No. 1 of 1857.
Intestates' Estates.
An Ordinance for Intestates' Estates.
[3rd January, 1857.]
BE it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows -.-
Repeal or oral. 1. Ordinance No. 5 of 1$55 is hereby repealed, and
Ordinance No. 6 of 1854 (with
nanca No. 5 of
nss~, and reviver the exception of section 5 of the last-mentioned
Ordinance) is hereby revived.
of Ordinance No. 6j~o--ept
section 62. The Officer Administering the Government of this Colony
shall, from time, to:
claimstoLemaae time, as occasions shall require, repay or make good to any
persons preferring and
good out of the
oP they. ne duly proving their claims to the same after confiscation
thereof for Colonial purposes
under section 3 of Ordinance No. 6 of 1854, all funds so confiscated ;
and all monies
in the Treasury forming part of, or arising from, the general revenue of
the said.
Colony, shall be applicable in so repaying or making good the same.
Power to 3. It shall be lawful for any claimant, under section 2 of this
Ordinance, in
claimants toped- case his claim shall not be allowed by the said officer,
to present his summary petition
tion the Supreme
court to r, quit)-.
in that behalf to the Supreme Court in Equity, against the Queen's
Attorney General
as respondent thereto; and if he shall verify his said claim by evidence
to the
satisfaction of the said Supreme Court, it shall be the duty of the said
Court ,to make
such order in the premises as justice shall require ; and upon the
application of the
same, or any other claimant or person, or of the said Attorney General,
from time to time
to vary the same and to enforce every such order according to the
practice of the
Supreme Court.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 7 of 1885.]
Repeal of Ordinance No. 5 of 1855, and revivor of Ordinance No. 6 of 1854, (except section 5).
Subsequent claims to be made good out of the general revenue of the Colony.
Power to unsuccessful claimants to petition the Supreme Court in Equity.
Intestates' Estates.
An Ordinance for Intestates' Estates.
[3rd January, 1857.]
BE it enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong,
with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows -.-
Repeal or oral. 1. Ordinance No. 5 of 1$55 is hereby repealed, and
Ordinance No. 6 of 1854 (with
nanca No. 5 of
nss~, and reviver the exception of section 5 of the last-mentioned
Ordinance) is hereby revived.
of Ordinance No. 6j~o--ept
section 62. The Officer Administering the Government of this Colony
shall, from time, to:
claimstoLemaae time, as occasions shall require, repay or make good to any
persons preferring and
good out of the
oP they. ne duly proving their claims to the same after confiscation
thereof for Colonial purposes
under section 3 of Ordinance No. 6 of 1854, all funds so confiscated ;
and all monies
in the Treasury forming part of, or arising from, the general revenue of
the said.
Colony, shall be applicable in so repaying or making good the same.
Power to 3. It shall be lawful for any claimant, under section 2 of this
Ordinance, in
claimants toped- case his claim shall not be allowed by the said officer,
to present his summary petition
tion the Supreme
court to r, quit)-.
in that behalf to the Supreme Court in Equity, against the Queen's
Attorney General
as respondent thereto; and if he shall verify his said claim by evidence
to the
satisfaction of the said Supreme Court, it shall be the duty of the said
Court ,to make
such order in the premises as justice shall require ; and upon the
application of the
same, or any other claimant or person, or of the said Attorney General,
from time to time
to vary the same and to enforce every such order according to the
practice of the
Supreme Court.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 7 of 1885.]
Repeal of Ordinance No. 5 of 1855, and revivor of Ordinance No. 6 of 1854, (except section 5).
Subsequent claims to be made good out of the general revenue of the Colony.
Power to unsuccessful claimants to petition the Supreme Court in Equity.
Repeal of Ordinance No. 5 of 1855, and revivor of Ordinance No. 6 of 1854, (except section 5).
Subsequent claims to be made good out of the general revenue of the Colony.
Power to unsuccessful claimants to petition the Supreme Court in Equity.
Repeal of Ordinance No. 5 of 1855, and revivor of Ordinance No. 6 of 1854, (except section 5).
Subsequent claims to be made good out of the general revenue of the Colony.
Power to unsuccessful claimants to petition the Supreme Court in Equity.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1857
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“INTESTATES' ESTATES ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 25, 2025,