CONVENTION between Great Britain and China respecting an Exten-
sion of Hongkong Territory. Signed at Peking, 9th June, 1898.
[Ratifications exchanged at london, August 6th, 1898.]
WHEREAS it has for many years past been recognised that an extension
of Hongkong territory is liecessary for the proper defence and protection
of the colony.
It has now been algreed between the Governments of Great 'Britain
and China that the limits of British territors- shall be enlarged under
lease to the extent indicated generally on the annexed map. The exact
boundaries shall be hereafter fixedproper surveys have heen made
by officials appointed by the two Governments. the term of this lease
shall be, ninety-nine years.
It is at the same time agreed that within the city of kowloon the
Chinese officials now stationed there shall contintie to exercise
for the except so far as may bc inconsistent with. the military
for the defence of Hongkong. Within the remainder of the newly-leased
territory Great Britain shall have sole jurisdiction. Chinese officials and
people shall be allowed as heretofore to use the road from Kowloon to
It is farther agreed that the existing landing-place near Kowloon City
shall be reserved for the convenience of Chinese men-of-war, merchant
and pastsenger vessels, which may come and go and he there at their
pleasure ; and for the convenience or movement of the officials and people
within the city.
When hereafter China constructs a railway to the boundary of the
Kowloon territory under British control, arrangements shall be discussed.
It is further understood that there will be no expropriation or expulsion
of the inhabitants of the district included within the extension and that
if land is required for public offices, fortifications, or the like official
purposes, it shall be bought it a fair price.
If cases of extradition of criminals occur tbey shall be dealt with in
accordance with the existing Treaties between Great Britain and China
and the hong kong regulations
The area leased to Great Britain, as shown of the annexed map,
includes the waters of Mirs Bay and Deep Bay, but it is aareed that
Chinese vessels of war, whether limitral or otherwise, shall retain- the
right to use those waters.
This, Convention shall come into force on the 1st day of Jnly, 1898,
being, the 13th day of the 5th mnon of the 24th year of kuang hsuIt
shall be ratified by the Sovereigns of the two countrie., and the ratifica-
tions shall be exchange London. as soon as possible.
Done at peking in quadruplicate (four mples in English and four in
Chinese) the 9th day of June, in the year of oou Lord one thousand
eight. hundred and ninety-eight, being the 21st day of the 4th moon of
the 24th year of kuang hsu.
Enlargement of British Territory under lease. Jurisdiction. Use of landing place near Kowloon by Chinese. Railway. No expropriation or expulsion of natives. Extradition. Use of Mirs Bay and Deep Bay by Chinese Ships of War. Ratifications.
Enlargement of British Territory under lease. Jurisdiction. Use of landing place near Kowloon by Chinese. Railway. No expropriation or expulsion of natives. Extradition. Use of Mirs Bay and Deep Bay by Chinese Ships of War. Ratifications.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“LEASE OF NEW TERRITORIES,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 23, 2025,