No. 6 of 1875.
An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the laws relating
to the recovery of Crown debts fees, and foreitures.
[18th September, 1875]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Crown Remedies
Ordinance, 1875.
2. Whenever any person makes default in payment of
any sum of money due or payable by him to the Crown in
respect of rent, or of any assessment for rates, or of any fees
or forfeitures, or of any instalment thereof, the Treasurer
may recover the same by action in the Supreme Court in its
summary jurisdiction, although the amount claimed exceeds
one thousand dollars.
* As amended by Law Rev. Ord., 1923.
3. The writ of summons in any such action shall be taken
to have been duly served if it appears, to the satisfaction of
the court, that the writ was left at the defendant's residence
or place of business, or, in case the same is, unknown, then
that it was left on the tenement or premises in respect of
which the claim is made.
4.-(1) A certificate purporting to be under the hand of
the Treasurer, and setting forth that the sum claimed is due
or payable to the Crown and that the person sued is liable
to the payment thereof, and specifying the nature and
particulars of the claim, shall be prima facie evidence of the
facts certified therein and of the signature of the Treasurer
(2) Such certificate shall be sufficient if made in the form
in the Schedule or to the like effect.
5. In an action for the recovery of Crow, rent, the
certificate shall not be sufficient unless it purports to be
signed by the Land Officer as well as by the Treasurer.
6. In all matters under this Ordinance, the Treasurer
shall sue as Treasurer, but may be represented in the court
by an person whom he may appoint in that behalf.
7. In any case under this Ordinance, the court may award
interest at the rate of eight per cent. per annum on the sum
recovered from the day when the same became due or pay-
8. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affectany other remedy
of the Crown for the recvovery of such sums as aforesaid.
9.-(1) The Treasurer may, with the approval of the
Court, appoint a special bailiff, for the service of process in
proceedings under this Ordinance.
(2) Such special bailiff shall have, in respect of such
proceedings, the like powers, and shall be entitled to recelve
the same fees for the service of process therein, as the bailiff
of the Supreme Court.
SCHEDULE. [s. 4.]
Nature and particulars of claim for Crown rent.
I, A. B., Coloniao Treasurer of Hongkong, hereby certify that the
several persons whose names are entered in the first column of the
above schedule have made default in the payment of the sums appear-
ing opposite to their respective names in the second column, in respect
of Crown rent, and I, C.D., Land Officer, hereby certify that the
particulars of the above claims for Crown rent against such persons are
truly set forth opposite their respective names in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th
Dated the day of , 19 .
(Signed.) Treasurer.
(Signed.) Land Officer.
Nature and particulars of claim for police, ighting, wate and
Fire Brigade rates
I, A. B., Colonial Treasurer of Hongkong, hereby certify that the
seveal persons whose names are entered in the first column of the
above schedule have made default in the payment to the Crown of the
sums appearing opposite to their respective names in the second column,
and that the said persons are severally liable to the payment thereof in
respect of the claims, the nature and particulars of which are truly set
forth opposite their respective names in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th columns.
Dated the day of , 19
(Signed.) Treasurer.
Nature and particulars of claim for spirit licence fees.
I, A.B., Colonial Treasurer of Hongkong, hereby certify that the
several persons whose names are entered in the first column of the
abvoe schedule have made default in the payment to the Crown of the
sums appearing opposite to their respective names in the second column,
and that the said persons are severally liable to the payment thereof in
respect of the claims, the nature and particulars of which are truly set
forth opposite their respective names in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th columns.
Dated the day of , 19 .
(Signed.) Treasurer.
[Originally No. 13 of 1875. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Power to Treasurer to sue for rent, etc., due to the Crown. Service of writ of summons. Certificate of Treasurer to be evidence. Schedule. Land Officer to sign in case of Crown rent. Treasurer may appear by any person. Interest. Saving of other remedies. Appointment and powers of special bailiff.
[Originally No. 13 of 1875. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Power to Treasurer to sue for rent, etc., due to the Crown. Service of writ of summons. Certificate of Treasurer to be evidence. Schedule. Land Officer to sign in case of Crown rent. Treasurer may appear by any person. Interest. Saving of other remedies. Appointment and powers of special bailiff.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 6 of 1875
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CROWN REMEDIES ORDINANCE, 1875,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 15, 2025,