NO.1 of 1901.
An Ordinance to settle the Defence defence Contribution of the Conlony.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Defence Contribu-
tion Ordiance, 1901.
2. The Colonial revenues, for the purpose of this Ordi-
namce, shall include the gross receipts, from all sources of
revenue, but shall not include the proceeds of land sales and
premia on leases or statutory land grants.
3. A sum equivalent to twenty per cent. of the Colonial
revenues sahll be appropriated yearly to the Imperial Govern-
ment as a contribution for the defence of the Colony:
Provided that the charges for working expenses and main-
tenance of the British Section of the Kowloon Canton Railway
and of any railways, telephones or other productive under-
takings of a similar character which may hereafter be
established and for interest and sinking fund on any sums
raised by loan and utilized for the construction of such
railways, telephones or undertakings shall be deducted from
the gross receipts of such railways, telephones or undertakings
respectively, and the percentage struck on the net receipts
only if any in each case:
Provided also that frorn and after the ^1st day of JanLiary,
-1911, in the case. of any railways, telephones or other
productive undertakings the cost of the construction of which
has been or hereafter may be defrayed out of the reveinte of
the Colony and not by ineans of' a loari,
deducted annually from the gross receipts of such railways,
telephones or other undertakings during a pedod. of fift
years a sum equal to four per cent. on the capital. expenditure
incurred in the establishment of such railways, telephones oi.
other inidertakings, and the percentage shall be oll
the net receipts, if any after deducting the said sum of four
per cent..
4. In the first instance, the said percentage shall be
calculated on the estimated revenue of the year and shall be
paid at that rate, subject, however, to revision on and adjustment
in the manner following
(1) after the close of any year for which payment has been
made, when the actual revenue has been ascertained, if there
proves to.have been an excess of receipts over the estimate,
a further payment of oventy per cent. of such excess receipts
shall be made; and,
(2) if there proves to have been a delicieney of receipts
,compared with the estimate, a deduction equivalent to bventy
per cent. of such deficiency shall be made from the next
phyment due for the defence contribution,
5...The said percentage shall be deeined to be a fixed
contribution payable. by the Colony in full return. for the
annual cost of the Imperial ' garrison, including all capital
expenditure required for military lands and buildings, and
the cost of maintenance of all military works and buildings,
and the cost of lodgings in lieu of barracks, and all other
military charges whatsoever: -Provided that in no year shall
the sum paid by way of percentage exceed the cost of the
garrison for that year.
6. The said percentage shall be paid monthly, on
the last day of every month each year, into the Imperial.
treasury chest in the Colony on accotint of *flis Alaiesty's
[Originally No. 1 of 1901. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Definition of Colonial revenues. Annual appropriation for defence of the Colony. Net receipts of certain undertakings only to be taken. Mode of calculating percentage. Consideration for payment of percentage. Mode of payment of percentage.
An Ordinance to settle the Defence defence Contribution of the Conlony.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Defence Contribu-
tion Ordiance, 1901.
2. The Colonial revenues, for the purpose of this Ordi-
namce, shall include the gross receipts, from all sources of
revenue, but shall not include the proceeds of land sales and
premia on leases or statutory land grants.
3. A sum equivalent to twenty per cent. of the Colonial
revenues sahll be appropriated yearly to the Imperial Govern-
ment as a contribution for the defence of the Colony:
Provided that the charges for working expenses and main-
tenance of the British Section of the Kowloon Canton Railway
and of any railways, telephones or other productive under-
takings of a similar character which may hereafter be
established and for interest and sinking fund on any sums
raised by loan and utilized for the construction of such
railways, telephones or undertakings shall be deducted from
the gross receipts of such railways, telephones or undertakings
respectively, and the percentage struck on the net receipts
only if any in each case:
Provided also that frorn and after the ^1st day of JanLiary,
-1911, in the case. of any railways, telephones or other
productive undertakings the cost of the construction of which
has been or hereafter may be defrayed out of the reveinte of
the Colony and not by ineans of' a loari,
deducted annually from the gross receipts of such railways,
telephones or other undertakings during a pedod. of fift
years a sum equal to four per cent. on the capital. expenditure
incurred in the establishment of such railways, telephones oi.
other inidertakings, and the percentage shall be oll
the net receipts, if any after deducting the said sum of four
per cent..
4. In the first instance, the said percentage shall be
calculated on the estimated revenue of the year and shall be
paid at that rate, subject, however, to revision on and adjustment
in the manner following
(1) after the close of any year for which payment has been
made, when the actual revenue has been ascertained, if there
proves to.have been an excess of receipts over the estimate,
a further payment of oventy per cent. of such excess receipts
shall be made; and,
(2) if there proves to have been a delicieney of receipts
,compared with the estimate, a deduction equivalent to bventy
per cent. of such deficiency shall be made from the next
phyment due for the defence contribution,
5...The said percentage shall be deeined to be a fixed
contribution payable. by the Colony in full return. for the
annual cost of the Imperial ' garrison, including all capital
expenditure required for military lands and buildings, and
the cost of maintenance of all military works and buildings,
and the cost of lodgings in lieu of barracks, and all other
military charges whatsoever: -Provided that in no year shall
the sum paid by way of percentage exceed the cost of the
garrison for that year.
6. The said percentage shall be paid monthly, on
the last day of every month each year, into the Imperial.
treasury chest in the Colony on accotint of *flis Alaiesty's
[Originally No. 1 of 1901. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Definition of Colonial revenues. Annual appropriation for defence of the Colony. Net receipts of certain undertakings only to be taken. Mode of calculating percentage. Consideration for payment of percentage. Mode of payment of percentage.
[Originally No. 1 of 1901. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Definition of Colonial revenues. Annual appropriation for defence of the Colony. Net receipts of certain undertakings only to be taken. Mode of calculating percentage. Consideration for payment of percentage. Mode of payment of percentage.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1901
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DEFENCE CONTRIBUTION ORDINANCE, 1901,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,