OReDIN&N(iE 96. ''9 bk- r&~a7~
P'eaer of the Colony.
4To. 9 of 1857. ..~;
y see or~.ho. 14 An amended Ordinance for better Securing the Peace of the
of is;o.a
- (15th July, 1857.1
BE it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner following, that is
to say:-
1. His Excellency the Governor in (council may, -by Proclamation, from
time $o
time suspend, and from time to time revive, this Ordinance, or any
portion thereof;
and subject thereto, this Ordinance shall come into force at the time of
thereof, and shall so henceforth continue.
Power tosuspend
and revive this
Forms of night
passes to be
provided, sealed,
and leaned, by
the auperinten-
dent of Police.
531nnlta to
be filled up by
the, octnpler.
Power to rescind
2. Printed forms of passes shall be provided by the Superintendent of
according to the form following, that is to say:-
'This is to certify, that the bearer hereof [name] is authorized to pass
` and repass during the night season from and to the house of [employer's
`naine] in street or road] Victoria, during the period of days from the
`date hereof. Dated this day of
` [Seal] (Signed) A.B., Superintendent of Police.'
which forms shall boar Her Majesty's Arms, and be sealed with the Police
Office seal;
and shall be from time to time issued by the said Superintendent to such
of the
occupiers of the several houses witliin Victoria, for use, as he shall
find to be fit and
proper persons to receive and use the same, and according to the wants of
occupiers : yet so as that no Chinese occupiers shall receive or hold
more than one such
form at any one time; and that no further issue of forms be made to any
occupier nut
upon his delivering up or proving the loss or destruction of .those
whereof he was
previously the holder. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 14 of 18f0.]
3. Every occupier using or allowing to be used any pass, shall first fill
up or
cause to be filled up the blanks therein according to the truth of the
case; jand he
shall not use nor allow to be used any pass except in conformity with the
facts `thereby
appearing; and every offence against this section shall be a misdemeanor.
by Ordinance No. 1'4 of 1870.]~'
4. The Superintendent of Police is empowered from time to time to call in
rescind any pass previously issued by him, whether the times for which
issued shall have then expired or not; and any person wilfully disobeying
any snob
call shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 14 of
Penalty for not 5. Any Chinaman found at large elsewhere than in his own
habitation between
having a i.ight
pass. the hours of eight in the evening and sunrise, and not haviug'a pass
duly issued
and made out in conformity with sections 2 and 3 of this Ordinance, shall
summarily punished by any Justice of the Peace for every such offence,
either by a fine
not exceeding fifty dollars nor less than fifty cents, or by imprisonment
and hard
labour for a term not;exceed%rg fohrtecn days nor' leas thala one day, or
by public
.OfiDINAh'Clix. Na. 9..oFA85'T.
Peace of the E'oduny,
whipping or public ezposuxe in the stocks, yet :;o xs ;f,t no such
offender shall receive
more than twenty blows, or ~be exposed for more than two hours, for any
one offence.
LAme7>,ded by Ordinance No. 6 of 1858:-Proviso added by Ordinance No. 9
of 1864.
Rcliealed by Ordinance No, 14 of 1870.]
6. Any Justice of the Peace may lawfully arrest, or cause to be arrested,
with or
without warrant, any person whom he shall reasonably suspect to be an
emissary or
:abettor of Hm*Xajesty's enemies, or of pirates, or of Chinamen
disaffected to Her
Majesty's Government, or otherwise dangerous to the peace and good order
of this
Colony, and him safely keep until lie can be dealt with according to lave.
7, His Excellency in Council map by order under his hand, prohibit any
not being a natural born or naturalized subject of Her MfLjoaty, from
residing or
being within this Colony during any space of time not exceeding five
years; ,:and (if
.such order shall not be obeyed by the said person) then navy, by some
other order also under
the hand of His said Excellency, authorize and direct the arrest and
imprisonment of such
.person without bail or mainprize, and for laic deportation (being so
arrested and imprisoned)
beyond the limits of this Colony, in which deportation force navy be used
if need be for the
purposes thereof, and if by the said last mentioned order it be so
expressed. Repealed- by
Orrbftma~'e''A`v: -t -ctl 8-71--and words substitute&-]
$. Every person whomsoever required by the Superintendent of
Police to co-operate with any Fire Brigade, whether consisting of
Volunteers or not, so that the same be approved by His Excellency, or
in the working of fire engines, or in the suppression of fire, shall be
to obey such requisition under the penalty, for every case of
of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars; to be imposed by
any Justice of the Peace, [ or (if such Justice shall think fit and the
shall be a Chinaman) of not more than fifteen blows nor less than five
Repealed by Orcli2aa7ace No. 5 of 1880.
9. Sections 3 to 8, both inclusive, of the expired Ordinance No. 1 of
1855, are orl.linnnee re. i
of 1856 (sections
hereby revived arid made perpetual. to 8) revived and
made perpetanl.
10. Division 8 of section 3 of Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 is hereby
amended, by Ordinance No. 14
of 1845 (section
,expunging the words `one hundred and fifty,' and inserting the words
`three hundred' s, division s)
'iri the stead thereof. '
If any Chinaman, not being the holder of a night pass, shall carry abroad
him, whether by night or deny any deadly weapon whatsoever, he shall be
guilty of a
misdemeanor. Repealed by Ordinance No. 14 of 18f0.]
12. All acts done or attempted before the passing of this Ordinance, and
would have been lawful if so done or attempted after the passing thereof,
are hereby
authorized and made valid, and no man shill at any time hereafter be
called in question
fo'r or iii respect of the same . . .
Pourer to arrest
and keep
inspected emis-
saries or abettors
of enemies, &c.
power to depart
for rice years.
[See ov'ds. No. 7
18710 1870 tt No. 4 of
with Fire
[See Of'd. rir,
4 (fzscs.7
Chinamen not
holding passes
shall not carry
Indemnity for
past nets.
[Except section 8 all, not previously repealed, repealed by Ordinance
110. 8 of
[See Ord. No. 14 of 1870.]
Power to suspend and revive this Ordinance.
Forms of night passes to be provided, sealed, and issued, by the Superintendent of Police.
Blanks to be filled up by the occupier.
Power to rescind passes.
Penalty for not having a night pass.
Power to arrest and keep suspected emissaries or abettors of enemies, &c.
Power to deport for five years. [See Ords. No. 7 of 1870 & No. 4 of 1871.]
Co-operation with Fire Brigades. [See Ord. No. 4 of 1868.]
Ordinance No. 1 of 1855 (sections 3 to 8) revived and made perpetual.
Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 (section 3, division 8) amended.
Chinamen not holding passes shall not carry arms.
Indemnity for past acts.
P'eaer of the Colony.
4To. 9 of 1857. ..~;
y see or~.ho. 14 An amended Ordinance for better Securing the Peace of the
of is;o.a
- (15th July, 1857.1
BE it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, in manner following, that is
to say:-
1. His Excellency the Governor in (council may, -by Proclamation, from
time $o
time suspend, and from time to time revive, this Ordinance, or any
portion thereof;
and subject thereto, this Ordinance shall come into force at the time of
thereof, and shall so henceforth continue.
Power tosuspend
and revive this
Forms of night
passes to be
provided, sealed,
and leaned, by
the auperinten-
dent of Police.
531nnlta to
be filled up by
the, octnpler.
Power to rescind
2. Printed forms of passes shall be provided by the Superintendent of
according to the form following, that is to say:-
'This is to certify, that the bearer hereof [name] is authorized to pass
` and repass during the night season from and to the house of [employer's
`naine] in street or road] Victoria, during the period of days from the
`date hereof. Dated this day of
` [Seal] (Signed) A.B., Superintendent of Police.'
which forms shall boar Her Majesty's Arms, and be sealed with the Police
Office seal;
and shall be from time to time issued by the said Superintendent to such
of the
occupiers of the several houses witliin Victoria, for use, as he shall
find to be fit and
proper persons to receive and use the same, and according to the wants of
occupiers : yet so as that no Chinese occupiers shall receive or hold
more than one such
form at any one time; and that no further issue of forms be made to any
occupier nut
upon his delivering up or proving the loss or destruction of .those
whereof he was
previously the holder. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 14 of 18f0.]
3. Every occupier using or allowing to be used any pass, shall first fill
up or
cause to be filled up the blanks therein according to the truth of the
case; jand he
shall not use nor allow to be used any pass except in conformity with the
facts `thereby
appearing; and every offence against this section shall be a misdemeanor.
by Ordinance No. 1'4 of 1870.]~'
4. The Superintendent of Police is empowered from time to time to call in
rescind any pass previously issued by him, whether the times for which
issued shall have then expired or not; and any person wilfully disobeying
any snob
call shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 14 of
Penalty for not 5. Any Chinaman found at large elsewhere than in his own
habitation between
having a i.ight
pass. the hours of eight in the evening and sunrise, and not haviug'a pass
duly issued
and made out in conformity with sections 2 and 3 of this Ordinance, shall
summarily punished by any Justice of the Peace for every such offence,
either by a fine
not exceeding fifty dollars nor less than fifty cents, or by imprisonment
and hard
labour for a term not;exceed%rg fohrtecn days nor' leas thala one day, or
by public
.OfiDINAh'Clix. Na. 9..oFA85'T.
Peace of the E'oduny,
whipping or public ezposuxe in the stocks, yet :;o xs ;f,t no such
offender shall receive
more than twenty blows, or ~be exposed for more than two hours, for any
one offence.
LAme7>,ded by Ordinance No. 6 of 1858:-Proviso added by Ordinance No. 9
of 1864.
Rcliealed by Ordinance No, 14 of 1870.]
6. Any Justice of the Peace may lawfully arrest, or cause to be arrested,
with or
without warrant, any person whom he shall reasonably suspect to be an
emissary or
:abettor of Hm*Xajesty's enemies, or of pirates, or of Chinamen
disaffected to Her
Majesty's Government, or otherwise dangerous to the peace and good order
of this
Colony, and him safely keep until lie can be dealt with according to lave.
7, His Excellency in Council map by order under his hand, prohibit any
not being a natural born or naturalized subject of Her MfLjoaty, from
residing or
being within this Colony during any space of time not exceeding five
years; ,:and (if
.such order shall not be obeyed by the said person) then navy, by some
other order also under
the hand of His said Excellency, authorize and direct the arrest and
imprisonment of such
.person without bail or mainprize, and for laic deportation (being so
arrested and imprisoned)
beyond the limits of this Colony, in which deportation force navy be used
if need be for the
purposes thereof, and if by the said last mentioned order it be so
expressed. Repealed- by
Orrbftma~'e''A`v: -t -ctl 8-71--and words substitute&-]
$. Every person whomsoever required by the Superintendent of
Police to co-operate with any Fire Brigade, whether consisting of
Volunteers or not, so that the same be approved by His Excellency, or
in the working of fire engines, or in the suppression of fire, shall be
to obey such requisition under the penalty, for every case of
of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars; to be imposed by
any Justice of the Peace, [ or (if such Justice shall think fit and the
shall be a Chinaman) of not more than fifteen blows nor less than five
Repealed by Orcli2aa7ace No. 5 of 1880.
9. Sections 3 to 8, both inclusive, of the expired Ordinance No. 1 of
1855, are orl.linnnee re. i
of 1856 (sections
hereby revived arid made perpetual. to 8) revived and
made perpetanl.
10. Division 8 of section 3 of Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 is hereby
amended, by Ordinance No. 14
of 1845 (section
,expunging the words `one hundred and fifty,' and inserting the words
`three hundred' s, division s)
'iri the stead thereof. '
If any Chinaman, not being the holder of a night pass, shall carry abroad
him, whether by night or deny any deadly weapon whatsoever, he shall be
guilty of a
misdemeanor. Repealed by Ordinance No. 14 of 18f0.]
12. All acts done or attempted before the passing of this Ordinance, and
would have been lawful if so done or attempted after the passing thereof,
are hereby
authorized and made valid, and no man shill at any time hereafter be
called in question
fo'r or iii respect of the same . . .
Pourer to arrest
and keep
inspected emis-
saries or abettors
of enemies, &c.
power to depart
for rice years.
[See ov'ds. No. 7
18710 1870 tt No. 4 of
with Fire
[See Of'd. rir,
4 (fzscs.7
Chinamen not
holding passes
shall not carry
Indemnity for
past nets.
[Except section 8 all, not previously repealed, repealed by Ordinance
110. 8 of
[See Ord. No. 14 of 1870.]
Power to suspend and revive this Ordinance.
Forms of night passes to be provided, sealed, and issued, by the Superintendent of Police.
Blanks to be filled up by the occupier.
Power to rescind passes.
Penalty for not having a night pass.
Power to arrest and keep suspected emissaries or abettors of enemies, &c.
Power to deport for five years. [See Ords. No. 7 of 1870 & No. 4 of 1871.]
Co-operation with Fire Brigades. [See Ord. No. 4 of 1868.]
Ordinance No. 1 of 1855 (sections 3 to 8) revived and made perpetual.
Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 (section 3, division 8) amended.
Chinamen not holding passes shall not carry arms.
Indemnity for past acts.
[See Ord. No. 14 of 1870.]
Power to suspend and revive this Ordinance.
Forms of night passes to be provided, sealed, and issued, by the Superintendent of Police.
Blanks to be filled up by the occupier.
Power to rescind passes.
Penalty for not having a night pass.
Power to arrest and keep suspected emissaries or abettors of enemies, &c.
Power to deport for five years. [See Ords. No. 7 of 1870 & No. 4 of 1871.]
Co-operation with Fire Brigades. [See Ord. No. 4 of 1868.]
Ordinance No. 1 of 1855 (sections 3 to 8) revived and made perpetual.
Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 (section 3, division 8) amended.
Chinamen not holding passes shall not carry arms.
Indemnity for past acts.
Power to suspend and revive this Ordinance.
Forms of night passes to be provided, sealed, and issued, by the Superintendent of Police.
Blanks to be filled up by the occupier.
Power to rescind passes.
Penalty for not having a night pass.
Power to arrest and keep suspected emissaries or abettors of enemies, &c.
Power to deport for five years. [See Ords. No. 7 of 1870 & No. 4 of 1871.]
Co-operation with Fire Brigades. [See Ord. No. 4 of 1868.]
Ordinance No. 1 of 1855 (sections 3 to 8) revived and made perpetual.
Ordinance No. 14 of 1845 (section 3, division 8) amended.
Chinamen not holding passes shall not carry arms.
Indemnity for past acts.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 9 of 1857
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PEACE OF THE COLONY ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,