No. 7 of 1906.
An Ordinance to empower the governor to grant licences
to search for and prove minerals and to grant licences
and leases of land for the purpose of working mines
and minerals
[29th June 1906.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Prospecting and
Mining Ordinance, 1906.
2. The Governor in Council may, at his absolute discre-
tion, and upon such terins and conditions as he thinks fit,
grant licence and authority to any person to search for and
procure in and from any Crown land specimens of such
metals or minerals as may be specified in such licence,
whether such land be then held under lease from the crown
or otherwise: Provided that no such licence shall be granted
for a period longer than six months, renewable or not as to
the Governor in Council may seem fit.
3. The Governor in Council may, at his absolute discre-
tion, and upon such terms and conditions as he thinks fit,
grant licence and authority to any person to get and carry
away in and from any Crown land such metals or minerals
as may be specified in such licence, whether such land be
then held under lease, from the, Crown or otherwise: provided
that no such licence shall be granted for a period longer
than one year, renewable or not as to the Governor in
Council may seem fit.
As amended by Law Rev. Ord, 1924.
4. it shall be lawful for the Governor to grant and agree
to grant, for any term not exceeding seventy-five years (or
for such longer term as a Secretary of State may authroise),
in the name and on behalf of the King, such leases as may
be declared by the Governor in Council to be expedient to
be granted for the purpose of working such mines, metals
or minerals as may be specified in such leases, upon such
ternis and subject to such conditions as the Governor in
Council may in each case determine.
5.-(1) It shall be lawful or the Governor in Council to
make regulations for the purposes of this Ordinance. Such
regulations may fix the fees and rents and royalties to be
paid in respect of such licences or leases, and may provide
for the recovery of snch fees, rents and royalties.
(2) Such regulations may impose for any breach thereof
such fine not execeding two hundred dollars as the Governor
in council may think fit, and nay such fine may be recovered
[Originally No. 7 of 1906. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Power to grant prospecting licences. Power to grant mining licences. Power to grant mining leases. Regulations.
[Originally No. 7 of 1906. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Power to grant prospecting licences. Power to grant mining licences. Power to grant mining leases. Regulations.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 7 of 1906
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PROSPECTING AND MINING ORDINANCE, 1906,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 26, 2025,