No. 18 of 1911.
An Ordinance for egulating the supply of lectricity for
lighting and other purposes.
[19th May, 1911.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Electricity Supply
Ordinance, 1911.
2. In Company means and includes any person and
any body of persons corporate or unincorporate by whom
electricity is generated or supplied.
(b) Electricity means electricity, electric current, or
any like agency.
(c) Electric line means a wire or wires, conductor or
other means used for the prupose of conveying, transmitting,
or distributing electricity, with any casing, coating, covering,
tube, pipe, or insulator inclosing, surrounding or supporting
the same, or any part thereof, or any apparatus connected
therewith for the purpose of conveying, transmitting, or dis-
tributing electricity or electric currents.
(d) Street includes any square, court, or alley, highway,
lane, road, thoroughfare, or public passage, or place.
(e) Works means and includes electric lines, also any
buildings, machinery, engines, works, matters, or things of
whatever description required to supply electricity and to
carry into effect the object of a company.
3.-(1) The regulations for securing the safety of the
public contained in the Schedule shall have effect as respects
any company generating or supplying electricity within
the Colony.
(2) The said regulations may be amended, varied, rescinded,
revoked, suspended, or added to by the governor in Council.
(3) The provisions of this section shall be applicable
retrospectively to any company in existence at the date of
the coming into operation of this Ordinance.
(4) lt shall be lawful for the Govornor in Council to grant
exemption from the provisions of this section to any company
which proves to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council
that the conditions under which it generates or supplies
electricity are such as not to endanger in any way the safety
of the public.
4. -(1) Where for the purposes of a supply of electricity
any company has obtained or may obtain any licence or
authority from the Director of Public Works to break up
streets or for any other purpose, it shall be lawful for the
Governor in council to make regulations, which shall be
applicable to all companies which have obtained any such
licence or authority, for securing a regular and sufficient
supply of electricity, and generally for controlling and
regulating such supply.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to make
regulations as respects any company supplying electricity
for the protection of telegraph cables, telephone lines, or
lines operated by any department of the Government, or by
the naval or military authorities, or by any person or body
of persons authorised by the Government to maintain a
telegraphic service.
[s. 5, No. 16 of 1912: s. 6, rep. Law Revision
Ordinance, 1924.]
7. Any regulation under this Ordinance may impose
penalties for offences against the same not exceeding one
hundred dollars for each offence, with or without penalties
for continuing offences not exceeding for any continuing
offence one hundred dollars for every day during which the
offence, continues. All such penalties may be rocovered
SCHEDULE. [s. 3.]
1. In these regulations,
(a) Consumer's wires means any electric lines on a consumer's promises
which are connected with the service lines of the company at the consumer's
(b) Overhead line means any electric line which is placed above ground
ano in the open air.
(c) Pressure means the difference of electrical potential between any
two conductors through which a supply of energy is given, or between any
Part of either conductor and the each ; and-
( i) where the conditions of the supply are such that the pressure at any
pair of consumer's terminals does not, exceed 250 volts, the supply shall be
deemed a low pressure supply :
(ii) where the conditions of the supply are such that the pressure exceeds
250 volts but does not execed 650 volts, the supply shall he deemed a
medium pressure snpply ;
(iii) where the conditions of the supply are suck that thee pressure exceeds
350 volts but, does not exceed 3,000 volts, the supply shall be deemed a
high pressure Supply ; and
(iv) where the conditions of the supply are such that the pressure exceeds
3,000 volts, the supply shall be deemed an extra high pressure supply.
(d) Sub-station means any premises in which energy is transformed
or converted for the purpose of supply to consumers, and which are large
enough to admit the entrance of it person after the transforming or converting
apparatus is in position : Provided that for the purpose of these regulations
any place within any such premises which is used solely for some purpose
other than such transformation or conversion shall not be deemed to form
part, of a sub-station.
(c) Where these regulations require any metallie body to be efficiently
connected with catch, it shall be connected with the general mass of earth
in such manner its will ensure at, all times an immediate and safe discharge
of electrical energy.
2. The pressure of a supply delivered to any consumer shall not exceed
the limit of low pressure except for special purposes, for which a medium
pressure supply may be given on the consumer undertaking to comply with
the following conditions:-
(1) Where the supply is for power purposes-
(a) the frame of every electric motor shall he efficiently connected with
(b) the consumer's wires forming the connexions to motors, or otherwise
in connexion with the supply, shall be, as far as practicable, completely
inclosed in strong mend casing efficiently conneeted with carth, or they
shall be fixed in such a manner that there shall be no danger of any shock ;
(c) the supply to every motor shall be controlled by mcans of an efficient
cut-off switch, plactd in such a position its to be easily handled by the
person in charge of the motor, and connected so thal, by it's means all
pressure call be cut off front the motor itself, and front any regulating switch,
resistance or other device in connexion therewith ;
(d) switches, efficient fuses or other automatic circuit-breakers shall be
provided, so as to protect the circuits from excess of current, and all switches
and cut-outs shall be so inclosed and protected that there sball be no danger
of any shock being obtained in the ordinary handling thereof, or of any fire.
being caused by their normal or abnormal action;
(e) a notice, shall be fixed in a conspicuous position at every motor and
switch board in connexion with the supply forbidding unauthorised persons
to touch the motors or apparatus.
(2) Where tbe supply is for are lamps in series,-
(a) the consumer's wires forming the connexions to the are lamps, or
otherwise in connexion with the supply, sliall be, its fal, its
completely inclosed in strong metal easing efficiently connected with earth,
or they shall be fixed in such a manner that there shall be no danger of any
(b) the supply to every are lamp shall be controlled by means of an
efficient cut-of switch, placed in such a position as to be easily handled by
the person in charge of the are lighting, and connected so that by its means
all pressure can be cut off from the are lamp itself, and from any regulating
switch, resistance or other device in connoxion therewith : Provided that
where the are lamps are connected in Series across the Outer conductors of it
three-wire system, it shall be sufficient if onesuch switch be provided for
each series of are lamps ;
(c) switches, efficient fuses or other automatic cut-outs shall be provided,
so as to protect the circuits from excess of current, and all switches and
cut-outs shall be so inclosed and protected that there shall be no danger of
shock being obtained in the ordinary handling or of any fire
being caused by their normal or adnormal action.
(3) Where the supply is for incandescent lamps in series, unless the
Direefor of Public Works otherwise allows,-
(a) the consumer's wires forming the connexions to the incandescent lamps,
or otherwise in connexion with the supply, shall be completely inclosed in
strong metal casing, and this casing together with the switches and lamp
holders, if metallic, shall be efficiently connected with earth;
(b) switches, efficient fuses or other automatic cut-outs shall be provided,
so as to protect the circuits from excess of current, and all switches and
cut-outs shall be so inclosed and protected that there shall be no danger of
any shock being obtained in the ordinary handling thereof, or of any fire
being caused by thier normal action.
(4) Where the supply is for any special purpose other than those above
mentioned, or where the pressare of the supply exceeds the limits of medium
pressure, it shall he subject to such other regulations its the Governor in
Conncil may prescribe.
3. When the pressure between the other conductors of a three-wire system
exceeds 250 volts and the three wires of the system or two pairs of wires
are brought into a consumer's premises, the supply shall be given to two
pairs of terminals arranged in such a manner that there shall be no danger
of anly shock, and the wiring from those terminals shall be kept distinct.
4. The sectional area of the conductor in any electric line other than low
tension laid or erected in any street after the date of these regulations shall
not e less than that of a strand of seven wires, each of which is of No. 22
standard wire gauge, and the sectional area of every wire in a strand forming
stranded conductor is erected it shall be suspended from a suitable bearer
wire or shall be protected by a suitable cradle fixed underneath. In the
case of low tension conductors in any electric line the sectional area shall
not be less than that of a single wire of No. 16 standard wire gauge efficiently
This regulation shall not apply in the case of an electric line placed in a
lamp post.
5. Every low pressure and medium pressure main, after having been
placed in position, and before it is used for the purposes of supply, shall
withstand a pressure equal to the maximum pressure to which it is
intended to be subjected in use, and in any case at least 2000 volts, and
further, before boing used as aforesaid, it shall be tested for insulation, and
the company shall duly record the results of the tests of each main or
section of a main.
6. A high pressure circuit shall not be brought into rise unless the
insulation of every part thereof has withstood the contintions application,
during one born, in the ease of every electric line, of a pressure equal to
the full Working pressirre to which it is intended to the subjected in use,
and, in the case of every machine, device, or apparatus, of a pressure
equal to tho full working to which it is intended to be, subjected.
The company shall duly record the results of each test.
7. There shall be maintained by the company at each station or sub-
station as may be necessary a leakage indicator of approved, pattern and
so arranged that the leakage on each main feeder can be readily ascertained
at any time and a weekly test recorded. If at any time the leakage is in
the opinion of the Director of Public Works excessive, he shall require the
company to remedy the same and it shall forthwith be remedied.
Provided that where any part of any electric circuit is connected with
earth, either in accordance with these regulations or with the approval of
the Director of Public Works, the provision of this regulation shall not
apply to that part of that circuit so long as the connexion with earth exists.
8. Every high pressure main, conductor, or other apparatus shall be
protected by a suitable fuse or automatic circuit-breaker:
Provided that it shall not be incumbent upon the company to provide
such a fuse or circuit-breaker for the outer conductor of a concentric main
which is, in accordance with these regualtions or with the approval of the
Director of Public Works, efficiently connected with earth.
9. In every ease where a high pressure supply is transformed for the
purpose of supply to one or more Consumers, some suitable automatic and
quick-meeting, means shall be provided to protect the Consumer's wire from
any accidental contact with or leakage from the high pressure circuit,
either within or without the transforming apparatus.
10. The metallic portion of every high pressure transformer, with the
exception of the conductors thereof, shall be efficiently connected with earth
except in respect of transformers supported on poles at such a height, as to
be inaccessible except by the use of a ladder or other special appliance :
Provided that in such cases such poles shall be efficiently connected with
11. Where any portion of any electric line or any support for any
electric line is exposed in such it, position as to be liable to cause injury front
lightning, it shall be efficiently protected against such liability.
12. Where any accident, by explosion or fire, or any other accident, of
such kind as to have caused or to be likely to have caused loss of life or
personal injury has occurred at any part of any electric line or work, the
company shall give immediate notice thereof to the Director of Public
Overhead lines.
13.-(1) The provisions of this regulation shall have effect in the case
of overhead lines for low, medium, and high pressure supply, and in the
event of such overhead lines being situated under the verandah or belcony
of any building the Director of Public Works shall determine now far and
to what extent the provisions of this regulation, shall apply.
(2) The interval between any two wooden poles used singly as supports
for an overhead line shall not exceed two hundred feet : Provided that
where the line makes an angle at auy such pole, the interval between that
and the next pole shall not exceed one hundred and fifty feet. In the case
of supports other than single wooden poles, the intervals between the sup-
ports shall be such as may be prescribed by the Director of Public Works.
(3) Every support for an overhead line shall be of a durable material,
and shall be properly stayed against forces due to wind pressure, change of
direction of the line, or unequal lengths of span. The factor of safety
shall be for overhead lines, at least 5, and for wooden poles at least 10, and
for iron or steel structures at least 6, taking the maximum possible wind
pressure at 40 pounds per square foot.
(4) All overhead lines shall be attached to insulators, and in tte case of
lines in which the pressure exceeds 110 volts, unless such lines are erected
on the three-wires system as hereinafter described, shall be so guarded that
they cannot fall away from the support.
(5) An overhead line, placed after the date of these regulations, shall
not in any part thereof be at a less height from the ground than eighteen
feet, except with the consent of the Director of Public Works, and shall
not be accessible to any person without the use of a ladder or other special
(6) Where a supply is given by overhead lines on the three-wire system,
the positive and negative conductors shall be placed side by side above the
intermediate conductor. The intermediate conductor shall consist of two
wires placed side by side at it distance apart greater than that between the
positive and negative conductors, and connected in each span by two cross
Wires placed in such a manner that in the event of either the positive or
negative conductor breaking it shall fall on one at least of the cross wires.
(7) Where a supply is given by overhead lines from a two-wire system,
with the negative conductor connected with earth, the positive conductor
shall be placed above the negative conductor in such a manner that in the
event of breakage it must fall on the negative conductor.
(8) Service lines from overhead lines shall be led as directly as possible
to insolators firmly attached to some portion of the consumer's premises.
which is not accessible to any person without the the of a ladder or other
special appliance. Every portion of any service line which is outside it,
building, and is within seven feet from the building, shall be efficiently
protected by insulating material.
(9) Where an overhead line crosses a street, the angle between the line
and the direction of the street at the place of crossing, shall not be less
than 60 degrees, except with the consent of the Director of public Works,
and the spans shall be as short, as possible.
(lo) Where an overliend line crosses, or is in proximity to, any other
wire or metal, precautions shall be taken by the company against the
possibility of the line coming into contact with the other wire or metal, or
of the other wire or metal coming into contact with the line, by breakage
or otherwise. In the case of all overhead lines in which the pressure
exceeds 110 volts, guard wires shall be provided by the company owning
such lines. All guard wires must make good electrical connexion with the
poles and be efficienty connected with earth.
(11) Every overhead line, including its supports and all the structural
parts and electrical appliances and devices belonging to or connected with
the line, shall be duly and efficiently supervised and maintained as regards
both electrical and mechanical conditions.
(12) The company shall remove any overhead line upon ceasing to use
the same for the supply of energy unless upon so ceasing it satisfies the
Director of Pliblic Works that it intends to bring such overhead line into
use again within a reasonable time.
14. Save as above provided, overhead fines shall not be erected except
in accordance with such regulations as the Governor in Council may
Electric lines other than overhead lines.
15. All conduits, pipes, casings, and street boxes used as receiptacles for
electric lines shall constructed of durable material, and where laid under
carriage-ways shall be of ample strength to preventg damage from heavy
traffic, and reasonable means shall be taken by the company to prevent
accumulation of gas in such receptacles.
16. Where any electric line crosses, or is in proximity to, any matallic
substance, special precautions shall be taken by the company against the
possibility of any electrical charging of the metallic substance from the
line or from any metal conduit, pipe, or casing inclosing the line.
17. All metal conduits, pipes, or casings containing any high pressure
electric line shall he efficiently connected with earth, and shall be so jointed
and connected across all Street boxes lind other openings as to make good
electrical connexion throughout, their whole length.
18. Where the conductors of electric lines placed in nay conduit are not
continuously covered with insulating material, they shall be secured in
position, and no unfixed uninsulated material of a conducing nature shall
be contained in the conduit. No such conductor shall be at a pressure
exceeding 300 volts from earth.
Adequate precautions shall also be taken to ensure that no accumulation
of water shall take place in any part of the conduit, and to prevent any
dangerous access of moisture to the conductors or the insulators.
The insulators of any such electric line shall be so disposed that they
can he readily inspected ; but this requirement shall not apply to any such
insulators which before the date of these regulations were not required by
any regnlation then in force to he so capable of ready inspection.
19. Every portion of any high pressure electric line placed above the
surface of the ground, or in an subway not in the sole occupation of the
company, shall be completely inclosed either in a tube of highly insulating
material embedded in briekwork, masonry, or cement-concrete, or in strong
metal casing efficiently connected with earth.
20. Where any high pressure electric line is laid beneath the surface of
the ground, efficient means shall be taken to render it impossible that the
surface of the ground or any neighbouring electric line or conductor shall
become charged by leakage from the high pressure electric line.
21. A high pressure electric line shall not, except with the consent of
the Director of Public Works, be used for the supply of energy before it
has been completely laid, properly jointed, examined, and tested, or until
it is in the sole charge of the company, and every such line shall durillg its
use be in the sole charge of the company.
Sub-stations and street boxes.
22. Sub-stations shall be established in suitable places and shall be in
the sole occupation and charge of the company. Sub-stations shall be
erected above ground wherever possible, but where necessarily under-
ground, due provision shall be made for ventilation and for drainage.
23. In addition to the provisions contained in regulation 15 of these
regulations as to the construction of receptacles for electric lines, the
following conditions shall be observed with respect to street boxes :-
(1) the covers of all street boxes shall be so secured Lhat they cannot be
opened except by means of a special appliance ;
(2) the covers of all street boxes containing High pressure apparatus
other than cables shall be connected to strips of metal laid immediately
underneath the street, and efficient, means shall be taken to render it
impossible that the covers or other exposed parts of these boxes, or any
adjacent material forming the surface of the street, shall become electrically
charged, whether by reason of leakage, defect, or otherwise
(3) where street boxes are used as transformer chambers, reasonable
means shall be taken to prevent as far its possible any influx of water,
either from the adjacent soil or by means of pipes ; and in the case of any
such street box exceeding one cubic yard in capacity, imple provision shall
be made, by ventilation or otherwise, for the immediate escape of any gas
which may by accident have obtainled access to the box, and for the
prevention of danger from sparking :
(4) all street boxes shall be regularly inspected for the presence of gas,
and if any infinx or accumulation is discovered, the company shall give
immediate notice to the company whose gas mains are laid in the neigh-
bourhood of the street box;
(5) where mains at different pressures pass through the same street box,
they shall be readily distinguishable from one another.
24. The maximum power supplied to any underground sub-station or
street box shall not, without the consent of the Director of Public Works,
exceed 30 kilowatts in the case of a sub-station or street box containing a
single transformer, or 75 kilowatts in the case of it sub-station or street box
containing two or more transformers.
25. The company shall be responsible for all electric lines, fittings, and
apparatus belonging to it, or under its Control, which may be upon a
premises, being maintained in a safe condition and in all
respects fit for supplying energy.
26. In delivering the energy to it consumer's terminals, the company
shall exercise all due precautions so its to avoid risk of causing fire on the
27. A suitable safety fuse or other automatic circuit-breaker shall be
inserted in each service line within a cousumer's premises as close its possible
to the point of entry, and contained within a suitable locked or scaled
receptacle of fireproof construction, except, in caes where tile set-vice line
is protected by fuses in a street, box ; but, no fuse or automatic circuit-
breaker shall be inserted in the intermediate conductor of a three-wire
Wherever a seal is found broken on it consumer's premises, and unless
the same has been broken by an employe of company, the consumer
shall be liable to it a penalty not exceeding five dollars.
28. All service lines and apparatus placed on a conumer's premises
shall be highly insulated and thoroughly protected against injury to the
insulation or access of moisture, and any metal forming part of the electric
circuit, shall not unless efliciently connected with earth, be exposed so
that it can be touched. All electric lines shall be so fixed and protected US
to prevent the possibility of electrical discharge to any adjacent metallic
29. Where the general supply of energy is a high pressure supply, and
transforming apparatus is installed on a conumer's premises, the whole
of the high pressure service lines, conductors, and apparatus, including the
transforming apparatus itself, so far as they are on the consumer's premises,
shall be completely inclosed in solid walls, or in strong metal casing
efficiently connected with earth and securely fastened throughout.
30. The company shall not connect a consumer's wires with its mains
unless it is reasonably satisfied that the connexion would not cause an undue
leakage from those wires or fittings ; and where the company declines to
make such connexion it shall serve upon the consumer a notice stating its
reasons for so declining. The consumer may appeal to the director of
Public Works whose decision shall be final.
31. If the company is reasonably satisfied, after making all Proper
examination by testing or otherwise that a leakage exist, at some part of
a consumer's wires or fittings of such extent as to be a source of danger.
any officer of tbe company, duly authorised by it in writing, may, for the
purpose of discovering whether the leakage exists at any part of a circuit,
within or upon any consumer's premises, by notice require the consumer
at some reasonable time after the service of the notice to permit him to
inspect and test the wires and fittings belonging to the consumer and
forming part of the circuit.
If on any such testing the officer discovers an undue leakage from the
consumer's wires or if the consumer does not give all due facilities for
inspection and testing, the company shall forthwith discontinue the supply
of energy to the prenlises in question, giving immediate notice of the
discontinuance to tbe consumer, and shall not recommence the supply until
it is reasonably that the leakage has been removed.
32. if any consumer is dissatified with the action of the comapny in
refusing to give, or in discontinuing or in not recommencing the supply
of energy to his premises, the wires and fittings of that consumer shall on
his application and on payment of a fee of ten dollars, be tested for the
existence of leakage by the Director of Public Works.
This regulation shall be indorsed on every notice given under the
provisions of regulation 30 or regulation 31 of these regulations.
33. Every person who makes any addition to any electrical installation
Connected to the company's main without obtaining the writte cousent
of the company thereto shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one
hundred dollars for every such addition.
34. Every consumer upon whose premises any such addition shall be
found shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars for
every day or part, or it day during which such addition Shall bave been in
existence. In this regulation, Consumer means the person in whose name
the contract for the supply of electricity to such premises was made with
the company, or, if there be no such person, the principal petiant or person
in actual occupation of the premises in which such addition shall be found.
Are lighting.
35. Are lamps used in any street for public lighting shall be So fixed
as not to be in any part at a less height, than ten feet from the ground.
36. All are lamps shall be so guarded as to prevent pieces of ignited
carbon or broken glass falling from them, and shall not be used in situations
where there is any dnager of he preseuce of explosive dust or gas.
Connexion of circuits with earth.
37. Where the pressure of it is supply between the adjacent conductors
of a three-wire system of mains exceeds 125 volts, the intermediate
conuctor shall he Connected with earth in accordance with the following
(1) the connexion with earth of the intermediate conductor shall be
made at one point only on each distinct, circuit, namely, at the generating
station, sub-station, or transformer, and the insulation of the circuit shall
be efficiently maintained at all other parts:
(2) the current from the intermediate conductor to earth shall be con-
tinuously recorded, and, if it at any dine becomes excessive, steps shall be
immediately taken to improve the insulation of the system.
38. The company shall not connect any other circuit with earth except
with the approval or the Director or Public Works and Subject to such
conditions as he may prescribe.
Extra high pressure.
39.-(1) This regulation shall have effect in the Case of a Supply at
extra high pressure, and shall be in addition be and not in substitution for
the obligations imposed by the foregoing regulations.
(2) An extra high pressure main shall not be brought into use unless:,
after it; has been placed in position and before it is used for the purposes of
supply, the insulation of every part thereof has withstood the continuous
applications, during half-an-hour, of pressure oxeceding the maximum pressure
to which it is intended to be subject in use, that is to say, in the case of
every electric line to be used for a pressure not exceeding 10,000 volts twice
the said maximum pressure, and in the Case of a line to be used for a
pressure exceeding 10,000 volts, it pressure exceeding the said maximum,
pressure by 10,000 volts : and the company shall record the results of the
tests of each main or section of a main.
(3) Every extra high pressure main shall be protected by a suitable fuse
or automatic circuit-breaker, but in the ease of a concentric main that fuse
or circuit-breaker shall not be inserted in any external conductor thereof
which is connected with earth.
(4) In every case where an extra high pressure supply is transformed or
converted to a reduced pressure, some suitable automatic and quick-acting
means shall be provided to protect the reduced pressure circuits from any
accidental contact with or leakage from the extra high pressure system.
Other Within or Without the transforming or converting apparatus.
(5) All metal conduits, pipes, or casings containing any extra high
pressure electric line shall be efficiendy connected with earth, and shall
be so jointed and connected across all street boxes and other openings
as to make good electrical connexion throughout their whole length.
(6) Every portion of any extra high pressure electric line placed above
the surface of the ground, otherwise than in a sub-station, or in any subway
not in the sole occupation of the company, shall be completely inclosed
either in a tube of highly insulated material embedded in brickwork, masonry,
or cement-conerete, or in stroug metal casing efficiently connected with earth.
(71 Where extra high pressure mains for three-phase supply consist of
insulated conductors laid together, provision shall be made to ensure that
neither the ground nor any neighbouring or electric line or conductor can
become charged by loakage from any Such main.
Where this provision is made by a copper strip under a lead sheath, that
strip shall be not less than sixteen-thousandths of an inch in thickness, and
wbere it is made by seel wires outside a lead sheath, each of those wires
Shall be not less than one-tenth of an inch in diameter.
Where the mains are inclosed in a lead sheath, the sheath shall be not
less tban one-tenth of the inch in thickness, and shall be, permanently and
efficiently connected earth.
(8) Extra high pressure mains for single phase supply and all cables
connected therewith shall cosist either of two concentric conductors or of
separate conductors. Where coneontric conductors are used, the insulation
shall no maintained efficiently throughout except that the outet conductor
shall be connected with earth at one point, and where separate conductors
are used provision shall be made as in the case of mains for three-phase
supply to ensure that neither the ground nor any neighbouring electric line
or conductor can become charged by leakage.
(9) An extra high pressure electric line shall not be brought into use for
the supply of energy before it bas been completely laid, properly jointed,
examined, and tested, or until it is in the sole charge of the company, and
every such line shall during its use be in the solo charge of the company.
(10) Extra high pressure mains shall not pass through the same street
box with other mains, unless they are inclosed in strong metal casing ; and
street boxes, containing high pressure mains shall not contain pipes for water,
gas, or other service, or electric mains belonging to another undertaking
Provided that any such street box may contain telephone wires belonging
to the company.
(11) Sub-stations supplied at extra high pressure shall be established in
suitable places and shall be in the sole occupation of the company.
(12) Sub-stations constructed below the surface of any street after the
date of these regulations to which an extra high pressure is to be given
shall not contain switches or other apparatus than transformers.
(13) The transforming apparatus at any sub-station supplied at extra
high pressure shall be so arranged that there shall be no danger Of any
mains connected therewith being charged to any pressure beyond the limits
of pressure for which those mainsare intended.
(14) In delivering the energy to it sub-station extra high pressure, the
company shall exercise all due precautions so as to avoid risk of causing fire
on the promises.
(15) All extra high pressure electric fines and apparatus placed in a
sub-station shall be highly insulated and thoroughly protected against
injury to the insulation or access of moisture, and any metal forming part
of the electric circuit shall not, unless efficiently connected with earth, be
exposed so that it can be inadvertently touched. All such lines shall be so
fixed and protectod as to prevent the possibility of electrical discharge to
any adjacent metallic substance.
(16) The Director of Public Works shall be entitled to enter all times
any of the generating stations or sub-stations of the company supplying or
supplied itt, an extra high pressure, and to make any such examination and
tests of the mains, machines, transformers, or other apparatus in use in those
stations, as may appear to him necessary, and the company shall afford all
due facilities for any such examination and tests.
(17 ) Where any extra high pressure circuil is connected with earth, the
connexion shall be made at one point only, namely, at the generating
station, sub-station, or transformer, and the insulation of the circuit shall,
except at that point, be efficiently maintained throughout.
(18) The neutral point of the star winding of each distinct three-phase
circuit, used for extra high pressure, may be connected with earth, or may
be insulated. If connected with earth through a resistance, that resistance
shall be sufficiently low to ensure that the fuse or automatic circuit-breaker
in the mains shall act.
If the neutral point is not, connected with earth, a separate electro-static
voltmeter placed in a conspicuous position in the generating station shall be
connected between each circuit and earth; and if the indicatious of the
Voltmeters show that the insulation of any of the circuits is faulty, immediate
steps shallbe taken to restore the insulation.
40. If the company makes default, in complying with any of these
regulations, it shall, be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars
for every such default, and in the case of a continuing offence to a further
Penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars for each day during which the
offence continues.
The recovery of a penalty under these regulations shall not affect the
liability of the company to make compensation in respect of any damage or
injury which may be caused by reason of default.
No. 19 of 1911, repealed by No. 18 of 1923.
No. 20 of 1911, incorporated in No. 8 of 1896.
No. 21 of 1911, incorporated in No. 40 or 1909.
No. 22 of 1911, incorporated in No. of 1892.
No. 23 of 1911, incorporated in No. 1 of 1872.
Cednin portions of' (Iiis Ordirialice by No. 19 of 192:1.
[Originally No. 18 of 1911. No. 8 of 1914. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretaion. Regulations for securing the safety of the public. Schedule. Power for Governor in Council to make further regulations. Penalties may be imposed in regulations. Interpretation. Pressure of supply to consumers. [Schedule. Reg. 2 contd.] [Schedule contd.] Introduction of three-wire system into consumer's premises. Minimum size of conductors. Insulation test of low pressure and medium pressure mains. Testing of insulation of all parts of high pressure circuit. Maintenance of insulation. [Schedule contd.] Circuit-breaker for high pressure mains, etc. Transformers. Connexion of transformers with earth. Protection from lightning. Report of accidents to Director of Public Works. Overhead lines in case of low, medium, and high pressure supply. [Schedule contd.] Other overhead lines. Construction of receptacles for electric lines. Crossing pipes, etc. [Schedule contd.] Electic continuity of metal conduits, etc. of high pressure line. Precautions to be takem when bare conductors are used. High pressure lines laid above ground or in subways. Protection for surface of ground and electric lines. Completion and control of high pressure lines. Sub-stations. Street boxes. [Schedule contd.] Maximum power in cass of underground sub-station, etc. Responsibility of company for lines, etc. on consumer's premises. Fire risks. Main fuses or circuit-breakers. Treatment of service lines and apparatus on consumer's premises. Transformers and high pressure apparatus to be inclosed in metal, etc. [Schedule contd.] Connexion to consumer's premises not to be made where undue leakage would result. Discontinuance of supply on discovery of leakage on consummer's premises. Appeal to Director of Public Works. Penalty for making additioin to electrical installation. Penalty on consumer for addition to electrical installation. Height from ground. Arc lamps to be guarded. [Schedule contd.] Connexion with earth of a three-wire system. Connexion of other circuits with earth. Special regulations as to extra high pressure. [Schedule Reg. 39 contd.] [Schedule Reg. 39 contd.] Penalties for default.
[Originally No. 18 of 1911. No. 8 of 1914. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretaion. Regulations for securing the safety of the public. Schedule. Power for Governor in Council to make further regulations. Penalties may be imposed in regulations. Interpretation. Pressure of supply to consumers. [Schedule. Reg. 2 contd.] [Schedule contd.] Introduction of three-wire system into consumer's premises. Minimum size of conductors. Insulation test of low pressure and medium pressure mains. Testing of insulation of all parts of high pressure circuit. Maintenance of insulation. [Schedule contd.] Circuit-breaker for high pressure mains, etc. Transformers. Connexion of transformers with earth. Protection from lightning. Report of accidents to Director of Public Works. Overhead lines in case of low, medium, and high pressure supply. [Schedule contd.] Other overhead lines. Construction of receptacles for electric lines. Crossing pipes, etc. [Schedule contd.] Electic continuity of metal conduits, etc. of high pressure line. Precautions to be takem when bare conductors are used. High pressure lines laid above ground or in subways. Protection for surface of ground and electric lines. Completion and control of high pressure lines. Sub-stations. Street boxes. [Schedule contd.] Maximum power in cass of underground sub-station, etc. Responsibility of company for lines, etc. on consumer's premises. Fire risks. Main fuses or circuit-breakers. Treatment of service lines and apparatus on consumer's premises. Transformers and high pressure apparatus to be inclosed in metal, etc. [Schedule contd.] Connexion to consumer's premises not to be made where undue leakage would result. Discontinuance of supply on discovery of leakage on consummer's premises. Appeal to Director of Public Works. Penalty for making additioin to electrical installation. Penalty on consumer for addition to electrical installation. Height from ground. Arc lamps to be guarded. [Schedule contd.] Connexion with earth of a three-wire system. Connexion of other circuits with earth. Special regulations as to extra high pressure. [Schedule Reg. 39 contd.] [Schedule Reg. 39 contd.] Penalties for default.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 18 of 1911
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ELECTRICITY SUPPLY ORDINANCE, 1911,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 31, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1252.