco No. o of'
tss~. 1888.]
censt,Hnnmte ~~»- 2. The Census and Registration Office presently
existing in Victoria shall, for
tratton office
e4tr,uahe,t. the purposes of this Ordinance, be continued and
established, together with the
Regiatrar,Goueral and other the officers and assistants by whom the
duties and business.
thereof have been hitherto performed ; and also together with the
presently existing, in the books of the said office, of boats and
vessels, for the purposes.
of the schedule to this Ordinance. [Repealed by Ordinance No., 13 of
3. The several persons now being the Registrar General, officers, and
of the said office, shall discharge the duties and business thereof in
future at their
present salaries during His Excellency's pleasure; and upon any vacancy,
Excellency may from time to time nominate and appoint such person or
persons to be
such Registrar General, officers, and assistants respectively, and at
such salary and
salaries as to His Excellency shall seem meet, and also remove pins or
them at His-
Excellency's discretion from time to time, and nominate and appoint
another or others
in his or their room; yet so as that Her Majesty's pleasure shall be
taken as to every
nomination, appointment, and removal of a Registrar General, and as to
every new
limitation of salary under the provisions of this section. [Repealed by
Ordinance No. IS
of 1888, and see section 3 of Ordinance No. G of 186]
9:. The Registrar General is, by virtue of his office, and for the
execution of this:
Ordinance, and not otherwise, the Protector of Chinese inhabitants within
this Colony,.
and as such is bounder to use his best endeavours to prevent the
commission of crime,,
and, if committed, to discover and apprehend the parties guilty thereof,
and generally
to watch over and protect the said Chinese inhabitants ; and, for the
purposes aforesaid
only, lie is empowered to enter at any reasonable time or times, as he
shall find meet,
any building soever within this Colony, or vessel or boat soever within
the waters of
the same or adjacent thereto, if such building, vessel, or boat shall
then have guy
Chinaman within or on board of the same. [Repealed by Ordinance No: 13 of
Duties nfthe 6. The other officers and assistants in the said Census and
Registration Office
other officers and
ae,sst'ats. shall be obedient and assisting unto the said Registrar
General in the execution.,of this°
Ordinance. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 18 of X888.]
ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1858.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
6. The powers and authorities touching the direction and superintendence
of the
Police Force, which by Ordinance 12 of 1841 were vested in the Chief
Magistrate of
Police, are from henceforth vested in, and shall be exercised by, the
Superintendent of
Police for the time being, constituted under the said Ordinance; and
obedience shall
be rendered by the Police Force of this Colony to the orders of the said
of Police and to all rules and regulations by him made or to be made with
approbation of the Governor in Council; and the Registrar General is
empowered to require from the Superintendent of Police, or in his absence
from the
officer acting for him, the services of such of the subordinate members
of the Police
Force as he may deem necessary for the due execution of the duties of his
office, and
the said Force when so required shall receive orders from the
Superintendent of Police
of Inspector on duty, to obey the commands of the said Registrar General
in the same
manner as those of the Superintendent of Police. [Repealed by Ordinance
No. 13 of
'rhe Chief llagis--
trrtte's a,uthoritv
to devolve upon
the Superintond-
ent of police.
[see Ord. Yo. 9or
'l. Every person occupying a house, shall cause the number thereof to be
continued Numbers to be-
upon or painted and affixed to such house, in such wise as the Registrar
General shall
direct. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 15 of 1888.]
8. His Excellency in Council shall have power to approve for, and appoint
to, the rower to elect
nud Appoint
office of tepo in any town, village, hamlet, and district, of this
Colony, a proper person telw5.
to be presented unto him by the occupiers of Chinese houses therein, or
(in default of
such presentment) to be nominated by His Excellency in Council for that
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
9. Every tepo shall have, throughout his town, village, hamlet, or
district, but not
further or otherwise, the same powers and authorities, and perform the
duties of ten-.
constable, and, in that capacity, shall be immediately subordinate unto
the Registrar
General, and shall conform to whatsoever lawful orders, rules, and
regulations he shall',
with the approbation of His Excellency, frame and issue for the better
execution of
their duties under this Ordinance. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
Powers and
duties of the
10. The amount of the salary of each tepo shall be from time to time
fixed by His Salaries of the`
Excellency in Council, and shall be paid out of the produce of the Police
tax. [Repealed
by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.
11. The hawking of goods or wares in the streets or roads of this Colony,
a licence from the Registrar General, is hereby prohibited. [Repealed by
No. 21 of 1887.
person except subject to forfeiture on conviction of the holder of any
offence before u
12. No licence for such hawking shall be granted by the Registrar General
to any
any Justice of the Peace. And every, applicant, on receiving his said
licence, shall pay,
therefor to the Registrar General, to the use of the Crown, the fee in
that behalf
mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 21
of 1887
Conditions and
of haW king
~'t,;onArtct to brunt
None but
nltrtertukers to
'Lnrp or dig
The undertakers
are required to
prevent. and
repress oYfenees
t,hi11,1Si- lila'IAi
LivcrSsina n1
a(la ty, &t'.
OhI)IVAINCE, ho. 8 0F 188.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
13. The Registrar Genera] shall grant to such fit and proper persona,
Chinamen, as shall make application unto him in that behalf, licences to
and perform the burials of Chinese dead in the cemeteries, and after the
prescribed by jaw; and every such licence shall be limited in duration to
one year, but.
renewable at the expiration of each year; and there shall be paid to him
to the use of
the Crown for every such grant or renewal the fee in that behalf
specified in the
schedule hereunto annexed. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 21 of 1887.]
14. No person, not being an undertaker licensed under section 13, shall
forward undertake or perform any, burials of Chinese dead, or dig any
grave within
any such cemetery as aforesaid. [Repealed by Ordinance .Yo. 21 of 1887.]
15. Every licensed undertaker is hereby required to use his best shill and
endeavour to prevent and repress all offences against, and violations of,
the Laws fur
regulating Chinese burials, and to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended,
all persons
accused thereof, and from time to time to report every such offence or
violation to the
Registrar General with all reasonable speed. [Repealed by Ordinance 14'0.
.?I of 1887.]
18. The Registrar General shall grant to such persons, upon such security
and in.
such form as Excellency in Council shall think fit, and upon payment
made to tile
use o£ the Crown o£ such fee therefor according to size as in the said
schedule hereunto
annexed is in that behalf specified, certificates of licence of boats or
vessels plying for
hire within the waters of this Colony, or carrying passengers between
this Colony and
the ports on the Chinese Main (other than boats or vessels having
British, Colonial, or
Foreign Registers (not being Chinese Registers) ; and also other than
market boats or
vessels, or boats or vessels, visiting this Colony merely for trading
purposes) ; and
every such boat or vessel shall carry on each of her bows and on her
stern, legibly painted
upon wood or tin, the true number of her certificate aforesaid, which
number shall be
supplied by the Registrar General for that purpose ; and no such
certificate or number
shall betransferred or lent unto any, other boat or vessel, or the
persons on board of the
same, nor shall any certificate or number other than such as the said
Registrar General
shall have granted under this section be assumed or exhibited by any such
boat or
vessel, or the persona on board of the same. And every person having
charge of any
such boat or vessel is hereby commanded, whensoever thereunto required,
to exhibit
the certificate granted in respect thereof under this section. And all
persons having
charge of boats or vessels, and, not having obtained or not having nn
board such
certificate as aforesaid (other than as aforesaid), are hereby forbidden
to employ their
said boats or vessels in plying lists within the said waters, or in
carrying passenger's
between this Colony and the said ports, or to cause, suffer, or connive
at their said
employment. [So znucla as relates to licensing boats repealed by
Ordinance No. 6 of 1866.
The whole section repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 18fcJ.]
s(axle or b(,nt. 17. Scales of fares for all licensed boats and vessels
licensed to ply for hire within
tlll'('.8 and ('llilll' .
(ld nutter nice.tile said waters, and also scales for the hire of all
public conveyances, chair coolies, and
porters, by-the day, hour, or job, with all proper regulations for
exceptional cases, shall
4tZDIN7 AiNC1' \o. 8 OF, 1858.
Regulation of Chinese-C.ensrts.
be prepared and fixed, and, if expedient, from time to tinge altered and
varied, by His
Excellency the Governor; and every such scale and variation thereof shall
be notified
in the Government Gazette, and shall be evidence of the right of the
parties concerned
to the fares or hires therein mentioned. And no person owning or having
charge of
any such boat, vessel, or conveyance, or being such chair coolie or
porter, or bearer or
driver of any such conveyance, shall demand or receive a greater fare or
hire than by
the scale for the time being in force, and relating thereto is sanctioned
and notified;
and no such person shall refuse, without reasonable and sufficient cause,
to accept
employment according to his scale, whensoever offered in conformity with
this Ordi-
pance, or use any abusive or insolent langua;e to any person soever so
him, or offering him such employment. [ILtT~ealed by Ordinance No. 13 of
18. \o person soever, Chinaman or European, shall lodge, receive,
reocive rod
or keep any Chinese labourers or coolies (not being perions in his actual
lest: o«,1_n,r
employment as such, or bond f1dc inmates of his tenement, boat, or
nor any Chinese emigrants or intending emigrants, in or upon tiny
tenement within this Colony, or on board of any boat or vessel lyinn
*ithin the same or the waters thereof, and not being at the time n ctually
and bond fide engaged in, or for the lawful voyage of tile labourers,
or emigrants, then on board thereof, unless such persqn shall have first
obtained from the said Uegistrar General his licence in writing ill that
behalf, which licence the said Reistrar General is hereby required to ,
grant for such term and upon such conditions as lie shall think fit, upon
prooffirst made of the fitness of such person to receive the said licence,
and upon payment by Win to the said Registrar General advanced and
made for the same of such yearly or other fee as in the schedule hereto is
expressed, and he may front tithe to tune call in lend revoke or alter the
same so often as shall be expedient.
19. The Registrar General is charged especially for the purposes of this
to visit, inspect, and approve of any tenement, boat, or vessel, in
respect whereof appli-
cation shall be made to him for a licence, under section 18 , before he
shall grant or
renew the same; and it shall be at all times, during the continuance of
any licence by
him so granted or renewed, his duty to enforce the observance of good
order, decency,
and morality, and the prevention or punishment of nuisances and other
abuses among
the inmates thereof, and whether by them or by any other person
committed, and to
secure to the said inmates the enjoyment of their personal rights, as
British subjects,
whether Perruanently or for the time being. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 24
of 1887.]
.`2.0. No private person shall occupy or erect any building or other
-thins soever.upon land not being under lease from the Crown, :without
the licence of the Surveyor General; nor with such licence, if the same
inspection, attil
approval of
tenements, &e >.
Mr the purpose
and prevention
of house.
building. . uc
on Crown .
itlird.. .
l,tcences for
public mecttnge.
ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1858.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
could not have been' lawfully occupied or erected before the passing of
this Ordinance.
,security to 21. Any Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice of the Peace may
cause any Chinese
appear within
twelve months. person to find reasonable security for his appearance in
any 0ourt for any purpose and
at any time within twelve months, and every adjudication to that effect
shall be made
in open Court and reported forthwith to His Excellency: and such Chinese
not finding
such security aball be deemed a person dangerous to the peace of the
Colony, within
the meaning of Ordinance No. 9-of 1857. [Repealed by Ordinances No. 8 of
1876 and
11'o. 8 of 1882.]
22. Written licences under the hand of the Governor for the holding of
to consider in a lawful way the redress of supposed grievances, or for
religious or thea-
trical entertainments, or for any other purposes of public interest, may
be granted to
any Chinese occupier applying for the same; and without such licences, no
people shall hold or be present at any meetings soever of a public
nature, not convened
by the Governor [or sheriff. Repealed by Ordinance No. 22 of 1882] and
not being solely
for the purposes of religious worship. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 9 of
1886, so far as
it relates to religious ceremonies or religious or theatrical
entertainments. The whole section.
repealed hJ Ordinance No. 13 of 1888. ]
23. Mendicancy in the public highways or streets is hereby for-
'flre bower to
-direct census.
Munk returns to
he prepared and
'fbe blank to be
tilled lip, and
in respect of
bidden. [See Ordinances No. fi of 1859, and X0. 8 of 186.]
24. The Governor in Council is empowered to direct the census of
population to
be taken within this Colony from time to time as to His said Excellency
in Council
shall seem meet, and avert' such direction may be addressed to the
Registrar General.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887,]
25. Upon receiving any such direction, the IPegist.rtl.r General shall
prepare and
cause to be delivered at every dwelling and place of business throughout
this Colony,
a blank return, to be filled up before a certain day to be therein named
with the names
'and number of the occupiers and inmates of every such dwelling or place
of business
and the persons in their employment, or residing with them, or within
their tenements,
according to their several names, sexes, occupations, and countries.
[Repealed by Ordi_
nance No. 4 of T88f.]
26. Every such blank return shall, according to its tenor and the truth
of the
case, be filled up by tile occupier of the dwelling or place of business
where the same
shall have been left; and he shall within five days after the day on
which the same
was so left, return, or deliver it, so filled up as aforesaid, to the
Registrar General.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]
27. No person acting or employed by any other person acting in the
of this Ordinance, and no member of the family of any such person, shall
be possessed
of or interested in any of the boats, vessels, conveyances, or (in cases
within section 18)
tenements to which this Ordinance relates, either in leis or her own
right or in the
right o£ another, and either at Law or in Equity. [Repealed by Ordinance
No. 4 of
ORDINANCE NTo. 8 ©F 1855.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
28. Persons violating, or disobeying, or failing to comply with, the
several provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon summary conviction of
such offence [before the Registrar General if a Justice of the Peace, or
(if the
.said person shall so demand): Repealed by 0)°dinance No. 2 of 1876]
before a Stipendiary 1-Tagistrate, or any two Justices of the Peace
for him, incur, and pay, or suffer the several penalties and forfeitures
hereinafter respectively made applicable to the same, that is to say:-
1. For every offence against section 7, a sum not exceding forty dollars.
[Section 7 is repealed.]
2. For every offence against section 11, a sum not exceeding ten dollars.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
3. For every offence against section 14 or section 15, a sum not
exceeding t3. Againrt.~C~.
twenty-five dollars. .[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.E 14 and 15.
4. For every offence against section 16, a sum not exceeding fifty
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
5. For every offence against section 17, a sum not exceeding twenty
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
6. For every offence against section 18 or section 19, a suns not
exceeding t'. -a'i-uA(.y.
fifty dollars. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 24 of 1887.] 18 and 10.
7. For every offence aainst section 20, a sum not exceeding 50
dollars, (besides the expenses of the removal of the build-
ing or thing occupied or erected).
8. * For every offence against section 22, a sum not exceeding one Lundred
dollars. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
1, Against em.7-
2. Against see.
4. agntnstsco,
7. A grnnst sce_
9. For every offence against section 23, a sum not exceeding five dollars;
or the offender shall, a~ `'-~ ~~ +^-.-r-k~-reeei-~e~t-more
sltalL4se if His Excellency in Council shall so decide, be deported to
any place in the Chinese Empire or elsewhere. [See Ordinance No. .r
of 1859: amended by Ordinance No. 9 of 1864 and repealed by Ordinance
No. 7 of 1859 and fry Ordinance No. 8 of 187G.]
10. For every offence against section 26, a sum not exceeding twenty
dollars. lo, Nqa;nst see.
2 1.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]
11-. For every offence against section 27, a 'sum not exceeding five
hundred 1. Agasnqrsec.
dollars; and also, -(where the nature of the case admits thereof,)
forfeiture of, and incapacity to hold, any employment under this
Ordinance. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.E
A, Again5t3ec.
`, 1.
[*See ,Im Orals.
A0. 3 of 7881 411d
x'0.8 of IuA2.]
9. Against sec.
` Occupier.'
1-Ivtisc or
UILDI\T aNCL No. 8 OF 18.58.
Regulation of Chinese-Censrcs.
12. For every
offence not
1 2. And for every such disobedience, violation, or default, for
,which no specific penalty is herernbefcme provided, such
sum, not exceeding in any case five dollars, is the Court
shall think fit.
l,nforcement fig, In case of non-payment of any of the said pecuniary
of penalties.
the same rnay be recovered by any of tile ways and means whereby, on
any summary proceedings before Justices, penalties are or shall be
recoverable; yet so as that no offender against section 26 shall be liable
to be imprisoned in such case.
Irk cage of
security, tbe
amount of
penalty to be
thin of the
30. Where, upon tile conviction of any offender under this Ordi-
nance, it shall appear that, before the commission of the offence, he had
liven security and that by such offence the same is become forfeited, the
amount of such security shall be deemed to be the penalty actually
incurred by him, and it shall not be lawful for the Court to impose any
penalty for iris said offence, save and except tile amount of his said
Case or Uprti- 31. Every adjudication under this Ordinance shall be final,
where a case shall be stated, delivered, and prosecuted with effect
ing to law, or unless a certiorari for removing the proceedings, either
before or after judgment, stall be obtained by the Crown, or by thf~-
defendant, as the case may be, within ten days from the first commence-
ment of the said proceedings, and unless the proceedings upon the
certiorari shall be prosecuted, with effect, in the Supreme Court, within
sit weeks after the obtaining thereof. And the costs of such case, or
(as the fact may be) certiorari and proceedings, shall be paid to or b;
the Crown according to tile event thereof.
construction 32, For the purposes of this Ordinance, the follotvinj terms
of words. words shall be severally taken, not only in their received
sense, but also
to extend to and include the meanings hereinafter specified, that is to
'Occupier,' v Person occupying,' and `` Master of a EIouse or
Tenement,' shall include every person acting as master
thereof, occupant of the ground floor thereof at a rent,
and (in the event of a vacant house or tenement, or of no
other occupier thereof being, to be found) owner thereof,,or
his dent. - And ' I-louse,' ' Tenement,' or ' Building
shall include any shop; outhouse, shed, or roof
ORDINANCE \ o. 8 or 1558.
Regulation of Chinese--Censtcs.
And ' European ' shall include all persons other than Asiatics,~ '
and also all such Asiatics (not being Chinese) as owe or
shall orve permanent allegiance unto Her Majesty
And ' Chinese 'shall include natives of Honbkong and other And'Climese.'
places out of the Empire of China, being of Chinese blood
or following Chinese usages,
Save only and except where by the express letter of this Exception.
Ordinance a more limited meaninor hath been attributed to
any or either of the said terms and Nvords.
33. .111 acts done before the passim of this Ordinance, which,, if
clone after the passin thereof, would have been legal and
valid, shall be deemed legal and valid for all purposes
hce for hawkers .
lst Glass Moats or Vcsaclc,
Undertakers' Licenccs, . , ,
Licences of Tenements, I'.onts, or Vessels, for loading or reception
of coolies or emigrants (fur every ten inmates) if by the
year, . ..
O.tiO Quarterly.
1U,00 Annnully.
,, 6.00
And if by a lesser term (for every ten inmates), oar.
[Schedule repealed by Ordinance Ilo. 13 of 1888.
INorr.-In reference to section 28, sec also Ordinance !1'0. 7 of 1867
and 110.?. of187G.
Far Regulations as to Piers and Jetties wader section 17, see Government
Notification-Gazette, 7th .9vgust, 1869.
Coazdi.tions to be observed by Keepers of Chinese Emiqran.t Lodging
licensed under section 18 of Ordinance 8 of 1858, made the
27th, June and Gazetted 16th August, 1884.
1. rl notice shall be put up in a conspicuous place in each roan showin;
the number of
persons the room is licensed to accommodate.
2. The lodging house-keeper shall at all times keep his premises in a
clean and wholexeme
condition. Be ehall cause every room, passage, and stair to be thoroughly
swept at least once a day.
Ordinance No. 8 of 1858.
Regulation of Chinese -- Census.
3. The lodging house-keeper shall cause the means of ventilation provided
in or in connection
with the house to be kept at all times in good order and efficient action.
4. The lodging house-keeper shall not suffer any room not licensed as a
sleeping room to be
used as such.
5. The lodging house-keeper shall cause all filth and refuse matters to
be removed from his
premises daily.
0. No person of the male sex above 10 years of age shall occupy the same
sleeping room as
persons of the female sex.
7. No person o£ the female sex above 10 years of age shall occupy the
same sleeping room as
persons of the male sex.
8. Rules G and 7 do not apply to married couples.
9. The house shall be at all time open to inspection by members of the Sanitary Board or
any of its officers.
Repeal of Ordinance No. 6 of 1857.
Census and Registration Office established.
Appointments of officers.
Powers adn duties of the Registrar General.
Duties of the other officers and assistants.
The Chief Magistrate's authority to devolve upon the Superintendent of Police.
[See Ord. No. 9 of 1862.]
Numbers to be painted.
Powers to elect and appoint tepos.
Powers and duties of the tepos.
Salaries of the tepos.
Unlicensed hawking prohibited.
Conditions and fees of hawking licences.
The Registara General to grant undertaker's licences.
Name but licensed undertakers to bury or dig graves.
The undertakers are required to prevent and repress offences against Burial Laws.
Licensing of boats, &c.
Scale of boat fares and chair and porter hire.
Licences to receive adn lodge coolies &c.
Visitation, inspection and approval of tenements, &c., for the purpose and prevention of abuse.
Residing or building, &c., on Crown land.
Security to appear within twelve months.
Licences for public meetings.
Mendicancy forbidden.
The power to direct census.
Blank returns to be prepared and delivered.
The Blank to be filled up and returned.
Disqualification of certain persons in respect of interest.
1. Against sec. 7.
2. Against sec. 11.
3. Against secs. 14 and 15.
4. Against sec. 16.
5. Against sec. 17.
6. Against sec. 18 and 19.
7. Against sec. 20.
8. Against sec. 22. [* See also Ords. No. 3 of 1881 and No. 8 of 1882.]
10. Against sec. 26.
11. Against sec. 27.
12. For every offence not specifically provided for.
Enforcement of penalties.
In case of security, the amount of penalty to be that of the security.
Case or certiorari.
Construction of words.
'House or building.'
And 'Chinese.'
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
No. 8 of 188.
An Ordinance for Regulation of the Chinese People, and for,
the Population Census, and for other Purposes of Police.
[10th May, 1858.]
BE it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of-
HODgkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in
manner followiua, that is to say :-
a~>hofntmonta of
ee 61714.
Poaor9 and
duties of the
iceoeal of or& 1. Ordinance No. 6 of 1857 is hereby repealed. [Repealed by
Ordinance No. 13 of'
nanco No. o of'
tss~. 1888.]
censt,Hnnmte ~~»- 2. The Census and Registration Office presently
existing in Victoria shall, for
tratton office
e4tr,uahe,t. the purposes of this Ordinance, be continued and
established, together with the
Regiatrar,Goueral and other the officers and assistants by whom the
duties and business.
thereof have been hitherto performed ; and also together with the
presently existing, in the books of the said office, of boats and
vessels, for the purposes.
of the schedule to this Ordinance. [Repealed by Ordinance No., 13 of
3. The several persons now being the Registrar General, officers, and
of the said office, shall discharge the duties and business thereof in
future at their
present salaries during His Excellency's pleasure; and upon any vacancy,
Excellency may from time to time nominate and appoint such person or
persons to be
such Registrar General, officers, and assistants respectively, and at
such salary and
salaries as to His Excellency shall seem meet, and also remove pins or
them at His-
Excellency's discretion from time to time, and nominate and appoint
another or others
in his or their room; yet so as that Her Majesty's pleasure shall be
taken as to every
nomination, appointment, and removal of a Registrar General, and as to
every new
limitation of salary under the provisions of this section. [Repealed by
Ordinance No. IS
of 1888, and see section 3 of Ordinance No. G of 186]
9:. The Registrar General is, by virtue of his office, and for the
execution of this:
Ordinance, and not otherwise, the Protector of Chinese inhabitants within
this Colony,.
and as such is bounder to use his best endeavours to prevent the
commission of crime,,
and, if committed, to discover and apprehend the parties guilty thereof,
and generally
to watch over and protect the said Chinese inhabitants ; and, for the
purposes aforesaid
only, lie is empowered to enter at any reasonable time or times, as he
shall find meet,
any building soever within this Colony, or vessel or boat soever within
the waters of
the same or adjacent thereto, if such building, vessel, or boat shall
then have guy
Chinaman within or on board of the same. [Repealed by Ordinance No: 13 of
Duties nfthe 6. The other officers and assistants in the said Census and
Registration Office
other officers and
ae,sst'ats. shall be obedient and assisting unto the said Registrar
General in the execution.,of this°
Ordinance. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 18 of X888.]
ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1858.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
6. The powers and authorities touching the direction and superintendence
of the
Police Force, which by Ordinance 12 of 1841 were vested in the Chief
Magistrate of
Police, are from henceforth vested in, and shall be exercised by, the
Superintendent of
Police for the time being, constituted under the said Ordinance; and
obedience shall
be rendered by the Police Force of this Colony to the orders of the said
of Police and to all rules and regulations by him made or to be made with
approbation of the Governor in Council; and the Registrar General is
empowered to require from the Superintendent of Police, or in his absence
from the
officer acting for him, the services of such of the subordinate members
of the Police
Force as he may deem necessary for the due execution of the duties of his
office, and
the said Force when so required shall receive orders from the
Superintendent of Police
of Inspector on duty, to obey the commands of the said Registrar General
in the same
manner as those of the Superintendent of Police. [Repealed by Ordinance
No. 13 of
'rhe Chief llagis--
trrtte's a,uthoritv
to devolve upon
the Superintond-
ent of police.
[see Ord. Yo. 9or
'l. Every person occupying a house, shall cause the number thereof to be
continued Numbers to be-
upon or painted and affixed to such house, in such wise as the Registrar
General shall
direct. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 15 of 1888.]
8. His Excellency in Council shall have power to approve for, and appoint
to, the rower to elect
nud Appoint
office of tepo in any town, village, hamlet, and district, of this
Colony, a proper person telw5.
to be presented unto him by the occupiers of Chinese houses therein, or
(in default of
such presentment) to be nominated by His Excellency in Council for that
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
9. Every tepo shall have, throughout his town, village, hamlet, or
district, but not
further or otherwise, the same powers and authorities, and perform the
duties of ten-.
constable, and, in that capacity, shall be immediately subordinate unto
the Registrar
General, and shall conform to whatsoever lawful orders, rules, and
regulations he shall',
with the approbation of His Excellency, frame and issue for the better
execution of
their duties under this Ordinance. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
Powers and
duties of the
10. The amount of the salary of each tepo shall be from time to time
fixed by His Salaries of the`
Excellency in Council, and shall be paid out of the produce of the Police
tax. [Repealed
by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.
11. The hawking of goods or wares in the streets or roads of this Colony,
a licence from the Registrar General, is hereby prohibited. [Repealed by
No. 21 of 1887.
person except subject to forfeiture on conviction of the holder of any
offence before u
12. No licence for such hawking shall be granted by the Registrar General
to any
any Justice of the Peace. And every, applicant, on receiving his said
licence, shall pay,
therefor to the Registrar General, to the use of the Crown, the fee in
that behalf
mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 21
of 1887
Conditions and
of haW king
~'t,;onArtct to brunt
None but
nltrtertukers to
'Lnrp or dig
The undertakers
are required to
prevent. and
repress oYfenees
t,hi11,1Si- lila'IAi
LivcrSsina n1
a(la ty, &t'.
OhI)IVAINCE, ho. 8 0F 188.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
13. The Registrar Genera] shall grant to such fit and proper persona,
Chinamen, as shall make application unto him in that behalf, licences to
and perform the burials of Chinese dead in the cemeteries, and after the
prescribed by jaw; and every such licence shall be limited in duration to
one year, but.
renewable at the expiration of each year; and there shall be paid to him
to the use of
the Crown for every such grant or renewal the fee in that behalf
specified in the
schedule hereunto annexed. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 21 of 1887.]
14. No person, not being an undertaker licensed under section 13, shall
forward undertake or perform any, burials of Chinese dead, or dig any
grave within
any such cemetery as aforesaid. [Repealed by Ordinance .Yo. 21 of 1887.]
15. Every licensed undertaker is hereby required to use his best shill and
endeavour to prevent and repress all offences against, and violations of,
the Laws fur
regulating Chinese burials, and to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended,
all persons
accused thereof, and from time to time to report every such offence or
violation to the
Registrar General with all reasonable speed. [Repealed by Ordinance 14'0.
.?I of 1887.]
18. The Registrar General shall grant to such persons, upon such security
and in.
such form as Excellency in Council shall think fit, and upon payment
made to tile
use o£ the Crown o£ such fee therefor according to size as in the said
schedule hereunto
annexed is in that behalf specified, certificates of licence of boats or
vessels plying for
hire within the waters of this Colony, or carrying passengers between
this Colony and
the ports on the Chinese Main (other than boats or vessels having
British, Colonial, or
Foreign Registers (not being Chinese Registers) ; and also other than
market boats or
vessels, or boats or vessels, visiting this Colony merely for trading
purposes) ; and
every such boat or vessel shall carry on each of her bows and on her
stern, legibly painted
upon wood or tin, the true number of her certificate aforesaid, which
number shall be
supplied by the Registrar General for that purpose ; and no such
certificate or number
shall betransferred or lent unto any, other boat or vessel, or the
persons on board of the
same, nor shall any certificate or number other than such as the said
Registrar General
shall have granted under this section be assumed or exhibited by any such
boat or
vessel, or the persona on board of the same. And every person having
charge of any
such boat or vessel is hereby commanded, whensoever thereunto required,
to exhibit
the certificate granted in respect thereof under this section. And all
persons having
charge of boats or vessels, and, not having obtained or not having nn
board such
certificate as aforesaid (other than as aforesaid), are hereby forbidden
to employ their
said boats or vessels in plying lists within the said waters, or in
carrying passenger's
between this Colony and the said ports, or to cause, suffer, or connive
at their said
employment. [So znucla as relates to licensing boats repealed by
Ordinance No. 6 of 1866.
The whole section repealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 18fcJ.]
s(axle or b(,nt. 17. Scales of fares for all licensed boats and vessels
licensed to ply for hire within
tlll'('.8 and ('llilll' .
(ld nutter nice.tile said waters, and also scales for the hire of all
public conveyances, chair coolies, and
porters, by-the day, hour, or job, with all proper regulations for
exceptional cases, shall
4tZDIN7 AiNC1' \o. 8 OF, 1858.
Regulation of Chinese-C.ensrts.
be prepared and fixed, and, if expedient, from time to tinge altered and
varied, by His
Excellency the Governor; and every such scale and variation thereof shall
be notified
in the Government Gazette, and shall be evidence of the right of the
parties concerned
to the fares or hires therein mentioned. And no person owning or having
charge of
any such boat, vessel, or conveyance, or being such chair coolie or
porter, or bearer or
driver of any such conveyance, shall demand or receive a greater fare or
hire than by
the scale for the time being in force, and relating thereto is sanctioned
and notified;
and no such person shall refuse, without reasonable and sufficient cause,
to accept
employment according to his scale, whensoever offered in conformity with
this Ordi-
pance, or use any abusive or insolent langua;e to any person soever so
him, or offering him such employment. [ILtT~ealed by Ordinance No. 13 of
18. \o person soever, Chinaman or European, shall lodge, receive,
reocive rod
or keep any Chinese labourers or coolies (not being perions in his actual
lest: o«,1_n,r
employment as such, or bond f1dc inmates of his tenement, boat, or
nor any Chinese emigrants or intending emigrants, in or upon tiny
tenement within this Colony, or on board of any boat or vessel lyinn
*ithin the same or the waters thereof, and not being at the time n ctually
and bond fide engaged in, or for the lawful voyage of tile labourers,
or emigrants, then on board thereof, unless such persqn shall have first
obtained from the said Uegistrar General his licence in writing ill that
behalf, which licence the said Reistrar General is hereby required to ,
grant for such term and upon such conditions as lie shall think fit, upon
prooffirst made of the fitness of such person to receive the said licence,
and upon payment by Win to the said Registrar General advanced and
made for the same of such yearly or other fee as in the schedule hereto is
expressed, and he may front tithe to tune call in lend revoke or alter the
same so often as shall be expedient.
19. The Registrar General is charged especially for the purposes of this
to visit, inspect, and approve of any tenement, boat, or vessel, in
respect whereof appli-
cation shall be made to him for a licence, under section 18 , before he
shall grant or
renew the same; and it shall be at all times, during the continuance of
any licence by
him so granted or renewed, his duty to enforce the observance of good
order, decency,
and morality, and the prevention or punishment of nuisances and other
abuses among
the inmates thereof, and whether by them or by any other person
committed, and to
secure to the said inmates the enjoyment of their personal rights, as
British subjects,
whether Perruanently or for the time being. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 24
of 1887.]
.`2.0. No private person shall occupy or erect any building or other
-thins soever.upon land not being under lease from the Crown, :without
the licence of the Surveyor General; nor with such licence, if the same
inspection, attil
approval of
tenements, &e >.
Mr the purpose
and prevention
of house.
building. . uc
on Crown .
itlird.. .
l,tcences for
public mecttnge.
ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1858.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
could not have been' lawfully occupied or erected before the passing of
this Ordinance.
,security to 21. Any Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice of the Peace may
cause any Chinese
appear within
twelve months. person to find reasonable security for his appearance in
any 0ourt for any purpose and
at any time within twelve months, and every adjudication to that effect
shall be made
in open Court and reported forthwith to His Excellency: and such Chinese
not finding
such security aball be deemed a person dangerous to the peace of the
Colony, within
the meaning of Ordinance No. 9-of 1857. [Repealed by Ordinances No. 8 of
1876 and
11'o. 8 of 1882.]
22. Written licences under the hand of the Governor for the holding of
to consider in a lawful way the redress of supposed grievances, or for
religious or thea-
trical entertainments, or for any other purposes of public interest, may
be granted to
any Chinese occupier applying for the same; and without such licences, no
people shall hold or be present at any meetings soever of a public
nature, not convened
by the Governor [or sheriff. Repealed by Ordinance No. 22 of 1882] and
not being solely
for the purposes of religious worship. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 9 of
1886, so far as
it relates to religious ceremonies or religious or theatrical
entertainments. The whole section.
repealed hJ Ordinance No. 13 of 1888. ]
23. Mendicancy in the public highways or streets is hereby for-
'flre bower to
-direct census.
Munk returns to
he prepared and
'fbe blank to be
tilled lip, and
in respect of
bidden. [See Ordinances No. fi of 1859, and X0. 8 of 186.]
24. The Governor in Council is empowered to direct the census of
population to
be taken within this Colony from time to time as to His said Excellency
in Council
shall seem meet, and avert' such direction may be addressed to the
Registrar General.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887,]
25. Upon receiving any such direction, the IPegist.rtl.r General shall
prepare and
cause to be delivered at every dwelling and place of business throughout
this Colony,
a blank return, to be filled up before a certain day to be therein named
with the names
'and number of the occupiers and inmates of every such dwelling or place
of business
and the persons in their employment, or residing with them, or within
their tenements,
according to their several names, sexes, occupations, and countries.
[Repealed by Ordi_
nance No. 4 of T88f.]
26. Every such blank return shall, according to its tenor and the truth
of the
case, be filled up by tile occupier of the dwelling or place of business
where the same
shall have been left; and he shall within five days after the day on
which the same
was so left, return, or deliver it, so filled up as aforesaid, to the
Registrar General.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]
27. No person acting or employed by any other person acting in the
of this Ordinance, and no member of the family of any such person, shall
be possessed
of or interested in any of the boats, vessels, conveyances, or (in cases
within section 18)
tenements to which this Ordinance relates, either in leis or her own
right or in the
right o£ another, and either at Law or in Equity. [Repealed by Ordinance
No. 4 of
ORDINANCE NTo. 8 ©F 1855.
Regulation of Chinese-Census.
28. Persons violating, or disobeying, or failing to comply with, the
several provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon summary conviction of
such offence [before the Registrar General if a Justice of the Peace, or
(if the
.said person shall so demand): Repealed by 0)°dinance No. 2 of 1876]
before a Stipendiary 1-Tagistrate, or any two Justices of the Peace
for him, incur, and pay, or suffer the several penalties and forfeitures
hereinafter respectively made applicable to the same, that is to say:-
1. For every offence against section 7, a sum not exceding forty dollars.
[Section 7 is repealed.]
2. For every offence against section 11, a sum not exceeding ten dollars.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
3. For every offence against section 14 or section 15, a sum not
exceeding t3. Againrt.~C~.
twenty-five dollars. .[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.E 14 and 15.
4. For every offence against section 16, a sum not exceeding fifty
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
5. For every offence against section 17, a sum not exceeding twenty
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
6. For every offence against section 18 or section 19, a suns not
exceeding t'. -a'i-uA(.y.
fifty dollars. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 24 of 1887.] 18 and 10.
7. For every offence aainst section 20, a sum not exceeding 50
dollars, (besides the expenses of the removal of the build-
ing or thing occupied or erected).
8. * For every offence against section 22, a sum not exceeding one Lundred
dollars. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 13 of 1888.]
1, Against em.7-
2. Against see.
4. agntnstsco,
7. A grnnst sce_
9. For every offence against section 23, a sum not exceeding five dollars;
or the offender shall, a~ `'-~ ~~ +^-.-r-k~-reeei-~e~t-more
sltalL4se if His Excellency in Council shall so decide, be deported to
any place in the Chinese Empire or elsewhere. [See Ordinance No. .r
of 1859: amended by Ordinance No. 9 of 1864 and repealed by Ordinance
No. 7 of 1859 and fry Ordinance No. 8 of 187G.]
10. For every offence against section 26, a sum not exceeding twenty
dollars. lo, Nqa;nst see.
2 1.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.]
11-. For every offence against section 27, a 'sum not exceeding five
hundred 1. Agasnqrsec.
dollars; and also, -(where the nature of the case admits thereof,)
forfeiture of, and incapacity to hold, any employment under this
Ordinance. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1887.E
A, Again5t3ec.
`, 1.
[*See ,Im Orals.
A0. 3 of 7881 411d
x'0.8 of IuA2.]
9. Against sec.
` Occupier.'
1-Ivtisc or
UILDI\T aNCL No. 8 OF 18.58.
Regulation of Chinese-Censrcs.
12. For every
offence not
1 2. And for every such disobedience, violation, or default, for
,which no specific penalty is herernbefcme provided, such
sum, not exceeding in any case five dollars, is the Court
shall think fit.
l,nforcement fig, In case of non-payment of any of the said pecuniary
of penalties.
the same rnay be recovered by any of tile ways and means whereby, on
any summary proceedings before Justices, penalties are or shall be
recoverable; yet so as that no offender against section 26 shall be liable
to be imprisoned in such case.
Irk cage of
security, tbe
amount of
penalty to be
thin of the
30. Where, upon tile conviction of any offender under this Ordi-
nance, it shall appear that, before the commission of the offence, he had
liven security and that by such offence the same is become forfeited, the
amount of such security shall be deemed to be the penalty actually
incurred by him, and it shall not be lawful for the Court to impose any
penalty for iris said offence, save and except tile amount of his said
Case or Uprti- 31. Every adjudication under this Ordinance shall be final,
where a case shall be stated, delivered, and prosecuted with effect
ing to law, or unless a certiorari for removing the proceedings, either
before or after judgment, stall be obtained by the Crown, or by thf~-
defendant, as the case may be, within ten days from the first commence-
ment of the said proceedings, and unless the proceedings upon the
certiorari shall be prosecuted, with effect, in the Supreme Court, within
sit weeks after the obtaining thereof. And the costs of such case, or
(as the fact may be) certiorari and proceedings, shall be paid to or b;
the Crown according to tile event thereof.
construction 32, For the purposes of this Ordinance, the follotvinj terms
of words. words shall be severally taken, not only in their received
sense, but also
to extend to and include the meanings hereinafter specified, that is to
'Occupier,' v Person occupying,' and `` Master of a EIouse or
Tenement,' shall include every person acting as master
thereof, occupant of the ground floor thereof at a rent,
and (in the event of a vacant house or tenement, or of no
other occupier thereof being, to be found) owner thereof,,or
his dent. - And ' I-louse,' ' Tenement,' or ' Building
shall include any shop; outhouse, shed, or roof
ORDINANCE \ o. 8 or 1558.
Regulation of Chinese--Censtcs.
And ' European ' shall include all persons other than Asiatics,~ '
and also all such Asiatics (not being Chinese) as owe or
shall orve permanent allegiance unto Her Majesty
And ' Chinese 'shall include natives of Honbkong and other And'Climese.'
places out of the Empire of China, being of Chinese blood
or following Chinese usages,
Save only and except where by the express letter of this Exception.
Ordinance a more limited meaninor hath been attributed to
any or either of the said terms and Nvords.
33. .111 acts done before the passim of this Ordinance, which,, if
clone after the passin thereof, would have been legal and
valid, shall be deemed legal and valid for all purposes
hce for hawkers .
lst Glass Moats or Vcsaclc,
Undertakers' Licenccs, . , ,
Licences of Tenements, I'.onts, or Vessels, for loading or reception
of coolies or emigrants (fur every ten inmates) if by the
year, . ..
O.tiO Quarterly.
1U,00 Annnully.
,, 6.00
And if by a lesser term (for every ten inmates), oar.
[Schedule repealed by Ordinance Ilo. 13 of 1888.
INorr.-In reference to section 28, sec also Ordinance !1'0. 7 of 1867
and 110.?. of187G.
Far Regulations as to Piers and Jetties wader section 17, see Government
Notification-Gazette, 7th .9vgust, 1869.
Coazdi.tions to be observed by Keepers of Chinese Emiqran.t Lodging
licensed under section 18 of Ordinance 8 of 1858, made the
27th, June and Gazetted 16th August, 1884.
1. rl notice shall be put up in a conspicuous place in each roan showin;
the number of
persons the room is licensed to accommodate.
2. The lodging house-keeper shall at all times keep his premises in a
clean and wholexeme
condition. Be ehall cause every room, passage, and stair to be thoroughly
swept at least once a day.
Ordinance No. 8 of 1858.
Regulation of Chinese -- Census.
3. The lodging house-keeper shall cause the means of ventilation provided
in or in connection
with the house to be kept at all times in good order and efficient action.
4. The lodging house-keeper shall not suffer any room not licensed as a
sleeping room to be
used as such.
5. The lodging house-keeper shall cause all filth and refuse matters to
be removed from his
premises daily.
0. No person of the male sex above 10 years of age shall occupy the same
sleeping room as
persons of the female sex.
7. No person o£ the female sex above 10 years of age shall occupy the
same sleeping room as
persons of the male sex.
8. Rules G and 7 do not apply to married couples.
9. The house shall be at all time open to inspection by members of the Sanitary Board or
any of its officers.
Repeal of Ordinance No. 6 of 1857.
Census and Registration Office established.
Appointments of officers.
Powers adn duties of the Registrar General.
Duties of the other officers and assistants.
The Chief Magistrate's authority to devolve upon the Superintendent of Police.
[See Ord. No. 9 of 1862.]
Numbers to be painted.
Powers to elect and appoint tepos.
Powers and duties of the tepos.
Salaries of the tepos.
Unlicensed hawking prohibited.
Conditions and fees of hawking licences.
The Registara General to grant undertaker's licences.
Name but licensed undertakers to bury or dig graves.
The undertakers are required to prevent and repress offences against Burial Laws.
Licensing of boats, &c.
Scale of boat fares and chair and porter hire.
Licences to receive adn lodge coolies &c.
Visitation, inspection and approval of tenements, &c., for the purpose and prevention of abuse.
Residing or building, &c., on Crown land.
Security to appear within twelve months.
Licences for public meetings.
Mendicancy forbidden.
The power to direct census.
Blank returns to be prepared and delivered.
The Blank to be filled up and returned.
Disqualification of certain persons in respect of interest.
1. Against sec. 7.
2. Against sec. 11.
3. Against secs. 14 and 15.
4. Against sec. 16.
5. Against sec. 17.
6. Against sec. 18 and 19.
7. Against sec. 20.
8. Against sec. 22. [* See also Ords. No. 3 of 1881 and No. 8 of 1882.]
10. Against sec. 26.
11. Against sec. 27.
12. For every offence not specifically provided for.
Enforcement of penalties.
In case of security, the amount of penalty to be that of the security.
Case or certiorari.
Construction of words.
'House or building.'
And 'Chinese.'
Repeal of Ordinance No. 6 of 1857.
Census and Registration Office established.
Appointments of officers.
Powers adn duties of the Registrar General.
Duties of the other officers and assistants.
The Chief Magistrate's authority to devolve upon the Superintendent of Police.
[See Ord. No. 9 of 1862.]
Numbers to be painted.
Powers to elect and appoint tepos.
Powers and duties of the tepos.
Salaries of the tepos.
Unlicensed hawking prohibited.
Conditions and fees of hawking licences.
The Registara General to grant undertaker's licences.
Name but licensed undertakers to bury or dig graves.
The undertakers are required to prevent and repress offences against Burial Laws.
Licensing of boats, &c.
Scale of boat fares and chair and porter hire.
Licences to receive adn lodge coolies &c.
Visitation, inspection and approval of tenements, &c., for the purpose and prevention of abuse.
Residing or building, &c., on Crown land.
Security to appear within twelve months.
Licences for public meetings.
Mendicancy forbidden.
The power to direct census.
Blank returns to be prepared and delivered.
The Blank to be filled up and returned.
Disqualification of certain persons in respect of interest.
1. Against sec. 7.
2. Against sec. 11.
3. Against secs. 14 and 15.
4. Against sec. 16.
5. Against sec. 17.
6. Against sec. 18 and 19.
7. Against sec. 20.
8. Against sec. 22. [* See also Ords. No. 3 of 1881 and No. 8 of 1882.]
10. Against sec. 26.
11. Against sec. 27.
12. For every offence not specifically provided for.
Enforcement of penalties.
In case of security, the amount of penalty to be that of the security.
Case or certiorari.
Construction of words.
'House or building.'
And 'Chinese.'
Census and Registration Office established.
Appointments of officers.
Powers adn duties of the Registrar General.
Duties of the other officers and assistants.
The Chief Magistrate's authority to devolve upon the Superintendent of Police.
[See Ord. No. 9 of 1862.]
Numbers to be painted.
Powers to elect and appoint tepos.
Powers and duties of the tepos.
Salaries of the tepos.
Unlicensed hawking prohibited.
Conditions and fees of hawking licences.
The Registara General to grant undertaker's licences.
Name but licensed undertakers to bury or dig graves.
The undertakers are required to prevent and repress offences against Burial Laws.
Licensing of boats, &c.
Scale of boat fares and chair and porter hire.
Licences to receive adn lodge coolies &c.
Visitation, inspection and approval of tenements, &c., for the purpose and prevention of abuse.
Residing or building, &c., on Crown land.
Security to appear within twelve months.
Licences for public meetings.
Mendicancy forbidden.
The power to direct census.
Blank returns to be prepared and delivered.
The Blank to be filled up and returned.
Disqualification of certain persons in respect of interest.
1. Against sec. 7.
2. Against sec. 11.
3. Against secs. 14 and 15.
4. Against sec. 16.
5. Against sec. 17.
6. Against sec. 18 and 19.
7. Against sec. 20.
8. Against sec. 22. [* See also Ords. No. 3 of 1881 and No. 8 of 1882.]
10. Against sec. 26.
11. Against sec. 27.
12. For every offence not specifically provided for.
Enforcement of penalties.
In case of security, the amount of penalty to be that of the security.
Case or certiorari.
Construction of words.
'House or building.'
And 'Chinese.'
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1858
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“REGULATION OF CHINESE -- CENSUS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 25, 2025,