No. 32 of 1909.
An Ordinance to provide, for the periodical inspection on of
steam-boilers and prime movers.
[29th October, 1909.]
1. This Ordinance rnay be cited as the Steam-boilers
Ordinance, 1909.
2.-(1) In this Ordinance,
(a) Boller incIndes any cylinder or vessel for generat-
ing steam under
(b) Owner includes any agent or hirer using any
boiler or prime mover.
(c) Prime mover incluides any steam engine, fly-wheel,
first driving shaft, -and pulley attached to any such engine.
(2) This Ordinance shall not apply to boilers or prime
movers used on board of ships or boats.
3. The Governor may appoint inspectors to inspect boilers
and prime. movers who for the purpose of such inspection
are hereby empowered to enter any premises in or upon
which any such boiler or prime. mover may be at -any
time between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. or at any time when the
machinery, is in motion.
4. The owner of a boiler or prime mover shall not use the
same miless a certificate has been duly granted in respect
thereof in the manner hereinafter provided nor shall he con-
time to use such boiler or prime mover after the expiration
of the period for which such certificate is granted.
5. If the owner of a boiler or prime mover gives notice to
an inspector of his desire to have the same inspected, the
inspector to whorn such notice is given shall make a thorough
examination of such boiler or prime mover and every part
thereof at a time to be appointed by him between sunrise
and sunset, and within a reasonable period after such not
and the, owner or person in charge thereof shall afford to
such inspector all reasonable facilities for such examination
and all such information as may reasonably be required.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
6. If the inspector after making such examination is
satisfied that such boiler or prime mover is in good condition,
he shall on payment by the owner thereof of the prescribed
fees deliver to him a certificate in the form in the Schedule.
7.-(1) The Governor may revoke any such certificate on
any of the following grounds :-
(a) that it has been fraudulently obtained or erroneously
(1)) that it has been granted without suffielent inspection;
(c) that the boiler or prime mover in respect of which it
has been granted has sustained injury or is not in good
condition, or is not in charge of a person competent to have
charge of the same;
(d) that the pressure of steam used is greater than is
allowed by the certificate.
(2) On such revocation -in inspector, not being tbe person
who granted the revoked certificate, shall again examine the
boiler or prime mover in respect of which it was granted,
and if he is satislied that the same, is in good condition and in
charge of a competent person he shall grant another certificate.
8. The owner of a boiler or prirne mover who holds a
certificate therefor shall at all reasonable times during the
period. for which it is in force be bound to produce such
certificate when called upon to do so by any magistrate or
by an inspector.
9. The owner of a boiler or prime mover who uses the
same without or contrary to the terms and conditions of a
certificate duly obtained and in force in respect thereof, shall
-upon sumniary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding
two hundred dollars, and to a further fine not exceeding fifty
dollars for every day after conviction during which such
offence is continued.
10.-(1) It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to
make regulations for any of the following purposes :-
(a) prescribing the times at and the manner in which
boilers and prime movers shall be inspected, including the
preparations to be made for emptying. and cooling down
boilers, opening manhole and mudhole doors, cleaning out
grates, flues, and the like.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord, 1924.
(b) regulating the pressure of steam under which any
boiler may be worked;
(c) prescribing the qualification to be possessed by
engineers and engine-drivers before being entrusted with the
care or management of boilers or prime movers, and, in case of
those not, possessing a certificate of competency as engineers
or engine-drivers, prescribing the nature of the examina-
tion as. to their competency and the issue to them of
certificates of competency
(d) prescribing the fees to be paid for the inspection
of boilers and prime movers, and for the issue of certificates
authorising the use of such boilers and prime movers, and
prescribing the fees to be paid for the examination of and
for the grant of certificates of conipetency to engineers and
engine-drivers ; and
(e) prescribing the precautions to be taken on the
change of engineers and engine-drivers, and the notices to
be given by the owners of boilers and prime movers of any
comtemplated change of engineer or engine-driver.
(2) Before any such regulation is made, a draft thereof
shall be laid on the table of the Legislative Council and
published in the Gazette, and if the same is disapproved by
resolution of the Legislative Council within six weeks frorn
the date of such publication it shall not be made.
SCHEDULE. [s. 6.]
The steam-boilers Ordinance, 1909.
Name of owner ..............................................
Situation of boiler or prime mover .......................
Description of boiler and age .............................
Description of prime mover and age .....................
Power .........................................................
When and where made ....................................
When and where last repaired ...........................
Maximum pressure of steam allowed ....................
Time for which boiler or prime mover is to be used
and certificate to be in force .........................
I, the undersigned, certify that I have examined the boiler (or prime
Mover) above described, and to the best of iny judgment the boiler (or
prime mover) as shown in the above statement is in good condition.
[Originally No. 32 of 1909. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation and application. Inspectors to be appointed. Prohibition of use without a certificate. Inspectors to examine boiler or prime mover on notice. Inspector's certificate. Schedule. Power to revoke certificate. Certificate on re-examination. When owner bound to produce certificate. Penalty for using boiler or prime mover with out certificate. Regulations.
[Originally No. 32 of 1909. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation and application. Inspectors to be appointed. Prohibition of use without a certificate. Inspectors to examine boiler or prime mover on notice. Inspector's certificate. Schedule. Power to revoke certificate. Certificate on re-examination. When owner bound to produce certificate. Penalty for using boiler or prime mover with out certificate. Regulations.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 32 of 1909
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“STEAM-BOILERS ORDINANCE, 1909,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 25, 2025,