[No. 9 of 1904.]
An Ordinance for enabling the Tung Wa Hospital to acquire,
mortgage and sell lands and hereditaments.
[28th September, 1904.]
WHEREAS several leasehold hereditaments and premises have been
purchased by, or for and on behalf of and are now being held and
enjoyed by, the Tung Wa Hospital: AND WHEREAS doutbs have
arisen as to whether the power conferred upon the Tung Wa
Hospital by ORdinance No. 1 of 1870 to purchase, hold, take and
enjoy to themselves and their successors, houses, lands and
hereditaments which might be required for the purposes of the said
hospital, is sufficient to entitle the Tung Wa Hospital to acquire,
* No. 9 of 1904 to be treated as incorporated in No. 1 of 1870.
(No. 8 of 1912, s.16)
+ As amended by law Rev. Ord., 1923.
take, hold and enjoy houses, buildings, lands and hereditaments,
which may not be directly required for the purposes or the said
hospital, but which have been, or may hereafter be purchased out
of, and for the purpose of investing, the surplus funds of the said
hospital: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient, for the purpose of
removing such doubts, that an Ordinance should be passed vesting
the said hereditaments and premises in the Tung Wa Hospital and
conferring upon the Tung Wa Hospital posver to acquire, hold,
mortgage and sell any lands and hereditaments in this Colony:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Tung Wa Hospital
(Acquisition of Property) Ordinance, 1904.
2. All the messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments
described in the Schedule shall be and become, and remain
and continue, vested in the Tung Wa Hospital, its successors
and assigns, for the unexpired residue of the serevral and
respective terms of years created by the Crown leases of the
said lands respectively, but subject to the payment of the
Crown rent, or due proportion of Crown rent reserved hy such
leases respectively and subject to the performance and
observance of the covenants and conditions and subject to
the provisions respectively contained in such Crown leases,
so far as the same to the said hereditaments and
3. It shall and may be lawful for the Tung Wa Hospital
(with the consent inwriting of the Governor) to purchase, or
otherwise acquire, hold, take and enjoy any messuages, land,
tenements and herediatments whatsoever in this Colony.
4. It shall be lawful for the Tung Wa Hospital with the
consent in writing of the Governor to sell, exchange, mort-
gage or in any manner dispose of, or, without such consent,
to let or demise for any term not exceeding three years, any
of the messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments hereby
vested in, or hereafteracquired by the tung Wa Hospital,
and aslo to do any other act, matter or thing in relation to
any such messuages, tenements, and hereditaments which
the tung Wa Hospital shall deem necessary or expedient.
5. Upon any such sale, mortgage or disposition of any
of the said messuages, lands, tenements and hereidtaments,
the signature of the Governor indorsed upo the deed or
* As amended by Law Am. Ord., 1923.
+ As amended by Law Am. Ord., 1923.
other document effectuating such sale, mortgage or disposi-
tion, shall be sufficient evidence that the consent required by
section 4 has been obtained.
6. The Tung Wa Hospital may lend money on mortgage
of any messuages, land,s tenements or hereditaments, and
may exercise all the ordinary rights, powers and privileges
or a mortgagee as to foreclosure or sale of the mortgaged
property, or otherwise.
7. all deeds, documents and other instruments requriing
the seal of the Tung Wa hospital shall be sealed with its
common seal in the presence of two directors and shall also
be signed by them, and such signing shall be taken as
sufficient evidence of the due sealing of such deeds, documents
and other instruments.
8. The annual statment of the assets and liabilities of
the corporation required by section 15 of the Tung Wa
Hospital Incorporation Ordinance, 1870, shall include a
shcedule of all messuages, lands, tenements, hereidtaments,
mortgages and other investments then held by the Tung
Wa Hospital.
9. Nothing herein contained shall affect, or be deemed to
affect, the rights of His Majesty the King.
1 Se'etion A of Inland Lot No. 13. 10 Inland Lot No. 952.
2 Inland Lot, No. 361. 11 Inland Lot No. 1082.
3 Inland Lot No. 560. 12 Inland Lot No. 1158.
4 Inland Lot No. 561. 13 Marine Lot No. 48.
5 Inland Lot No. 562 14 Inland Lot No. 1440.
6 Remaining Portion of Inland Lot 15 Inland Lot No. 1613.
No. 697. 16 Inland Lot No. 1637.
7 Inland Lot No. 761. 17 Inland Lot No. 1701.
8 Inland Lot No. 835. 18 Inland Lot No. 1718.
9 Inland Lot No. 866.
[Originally No. 9 of 1904. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Property vested in the Tung Wa Hospital. Schedule. Power to acquire land. Power to sell, etc., and to demise. Proof of consent of Governor. Power to lend money on mortgage. Execution of deeds. Annual statement. Ordinance No. 1 of 1870. Rights of Crown reserved.
[Originally No. 9 of 1904. Law Rev. Ord., 1924.] Short title. Property vested in the Tung Wa Hospital. Schedule. Power to acquire land. Power to sell, etc., and to demise. Proof of consent of Governor. Power to lend money on mortgage. Execution of deeds. Annual statement. Ordinance No. 1 of 1870. Rights of Crown reserved.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 9 of 1904
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“TUNG WA HOSPITAL (ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY) ORDINANCE, 1904,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 18, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/1083.