Distillation of
spirits 17rohi-
No p3rsen to keep
or use a still
miller a penalty
of two thousand
live hundred
c17emlnGS and
druggists may
have stills of
l`~,ILt gillIa178
E*;-fieB_ os'difttai>ce
.)ltstieo of tile
Felice, Offiver of
Cnstomsor other
person duly
appointed sus-
pecGing private
d(stilla.tion tray
eater house or
ytu cc end .size
ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1844.`
Distillation of xSpirits.
No. .8 of 1844.
An Ordinance for prohibiting the distillation of spirits within the Colony
of Hongkona.
[20th March, 1844.
WHEREAS it is expedient to prohibit the distillation of spirits within
the Colony
of Hongkong: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of
Idongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that from,
and after the
passing of this Ordinance, all distillation of spirits from grain, sugar,
molasses, fruit, or
Wy other materials whatsoever, and all rectifying, and compounding
thereof, within the
n, , 0
Colony of Hongkong, and its dependencies, shall be, and the same is
hereby prohibited.
2. And be it further enacted, and ordained, that from, and after the
passing of
this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person, except as
hereinafter is excepted,
to have, keep, or make use of any still, or other utensil or vessel for
distilling spirits,
in any place, or part of the said Colony of Hongkong, and its
dependencies, under a
penalty of a sum not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars, to be
recovered as
hereinafter directed.
$. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall and may be
lawful for the
~` Chief Magistrate of Police for the time being, or other person to be
appointed by the
Governor, for the time being, for that purpose, to issue a licence free
of all charge, to
any apothecary, chemist, or druggist, applying for the same to keep and
use on his
premises, a still of not more than eight gallons contents, for the
purposes of his trade
only, provided that every person, wishing to keep such still, shall
notify his intention
so to do to the said Chief Magistrate, or other person appointed as
aforesaid, who shall
thereupon require such person to give a bond, with two sufficient
sureties, in the sum
of one thousand dollars, that he will not make use of such still,, or
suffer it to be made
use of, except for the preparation of medicines, or other articles
required bomcc fade for
medical purposes, and every, such person found to have such still,
without having
catered into such bond, and obtained such licence, shall forfeit, and pay
a sum not
exceeding two thousand. five hundred dollars.
4. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall and may be
lawful for any
Justice of the Peace, Officer of Customs, or other person duly and
lawfully authorized;
having reasonable grounds to believe, and suspect that any private and
concealed still,
or other utensil, or vessel for the distillation of spirits, is set up,
or kept, in any house,
or place within the said Colony, or its dependencies, to enter into such
house, or place
in the day time, and accompanied by a peace officer, to search for, and
seize any such
still, utensil, or vessel, and also all spirits, and other materials
preparing for distillation,
and either to detain, and keep the same in the house, or place where
found or to
remove the same to the Customs, or Police Office, or other place in
charge of the Officer
of Customs, or Chief Police Magistrate, or as they; or one of them, or
any Justice o
ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1844.
Distillation of ASpirits.
the Peace shall direct, and the said still, or vessel, and all spirits,
and other materials
being prepared for distillation, shall be absolutely forfeited, and the
proprietor, or
owner, or occupier of any house,^or place, where any such private and
concealed still,
utensil, or vessel, shall be so f3und, and seized, or the person or
persons in whose
custody, the same shall be found, shall be liable to, and pay the
penalty, or sum of, not
exceeding five hundred dollars, exclusive of, and in addition to any
other penalty, he
may, be liable to, and if any person shall obstruct oppose molest or
hinder such Justice
of the Peace, Officer of Customs, or other person aforesaid, in the due
searching for, and
seizing any such private, and concealed still, or other utensil, or other
vessel, spirits, and
other materials for distillation, or in detaining, keeping, or removing
the same, car arw^
of them after seizure, then, and in every such case, every person so
offending, shall
forfeit a sum, not exceeding five hundred dollars.
5. And be it further enacted and ordained, that in case any such Justice
of the
Peace, Officer of Customs, or otherperson as aforesaid, after having
demanded admittance
into the house, or place where such private and concealed still, utensil,
or vessel for the
distillation of spirits, is reasonably suspected to be kept and used,
shall not be imme-
diately, and without the least delay admitted into such house, or place,
it shall, and
may be lawful for such Justice of the Peace, Officer of Customs, or other
person as afore.
said, being accompanied by a peace officer, by force to break into, and
enter such house,
or place, and make search therein, and every person found in such house,
or place, after
admittance demanded and refused, shall for every such offence forfeit,
and pay a penalty,
not exceeding five hundred dollars.
g. And be it further enacted and ordained, that all fines, penalties, and
imposed, and accruing under this Ordinance, shall be sued for, and
recovered in such
Supreme Court of Judicature as shall hereafter be erected in Hongkong, or
by summary
proceedings to be had before the Chief Magistrate of Police, or before
any ,two Justices
of the said Colony of Hongkong.
7. And be it further enacted, and ordained that all fines, penalties, and
which shall be levied, and enforced under this Ordinance, shall, after
deducting the
charges of prosecution, from the proceeds thereof, be divided, paid, and
applied as
follows ; that is to say, the moiety, or one half of 'the net proceeds
thereof, shall be
paid to the said Chief Magistrate, for the use of Her Majesty Her Heirs,
and Successors,
to be applied to the public uses of the said Colony, and the other
moiety, or half part
thereof shall be paid, and distributed to, and among such person or
persons, who shall
have assisted in the seizure of, or have given information, or evidence
leading to the con-
viction of the offender or offenders, in such portions, as the said
Court, Chief Magistrate,
or Justices adjudicating upon the matter, shall in their discretion think
proper, and any
overplus of such last mentioned moiety, or half part shall be paid to the
said Chief
Magistrate for the purposes. aforesaid. Repealed by Ordinance No. 9 of
1864 and
new words substituted.]
ERepealed by Ordinance No. 21 of 1886.
Such still abso-
lately forfeited
proprietor or
owner of house
or person in
whose custody
still &c. is found
liable to penalty
of five hundred
Justice or other
Justice or ofcer
empowered to
enter such house
or place.
And after
demand and not
admitted to
break therein.
Penalty for
Recovery of
Fines &c. to be
paid one halfto
the Queen and
one half to the
witnesses &c.
Tilte. Preamble. Distillation of spirits prohibited.
No person to keep or use a still under a penalty of two thousand five hunderd dollars.
Apothecaries chemists and druggists may eight gallons contents [* See Ordinance No. 6 of 1862.]
Justice of the Peace, Officer of Customs or other person duly appointed suspecting private distillation
may enter house or place and seize still. Such still absolutely forfeited proprietor or owner of house or person in whose custody still &c.
is found liable to penalty of five hundred dollars.
Obstructing Justice or other officer. Penalty. Justice of officer empowered to enter such house or place.
Justice or officer empowered to enter such house or place. And after demand and not admitted ot break therein.
And after demand and not admitted ot break therein.
Penalty for refusal.
Recovery of penalties.
Fines &c. to be paid one half ot the Queen and one half to the witnesses &c.
spirits 17rohi-
No p3rsen to keep
or use a still
miller a penalty
of two thousand
live hundred
c17emlnGS and
druggists may
have stills of
l`~,ILt gillIa178
E*;-fieB_ os'difttai>ce
.)ltstieo of tile
Felice, Offiver of
Cnstomsor other
person duly
appointed sus-
pecGing private
d(stilla.tion tray
eater house or
ytu cc end .size
ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1844.`
Distillation of xSpirits.
No. .8 of 1844.
An Ordinance for prohibiting the distillation of spirits within the Colony
of Hongkona.
[20th March, 1844.
WHEREAS it is expedient to prohibit the distillation of spirits within
the Colony
of Hongkong: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of
Idongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that from,
and after the
passing of this Ordinance, all distillation of spirits from grain, sugar,
molasses, fruit, or
Wy other materials whatsoever, and all rectifying, and compounding
thereof, within the
n, , 0
Colony of Hongkong, and its dependencies, shall be, and the same is
hereby prohibited.
2. And be it further enacted, and ordained, that from, and after the
passing of
this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person, except as
hereinafter is excepted,
to have, keep, or make use of any still, or other utensil or vessel for
distilling spirits,
in any place, or part of the said Colony of Hongkong, and its
dependencies, under a
penalty of a sum not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars, to be
recovered as
hereinafter directed.
$. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall and may be
lawful for the
~` Chief Magistrate of Police for the time being, or other person to be
appointed by the
Governor, for the time being, for that purpose, to issue a licence free
of all charge, to
any apothecary, chemist, or druggist, applying for the same to keep and
use on his
premises, a still of not more than eight gallons contents, for the
purposes of his trade
only, provided that every person, wishing to keep such still, shall
notify his intention
so to do to the said Chief Magistrate, or other person appointed as
aforesaid, who shall
thereupon require such person to give a bond, with two sufficient
sureties, in the sum
of one thousand dollars, that he will not make use of such still,, or
suffer it to be made
use of, except for the preparation of medicines, or other articles
required bomcc fade for
medical purposes, and every, such person found to have such still,
without having
catered into such bond, and obtained such licence, shall forfeit, and pay
a sum not
exceeding two thousand. five hundred dollars.
4. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall and may be
lawful for any
Justice of the Peace, Officer of Customs, or other person duly and
lawfully authorized;
having reasonable grounds to believe, and suspect that any private and
concealed still,
or other utensil, or vessel for the distillation of spirits, is set up,
or kept, in any house,
or place within the said Colony, or its dependencies, to enter into such
house, or place
in the day time, and accompanied by a peace officer, to search for, and
seize any such
still, utensil, or vessel, and also all spirits, and other materials
preparing for distillation,
and either to detain, and keep the same in the house, or place where
found or to
remove the same to the Customs, or Police Office, or other place in
charge of the Officer
of Customs, or Chief Police Magistrate, or as they; or one of them, or
any Justice o
ORDINANCE No. 8 of 1844.
Distillation of ASpirits.
the Peace shall direct, and the said still, or vessel, and all spirits,
and other materials
being prepared for distillation, shall be absolutely forfeited, and the
proprietor, or
owner, or occupier of any house,^or place, where any such private and
concealed still,
utensil, or vessel, shall be so f3und, and seized, or the person or
persons in whose
custody, the same shall be found, shall be liable to, and pay the
penalty, or sum of, not
exceeding five hundred dollars, exclusive of, and in addition to any
other penalty, he
may, be liable to, and if any person shall obstruct oppose molest or
hinder such Justice
of the Peace, Officer of Customs, or other person aforesaid, in the due
searching for, and
seizing any such private, and concealed still, or other utensil, or other
vessel, spirits, and
other materials for distillation, or in detaining, keeping, or removing
the same, car arw^
of them after seizure, then, and in every such case, every person so
offending, shall
forfeit a sum, not exceeding five hundred dollars.
5. And be it further enacted and ordained, that in case any such Justice
of the
Peace, Officer of Customs, or otherperson as aforesaid, after having
demanded admittance
into the house, or place where such private and concealed still, utensil,
or vessel for the
distillation of spirits, is reasonably suspected to be kept and used,
shall not be imme-
diately, and without the least delay admitted into such house, or place,
it shall, and
may be lawful for such Justice of the Peace, Officer of Customs, or other
person as afore.
said, being accompanied by a peace officer, by force to break into, and
enter such house,
or place, and make search therein, and every person found in such house,
or place, after
admittance demanded and refused, shall for every such offence forfeit,
and pay a penalty,
not exceeding five hundred dollars.
g. And be it further enacted and ordained, that all fines, penalties, and
imposed, and accruing under this Ordinance, shall be sued for, and
recovered in such
Supreme Court of Judicature as shall hereafter be erected in Hongkong, or
by summary
proceedings to be had before the Chief Magistrate of Police, or before
any ,two Justices
of the said Colony of Hongkong.
7. And be it further enacted, and ordained that all fines, penalties, and
which shall be levied, and enforced under this Ordinance, shall, after
deducting the
charges of prosecution, from the proceeds thereof, be divided, paid, and
applied as
follows ; that is to say, the moiety, or one half of 'the net proceeds
thereof, shall be
paid to the said Chief Magistrate, for the use of Her Majesty Her Heirs,
and Successors,
to be applied to the public uses of the said Colony, and the other
moiety, or half part
thereof shall be paid, and distributed to, and among such person or
persons, who shall
have assisted in the seizure of, or have given information, or evidence
leading to the con-
viction of the offender or offenders, in such portions, as the said
Court, Chief Magistrate,
or Justices adjudicating upon the matter, shall in their discretion think
proper, and any
overplus of such last mentioned moiety, or half part shall be paid to the
said Chief
Magistrate for the purposes. aforesaid. Repealed by Ordinance No. 9 of
1864 and
new words substituted.]
ERepealed by Ordinance No. 21 of 1886.
Such still abso-
lately forfeited
proprietor or
owner of house
or person in
whose custody
still &c. is found
liable to penalty
of five hundred
Justice or other
Justice or ofcer
empowered to
enter such house
or place.
And after
demand and not
admitted to
break therein.
Penalty for
Recovery of
Fines &c. to be
paid one halfto
the Queen and
one half to the
witnesses &c.
Tilte. Preamble. Distillation of spirits prohibited.
No person to keep or use a still under a penalty of two thousand five hunderd dollars.
Apothecaries chemists and druggists may eight gallons contents [* See Ordinance No. 6 of 1862.]
Justice of the Peace, Officer of Customs or other person duly appointed suspecting private distillation
may enter house or place and seize still. Such still absolutely forfeited proprietor or owner of house or person in whose custody still &c.
is found liable to penalty of five hundred dollars.
Obstructing Justice or other officer. Penalty. Justice of officer empowered to enter such house or place.
Justice or officer empowered to enter such house or place. And after demand and not admitted ot break therein.
And after demand and not admitted ot break therein.
Penalty for refusal.
Recovery of penalties.
Fines &c. to be paid one half ot the Queen and one half to the witnesses &c.
Tilte. Preamble. Distillation of spirits prohibited.
No person to keep or use a still under a penalty of two thousand five hunderd dollars.
Apothecaries chemists and druggists may eight gallons contents [* See Ordinance No. 6 of 1862.]
Justice of the Peace, Officer of Customs or other person duly appointed suspecting private distillation
may enter house or place and seize still. Such still absolutely forfeited proprietor or owner of house or person in whose custody still &c.
is found liable to penalty of five hundred dollars.
Obstructing Justice or other officer. Penalty. Justice of officer empowered to enter such house or place.
Justice or officer empowered to enter such house or place. And after demand and not admitted ot break therein.
And after demand and not admitted ot break therein.
Penalty for refusal.
Recovery of penalties.
Fines &c. to be paid one half ot the Queen and one half to the witnesses &c.
No person to keep or use a still under a penalty of two thousand five hunderd dollars.
Apothecaries chemists and druggists may eight gallons contents [* See Ordinance No. 6 of 1862.]
Justice of the Peace, Officer of Customs or other person duly appointed suspecting private distillation
may enter house or place and seize still. Such still absolutely forfeited proprietor or owner of house or person in whose custody still &c.
is found liable to penalty of five hundred dollars.
Obstructing Justice or other officer. Penalty. Justice of officer empowered to enter such house or place.
Justice or officer empowered to enter such house or place. And after demand and not admitted ot break therein.
And after demand and not admitted ot break therein.
Penalty for refusal.
Recovery of penalties.
Fines &c. to be paid one half ot the Queen and one half to the witnesses &c.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1844
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DISTILLATION OF SPIRITS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/12.