No. 38 of 1911.
An Ordinance for the establishment of a hospital for the
care and treatment of Chinese patients in the Kowloon
[24th August, 1911.]
WHEREAS subscriptions have been raised to build a hospital for the
care and treatment of Chinese patients in Kowloon; AND WHEREAS
His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased by way of
endowment of the said hospital to consent to the grant of a piece
of Crown land as a site for the erection thereof; AND WHEREAS the
buildings of the said hospital are now nearing completion and the
subscribers desire to surrender the said hospital to the Tung Wa
Hospital; AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make special provision for
the management of the said hospital:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Tung Wa Hospital
Extension Ordinance, 1911.
2. - (1) This hospital in course of erection on Kowloon
Inland Lot No. 1213 shall be known as the Kwong Wa hospital.
(2) In this Ordinance, Board means the board of direc-
tion of the tung Wa Hospital.
3. The Tung Wa Hospital shall possess the same powers
and rights and be subject to the same liabilities and respon-
sibilities in connexion with the Kwong Wa Hospital as it
possesses and is subject to with regard to the Tung Wa
Hospital; and the Board shall have and exercise the same
powers and rights and be subject to the same liabilities and
responsibilities in connexion with the Kwong Wa Hospital
as they have and exercise and are subject to in connexion
with the Tung Wa Hospital, and the provisions of sections 14,
16 and 17 of the tung Wa Hospital Incorporation ordinance,
1870, shall apply to the Kwong Wa Hospital in the same
way as such provisions now apply to the Tung Wa Hospital.
4. The Board shall have power to appoint any person
approved by the Governor as manager of the Kwong Wa
Hospital. Any person so appointed shall, subject to regulations
made by the Board, undertake and exercise the immediate
supervisiion and management of the Kwong Wa Hospital.
The manager shall be responsible to the Board for the
management of the Kwong Wa Hospital and for the conduct
of the staff, and all orders of the Board shall be conveyed
through him.
5. The Board shall also appoint all the other members of
the staff of the Kwong Wa Hospital.
One of the members of the staff of the kwong Wa Hospital
shall be chinese medical practitioner trained in European
medicine, who shall be in charge of the patients who desire
European treatment. He shall be removable from office by
the Board with the consent of the Governor and not other-
6. The Board shall have power, subject to the approval of
the Governor in Council, to appoint a local committee con-
sisting of subscribers to the Kwong Wa Hospital who are
resident in Kowloon, and, subject to the like approval, to
make, regulations regarding the duties and constitution of
the said committee, the term of office of its members and the
method of their appointment: Provided always that the
manager of the Kwong Wa Hospital shall be ex officio
chairman of the said committee.
7. The small-pox hospital now under course of erection
by the Tung Wa Hospital on Kowloon Inland Lot No. 1264
shall be considered to be part of the Kwong Wa Hospital,
and this Ordinance shall apply equally to it as to the Kwong
Wa Hospital.
No. 39 of 1911, incorporated in No. 23 of 1909.
No. 40 of 1911, repealed by No. 35 of 1912.
No. 41 of 1911, incorporated in No. 2 of 1900.
No. 42 of 1911, repealed by No. 43 of 1912.
No. 43 of 1911, incorporated in No. 1 of 1872.
[Originally No. 38 of 1911. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. [ef. No. 1 of 1870, s.6.] Extension of powers and liabilities of the Tung Wah Hospital and board of direction to the Kwong Wa Hospital. Ordinance No. 1 of 1870. Management. Staff. Local committee. Small-pox hospital.
[Originally No. 38 of 1911. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. [ef. No. 1 of 1870, s.6.] Extension of powers and liabilities of the Tung Wah Hospital and board of direction to the Kwong Wa Hospital. Ordinance No. 1 of 1870. Management. Staff. Local committee. Small-pox hospital.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 38 of 1911
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“TUNG WA HOSPITAL EXTENSION ORDINANCE, 1911,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 28, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1256.