this road. It was agreed that the whole of the road is within British.
territory but may he used by the inhabitants of both couritries. This
road leads up a steep ravine crossing and recrossin a the stream. It was
agreed that the waters of this stream whether within the British or the
Chinese boundary should be available for the inhabitants of both Countries.
This road passes through a gap about 500 feet above sea level forming
the dividing ridge between the shat'aukok and Sham Chun valleys.
The boundary was marked at this point with a peg. It was agreed that
the road from this gap should be the boundars and is within British
territory but may be used by the inhabitants of both Countries. This
road passes down the right-hand side of the ravine and has a stream on
the left running to kang t'o. At the foot of the ravine this road crosses
a larger stream coming from the direction of ng Tung shan and recrosses
it within a distance of 100 yards. This road passes Kang t'o village on
the right and reaches the Sham. Chun river at a distance of about a
quarter of a mile below Kancy t'o. It was agreed that up to this, point
this road is within British territory but may be used by the 'Inhabitants
of both countries. It was also agreed that the waters of the stream
running from Ng Tung Shan referred to above shall be available for
cultivators of land in both territories. A peg was driven in to mark the
point where this road as a boundary ended. The boundary then follows
the right or northern bank of the river generally known as the Sham
Chun river down to Deep Bay, all the river and the land to the south
being within. British territory. The Western, eastern and Solithern.
boundaries are as laid clown in the Convention, the whole of the Island
of Lantao being within British territory.
The waters of Mirs Bay and Deep Bay are, included in the area leased
to Great Britain.
Signed in the Council Chamber, hongkong, this 19th day of March,
AND WHFREAS it is expedient to make provision for the government of
the territories acquired by Her Majesty under the said Convention, during
the continuance of the said lease;
It is hereby ordered by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and
with the advice of Her Majesty's Privy Council, as follows:-
1. The territories within the limits and for the terni described in the
said Convention shall be and the same are hereby declared to be part and
parcel of Her Majesty's Colony of Hongkong in like manner and for
all intents and purposes as if they had originally formed part of the said
2. It shall be competent for the Governor of Hongkong, by and with
the advice and consent of the Legislative Council of the said Colony, to
make laws for the peace, order, and good governor of the said territories
as part of the Colony.
3. From a date to be fixed by proclamation of the Governor of Hong-
kong, all Laws and Ordinances which shall at such date be in force in the
Colony of Hongkong shall take effect in the said territories, and shall
remain in force therein until the same shall have been altered or repealed
by Her Majesty or by the Governor of Hongkong, by and with the advice
or consent of the Legislative Council,
[4. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Chinese officials
nosy stationed withily the City of Kowloon shall cominue to exercise
jurisdiction therein except in so far as may be inconsistent with the
military requirements for the defence of Hongkong.]
And the Right Honourable Joseph Chamberlain, one of Her Majesty's
Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein
17th April, 1899:-Proclamation, 8th April, 1899. Revoked O. in C. 27th Dec., 1899.
17th April, 1899:-Proclamation, 8th April, 1899. Revoked O. in C. 27th Dec., 1899.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“NEW TERRITORIES ORDER IN COUNCIL,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 22, 2025,