No. 10 of 1911.
An Ordinance for the incorpoartion and regulation of the
University of hong kong.
[30th March, 1911.]
WHEREAS it is desirable to establish a University within the Colony of
Hongkong for the promotion of Arts, Science and Learning, the
provision of higher education, the conferring of deurees, the develop-
ment and formation of the character of stodents of all races, nationali-
ties, and creeds, and the maintenance of the good understanding
with the neighbouring country of China:
AND WHEREAS through the liberality and munificence of Sir Hormusjee
Nowrojee Mody suitable buildings for a University are in course of
erection upon certain Crown land which His Majesty the King has
been graciously pleased to grant for that purpose:
AND WHEREAS many firm and individuals of British, Chinese and
other nationalities have generously subscribed funds for the equip-
ment and endowment of such University:
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to incorporate the University and to pro-,
vide for its regulation :
AND WHEREAS the Hongkong College of Medicine (incorporated under
the Hongkong Collelge of Medicine Incorporation Ordinance, 1907)
has agreed to become incorporated with the University of Hongkong
constituted by this Ordinance:-
1. There shall be establised in Hongkong a University, in
this Ordinance referred to as the University, with the name
and style of The University of Hongkong, by which name
the Chancellor and other members of the University are
liereby constituted one body politic and corporate with
perpetual succession and a common seal, and with full power
by and in such name to sue and be sued, and without any
further licence to take by gift or otherwise, purchase and
hold, grant, demise, or otherwise dispose of real or personal
estate, and with the other powers conferred by this Ordi-
nance or by any statute or regulation made thereunder.
2.-(1) Should His Majesty the King himself deign to
become a Visitor of the University or to appoint a member of
the Royal Family in that behalf, his Majesty or such member
of the Royal Family shall forthwith become a Visitor as
aforesaid and shall excercise such powers of supervision as
may seem good to him.
(2) The Governor of Hongkong and Chang Jen-Chun, lately
Governor General of the Liang Kuang Provinces in China,
shall be Patron's of the University. Additional Patrons may
be appointed on the recommendation of the Court or the
University approved by the Governor in Council.
3. The Governor in Council may at all times exercise a
of veto if he should disapprove of any decision of the
Court of the University on the grounds that the Interests of
the Colony would be injuriously affected, or that the proposal
is ultra vires or unconstitutional, or for other good cause, but
the said Court may appeal to the Secretary of State against
the veto of the Governor in Council.
4. The University shall have the powers following:-
(1) to grant and confer degrees and other academic
distinctions to and on persons who shall have pursued an
approved course of study in the University and shall have
passed the examinations prescribed by the University under
conditions laid down In its statutes or regulations;
(2) to admit graduates of other universities to degrees of
equal or similar rank in the university;
(3) to grant diplomas, certificates or other distinctions to
persons who have pursued a course of study approved by the
University under conditions laid down by the University;
(4) to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions sub-
ject to any provisions which are or may be made in reference
thereto fly the statutes or regulations of the University ;
(5) to deprive person, on good cause shown, of any
degrees, diplomas, certificates or distinctions granted to or
conferred upon them by the University;
(6) to provide for instruction in such branches of learning
as the University may think fit, and also to make provision
for research and for the advancement and dissemination of
knowledge ;
(7) upon request by the Director of faucation, to permit
the University professors and lecturers or any of them to
examine and inspect schools and other educational institil-
tions, to grant certificates of proficiency or other distinctions
in connexion with such examinations and inspections, and
to provide such lectures and instruction for persons not
members of the University as the University may determine;
(8) to accept the examinations passed and periods of
study completed by students of the University it other
universities or places of learning (including the Hongkong
College of Medicine) as equivalent to such examinations and
periods of study in the University as the university may
determine, and to withdraw such acceptance: Provided that,
subject to paragraphs (2) and (4), the University shall in no
case confer a degree in medicine or surgery upon any
person who has not attended in the uinversity during two
years at least the courses of study recocrinsed for such
degree, nor a degree in any other faculty upon any person
who has not attended in the University during one year
at least the courses of study recognised fo such degree:
Provided also that no degree in medicine or surgery shall
be conferred unless after a total period of five years study
at the University or other university or place of learing
as aforesaid, nor a degree in any other faculty unless after
a total period of four years study at the Univerysity or other
university or place of learning as aforesaid;
(9) to affiliate other institutions or to admit the members
thereof to any privileges of the University, and to accept
attendance it, courses of study in such institutions in place
of such part of the attendance at courses of study in the
University and upon such terms and conditions and subject
to such regulations as may bc deterililued, and to recognise
any members of the teaching staff of any college or institu-
tion, whether affiliated to the University or not, as teachers
of the University ;
(10) to cooperate by means of joint boards or otherwise
with other universities and authorities for the regulation and
conduct of matriculation and other examinations, for the
examination and inspection of schools and other academic
institutions, and for the extension of university teaching and
influence in academic matters, and for such other purposes
as may be determined;
(11) to enter into arrangements under which the examiners
of the London University, or of any other university, may
act as external examiners for any degree or distinction of
the University of Hongkong, with power to report on the
examination papers of candidates and to veto the passing
of any candidate who does not reach the standard, both in
separate subjects and collectively, which may be required
for corresponding examinations by the London University,
or by any such otehr univeristy, as the case may be:
Provided always that the curricula for the University of
Hongkong shall be arranged by the University of Hongkong,
and that all examination papers shall be read and marked
in the first instance by members of it's teaching staff;
(12) to enter into an agreement with the Hongkong
College of Medicine under the seal of the Vniversity in such
terms as may be approved by the Coort of the University
and the Court of the said College, for the incorporation of
the said College in the University and for taking over its
property, liabilities and engagements;
(13) to enter into any agreement with any other institu-
tion for its incorporation in the University, and for taking
over its property, liabilities and engagements, and for any
other purpose not repurgnant to this Ordinance;
(14) If necessary, to promote bills in the Legislative
Council to confirm or carry out, any such agreement as
above referred to;
(15) to institue professorships, lectureships, teacherships,
and any other offices required by the University, and to
appoint to such offices;
(16) to approve halls and hostels for the residence of
(17) to institute and award fellowships, scholarships,
exhibitions, bursaries, and prizes;
(18) to make provision for research, and to furnish
scientific advice for public purposes, and for these objects
to enter into such arrangements with other institutions or
with public bodies as may be thought desirable ;
(19) to appoint a committee in England or elsewhere for
the purpose of recommending or of selecting for the approval
of the Court the Vice-Chancellor and other academic officers
of the University, with power if it be deemed advisable to
act, finally on behalf of the said Court in any case in which
the Court may empower it to do so;
(20) to make provision for the establishment of a
University printing press, and for the publication of books
and other matter by the University.
(21) to do all such other acts and things, whether
incidental to the powers aforesaid or not, as be requisite
in order to further the objects of the University, and to
Cultivate and promote arts, science, and learning.
5. The authorities of the University shall be the
Vice-Chancellor, the Court, the Council and the Senate.
6. The chancellor shall be the President of the Court.
7. Whenever the office of Governor is vacant, or if the
Governor becomes incapable, or is absent from the Colony,
the officer for the time being administering the Government
of the Colony shall be Pro-Chancellor and shall exereise all
the functions of the Chancellor.
8. (1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the
Court upon the nomination of the Cotincil. He shall be the
chief admininstrative officer of the Univeristy, and shall have
such powers, and duties as the Council shall assign to him.
He shall confer degrees in the absence of the Chancellor and
(2) In the event of the absence or inability of the Vice-
Chancellor, and in the event of any vacancy in the office of
Vice-Chancellor, it shall be lawful for the Court, upon the
nomination of the Council, to appoint an acting Vice-
Chancellor who shall exercise all the finictions of the, Vice-
9.--(1) The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Court
upon the nomination of the Council.
(2) In the event of the absence or inability of the Treasurer,
it shall be lawful for the Court, upon the nomination of the
Council, to appoint an acting Treasurer.
(3) The Registrar, and such other officers as may be
tweessary, shall be appointed by the Council.
The Court.
10-(1) The supreme governing body shall be the Court
which, subject ot this Ordinance, the statutes of the University
and the laws of the Colony, shall exercise all the powers and
authority of the University. The constitution of the Court
shall be defined by the statutes.
(2) The Court shall have power by such statutes to increase
or diminish the number of its members by increasing or
diminishing the number ot be nominated or appointed by
the person or bodies possessing the right of nomination or
appointment, or by adding other bodies with a right to
nominate or appoint representatives, or in any other manner.
(3) Except as herein provided and subject to the statues,
the Court may determine all mattters relating to the appointment
of future members of the Court and their respective
periods or terms of office, and all ther matters relating to
the consitituation of the Court.
(4) statutes shall regulate the appointment and
continuance in office of the members of the Court, the filling
of vacancies among the members, and all other matters
relative to the Court which it may be thought are proper to
be so regultaed.
(5) Notwithstanding anything which may be contained in
the statutes, the Court rnay at all times exercise a power of
veto in respect of any decision of the Council or of the Senate.
(6) The accounts of the University shall be submitted to
the Court at a meeting to be held in the autumn term of
each year.
(7) It shall be lawful for the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor
to convene a meeting of the Court at any time.
The Council.
11.-(1) There shall be a Council which shall be the
executive body of the University, with power to direct the
use of the University seal.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and of the
statutes, the Council shall have the government and control of
the affairs and property of the University.
(3) The, statutes define the constitution of the Council, and
shall regulate the appointment and continuance in office
of the members, the filling of vacancies, and all other matters
relative to the Council which may be thought proper so to be
(4) The Chancellor shall be the Chairman of the Council,
and the Vice-Chancellor shall be the Vice-Chairman of the
11A.-(1) There shall be a Finance Committe which
shall consist of such persons as shall be provided by statute.
(2) No expenditure shall be incurred or made without the
previous approval of the Finance Committee.
(3) No moneys belonging to the University shall be
invested without the previous approval of the Finance
(4) No immovable property shall be dealt with in any
manner by or on bebalf of the University without the previous
approval of the Finance Committee.
(15) No money shall be borrowed by or on behalf of the
University Without the previous approval of the Finance
The Senate.
12.-(1) There shall be a Senate which shall, subject to
the statutes and regulations and the control and approval of
the Council, have the regulation and control of the curriculum
and education afforded by the University, and such other
powers as may be conferred upon it by the statutes.
(2) Subject to the agreement referred to in section 4 (12),
the constitution of the Senate shall be defined by the statutes.
The Facultlies.
13.-(1) There shall be Faculties of Medicine, Engineer-
ing and Arts, and such other Faculties as may be constituted
by the Council, subject to the approval of the Court. In the
Arts Faculties due provision shall be made for the study of
the Chinese language and literature.
(2) There shall be a Board and a Dean of each Faculty
with such powers respectively as may be prescribed by
statue or regulation, subject as to the Faculty of Medicine
to the agreement referred to in section 4 (12).
Statutes and regulations.
14. The statutes set forth in the Second Schedule shall be
the statutes of the University. The Court may add to,
amend, alter or repeal the statutes for the time being in force
(including those set forther in the Second Schedule), but no
or operative until allowed by the Governor in Council and
published in the Gazette.
The statutes of the University (in this Ordinance referred
to as the statutes) may direct that any of the matters by this
Ordinance authorised of directed to be prescribed, governed,
or regulated by statutes, shall be prescribed, governed, or
regulated by regulations.
15. Regulations shall be made in such manner and by
such bodies and in respect of such matters as may be
prescribed b the statutes.
Examiners and examinations.
16. All examinations held by the University shall be
conducted in such manner as the statutes and regulations
shall prescribe : Provided that at least one external and
independent examiner shall be appointed kfor each group of
subjects forming part of the court of studies required for
degrees : but this proviso shall not apply to examinations
for admission or entrance to the University.
17. The Court, the Council, the Senate, and the Faculties
respectively may make rules for governing, subject to this
Ordinance and the statutes and regulations, the proceedings
of those bodies respectively. Copies of all such rules shall
be laid before the Court and Council.
18, No distinction of race or nationality shall permit-
ted, and no test of regilious belief or profession shall be
imposed, in order to entitle any person to be admitted as a
member, professor, lecturer, teacher, or student of the
University, or to hold office therein, or to graduate thereat,
or to hold any advantage or privilege thereof.
19. The University shall not make any dividend, gift,
division, or bonus in money unto or between any of its
members except by way of prize, reward or special grant.
20. The area of Crown land situate to the south of Bonham
Road and to the east of Pokfulain Road, and delineated and
described on the plan thereof signed by the Governor and by
the Director of Public Works and deposited in the Land
Office, and all buildings now erected or in course of erection
or hereafter to be erected thereon, together with all rights,
easements and appurtenances thereto belonging, shall vest
in the University in fee simple for the purposes of this
Ordinance free of Crown rent : Provided always that the
University shall not sell, convey, or dispose of the said land
or buildings or any part thereof to person without the
written licence of His Majesty : Provided also that if the
said land and buildings or any part thereof shall at any time
cease to be used for the purposes of the University in
accordinance with the provisions of this Ordinance the said
land and buildings or part thereof, as the case may be, shall
revert to the Crown.
21. All moneys already subscribed for the purposes of the
University whether on deposit in any name in any bank or
not, and all investments of such moneys, and all interest,
income and profits arising from such investments, and all
securities therefor, are hereby vested in the University.
22. All the leasehold lands, buildings, tenements and
premises described in the first column of the Fourth Schedule
which were immediately before the passing of this Ordinance
vested in the persons whose names are stated in the second
column of the said Schedule as trustees for the University,
and all rights, easements and appurtenances thereto belong-
ing, and the mortgage debts secured by the several
indentures of mortgage of the said leasehold lands, buildings,
tenements and premises specified in the third column of the
said Schedule, and all interest accrued or accruing thereon,
and the benefit of all the covenants, powers and provisos in
the said indentures of mortgage contained, shall vest in the
University for all the unexpired residues of the respective
terms of years assigned to the said trustees or other the
interest of the said trustees therein subject to the equities
affecting the same, respectively.
23. This Ordinance shall be construed believolently, and
in every case most favourably to the University and the
promotion of the objects of this Ordinance.
24. This Ordinance may be cited as the University
Ordinance, 1911.
[First Schedule, rep. Law Revision Ordinance, U24.]
Statute 1.
The Statutes shall be interpreted in such manner is not to Conflict with
the Ordinance.
Words delined in the Ordinance or the Statutes shall have the
meaning in the Regulations unless the context, be repugnant thereto.
Statute 2.
The following persons shall be members of the University :-
The officers of the University, vix.:-
The Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Treasurer, Acting
Vice-Chancellor, Deans of the Faculties, Registrar and Bursar.
The members of the Court.
The members of the Council.
The members of the Senate.
The members of the Faculties.
The Emeritus and honorary Professors.
The teaching staff of the University.
The wardens of hostels.
The graduates.
Teh undergraduates.
Membership of the university shall continue so long as one at least of
the qualifications above enumerated shall continue to be possessed by the
individual member.
Statute 3.
2. The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for such period and under such
Condition's its shall be set forth in his letter of appointment.
[3, rep. No. 1 of 1921.]
4. The Treasurer shall be appointed for three years, and shall be eligible
for re-appointment.
5 The senior member of each Faculty shall be the Dean of the Faculty,
unless he be exemped by the Council, in which case the office shall devolve
on the next, senior member. Any question of disputed seniority shall be
decided by the Council.
6. The Dean shall be chairman of the Board of the Faculty and prepare
business for it. He shall be a member ex officio of all committees of the
Faculty, and shall present candidates for degrees (except honorary degrees)
in the subjects of the Faculty.
7. The Council shall appoint a Registrar, Bursar, and such other officers
of the University as may be found desirable, with such duties, at such
remuneration, and upon such terms and conditions as it shall deem fit.
8. The Registrar, if so required by the Council, shall act as Bursar, and
may in that capacity be called upon to find such security as the Conucil
may require.
9. The Court shall appoint an Auditor or Auditors who shall not be a
member or members of any of the University Governing Bodies.
10. An Auditor's term of office shall be one year. The Auditor or
Auditors shall be eligible for re-election.
11. The professors and lecturers whose services are exclusively at the
disposal of the University shall not, during the tenure of their apointments,
kengage in private professional practice except at the request of and in
consultation with a private practitioner in general practice in the Colony.
Statute 4.
1. The Court shall consist of the following persons:-
Sir Frederick John Dealtry Lugard, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O.
Sir hormusjee Nowrojee Mody, Kt.
Hon. Sir Catchick paul Chater, Kt, C. M. G.
James Henry Scott.
Cheung Pat Sz.
Sir Francis Henry May, K.C.M.G.
Francis William Clark, N.D., M.D.C.P., D.P.H.
Hon. Mr. henry Edward pollock, K.C.
Gregory Paul Jordan, M.B., C.M., M.R.C.S.
Rev. Thomas William Pearce.
Hon. Dr. Ho Kai, C.M.G., M.B., M.R.C.S.
Robert MacLean Gibson, M.D., C.M.
And such other life members as the Court may appoint.
The Court may appoint such other person to be life members of the
Court as may be nominated by a majority of two-thirds of the members of
the Court and as are approved by the Chancellor.
The Chief Justice.
The Honourable Members of Executive Council.
The Honourable Members of the Legislative Council.
The Secretars for Chinese Affairs.
The Principal civil Medical Officer.
The Director of Education.
The Dean or each Faculty of the University.
Th Registrar of the university.
(To be nominated by the Governor not being already included in either
of the foregoing classes, and being resident in the Colony).
Four British.
Six Chinese.
Two additional members nominated by the Governor.
Three representatives of the Grant-in-Aid Schools to be selected by the
Governor from among the nomnees of the Governing Bodies of such schools.
2. The ex-officio members shall continue members so long only as they
hold the office in virtue of which they became members of the Court.
3. The nominated members shall hold officer for three years.
4. Vacancies shall be filled as they occur or as soon thereafter as
conveniently may be.
5. members retiring by effluxion of time may be re-appointed or re-
6. Any member of the Court may resign by writing addressed to the
Court, and in that case the vacancy shall be filled by the Court.
[7. rep. Law Revision Ordinance, 1924.]
8. If any nominated member shall leave the Colony for any period
exceeding three months and shall notify his intended absence to the Court
or shall have been absent, from the Colony for more than three months
without such notification, the Governor may in either event appoint another
person to act as member in his place during his absence. The acting
member shall vacate his office on the of the absent member to the
Colony and shall only hold office for such period as the absent member
would have held it if he had continued in the Colony.
9. The appointment of each member of the Court, shall be notified in the
Statute 5.
1. Subject to the provisions of section 10 of the University Ordinance,
1911, the meetings of the Court shall be held at such times, and in such
places, and its procedure shall be controlled in such manner as shall be
prescribed by rules made by the Court.
2. Seven members of the Court shall form a quorum.
Statute 6.
The Court may upon the recommendation of the Council and Senate
appoint Honorary Professors, and upon the like recommendation confer the
title of Emeritus Professor upon any professor who has retired from his
office : Provided that an Honorary or Emeritus Professor shall not
officio have the right to a scat on the Senate or on the Board of any
Faculty, but may be invited by the Council on the recommendation of the
Senate to take such part in the teaching of the University as may be
Statute 7.
1. The Council shall consist of the following persons:-
The Chancellor.
The Vice-Chancellor.
The Colonial Secretary.
The Treasurer of the university.
The Colonial Treasurer.
The Secretary for Chinese Affairs.
The two Chinese Members of the Legislative Council.
The Director of Education.
The Principal Civil Medical Officer.
The Dean of each Faculty.
The Chief Manager ofthe Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,
or the person for the time being in charge of the busines of the said
Cororation in hong kong.
A member to be appointed annually by the Committee of the Hongkong
General Chamber of Commerce:
Provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor, from time to time, if
he shall think fit, to appoint not more than two additional members to the
Council, to hold office for three years.
2. The Registrar shall be the Secretary of the Council.
[3, 4, rep. No. 1 of 1921.]
5. Any member of the Council may resign by writing addressed to the Registrar.
[6, 7, rep. No. 1 of 1921.]
8. Seven members of the Council shall form a quorum.
Statute 8.
Powers of the Council.
Subject to the provisions of the University Ordinance, 1911, the Council
shall, in addition to all other powers vested in them, have the following
1. To nominate the Vice-Chancellor, and (if and when necessary) the
acting Vice-Chancellor.
[2, 3, rep. No. 1 1921.]
4. To appoint professors, lecturers and other academic officers of the
University and also external examiners: Provided that when the Senate
is constituted no appointment shall be made wihtout due consideration of
the claims of any candidate who may be recommended by it.
5. To appoint a Registrar and other officers of the University.
6. With the concurrence of the Senate, to recommend to the Court
names for honorary degrees.
7. To institute professorships, readerships, lectureships, or other academic
offices after report from the Senate, subject to the approval of the court.
8. To abolish or hold in abeyance after report from the Senate any
professorship, lectureship, readership, or other academic office subject to the
approval of the Court.
9. To draft statutes as and when it sees fit and submit the same to the
Court for consideration and enactment: Provided that the Court shall have
power atany time, subject to the allowance of the Governor in Council, to
add to, amend, alter or repeal, on its own motion, the statutes for the time
being in force.
10. To make regulations subject to the veto of the Court, in regard in
any matters in respect of which regulations are authorised to be made.
11. To exercise all such powers as are conferred on the Council by the
University Ordinance, 1911, and the statutes, and to carry the University
Ordinance, 1911, the statutes and regulations into effect.
12. Subject to the provisions of section 11A of the University Ordinance,
1911, to govern, manage and regulate the finances, accounts, investments,
property business and all affairs whatsoever of the University, and for the
purpose to appoint bankers, counsel, solicitors, and any other officers (it
agents whom it, may seem expedient to appoint.
13. Subject to the provisions of Section 11A of the University Ordinance,
1911, to invest any moneys belonging to the University, including any
unapplied income, in such stocks, funds, fully paid shares or securities,
mortgages, debentures or debenture stock as the Council shall think fit,
whether authorised by the general law for the investment of trust moneys
or not, and whether within the Colony or not, or not the purchase of lease-
hold property in the Colony, with the like power of varying such invest-
ments by sale and re-investment or otherwise.
14. Subject to the provisions of section 11 A of the University Ordinance,
1911, to purchase, grant, sell, convey, assign, surrender and yield up
exchange, partition, mortgage, demise, re-assign, and accept leases
of real and personal property on behalf of the University.
15. subject to the provisions of section 11A of the University Ordinance,
1911, to Provide the buildings, premises, furniture, and apparatus and other
means needed for carrying on the work of the University, and to allocate
such buildings, premises, furniture, apparatus and means to the different
Faculties, with power to alter such allocation at any time.
16. Subject to the provisions of section 11A of the University Ordinance,
1911, to borrow money on behalf of the University and for that purpose
(if the Court and Council think fit) to mortgage all or any part of the
property of the University, whether real or personal, or give such other
security, whether upon such real or personal property or otherwise, as the
Court and Council think fit: Provided that the moneys borrowed and owing
by the University shall not at any time exceed in the whole in sum of
$100,000 except with the sanction of a resolution passed at one meeting of
the Council and confirmed b the vote of three-fourths of the members
present and voting at a subsequent meeting of the Council specially convened
for the purpose, and held not less than seven days after the former.
17. Subject to the provisions of section 11A of the University Ordinance,
1911, to enter into, vary, carry out, and cancel contracts on behalf of the
18. To review the instruction and teaching of the University.
19. To promote research within the university and to require reports on
such research.
20. To review, refer back, control, amend or disallow any act of the
Senate, and give directions to the Senate without prejudice to the rights
of the Senate under paragraphs 4, 6 and 10 of this statute.
21. To entertain, adjudicate upon, and, if thought fit, redress any
grievances of the officers of the University, the teaching staff, the graduates,
undergraduates and the University servants who may for any reason feel
aggrieved otherwise than by the action of the Court.
22. To select a seal, arms, and a mace for the University subject to the
approval of the Court, and to have the sole custody and use of the seal.
23. To approve balls, hostels and quarters for the residence of under-
graduates, and to frame or approve regulations for the same.
21. To appoint, subject to the approval of the Court, the committee of
selection referred to in section 4 (19) of the University Ordinance, 1911.
Statute 8A.
1. The Finance Committee shall consist of the following persons:-
The Treasurer of the University, (Chairman).
The Vice-Chancellor.
The Colonial Treasurer.
The Chief Manager of the Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation,
or the person for the time being in charge of the business of the said
Corporation in Hong kong.
A member to be appointed annually by the Committee of the Hongkong
General Chamber of Commerce.
2. The Registrar shall be the Secreatry of the Finance committee.
3. Three members of the finance Committee shall form a quorum.
Statute 9.
1. The Senate shall consist of the following persons:-
The Vice-Chancellor (or acting vice-Chancellor).
The Director of Education.
The Dean of each Faculty.
The Registrar.
One member elected by the Board of each Faculty and holding office for
one year.
The four remaining lecturers of the Hongkong College of Medicine who
are entitled to membership under the agreement between the said College
and the University.
2. The Vice-Chancellor (or Vice-Chancellor) shall be the Chair-
man of the Senate, and in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor (or acting
Vice-Chancellor, the chairman of the meeting shall be elected by the members
present from among their number.
3. Five members of the Senate shall form a quorum.
Statute 10.
The Senate shall have the powers following
1. The direction bird general regulation of the instruction and education
within the University and of the examinations held by the University
(subject to the control of tbe Council).
2. To appoint internal examiners after report from the Board of Faculty
3. To recommend for appointment by the Council, professors, leccurers,
and other academic officers of the University, and also, after report from the
Board of Faculty concerned, external examiners.
4. To report, to the Council, after report from be Board of Faculty
concerned, on all regulations relating to courses of study, degrees or other
distinctions of honour or research.
5, To review, refer back, control, amend or disallow any act of any
Faculty and to give directions to the Faculties.
6. To report to the Council on statutes or regulations or proposed changes
of statutes or regulations.
7. To report on any matter referred to or delegated to them by the Court
or the Council.
8. To discuss and declare an opinion on any matter whatsoever relating
to the University.
9. To make recommendations to the Council as to the appointment of
professors and lecturers of the University, and on delegation of the Council
to appoint other academic officers of the University not being professors or
10. To make recommendations to the Council as to the removal of any of
the teaching staff of the University, or as to the appointment of additional
teaching staff.
11. To formulate and modify or revise schemes for the organisation of
Faculties of Medicine, Engineering, Arts, and Science and any other
Facilities und to assign to such Faculties their respective subjects, and to
formulate, modify or revise schemes for the organisation of schools and
departments and to submit such schemes to the Council.
12. To fix, subject to any conditions made by the Founders which are
accepted by the Council and to statute 22 of these statutes, the times and
mode and conditions of compelition for fellowships, scholarships and other
prizes, and to award file same.
13. To regulate, subject to statute 21 ofthese statutes and to the regula-
tions, the admission of persons to courses of the University.
14. To make provision for the discipline of undergraduates and students,
and to suspend or expel any undergraduate or student when thought neces-
sary, and generally to carry out the same provisions.
1S. To take orgnizance of and encourage research.
16. To remove examiners for negligenee or misconduct during their term
of office, and it case of such removal to appoint a substitute during the
remainder of the examinations.
17. To recommend to the Council for submission to the Court names for
honorary degrees.
18. To do such other acts and things as the Court shall authorise.
19. No new degree shall be established or other distinction of honour or
merit adopted except after consultation with the Senate.
Statute II.
The Board of each Factilty shall, subject to the agreement referred to in
section 4 (12) of the UniversiLy Ordinance, 1911, consist of the following
1. The Vice-Chancellor.
2. The Dean of the Faunity.
3. The professors and lecturers in the subjects of the Faculty whose
services are exclusively at the disposal of the University.
4. Such other lecturers as the Council may determine after report from
the Senate.
5. Such other persons as the Council may determine after report from
the Senate, provided that their number shall at no time exceed one-fourth of
the total number of the members of the Board of that Faculty.
Statute 12.
The Board of each Faculty shall have the powers following:-
1. To regulate, subject to the control of the Council and the Senate, the
conduct of examination in the subjects assigned to the Faculty.
2. To recommend to the Senate the examiners for appointment.
3. To nominate departmental committees to consider and report on any
special subject or combination of subjects; such departmental committees
may include members of other Faculties.
4. To report to the Senate on statutes and regulations dealing with
courses of study for degrees and other distinctions and on any questions
relating to the work of the Faculty.
5. to deal with any matter referred to it by the Senate.
6. the Boards of Faculties shall be responsible to the Senate for the
teaching of the subjects assigned to their respective Faculties and shall
report to the Senate thereon from time to time.
Statute 13.
Congregations of the whole University for the conferring of degrees or
other purposes shall be held in a manner to be prescribed by regulations,
ad shall be presided over by the Chancellor (or Pro-Chancellor) and by
the Vice-Chancellor in the absence of the Chancellor (or Pro-Chancellor).
Statute 14.
1. The examinations for the degrees shall be conducted by such of the
members of the teaching stafF as may in that behalf be, appointed under
the powers hereinbefore mentioned and by external and independent
2. The Vice-Chancellor may without any report, if he shall think fit, in
ease of a vacancy occurring during an examination or of other emergency
requiring an immediate appointment, appoint an examiner (such examiner,
if the case be that of an external examiner, to be an external examiner) to
act for the examination then pending.
Statute 15.
1. The Court, Council, Senate, and Faculties may respectively appoint
such and so many standing and special Committees as any section to them
fit for the purpose of dealing with any subjects or matters deleated to
such committee, and any such committees (if appointed by the Court or
Council) may (if thought advisable) include persons who are not members
of the bodies appointing them. The powers and duties of such committees
shall be such as the bodies appointing them direct.
2. The Council may make regulations for the proceedings of all com-
mittees, but subject thereto every committee may regulate its own pro-
cedure, times and places of meeting.
3. The Vice-Chancellor shall ex officio be a member of every committee
of the Court, Council or Senate, and of every committee of two or
more of those bodies.
4. The Vice-Chancellor shall ex officio be a member of every committee
of any Faculty.
5. The Deans of Faculties shall be ex officio members of all committees
of their respective Faculties.
Statute 16.
1. Subject to the provisions of the University Ordinance, 1911, and of
these statutes, and after consulation with the Senate, the Council may
appoint or concur with any other body in appointing Advisory Boards,
which may include (if thought advisable) members unconnected with the
University, upon such terms, for such purposes and with such powers as
the Council may consider advisable, and may refer to them for advice and
report any subject or matter which in the opinion of the Council can
advantageously be so dealt with.
2. The Senate at the instance of any Faculty may approve the institution
of a Board which, subject ot review by the Faculty and under conditions
to be determined by regulation, may undertake matters delegated to it
with regard to organisation, adminstration or instruction in any subject or
group of subjects within the province of that Faculty. Any such Board
shall include the examiners in the subject concerned and, in addition to
members of the Faculty, may include other persons whether members of
the University or not. The Senate, on the nomination of the Faculty con-
cerned, shall appoint the members of the respective Boards.
Statute 17.
1. The Vice-Chancellor, the acting Vice - Chancellor, the Dean of any
Faculty, any member of the court or of the Council or of the Senate or of
any Faculty, the auditor or Auditors, and any other officer of the
University may be removed for good cause by the Chancellor upon the
decision of the Council if confirmed by the Court.
2. Good cause when used in reference to removal from office, membership,
or place means :- (1) misbehaviour in office, (2) being a lunatie,
(3) conviction of any felony, (4) actual incapacity in or for the execution of
the duties of the office, membership, or place, or (5) any misbehaviour of an
immoral, scandalous, or disgraceful nature rendering the holder unfit in
the opinion of the Council to continue in office.
Statute 18.
No act or resolution of the court, the Council or the Senate shall be
invalid by reason only of any vacancy in the body doing or passing it,
or by reason of any want of qualification by or invalidity in the election
or appointment of any de facto member of the body whether present or absent.
Statute 19.
(1) Contracts made by or on behalf of the University shall be validly
made and binding on the University if made as follows :-
(a) Any contract, which if inade between private peysons, would be lby
law required to be in writing, and if made according to English law to be
under seal, way be made on behalf of the University in writing under its
seal, and such contract may be in the same manner varied or discharged.
(b) Any contract, which if made between private persons would be by
law required to be in writing and signed by the parties to be charged
therewith, may be made on behalf of the University in writing signed by
by person acting under the express or implied authority of the Council,
and such contract may in the same manner be varied or discharged.
(e) Any contract, which if made between private Persons would by law
be valid although made verbally only and not reduced into writing, may be
made either in writing, or verbally on behalf of the University by any person
acting under the express or implied authority of the Council, and such
contract may be in the same way varied or discharged.
(2) Instruments under seal made on bebalf of the University, scaled with
the seal of the University and signed by either the Chancellor, Pro-
Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, acting Vice-Chancellor, or Treasurer and
countersigned by either the Registrar or the Bursar, shall be deemed to be
duly executed.
Statute 20.
Undergraduates shall reside either in the University buildings or in
approved halls or hostels which shall be subject ot such regulations as the
Council may prescribe: provided that in any special or exceptional case
the Council on report from the Senate may grant exemption from the
provisions of this Statute.
Statute 21.
1. The Senior Oxford local Examination (with a certificate in the case,
(if the Medical Faculty of exemption from Responsions) and the Senior
Cambridge Local Examination (with a certificate in the case of the Medical
Faculty of exemption from the previous examination) and such matricula-
tion examinations of any British university as the Council may by
resolution approve shall be accepted as equivalent to and in limit of
the entrance examination of the University. The subjects and conditions
of the entrance examination to the University shall (until the Council shall
otherwise prescribe) consist (save for exemption therefrom as above set out
and subject to the agreement made between the University and the Hong-
kong College of Medicine dated the 12th day of March, 1912) of the
subjects and conditions Set out in the Schedule to this statute. The
Council may on a recommendation made by any Board of any Faculty and
approved by the Senate prescribe any special subjects for examination for
students of any Faculty additional to those comprised in the entrance
examination above referred to and may also prescribe the standard of such
additional subjects.
The subjects prescribed for the entrance examination are as follows:-
I. - English including reading, dictation, composition, grammar, analysis;
with questions on the general outlines of English history, and on
the general outlines of the geography of Europe and Asia with special
reference to the geography of china.
II - Latin or Classical Chinese, or other Classical Oriental Language.
Latin: - Candidates must pass in (1) grammer (2) translation of a
passage of English prose (3) translation into English of an unprepared
passage (4) either (a) additional unprepared translation or (b) Virgil Aeneid
I, II or (c) Caesar de Bello Gallico III, IV or (d) Cicero, in Catilinam I, II
or (e) any two of the above-mentioned books.
classical Chinese : - Candidates must pass in (1) translation from English into chinese ; and (2)
Chinese into English, prepared work, Mencius I to IV.
III - Mathematics.
(1) Arithmetic.
(2) Algebra up to and including the Binomial Theorem.
(3) Geometry including the subject-matter of Euclid Books I, II and
III, with easy deductions.
IV - One optional subject; Greek, French, German, a modern Chinese
dialect, or other modern Language. (Grammar and easy translation from
and into English.)
A candidate shall be, requirell to pass in I, II and III it one, and the
same time but may pass the optional subject, IV, separately.
A candidate, who has obtained in all the four subjects a number of marks
equivalent to the sum of the marks required for a pass in each, may be
allowed a pass in the whole examination ; Provided that in no single sub-
ject he has obtained less than half of the marks required for a pass, and
that the pass-mark be reached in the English Paper.
The minimum age of entrance to the University shall be sixteen years.
2. Any person who has the preseribed examination and is over
sixteen Years of age may on payment of the prescribed fee be admitted as
an undergraduate of the University : Provided that the Senate may in its
absolute discretion refuse to admit any such person if satisfied that he is
not of good moral character; but such person shall have a right of appeal
to the Council.
Statute 22.
Subscribers who prior to the opening of the University have subscribed
a sum of $500 and upwards may have their names inscribed on a tablet in
the wall of the Hall of the University. Subscribes of $10,000 to the
Endowment Fund may nominate one scholar at a time to study at the
University as an undergraduate without payment of fees provided he is duly
qualified as required by statute 21 of these statutes. For each additional
$10,000 another scholar may be nominated by the donor on the same con-
ditions up to a maximum of four: Provided that the total number of scholars
who are admitted without fees (or without payment for board) shall not with-
out the consent of the Council exceed 50. A subscriber of $50,000 shall, in
addition to the above, be entitled to hae a framed portrait or a bust of
himself in the Hall of the University of such dimensions and so placed as
the Council may determine. A subscriber of more than $50,000 will in
addition be made a life member of the court. Any qualified donor who
desires to exercise anyh or all of these privileges must do so at the time that
he gives his subscription. Any provincial city, town, or village in or out
of China may exercise the like privileges of nominating free scholars, but
the scholars can only be nominated by the representatives of the subscribers
properly accredited to the satisfaction of the Council.
On the death of a donor entitled to nominate one or more scholars under
the above conditions, the right of nomination may be exerciesed by his heir
or representative: Provided that the name of such heir or representative
shall be notified to the Council within a year of the death of the donor.
Failiing such notification, the right of nomination shall lapse to the Council
who may exercise it or not at their discretion.
All British subjects of whatever race shall be eligible for the King
Edward VII scholarships.
Statute 23.
The first Chair of Engineering in the University shall be called the
Taikoo chair of Engineering.
The Taikoo Professor shall be ex officio director of the engineering
laboratories and workshops belonging to the University.
[Third Schedule, rep. No. 16 of 1912.]
Property. Persons in whose name vested. Mortgage debts.
Inland Lot No. 963 comprising Nos. 1 Alexander Macdonald $77,500
to 10 Queen's Gardens. Thomson and William Chatham. [Originally No. 10 of 1911. No. 1 of 1912. Law Rev. Ord,. 1924.] Ordinance No. 2 of 1907. Constitution. Visitor. Patrons. Veto of Governor in Council. Powers. [s. 4 contd.] [s. 4 contd.] Authorities. Chancellor. Pro-Chancellor. Vice-Chancellor. Treasurer, Registrar, and other officers. Court. Council. Finance Committee. Senate. Faculties. Statutes, &c. Second Schedule. Regulations. Examiners. Rules of procedure. Distinctiions of race, nationality and religion forbidden. Dividends prohibited. Real property. Personal property. Mortgages. Fourth Schedule. Construction. Short title. [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule. Statute 21 contd.] [Second Schedule contd]
[Originally No. 10 of 1911. No. 1 of 1912. Law Rev. Ord,. 1924.] Ordinance No. 2 of 1907. Constitution. Visitor. Patrons. Veto of Governor in Council. Powers. [s. 4 contd.] [s. 4 contd.] Authorities. Chancellor. Pro-Chancellor. Vice-Chancellor. Treasurer, Registrar, and other officers. Court. Council. Finance Committee. Senate. Faculties. Statutes, &c. Second Schedule. Regulations. Examiners. Rules of procedure. Distinctiions of race, nationality and religion forbidden. Dividends prohibited. Real property. Personal property. Mortgages. Fourth Schedule. Construction. Short title. [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule contd.] [Second Schedule. Statute 21 contd.] [Second Schedule contd]
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 10 of 1911
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“UNIVERSITY ORDINANCE, 1911,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 31, 2025,