No. 1 of 1884.
An Ordinance to regulate the qualifications and to provide
for registration of practitioners in medicine and
[5th April, 1884.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Medical Registra-
tion Ordinance, 1884.
2. In this Ordinance,
* As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1923.
+ As amended by No. 31 of 1914, Law Rev. Ord., 1923, and Law Am. Ord., 1923.
(a) Person registered or words to the like effect, shall
be deemed to refer to aperson registered under this Ordi-
(b) Practise includes the diagnosis of any form or forms
of disease whether the cases diagnosed be treated medically
or surgically or not, provided that laboratory assistants who
work for or under a registered pracititioner shall not by
reason only of such laboratory work be deemed to practise
medicine or surgery.
3.-(1) Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to
affect the reight of any Chinese person to practise medicine
or surgery according to purely Chinese methods and to
demand and recover reasonable charges in respect of such
practice: Provided that such person does not take or use
any name, title or addition calculated to induce any one to
believe that he is qualified to paractise medicine or surgery
according to modern scientific methods.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance contained
every present and every future licentiate of the Hongkong
College of Medicine shall be entitled to practise medicine
and surgery and to demand and recover reasonable charges
in respect of such practice: Provided that nos such licentiate
shall be entitled to sign any certificate required for the
purposes of the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance,
1896, unless he has been authorised thereto by the Governor.
[(3), rep. No. 2 of 1923.]
3.-(1) Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to
affect the right of any Chinese person to practise medicine
or surgery according to purely Chinese methods and to
demand and recovwer reasonable charges in respect of such
practice: Provided that such person does not take or use
any name, title or addition calculated to induce any one to
believe that he is qualified to practise medicine or surgery
according to modern scientific methods.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance contained
every present and every future licentiate of the Hongkong
College of Medicine shall be entitled to practise medicine
and surgery and to demand and recover reasonable charges
in respect of such practice: Provided that no such licentiate
shall be entitled to sign any certificate required for the
purposes of the births and Deaths Registration Ordinance,
1896, unless he has been authorised thereto by the Governor.
[(3), rep. No. 2 of 1923.]
4. The Colonial Secretary shall keep a register of medical
and surgical practitioners qualified to practise medicine and
surgery in this Colony, as nearly as amy be according to
Form No. 1 in the Schedule.
5. A copy of the register as it then stands shall be
punished by the Colonial Secretary in the first Gazette issued
after every 3rd day of May. The absence of the name of
any person therefrom shall be prima facie evidence that sch
person is not registered.
6.-(1) The Colonial Secretary shall make the necessary
alterations in the addresses or qualifications of the oersons
registered, and cancel in the register the names of all persons
registered who have died or ceased to be qualified.
* As amended by No. 31 of 1914, and No. 2 of 1923.
(2) The Colonial Secretary may send a letter to, any
registered person, addressed to him according to his address
in the register, to inquire whether he his changed his
residence, and if he does not receive an answer within six
months he may cancel the name of such person.
7. Every person registered shall be entitled to practise
medicine and surgery in this Colony, and to demand and
recover reasonable charges for medical or surgical aid render-
ed and the cost of medicines or surgical appliances supplied
by him.
8. Subject ot the provisions of section 3, no person shall
be entitled to recover in any action any charge for any
practice of medicine or surgery by any person not registered.
9.-(1) No certificate which is,k by any Act of parliament
or Ordinance, required to be signed by a physician, a
suregeon, an apothecary, or any other medical or surgical
practitioner shall be valid unless the person signing it is
registerd: Provided that medical certificates of the cause
of death for the purposes of the Births and Deaths Registra-
tion Ordinance, 1896, if signed by any person authorised in
that behalf by the Governor, shall be as valid in all respects
as if they were signed by a registered person.
(2) A list of the persons authorised shall be published in
the first Gazette issued after every 3rd day of May.
(3) The Governor in Council shall have power to make
regulations to be observed by persons so authorised and the
Governor shall have power to withdraw his authorisation from
any person who in his opinion has failed to observe any of
the said regulations.
10.(1) A boaed, to be styled the Medical Borad, shall
be established, and shall conssist of the Principal Civil
Medical Officer and the Senior Naval and Military Medical
Officers for the time being in the Colony, and two registered
medical practitioners and three other fit persons willing to
serve who may be appointed by the Governor.
* But see No. 8 of 1921, s. 21.
+ As amended by No. 31 of 1914.
+ As amended by Law Am. Ord., 1923.
(2) A member appointed by the Governor shall hold office
for three years, and may be re-appointed or removed by the
Governor at his pleasure.
(3) Three members of the Medical Board shall form a
[s. 11, rep. No. 2 of 1923.]
12. Subject to the other provisions of this Ordinance, the
folowing persons shall be entitled to be registered:-
(a) Any peson who is duly registered accofding to law as
a medical and surgical practitioner in any other part of His
Majesty's dominions and therein is entitled to practise
medicine, suegery and midwifery: Provided that such
person's qualification is accepted by the General Council of
Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom
as admitting to registration by them:
(b) any person who holds any degree in medicine and
surgery granted by the University of Hongkong:
(c) Any peson who holds a degree, diploma or licence in
medicine and surgery of any medical school in Europe, the
United States of Americal or the Empire of Japan, the degrees,
diplomas and licences of which are recognised as entitling
to registration by the General Council of Medical Education
and Registration of the United Kingdom:
Provided always that any such person shall prove to the
satisfaction of the Medical Board that he is of good character.
13.-(1) Documentary or other evidence of the identity of
any person applying for registration under section 12 and of
the facts and qualifications therin referred to shall be sub-
mitted to and forthwith considered by the Medical Board.
(2) If the Medical Board is satisfied with the proofs sub-
mitted, it shall grant to such person a certificate in Form
No. 3 in the Schedule or as neaaar thereto as circumstances
will permit.
(3) Such certificate shall be impressed with a stamp of
twenty-five dollars, and, on production to the Colonial
Secretary, shall entitle such person to registration as a medical
* As amended by No. 31 of 1914, and Law Am. Ord., 1923.
+ As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1923, and Law Am. ord., 1923.
(4) If the Medical Board is not satisfied that such person
has been registered as aforesaid, or with his diploma or other
document as aforesaid, or with the evidence of qualification,
or with the character of the applicant, it shall submit the
case, with a full report thereon, together with all documents
in connexion therewith, to the Governor in Council, who shall
decide whether the Medical Board shall or shall not give the
certificate as aforesaid, and such decision shall be final.
14. If any registered practitioner is convicted of any felony
or misdemeanor, or, after due inquiry, is considered by the
Medical Board to have been guilty of infamous conduct in
any professional respect, the Medical Board may inform the
Colonial Secretary thereof, stating the particulars of the case
in full, and the Colonial Secretary may thereupon, if he thinks
fit, strike the name of such practitioner off the register.
[s. 15, rep. No. 21 of 1922.]
16. Every person who fraudulently procures or attempts
to procure himself or any other person to be registered by
making or producing, or causing to be made or produced,
any false or fraudulent representation or declaration, either
oral or in writing, and every person who aids and assists him
therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable
to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years.
17.-Every person who-
(1) wilfully and falsely takes or uses any name, title, or
addition implying a qualification to practise medicine or
surgery; or
(2) not beng registered practises for gain, professes to
practise, or publishes his name as practising, medicine or
surgery, or receives any payment as practising medicine or
shall upon summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceed-
ing one hundred dollars.
18.-(1) all questions respecting the right of any person
to be registered, or the mode of registration, or the liability
of any person to be struck off the register, and all questions
* As amended by Law am. Ord., 1923.
+ As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1923.
respecting any alteration of the register, shall, in case of
dispute, be decided by the Medical Board, subject to an
appeal to the Governor in Council.
(2) If there is no such appeal, the order, direction, or
decision shall be final.
(3) If there is such an appeal, the decision of the Governor
in Council shall be final, and he may give all such directions
to the Colonial Secretary as may be necessary for enforcing
such decision.
19. All civil medical officers and all medical officers of
His Majesty's Navy and Army, respectively serving in this
Colony on full pay, shall be deemed to be registered
20.-(1) No person shall be registered who is not entitled
to be registered under the provisions of section 12.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to remove
from the register any person who, in the opinion of the
Governor in Council, would not be entitled to be registered
unnder the provisions of section 12, and who, in the opinion
of the Governor Council, shall not have been engaged in
continuous practice in the Colony for a period of at least
three months at any time during the period of five years
next preceding the publication in the Gazette of notice of
proposal to make an order for the removal of such person
from the register.
(3) Notice of such proposal shall, if possible, be sent to
the person against whom the order is proposed to be made.
FORM No. 1. [s. 4.]
Medical Register.
* As amended by No. 31 of 1914 and No. 2 of 1923.
[FORM No. 2, rep. law Amendment Ordinance, 1923.]
FORM NO. 3. [S. 13.]
Certificate of qualification for registration.
HONGKONG. This is to certify that A.B. has satisfied the Midical
Board that he is duly registered according to law as a
medical practitioner in
and therein is entitled to practise medicine, surgery and
midwifery, and also that he is entitled to be registered
by the General Council of Medical Education and
Registration of the United Kingdom (or that he holds
the degre of of the University
of Hongkong, or that he holds a degree, diploma or
licence in medicine and surgery of
which is a medical school the degrees, diplomas and licences of which
are recognised as entitling to registraton by the General Council of
Medical Education and Registration of the United Kongdom); that he
is of good character; and that he is entitled to be registered under the
Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884.
Dated the day of , 19 .
By order,
Secretary of the Medical Board.
[Originally No. 6 of 1884. No. 31 of 1914. No. 21 of 1922. No. 2 of 1923. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Saving of rights of Chinese person who practise according to Chinese methods. Right of licentiates of the Hongkong College of Medicine. Ordinance No. 7 of 1896. Register of practitioners. Schedule. Form No. 1. Publication of copy of register. Making alterations in register. Registered person may practise and recover charges. Unregistered person not to recover charges. Avoidance of certificate of unregistered person. Ordinance No. 7 of 1896. Constitution of Medical Board. Persons entitled to registration. Evidence of qualification of person applying to be registered. Schedule. Form No. 3 . Striking practitioner off register for crime or infamous professional conduct. Fraudulent registration. Penalty on person falsely taking name implying qualification. Right of appeal to Governor in Council. Saving as to civil and naval and military medical officers. Unqualified person not to be registered. Removal from register of unqualified person. Notice of proposed removal.
[Originally No. 6 of 1884. No. 31 of 1914. No. 21 of 1922. No. 2 of 1923. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Interpretation. Saving of rights of Chinese person who practise according to Chinese methods. Right of licentiates of the Hongkong College of Medicine. Ordinance No. 7 of 1896. Register of practitioners. Schedule. Form No. 1. Publication of copy of register. Making alterations in register. Registered person may practise and recover charges. Unregistered person not to recover charges. Avoidance of certificate of unregistered person. Ordinance No. 7 of 1896. Constitution of Medical Board. Persons entitled to registration. Evidence of qualification of person applying to be registered. Schedule. Form No. 3 . Striking practitioner off register for crime or infamous professional conduct. Fraudulent registration. Penalty on person falsely taking name implying qualification. Right of appeal to Governor in Council. Saving as to civil and naval and military medical officers. Unqualified person not to be registered. Removal from register of unqualified person. Notice of proposed removal.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1884
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“MEDICAL REGISTRATION ORDINANCE, 1884,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 14, 2025,