1.-Treaty of Tientsin-26th June, 1858.
2.-Convention of Chefoo, art. 7-13th September, 1876.
3.-Additional Article (London)-18th July, 1885.
4.-Opium Convention-11th September, 1886.
5.-Mackay Commercial Treaty, arts. 3, 4, 7, 15-5th September, 1902.
6.-Labour Convention (London)-13th May, 1904.
Treaty of Peking, art. 5-24th October, 1860.
Treaty - of Peace, Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and
China, SIGned at Tientsin, 26th June, 1858.
[Ratifications excHanged at Peking 24TH October, 1860.]
her majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland and his MaJesty the Emperor of China, being desirous to put
an end to the existincy misunderstanding between the two countries and
to place. their relations on a more satisfactory footing in future., have
resolved to proceed to a revision and improvement of the Treaties exist-
ing between them ; and for that purpose, have named as their Plenipo-
tentiaries is to say :-
her Majesty the Queen, of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right
Honourable the earl of Elgin and Kincardine, a Peer of the United
Kingdom, and Knight of the Most Ancient and Most noble Order of
the Thistle :-
And his Majesty the Emperor of China, the High Commissioner
kweiliang, a Senior Chilef Secretary of State, styled of the East Cabinet,
captain-general of the Plain white Banner of the Manchu Banner
Force, Superintendent-General of the Administration of Criminal Law;
and IIwashana, one of his Imperial Majesty's Expositors of the Classics
Manchu President of the Office for the Regulation of the-Civil Establish-
ment, captain-general of the Bordered Blue Banner of the Chinese
banner Force, and Visitor of the Office of Interpretation
Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full
powers and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon
and concluded the following Articles:-
1. The Treaty of Peace and Amity between the two nations signed
Nanking on the 29th day of August, in the year 1842, is hereby
renewed and confirmed.
The supplementary Treaty and General Regulations of Trade having
been amended and improved, and the substance of their provisions
having been incorporated in this Treaty, the said Supplementary Treaty
and General Regulations of Trade are hereby abrogated.
II. For the better preservation of harmony in future, Her Majesty
the Queen of Great Britain and His Majesty the Emperor of China
mutually agree that, in accordance with the universal practice of great
and friendly nations, her Majesty the Queen may, if she see fit, appoint
Ambassadors, Ministers, or other Diplomatic Agents to the Court of
Peking; and his Majesty the Emperor of China may, in like manner, if
he. see fit, appoint Ambassadors, Ministers, or other Diplomatic Agents
to the Court of St. James.
III. His Majesty the Emperor of China hereby agrees that the
Ambassador, Minister, or other Diplomatic Agent, so appointed by Her
Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, may reside, with his family and
establishment, permanently at the capital, or may visit it occasonally
at the option of the British Government. He shall not be called upon
to perform any ceremony derogatory to him as repressenting the Sovereign
of in independent nation on a footing of equality with that of China
On the other hand, he shall use the same forms of ceremony and respect
to His Majesty the Emperor as are employed by the Ambassadors,
Ministers, or Diplomatic Agents of Her Majesty towards the Sovereigns
of independent and equal European nations.
It is further agreed, that Her Majesty's Government may acquire at
Peking a site for building, or may hire houses for the accommodation
of Her Majesty's Mission, and the Chinese Government will assist it in
so doing.
Her Majesty's Representative shall be at liberty to choose his own
servants and attendants, who shall not be subject to any kind of molest
ation whatever.
Any person guilty of disrespect or violence to Her Majesty's Repre
sentative, or to any member of his family or establishment, in deed or
word, shall be severely punished.
IV. It is further a greed that no obstacle or difficulty shall be made
to the free movements of her Majesty's Representative, and that
he, and persons of his suite, may come and go, and travel at their plea
sure. He shall, moreover, have full liberty to send and receive his
correspondence to and front any point on the sea-coast that he may
select; and his letters and effects shall be held sacred and inviolable
He may employ, for their transmission, special couriers, who shall meet
with the same protection and facilities for travelling as the persons
employed in carrying despatches for the Imperial Government ; and
generally, he shall enjoy the same privileges as are accorded to officer
of the same rank by the usage and consent of Western nations.
All expenses attending the Diplomatic Mission of Great Britain shal
be borne by the British Govornment.
V. His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees to nominate one o
the Secretaries of State, or a President of one of the Boards, as the
high officer with whom the Ambassador, Minister, or the other Diplo-
matic Agent of Her Majesty the Queen shall transact business, either
personally or in writing, on a footing of perfect equality.
VI. Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain agrees that the
privileges hereby secured shall be enjoyed in her dominions by th
Ambassadors, Ministers, or Diplomatic Agents of the Emperor of China,
accredited to the Court of Her Majesty.
VII. her Majesty the Queen may appoint one or more Consuls
in the dominions of the Emperor of China; and such Consul or Consuls
shall be at liberty to reside in any of the open ports or cities of China
as her Majesty the Queen ina,v consider most expedient for the interests
of British commerce. They shall be treated with due respect by the
Chinese authorities, and enjoy the sanie privileges and immunities as the
Consular Officers of the most favoured nation.
Consuls and Vice-Consuls in charge shall rank with Intendants of
Circuits ; Vice-Consuls, Acting Vice-Cousuls, and Interpreters, with
Prefects. They shall have access to the official residences of these
officers, and communicate with them, either personally or in writing, on
a footing of equality as the interests of the public service may require.
VIII. The Christian religion, as professed by Protestants or Roman
Catholics, inculcates the practice of virtue, and teaches man to do as
lie would be done by Persons teaching or professing it, therefore,
shall all alike bc entitled to the protection of the Chinese authorities,
nor shall and such, peaceably pursuing their calling and not offending
against the laws, be persecuted or interfered with.
IX. British subjects are hereby authorised to travel, for their
pleasure or for purposes of trade, to all parts of the interior, under
passports which will be issued by their Consuls, and countersigDed by
the local authorities. These passports, if demanded, must be produced
for examination in the localities passed through. If the passport be not
irregular, the bearer will be allowed to proceed, and no opposition shall
be offered to his hiring persons, or hiring vessels for the carriage of
his baggage or merchandise. If he be without a passport, or if he
commit any offence against the law, he shall be handed over to the
nearest Consul for punishment, but he must not be subjected to any ill-
usage in excess of necessary restraint. No passport need be applied for
by persons going on excursions from the ports open to trade to a distance
not exceeding 100 li, and for a period not exceeding five days.
The provisions of this Article do not apply to crews of ships, for the
due restraint of whom regulations will be drawn up by the Consul and
the local authorities.
To Nanking, and other cities disturbed by persons in arms against
the Government, no pass shall be given, until they shall have been
X. British merchant ships shall have authority to trade upon the
Great River (Yangytsze). The Upper and Lower Valley of the river
being however, disturbed by outlaws, no part shall be for the present
open to trade, with. the exception of Chinkiang, which shall be opened
in a year from the date of the signing of this Treaty.
-So soon as peace shall have been restored, British vessels shall also
be admitted to trade at such ports as far as nanking, not exceeding
three in number, as the British Minister, after consultation with the
Chinese Secretary of State, may determine shall be ports of entry and
Xl. In addition to the cities and towns of Canton, Amoy, Foochow,
Ningpo, and Shanghai, opened by the Treaty of Nanking, it is agreed
that British subjects may frequent the cities and ports of newchwang
Tangehow (Chefoo), [Taiwan (Formosa)], Chao-chow (Swatow), and
Kiung-chow (Hainan).
They are permitted to carry on trade with whomsoever they please,
and to proceed to -and fro at plcasure, with their vessels and merch-
They shall. enjoy the same privileges, advantages, and immunities at
the said towns and ports as they enjoy at the ports already opened
to trade, including the right of residence, buYing or renting houses,
of leasin, land therein, and of building, churches, hospitals, and
XII. British subjects, whether at the ports or at other places,
desiring to build or open houses, warehouses, churches, hospitals, or
burial grounds, shall make their agreement for the land or buildinas
they require, at the rates prevailing among the people, equitably and
without exaction on either side.
XIII. The Chinese Government will place no restrictions whatever
upon. the employment by British subjects, of Chinese subjects in any
lawful capacity.
Xiv. British subjects may hire whatever boats they- please for
the transport of goods or passengers, and the sum to be paid for such
boats shall be settled between the parties themselves, without the inter-
ference of the Chinese Government. The number of these boats shall
not be limited, nor shall a monopoly in respect either of the boats, or Of
the porters or coolies engaged in carrying the goods, be granted to any
parties. If any smuggling takes place in them, the offenders will,
course, be punished according to law.
XV. All questions in ragard to rights, whether of property or
person, arising between British subjects, shall be subject to the jur-
isdiction of the-British authorities.
XVI. Chinese subjects who may be guilty of any criminal act
towards British subjects shall be arrested and punished by the Chinese
authorities according to the laws of China.
British subjects who may commit any crime in China shall be tried
and punished by the Consul, or other public functionary authorised
thereto, according to the laws of Great Britain.
Justice shall be equitably and impartially administered on both sides.
XVII. A British subject, having reason to coniplain of a Chinese
must proceed to the Consulate and state -his grievance the Consul
will inquire into the merits of the case, and do his utmost to arrange it
amicably. In like manner, if a Chinese has reason to complain of a
British subject, the Consul shall no less listen to his Complaint, and
endeavour to settle it In a friendly manner. If disputes take place
of such a nature that the Consul cannot arrange them amicably then
he shall request the assistance of the Chinese authorities, that they may
together examine, into the merits of the case, and decide it equitably.
XVIII. The Chinese authorities shall at all times afford the fullest
protection to the persons and property of British subjects, whenever
these shall have been subjected to insult or violence. In all cases
of incendiarism or robbery, the local authorities shall at once take the
necessary steps for the recovery of the stolen property, the suppression
of disorder, and the arrest of the guilty parties, whom they will punish
according to law.
XIX. If any British merchant vessel, while within Chinese waters
be plundered by robbers or pirates, it shall be the dutly of the Chinese
authorities to use every endeavour to capture and punish the said robbers
or pirates, and to recover the stolen property, that it may be handed
over to the Consul for restoration to the owner.
XX. If any British vessel be at anY time wrecked or stranded on
the coast of China, or be compelled to take refuge in any port with-
in the dominions of the Emperor of China, the Chinese authorities, on
being apprised of the fact, shall immediately adopt measures for its
relief and security; the persons on board shall receive friendly treat-
ment, and shall be furnished, if necessary, with the means of con-
vevance to the nearest Consular station.
XXI. If criminals, subjects of China, shall lake refuge in Hong-
kong or on board the British ships there, they shall, upon due requisition
by the Chinese authorities, be searched for, and, on proof of their guilt,
be delivered up.
In like manner, if Chinese offenders take refuge in the houses or on
board the vessels of British subjects at the open ports, they shall not
be harboured or concealed, but shall be delivered up, on due requisition
by the Chinese authorities, addressed to the British Consul.
XXII. Should any Chinese subject fail to discharge debts incurred
to a British subject, or should he fraudulently abscond, the Chinese
authorities will do their utmost to effect his arrest and enforce recovery
of the debts. The British authorities will likewise do their utmost to
bring to justice any British subject fraudulently absconding or falling
to discharge debts, incurred by hint to a Chinese subject.
XXIII. Should natives of China who may repair to Hongkong
to trade incur debts there, the recovery of such debts must be arranged
for by the English Court of Justice on the Spot ; but should the Chinese
debtor absconds, and be known to have propertY, real or perbonal, within
the Chinese territory, it shall be the duty of the Chinese authorities, on
application by, and in concert with, the british Consul, to do their
utmost to see justice done between the parties.
XXIV. It is agreed that British subJects shall pay, on all merchandise
imported or exported by theni, the duties prescribed bY the Tariff, but
in no case shall they be called upon lo pay other or higher duties
than are required of the subjects of any other foreign nation.
XXV. Import duties shall be considered payable on the landing of
the goods, and duties of export on the shipment of the same
XXVI. Whereas the Tariff fixed by Article X of the Treaty of
Nanking, and which was estimated so as -to impose on imports and
exports a duty of about the rate of 5 per cent. ad valorent, has been
found, by reason of the fall in value of various articles of merchandise,
therein enumerated, to impose a duty upon these considerably in execss
of the rate originally assumed as above to be a fair rate, it is agreed that
the said Tariff shall be revised, and that as soon as the Treaty shall have
been signed, application shall be made to the Emperor of China to
depute a high officer of the Board of Revenue to meet, at Shanghai,
officers to be deputed on behalf of the British Government, to consider its
revision together, so that the Tariff, as revised, may come into operation
immediately after the ratification of this Treaty.
XXVII. It is agreed that either of the high Contracting Parties
to this Treaty may demand a further revision of the Tariff, and of the
Commercial Articles of this Treaty, at the end of 10 years but if no
demand be made on either side within 6 months after the the end of the
first 10 years, then the Tariff shall remain in force for 10 years more,
reckoned from. the end of the preceding 10 years; and so it shall be at
the end of each successive period of 10 years.
XXVIII. Whereas it was agreed in Article X of the Treaty of Nan-
king that British imports, having paid the Tariff duties, should be
conveyed into the interior, free of all further charges, except a transit
ditty, the amount whereof was not to exceed a certain percentage on tariff
value; and whereas, no accurate information having been furnished of
the amount of such duty, British merchant., have constantly complained
that charges are suddenly and arbitrarily imposed by the provincial
authorities as transit duties upon produce on its way to the foreign
market, and on imports on their way into the interior, to the detriment
of the trade ; it is agreed that within 4 months front the signing of
this Treaty, at all ports now open to British trade, and within a similar
period at all ports that may hereafter be opened, the authority appointed
to superintend the collection of duties shall be obliged, upon application
of the Consul, to declare the aniount of duties leviable on produce be
tween the place of production and the port of shipment, and upon imports
between the Consular port in question and the inland markets named by
the Consul that a notification thereof shall be published in English
and Chincse for general information.]
But it shall be at the option of any British subject desiring to convey
produce purchased inland to a port, or to convey imports front a port to
an inland market, to clear his goods of all transit duties, by payinent of
a single charge. The amount of this charge shall be leviable on exports
at the first barrier they may have to pass, or, on imports, at the port at
which they are landed ; and on payment thereof a certificate shall be
issued, which shall. exempt the goods from all further inland charges
It is further agreed that the amount of this charge shall be calculated,
as nearly as possible, at the rate of two and a half per cent, ad valorem,
and that It shall be fixed for each article at the conference to be held at
Shanghai for the revision of the Tariff.
it is distinctly understood, that the payment of transit dues, by Coin-
mutation or otherwise, shall in no way affect the tariff duties on imports
or exports, which will continue to be levied separately and in full.
XXIX British merchant vessels, of more than 150 tons burden, shall
be charged tonnage dues at the rate of 4 mace per ton; if of 150
tons and under, they shall be charged at the rate of 1 mace per ton.
Any vessel clearing from any of the open ports of China for any other
of the open ports, or for hong kong shall be enlitled, on application of
the master, to a special certific, the from the Customs, on exhibition of
which she shall be cKenipted from all further payment of tonnage dues
in any open ports of China, for a period of 4 months, to be reckoned
from the date of her port clearance.
XXX The master of any British merchant vessel may, within 48
hours after the arrival of his vessel, but not later, decide to -depart
without breaking bulk, in which case he will not be subject to pay
tonnage dues. But tonnage dues shall be held due after the expiration
of the said 48 hours. No other fees or charges upon entry or departure
shall be levied.
XXXI No tonnage dues shall be payable on boats employed by
British subjects in the conveyance of passengers, baggage, letters,
articles of provision, or other articles not subject to duty, between any
of the open ports. All cargo-boats, however, conveying merchandise
subject to duty shall pay tonnagge dues once in 6 months, at the rate of
4 mace per register ton.
XXXII The Consuls and Superintendents of Customs shall con-
sult together regarding the erection of beacons or lighthouses and the
distribution of buoys and lightships, as occasion may demand.
XXXIII. Duties shall be paid to the bankers, authorised by the
Chinese Government to receive the same in its behalf, either in sycee or
in foreign money, according to the assay made at Canton on the 13th
of July, 1843.
XXXIV. Sets of standard weights and measures, prepared according
to the standard issued to the Canton Custom-House by the Board of
Revenue, shall be delivered by the Supreintendent of Customs to the
Consul at each port, to secure uniformity and prevent confusion.
XXXV. Any British merchant vessel arriving at one of the open
ports shall be at liberty to engage the services of a Pilot to take her into
port. In like manner, -after she has discharged all legal dnes and duties,
and is ready to take her departure, she shall be allowed to select a Pilot
to conduct her out of port.
XXXVI. Whenever a British merchant vessel shall arrive off one
of the open ports, the Superintendent of Customs shall depute one or
more Customs officers to guard the ship. They shall either live in a
boat of their own, or stay on board the ship, as may best suit their con-
venience. Their food and expenses shall be supplied them from the
Customs-House, and they shall not be entitled to any fees whatever from
the master or cosignee Should they violate this regulation, they shall
be punished proportionately to the amount exacted.
XXXVII. Within 24 hours after arrival, the ship's papers, bills of
lading, etc., shall be lodged in the hands of the Consul, who will, within
a further period of 24 hours report to the Superintendent of Customs
the name of the ship, her register tonnage, and the nature of her cargo.
If, owing to neglect on the part of the master, the above rule is not
complied with within 48 hours after the ship's arrival, he shall be liable
to a fine of 50 taels for every day's delay; the total amount of penalty,
however, shall not exceed 200 taels.
The master will be responsible for the correctness of the manifest, which
shall contain a full and true. account of the particulars of the cargo on
board. For presenting a false manifest, he will subject himself to a fine
of 500 taels; but lie will be allowed to correct, within 24 hours after
delivery of it to the Customs Officers, any mistake he may discover in
his manifest without incurring this penalty.
XXXVIII. After receiving from the Consul the report in due form,
the Superintendent of Custonis shall grant the vessel a permit to open
hatches. If the master shall open hatches, and begin to discharge
goods without such permission, he shall be fined 500 taels, and the goods
discharged shall be confiscated wholly.
XXXIX Any British merchant who has cargo to land or ship,
must apply to the Superintendent of Customs for a special permit. Car-
go landed or shipped without such permit will be liable to confiscation.
XL. No transshipment from one vessel to another can be made
without special permission, under pain of confisication of the goods so
XLI. When all dues, and duties shall have been paid, the Super-
intendent of Customs shall give a port-clearance, and the Consul shall
then return the ship's papers, so that she may depart on her voyage.
XLII. With respect to artleles subject, according to the Tariff, to
an ad valorem duty if the British merchants cannot agree -with the
Chinese in affixing its valne, then eacly party shall call two or three merch-
ants to look at the goods, and the highest price at which any of these
merchants would be willing to purchase them, shall be assumed as the
value of the goods.
XLIII. Duties shall be charged upon the net weight of each article,
making a deduction for the tare, weight of congee, &C. To fix the tara
of any article, such, as tea, if the british merchant cannot acyree with
the Custom-house officer, then each party shall choose so many chests
out of every hundred, which being first weighed in gross, shall after-
wards be tared, and the average tare upon these chests shall be assumed
as the tare upon the whole ; and upon this principle shall tMU tare be fixed
upon other goods and packages. If there should be any other points in
dispute which cannot be settled, the btritish merchant may appeal to his
Consul, who will communicate the particulars of the case to the superin-
tendent of Customs, that it may be equitably arranged. But the appeal
must be made within 24 hours, or it will not be attended to. While
such points are still unsettled, the Superintendent of Customs shall
postpone the insertion of the same in his books.
XLIV. Upon all damaged goods a fair reduction of duty shall
be allowed, proportionate to their deterioration. If any disputes arise,
they shall be settled in the manner pointed out in the clause of this
Treaty having reference to articles which pay duty ad valorem.
XLV. British merchants who may have imported merchandise into
any of the open ports, and paid the dutY thercon, if they desire, to
re-export the same, shall he entitled to inake application to the Superin-
tendent of Customs, who, in order to prevent fraud on the revenue, shall
cause examination to be made by suitable officers, to see that the duties
paid on such goods, as entered in the Custom-House books, correspond
with the representation made, and that the goods remain with their
original marks unchanged. He shall then make a memorandum of the
port-clearance of the goods, and of the amount of duties paid, and deliver
the same to the merchant, and shall also certify the facts to the Officers
of Customs of the other ports. All which being done, on the arrival in
port of the vessel in which the goods are laden, everything being found
on examination there to correspond, she shall be permitted to break bulk
and land the said goods, without being subject to the payment of an,
additional duty thereon. But if, on such examination, the Superintendent
of Customs shall detect any fraud on the revertue in the case, then the
goods shall be subject to confiscation by the Chinese Government.
British merchants desiring to re-export duty-paid imports to a foreign
country shall be entitled, on complying with the same conditions as
in the case of re-exportation to another port in China, to a drawback
certificate, which shall be a valid tender to the Customs in payment of
import or export duties.
Foreign grain brought into any port of china in a British ship, if no
part thereof has been landed, may be re-exported without hindrance.
XLVI. The Chinese authorities at each port shall adopt the means
they may judge most proper to prevent the revenue suffering from fraud
or smuggling.
XLVII. British merchant-vessels are not entitled to resort to other
than the ports of trade declared open by this Treaty. They are not
unlawfully to enter other ports in China, or to carry on clandestine trade
along the coasts thereof. Any vessel violating this provision shall, with
her cargo, be subject to confiscation by the Chinese Government.
XLVIII. If any British merchant vessel be concerned in smuggling,
the goods, whatever their value or nature, shall be subject to confiscation
by the Chinese authorities, and the ship may be prohibited from
trading further, and sent away as soon as her account shall have been
adjusted and paid.
XLIX. All penalties enforced, or confiscations made, under this
Treaty shall belong and be appropriated to the public service of the
Qovernment of China,
L. All official communications addressed by the Diplomatic and
Consular Agent of Her Majesty the Queen to the Chinese Authorities,
shall, henceforth, be written in English. They will for the present be
accompanied by a Chinese version, but it is understood that, in the event
of there being any difterence of meaning between the English and Chinese
text, the English Government will hold the sense as expressed in the
English text to be the correct sense. This provision is to apply to the
Treaty now negotiated, the Chinese text of whicb has been carefully
corrected by the English original.
LI, It is aareed, that henceforth the character 'I' (barbarian)
shall not be applied to the Government or subjects of Her Britannic
Majesty in any Chinese official document issued by the Chhiese authori-
ties, either in the capital or in the provinces.
LII- British ships of war coming, for no hostile purpose, or being
engaged in the pursuit of Pirates, shall be at liberty to visit all ports
within the dominions of the Emperor of China, and shall receive every
facility for the purchase of provisions, procuring water, and, if occasion.
require, for the making of repairs. The commanders of such ships shall
hold intercourse with the Chinese authorities on terms of equality and
LIII In consideration of the injury sustained by native and foreign
commerce. from the prevalence of Piracy in the seas of China, the High.
Contracting Parties agree to concert measures for its suppression.
LIV. The British Government and its subjects are hereby confirmed
in all privileges, immunities, and advantages conferred on them by
previous Treaties: and it is hereby expressly stipulated that the British
Government and its subjects will be allowed free and equal participation
in all privileges, immunities and advantages that may have been, or
may be hereafter, granted by His Majesty the Emperor of China to the
Government or subjects of any other nation.
[LV. In evidence of her desire for the continuance of a friendly
understanding, Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain consents to
include in a Separate Article, which shall be in. every respect of equal
validity with the Articles of this Treaty, the condition affecting indemnity
for expenses incurred and losses sustained in the matter of the Canton
LVI. The ratifications of this Treaty, under the hand of Her majesty
the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and of His 1Majesty the Emperor
of China, respectively, shall be exchanged at Peking, within a year
from this day of signature.
in token whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and
sealed this Treaty. Done at tientsin this 26th day of June, in the year of
our lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight; corresponding with
the Chinese date, the 16th day, 5th moon, of the 8th year of Hien Fung.
Confirmation of Treaty of 29th August, 1842. Appointment of Ambassadors, &c. Residence of British Representative at Peking. Ceremonial, &c. Right of British Government to hire houses, &c, at Peking. Right of British Respresentative to chose his own servants &c. Non-molestation of British Representative or his suite. Rights and privileges of British Representative. Expenses of Mission to be borne by British Government. Transaction of business between British Representative and Chinese Government. Privileges of Chinese Ambassadors, &c., in Great Britain. Appointment of Consults. Their rights and privileges. Religious toleration. Passports. Trade on the river Yangtze. Port of Chinkiang to be opened to trade. Other ports of Yangteze to be opened. Ports of Newchwang, Chefoo, Swatow, and Kiungchow(Hainan) opened to trade. Rent of houses, churches, hospitals, burial-grounds, &c. Employment of Chinese by British subjects. Hire of boats by British subjects. No monopoly. Smuggling. Jurisdicition of British of authorities in questions affecting British subjects. Administration of Jusice. British Consular Jurisdiction in case of crimes committed by British subjects. Disputes between British subjects and Chinese, Consular intervention. Protection of British persons and property. Pirates. Wrecks, &c. Surrender of fugitive criminals between China and Hongkong. British and Chinese fraudulent debtors. Debts incurred by Chinese at Hongkong. Most favoured nation treatment in respect to imports and exports Payments of import and export duties. Revision of Tariff. Duration and revision of Treaty and Tariff. Transit duties. [Dispensed with by No.7 of the Rules of Trade, signed at Shanghai, 8th November, 1858] Tonnage dues. Special certificate to vessels clearing from one Chinese port to another Chinese port and for Hongkong. Tonnage dues Exemption from payment in certain cases. Exemption of certain British boats from tonnage dues. Buoys, beacons, lighthouses, &c. Payment of duties in sycee or foreign money. Standard weights and measures to be deposited at each Consulate. Pilots. Custom-House guards. Liability of vessels entering port. Ship's manifest and bills of lading. Permit to open hatches and discharge goods Permit to land and ship cargoes. Trans-shipments. Port-clearances. Mode of levying ad valorein duties. Modes of levying duties on goods. Reduction of duties on damaged goods. Re-exportation of duty-paid goods. Drawback certificates. Foreign grain. Prventions against fraud and smuggling. British vessels trading with ports not opened by Treaty liable to confiscation. Goods on British vessels found concerned in smuggling liable to confiscation. Penalties and confiscations to belong to Chinese Government. Language to be employed in official communications. Chinese character 'I' not to be applied to British Government or British subjects. Facilities to be granted to British ships of war. Priacy, &c. Measures to be taken for suppression of piracy, &c. Measures to be taken for suppression of priacy. Confirmation of previous Treaties. Most-favoured-nation treatment conferred on British subject. [Separate Article annulled by Convention of Peking, 24th October, 1860.] Ratifications.
Confirmation of Treaty of 29th August, 1842. Appointment of Ambassadors, &c. Residence of British Representative at Peking. Ceremonial, &c. Right of British Government to hire houses, &c, at Peking. Right of British Respresentative to chose his own servants &c. Non-molestation of British Representative or his suite. Rights and privileges of British Representative. Expenses of Mission to be borne by British Government. Transaction of business between British Representative and Chinese Government. Privileges of Chinese Ambassadors, &c., in Great Britain. Appointment of Consults. Their rights and privileges. Religious toleration. Passports. Trade on the river Yangtze. Port of Chinkiang to be opened to trade. Other ports of Yangteze to be opened. Ports of Newchwang, Chefoo, Swatow, and Kiungchow(Hainan) opened to trade. Rent of houses, churches, hospitals, burial-grounds, &c. Employment of Chinese by British subjects. Hire of boats by British subjects. No monopoly. Smuggling. Jurisdicition of British of authorities in questions affecting British subjects. Administration of Jusice. British Consular Jurisdiction in case of crimes committed by British subjects. Disputes between British subjects and Chinese, Consular intervention. Protection of British persons and property. Pirates. Wrecks, &c. Surrender of fugitive criminals between China and Hongkong. British and Chinese fraudulent debtors. Debts incurred by Chinese at Hongkong. Most favoured nation treatment in respect to imports and exports Payments of import and export duties. Revision of Tariff. Duration and revision of Treaty and Tariff. Transit duties. [Dispensed with by No.7 of the Rules of Trade, signed at Shanghai, 8th November, 1858] Tonnage dues. Special certificate to vessels clearing from one Chinese port to another Chinese port and for Hongkong. Tonnage dues Exemption from payment in certain cases. Exemption of certain British boats from tonnage dues. Buoys, beacons, lighthouses, &c. Payment of duties in sycee or foreign money. Standard weights and measures to be deposited at each Consulate. Pilots. Custom-House guards. Liability of vessels entering port. Ship's manifest and bills of lading. Permit to open hatches and discharge goods Permit to land and ship cargoes. Trans-shipments. Port-clearances. Mode of levying ad valorein duties. Modes of levying duties on goods. Reduction of duties on damaged goods. Re-exportation of duty-paid goods. Drawback certificates. Foreign grain. Prventions against fraud and smuggling. British vessels trading with ports not opened by Treaty liable to confiscation. Goods on British vessels found concerned in smuggling liable to confiscation. Penalties and confiscations to belong to Chinese Government. Language to be employed in official communications. Chinese character 'I' not to be applied to British Government or British subjects. Facilities to be granted to British ships of war. Priacy, &c. Measures to be taken for suppression of piracy, &c. Measures to be taken for suppression of priacy. Confirmation of previous Treaties. Most-favoured-nation treatment conferred on British subject. [Separate Article annulled by Convention of Peking, 24th October, 1860.] Ratifications.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“TREATY OF TIENTSIN,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 23, 2025,