No. 1 of 1904.
an ordinance to provide for the recovery of charges
incurred on account of imbecile persons introduced
into the colony.
[23rd February, 1904.]
1. This Ordinance be cited as the Imbecile Persons Introduction
Ordinance, 1904.
2. In this Ordinance,
(a) ' Person. means any passenger by any vessel, and
also any member of the crew of any vessel, and includes all
other persons on board and belonging in any capaity to any vessel.
(b) - Vessel IncIndes any ship or boat, or any other description.
of vessel -used in navigation, British or foreign.
3. The owner, charterer, agent, consignee, and master of every
vessel from which is landed without permission from the Principal
Civil Medical Officer or health Officer of the Port any person not'
ordinarily resident in the Colony who, being at the time of landing,
lunatic, idiotic, or imbecile, shall becoine within a period of three
months from the date of landing a charge upon the public or upon any
public institution, shall be liable to repay to the Government any
expense on account of such person by reason of his care,
maintenance, or repatriation, -unless such owner, charterer,
As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1924.
agent, consignee, or master can prove that such person
became lunatic, idiotic, or imbecile, after embarkation at
the port or place from which he shipped : Provided that
such expense shall in. no case exceed the sum of five thousand
dollars in the aggregate.
(2) In every case where permission to land any person
frorn any vessel is refused, every such person shall he detained
by the master on board such vessel and shall be prevented,
by force if need be, from landing.
(3) in every case in which permission to land from any
vessel is refused, the officer refusing shall give, a certificate.
of such refusal to the master of such vessel if so required by
(4) No action shall lie against the master of any vessel. or
any person whomsoever for anything done in execution of
the provisions of this Ordinance.
4. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to
shipwrecked. mariners or other shipwrecked persons bronght
to the. Colony without charge by the inaster of a ship other
than that in which they were wrecked, nor to His Majesty's
land and sea forces, nor to distressed British seamen, nor to
natives of the Colony, nor to person,, of Chinese nationality,
nor to person,deported from china under tbe provisions of'
the Orders in council applicable to china.
[Originally No.1 of 1904. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Owner, charterer, etc., liable in certain cases for expenses incurred by the Colony on account of lunatics becoming a charge on the public. Master to detain persons on board in certain cases. Certificate of refusal of permission to land. No action for anything done in execution of Ordinance. Exceptions.
[Originally No.1 of 1904. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Owner, charterer, etc., liable in certain cases for expenses incurred by the Colony on account of lunatics becoming a charge on the public. Master to detain persons on board in certain cases. Certificate of refusal of permission to land. No action for anything done in execution of Ordinance. Exceptions.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1904
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“IMBECILE PERSONS INTRODUCTION ORDINANCE, 1904,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed April 1, 2025,